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tv   [untitled]    June 26, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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from stupid. stunts on t.v. don't come. nato condemned syria for shooting down a turkish jet but stop short of naming it an attack against its member. but amir putin on the final leg of his middle east tour in jordan after urging restraint between israel and the palestinians as he met separately with their leaders elites and the debt domino rolls across the euro zone with cyprus becoming the fifth state to admit it needs bailing out while spain awaits its own hundred billion euro lifeline. seven pm in moscow. good to have you with us here on r t our top story nato
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condemns the downing of a turkish fighter jet by syria but fell short of calling it an attack against the alliance that's something that a member of the bloc had wanted to push for an emergency meeting in brussels saying damascus committed an act of aggression are reports. well it was a very short statement at the end of this closed door meeting essentially nato said that to syria's downing of the turkish jets is unacceptable and the need to condemn said in the strongest possible terms and also that it stands by turkey in a show of solidarity when asked to elaborate on what specific actions could follow after this most and simply did not want to give any details and he says that he hopes and things that it just will not happen again emergency meeting was called by turkey under article four of the treaty of nato which states that should any of the members feel threatened it can call a consultation and it has to be said that any action under article four should be
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a consensus and therefore any one of the members could stop any joint action that you know the government for instance has explicitly said that military and intervention is out of the question for their government and this is very much a different article five turkey had wanted they wanted nato to actually invoke article five which is harsher and stronger which states that an attack on one member is an attack on the whole block and therefore military action is inevitable in that case and it's only been invoked once and that is after the september eleventh attacks clearly turkey wanting stronger action here but that's not what they have gotten now in terms of what actually happened between syria and turkey both sides maintaining that they are right in their assessment syria saying it acted in self-defense that be a jet had crossed over into a syrian air space and therefore it had every right to shoot down the plane that it saw as a threat to all turkey on the other hand said that it was simply a mistake it was testing its own domestic missile defense as far as the
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international community for now was concerned they've stopped short of saying that there should be any military action before sure there are some voices calling for stronger actions against assad in the syrian regime but the priority for now made to even said that the priority is to defuse the tension first and foremost. turkey meanwhile doesn't seem ready to let things cool down it warned that any syrian military unit approaching its territory will be regarded as a threat and a target despite our korea's claims the downed jet was just on a training mission something that could have been spying on damascus it happened one day and only after the game is the fictional on syrian pilots it could be just saying it was luck and this time it was actually aircraft artillery that shut it down with a maximum range of five kilometers on lead so what was the i'm doing if i'm going to get away from. some of our lands our territorial water i don't think the nato or
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to have any legal. situation for putting any more pressure on syria it's something else that the jet was doing you know perhaps the recording or trying to spy on the syrian army's movement in that area because there you go out there you will be this close to the syrian border there is actually no sense of attack or some kind of detonations one. inside syria clashes between government troops and a rebel forces has reportedly broken out just outside damascus our news team in the city says heavy gunfire and explosions could be heard in the distance this is the assad government has seen a rise in terror in the series of attacks in recent weeks violence is escalating across the country with the un's observer mission failing to make a difference a special talks hosted by un envoy kofi annan will be held saturday in geneva and russia's foreign minister said to attend meanwhile in an interview to r t a top syrian diplomats says continuing on arrest leaves his government with no choice but
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to buy arms. as a nation currently under attack syria has the right to. use to protect its sovereignty. so the countries that have been supplying the terrorists with weapons is a proven fact and we have time and again you know it's states. and some of the confirmations have been providing the militants with not one of which in turn contributes to. syria troops every day to terrorist attacks and we knew civilians who were killed by militants for no reason simply because an insurgency. that's a number of people in a specific area or. intimidate should produce. this story this is presented as and. when it is it is really submission business owners afraid of their property getting downed if they disappear i.
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will bring you more from syria's deputy foreign minister in just over an hour here on our t.v. . moscow is escalating its middle east mediation efforts as president vladimir putin has arrived on the final leg of his tour in jordan earlier he called on all factions in the israeli palestinian conflict not to take unilateral action and to restart peace talks as he separately met prime minister benjamin netanyahu and president mahmoud abbas are his policy or has been. putin has arrived in the jordanian capital of amman where he is meeting with the jordanian king abdullah the two are discussing the story israeli palestinian negotiations at the same time issues of regional importance that include iran syria and possibly even egypt earlier he was in the palestinian city of bethlehem where he met with the palestinian president mahmoud abbas topping their agenda was the issue of the israeli palestinian negotiations that have seen no breakthrough for more than three years following that meeting and said that the talks had been frank they'd been
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productive he said that russia and palestine held very similar positions when it came to regional and international concerns he also said that the talks were supportive of the palestinian position which is mainly that of a two state solution and that russia supported this position which it saw as being very responsible he wound down any kind of human lateral action by either side saying that it was counterproductive he said that they had discussed various ways of overcoming the crisis in the palestinian authority at the same time he said that both israelis and palestinians need to show restraint and on a prior commitments now last night monday the russian president met with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu asked him to pass on a message to president abbas that israel was willing to sit down and talk but a bus has responded in saying that they can be no negotiations for as long as israel continues its expansionist policies in the area it's unlikely we'll see
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a breakthrough anytime soon but certainly what this visit by the russian president does drum home is the central role that russia can and does play in solving these regional issues russia has supported and seen by many as a neutral mediator it is worth noting that also on the agenda are the issues of iran to this end the russian president urged the israeli leadership not to conduct any kind of strike he said that sanctions. counterproductive and he said that they needed to be a diplomatic solution the russian president also met with his israeli counterpart last night shimon peres at that meeting he said that is weighty russian relationships are important even minded president who said that musta had supported the establishment of the two state back in one nine hundred forty eight at the same time he said that peace in israel was in russia's interest it was in the region's interest and so it was in international community's interest still to come here on r t seoul hoping to bolster its forces along its disputed border in the yellow sea
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a few minutes we'll look at why south korea is butting to build a new naval base on the islands also playing by the north. and for a whistleblower to talk show or it's time for the next installment of julian assange and his interview show on our t.v. watching question activist intellectuals noam chomsky and terry goalie on the revolution a phenomenon that's taken the world by storm. but first the u.k.'s top spy warns of a new terror threat could be brewing the head of m i five said uprisings in the middle east have created a new militant training camps up to two hundred extremists from the u.k. thought to have joined forces with heavily armed terror groups in yemen somalia libya syria and alf ghana stan i'm now joined by dr franklin lamb a middle east peace for perspective on this so western countries supported what they called a move toward democracy in arab countries but now according to britain's top spy some of these states could be turning to terrorist training grounds is that exactly
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what london and as allies were bargaining for. well taking the case of libya where it was a rush to enter and to topple the regime i think that was a classic mistake i spent four months there got to know a number of the different factions and it was clear that al-qaeda was there in some cases they were training the same militia of the british were training and the americans or the french were training so when there is an opportunity al qaeda is going to be there and they took it and now they're joining they're increasing their ranks two months three months ago congressional hearing a cia analyst told the congress that there were three hundred maximum al-qaeda in syria now they are surveyed there's thirty one hundred they're coming in from jordan they're coming in from the gulf council cooperation council. countries are
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coming in from lebanon in turkey so because nato got this thing going in libya there was this opportunity and there was no will respond to an opportunity and that's what we're seeing now but there may be a little panic by the intelligence in u.k. about never coming in attacking the olympics who knows what evidence they have of that but there's no question even here in libya al-qaeda is growing and is active and they're and they're well trained what do you think of pushes people inside western countries to become radicalized and join the militant movement there have been a few high profile people who could fit that category recently. well i think there's a lot more we don't know about who haven't made it public. you mentioned earlier the terrorist training camps well of course that's one point of view are they terrorists or are they liberators and you know they have a strong program
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a strong idiology but my point is why they even exist is either you know to for dignity and to overthrow some dictators but when you've got an operation like nato slaughtering civilians in pakistan afghanistan and iraq of course it's going to activate them and give them the opportunity as you know al qaeda has urged its leadership has surged. people to go to syria and get training and go to southern turkey and also in libya libya has become a major training center and i saw that is a fact and i with victims with some of the rebel militia against gadhafi they used to say one al qaeda fighter is worth ten of us we admit that and there were six some special forces there very well disciplined rather than lecture people they go out there on the show them how to how to do something and they're very effective so
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i think their threat is real their numbers are growing their competence is well known and i do think there's a problem. islam is have come to power recently in egypt in the country was one of those named by britain's security service chief as being at risk of turning into a place where al qaeda has training grounds do you think the west should be concerned with the direction that egypt is taking. well frankly no not particularly i think what we see in egypt is believe it or not a government that represents the majority of the population i think for the first time in egypt in history it was a democratic election so i respect the will of the people i spent quite a bit of time in. egypt and there are concerns about the brotherhood do they keep their word for example but. the mercy on adversity seems to be very sophisticated as the brotherhood has been playing the political game so i
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think there's going to be some consequences. of life i think or frankly going to see the end of the camp david agreement i don't think the israelis who are now complaining that they can't even read an office for their embassy are going to have much luck in the future not because just the brotherhood but because those values are greater and deeper and broader than the brotherhood they represent the egyptian people camp david was a sellout it was a private contract between the americans and the mubarak family and their associates and the israelis that doesn't reflect the view of one muslim or one arab that i know or anybody of goodwill to see who wants peace in the middle east so i think we're seeing a fundamental change but i wouldn't put it on al qaeda i think the arabs are awakening their standing up is one who is rising and we see that here in the middle east we see that in lebanon the americans are diminishing the iranians are increasing you see that all over in every aspect from who's buying real estate
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who's organizing for the next campaign who's during the training who's supplying the arms you know it's a new era the era of resistance. were entering and things are going to be different where we have to leave it there franklin lamb middle east peace activist thanks very much for your insight. but the eurozone will have to find more cash for another of its struggling members after cyprus became the fifth state to say it needs bailing out its cited heavy exposure to greece the blocks hardest hit member no official figures have yet been given analysts estimate cyprus could ask for five to ten billion euros that's only a slice of the hundred billion that spain's already asked for to shore up its beleaguered banks the promise of rescue cash though didn't save madrid's banking sector from another international downgrade ratings giant moody's slashed the scores of twenty eight of spain's lenders crisis researcher drove moves into euro zone is trapped in a vicious circle debt a bailout. what we see now is that this this crisis reached sort of
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a tipping point especially in in the case of cyprus and spain where would economists call the duma to sort of the mutual dependence of banks and states and one another has reached the point where the state is no longer capable to prop up its own banks and the banks are no longer capable to prop up the one government so basically what needs to happen is that external forces need to come in to profit off this real government so that it can continue putting out its own banks there's an ironic situation two hundred billion is not enough for the spanish banks still probably need a lot more and i think within a year will see another european bailout for the spanish banks coming along and at the same time these bank of a lot it's for the for the spanish banking system will be passed through. the spanish government directly and this means that it will add up to the sovereign debt of spain and as a result it will make it more difficult for spain to repay its debts in the long term this one hundred billion euros that's being piled on to into the spanish
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banking system right now will add up to fifteen percent. in debt for spain and this is the real thing that we should be looking at because this will this will actually make it more likely that spain needs. a bailout in the near future. but how much money the eurozone is pumping into its ailing members at r.t. dot com and while you're there check out other stories that are a click away right now that's the insect or a nano surveillance drone or a us university developing bugs wind spies that could revolutionize covert action. and the not so for russia's chief export and drug abuse holds the beatles responsible for promoting our products back in the sixty's find out more about that at archie dot com. south korea planning to build a new front line naval base near its disputed border with the north the site of clashes between the two rivals in the past the base will be located on one of five islands recognized as south korean by the un in the fifty's although pyongyang has
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always refused to accept the decision james corbet from the news information site corbett reports thinks the base is a sign of an escalating conflict in the region. well the important thing to remember about this is that it's in fact the second provocation in less than one week from from south korea against north korea in fact just on monday pyongyang was protesting the use of the north korean flag as a target during some joint military exercises that were being conducted very close to the north korean border and so this has to be seen as something of an escalation that may indicate an increase in border tensions and perhaps even military tensions between the two entities the question is why now and it has to be understood that there is something of a quiet revolution happening in north korea in terms of its relations with china china has invested over two billion dollars worth of infrastructure in the last year alone to build roads and and other things that may be part of an infrastructure whereby china will be able to start investing more and more in north
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korea and south korea may see that as a type of threat against their their one leverage over north korea which is their food aid and their monetary aid to the north and if china is investing more and more in north korea that kind of gives gives them more of an advantage in that respect so we might see some mounting military tension too to try to regain south korea's predominance over north korea. it's been a week since julian assad requested ecuador for a diplomatic asylum and took refuge in the country's embassy in london no decision on that has yet been made me while prominent americans including filmmakers michael moore and oliver stone plus renowned academic noam chomsky signed a letter supporting us on his bed chomsky is one of the guests on the whistleblower of show airing today on our team here's a preview. now moving over the middle east the deep concern in the united states and the other imperial traditional imperial powers britain france particularly concern is that now they may the middle east may get out of control
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and that syria's a much more serious than south america so i agree that's why they invaded libya and i have no doubt about it was to restart basically a crude. i agree but i think it's all over so for example if you take a look at what's happened in the arab spring of the countries that are crucial to western imperial power the oil producers they have been under a very tough and in saudi arabia kuwait the emirates the major oil producing regions it never got off the ground the intimidation of the security forces backed by the west was so enormous that people were literally afraid to go into the streets and the west mainly france and the united states and britain and egypt are following a very traditional pattern there's a playbook that you pursue you gives you a kind of a game plan when so i'm favoring dictators to lose the capacity to rule.
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show airing a little later here on our team let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe a huge blast has completely destroyed a house in a residential area in the city of oldham in northern england a child has been found dead one man suffered severe burns after the gas explosion this is a live video you're looking at from the scene one hundred locals have been evacuated on rescuers are working at the site. mass gunmen attacked the headquarters of a private arab t.v. station in beirut starting fires around the property one of the assailants was detained under arrest comes after the t.v. channel aired a fiery interview with a sunni muslim islamist who criticized the hezbollah movement the group itself condemned the incident saying it's not behind the violence. the libyan police clashing with government supporters in the city of. officers on strike over
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low pay were met by supporters of president abel morales after marching to the city's main square police used tear gas to drive back the pro-government groups the country's leaders accuse the officers of setting the stage for a coup claiming their motives are political. the ugandan government says a rescue mission has turned to recovery at the site of monday's landslides eighteen people so far confirmed dead after several villages were swept away on the slopes of the mountain the landslides buried homes and mud and up to one hundred people mostly children remain missing landslides are sadly not unusual for dozens sometimes hundreds die in similar incidents each year. time to join marina now with all the latest business news you know what's happening in the trading day. of course is us and wall street this trading and we finally have the consumer confidence there and it's declining for
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a fourth month in the row and facts at its lowest level since january and of course this isn't helping investors at all if we look at the latest figures all see that both the dow and the nasdaq losses alright let's see how deep they are as you can see the dow is seven point two four percent and that is at a just put into the latest and for that you can see behind me on the screen there it's losing again and of course we're still waiting for the home price index for the month of april that should come out later on and the day of course tell you about that but now let's take a look at europe still trading in its last hour and basically they're things you can see. moderate and that's because investors are focusing on the bad news they didn't get a surprise though from germany that consumer confidence there is increasing but f. you compare that to the fact that spanish borrowing costs. the fact that we saw the downed waste recently by moody's investor service also we had spain asking for a bailout for joining in as well becoming the euro zone country there to do that of
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course this is not helping to boost investor confidence at all and also let's stay with the eurozone because there's a story about it's me that i want to tell you about basically the government there is considering asking allowing the banks to sell bonds to the government and that basically bloomberg news agency says the measure could be approved later on tuesday and it's at least continued to rise and that's one fears that leaders will not come up with any viable solutions to the eurozone debt crisis and that's where they'd needs on a thursday. but a quick look at currencies now when it comes to the euro less than see what's happening there when it comes to the euro still in against the dollar and increasing the losses there when it comes to the ruble the closing figures for the day game against both men. currencies this tuesday and now when it comes to the russian markets a second look at the close in banks are that have been gaining you out the day and they managed to stay in pause that says are the odds he has gained over two percent and them i said just shy of one percent in the black then of course another major
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boost for the russian investors years a fact that oil prices back up once again more of that a little bit later for us there's another news story that has to do with sukhoi superjet i wanted to tell you about basically net profits for russia is a major aircraft all they have rocketed five fold in two thousand and eleven the company says the result was primarily supported by stronger maintenance services. forces mostly famous for its as the fighters but it also makes the civil super jet one hundred and staying with a company of course of the crash of russia's one hundred last month in indonesia was a boost in concerns about the future of the company forty five people died when the jet crashed onto a mountain in i'm a and of course there's as i said before the airline industry was in good news naturally and many were concerned what will happen to the demand but we spoke to said again. and here we are sure this that nothing will happen to the
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demand for the super jets. i would think that they're all playing their turned out to be pretty good but it's the most more than we can all get in the world and the world does need a lot of we can all get our current market says that it's about nineteen hundred and airplanes so that the world will lead with less than two hundred that's a good the passive good jets it's a pretty big business it's about seventy billion dollars business in russia it's yeah it's the whole market it's about one falls in the airplane it's about them billion dollars and fifteen percent of the whole airplanes needed in russia yes we can oh yeah so it's about them billion dollar market so i think from a marketing point of view point made it absolutely the right decision and to rein in the civil aviation market in this nation that we need to double the world. ok fine listen to look at oil prices us other hover in the eights of month lows yes
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others. but at the same time as a consumer is just not the brunt brenda's make unquiet ever covering that but when it comes to lights with it's still trading under that eighty dollars a barrel mark well that brings us up to date with everything we have your business us for now back to you mats all right thank you very much marina and coming your way surely we bring you the latest episode of julian assange just show here on our t.v. we're talking with two prominent thinkers and philosophers on the state of the modern world stay with us.
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they've been living this way the since the seventeenth century. their rituals are strict. their communities are isolated. they clearly distinguish between their own. and the alien. and guard their family and think treasure.
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skinny guy next big will use here let me just play my sword i don't run don't agree you don't agree with you don't want to look for them my son isn't isn't in the arena i don't know what is crap we are going to find it for you fairly. sure in your country. if the country is yours. the moon or hope to help you find it. you find in so many old says war. the son's first date.


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