tv [untitled] June 28, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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two large bomb blasts of shaken the syrian capital striking close to a government building it all comes a day after a deadly attack on a pro-government t.v. station. anti american sentiment in pakistan reaches new peaks as the country's involvement in the u.s. led afghan war claimed pakistani lives on an almost daily basis. by the e.u. leaders grow desperate to undo the ruinous effect of austerity on the union while member nations grow wary of german proposals of a political federation of your own. life
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in the heart of moscow this is with me rory sushi welcome to the program two blasts have ripped right through the syrian capital of damascus sending huge plumes of smoke over the city state t.v. is reporting that the explosions which it describes as terror attacks took place in the carpark of the palace of justice with details from syria. and russia. they have been to have explosions in the old town early on earlier today syrian television in has been reporting that there has been another third explosive device but it didn't go all the also saying that the explosives were in the garage behind justice policy in the old damascus where usually judges of the syrian call to park their cars we didn't get any information about casualties only about several cars been
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damaged and also we've been hearing earlier today about another attack on a police station here in damascus as well and again no reports of casualties it's worse to say course that these happened and we're hearing these just stay off to another tech happened here in damascus syrian state run television studio has been attacked. the government is saying by terrorist groups obviously what we see right now is an escalation of attacks from the armed rebels this happened just two days after president bashar assad has said that series now in the real state a war so what we see now is indeed a war and we see escalation of the conflict dramatic and violence is continuing a lot t. has managed to obtain allegedly showing the result of a brutal massacre in the syrian sea to harm on that happened in april where families claiming that their relatives were slaughtered by the rebels the victims'
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bodies show evidence of severe trauma bullet wounds and burns at the beginning of the idea we can see three children they are in tears and the older girl demands to be allowed to see her mother in hospital meanwhile just recently you and panel of investigators had admitted it is a nabl to determine who was behind the houla massacre that happened in syria in may that claimed one hundred eight lives of civilian people including many were. women and children that's after most of western countries have been very quick to blame assad government for these large shit but who is killing the hall that really remains impossible to find out. if national reporting for war meantime are modern so for globalist online magazine says that he's not surprised the un panel failed to reach a definitive conclusion on who was behind the houla massacre. i think the report is so uncertain because the evidence it had to sift through was uncertain this was not
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a cotton dried case despite misleading reports in the western press that it was i think this is a classic case were both pundits and even the spokesman of major governments need to learn to watch their language until they know for sure what the facts of a situation are and this was not done in this case people shot from the hip objectivity requires caution it requires a restraint from pointing figures rushing to assign blame that is not responsible diplomacy it leads to very dangerous thing a source between major powers it's very irresponsible behavior now turkey has deployed dozens of military vehicles to the syrian border including anti aircraft systems it's all in response to syria downing one of its warplanes last week the turkish move may bring already strained relations between ankara and damascus to a breaking point just ahead of
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a major international talk on the syrian crisis this weekend in geneva and as artie's peter all of our reports it's not the only route which is likely to overshadow the gathering. those differences really boil down to what involvement iran should have if any countries like the united states in great britain say that iran shouldn't be involved who we heard from said again today who reiterated russia's stance on this which is that iran isn't just a neighbor to syria that tehran exerts a certain amount of influence over damascus and that iran is a major player in that region sound and as in that role they should have a say and what's decided about the future of that part of the world look at that and you see the schoolkid we're not talking about stopping bloodshed in syria iran is certainly an influential player in this situation alongside other nations in the region and not inviting to run on board the geneva talks on sea. it's a mistake well there are already some experts that is saying that the expulsion of
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iran really counts they doubts over how successful least talks can be. responded to comments from western diplomats which suggested that the upcoming talks would focus on kofi annan plan for a unity government in syria that would be a government which we could contain members of the opposition as well as the current camp and its but would exclude any person deemed to undermine the credibility of the the new unity government which would be in place now these comments from the western diplomat suggested that russia was on side with. sergey lavrov saying that no decisions have been made yet and that russia wouldn't commit to anything before talks on saturday. or there are no agreed projects on syria so far i think the reports of a potential documents that have come up in the media or a negligent approach to diplomacy. also differences between the way the united states and russia view the future the future decisions of who should lead syria
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washington saying that condemning assad is a criminal and saying that he should have no further role to play in the country where is russia says knots not a decision for any other nation to make only the people of syria should decide the future of their country. ok let's get some more details on this now and across to jeremy salter joining us on the program and associate professor of international middle eastern history and politics of bill ken university in turkey thank you for joining us here on r t todays you just heard in the report turkey is moving its troops to the syrian border following the fighter jet incident what do you make of that move well i think the situation between turkey and syria over the last year has ceased on the edge of the precipice and what we've seen in the last few months and particular have been a number of incidents the one that's most striking one was when. they were shot across the border into turkey by soldiers pursuing our men and several people
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killed in tech now we have the plane incident now these things are inevitable given the situation between the two countries and so one has to see what happened with this shooting down the plane is a very significant. in the tension between syria and turkey and to respond to that. and troops up to the border to see in that syria's genocide of the other side so quite clearly a sense of nature doesn't at this stage want to intervene in syria because of the dangers and what is trying to do is to bring down the syrian government but fighting a war of attrition from within another instant could just upset because. you call this a basically a point of inevitability table with with turkey bill building up its military presence along the border but what do you see what do you see in the short our future could this be spilling over into a full scale military confrontation well it would take one more incident like this
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one because the mood in turkey now to come to the media is really quite bellicose they know we should take this lying down and of course the facts of the situation is there are different versions of what happened that it is it misses by turkey that this plane strayed into syria or into syrian airspace exactly where it was a shot down is the point of disagreement so even though. what could happen is that an incident like this could trigger off a collision between the two countries and a conclusion i mean one can say when it would happen if it would happen that that's where we are right now we have to extend our troops right in the border we would have syrian troops fix up the blowing up assad something else like this another down play and more shots possible the one constant one day just part of the strategies to kind of borrow away at the syrian government form within syria could be turned upside down just with one more instance that will just sit these two countries. as you say all it takes is. to fan the flames here or perhaps even
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a trigger finger to really escalate this conflict here but i must bring up one issue that certainly very interesting geneva is said to be holding a major international meeting over the syrian crisis with syria's main regional iran not invited to take part of it one of the reasons behind the well because the coalition against syria doesn't want to run to be part of the us and one way of seeing what's happening in syria is to see syria as a way station on the road to iran that. syria is essential koch industries relationship between iran and hizbollah and. that the u.s. and israel have a plan for attacking iran on the drawing board destabilizing syria wintering syria dysfunction ahead of time. it would make things much easier for them so they want iran is on their agenda so why would they want iran to take part in the talks in geneva they wouldn't want to keep it out and of course the simple fact is that iran
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is a very influential regional player and it should be there are very quick i do apologize we're running low on time here but our kofi annan of the u.n. envoy has proposed the creation of a unity government in syria which russia has supportive how effective could that be when the country is at war all do us some are saying just see this is absolutely hot air being blown by annan because such an idea could never be put into effect kofi annan has been kind of you know who exactly what is what he thinks his role is or what it could be a pretty huge range of very ineffectual i think the problem here is the lack of good will by the coalition the course of the friends of syria i mean basically what they want is the downfall of the syrian government and the setting to nothing less so when he talks of unity government they will want that government to exclude and that probably is not going to happen so we'll be back to square one despite whatever happens in evil or anywhere else because the simple fact is that they want regime change and it's going to get us all right jeremy sold associate professor of
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middle eastern history and politics bill can university and he thanks for coming on the program today thanks very much thank you. thought well it's good to have you with us here and also you still to come in the program in just a few minutes for you wiki leaks united as the world's most famous whistleblower julio songe awaits a decision on his asylum claim in london's ecuadorian embassy the diplomatic mission is snowed on by e-mails on les's supporting the wiki leaks. it's been revealed seventeen pakistani soldiers were beheaded in a recent cross border raid from afghanistan as i'm about to blames nato for allowing this latest loss of life to occur as well as the thousands of pakistani deaths since the beginning of the u.s. led afghan war. and now reports on the extreme price the country is paying for its alliance with washington. it's not only u.s. bombs that fly in pakistan but also the stream of demands an accusation from washington there are several things that we're asking the pakistanis to do more and
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better number one they've got to do more about the safe havens inside their own country even ridiculed the u.s. defense secretary has laughed at pakistan for being in the dark on the bin laden raid the drone. literally in washington's rhetoric now suggests that during the decade of war in afghanistan pakistan had been there myself instrumental ally in the region the united states could not have had secured gunstar in three weeks with minimum cost in terms of. money and in terms of in terms of the lives of its soldiers that would not have been possible without fox and the assistance and help three sentiment towards the alliance with the us has fueled domestic insurgency in pakistan hoxton has lost about somewhere between five thousand to six thousand
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soldiers and paramilitary soldiers but more. that we've lost more than thirty five thousand civilians and these people died because of these spate of bombings in a crude comparison the us has lost two thousand troops in afghanistan they want the pakistanis to do our dirty work for us and the pakistanis have simply said we've supported you forward eleven years we can't do it anymore you're killing our stability they have to stop the civil war in the country they have to stop the war that's going on on their own territory because of their help for the united states so they have a number of problems which i think amount to a mass and they're going to be left high and dry when we leave many washington see a different picture of a country that does not fully do their bidding in exchange for the billions they sent them were given taxpayer money to this country which is not treating us right but we've made
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a mistake we were we have trusted pakistan to wait too long the pakistanis see another mistake there's one mistake that we've committed we've put all our eggs in the american basket and part of the deterioration in our job is strategic position over the past decade since two thousand and one is because of this fact that we completely relied on the americans and it's not the first time they've been before as well but but so to speak we made this mistake and we're trying to know correct that mistake pakistan is now working hard on its regional alliances primarily with china but the u.s. still needs pakistan washington has been able to continue drone strikes in pakistan likely because of its military leaders tacit agreement the u.s. also needs the short route through pakistan to supply the troops in afghanistan is shutting down last year in response to the killing of two dozen pakistani soldiers but we don't much is approaching their end with people furious that the u.s. there is little chance the pakistani policy makers will want to be seen as being
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more accommodating to the united states the mockery and condescending remarks from washington. make those chances even slimmer during the last decade of war in afghanistan pakistanis have dealt with an unprecedented insurgency in their own country terror which has killed an awful lot of people much more than the losses carried by the u.s. in afghanistan and that to a large extent was the price pakistan paid for its alliance with the u.s. but these days in washington it seems hard to keep that in mind when handing out another portion of accusations and humiliation to the nation they once come face to become their ally i'm reporting from washington marty and drones are also causing problems for the u.s. back on home soil we've got those details for you what are you don't come by the u.s. department of homeland security left a rather red faced after a group of college researchers in texas one of the on monday aircraft taking control of it using the one thousand dollars worth of equipment. in the way plans
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to build a specially designed psychiatric unit for self confessed killer anders breivik despite the fact the verdict in his trial is not due until august. it's good to have you with us here on our to today with the growth in europe having being stomped out by austerity the unions leaders are gathering today in an attempt to control a new spark but just how was proving rather divisive the week a nation's want eurobonds effectively a piggy back ride on germany's cheap interest rates but in however it's having none of it van overtveldt the editor in chief of trans magazine says germany is making a strong point. mrs merkel said a few weeks ago even the german economy in itself is not strong enough to support
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all these burdens coming out of countries like greece portugal ireland small countries but now we're talking much bigger game we're talking about spain and italy my feeling is that mrs merkel will keep to a point and that she won't. give the german credit card if you allow me to put it that way to the other countries without having sufficient degree of control over what these other countries are doing in terms of expenditure and economic policy in general but it's quite clear that one of the basic elements that is present in the german attitude is that they fear that if. the pressure on these trying to change their economic structure to rein in their government expenditures in all the other structural things they need to do if that pressure is lowered they won't do anything. meanwhile germany is drumming up its calls for european federation united under one president and with
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a single pan european army the proposal could effectively hand brussels complete of already of a sovereign nations however it is being met with outright hostility particularly in greece as artichoke a group supports. dealing with the problems facing disabled greeks on a daily basis and is all too familiar with the realities of euro zone back to a new government will be as if that will be bound a second bailout and. that means that it has. public. spending. within a month actually up to further eleven point five years she points out it's been three months since anyone has been paid by to disability benefits it's really difficult to have any good. is today fighting a long term battle with multiple cirrhosis the fee is now without state support the
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stricken health care system slipped out on a road. thank you because i have money from my job but that other people cannot even get their medications. from their parents it is. a good medication. for help. so if you don't get. this money you came to posterity fewer state cutbacks often prove in the toughest of those who need the money the most cases like the fees are by no means unique in modern day greece but one question is now being asked of the government is it down to a simple lack of state funds or are they misspending what little they do have nearly full on the current government is largely made up of old factions new democracy and the past party made up the ruling coalition of the previous
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administration presiding over a period of cuts where the military remains somewhat shielded in two thousand and ten as debt ridden greece penned its first bailout deal signed away one billion euro to france and germany and weapons contracts but even with no obvious conflicts looming it's an expenditure still defended this is because we're going. in the military we don't have so much clout as work of. in the social structure of for example in the hospitals we have make sure. that we don't have an enemy greece is not the country that becomes the without. an active army but given the current plight of many greeks it appears there's nothing left to axe from health care on the back of public pressure the new government is now seeking a reworking code that bailout conditions the sun may have set on greece's latest
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round of political instability economic troubles are still very much under the spotlight here greece see athens are just a couple of minutes on the aussie world update for now though julian assange has reportedly received a summons saying he must report to a london police station on friday he's currently ensconced with an ecuador's embassy waiting for the south american nation to accept or decline his plea for political asylum ecuador's government is currently studying the legal and political implications of granting his request meanwhile more than ten thousand e-mails have been sent to the country's embassies in both the u.k. and the u.s. calling for it to say yes also thousands of signed a petition started by the u.s. based civil liberty group just foreign policy we spoke to robert naiman the policy director for the organization who ultimately initiated the campaign. sense of other people i've talked to. ecuador and government officials are sympathetic to their
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requests they understand situation the same way we do understand the threat to junior songe from the united states or the threat that sweden once they got the inside would hand them over to the united states which would then prosecute him under the very controversial espionage act we don't know everything about what the u.s. government has done or might do but we know that a grand jury was impaneled in the united states to investigate leaves and bring charges we know that bradley manning's attorney believes his harsh treatment in u.s. custody was an attempt to get him to. testify against you. there is a recently that they have the opportunity to try to get him in the u.s. custody of they will do so this is totally rational legitimate documented fear and i forget how julian assange is hosting his own in diffuse series here on r.t.
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if you've missed any of the ten episodes that have already gone to air still available in a special section of our website that is a songe dot azzi dot com. drew an aside. it is true for a few weeks we've exposed the secret these documents long united states government been attacked by the united states strongly condemn this. illegally. five hundred days now being detained without charge. doesn't stop this. today we're on a quest to reduce ideas that can change the world. before he daniel with a business for now though let's get to the r.t. world update for you a former bosnian serb leader rather one has been acquitted on one of the two genocide charges brought against him in the international hague tribunal he had asked for the case to be dropped based on
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a lack of evidence it would still faces ten charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity is accused of altering atrocities during the one nine hundred ninety s. bosnian war including the massacre where eight thousand muslims were killed. now thousands of arrived in the bolivian capital at the end of a two month walk in protest of plans for a highway through indigenous land the country's president evo morales wants to build a road through an amazon nature reserve earlier this year a group of indians quit moralities socialism movement over the proposals they've also spoken out against plans for a natural gas project on their traditional territories. as promised it's business time here on r.t. and there's daniel good to see you today we do understand that's for any good news for files in russia rolls royce index says moscow in new york with the world's richest cities from next week they're the only places with more than one dealership a second site opens here wednesday of the sales last year doubled the rich
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unaffected by the crisis forcing cutbacks in the world economy luxury firms are reporting right. called profits russian capital has seventy eight billionaires that twenty more than the big apple or more good news here as promised growth remains record lows inflation has been under three percent this year whole of last year's total as of the president putin postponed electricity price hikes to later this summer so expect price growth later this year says low inflation is its key target the russian markets because the old years has slipped under thirteen hundred points losing all of yesterday's gains it's a.g.m. season for russian blue chips and they're sounding upbeat but investors are cagey over today's e.u. summit spanish bond yields went over seven percent today the level which triggered bailouts in greece ireland and portugal that's terrifying the euro zone's biggest economy germany which will end a week phase of cording to its powerful institute both. more than
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a percent down for the day and the single currency is unexpectedly retreating to the dollar that is on fears the e.u. leaders today will again be able to tackle the euro crisis head on over in new york j.p. morgan fraser the. last four times more than estimated according to new reports the credit derivatives losses were executed by the bank's chief investment office in england and first came to light last month the trouble will disclose more information on july thirteenth when it reports second quarter earnings are dropped today the news and interviews over the web site. are very good and always a pleasure see you next hour. headlines in just a moment here on r.t. but then we'll get more insight into the ongoing european financials a special interview in just about.
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