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tv   [untitled]    June 23, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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turkey admits its war plane that was taken down by syria may have crossed into syrian airspace that incident threatening to set the already volatile region on fire. this is live video from cairo's tahrir square which is again filled with bang the voices of the kitchens and still don't know who their next president is and fear the delay in results could be used by the ruling generals to bargain for power. and a decision on julian assad and his asylum still ending with every door saying it has to talk to all parties involved but stresses it won't bow to pressure.
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eight pm in moscow i'm mad très a good to have you with us here on r t our top story turkey's had made it that its fighter jet shot down by syria on friday may have violated syrian airspace angara has vowed to take the necessary action against its southern neighbor while damascus says it acted within the boundaries of international law artie's marie if an ocean is following the developments in syria. turkish president has tried to justify the potential crossing of the syrian border by turkey's fighter jet and saying that it's a routine for warplanes flying it's such a high speed to cross front here from time to time for short distances since the beginning syrian military officials have been saying that the plane deeds and to the syrian air space and deed violate didn't break the border regulations and they had no choice but to act according to international law and ico in the turkish president they've also been stressing that they did the plane has been flying at high speed but also it's a very long haul to today and this is the case they say when the plane tries to
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abort a defense system the turkish side is also not reporting the rescue and search operation is now in to go in in the area in cooperation with the syrian side and of course the investigation continues but took each president has been equally in his prime minister before that turkey's ready to take all the necessary measures designs of the while the details of this news has come a time of the grease the policy of syria and of course the incident with need to country member five to jet short here in syria could provoke even further escalation and many analysts have been saying that nato could get involved turkey has been involved in this crisis in syria they've been many reports about the rebels stationed in turkey the rebels training in turkey and what phones and ammunitions been smuggled through the turkish syrian border and just recently we've been hearing about cia offices based in the southern part of the country not far
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from the syrian border. called in a tin a weapons delivery to the rebels inside syria so all that is is very dangerous the question just remains open how far turkey is ready to go to topple the regime and president bashar al assad someone they've been criticizing and they've been condemning for bloody crackdown against his people for for a long time now political analysts kamil was me believes by downing a turkish warplane damascus is sending a clear signal to turkey and its allies. syria is a sovereign country has the right to defend its own space and its own territory and this is an invasion by the turkish into that space of syria that there has been playing the devil in the whole process. then stability that is taking place in syria the turkish government keep in supplying weapons to the opposition syrian
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opposition and he's been interfering in syria now for a very long time this is a much wider field. and they're ready and they are capable and they send a message to everybody for turkey and the nato and for the americans don't mess with our territory because we're ready and we're not going to have the state to shoot down any interference any aircraft that well our airspace without any approval from our country international peace envoy kofi annan are insists iran should be involved in efforts to end the escalating violence in syria the u.s. and its allies have objected to tehran's participation in the international conference on the syrian crisis and on says it's time to put aside differences and focus on pushing the peace process forward marina porton i reports. in exactly one month the u.n. supervision mission in syria will expire and at this point the international community
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is attempting to exhaust all options one of those options according to joint special envoy kofi annan is to form a contact group meeting one that could take place as soon as june thirtieth in geneva joint special envoy kofi annan says that in that contact group it would be a meeting of the permanent members of the security council members of the european union and also countries that have direct influence on the opposition group in syria as well as the syrian government mr kofi annan says that he has made it clear that he believes that iran should be part of that contact group now the u.s. and its western allies were very much against sitting down at a table with iran or having iran play a role in solving the crisis in syria but mr nonce comments are come as there are fresh reports about the slaughter of some twenty five men near the northern city
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of aleppo in syria from what has been described and by accounts from opposition and syrian state media there rebels in syria were responsible for this ambush what is quite clear is that the massacres in cities throughout syria are getting bolder with signs of immense brutality the violence officials have been warning is is getting. very dire point. we're keeping a close eye on reactions and developments in syria you can get up to date by logging on to our facebook page and twitter feeds where we've got all the latest.
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news we're covering for you this saturday thousands of egyptians have again filled talker square protesting against the military which is accused of staging a brutal power grab the results of the presidential runoff will be announced sunday four days later than expected meanwhile the standoff between the ruling generals and the muslim brotherhood continues and many fear the military could use the delay to alter the outcome party's paul asli reports from cairo. second a lot of confusion as to who will be announced egypt's mix president there are still many people here in tough his square would say begin a fifth straight day of holding a sit in many of the people here are muslim brotherhood and there is growing frustration amongst them that the election results have been delayed they were initially supposed to come out on tuesday and increasingly more and more people
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here suspect foul play on the side of the army talking to protesters here they say that they worry that the delay might be because the army is trying to pull the strings from behind it's trying to quit taking its grip on power and at the same time trying to organize that it's candidate as much a fake is in fact a clade egypt's mixed president now on friday tens of thousands of people turned out here in the square at night it was the iran just display of egyptian unity we've seen on the streets of cairo for quite some time the protesters being older guys by the muslim brotherhood but here too are the youth are sixteen of us as well as the extremist salafist party now the military has defended its position by saying that it is not trying to attain power at the same time it's criticize the muslim brotherhood candidate dr mohamed morsi for stirring up emotions morsi has hit back saying that they can be no further delays in the announcements of these results he says that the army must respect the will of the people and that these
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protests will continue but interestingly enough he has is no longer saying what he said just a few days ago and that is that he is the window of this election dr omar assure an expert in arab and islamic studies says the latest actions by the military indicate they're not going to step aside from politics and that the elected president may have limited power. if the constitutional declaration is that what. they. did it did eventually in politics meaning that they can veto articles of the constitution if the common constitutional assembly was dismantled they will form a constitutional assembly from appointed politicians and they will specific politicians that were not people she would bargain hard with them and want to protect the vast economic interests in the country they want high politics in anything that has to do with national security issue issues or sensitive foreign policy issues and they want to give them constitutional immunity from any charges
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that has to do with corruption or depression and all these issues all just the undermine the mandate of the upcoming president and more or less. unless he has very solid support on the. capacity to mobilize his supporters into it and elsewhere and then used this capacity to mobilize to a lot of going to negotiate with the ship and then he would be a very weak president otherwise we'll stay with us here on r.t. still to come a big game for a big drinker with england advancing in the european championships the team is up for the cup while fans are up for a pint but health experts warn that a first for glory is becoming a dangerous excuse once. more money or less money more. yet because we have all this stuff as the financial crisis takes a toll on people across the world the resident asked people in new york how bad a paycheck they need and if more money makes them more happy. but first julian
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a songes fate still in limbo is ecuador ways whether or not to grant him political asylum latin american countries recall its ambassador to britain for a consultation is the week you weeks editors request is denied he's likely to be arrested by u.k. police the moment he steps out of ecuador's embassy where he's been holed up since tuesday artie's elaine a million she is in ecuador as capital quito and has been looking into his asylum chips. all along the sun has been claiming that his case was politically motivated denying sex crime allegations which he's wanted for questioning in sweden and it's exactly those claims of political nature of the case that are being parley looked into here in that weather where there is still no sign that of the season is on the way now president rafael correa says ecuadorian authorities are assessing if there's a real threat to the songes life the latin american leader has stressed that with or rejected the penalty so if he finds there are strong grounds to songes fears of
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being ultimately extradited to the united states he might decide the whistleblower needs protection he was going pretty well have to see if there's any death threats against julian assange will have to analyze his reasons for requesting asylum if he's had due process ecuador is a country that rejects persecution for ideological motives. lost his extradition appeal to the u.k. supreme court either we could accept it there is ultimately handed over to sweden is likely to be detained immediately that's what assad said himself in his first public comments since he took refugee in the ecuadorian embassy on tuesday after having spent eighteen months under house arrest without charge the weekly excited to add it's not looming as tradition to sweden that worries him the most but he's possible removal to the united states where he claims he is the subject of grand jury proceedings he also said that the u.k. and sweden deliberately slowed down his case to allow u.s. time to draw up charges against him for leaking hundreds of thousands of secret
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years documents while ecuador might hope to be seen as a defender of the student ideas by accepting the world's number one whistleblower as a political refugee it could be made to suffer for its actions for example it's been suggested that ecuador is trade we do not is those and consequently thousands of jobs my suffer immensely if the latin american country shelters are signs obviously there's a lot more to these then rules the i we have to wait and see how these seemingly never ending saga plays out. swedish writer oscar swore it says it's not a songes fear of prosecution and stockholm that push him to take the drastic step of seeking political asylum. in this week's issue is that he's afraid of getting convicted for sex crimes i think that's much too simplistic even if he would be convicted in sweden he would be immediately released because he has been serving so much time in england so basically off he comes here it might be
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a couple of weeks. imprisonment and prosecution maybe but the after that he will be released and then what happens then well sweden has a record of being very subservient to to the u.s. when they want people or they will. crackdown. so that is the reason for him being scared of getting to sweden of course we always welcome european and other stories we're covering today on our website we're asking what you think the future holds for julian assad is where your views stack up right now the majority more than a third think assad will safely get to ecuador and run wiki leaks from there less than a third though think the whistleblower will have to spend the rest of his life on the run a little fewer about a quarter reckon a son will be handed over to the u.s. and be sent to guantanamo bay and finally the minority ten percent say he will spend years in the ecuadorian embassy in london what do you think about to r.t.
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dot com and cast your vote. from the pitch to the pub excitement over the euro two thousand and twelve football championship is reaching its peak and so is the drinking this weekend season england play its second round match in with the country's bar is set to be packed emergency services are taking all the proper precautions as r.t. sarah for forts. and the days that tickets have been a better place to catch the game than down the lake. watching football in the pub can be absolutely fantastic it's a great big communal shared experience and of so many great games big hundreds of people there's not been announced trouble just a fantastic atmosphere and if you can't be there a lot of people feel it's the kind of the next best thing so many things like england knights and me when i was always that danger it could turn ugly but when it's raw it is a wonderful way to watch football having
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a pint while flicking the game is part of english drinking culture and thousands of books to london's. went to. the ball game oh no we're always that responsible going to see a pretty tree like you because it would be good it's. exactly right yes. but the stats say something very different is a big problem for us and overall with the last five six years we've seen. and when i move around sixty five thousand incidents every year the london ambulance service operates these bees buses to ferry drunks who are a burden on the regular service the alcohol recovery center is normally dispatched on a friday and saturday nights extra services and now being provided in binge drink britain big football games complete especially busy. for the euro. and foul behavior from drunken english football fans can be more than
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a little off sides we have. been going on. for which equivalent of. every shift before we go. on every trip because what happens is. most people when they're trying you are like yourself as well. so. that by providing the service at more cost to the taxpayer is the british government scoring in the goal by catering for the problem rather than tackling it head on and england's better than expected performance has meant more people out drinking and being a weekend time to get drunk because of the later kick off when you take sport and alcohol and you put them together generally speaking you'll find it doesn't matter whether your team's winning or losing in general people will use that as an excuse to drink and so our advice is to keep an eye on how much you're drinking. tournament not just going but actually let's remember that the tournament lasts for
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three weeks so if you're drinking a lot each game actually i've got three week period you live in might have taken a bit of a battering with b.z. fans letting the side down by being such a burden to the health service many feel it's high time english football supporters say that up. there's plenty more news available a click away at r.t. dot com where right now might there be such a thing as an honest computer hacking a dutch political party trying to legalize the online attacks just so long as you would warn your targets before you strike the us. there's no place like home but to what lengths are we are you willing to go to get there one woman decided to lie about being a murderer for a free ride from police get the full story at r t doug. take
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a look at some other stories making headlines across the globe this hour riot police in bahrain it cleared away protesters with tear gas and rubber bullets injuring several opposition leaders officials haven't commented on the tactics used by officers but promised to prevent the hour we'll talk in from protesting in the suburbs of the capital manama the uprising in bahrain has gone on for sixteen months with its shia majority rallying against western backed sunni's for a larger role in the government. a day after mexican authorities made what they thought was one of the most important drug arrests in years they've admitted it was a case of mistaken identity officers showed off their high profile capture on thursday the man was thought to be the side of mexico's most wanted drug lord joaquin el chapo guzman but the man in the red shirt turned out to be a car salesman guzman has been in hiding since he escaped from prison in two
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thousand and one. leaders of germany france italy and spain have agreed to push for a growth package worth one hundred thirty billion euros in the hope of kickstarting the euro zone's recovery they met in a row matt of next week's crucial e.u. summit the four leaders hope to create a united front that could force a consensus in the union italy's prime minister mario monti warned if the summit fails sovereign borrowing costs in europe will continue to rise and weaker economies will face rising pressure. meeting in rome came as moody's rating agency downgraded fifteen of the world's biggest banks in the u.s. and europe later today max kaiser and co stacy herbert provide their analysis of the banker's actions. in banking circles it's called the ponzi scheme in nature we call it cancer cancer is a it invades the body it's a you know it starts to eat the body it is evermore the body to support itself the crowds out all the functioning aspects of the body and it kills the body kills the
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host same thing with these bankers around the world they're a cancer and they're pushing allergenic businesses and the result will be a cancer ridden economic corpse from which a new economy must be born. well no matter what the state of the economy is like in the country you live in it may seem that for many of us the money which we make who's never quite enough this week the resident takes to the streets of the big big apple often associated with big bucks to find out what size of salary would make people there feel happy. how much of an annual salary would make you feel successful this week let's talk about that thirty five. euro per year that would be enough for you i think it would be good seventy five thousand here on
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a grand hundred grand. forty thousand dollars some preserve the fund really serves five with forty thousand dollars around a better hundred fifty thousand per couple that would make you feel like that's what i would say probably. two hundred thousand dollars that's a lot but yeah why do people want so much money and in the united states we think about is consumption but everyone knows that the things that you own own you and that the simple life can make you happy why does no one subscribe to that it's just philosophical it's what we grew up with it's what we were trained with it's what we believe do you think the answer varies from country to country in terms of success or i'm sure does so what do you think on the scale americans fit and. do we need more money or less money more. yet because we have all the stuff especially in america the money is everything the money we like to live in because we.
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live well you know schoolteachers are definitely are in more banks why do you think that schoolteachers earn so much less than people who don't necessarily add as much value as you do i think it's because we're just good natured and we are caring and we don't we're not in it for the money sound yeah so those kinds of jobs are going to get paid less because you're not greedy as much money as i need. to live healthy and with my family. and us to be lucky i think that's that's all i don't need that much money no more than that no more than. that do you think if you made more than that you'd be happier that's though i think you spend what you make so no matter what you're going to spend what you make yeah so if you make eighty thousand dollars you're going to spend i'm going to spend more and i'm getting a bigger house and
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a bigger boat and everything else to go with it we don't need that stuff. yes a deal. the bottom line is your annual salary might increase but that doesn't mean your happiness will necessarily increase with ads. of course good salaries depend on the general state of national and even global finances trying to revive those is the reason why business and political heavy hitters have been in st petersburg this week for the annual international economic forum is drawing to a close art is daniel bushell the highlights. a blazing rials breaking out over who's to blame for the downgrade of fifteen giant bank during the four european business leaders and politicians here point the finger at america notably lehmann's collapse in two thousand and eight which they
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just told the whole global crisis one of the lenses we saw for the ratings called the city its voice chairman is fuming look only it's europe to blame for this mess he told me it's politicians not playing because who are guilty the heads of state in europe don't seem to agree on a course of action. and then. there will be politicians who take advantage of a strengthening brussels that will bring about a new type of politics and. it is quite remarkable it almost seems like. the economic situation is a symptom and in the real problem is and can our political system solve these problems. for the we can do we're going to as of late on a roll of big qualities and come to us to try and take delegates mind of the economic problems and it's also earning season for the locals some hotels and taxis
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have more than triple grapes this week as one restaurant we were chose one hundred dollars per person for the standard fixed menu with stale cheese and two grapes close to sell by date devotion to resume unions this point comprises is common for big events across the globe and there's nothing you can do so the world fact cats may be here to cut lucrative deals but they're not the only ones cashing in at this event. we've actually with a headline stay with us here on our team. org .
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there hasn't been anything yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum physical in fact. before the source material is what helps keep journalism for us when. we want to present. something else.
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today children play war in the old keys me. hundred forty one leaders was really the first barrier from the nazi troops on their way to moscow and. funders and breasts were dying one by one under siege to slow food water. in the last shelter and on main shoulder left a fusion bowl were. dying but i'm not sure. the for.
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a while before last fall criminals we have a lot of groups of the colleges and schools whose balls i'd use in the home or right enough to my mouth it was like many of that knowledge that wasn't. the smadi when i was fifteen yes you can liberate there when a certainly can't do it through the barrel of a gun salute effective social changes can be the afghans themselves ask dan many women believe i'm going to start going up to a cross pub without a fish out of its chemical position and that it comes to actually stop people in the obama administration talking about how much they care about the.


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