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tv   [untitled]    June 22, 2012 10:30pm-11:00pm EDT

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from the streets of canada. trying to operations or rule the day. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. download the official antti application to your i phone or i pod touch from the i choose ops to. launch on t.v. life on the go. video on demand ati's in line for old costs and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the
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h. hi guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we're giving it to the senate for trading on transparency and public given all the benefit one of the world's largest and most in tory's corporations now you've all heard the term you are what you eat before and it seems like the senate wants americans to be in a permit state of identity crisis because you see americans have become increasingly concerned about the safety of genetically engineered food
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a perv aids our system as though understandably so we want to know what we're consuming help much of the rest of the world gets to know forty nine other countries around the world require open g.m.o. labeling and these are european counterparts and i'm talking about here you know sometimes it's not so bad to use other countries as an example to look to but recently we've seen state governments try to tackle the issue thirty six bills in one thousand states have been introduced at the state level just this past year boaters in california are going to vote on a ballot initiative in november to label the foods but then there have also been some setbacks vermont recently tried to pass a law mandating labels for food containing transgenic ingredients what some call the world's most evil corporation well they call that their army of lawyers to subvert democracy in the green mountain state senator bernie sanders explained. our friends at monsanto threatened to sue the state if that bill was passed despite passing out of the house a cultural committee by
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a vote of nine to one the bill didn't make it any further because of the fear of a lawsuit. so now bernie sanders and barbara boxer well they're trying to ensure that such lawsuits don't happen there introduced an amendment to this year's farm bill that would have forbidden such lawsuits one would fulfill congress' obligation to represent the people by you know representing the people according to an m s n b c poll in february of two thousand and eleven ninety five percent of americans agree that labeling of food with genetically engineered ingredients should be allowed and those polling numbers have been consistent when a mother goes to the saw and purchases food for her child she has no right to know what she is feeding her child not i believe
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a terribly radical idea. you know bernie i agree it is not a terribly radical idea to let people know what they're eating whether you're skeptical of genetically modified food or not i think most people would agree that informing consumers is never a bad thing except for i guess most adverse it seems because the sanders boxer's investment was roundly trounced this week by seventy six to twenty three vote and you see monsanto there one of the biggest influence platter pedlers in congress since one nine hundred eighty nine the companies donate over six million dollars to political campaigns and it spent over sixty four million dollars lobbying it wasn't all that surprising but the amendments opponents slandered it as a frothing at the mouth conspiracy to undermine technology and terrified at opposing a proposal harmful to monsanto's bottom line well these senators cranked out the scummy talking points just take a look at what two of them had to say. recently i talked with bill gates with the gates foundation for example who is doing incredible work around the globe with
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drought resistant crops in africa innovative rice in philippines and bangladesh and so on and this is an issue that needs to be thoroughly studied to make sure we are not hurting those efforts we don't want to code and tie in this body this amendment would put us where i. don't want to have a home vote no on this. so should the five committees that help oversee scientific issues be abolished should we continue to push genetically modified crops on the developing world even though a lot of scientists question their effects that's kind of not even with this is really about what's at stake here just in this case is consumer transparency but set of the stabbing roberts and a whole slew of others they want to muddy the waters they don't even want to have an honest and open debate very appropriate considering that they're on the side of secrecy here but instead of keeping focused on the issue passing legislation in line with the american people's beliefs they've actually decided to carry water for
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carry the water for biotech companies and that water might actually be genetically modified but you know what i guess we'll never know because the senate doesn't want you to know and so far that's for kissing major genetically modified as the senate wins tonight told time award. now everyone's been focused on the supreme court lately because american wants to know how they're going to rule on the affordable care act obamacare and when i say focused that's really an understated because everybody from the mainstream media the blogs out there the news field twitter feed well they've all had a lot of commentary on a decision that hasn't been announced yet but it's also not just the media that's getting all antsy about some politicians out there obviously are too but tonight's perfect example is indiana's richard murdoch sees the current treasurer for the state and he's running for u.s. senate on the republican ticket or more like the tea party ticket and so being the good republican that he is murdoch wants to prove to his potential constituents
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that he will represent them well and what's the best way to do that by denouncing obamacare of course and the supreme court justices decision is a great way to do that. supreme court done with none of it really something that you know you read your constitution you know the latest news in the court you know these. are richard burr. under. some murdoch want to set it seat so bad that he has made sure to touch on all of the key points here president obama the democrats what's right and what's wrong and most importantly the obamacare label i think richard pulled the trigger too early you know what i mean supreme court has actually decided yet or the least they haven't told us their decision yet so how does murdoch know the results or maybe this next clip will give you the answer. news that obamacare came down the decision this week or certainly are but not all. you can bet the democrats are going to
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fight to try to get this is this is conservative we're going to fight for the constitution for the private sector. so basically murdoch is for verizon for every possible outcomes we've got his response in the case where it's constitutionals response in a case where it's a split decision and then of course just to round it out here's his response if the justices rule it unconstitutional. we will celebrate the supreme court if you're using. it so that you know this for you. but don't think the solution because. obama really done already would make sure that we do together we're going to try to once again. yeah wow i don't know who the idiot was actually uploaded all three versions of murdoch's response before this decision has even been announced but i got a feeling somebody out there is getting fired now personally i have to admit kind
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of excited that they made this mistake because this video gives us one of those rare glimpses into the mind of a politician and we know forever we've known forever that this is how it works right no matter what happens in the world of politicians they will spin and shape everything in a way that benefits themselves and their party in the next election and this video shows that as long as you were good to take the necessary blame game in this case blame obama blame the democrats etc well you could be talking about anything under the sun we know seeing that kind of got us thinking we need to let the people of indiana know who they're really trying to elect so here is my attempt at reaching out to the hoosiers to tell them the truth about richard murdock. and your weeks of campaigning and attempt after attempt at keeping him from having a successful run in election nearing the heavy heart recently that richard murdoch has been elected to represent the fine state of indiana here in washington d.c. . yes sorry that must have been an error hopefully kevin the director will play
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on the right clip next time. gentleman of the pine state indiana today i have a great ride you know to keep out of the u.s. senate has been a success his relentless attacks on the middle class to show where they are these really are not of the one percent. not that video for all the right one please to the people of the fine state of indiana i'd like to take some time to tell you why richard murdoch should not be representing you in washington d.c. for starters he hates bipartisanship his definition of working together is when democrats see the republican point of view is this what you want representing you. whoops guess i did a little bit of a murdoch moment but look we can all see what this flub by the senate candidate really says about him he's just like every other politician out there all about the spin not so much of the honesty and that's the sad reality that we voters now live
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with the least murdock's hurt himself over hopefully now the who's all recognize that his lack of interest in working with lawmakers would probably make him one of the least worthy senate candidates come november. i sort of come tonight we have fireside friday and there and happy hour believe or not some people out there still think that iraq had weapons of mass destruction and let's play why asteroid movies might be going to stick to it.
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to tonight's fireside with your host. well this week advocates of transparency got some more bad news you see just a few weeks ago we told you that the center for constitutional rights had filed a petition requesting that the army court of criminal appeals or the judge and the court martial of bradley manning to the public and the press more access now more access means access to the government's motion papers the court's own orders the transcripts of the proceedings and the petition also challenge the fact that substantive legal matters in this court martial court martial like a pretrial publicity order are all argued and decided in secret now it wasn't just the center for constitutional rights that took part the petitioners included amy goodman glenn greenwald joined us on having got stolen and jeremy scahill those people that i would argue fight for more transparency and more honesty in our
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political culture and our criminal justice proceedings on a daily basis but this week however the petitioners got an answer from the court of appeals and the answer was a simple no no explanation as to why just a one line answer considering the way the government the military been handling manning's case thus far can really say it's a surprise but that does not mean that it isn't a huge blow and i've said this many times but after looking at so many of the arguments out there in the media just reading comments from people on you tube and on twitter it's pretty clear that i need to explain it again this petition has nothing to do with how you feel about bradley manning or wiki leaks or the leaking of documents in general i have seen so many responses from those that are in a blind fit of rage and want to call me a traitor and therefore have no problem turning a blind eye and telling the state to do what they will with him but again it's not about that it's about precedent it's about having a justice system that actually works for the people a justice system that is accountable and so the more that we allow secrecy to take
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root. the less of that accountability there will be the more deliberations will happen behind closed doors the more government secrets can be shielded the father way we get from fundamental values instilled in the constitution and the farther we get from having an informed public that can actually check the powers that be now we should expect this and every trial and in every single court proceeding that kind of transparency but i would argue that this case is one where we need it more than ever in a case where until recently the government was withholding even giving that offends the proper assessments as to whether or not the information leaked actually did any damage to national security and that's far we haven't seen an ounce of proof for that well there's been an effect on credibility right there's been an effect on perception there's been information gleaned that might be embarrassing for the government but to say the national security is at risk or that al qaeda has been aided we all know that's a ludicrous argument to make especially in the wake of the leak scandal at the white house's world and we see how double standards are applied now if you think of
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a court martial proceedings against manning are going to be fair i think you're dreaming and this decision to not allow more transparency is just a testament to that they didn't even feel the need to offer an explanation and that's what i would call keeping us in the dark. our guide in time for happy hour and reading you this evening party producer adriano zero and comedian. hey guys good thinker and i really am not sure where you go for your high heels they make the fun they do and i can tell you it was a long week so i decided to treat myself just flat right it's a friday i see deserve it thank you take it it's only wear these high heels when our day break ok let's move on to our first story shall we something that
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a depressing memory i would say which is gigantic why that our former president sold to the american people. the iraqi regime possesses biological and chemical weapons there were actually regime is building the facilities necessary to make more biological and chemical weapons. and according to the british government. the iraqi regime could launch a biological or chemical attack in as little as forty five minutes. now. yes since then we have obviously found out that there weren't fact no weapons of mass destruction in iraq unfortunately it led to an eight year long war there were thousands of people who died ahead of the thousands of iraqis that have died that have been displaced and so this is a huge lie you would think that we would have a moment in america where we'd get it yeah and say will i like this or not again
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yeah you can pull in this i mean you know there are polls obviously there's always a sampling size of take into account it's a new poll constructed by a professor at dartmouth and it found that of the respondents sixty three percent of republican respondents still believe that iraq had weapons of mass destruction when the us invaded in two thousand and three that's great that's great that gives me faith in my country right there will not need another country in republican twenty as i look at twenty one percent of independents and fifteen percent of democrats still share that view so it's not like it's just that really people i mean well considering they're willing to go kind of all benedict arnold on valerie plame over this it's not really something you kind of relent on after like eight years you know i mean just really you know what that was your bed you know there was some mistake so you know where it's like if you're in it you're in it to win it yes if you want it over you go away there immediately you kind of hold on till it really to until people forget and you're just like all right maybe we're kind of wrong about that i don't know yet and we have forgotten that's the thing i mean
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that's just i feel like that's kind of just become common knowledge for you. know how are you any pics of another horse like say over and saying. oh it's not as it was some more fun things right like my personal favorite thing. i love that woman in my favor and. everyone around my team knows that i'm a little obsessed with space but i also just have this unhealthy obsession and maybe i watch too many movies and i was a kid with like the idea that we just might get hit by an asteroid and that's it you know goodbye earth or at least goodbye to human life and i guess recently we had a near run or an asteroid had a near run in with us take a look. that is the path it's going to take it is not expect to make contact with
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planet earth but i'll tell you if they were to strike say the ocean. he could make an impact they would cause a seven point zero earthquake. so this is like i just found out larry is that is that there was there was an article out there that said that you know we might soon see the end of these armageddon style movies because you know scientists are getting so advanced in their abilities to monitor the source of what's going on out there that they can now predict these things like the chances of an asteroid actually coming and getting going it would end up being top armageddon that anything is better than that oh my god yeah aerosmith yeah come on guys what the thing is like like impact yeah. not so much now look at it with you there but now in people being able to create like some kind of apocalyptic scenario that replace the asteroids because it's kind of like a fantasy isn't it kind of like think the apocalypse is like adults don't really
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have snow to just you know is. that what aerosmith is going to the soundtrack of my life yes it is but i want to still believe that i watch on screen yes i do well i assume that we have like like mass devastation and going for an asteroid to hit first you obviously have a little chunks that come down and. speak for a. few areas here you need to remove your obligations and it's like an asteroid or actually like headed to earth you have like you know kind of like this week couple hours really man you know what it doesn't really matter that a credit card anymore if you had a nice although it's not a matter of fact my last couple hours on earth sweet yeah exactly what i want to be out of all things you can think about if you have a couple hours left to live yeah i got a card it's a weight off your shoulders i don't have to pay off my student loans anymore it's kind of nice i would eat a lot of french fries i'm just saying for some reason that caution to the wind is what would happen. you know if you think oh no we don't have i'm not going to say what i would do you have i have some idea. you. want
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moving things that would no longer be considered taboo. fitness camp. yes often we see these commercials i mean right if you're somebody who wants to go to like jenny craig or to bally's total fitness of gym and whatnot they offer you a program in the way they try to get you to come to their program is they show you a bunch of people with really hot bodies that you want to look like. they only took my dad because i make time to the valley that you can't turn work not to remember don't put down by. all right not so much there's a thing called body exchange and they build themselves as kev this only fit camp and adventure company and they cater exclusively to plus size women and so they actually have a thing where you know if they think that you are too skinny too slight then they tell you to go find other alternatives because they want to be like a safe haven for everyone to feel comfortable but everyone has problems with their
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body so what is too skinny so that's why it's kind of like how the are you guys going to decide exactly so i don't like that like slippery slope i'm not saying i'm like the thinnest person in the world but i wouldn't be like i would be angry if i am going to go to the gym ellison's like no move to la actually no i would be angry i don't really get a wave you know what i'm rethinking this or i have a right is like oh no no no i feel really you know what you know this is not a problem if you're constantly surrounded by other kind of trunk key people and how do you know you're making progress like relative to somebody else you know i mean like you kind of like just kind of all look the same and it's just like i miss it when trainers don't like to say write me that's how they get them into like biggest loser is exactly and michael's and what's her face running exactly can be skinny and me and i would know that you know there are people with bodies they're there to teach you how to look like them ok versus if you have people i guess that are you know too skinny that are showing up saying like i need help too that it's that it's
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something so therefore that a leader says it sounds like then you don't really have a problem that rolls with you yeah it really is about being. young i don't know you want to be you know. you know i mean it's not it's not the people that are going to the body change camp it's the people that run it that are trying to make a business and i question is are the people that run the camp themselves. i i have no idea if i say i guess that maybe about it more revenue if you feel like you don't have people that are turning away because they feel too ashamed because they don't know what they're looking for in other people then again you're turning away skinny customers i'm going to watch. all right let's talk about this story we're trying to do for a couple of days unfortunately don't have a video of it but this is a journalist who works for the reno has that journal he's sixty years old it seems to me and so he went to go try to report on the wildfires the wriggling on on
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public land and he was then tackled and then cited by the police because he was wearing protective clothing because he's out there trying to photograph and see what's going on and apparently they say that the protective clothing that he was wearing was an attempt to impersonate firefighters and so that you know he said like i said that that's hilarious that's that's great that's great yeah i mean i guess this is a problem like people to me directly apparently there's an epidemic out there of people wanting to fight fires and they're just trying to you know i get it when you're like out of the bar trying to meet chicks and you obviously have this problem where people that like try to pretend that they're veterans right ok you know or try to be firefighters but like right there in the middle of the fire and exactly someone that just you know a good samaritan or someone that's a little bit overzealous and says hey it's saturday what am i going to do there's a fire i'm going to help put it out of the water to the police were it's like in order to protect you from physical harm you will physically harm you in order to
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protect you from yourself yeah it's great reasoning and it makes a lot of perspective here it could be really heavy maybe they felt like they had no other option but to tackle him you know i really don't know what. our guys are going to wrap it up but thank you for joining me this evening and that is it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure you come back on monday i will not be here next week but don't worry because the lovely christine for example will be filling in and so the show will go ott. i mean time don't forget to like the a lot of show on facebook at the follow us on twitter i described to our you tube subscribe to our you tube channel and also forget the you can check us out on hulu dow and coming up next if then it's. wealthy british style. that's not on the telephone.
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