tv [untitled] June 25, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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video on demand. will come. on a sense feed now in the palm of your. machine on the. right in your building calls for israel and palestinians to return to soon talks to resolve their longstanding conflict. clinton continues his middle east to end of the solving conflict in the region but the hunt he says of iran and so yeah also on the agenda all the details in just a few moments. egypt's newly elected islam is leader said to form a government but western states could be getting more than they bargained for after he vowed to improve ties with iran league more pain in the eurozone cyprus said to ask for a rescue citing exposure to struggling greece while spain in turn expects one hundred billion euros worth of bailout cash. and its top whistleblower julian assange awaits ecuador's decision on whether or not it will grant him asylum the
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final edition of his groundbreaking interview show set to air here on r t. nine pm in moscow i met trezeguet good to have you with us here on r t our top story russian president vladimir putin has called on both sides in the newsreel you palestinian conflict to resume talks to break the stalemate russia is also stepping over stepping up efforts to help resolve the conflict in syria and he's tensions over iran's nuclear program as president putin begins his visit to the middle east is currently on the first leg of his tour in israel where artie's polis leader is following the talks. russian president vladimir putin and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu have been holding a meeting at the prime minister's residence in jerusalem both leaders said that the talks had been frankenfood full and the most significant point made was the point
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made by the russian president calling on both israelis and palestinians to resume peace negotiations the israeli prime minister responded with this quote that it was complicated but simple and that word president putin please paulson that message tomorrow tuesday when he meets with the russian when he meets with the palestinian president mahmoud abbas mahmoud abbas in the palestinian city of ramallah putin also said that the two leaders had discussed syria and iran and he didn't go into more details in saying that the talks were fruitful and he thanked the israelis for the unveiling this morning monday of a rule morial to the raid all me that was unveiled in the israeli city of the time he also said that there's more than one million citizens of the former soviet union who currently reside in israel and he said it was important for russia that they have peace and security now the israeli prime minister spoke about egypt he said that israel respects the democratic process that has been undergone in egypt and in
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that context was willing to deal with the new egyptian president mohamed morsi in the context of the nine hundred seventy nine israeli egyptian peace treaty certainly must go ahead as a huge role to play in dealing with these issues in this region it is regarded by all the players as a positive contributor what we do understand is that president putin will put pressure on the israeli leadership not to attack iran and certainly this is in the context obvious way to be talking about striking to iran because of its nuclear program at the same time moscow is unlikely to ask the israelis to hold back from interfering with what is happening in syria the violence on folding there perhaps as we see this growing. close relationship with me the mood that was put forward by both netanyahu and putin his growing relationship between israel and russia this too might help russia and the united states is a mason step which has been waning in recent months while israel is keen to
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maintain relations with egypt the country's new president may have a different idea in an interview with iranian media mohamed morsi said he wants to review a peace treaty with israel and establish ties with iran to create a strategic balance in the middle east such a statement is certain to alarm israel and the u.s. with of course the country is now heading under islam is to rule or he's worried a fortnight has more egypt's revolution began with tens of thousands into here square and it became a success shortly after washington sided with the anti-government opposition by stepping down responding to the egyptian people's hunger for change america's indorsement of change has paved the way for the muslim brotherhood to become egypt's strongest political force the international organization is considered to be one of the world's largest islamised movements and mohamed morsi has reportedly called for a constitution that is based on the koran and sharia law in the case of egypt we're
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taking a piece of the board that was one of our pieces this is what it was one of the strongest american assets in the middle east and for many years we've removed that piece and brought in some people who i do not think will be friendly to us. in this video film last month and egyptian cleric rally support for the brotherhood's presidential candidate. can't. see much anyway. that. said. i love the muslim brotherhood has many different factions many different elements they are a political organization but they also have ties to terrorism they're also directly intertwined with what's going on in syria according to the new york times cia officers secretly stationed in turkey are currently working with syria's muslim
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brotherhood to smuggle automatic rifles grenades and ammunition into the country i didn't work out you know. you know it would be. oh it's not going to work out. is like you know sort of have you been here. the syrian opposition seen here waving al-qaeda flags has received public support from the terrorist network and created what some call a defacto alliance between america and its number one enemy. critics saying america's campaign for regime change comes with the consequence of empowering more radical and extreme leaders in the arab world let's not forget that assad and his government is a secular government just as khadafi as government was a secular government if you get rid of that and you create the power vacuum or another force that is as organized and as strong will take its place continued
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political instability in cairo has raised questions about this so-called success attributed to the arab spring governments in egypt and libya were toppled with a u.s. stamp of approval but with new regimes leaning towards extreme islam many believe america could eventually find itself in a circumstance it hardly ever wanted her an important i r t new york. joined live now by some a fawzia revolution activist from cairo so mahmoud mercy campaigned on a tougher islamist and anti israel your rhetoric but how many of these campaign promises will be actually able to fulfill if he is bound by international agreements and how many of how much of it do you think was just campaign posturing . morsi yesterday after the after that is also announced that he made a speech to people in egypt and he mentions that he would like to maintain and these organized to maintain. this was egypt he didn't refer to
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a peace treaty was israel in particular but this is embedded in his talk he said that he would as picked leaders was egypt on mutual peace is reciprocal pieces which it means he's not going to give you a peace treaty was a day during the campaign electoral combine actually most of the candidates particularly islamist as and the nationalists mention to close a peace treaty in israel was getting the suspicion they mentioned there's a leg to revisit that good if you were to put it on. for people but after morsi got elected he didn't mention too that he can go into accounts now under the new edition constitutional declaration that all issues of national unity is the dictated to a national unity committee which is the desired by the president but most of the members are generals which it means the. supreme council
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for armed forces has upper hand on issues that are a little foreign policy particularly war and peace so now that finally there has been a winner announced in egypt's presidential election do you think the crowds are finally going to disperse and we're going to see the activism start to subside a little bit. if you if you look at the whole situation you'll find that people some people in history thought are happy because they think is that they now have. an elected president in egypt bust but take into account that he won only it was five fifty one percent of the votes it means that forty nine percent of votes in egypt preferred preferred another candidate but if. seven a state position on him also. owns
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a new elected leader and also we have to take into account also that there are some other groups secularist. copts businesspersons skepticism about the presidency of morsi so we think we will see some changes. in the foreseeable future particularly of morsi would like to widen his support and the constituency it's the people of the more she has said he's seeking to strengthen ties with iran in a recent interview what do you think could be egypt's benefit from a stray more strong tie there. i don't think so because. if you look at it from a national security perspective morsi is not alone can decide unilaterally to have stronger deletion shimmers the on. the military should should have
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a say in this regard this number one number two we have to take into account the gulf countries which have very strong ties was easy and easy actually consider. consider support from gulf countries is crucial for that so it's not easy for egypt to take a decisive decision which will make united states and the some worse than the powers including and also some gulf countries upset about this movement i think it's a matter of but again it's a matter of public relations but at the end of the. egyptian military and the egyptian foreign policy should have a say and to decide in which attack we will go on the most we will not be the only player in this figure right so my followers the revolution activist joining us from cairo thanks very much for your insight. thank you well stay with us here on r.t. still to come
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a risky business rolls across the eurozone cyprus becoming the region's fifth state to ask for a bailout while the currency union needs to find one hundred billions a lot by the hundreds of billions of rescue cash for spain by next month. but first more than thirty members of the syrian military including a number of top brass have reportedly defected to turkey turkish state t.v. says personnel plus their families crossed into the country overnight this as syria's facing rising pressure over the shooting of a turkish fighter jet last week on her insists it was a hostile act and says the plane was downed over international airspace syria claims it was flying over its territory at a low altitude but has given reassurances there is no hostility in damascus toward turkey nato leaders will hammer out a response tuesday europe and the u.s. have condemned the action of syria's brazen and disproportionate e.u. foreign ministers have also agreed to new sanctions of damascus some anti-war activists say the incident was most likely an error but one that could spark an
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international conflict. we're witnessing the drawing in of the major powers into the conflict in in syria but we've seen here a clinton speech warning the russians about the provision of attack helicopters we've seen the british send a ship back supposedly carrying a child it got was from around the coast of britain back to back to russia and now we see this incursion into syrian airspace by by the turkish air force it is of course theoretically possible that while the turks were doing was probing syrian airspace to see whether or not they would react in this way i think actually this is probably an error but when international relations become this tense when the diplomatic atmosphere has been has been heightened to this degree such errors become part of a process upon the wider process which is more than acts that which is deliberate
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and that's the danger in a situation. or a mall's the decision of giving julian assad diplomatic asylum the whistleblower remains ensconced in the country's london embassy he sought refuge there almost a week ago after the u.k. supreme court decided on his extradition to sweden where he's wanted on questioning over sexual assault accusations sorry for it has more. he's a man who's described as being let down by his own country australia and having exhausted most of his legal options in the u.k. and going battle against extradition to sweden where he faces questioning the sexual assault allegations and of course the fifth has always been that if extradited to sweden it would be very easy to extradite him across to the u.s. a country that still carries the death penalty for some of the crimes that they've accused him of now julian asuncion his supporters have always maintained that the case against him is politically motivated and i can play in the silence not just
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asuncion cells but also wiki leaks the revolutionary whistle blowing web site that has hugely embarrassed many western governments in the past now the spike having spent more than five hundred days detained without charge that hasn't stopped in sunshine in that time he's posted an insidious show that's been running on art you know in a previous show we've seen him interviewing the president of ecuador and they seemed to hit it off the president of ecuador telling julian a sound welcome to the club of the persecuted now and what will be his eleventh and final interview airing tomorrow not the silliness on to meet with the man that he just died as giants of the intellectual left renowned linguist and rebel thing can be and so we believe the street fighting novelist and military historian now during that interview they discussed the new ways of revolutionary movements we've seen taking place around the world in the past couple of years i didn't see it coming i
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don't think most people saw it coming to your commission a very. inspired act of all of the you moved to the. spring has been very you fractions. still going moment different course. sooner or later there would have to be popular reaction to the. bitter cliffs were the. crew the past generation but talking about the united states with the phenomena of basically world. you're going to see his eleventh and final interview for his faith i tell you no less controversial and intriguing that we've come to expect from the man he founded wiki leaks he many say have revolution allies and he once again has the entire eyes of the world upon him
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in his own going struggle against extradition. and sara mentioned you can catch the latest and final episode of assad's interview show on tuesday we've also been following the case against him since the start and you can trace it back to the beginning on our web site r t dot com where they're here is some other stories you can click on the u.k. government reportedly is seeking to sweep under the carpet claims of abuse committed by british soldiers at a secret network of illegal prisons in iraq. plus russia parading its latest battle hardware at the international form of engineering technology twenty twelve you can find more at our team dot com. a new victim of the eurozone financial crisis cyprus set to ask for a bailout citing heavy exposure to greece which has been hardest hit in the region it's the fifth state so far within the currency union to ask for a rescue cyprus says it needs the cash to shore up its banks earlier the country's credit rating was named junk by ratings giant fitch collectively effectively
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cutting cypresses ability to raise funds on its own fitch said the country would be some four billion euros to get its banking system back on track this monday is not a calm day for the eurozone greece's newly appointed finance minister has rejected the job due to health problems and madrid has formally asked the block for one hundred billion euros to shore up its crisis. banks who scores are said to be cut further by ratings agency moody's financial adviser micro peter pollie believes spain's financial sector is in more trouble than it's letting on. i recently did a study about how much the banks would need and came up with a figure about sixty two billion whether that was calculated on realistic scenario and all remains to be seen whether more money will be needed it's probable because the situation is deteriorating in spain so that the amount debts will
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continue to rise at least in the in the near term. so yes it's probably a starting point model and an end point not only are the banks reliant on bailouts but that they're also reliant on the e.c.b. for funding any many ways into bank funding dried up some time ago in europe and the e.c.b. has become the only source of liquidity for a lot of these a lot of these banks. for us minesweepers have arrived in the persian gulf a vital shipping route for the global economy this after an iranian military chief said the islamic state may try to block the strait of hormuz to defend its interests your risk an expert in middle east affairs thinks there could be a hidden agenda behind the move of u.s. ships in the troubled region. i'm not sure that iraq will go ahead with this idea if things remain as they all right now however if we see some sanctions increase
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the. heart of sanctions then again it's like the rules of the trick are the puppets leave including taking some measures in this threat of hormones but i think that you could also look at this from another angle president obama has been accused the law by both the israelis and by the republicans of being soft on iran at least in the longer the senate is even simpler to obama urging him to make the military option happy more credible might also be related to some internal factors inside the u.s. and also related to an american genuine american fears that israel might go ahead and look you know what will strike sort of i think by taking this step as well that the american administration might be trying to satisfy israel and keep israel reassured that it's taking up this situation and it's in control and it would allow iran to go too far and then in addition to the fact that it is also presenting
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a credible military option in case things go don't go too well. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe torrential rains triggered a landslide in eastern uganda that struck three villages in a mountainous region scores possibly hundreds of people feared dead after their houses were buried their villages are affected are situated near a major tourist attraction close to the border with kenya landslides are not uncommon for a guy and more than twenty died in a similar incident last august. dozens of anti-government protesters detained in nepal after clashes with riot police near the katmandu airport demonstrators demanded the prime minister resign and try to block his motorcade as he came home from a conference in brazil police tried to quell the crowd by beating them with bamboo but tons and she. at least one protester was badly injured in the clashes. in india a key suspect allegedly involved in the planning of the deadly moment by attacks of
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two thousand and eight has been arrested. as being called the handler of the ten gunmen who carried out the assault which one hundred sixty six were killed the carnage targeted luxury hotels the main railway station and a jewish cultural center authorities say they learned of the suspect while interrogating the lone pakistani gunman who survived the attack. time to go now for the latest business news and markets with marina at the visitors desk so first spain asked for help now sight is not cyprus how are the investors reacting. they're not taking it very well especially when it comes to europe or the markets are closed and basically when it comes to cyprus investors will be reacting to this tomorrow and we'll see how the numbers will fare out but first i want to talk about oil prices because they have a major impact on the russian economy this will explain what is happening with the markets here and basically they are heading south in fact they're trading near an eighteen month lows and when it comes to light sweet it's now actually them below
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eighty dollars a barrel a similar picture with the bribe plants now on this hour slightly above ninety dollars but it's holding out those lows in fact earlier we spoke to haunt him on to pack and from commodities information provider plants and he explained why this happening with food prices right now and how this could affect russia's economy. from the point of view europe does some of the very healthy as we all know i'm from a supply point of view the market is prove using enough to account for the iranian sanction effect so the market is really getting affected by the two prongs so that the weak on supply to market those two situations would continue at that point down doors the eighty and maybe even this seventy dollar level by. most measurements russia may be the largest producer in the world on its budget is set by roughly one hundred fifteen dollars per barrel we are nowhere near that so far
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russia i think is going to have to make some very painful decisions in the masks few months on those the say shows will have to do with rewriting budgets and seeing what kind of projects he really wants to get involved in. part time on so we've got some international markets will start with wall street which is the only one trading right now and basically it's a sea of red across the board and when it comes to wall street it's extending and tracking those losses is that both the dow and the nasdaq alison over one percent in the nasdaq has already dropped two percent in the red and this is this morning news that came out in the u.s. that show that new home sales data has climbed to the two year live for the month of may or i'm moving on to europe and markets there are closed so you're about see the close in time for that as i said the footsie and the dax lost over one percent said look actually the german dax two percent in the red there and investors have focused in this week on an e.u.
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summit that will take place later on and leaders are expected to discuss further fiscal integration as well as establishing a banking union and of course there's also what you see in the figures our flight attendant to the news that coming out from spain and what is happening there all right moving on to russia as i said a sea of red here as well crude prices were no help financially for the arts yes and m i six also the one percent and then it was like a look at some major movers on the minus six most of the blue chips were naturally low world we had financial struggling to be losing over two and a half percent gas from last almost two percent and also what we know about the company is that its subsidiary gas from that is reportedly thinking about the constituency bought billions of dollars stake in seeing to b.p. its venturing here in the. well one that comes to air flow of russian is a carrier it was in the fight over a long game than just the north there and that's the news that the government will
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retain a gold in the company's privatized they should all right let's move on and take a look at currencies the euro is still losing against the dollar that's as the dollar's strength and then only because investors are losing the whole new leaders will take any major action suits them that that price is in the euro zone and when it comes to the ruble about the closing picture for the figures when it comes there you are again against the odds in the last half hour of trading that matters through through the earlier games against the greenback but and this is how the business something looks out for now in the studio right thank you very much marina for that update and stay with us for our latest special report about a group of russian religious dissenters in a couple of minutes that's after the headlines.
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strict. their communities are isolated. they clearly distinguish between their own. and the alien. and guarding their family and thing and the treasure. just give me can i speak with you sir let me didn't explain my son died on the run don't agree you don't agree we don't have to look for other names my son isn't isn't in the arena i don't know what is crap we are going to try before you share. to share your country. with the countries and yours. the moon or in hope to help you find me. you find in so many old says war
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