tv [untitled] June 26, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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watch t.v. anyone if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. . you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom hardy welcome to the big picture.
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oh my now everyone knows about the upcoming summer olympics in london but you probably haven't heard about a sexy kind of activity that might also be appearing in london at the same time i've got to for more. guys. here on the streets of d.c. we're here talking to people today about dennis hof you may know him from the h.b.o. series cat house but now he wants to open a brothel in london just in time for the summer olympics and any idea who dennis hof is. know this guy. he's on the h.b.o. show called the cat house. he wants to open a temporary brothel in london during the olympic games do you think it will work. i don't think that would work out if you will make money absolutely i think it's
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a silly idea and i would say oldest right in the world which are the oldest profession. if he does not one someone else will whether or not it's going to reduce traffic and that's probably not going to happen i mean it's one brothel in the entire world where trafficking has been such an issue a freak when the myself but other people like to say if he doesn't somebody will think it depends on how it's done i don't support it but i think it does open the door for. money and the idea of of a brothel is is so and technical to me because it takes. advantage of a class of people because that's unfair it's wrong and one should not have to go out and pay sex pay for sex when someone has to work for that it's just humiliating it's not right if you were in london for the games would you go no no one here in d.c. during our congress is in session you think going to work out what are you telling
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me that i already have some way to go they might let the politicians. well it doesn't seem like people know who dennis hof is and while most people don't . we agree with legal prostitution they did seem to think they would make a lot of money for some women. so if you haven't heard of that as off let me tell you a little bit more about him he gained quite a bit of popularity as ian said from his age be a reality show called the cat house he also runs the very popular moon right moonlight bunny ranch in carson city nevada it's known by many as america's preeminent legal brothel and here he is speaking to the oxford union a few months ago about his alleged victory. bloomberg going to be here soon. they've done an amazing job with security they've done an amazing job in organizing this to make this sort of event that people want to come from all over the world you know what they forgot the sex business it is going to happen whether we like it
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or not. and while as you can imagine we were curious and want to know a whole lot more so joining me is then is half owner of the moonlight bunny ranch and also the love ranch he's accompanied tonight by cammy parker hustler center center fold who also is a sex worker at the bunny ranch thanks guys for being on the show dennis i know that you have said that this is a business venture but there's also some other elements here that you. want to implement by bringing a legal brothel to the olympics talk to me about this but i christine what i do know let's look at oxford at the beautiful dinner they threw for me. it took my phone out and i saw a google sex trafficking you three million four hundred thousand items they've got the problem i just want you to get out of control take the business out of the ears of the rebels and the sex traffickers that are bringing underage girls into the u.k. it's into the hands of professionals in the beds of candy. let me tell you how this
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works i mean what's the business model here you just bring something in for a few for a few weeks or a few months. well i want to ration there of the slow down the traffic you know we went into so little in it we met with richard raymond who owns all the property down there we've eyeballed wood so we just need to get a permit and then you bring girls in that are test that they make sure that they have proper identification that they're of age there because they want to be rather than the illegal sex trafficking business. cammie what do you think about this idea i mean is this something that you would go to to london if this is approved i laughed so i think it definitely you know a lot of and any you know winning out of the plane landing with deal it's a lot to protect i mean not just the testimonies but the girls as well and you know everybody involved i think it's a great idea that was let me ask you what was your reaction after you gave this speech i mean do they seem receptive do they seem like they want to make this
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happen what he was doing was receptive we're trying to get a response from boris johnson the the mayor's office i did debate a woman member of parliament on the evening news and her response was sex is for love this is you know and you believe in the in the tooth fairy and santa clause to go just six straight is not going away it's never going away you can't control that the demand that you can't control the supply and how the business is done well i mean i think this is certainly important that you bring attention to this there is sex trafficking in this country there are sex trafficking all around europe but why then is are you the man for the job why are you the person that's going to come and clean this up. well i'm the only one that has the verb to stand up and so london of the you got a thousand years that there is social problem if you don't know how to do it it eighteen eighty eight jack the ripper was killing prostitutes all over the white chapel district if the brothel was there of blood or urine it's then they wouldn't
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have that problem i could fix the problem or at least slow it down and now for people who don't know right now in the u.k. prostitution is legal however operating a brothel pimping and also street walking are all illegal i guess i'm wondering why you think london would change its laws simply because it's hosting the olympics i mean and i wonder what would happen after the games were over but you get you get nine hundred thousand people come there they're going to watch it on the adult entertainment it is legal there and that's part of the problem is nobody is checking to make sure that these girls are always there just out there working wherever they want whatever they want if it's a brothel then they have to get a business license you have to resent positive identification they have to present a health check to make sure that they're not spreading diseases that's where the controls come you i'm used to doing that in nevada you know that has got the answer the bunny ranch is the way to do it can you let me ask you really quick i mean as
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somebody who takes part in this industry what do you think are some of the biggest misconceptions about what it is that you do well i think if people in fact knowing how they're around i get about a whole lot of things that need people think that i don't have any other place but to be here people think that i'm trapped we're all at present or a hero and that it's doing anything right you have like being well when you get here we have a lot of. clean safe and. all right just last question for you dennis i know that you've pointed to some statistics that you found about sex trafficking during the olympics in vancouver back in two thousand and ten a lot of people challenging what you found saying it's all exaggerated. just make your case one last time as to why you think the london olympics are going to see a lot of sex trafficking whether you're allowed in or not can be used to media we were at it so we saw what was going on it's a known fact that the albanians the north africans and the southeast asians
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a really young girls into the u.k. you've got photographs of them in the parks organizing their crimes and it's going to happen it's not going away and i was new to be the one that's a curable and show them how to fix this problem all right always good to talk to you dennis hof owner of the moonlight bunny ranch and the love ranch also with him tonight cammy parker thanks guys so much for a break in this all down for us thank you very much. all right it's time now to take our last break of the evening when we come back a lot about the pentagon's latest budget shenanigans and why it wins tonight's all time award again then mamma does happy hour for you featuring reasons and you run down though and i want to show producer and. a lot of american power continue. going on our show. might actually be time revolution. and it turns out that
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you were very good. in radio. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else to some other part of it and realize that everything is ok. i'm charging the big picture. every. book in the alona so they'll get a real headline with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters
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all right it's time for tonight's told i'm a warden we're giving it to a government department that couldn't waste cass like none other than defense department we all know the government loves to lavish it with money you know to make our country in the world more safe while also keeping the military industrial complex alive because of this is no surprise that they have been. a bit of a spending problem and today sadly we have more examples of that first starters let's talk about uniforms the current army combat uniform has been worn by service members since two thousand and four and was designed by military minds up in natick massachusetts. the natick soldier system centers the only active duty u.s. army installation in new england and it's responsible for all the equipment that soldiers where carry sleep and use on a daily basis. all right well since two thousand and four the uniforms have had a digital cam the design that's supposed to make white noise the pattern is
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supposed to make the caliph even more effective even the usual ceremonial details like the flag album were given a khaki tent to hide old glory from enemies across the battlefield but it turns out this five billion dollar uniform make over and about being a major snafu rather than helping them stay disguised soldiers claim the uniforms have made them stand out more one army specialist who served two tours in iraq so the only time he's seen the design work well was in a gravel pit he went on to say quote as a calvary scout it is my job to stay hidden wearing a uniform that stands out this badly makes it hard to do our job effectively so how did this design end up on soldiers and their gear apparently it comes down to politics the design was picked by the program executive office older long before the testing of the digital design was ever complete as a five billion dollars fail and yet that's not the biggest recent example of wasteful defense spending a recent g.a.o. report shows the d.o.d.
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has been working on computer upgrades over the past few decades but about nine of those upgrades are decades behind schedule about thirty years or so and those delays have caused the pentagon to go seven billion dollars over budget and thanks to inadequate planning missed schedules and lots of supervision some of the programs were scrapped altogether when the software updates became obsolete and so bad that the g.a.o. has listed the business systems modernization program as high risk since one thousand nine hundred five and yet seventeen years later it's still plugging along so this week along reports of uncovered thirteen billion dollars in pentagon waste and we still hear the war hawks fear mongering over impending cuts doing their best chicken little impression. in modern warfare if you're not in dancing improving your technology become very much at risk so if we cut a trillion dollars out over the next decade our modernization programs come to a halt and you're talking about personnel cuts of gigantic proportion so you can't
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project force as the navy will have fewer ships than we've had one hundred years will be given one hundred fifty to two hundred thousand pink slips to active men and women in the military today and according to the secretary defense will cost one point five million jobs across the country we can't yet say precisely how bad the damage would be but it is clear that secrets ration would risk hollowing out our force and reducing its military options available to the nation we would go from being unquestionably powerful everywhere to being less visible globally clearly it would. that kind of secret cut across the board would have a serious impact not only on men and women in uniform but on the personnel and the contractors who serve the defense establishment. so they say we won't be number one when it comes to defense and we will be ready in
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a fit if an attack comes at the number of people laid off will hurt our country the d.o.d. is fighting tooth and nail to avoid those one point two trillion dollar trigger cuts as long as possible according to a bloomberg report from today they've even managed to talk with the g.o.p. and democrats into possibly delaying those cars from january twenty third teen until march of twenty thirteen yet the two examples from this week alone illustrate all the pentagon has a serious waste problem if they can't manage the billions of dollars already allotted for them they shouldn't be allowed to keep let's expand their budget so for wasting billions upon billions in taxpayer dollars the pentagon wants once again wins tonight's top time award. all right it is time now for happy hour and joining me for having our tonight and i
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want to show producer sam knight and anthony ran does a director of economic research for the reason foundation may in the fellas and i i like it you know it was i knew i'd get the pink drinks i like it even more we want nothing less but you have very comfortable with their soul and i know they're pretty good and if you try to it's going to build difficult to shift from how intense that last segment was i know i know we can we can lay on it was going to anderson around the table is that this will take d.n.a. and let's talk about evolution we know that despite quite a bit of evidence supporting charles darwin's theory on evolution that a whole lot of people they don't like it and the reason they don't like it is because it often goes against what they read in the bible well this is interesting some christian schools in louisiana are have decided a new approach to deal with this these questions of christian schools are having their religious teachers teach the pupils about wait for it the locker. this monster if the lochness monster exist after all that must mean evolution isn't true
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take a look. at the step brother mitt stood in one thousand nine hundred thirty four and a group of men with a toy submarine with the head and neck of a dinosaur set it on the water and photographed. then they convinced a reputable surgeon dr robert wilson who happens to love practical jokes to submit a photo with local state. all right so that was the history channel documentary oh no that was liberal propaganda and i'm sure this is where you are going to you know hey use the history channel which is not necessarily known for to disclaim to discredit christian fundamentalists i'm sure they can find ways around that so you think that the lochness monster perhaps i mean that the other thing that we didn't mention here is a lot of these kids attending these private schools and we have in louisiana are actually getting public vouchers to do so but go on i mean make your case i mean and mean that was my answer no no i don't think we're trying to do that i just
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think we're trying to say that if you're trying to prove that the loch ness monster doesn't exist you might want to avoid the history channel because as you know senator charles grassley brings up time and time again history channel the kind of avoid history a lot of times i think this is kind of missing the point of the christian fundamentalists the stretching too far it be much easier to prove evolution if you just point to like charles barkley or kim kardashian is the missing link i mean trying to go all the way to lock in like a sponsor that we can find other ways to to to disprove i think you're saying they they could they could just say you think survival of the fit is really. i think i mean one thing to point out here though is that this is this is going to happen with education anywhere how when was the we just heard the story of the teacher saying that you can't you're going to go to jail if you are to obama to you know to a student we just happen to get that on camera how many you know crazy things are taught in schools all across america this is not necessarily sort. a unique and it's an incident by any means that isn't true is becoming more polarized it's even though i think easy and there's always that i think there's always
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a but i think there's always been crazy things that have been taught in school i mean clearly earth flat believers here it's nice that you have some people telling us that it was the minority telling the majority they were really the crazy people i think this is been a problem throughout all of history i mean it's a pretty says systemic problem especially with the christian fundamentalists i mean going back to the scopes monkey trial in the twenty's and right you know this sort of thing happens all the time it's let's move on real quick to the economy we like to talk about that it's interesting there's a new gallup poll out this shows that within the terrible economy most people actually think that their own local economies their cities and towns that they live in their states and the schools in their districts are fine or are at least ok that the problem is always out there that the problem is in the national economy i think we have a chart to show this. there was a gallup poll done you see the high part of those why the people are saying it when this is democrats republicans and independents who say you know in my own backyard
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things are good the problem gets worse when you go nationwide when you go to europe when you go to the world what do you think about that so they didn't pull people in detroit obviously is my first or last vegas. places in california ohio right now it's this is actually not completely unsurprising i think at least for americans generally tend to be optimistic people i think this is kind of actually when there's been some surveys show that americans generally typically optimistic people and we tend to look at things that we can't control and say that's kind of what's out of control i mean the reality is that the u.s. economy is terrible so they're not wrong when you were. there were almost in a recession were you know sort of like bumping along. if you go to local economies people may perceive things as not terrible i would i would question some of whether or not the data is like looking at a lot of inner cities where. where this is what i was going to that's i just thought of if you can if you're at home to answer the phone to take this survey
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that probably means that you have a phone a home and a phone like the method all of the methodology may be off but i do think that you may go back to just a measure of optimism you may and you may actually just have a different metric for what terrible is like your local city versus the country. well what's interesting about this as well is. two thousand and eleven there was a gallup poll where people were sort of asked how they felt about the federal government versus their local government and people had a lot more confidence in their local and state government than they did in the executive especially the legislative branch hey you know i like the line of thinking that people are overall positive i think i'm overall positive so that's a good thing ok so we've covered education we've covered the economy let's go to sports now are the light top. let's talk about anthony davis he is the likely number one overall draft pick for the twenty twelve n.b.a. draft i think that's being held this week if i'm not mistaken readers and a couple days from now i have a lot of friends who like parties and all that for it and i will not be attending
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any anyway anyway he's filed a trademark anthony davis. related to his physical feature that has been getting the most attention i'm talking of course about his unit take a look. davis is trademarked his famous according to see if you see the presumptive topic lay claim to the phrases fears of brow and raise the brows earlier this month i don't want anyone to try to grow your brow because of me and then try to make money off of it. my favorite part is that she calls it a uni brow. when you guys think about why we anyone i mean clearly you know as a you know soon to be world famous athlete he doesn't have to worry about attracting women by his looks so i mean personally if i let this force go. you know i would get the davis love going to thing was the worst thing to happen to the unsuitably tournament and quite possibly could be the worst thing to happen to the n.b.a.
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it's just it's awful it's absolutely the reason why my mother when i was younger you know forced me to make sure that this didn't go together and it's because she wanted me to be presentable for people to look up to me i don't think there are people that are going to go and you know browse you try to make money off it i don't think you necessarily need to trademark this is probably sort of a you know an overreach a little bit i don't know i mean i really like the idea of players branding themselves i know as a baseball player we have a player on the padres where i'm from while the joiner he was bald and people started getting i don't have the trademark to be involved but people wore balls mascara balls caps to the games it was a sign of solidarity you know stay with your players and let's have some team unity so maybe i mean it will be very interesting to hear what people in the stands and the people of new orleans who are probably going to draft him are all just going to go out there you know bros for mardi gras so that's what we're going to see happen i think that sounds terrible that's completely against the spirit of martin davis is anything like the last number one pick from kentucky he should worry about being becoming too famous you know prove me wrong john wall prove me wrong but please we
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need to tell you in washington please get back to rethinking and if you i was thinking maybe people would get like stick on ones but if you think the fellows are going to like grow them out of this do you want this this is a very you've convinced me. all right let's go to social media now and talk about facebook facebook is being very shady once again they recently been changing facebook users default e-mail address to. at facebook dot com so if you have a g. mail or. hotmail instead of that showing up at his at facebook dot com what do you think about this well i didn't even know about this until you know i sort of checked to see what stories we're going to do tonight on happy hour and i was i was pretty shocked i was pretty outraged i mean really so now we're outraged that facebook is creating more privacy for us because isn't that the only opposite you know you go to try to find someone because i was actually trying to find a friend's e-mail address that i didn't have on my phone and i couldn't get to my
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home computer to actually look it up so i went to face which time pulled up all of a sudden i saw there was a facebook this is this weekend i think it was right after the switch and like that's where i when i looked at mine and it changed but at the very least it wasn't a change to you know revealed more like more information at least to the nation it was an e-mail address of the real in love dresses out there no that's true but i mean you know i for one i put my actual e-mail on display on facebook and i keep my privacy settings so that you know certain people yeah exactly not random people can just sort of you know creep on me or whatever and i sense a lot of them are after us but on the show you know so i call you stories that would shock you let's move on because we're almost out of time we got to talk about somebody that. i was sarah palin and since we were just talking about facebook she put something up on her facebook page we're expecting of course the health care ruling on thursday so she wanted to remind everybody of what she said about health care back when it was
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a big issue what she said about the death panels and let me put it up she said the america i know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with down syndrome will have to stand in front of obama's quote death panel so his bureaucrats can decide based on a subjective judgment of their level of productivity in society whether they are worthy of health care such a system is downright evil now last time i checked when this was all going on her death penalties were pretty much disproven time and time again but when you guys think i mean i obviously you know. supreme court is how whether or not the individual mandate and other issues are constitutional i don't think there's any there's any talk about that five seconds anywhere i think there's absolutely death panels or we should all be terrified already going to want to know this anthony rand as well and sam knight always good to have both of you guys on the show that's going to do it though for us thanks so much for tuning in thanks to come back tomorrow michaela's will be on the show to talk about why veterans were forced to attend anti union meetings on bases in the meantime don't forget to like the alone
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