tv [untitled] June 24, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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egypt's a ruling military vows to clamp down on descend to with an iron fist tens of thousands in cairo protest against the generals with delayed presidential poll results expected late on sunday. turkey denies us by insisting its military jet shot down by syrian forces on friday was on a training flight as nato is said to investigate. and the world's top whistleblower julian assange is waiting for his fate to be decided by after them after he asked for asylum in the country's london embassy.
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we're watching our teaser of the weekly with me to bang with say egyptians are waiting to hear who their next president will be the result of the country's first post mubarak presidential election i expected to be announced shortly egypt's interior ministry has reportedly ordered the police are to shoot to kill if violence breaks out that's as crowds are gathering in cairo's tahrir square archies policia has the latest. if we look at the protests that happened in egypt for example eighteen months ago those protests were very much directed at ousting the former egyptian president hosni mubarak what we witnessing today is the same kind of anger on the streets of egypt but this time it is being directed against the ruling military the many egyptians feel it is trying to keep its grab power in this follows a recent announcement by the military that it had drawn did an interim constitution also that it was responsible for pointing those people who would write the final constitution egypt's courts also have recently dissolved the parliament and now you
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need to remember that those courts are headed by judges who were appointed june that time of course mubarak was a military man and the ruling generals are very much seen as part of his regime since the war it was asked of there have been multiple protests across the country dozens of people have been killed and so what we're witnessing today is disappointment that the revolution did not actually reach the goals it had city itself which was ultimately changing the ruling powers here in egypt the majority of people who are out there in tahrir square are supporters of the muslim brotherhood and their candidate mohamed morsi you need to remember that he won the first round of the presidential vote by several percentage points he has vowed that egypt will be turned into a should we are and hated state and this has people concerned in this country those who are not muslim brotherhood supporters they want to keep religion out of politics they're also worried about them using their personal freedoms and then of course the people who received privileges under the previous regime and i worry
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that they'll lose those privileges privileges should the muslim brotherhood take up the presidency by comparison you have a fake who is a former air force commander his supporters have been keeping a low profile but they have been holding parallel demonstrations particularly north of cairo the appeal of which a fig is that he promises security and safety but the concern. around which fic is that he represents the old regime and that nothing really will change in tangible terms on the ground you do also have a third possibility that's being put forward today remember we're looking at an announcement that is supposed to come around three o'clock sunday afternoon either morsi will be elected or shafiq will be announced all or more people are telling me that the results might hold that the election commission might decide that the violations were to extreme and now the vote and call for a new presidential election all of those scenarios hold the threat of violence
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because protesters on both sides are likely to go to the streets particularly muslim brotherhood supporters if a candidate does not. make a melman a journalist and social activists in cairo says whatever the outcome of the left in it one bring a sense of closure to. the revolution continues regardless neither move to see or shift or representing the revolution and right now this is the frame of the old regime the battle between the muslim brotherhood and scarfed is the old regime and it still continues and until we can get out of that framework of the revolution i believe will continue the military has really not given any indication that it will be handing over power it could be handing over in a very symbolic way the power to the next president whoever it may be but it still has most of those story to use of the legislative and even the executive bodies so there is no reason right now for the muslim brotherhood to back down or to take
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anything for granted from the ruling military council of course argy is upon us here is in cairo she's keeping track of the latest developments. and we're streaming live pictures from turkey of square at our website at r.t. dot com. turkey insists its military jet to shut down by syrian forces on friday wasn't spying but was on a training flight the incident to add that to the pressure piled up on damascus as nato is now going to look into what happened syria maintains it was just protecting its sovan t. and as the plane crossed into its territory by mistake according to turkey which is a nato member the alliance says says it will discuss the incident on cheese day at anchor as a request the wreckage of the turkish plane has been found in the military and sea but the two pilots are still unaccounted for meanwhile syrian state t.v. reports of the country's border guards have stopped a group of militants trying to cross into syria from turkey patrick henningsen the
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associate editor of website to enforce dot com says a turkey's involvement in the syrian conflict benefits nato as agenda. turkey is playing both sides trying to play both sides of the fence with regarding syria they've also been giving refuge to free syrian army guerrillas that are western backed. running across the protection over the turkish border and they want to go back into syria to conduct raids but again the western agenda i'm afraid to say this the western agenda on syria is already decided certainly turkey is a nato country so the west has been wanting to drag turkey into the civil war and really nato better and certainly turkey would run point saluted by the russian foreign minister sometime last year that turkey would be running point for nato as far as a no fly zone is something they desperately want to do in the west is to establish
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a no fly zone it will make it like a fish shooting fish in a bowl for the west clearly didn't libya. russia has face of a raja of criticism this week for allegedly shipping arms to syria claims denied by moscow. the looks into the false reports being used to drive the headlines. syria may be on the brink of civil war but it's already the subject of a full blown media war ships or no ships that's been the question for the past week as report or since it was on its way according to the reports the battleships were laden with arms and troops and headed for syria it later turned out they were nowhere near syria they're in their home port of sevastopol empty but in the fog of war any reports however it accurate has some kind of influence. as long as you have
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so many forces. excited about the your option and that is that things are always just there and they were. there to get there through this information as usual so like they did before the iraq war and before. intervening in afghanistan in the late seventy's also there was a delay of some information there was one ship it was turned back off the coast of scotland after it was found to be carrying helicopter parts bound to syria q a sessions that russia was supplying combat helicopters to president assad we are concerned about the latest information we have that there are attack helicopters on the way from russia to syria which will escalate the conflict quite dramatically it's an allegation that russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov says is part of a propaganda campaign pushing for which is being discussed but these days that indeed was scary for the defense systems and it was carrying the three helicopters
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which have been repaired in russia under the control of the size of the cells of a there was a soviet helicopter seventy five feet in syria from seoul did this and the two thousand feet there was a concert the repeal of the bastille to be assembled when they are delivered a fifth of the symbols of the entire process will face with less than three months or so to speak about something which we just sold to syria and which is being used . in action is not true but it wasn't only ships apparently war games were planned to a rainy a news agency fawaz reported that iran russia china and syria are planning to conduct joint military exercises in syria next month analysts think the story was planted by syria or iran as a show of strength but the u.s. outlets took it up because the. suited them for the u.s.
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news agency love the story because it matches their. you know the. regime and its supporters in iran or russia or china or. they are the ones who are. getting the conflict instead of seeking the peaceful solution so they like the story you know. and use agents use then there's the war of words british prime minister david cameron came out of a meeting with president putin at the recent g twenty summit saying putin no longer wanted president to act that in power in syria russia's foreign ministry later denied that was peace his position but was it a case of lost in translation wishful thinking on the prime minister's parts or another attempt to exert pressure on russia in the last fifteen months is being in media attack on syria that the crisis to syrian crisis is seventy percent of media
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so two percent on the ground so there is a quite a lot of stories every day. like for some odd of stations by just some of those using you tube and there is no confirmed reports anymore it's said the first casualty of war is the truth and all this international rumor mongering and jockeying for position comes at the expense of the syrian people the situation doesn't change regardless of which country won the latest battle of words laura smith. the syrian stalemate was in focus when president putin and obama met in mexico coming up on r.g.p. more on how the leader of the group that syrians are should be able to choose their own future and must avoid a civil. and a world leaders agree boosting growth is key as they hope to escape with the
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fallout from greece. the ecuadorian ambassador to the u.k. is to hold talks with president rafael correa on the fate of julian assange who's also political asylum in the latin american country the whistleblower took refuge in the country's embassy in london on tuesday after the u.k. supreme court rejected an appeal against his extradition to sweden as a bunch of years he will be immediately extradited to the u.s. where he could face the death penalty there for it has a story. held under house arrest and oppressed by the government in an effort to silence a pro-democracy message to the public but we're not talking about famous political dissident song suchi she's now free and being warmly welcomed by the british government we're talking about the western exponents of freedom of speech the charges of of imported games julian assange yet he still spent more than five hundred days under house arrest fighting extradition to sweden and possibly the
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u.s. now he's desperately hoping ecuador in the safe haven see the latest dramatic twist in the case of julian assange has once again caught the eye of the world's media behind the ecuadorian embassy those julian assange takes that away from the height and his supporters say that this is a dark a tale of a man who has been abandoned by his own country persecuted by the u.s. and failed by the u.k.'s legal system but he's not looking for consular assistance he's looking for political and diplomatic assistance and he's looking for the government to stand up for him the son just fight has been a long one eighteen months of legal wrangling in the resulted in the rejection of his supreme court appeal against extradition to sweden what this was about was one gets extradited to sweden he's in prison in sweden the next thing that happens is the u.s. assuming there's an indictment largest extradition warrant in sweden eventually the
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u.s. gets his hands on him they stick him in a prison in the united states fears of what might await him across the atlantic may well have prompted his latest i think you'll end up actually very very serious charge probably life in prison if not the death penalty and it will be a stacked against those who are sitting with the bradley manning case united states now has kangaroo courts rather than will courts these on time founded concerns as a long list of u.s. biggest. not only for songes incarceration even for his death this guy is a traitor treasonous and he has broken every law the united states the guy ought to be and i'm not for the death penalty so i'm not for the death penalty i want to do it illegally shoot and here's why because of his work with wiki leaks this guy has made some powerful enemies you know the collateral murder video shows american helicopter gunships shooting reporters the iraq war logs the afghan war diaries all
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of this. has embarrassed american british government freedom fighting in the twenty first century is a whole new ball game with new rules new players and unexpected me even first on his legal team this was a complete surprise so we found out about it on twitter and say the man he revolutionized whistleblowing and three wiki leaks released groundbreaking stories has in another twist become the story himself and there are many now hoping that the next big release will be julian assange himself served r.t. london. well julian assange just seeking asylum in ecuador in his native australia has been staying away from involvement in his case sydney based journalist. says it's a disgrace that authorities there have never wanted to protect the rights of one of their own citizens. point is they haven't tried that's the problem the state has an
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obligation to its citizens to protect their human rights we live in an advanced western democracy we expect our government to act in a way that's principled and courageous and to show leadership in the protection of human rights australia has lost all moral authority to lecture other countries on human rights i think it's a very sad day for our country if the sec does this region has a rather different arrangement with the u.s. to the u.k. so it will be easier to get to the us from sweden but let's not ignore the facts we've been has covertly handed over people to the us handed over asylum seekers to the cia those people were tortured and in the end it was a case of mistaken identity so swing's track record is not good a sounders place is in a strain yet he needs to be back here. while under house arrest in the u.k.
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julian assange was filming his talk show that as weekly on our team president rafael correa was in fact among his guests catch of the next program on tuesday at eleven thirty g.m.t. and you can also watch the entire series so far online at our dot com and while you're there check out other stories we've lined up for you today the roof of a busy mall in canada is on taria collapses leaving at least four people injured and prompting a local state population. plus a england versus a it's only in view of twenty twelve and while both teams will be trying to make it to the next round it's getting the rounds in that the part that's worrying public health forces in england who want a one third of a football is only an excuse. both the moscow and washington have stressed as syrians i should be able to choose their own future in the democratic process at the summit of the g twenty in mexico presidents putin and obama agree that
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a civil war must be prevented this is the first time the two have met as heads of state also called on iran to follow un resolutions and cooperate with the international atomic watchdog to prove its nuclear program is entirely peaceful however there seems to be little progress on america's controversial planned missile shield in europe the leaders said dialogue will continue but russia has yet to receive guarantees of the rockets won't be aimed its way form of ember of the reagan administration paul craig roberts says american policymakers need not allow obama as much license as the ones. the missile bases that are surrounding russia. and. he doesn't really care but just remember. or a government that wants regime change in syria and obama is not
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exactly in a position to be able to stop that. he will do what he can to get along with proton but he still has to represent the agenda of a world agent me and regime change and so the situation i think is unresolved. the state of the euro zone's finances was the main worry for world leaders in mexico this week boosting growth has been named the main goal with fears that the fallout from greece could lead to global contagion the leaders of germany france italy and spain have agreed for one hundred thirty billion euro package to safeguard of the struggling euro meanwhile greece's newly formed coalition is asking for an additional two years to slash its deficit athens is hoping to avoid having further drastic cuts to salaries and pensions which have caused countries protests financial strategist at thomas title thin as says greece
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may have to leave the euro if the bailout deal is not renegotiated with. new democracy and pasok they only have the majority in parliament due to the peculiar greek election rules in fact more than fifty percent of voters went to e.u. critical parties none of the two blocs in the greek parliamentary election had a credible plan for turning the greek economy around from its current meltdown and the risk of a greek exit from the euro remains high there will be a renegotiation of the treaty or greece will eventually have to leave the euro and the problem here is that if economic circumstances are allowed to deteriorate any further now everybody can see already today that austerity is killing greece it's also killing spain portugal ireland and other european economies if you leave that to fester for too long it won't be a deliberative political decision when greece leaves it will be forced by economic circumstances so i think germany will have to back off from this one of the
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responsibility of some kind of euro break up before too many months have passed. coming your way is growing evidence that the u.s. and israel are behind a massive hacking attack against iran it believes are the true joint develop the mall where it was collected intelligence and was created to sabotage iran's nuclear program details in just a few moments. world news in brief for you now eighty five people have been detained in tel aviv overnight after clashes between demonstrators and security forces the riots are followed in the arrest of twelve social activists protesters blocked a main very to shut up the windows of banks and scuffled with police last summer thousands took to the streets of israel calling for economic and social reforms but not all of the demands have been implemented. paraguayan is facing political isolation with some of its latin american neighbors recalling them bastards from
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the country the move comes after president fernando lugo was ousted from power in what he calls a parliamentary crew thirty nine to four vote in the senate saw him dismissed over his handling of violence between farmers and police last week in which seventeen died newly sworn in leader federico franco has promised to prevent the country from becoming a regional outcast. and in neighboring bolivia the army has been deployed to patrol the streets as police continue their strike against low pay the unrest began on thursday when dozens of officers seized an elite units headquarters close to the presidential palace talks between the government and strike you police told with no agreement reached in two thousand and three a revolt over wages the lead to a gunfight was soldiers which killed nineteen people. sectarian fighting in mind has left over eighty people dead over the past month but clashes between
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a buddhist and muslim set of a refugees quizes and causing many was lim's to flee across the bangladesh border where most have been turned back as illegal immigrants erica dreiser analyst with stop imperialism dot com believes there's a wider geo political agenda behind the conflict. many of the conflicts that we see in myanmar and elsewhere in the world but in particular in that country are the product of a proxy war an economic proxy war that the united states and the western powers are waging to prevent chinese economic development in myanmar we see the presence of a u.s. funded n.g.o.s that is not to say that everything that they do is negative that everything that they do foment chaos but rather that the presence that they have in the country indicates the presence of u.s. the u.s. government and the u.s. intelligence community in an attempt to block the chinese. unnamed u.s. officials say that america was responsible for last month's a massive cyber attack on iran the state of the. flame is said to have been created
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by america and israel to spy on and seven times with a slum it states and you can't progress the guy and then she can has a story. that american officials may sound defensive when they talk about cyber attacks as being a major threat to the country's security a weapon of mass disruption you could have a cyber attack that would be as consequential in terms of the economy maybe even in terms of loss of life ash things we typically associate with more for the next pearl harbor that we confront could very well be a cyber attack that cripples our our power system certainly our grid acts of terror could come not only from a few extremists in suicide vests but from a few keystrokes on the computer but it turns out the u.s. government itself carries out cyber attacks against other nations the washington post cites officials speaking on condition of anonymity who say entrap aeration for cyber sabotage against iran the u.s.
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and israel developed the flame virus flame is the most complex computer spying program ever discovered it has the capacity to steal or enter elec trani documents by now nobody doubts the program was development by a government entity something like the. appears to be what they would call state sponsored it sounds like the n.s.a. it isn't but i mean that now security agency has it does this kind of thing we know they've done this kind of thing you're getting intelligence without having to put someone actually there it's cyber espionage while the flame war was collecting intelligence the stocks in that virus borrowed into iran's nuclear program and created havoc in its uranium enrichment centrifuges the obama administration did not deny the leaks in the new york times that it had teamed up with israel to create stuxnet at some fear that the move almost invites retaliation where you attack for instance iran's nuclear program you provide the iranians
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with their weapons your word which they can read reverse engineer take apart figure out how it works turn it around send your way a leading moscow based security firm which uncovered the flame virus as part of its code is nearly identical to the code finding stocks net and suggested that the viruses were developed by two teams working in collaboration leaks in the press support that assessment one official also on condition of anonymity said is just the beginning and the u.s. is preparing the battlefield for another type of covered action we're setting precedent for other nations and that's where the real problem lies because we've been criticizing china for allegedly attacking united states companies and u.s. governments while the same time engaging in this in the same conduct with other countries feel bomb administration has openly confirmed hacking websites but only if alleged al qaeda sympathizers in yemen the u.s. secretary of state described this cyber effort as part of
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a larger attack on terrorism but many fear the u.s. cyber efforts go well beyond that as u.s. defense authorities go offensive in cyber warfare the pentagon's cyber command has fast tracked the development of the weapons that ministration just announced a one hundred ten million dollars per. solicit proposals from universities and video game manufacturers to so much hype about cyber war is that some people that seem to be in the authority about war start talking about technology as if they understand that they're always talking about war because that's their business and so they're trying to rope technology into that and so when we have no control of our technology we have these people that wish to use it for for their ends for war specifically that's a recipe for some pretty scary stuff cyberspace as a whole is now seen by the u.s. military as a vast area of opportunity you can't really tell the government don't do to others what you don't want them to tell you but a lot of the recent revelations about the you was being engaged in the cyber attacks one might ask what kind of
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a message that the center of all the government even the dems cyberattacks have heard them all but it fell like one hell of a hacker i'm going to check out reporting from washington hard to. show the report in the struggle among women to win men and reform in afghanistan but first i'll bring you the headlines and stay with us.
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