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tv   [untitled]    June 25, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EDT

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ok back to the big picture i'm john harbin coming up in this half hour with thousands of americans unemployed hundreds of thousands billions the last thing our government needs to do is outsource jobs overseas that's exactly what president obama is doing so why is he tacky mitt romney doing the same thing also why and how is taxpayer money being used to teach children if the lochness monster is real and
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that the k.k.k. was a positive social movement and you know nascar race cars are covered top to bottom in corporate advertising well not too distant future that may be what your town looks like corporate advertising taking over your park school busses and even your fire hydrants i'll tell you why and it's daily take. in screwed news the presidential campaign has now turned to the issue of outsourcing american jobs president obama's team recently released this ad attacking mitt romney's record of shipping jobs to places like china and mexico take a look. i'm barack obama and i approve this message running for governor mitt romney campaign this a job creator i know how jobs are created but as a corporate raider shipped jobs to china and mexico as governor he did the same
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thing outsourcing steve jobs to india now he's making the exact same i know why jobs come and why they go to outsourcing jobs run the economics of it didn't work there and didn't work. or it didn't work then and it won't work now unfortunately many democrats in congress and president obama himself never got that memo that outsourcing jobs american jobs doesn't work instead just like there. romney the president has pushed for laws and new so-called free trade deals that also lead to the outsourcing of hundreds of thousands or millions of american jobs problem isn't the simple democratic versus republican or mitt romney versus president obama problem both parties and both are guilty for more on this is here he's a reporter with public report and communications an outreach coordinator ignited republican welcome back to the program great to be here thank you how does president obama implicating himself while going after romney's record you know i
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think it's fine for obama to criticize romney's business practices they say a lot of us character in his world view the problem is that president obama himself has endorsed policies that outsource american jobs he's for example he signed three new trade deals with panama colombia south korea that the economic policy institute estimates will cost america at least two hundred thousand jobs one of these three countries a major human rights abuse or colombia it's the most dangerous place in the world to be a union is because labor rights are so poor there and he also has walked back his campaign promises to renegotiate the nafta treaty and he at the same time he's also negotiating a new treaty in the pacific that may also lead to massive outsourcing so he's basically endorsed the framework of policies that promote outsourcing and he's actually probably done more than romney has at this point to prove it out sort of seems so i think what americans need to be asking themselves is how do we actually implement policy that will stop this process of outsourcing rather than just sniping between one candidate or another over it so how do we do that well i think you know go back to good old candidate obama said seventy thousand when he talked
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about going back to treaties like the north american free trade agreement and installing strong worker protections and worker rights and human rights and so on strong environmental protections and environmental rights and basically performing huge policy overview and over right. investor rights aren't the only thing that matters and fortunately for both the republicans and for the majority of democrats the powerful democrats in washington. you know so-called free trade has become a religion and that's that's what they're doing in this city you know turfs import taxes for manufactured goods provided one hundred percent of the revenue for the federal government united states from the george washington ministration to labor and lincoln administration paid for every senator every congressman every president every army all of them paid two thirds of the cost of federal government to world war one and a third of the cost of that are go into world war two and those tariffs those import taxes on foreign manufactured goods kept the prices of foreign manufactured goods high enough that all the factories stayed here in the united states for two
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hundred years then along came this debate and ross perot came along and said you know hey if you do there are going to hear this giant star and you got twenty percent of the vote. i genuinely believes that if one of these two political parties was to become the the reform party you know to adopt that platform and say ross perot was right we're going to blow up these treaties and we're going to go back to work what worked for two hundred years which by the way brazil just did you know they just put a tear they just said tariffs on imported like trying to goods box caught in china is building a two billion dollar factory right now and in brazil just like that why don't we do this you know it's interesting you say that if one of the two parties adopt this platform to be very popular you know i agree i think that among democrats republicans and independents so-called free trade isn't popular poll after poll shows that but i think there's a specific reason what they're not doing and it's really a convergence of two things one it's idiology i mean president obama's top economic adviser larry summers gave a speech among many corporate executives last summer saying that people who oppose
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out offshoring and outsourcing are luddites you know the people who used to destroy technology nearly twentieth century in religious fanatics and so on one hand you have the elites who have any ology that the other side and this is the really big factor is you have so much corporate money saying that we need to be doing this and when these free trade deals passed recently they had the support of everyone from chamber of commerce which is mostly supportive of republicans but which is probably the. largest corporate front group general electric was emotionally supportive of democrats to microsoft which supports both you know pretty much every corporation was pushing and there was only like basically union opposition and human rights workers opposition you know rick santorum was running against romney it would've been a great issue for him to use rick santorum actually voted against implementing the nafta agreement but he never used it and i think he knew that if he did all the corporate money that funds the republican party these days would dry up and he had an even bigger economic disadvantage against romney in the race so i think it was you know exactly you know citizens united the money plus the early idiology is just
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pushing these people away from what really americans want which is a fair trade policy. just privilege investor rights and all these sort of special protections against these deals versus human rights labor rights and really a fair play and a level playing field. well. thank you very much. sadly neither party can be counted on anymore to protect american jobs and outsourcing but there in lies a major political opportunity as i said the first party that adopts as their platform ending our nation's addiction to so-called free trade and bringing american manufacturing jobs back home it's going to start winning big in the polls. so sometimes you know it you know and sometimes you know you don't know and sometimes as the fires and theaters as everything you know is wrong. don't think you know what you want to hear your right. to make. sure. you know everything you know is wrong. thanks to governor bobby jindal the public
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school system in louisiana is in big trouble thanks to a new law thousands of students in the easy and it will receive state about your money for the two thousand and twelve thousand and thirteen school year to leave public school and instead attend private religious schools some of which teach an ultra radical christian curriculum and students in the easy aren't alone similar programs are running in states across the country where taxpayer money is being used to fund education filled with the most outlandish of pseudo science and misinformation so if you think that all the schools teach. me if you think that all schools teach that the walking this monster is fake and the dinosaurs came before humans then everything you know is wrong joining me now is bruce wilson co-founder editor of talk to action we contributed to alter net bruce welcome. either so how is to tell you the details of this bill in louisiana and how did this thing get through the legislature. well i did this far as i haven't focused on that but as
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far as i know it just was done with. it with a lot of strong arming but bobby jindal so. what i focused on is what's in the actual curriculum in these texts which are. no no state funded in their big state funded in thirteen u.s. states now in the district of columbia so. this is. yes so what is in them what is it what what what is being taught these kids. well for one example just come out with a new story which describes how one of the science texts in one of the major textbook lines fundamentalist textbook lines from bob jones university press. first of all it teaches young earth creationism and states that humans and dinosaurs lived on the earth at the same time but the text also gone goes on to speculate that these dinosaurs which lived with humans may have breathed fire they
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may have been fire breathing dinosaurs essentially dragons so. this is not science it's medieval still after system it has nothing to do with science and. now they're actually this text has been barred from being used as credit for high school prep courses by the university of california. a university and university system so essentially what jindal is new program is doing is it well it will be among a fleet of things that we don't be funding. schools that teach a curriculum which is not accepted by the university of california so that and then presumably other colleges around the world i would think it would be would be rightly horrified by this journey why do i have this right that part of this curriculum teaches that the k.k.k. was a positive social movement. well i characterize it
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a little bit differently that there's this is from a bob jones university press current history textbook it's not the latest edition but it's still sold by bob jones university press and it's still used probably by the majority i would guess of christian schools that use a sort of fundamentalist textbook but what they say is that. the k.k.k. was primarily violent in the north so the historical reality and they say they suggest that in other areas of the country presumably the south the k.k.k. achieved a certain respectability as it worked with local politicians and i know that the text does not use the word lynching once i haven't found it so eagerly emits. the entire history glosses over the entire history of the k.k.k. as we used to be america's premier terrorist organization i understand that there was a point when this was being. implemented or
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a muslim school came forward and said we'd like accreditation we'd like to get these school vouchers they were granted all the republicans freaked out at that point the muslim school backed out because they were afraid of apparently you know being firebombed or something is that the case sir and i can only imagine the pressure that that school was under will never hear even a fraction of it but that indicates that the basic problem with what is going on here which is that. these curriculum basically it teach that. one specific sectarian if you point there in protestant fundamentalist christianity is right and everyone else is from one end to the extent that these curriculum call the mormon church of cults and they suggest that the catholic church catholicism is a false religion so. this is going to this will be a very inflammatory bruce we're out of time but thank you so much for being with us
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today good thanks very much for having me on now everything you know about the schools your tax dollars are paying for is right. coming up imagine driving through a town that's been bought out by corporate advertising you'd see fire hydrants and school buses plastered in ads and police cars buried in our nascar patches all things stay the way they are this want to be a fantasy it will be reality i'll explain in tonight's daily to.
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is he.
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our first comments i comes from bella post on our tom hartman facebook page about a startling find she made in a children's book something you might find upsetting like i did in a children's book called the livia goes to venice as a page with her at the airport getting search for weapons it says as they went through the airport olivia was searched for weapons she was very pleased they showed two big security guards checking her with the scanners yeah this is one of the one of the big concerns frankly i think in one of the things that was lost in the whole hysteria of the nine eleven hysterical response that we got from these frightened little men in the bush cheney administration was that we all have to
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submit to authority super super intensely. and i think frankly we've gone over the top you know we chum the shark with with airport security and the consequence of that is that we're raising a generation of kids who think that you know if is if an authority figure says you know jump you should say how high and we've seen that play out historically a few times where it didn't turn out so well the next comment of the night comes from t.v. camera man in british columbia canada who posts in the thom hartmann dot com message boards get this taken respect for president of the united states hello from british columbia canada been listening to the show on our t.v. for the past while but tonight one thousand june you mention something i really had to comment on you to mention about a talk show host using the monkey phrase to refer to president obama and his way out of line many other announcers of lost jobs for racial slurs why not this person is no respect for remaining in the office of the president of the united states whether you agree or disagree with the president is most inappropriate to refer to
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him in that way if the office is based on looks you proud of that right in the for president the same as running for miss america bathing suit evening wear and skill testing questions and everyone can text their vote as well that's my rant for the night thanks for the place to write it. great rant and i wouldn't surprise me at all i haven't seen in the trade publications anything about this but the woman who made those comments frankly i'll be very very surprised if she has any kind of future job in radio so you know it's these things sometimes self correct the final comment of the night comes from douglas who had this take on democracy in america there is no longer democracy in america the constitution no longer matters we are a fascist country bought and paid for by the one percent you're naive if you believe your vote matters ok real simple question that i would present to my to my viewer and to all of you what was it that f.d.r. had in lyndon johnson had that allowed them respectively to create the new deal of
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the great society massive programs that literally you know cut poverty hugely and had tremendous positive impact in the united states and that l.b.j. had that allowed you know the civil civil rights what they had. and you know i'm not even sure that they wanted to but what they had was social movements they had people pushing them f.d.r. had the bonus army camped outside the white house occupying it l.b.j. had martin luther king and the whole the whole civil rights movement that's what we need now. just. needs the good the bad and the very very very corti asli ugly the good will robinson brought isn't the president the american bar association or a large republican donors attacking senator mitch mcconnell's plan to back every
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appeals court excuse me to block every appeals court nominee for the rest of president obama's term in a letter to mcconnell and senate majority leader harry reid robinson argues that the majority of nominees and the floor have received strong support from the senate judiciary committee and have support from both sides of the aisle and the endorsement of top conservative legal scholars for the growing number of open spots on the federal bench america is facing a judicial crisis and rather than stop the crisis mitch mcconnell has turned it into a game at the politics of hope mr robinson can convince senator mcconnell to stop playing games and focus on what really matters the bad but the vatican how do you try to rebranding the image after a decade of controversy well if you're the vatican and pope benedict the sixteenth hire someone from fox so-called news to do p.r. the vatican has hired greg burke fox's rome correspondent help create a better communications policy and improve the church's image around the world in
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a statement about the higher in the vatican said it is trying to quote cope with years of communications blunders and one of its most serious scandals in decades and quote i don't know who vetted burke and i'm not sure of hiring someone who worked for a massage mystic homophobic and racially charged his network is really the best way to prove the vatican's p.r. . and the very very ugly congressman tom latham latham was on a radio show in iowa over the weekend when the host started talking about a group of catholic nuns that were traveling around the country protesting the budget cuts and paul ryan's republican budget which they say goes against the values of ryan's catholicism i was then gave his take on the nun state a listen. to this. towards washington. guys out of can't it's. just. it's just such.
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a. smear that right the host of the show so that someone should pull the nuns on the bus over and pistol whipped the and despite such an outrageous statement congressman latham just laughed it off and didn't say a word verily god is in latham thinks it's ok to rep to encourage both violence against women and gun violence and that is very very of the. books movies and t.v. shows have all often tried to paint a picture of what our future might look like some like george orwell's iconic book one thousand nine hundred four envision a dystopian big brother government ruling over all of us others like the hunger games in mission a future very much like feudal times where the nation is run by
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a small and very very wealthy elite who plucked children from the bast working class poor to do to the death of a televised contest and then of course there are those futurists like jefferson to tocqueville lincoln and f.d.r. who imagine a nation of the people by the people for the people. whether the future belongs to big brother or the super rich or we the people remains to be seen we're already catching a glimpse of the dystopia can frankly absurd future america and which corporations run or own virtually everything we see and do virtually every single day all around the nation it's a future where all our commons the stuff loaned by we the people or school buses or fire trucks or police cars or public libraries parks road signs subways or all of them have been hijacked by corporations and admin and not too distant future and already in some places around america corporate advertising runs everything take
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for example this fire hydrant in indiana which now belongs to kentucky fried chicken apparently is manhole cover now belongs to contrary to colonel sanders the new york times explain what's going on here with a recent article about how broke cities afraid to raise taxes on their rich or corporate residents are instead selling naming rights to those same corporations that are afraid to axe. the article looks at the cash strapped city of baltimore which just passed a resolution clearing the way for corporations to begin advertising on fire trucks so now and firefighters come to save your house or me and burn down the fire truck could be brought to year by the bank of america who at the very same time may very well be trying to foreclose on the very same house as the times writes baltimore is joining dozens of other financially struggling city's transit systems and school districts around the country that are trying to weather the economic downturn by
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selling advertisements naming rights and sponsorships to raise money predictably after thirty years of reaganomics and starve the beast of government tax policy corporations which use are commons more heavily than do ordinary citizens and used to pay more than twenty seven percent of federal revenue for the use of those commons from our courts to having an educated workforce to the police and fire protection are no longer pay and that today after thirty years or reaganomics those corporations pay less than nine percent and it's become politically impossible to raise taxes anymore to close the budget gaps so all these lawmakers are bowing down to grover norquist so instead lawmakers have to raise revenue by selling off what's left of our corporate commons to corporate advertisers for example in philadelphia the metro station formerly known as addison station is now called a t. and t. station their fair cards have mcdonald's advertising in several states have now passed laws to allow corporate advertisers to buy space on school buses like the
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school bus which doubles as a vehicle to take students to class animal being billboard to entice them to eat at little caesars pizza. or this school bus advertising for a local car dealer since after all kids who ride a bus to school bus need their own car right over there will in syracuse new york police rescue helicopters or get in the corporate advertising treatment to john bolani a chief in the local sheriff's office said about the move so people are a little put off by the idea that we're getting corporate sponsorships for what used to be a government duty. think the question is where will this and how long until our police cars are advertising for home security companies so that discredit distressed burglary victims can now be sold on a new home alarm system when the cops show up how long until our money is stamped with corporate average and goldman sachs can prince logo on a twenty dollar bill for the slogan this is invest here that's right the private to
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federal reserve bank is already on our money and how long until our public parks are littered with billboards for natural gas fracking companies convincing tourists a park would be just beautiful with fracking wells all over it how long until speed limit signs are advertising the newest ford or chevy sports car flaunting how it can reach the speed a lot less than six seconds how long until penn station in new york or union station here in washington d.c. get renamed after corporate sponsors and become exxon mobil station and blue blue cross blue shield station is this the sort of future we want where everything that used to belong to us to we the people now belongs to a corporate sponsor or we can't leave our house or send our kids to school or. you know get ride in an ambulance god forbid or call the fire department without being bombarded with by corporations telling us what insurance policy we should buy
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what pizza we should order or whether or not we should get our fried chicken extra crispy or original recipe. this of course is the world vision by iran and in all our brave new world bodies like alan greenspan and paul ryan but frankly to paraphrase antonin scalia today if the founders had heard such a proposal it would have run for the exits that's the big picture for tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our web sites at thom hartmann dot com free speech dot org and r t dot com also check out our two you tube channels there are links at tom hartman dot com also tom hartman i concho all the different ways you can send us your feedback and don't forget democracy is not a spectator sport it requires your participation it begins when you get out there and show up tag your it occupies the seat of.
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wealthy british style.
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