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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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the palm of your. breaking silence during a storm speaks from his current century in the ecuadorian embassy in london saying of the proceedings against him happening to britain today without the us time to construct a prosecution case the police cables. fifteen of the world's top banks are reeling after rating agency moody's slashes their credit score. battlefield the airwaves relations between russia and syria become a target of mainstream media by example if it started over reports that yes he did once he joined games.
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on air and online twenty four hours a day you're watching r.t. the world's top whistleblower says he's optimistic about his political asylum bid and his first public comment since walking into the ecuadorian embassy in london with a request for sentry during a song said the u.s. was building a case against him of a leaked cables he applied for refuge as he faces extradition from britain to sweden which could eventually see him transferred across the atlantic their first is in london force. escape avoid the words you're going to hear in the media at the moment relating to stalin just decision what he said there is that this is not about avoiding the sexual assault allegations against him in sweden from that is that he felt really this was never about sweden it was the fear of what would happen to him one thing is in sweden and the involvement of the u.s. . this issue is about
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a very serious matter. and the announcement was made by the swedes the previous government that i would be detained without charge in mediately on extradition they tried the fourteen days that i had to apply to you about the european court of human rights because upon you to come to the u.k. the past eighteen months despite being absolutely normal procedure and the refusal to explain it in any manner whatsoever to the press corps has kept me tracked. while the united states has put its case against me so sense really that always leads to the u.s. he's maintained that there is a grand jury deciding at the moment whether there would be charges against him in the u.s. a member in the u.s. as feeling safe
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a secret carries the death penalty remember which makes everything huge amounts of information and the u.s. diplomatic cables that were released in two thousand and ten were huge embarrassment to the u.s. government so i mean there is name mistaking the fact the julian a son is a man he certainly from his actions and from what he said is very fearful of what would happen to him in the u.s. officials for his license back. very now every forty eight thousand one hundred thirty five if they are filed their statement made in court. you can next. time. around. the grand jury. but you're. probably correct we're going to have. everything. the.
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u.s. airport arrogated by the f.b.i. well this is julian assange just chance really to set the record straight he's just spent his third night in the ecuadorian embassy of course this is the latest dramatic twist in the ongoing saga it's been an eighteen month legal battle for him and the end of last month we saw the u.k. supreme court reject his appeal against the extradition to sweden and the legal team in asuncion south running out of options really and so he took this step thinking asylum at the ecuadorian embassy he says he's hopeful that that's going to be accepted if he were to go to sweden not only is the pretrial detention in sweden extremely harsh he wouldn't have access that he does right now to the media all the same freedoms remember he's been on that house arrest in the u.k. for more than five hundred days yet no clear indication of exactly what the outcome will be and the stakes remaining extremely high. but under house arrest
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a sound recordist series of interview shows that right hand on our t.v. he's spoken to high profile and controversial guests including politicians activists and intellectuals among the interviews was one with ecuador's president rafael correa that's coming your way in a couple of hours time. fifteen of the world's largest banks have been rocked by credit score downgrades with rating agency moody's delivering on what it has long promised to do those hitting to goldman sachs morgan stanley bank of america bank of scotland and deutsche bank financial powerhouses domestically and internationally the move could make it harder for them to keep existing clients or attract new ones and their money is also where the downgrades could trigger a fresh market panic a new exodus to gold charlie mcgrath economic blogger and founder of the website why the way news says the end goal of the move is to spread fear and i spoke to him
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a little earlier. i think what we're going to see is this play out over the next couple weeks we're going to see more fear we're going to see more gloom by the mainstream business media in order to effect what citibank and they're doing too big just a week ago came out and said that they need it they need a shock to the market they need to get political cover not only the politicians here in the u.s. but they need to give political cover to the folks in europe as well so they can continue their process of battering in eviscerating representative government there and consolidating more power and handing it up to brussels is far is that the euro falling apart i think that that will not happen we will see the crisis escalate we will see fear and panic and i believe personally it is engineered fear and panic in order to implement the agenda that they've talked about for a decade now global financial governance you need to have fear in order to take away people's sovereignty so how will these big banks react to the stand all the days of rampant risk taking now. no absolutely not carry
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a in fact let's look at some facts here you know pre-crisis in the united states the top five j.p. morgan chase bank of america citi wells fargo goldman sachs they made up under forty percent of our economy in two thousand and twelve in june as i sit here and speak to you there over fifty percent of the economy you know these banks don't have to worry about risk these guys are writing the law in my opinion they are writing the law that governs not only this country but the world. while saving the euro is going to be top of the agenda today as leaders of the euro zone's for biggest economies meet in rome whether there is enough time to rescue the single currency is also a topic for debate with people about his guest in cross talk coming your way in twenty minutes time. yes the ways are but there's a cost significant cost of attached to each way out so i think what you have is the one at this moment as they try to calculate these costs as best as they can and they will choose the lower cost so i personally think greece out or any country is
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going to be hurting the zon on the currency immensely well that's i think precedent has been so if they're exactly as if you know years ago are you cutting out you're nowhere to be able to avoid the who's next question that's number one because people will say the markets will say at least if greece is out why is the why is portugal and why as i said it's all these weak links will always be questions. reports of russian warships headed for syria massive joint military exercises and the sudden change of heart regarding the acid regime they're all stories flying in the mainstream media over the past week which have been raising eyebrows in moscow what is laura smith explores what's behind the speculation. syria may be on the brink of civil war but it's already the subject of
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a full blown media war ships on a ship that's been the question for the past week as reports russian ship was on its way to say according to the reports the battleships were laden with arms and troops and headed for syria it later turned out they would know with me syria they're in their home port of sevastopol empty but in the fog of war any reports however inaccurate has some kind of influence. as long as you have so many forces. excited about the your option there is that danger always yes they were and they were. going to get there through this information as usual like they did before the iraq war and before. intervening in afghanistan in the late seventies also there was a delay of some information there was one ship it was turned back off the coast of scotland after it was found to be carrying helicopter parts bound to syria q a
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sessions that russia was supplying combat helicopters to president assad we are concerned about the latest information we have that there are attack helicopters on the way from russia to syria which will escalate the conflict quite dramatically it's an allegation that russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov says is part of a propaganda campaign pushing for which is being discussed but these days that indeed was scary for their defense systems and it was carrying the three helicopters which have been repaired in russia under the control signed into cells of a there was a soviet helicopter seventy five feet in syria from seoul did this and the fuel cells and say there was a concert to repeal the bastille to be assembled you know when they are delivered they have the best symbols of the entire process will fit with less than three months so to speak about something which we just sold to syria and which is being
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used. in your actions is not true but it wasn't only ships apparently war games were planned to it rainy a news agency fawaz reported that iran russia china and syria are planning to conduct joint military exercises in syria next month analysts think the story was planted by syria or iran as a show of strength but the u.s. outlets took it up because it. suited them for the us and use the agency just love the story because it matches their narrative you know the. regime and its supporters in iran or russia or china or. they are the ones who are. the conflict instead of seeking. peaceful solution so a lot of the story you know. and use agents use then there's the war of
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words british prime minister david cameron came out of a meeting with president putin at the recent g twenty summit saying putin no longer wanted president taft that in power in syria russia's foreign ministry later denied that was putin's position but was it a case of lost in translation wishful thinking on the prime minister's parts or another attempt to exert pressure on russia in the last fifteen months is being a media attack on syria that the crisis just syrian crisis is seventy percent of media so two percent on the ground so there is a quite a lot of stories every day. like for some observations by just some of those using you tube. there is no confirmed reports anymore it's said the first casualty of war is the truth and all this international rumor mongering and jockeying for position comes at the expense of the syrian people the situation
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doesn't change regardless of which country won the latest battle of words lower smith. britain and the us are said to be considering giving the president clemency and safe passage out of syria if he goes to an international conference on a power handover. from the universal peace federation ngo believes it's a move designed to soften russia and china's objections to what they see as the west's aggressive rhetoric. i think this is a tactical standing point by the west specifically by the u.s. and the british or the brits in order to maneuver actually this is a political maneuvering in the middle east or forward in order to attract such. a russian let's say back up for it only the chinese even back up for this new i'm actually idea by the west in order for them to get the i mean reserve year you know the out of the presidency i mean pressured last heard and this is their own
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tactical actually or strategical interests actually in the middle east and to the above all is syria so the whole scenario i think it's an american movie illustrated and directed could be by the brits. so to come in a program dozens die this month in sectarian violence. by some ex-pats u.s. forces war against china. reports of surface suggesting the u.s. and israel are behind a computer virus that appears to be in the launch to try to spy on iran's nuclear activities that's despite washington's loud condemnation of hacker attacks at least those directly against the u.s. it's r.t. going to check out expects. guides that american officials may sound defensive when they talk about cyber attacks as being a major threat to the country's security a weapon of mass disruption you could have a cyber attack that would be as consequential in terms of the economy maybe even in terms of trouble us ryan fash things we typically associate with more fry the next
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pearl harbor that we confront could very well be a cyber attack that cripples our our power systems or in our grid acts of terror could come not only from a few extremists and suicide vests but from a few keystrokes on the computer but it turns out the u.s. government itself carries out cyber attacks against other nations the washington post cites officials speaking on condition of anonymity who say entrap aeration full cyber sabotage against iran the u.s. and israel developed the flame virus flame is the most complex computer spying program ever discovered it has the capacity to steal or else or elec twenty documents by now nobody doubts the program was development by a government entity that something like this appears to be what they would call state sponsored it sounds like the n.s.a. it is a means by me that now security agency has it does this kind of thing we know they've done this kind of things you're getting intelligence without having to put someone
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actually there it's cyber espionage while the flame war was collecting intelligence the stuxnet virus borrowed into iran's nuclear program and created havoc in its uranium enrichment centrifuges the obama administration did not deny the leaks in the new york times that had teamed up with israel to create stocks net some fear that the move almost invites retaliation where you attack for instance iraq's nuclear program you provide the iranians with your weapon your word which they can that reverse engineer take apart figure out how it works turn it around send to your way. eating moscow based security firm which uncovered the flame virus as part of its code is nearly identical to the code finding stuxnet and suggested that the viruses were developed by two teams working in collaboration leaks in the press support that assessment one official also on condition of anonymity said is
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just the beginning and the u.s. is preparing the battlefield for another type of covered action we're setting precedent for other nations and that's where the real problem lies because we've been criticizing china for allegedly attacking united states companies and u.s. governments while the same time engaging in this in the same conduct with other countries feel bomb administration has openly confirmed hacking websites but only if alleged al qaeda sympathizers in yemen the u.s. secretary of state described this cyber effort as part of a larger attack on terrorism but many fear the u.s. cyber efforts go well beyond that. as u.s. defense authorities go offensive in cyber warfare the pentagon's cyber command has fast tracked the development of. the administration just announced a one hundred ten million dollars program to solicit proposals from the universities and video game manufacturers so much hype about cyber war is that some
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people that seem to be in the authority about war start talking about technology as if they understand that they're always talking about war because that's their business and so they're trying to rope technology into that and so when we have no control of our technology we have these people that wish to use it for further and for war specifically that's a recipe for some pretty scary stuff cyber space as a whole is now seen by the u.s. military as that vast area of opportunity you can really tell the government don't do to others what you don't want them to tell you but a lot of the recent revelations about you was building a state fiber one might ask what kind of message that the center of all what the government even the dems library. has heard them all but it is. like one hell of a hacker i'm going to check out reporting from washington. but more waiting for you at our website r.t. dot com including a legal hi you are one of the country's government plans to take matters into their hands and start legalizing the selling of mylanta to fight drug trafficking.
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that's a grown business be experts predict to thirty thousand of them on the coffee line of the u.s. just like twenty twenty. sectarian fighting in western man has claimed more than eight hundred lives this month alone but i have been clashing with the muslim minority. who've been trying to flee the region paid with violence to neighboring ben today but their attempts have failed as they consider the illegal immigrants across the border eric draitser a political analyst for stop imperialism dot com because the violence is fueled from abroad many of the conflicts that we see in myanmar and elsewhere in the world but in particular in that country are the product of
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a proxy war an economic proxy war that the united states and the western powers are waging to prevent chinese economic development in myanmar we see the presence of a u.s. funded n.g.o.s that is not to say that everything that they do is negative that everything that they do foment chaos but rather that the presence that they have in the country indicates the presence of u.s. the u.s. government and the u.s. intelligence community in an attempt to block the chinese. now that some of the international headlines twenty people have been killed after a taliban attack in a lakeside hotel north of kabul told civilians are among the fatalities with all the militants around forty hostages were freed by afghan security forces just a day ago president hamid karzai the one that we're increasing in the run up to nato troops leaving in two years' time was commenting off to an assault on an afghan checkpoint on wednesday which killed twenty one. wage and
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prosecutors in the trial of and this break say they believe him to be insane and recommended he be sent to a psychiatric hospital rather than prison judges are due to deliver their verdict on the case in july or august brave it has admitted to killing seventy seven people in norway last july he bombed government buildings in oslo before going on a shooting rampage at a youth camp and. two bombs exploded in a crowded market in northern baghdad killing at least nine people scores were wounded in the blasts in the mostly shiite muslim neighborhood the latest attack comes just hours of the gunman opened fire on a police checkpoint in the west of the city killing three officers one hundred people have died in a wave of violence in iraq in the past fortnight the shiites and government security forces the main targets. well time now for the business knees and the annual meeting of economic heavy hitters the st petersburg forum is in full swing
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in russia's northern capital. ok the economic forum is dominating the financial headlines certainly here in russia what's on the agenda today absolutely will top of the agenda i would say is the european sovereign debt crisis kerry you won't be surprised to hear that one now doesn't it putin he did address the business investors that the free beginning of the event and he did full support to europe as its key trading partner he also called for active and joint measures to cope with the global meltdown one of them is reforming the i.m.f. to give more voting rights to emerging economies this will help to ease the euro area crisis which many economists at the forum as i say i believe has reached a critical stage now we discussed the issue with her mcgrath the head of russia's biggest bank. the downgrade decisions were not unexpected in the markets didn't
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react to them i don't think these actions will have any additional impact while the readings don't have a single reason to be downgraded we are currently in a very stable situation which could be the envy of many western partners. now the economic forum has become known as a place where top businessmen are finding big money deals all so far agreements worth about two billion dollars have been one of the most anticipated deals is one of russia's investment basic elements of the company's deputy c.e.o. explains what it's all about. we have been will be you know here bored with the vision it was to teach you all to just pull troops in basic element in this group that five year olds on the operation in the cells of worship all these your words you know have been offered to you for use in your bones and turn you know we we can form together with them in you joint venture word basic element to
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keep fifty plus one change you would to have thirty percent and is given with no twenty minus one percent of the she is trained you would bring in operational excellence and. financial investor then all together we hope that this gives you this joint venture with bring. out if we see the completely new level by kayla's have a look at some numbers now and see how the trading session is looking today is also a red skull the colors on the screen we've got the european markets down a lot of that is to do with the fifty banks that were downgraded by the moody's investor services is the financials that are really suffering in the sessions today we've got to do it to bank down all b.s. credit suisse all taking a hit is also the result i also want to mention as well there's been some data coming out of germany business confidence is now reaching a two year large so without a minus have
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a look at the common currency and see how that is performing it is indeed it remains a low it's one twenty five thirty six who is losing out in the session today it hasn't moved much it's cool to be so if we look at the ruble you can see it's losing out to the u.s. dollar on the year on us as investors really flow to the safe behavior the u.s. dollar bank of risky assets if you look at the russian office and here in moscow to see how they're performing and they still remain in negative territory that following on from losses that we had in asia earlier on they're feeling the pinch from europe as well and or prize. helping out the stocks has so with that in mind let's see what the prices are looking like and if we look at the crude prices will be able to see that that is actually dropping below ninety dollars have robbed us of time in eighteen months of the prices are looking weak but you can see the destruction resilience in trying to balance these two hour i care that small caps for now carry i'll be back here in about fifteen minutes we're going to be
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monitoring the economic forum and some pieces that as well do you well ok thanks for that casey. well coming up people of elle's cross-talk debates the future of the euro and whether the single currency can be saved from the headlines. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something
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else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard welcomes a big picture. of a global war lords war criminals we have a lot of. groups of the be called citizens who says all our views in the home or right enough to my mouth it was like many of them out h. it wasn't forced marriage it's the smadi when i was fourteen years old you can liberate other women and you certainly can't do it through the barrel of a gun only effective social changes can be the afghans themselves afghan men and women we believe i'm going to stand because i'm not sure that cross
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paths without the part of the patient it's coming up on the shelf and better construction to stop people in the obama administration talking about how much they care about the women of afghanistan it's not true they don't care. the women of afghanistan. wealthy british style some time to play with the money. market. fund. find out what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines two kinds a report. there
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hasn't been a thing yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before the source material is what helps keep journalism honest we thought. we wanted to present. something else. more news today violence was once again flared up. in these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada.


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