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tv   [untitled]    June 27, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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an attack on a pro regime news channel in syria kills the president declares on national t.v. the country is in the state of war. london two thousand and twelve is actually starting to look like a security event. not a sporting event. the games organizers are on the floor battleships and rockets while it seems the olympic park is still easily open to attack. and support for joining the keeps flooding in ecuador and embassies in britain and the us are bombarded with ten thousand messages asking them to be top whistleblower assign them.
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online on screen international news and come and live from new center here in moscow with you twenty four hours a day if you're just joining us a very warm welcome gunmen have attacked one of syria's pro-government news stations killing at least seven people and kidnapping several others to president bashar assad addressed his cabinet on national t.v. saying the country was in a state of war. is at the scene. what you can see behind me is what's left from the main building of the syrian state run television syrian news body years after what government says was a terror attack according to the syrian news agency sana early in the morning about four a group of terrorists broke through the main gate of the studio's headquarters two security people hostage explosive devices inside the building and destroyed killing at least seven people talking to those on the ground we've been getting a little bit different information about exactly how many people have been killed
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but it still remains unclear who these people were a son is reporting that three of them were the workers of the television while four others were security newly appointed syrian minister of information has also visited the scene and he has said that this what happened is an attempt by terrorists to stop the syrian media to deliver the truth to the world. is destroyed but we will keep our broadcasting to assist our message this is indeed a very symbolic attack because it is severe has been known for very poor governmental policy the stories they've been covering in the way they've been doing this all shows this channel as a regime mouthpiece and of course the attack on this channel could be considered as the attack on the regime it's also worth to mention that this incident has happened just day after president bashar assad has said that syria is now in a real state of war we've indeed been witnessing dramatic escalation of the
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conflict here on the ground this area where we are now where the studio situated is twenty five kilometers from the city center and although it's been known as anti governmental area it's also been known as quite safe and well protected area where many military people have been the fact that. these happened here in such a neighborhood just proves how dramatic things really are on the ground ortiz. initial reporting from the scene of an attack on a proved government t.v. channel in syria well an international conference of countries which have influence on events in syria for this saturday in geneva it aims to try to find a solution to the crisis there on hasn't been invited despite earlier statements from the un syria and void that it should be part of the peace process so remember research you're from the university in beirut i spoke to a little only one or two she says it undermines the credibility of the mediation efforts. and has not been invited because of the firm u.s.
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position that iran be excluded from any talks when it comes to syria the secretary of state made it very clear that basically because iran supports they should be excluded from any talks with that which is an absolutely absurd position to take because washington actually supports regime change so by that you know the country is on logic it should actually be excluded from any talks what the situation in syria is so really this is washington's heavy hand coming down again on international affairs and particularly in this region and you know as russia has stated this conference coming together really well how much impact it excludes iran and it is very unfortunate this this unfortunately kofi annan who also like you said insists that iran should be included has caved in to us will on this and has excluded iran from the upcoming event. a biased approach to the events in syria gets in the way of not just politics but also journalism as we report shortly here on r.t. an internal b.b.c.
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report cast doubt on the channel's accuracy of its coverage of the arab spring revolutions we speculate whether the broadcaster is losing its way. home grown terrorist could be flocking to al qaeda training grounds looming fangs to the arab spring the u.k.'s top spy walls of a new threat. but first the london olympics are exactly one month away but the city's security operations are already under attack while fighter jets and drones are guarding the skies and big brother is watching every move skeptics believe that that won't help those inside the olympic park because basic security there isn't up to par the recent investigates. london two thousand and twelve is almost upon us and with just one month to go it's not just the athletes who are warming up a massive security operation is also getting into gear we've got battleships on the river thames with missiles we've got pilotless drones with laser guided bombs
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missile batteries dotted around the city personnel with untold numbers of firearms or you've got to question the proportionality of this london two thousand and twelve is actually starting to look more like a security event not a sporting event. a security event with a little bit of incidental sport on the soil the olympics is the u.k.'s biggest peace time security operation and the numbers the personnel. on the ground during the games they'll be twelve and a half thousand police officers supported the occasion by needed a half thousand soldiers but insiders are saying basic security here at the olympic park is seriously lacking investigative journalist lee hazeldean is undercover with g four s. . the security firm that won the four hundred fifty million dollar contract for the games he's posing as a trainee and says role recruits vetting and training
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a substandard i was asked during the training exercises to be a would be terrorist i was given a knife a real gun and a fake i.e.d. the gun was in my bag the x. ray operator didn't see it it is a good several times he still didn't find it he got behind one did the hand and it didn't go off he hadn't turned on police says he's raised his concerns with g four s. but was told to mind his own business no one from the company was available to comment for this report meanwhile the organizing committee remains resolute about safety security is absolutely the top priority for us and we want people to come to visit london in twenty twelve to be absolutely confident they're going to be safe and secure and you'll go through security and the x. ray machine a look at anything you bring him with you and that way we can check that anybody coming into the park isn't bringing anything with them they can do anybody any damage that's not please experience of the operation and he's pessimistic about the
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safety of visitors to the olympic park i took a huge knife in there you know if one round of ammunition gets sued by one person and fifty people go through different pierces that's fifty rounds of ammunition in the olympics and that's a massacre right then and there if a terrorist or a terrorist organization is intent on getting into the olympics all they have to do at the moment is queue up with a month to go the head of m i five says his organization can't guarantee the security of the games what's that and people are asking is the point of the heavy artillery if the park itself is left wide open laura smith london. u.k.'s top spy agency also believes that homegrown terrorists trained abroad could pose a major threat to the games the head of m i five said the arab spring uprisings which nato and its allies have supported a lot of hard to move in and create new training camps defense expert tony shaffer believes nato is foreign campaigns are a cause for radicalization. i think people and anticipated wrongly that somehow
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democracy would just kind of spring forth when given a chance to do that i think people misunderstood badly the idea that you can simply give people democracy and let them take it from there on i think unless you have a real desire for a democratic process where all voices are heard the default position is really more totalitarian government and one that fails it is an opportunity when society falls apart like it didn't libya like it's doing in syria and frankly in egypt you have an opportunity for these groups who are probably the best equipped best organized to come in and take advantage of the chaos so i think the people of many people in my government misinterpreted completely the potential outcome of creating chaos where there was no clear path to a say a stable society look i'm a former member of our military. there's a record of us killing civilians in the process of going after these bad guys so
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what we're doing and i and others on the on the conservative side of said we have to be very careful of the fact that we're creating the next generation of terrorists so i think in many ways by the fact you kill civilians those civilians that become enraged by what you've done then they they gravitate to these these terrorist organizations were alluding to here and i think that's why we're seeing this we recruit vision of radicalism across the board at this point we've actually essentially kind of cut the head off the hydra we kind of defeated a lot of the leadership but now you create these smaller groups which are much harder to track so i think in many ways we are actually adding to this chaos and frankly we just don't know at this point what will become of these groups when it comes to the olympics. the ecuadoran embassies in britain and the u.s. have received ten thousand messages of support for june in a sense his bid for saddam in the not an american country while he anxiously awaits the decision a number of prominent american figures have also joined the plea urging president corrent to another whistleblower the right to live then when i'm there i spoke to robert nyman he started the petition and even personally delivered it to the
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embassy. my sense sense of other people i've talked to that ecuadorian government officials are sympathetic to their request they understand situation the same way we do understand the threat to join the songs from the united states and it's a threat that sweden once they got custody of assad would hand them over to the united states which would then prosecute him under the very controversial espionage act so i think they understand the situation the same same thing the same way we do which is protecting not only the rights of. an individual but everybody has an interest in this who wants to reform u.s. foreign policy who wants the public to have access to information about u.s. foreign policy that's what's at stake here much broader issues are at stake in the future of national security journalism so that's why we wanted to raise your voice as particularly as americans we don't know everything about what the u.s. government has done a night or might do but we know that
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a grand jury was impaneled in the united states to investigate and bring charges we know that bradley manning's attorney believes his harsh treatment in u.s. custody was an attempt to get him to. testify against julian assange for prosecution under the espionage act every reason to believe that given the u.s. campaign against if and their stated intention in the past to go after. that there's a recently they have the opportunity to try to get him and u.s. custody they will do so totally rational legitimate documented fear. by the way you can watch all the episodes of julian assange his program on this channel on our website at www dot r.t. dot com and check out some of the other stories we've lined up for you today at r.t. dot com for example when president obama sent thirty thousand extra u.s.
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forces to afghanistan in two thousand and nine it was despite a warning from his vice president find out more about that leaked memo in a new book. read for freedom brazilian inmates can cut their jail time by becoming bookworms but the choices are limited to find out more online . with more bailouts in store for the eurozone and boring costs soaring for struggling italy and spain the e.u. is gearing up for a gathering to try and solve its many mounting woes and germany is being looked at saving grace but it keeps refusing to take responsibility for the debts of others there's no talk to british your m.p. for joining me live now from brussels i think you can hear me and i owe her you know you now in the in the run up to tomorrow's summit angela merkel has once again rejected the idea of joint boring how long can berlin oppose the so-called euro
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bonds and in fact oppose everybody else you considers them to be the only way forward. yes yes again we have another european summit where everybody seems to be disagreeing before they even get into the room. speaking to german colleagues speaking to for example finnish colleagues they're still enormously uncomfortable with the idea that they are effectively guaranteeing the other countries in the euro zone's debts and there's two sides to this deal they say on one side you're asking us to guarantee your debts to these euro bonds on the other side if we're going to do that we want to have control of how you spend your money we want to have control of your national budgets and so then the the we tend to be southern european countries saying no we're not going to give up that lack of sovereignty one are going to give you control of our our own national spending huge democratic deficit that that would cause so that's the big argument to germany saying there's
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no guarantee unless you also give us control of the budgets and then say we're not going to give you control of our budget so it's all about politics and not. all about politics and more economics but how do you miss political wrangling go on for . well i think you made a really good point because underneath all of this you know what is the economic reality and the economic reality is that especially still within the eurozone we have huge issues coming up all the time with banks that are failing banks that have over lent in different countries you've seen the stories about spanish banks recently that cannot meet those. issues so part of the european institutions solution here is to say well let's have one common banking union as well instead of actually getting to grips with what's the underlying problems each those individual banks and then of course the other big economic
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problem which is the jobs and growth topic which is frequently discussed here but means so many different things to so many different people to me that means cutting red tape it means helping businesses grow it means helping people to employ people to maybe a french when that means yet more employment legislation that comes from brussels yet more public money being spent and wasted on projects that don't actually add value and growth so we're not going to grips with the fungal economic economy economy and we're not getting to grips with the banking crisis you politicians in brussels have got to get to grips temperament so you just claim that europe has one week to save the euro even the portuguese prime minister though he said well we can expect more to come out of this summit because of you you just highlighted there are so many divisive issues but this is serious now isn't i mean to do not the politicians realize that time is running out. this is very serious and it is
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very worrying that the eurozone politicians do not realize this the other thing you must remember this twenty seven countries in european union only seventeen of them in the euro if they want to. guarantee each other's debts within the euro zone to save their currency that is their choice that is not. something that they should be forcing on the other ten countries we all want to see them take action and make some decisions i completely agree but we thought outside the euro we can't push them into making these decisions any faster and it's got both sides have got to give ok as you quite rightly say there are some of those countries not actually in the euro zone itself but they clearly need the support from those who are actually holders of the euro but what about chancellor merkel saying look this is a time now where we need more europe closer integration between the states just how realistic is this really now bearing in mind what you just said. what the
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implication is she said just said if we want more europe closer integration to her that means closer control on how people spend their money and how people raise their taxes from other euro zone countries those are yours and countries and the people within this countries at the moment are not prepared to give up all that control either and interestingly just last week i'm in a fight where germany has decided they don't want to disclose the size of some of their off balance sheet debts so up she is sort of saying one thing to others and they're not they prepared to do the same thing herself. from you thanks so much for your time we really appreciate you joining us live here in r.t. vicki ford british your m.p. there in brussels thank you pleasure. a u.s. senate committee has approved a bill blacklisting russian officials it deems to be implicated in human rights abuses the senate has yet to vote on the so-called magnitsky bill named after lawyers said a human excuse who died in a russian prison three years ago he was detained in two thousand and eight on charges of helping a british investment fund carrying out attacks of asian or he's going to japan has
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the details. senate foreign relations committee has passed this so-called magnitsky law now at this point it has little to do with the actual person that the proposed legislation was named after sergei magnitsky who tragically died in a washington jail back in two thousand and nine the wording of this new punitive legislation is much broader if passed by the senate it would require the united states to deny visas and freeze the assets of russians generally accused of human rights abuses the fact of the matter is that the u.s. has already barred eleven russian officials allegedly implicated in the death of sergei magnitsky from entering the united states but the names of those people have not been disclosed russia retaliated last year by taking similar measures against eleven american officials accused of human rights violations in u.s. secret prisons in iraq afghanistan guantanamo president putin called deaths in prison a tragedy it's being investigated by russian authorities deems this kind of legislation as interference in their internal affairs
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a kind of interfere is that will most likely backfire moscow made it clear that they will be forced to adopt similar measures on the potential list of american officials involved in human rights violations around the walls can be very long including torture practices again in iraq of ghana's than guantanamo so this could trigger a series of tit for tat moves which will aggravate relations between the countries as far as the obama administration they feel working hard on russia's admission into the world trade organization on lifting the outdated jackson and bennett amendment in order to give american businesses a better access into the russian market and later this summer congress is set to vote on a legislation that will strike down this soviet era amendment to which would decades had limited u.s. trade with russia but there are attempts in congress to attach this new human rights bill to the upcoming bill on establishing permanent normal trade relations with russia that's what the act is called and frankly moscow is worried about the
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attempts to replace one punitive russian legislation with another. the b.b.c.'s acknowledges coverage of the uprisings in the middle east could have been brought to a special internal inquiry concluded that don't generally impulsion the context and accuse the b.b.c. of being slow to highlight human rights abuses by rebel factions in the libyan war and underestimating the violent nature of the syrian uprising as it began their view also stated that the channel failed to provide international reaction to the events will focus on smaller countries like other countries like saudi arabia and bahrain t.j. walker from a media training organization says the b.b.c. is losing its status as a leading pool cost if. there is a bias always in favor of the bigger story the true revolution is always going to be more exciting it's going to be a bigger story and that's what reporters want to be a part of doesn't mean it was good journalistic decision but that is that is reality when it comes to major networks the bigger problem for the b.b.c.
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is there are just so much competition it's easy to be the gold standard when you really have no competition and that was the case for so many decades around the world these days you have more and more networks you have more and more bloggers citizen journalist web sites and there's a lot of good stuff out there and every level of the professional level at the citizen journalism level so it's harder for one organization to be the dominant voice. tonight update you on some world news in brief for you this twin bombings that killed eight people injured nineteen others in iraq the first blast went off outside the house of a shiite cleric in a baghdad suburb a second explosion came minutes later as neighbors gathered at the scene judy has been a violent month in iraq with over one hundred forty people mostly sheer pilgrims dying in insurgent attacks. but u.s. commander in afghanistan is meeting with pakistan's top general today they'll focus
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on reopening key military supply lines which were closed to nato convoys in the aftermath strike by the military alliance killed twenty four pakistani soldiers no progress has been made on the issue since then head of the meeting another u.s. drone attack killed four suspected militants in the country. libyan officials have denied claims that the last prime minister to serve under gadhafi was abused in jail on sunday extradited baghdadi back to libya human rights groups say he faces a very real risk of being tortured geniuses president was against the extradition warrant that libya's new regime offered no guarantees of a fair hearing. and tens of thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes as wild fars raced through the american city of colorado springs they've been sparked by nearly a week of extreme temperatures and low humidity elsewhere in colorado another wild far has destroyed over two hundred fifty houses and killed one person parts of utah wyoming and montana were also under a red flag warning. well time to check out the latest business news and dimitris
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there with the standard and poor's had a nice surprise in store for russia has in it and that's absolutely right bill because well every day we see credit ratings from around the world especially in europe slashed or almost every day russia's long term credit rating has been capped at triple b. which are the countries pretty much used to while the short term has even been improved a two well we caught up with a cycle of skew from bank of america merrill lynch he here is his person. of course seven tragedy to other countries russia is much more protected against a potential adept try to the idea that if i do it on the markets and of course it is stable outlook is also a good development and basically just reiterate the best migrate breaking for russia is always a good thing to have any great amount of money on the global markets a housing dates in the spotlight from the united states basically had a batch cyclical the reaction had
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a batch of the past two days housing data prices have been going up for the first time in several months and now contracts on the highest levels of over two years and the dow jones nasdaq all gaining almost one percent you can see that. commodities are also seeing an approval to seeing a boost from this news light sweet up more than one dollar brant half a dollar meanwhile in europe and messes up the upcoming e.u. summit which is to come monday tomorrow and to of course be monitoring that for your business team and while european markets as you can see there they closed on a positive note with the footsie up one hundred percent dax also and that amounts with drugmakers a bank stocks in the lead on the other hand the euro has been declining versus the dollar and that's logical basically with the dollar getting a boost from signs of economic recovery on the housing market and the euro sold as investors see borrowing costs for its lead increase meanwhile the russian ruble
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lost value against both parents on the russian markets we have seen a very nice and positive day with the right yes my skating on average one and a half percent second day in a row actually my sex was moved by by news of buybacks basically take a look at that norris nickel up almost two percent at the close that's as its main shareholder william apartheid in was saying that the buy back was two of two percent of the company's stock from the market was to some. share prices lukoil is also just started its buybacks of might see some more gains in the coming days and after hours was up one percent as the russian carmaker said it signed an agreement to supply a lot of cars to peruse ecuador and of there. and that's all i have for you this hour we're back to our side to bring you one final wednesday up to bill thanks a lot to retreat could see that now more money matters for you shortly in capital
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account with lauren lister from washington that she discusses with a guess the global banking system and how it's changing in light of the financial crisis that's coming your way very shortly after i'm back with the news headlines.
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