tv [untitled] June 28, 2012 3:00pm-3:29pm EDT
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impression. starts on t.v. dot com. syria in the cycle of violence twin blasts hit a government building in damascus while news footage of alleged rebel brutality is this. the latest summit on the euro crisis remains riddled with political fractures as germany grows louder with its proposals of a political federation of europe. the american sentiment in pakistan reaches new pics as the country's involvement in the u.s. led afghan war claims pakistani lives on an almost daily basis. one line on screen international news and comment line from our new center here in
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moscow with twenty four hours a day two blasts of ripped through the syrian capital of damascus sending huge plumes of smoke over the city state t.v. is reporting that the explosions which it describes as terror attacks took place in the carpark of the palace of justice. reports from syria. all right now to see don't think the ocean that happened there and thursday here in the old damascus you can see it loves damaged cars an hour taken away and the scene is now been cleaned this is a public park and just found. it was still receiving conflicting reports on how many people have been affected sana a syrian news agency is reporting that three people have been injured but it's very hard to confirm it's very hard to get any information about what happened here earlier today even on the ground the wrong many police and security people but the u.n. refused to talk and refused to provide any information on the incident the fact that
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these has happened in the very heart of the very center of the syrian capital rises questions and concerns over the security situation here in damascus has been under governmental control for most of the time since the beginning of the uprising here in syria last month but now it's been attacked more and more often by rebels and groups this has happened to stay up another type of courage here in damascus the main building of the syrian state tron television syria news already assumed here has been attacked by government sized terrorist groups killing at least seven people president bashar assad has said the series now in the real state a war so what we see now is indeed a war and we see escalation of the conflict dramatic and ballance is continuing she has managed to obtain video allegedly showing the result of a brutal massacre in the syrian sea to home and it happened in april where families
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claiming that their relatives were slaughtered by rebels the victims' bodies show evidence of severe trauma bullet wounds and burns at the beginning of the video we can see three children they are in tears and the older girl demands to be allowed to see her mother in hospital meanwhile just recent. you and panel of investigators had admitted it is mable to determine who was behind the houla massacre that happened in syria in may that claimed one hundred eight lives of civilian people including many women and children that's after most of western countries have been very quick to blame assad government for this bloodshed but who is killed in the hope that really remains impossible to find out. turkey has deployed dozens of military vehicles to the syrian border including an idea across this times that's in response to syria downing one of its warplanes last week for violating the country's airspace to turkey insists its fighter jets entered syria's territory by
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mistake but only briefly refusing to accept it was syrian territory waters the plan is a very significant. so the notch in the tension between syria and turkey and so it has responded to that by moving. and troops up to the border into syria is doing the same on the other side so quite clearly even though it seems that nato doesn't at this stage want to intervene openly in syria because of the dangers what is trying to do is to bring down the syrian government by starting a war of attrition from within another incident like this could trigger off you know a collision between the top two countries and a conclusion i mean one can say when it would happen if it would happen the deaths will be right now. turkey's confrontation with syria may heighten tension ahead of major international talks on the syrian crisis this weekend in geneva the talks ending tonight influential states behind proposals for a syrian led political solution to the crisis there but as all of these people of
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reports the meeting is going to be marked by serious differences between those attending. those differences really boil down to what involvement iran should have if any countries like the united states in great britain say that iran shouldn't be involved or we heard from said again today who reiterated russia's stance on this which is that iran isn't just a neighbor to syria that tehran exerts a certain amount of influence over damascus and that iran is a major player in that region sound and in that role they should have a say and what's decided about the future of that part of the world such as we get to the ship because we're now talking about stopping bloodshed in syria iran is certainly an influential player in this situation alongside other nations in the region and not inviting taran on board the geneva talks on syria is a mistake. but there are already some experts are saying that the expulsion of iran really constable's of the opposition as well as the current company but would
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exclude any person deemed to undermine the credibility of the the new unity government which would be in place now these comments from the western diplomat suggested that russia was on side with that plan. saying that no decisions have been made yet and that russia wouldn't commit to anything before talks on saturday. or there are no agreed projects on syria so far i think the reports of a potential documents that have come up in the media or a negligent approach to diplomacy. also differences between the way the united states and russia view the future the future decisions of who should lead syria washington saying that condemning assad is a criminal and saying that he should have no further role to play in the country where as russia says knots not a decision for any other nation to make only the people of syria should decide the future of their country. well still to come this hour in r.t.
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in just a few minutes from now we queue leaks united has the world's most famous whistle awaits a decision on his asylum claim in london's ecuador embassy the diplomatic mission is snowed under by e-mails and letters supporting the wiki leak or. it's been revealed seventeen pakistani soldiers were beheaded in a recent cross border raid from afghanistan islam about blames nato for allowing this latest loss of life to occur as well as the thousands of pakistani deaths since the beginning of the u.s. led war in afghanistan got a report on the extreme price the country is paying for its alliance with washington. it's not only u.s. bombs that fly in pakistan but also the stream of demands and accusations from washington there are several things that where asking the pakistanis to do more and better number one they've got to do more about the safe havens inside their own country even ridiculed the u.s.
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defense secretary has laughed at pakistan for being in the dark on the bin laden raid the. literal in washington's rhetoric now suggest that during the decade of war in afghanistan pakistan had been there myself instrumental ally in the region the united states could not have had secured gunstar in three weeks with minimum cost in terms of money and in terms of in terms of the lives of its soldiers that would not have been possible without fox and the assistance and help free sentiment towards the alliance with the us has fueled domestic insurgency in pakistan some has lost about somewhere between five thousand to six thousand soldiers and paramilitary soldiers but more than that we've lost more than thirty five thousand civilians and these people died because of these bait of bombings in
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a crude comparison the us has lost two thousand troops in afghanistan they want the pakistanis to do our dirty work for us and the pakistanis have simply said we've supported you forward eleven years we can't do it anymore you're killing our stability they have to stop the civil war in the country they have to stop the war that's going on on their own territory because of their help for the united states so they have a number of problems which i think amount to a mass and they're going to be left high and dry when we leave many washington see a different picture of a country that does not fully do their bidding. in exchange for the billions they'd sent them were given taxpayer money to this country which is not treating us right but we've made a mistake we were we have trusted pakistan way too long the pakistanis see another mistake there's one mistake that we've committed we put all our eggs in the american basket and part of the deterioration in our genes strategic position over
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the past decade since two thousand and one is because of this fact that we completely relied on the americans and it's not the first time they've been before as well but but so to speak we made this mistake and we're trying to now correct that mistake pakistan is now working hard on its regional alliances primarily with china but the u.s. still needs pakistan washington has been able to continue drone strikes in pakistan likely because of its military leaders tacit agreement the u.s. also needs the short route through pakistan to supply the troops in afghanistan is lombard shouted down last year in response to the killing of two dozen pakistani soldiers but with elections approaching their end with people furious at the u.s. there is little chance pakistani policy makers will want to be seen as being more accommodating to the united states the mockery and condescending remarks from washington make those chances even slimmer during the last decade of war in afghanistan pakistan is it dealt with an unprecedented insurgency in their own
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country just killed an awful lot of people much more than the losses carried by the u.s. in afghanistan and that to a large extent was the price pakistan paid for its alliance with the us but these days in washington it seems hardly anyone keeps that in mind when handing out another portion of factorizations and humiliation to the nation they once convinced to become their ally i'm going to stick our reporting from washington r.t. . more than twenty people have been killed in a number of terrorist attacks all across pakistan on thursday this is the latest in a series of bloody incidents that have claimed lives in the country will discuss the the rise in violence and how the. formulations are affecting it i'm not joined live by. editor in chief at news junkie post. column c. makers in islamabad must have understood what they were heading for when deciding to stand by the u.s. in its afghan military campaign so who is to blame for the bloodshed that we're seeing almost every day and in particular this recent rise in violence. i mean
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the one to blame is. the. dorms. only into so when you learn there were more than sixty five dorms at the back is. actually been completely on people by the obama administration a lot more than by the bush administration no the horse mount with china is actually not surprising at all because it's. it's it's an all the lions of pakistan. in the sixty's and seventy's. you know super on china because at the time the soviet union was supporting india and now the u.s. is basically helping india are on a bunch of issues. nuclear power. well it's it's very
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logical. of the. if you wish to that's always been between pakistan and india that pakistan would see. you know or small china also you know the number. just quickly ask you about that. a gesture towards china is that in a way then a snub towards washington. well it's not would use not because they're not really getting you know as you as your previous. segment showing they are getting mediated not only that but they where they are they're not getting. this so going to is not getting respected by the united states . number is is absolutely amazing and sort of tells it
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all seventy five percent of pakistani obsolete that nine eleven was an inside job but there's a value is well and that is quickly showing of what's going on in pakistan so the population in pakistan is completely against the u.s. so they are again you know many of those people in pakistan are benefiting from all that aid that the u.s. is providing pakistan so the authorities there is not about finding cells that fade difficult position don't they i mean they have to rely on that aid as well as obviously being harsh against washington foreign policy well absolutely but the help in question is mainly growing and it's been growing for decades to the military it's not going to the people in pakistan you know it's just not you know i mean it might have worked better show up but it's certainly
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not working now so if you're the how do you mean the relationship that i mean i would just ask you how do you see relations developing to between the u.s. and pakistan now bearing in mind what we're seeing with the political domestic situation in pakistan. well i mean you know the thing urgent or pakistan you know should be dealt with caution by everyone needless to say they can do is shut down against who to afghanistan and ensure that all the supplies. to the u.s. so i mean the u.s. has been diplomatically. clumsy. you know they haven't treated we spoke and that's what you get. doing but then also. the cause of the u.s. with india is just not to their liking joe but you know it is very much short of
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like sorry just just but it's all we've got to think that just finish off a sentence sorry no that's ok that's ok it's a balancing act then and the u.s. or the diplomacy of the u.s. has sort of failed in that balancing act so it makes only the pakistan we would seek they from a traditional lines which is china should have thank you very much indeed a slight delay hardly surprising between moscow and last vegas it's great to talk to you thanks very much indeed for your thoughts. you barry welcome thank you so much thanks very much that's a messy event. now with growth in europe having been stopped by austerity the unions leaders are intense discussion right now attempting to kindle a new spark but just now is proving divisive the we can nations want euro bonds effectively a piggy back ride on germany's cheap interest rates when our brussels correspondent
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sara sidner has the latest from the summit. to be frank there's not a lot of optimists here in brussels the leaders are coming here today to meet at a very crucial time there are already five euro zone nations that have needed a bailout cyprus being the latest and there is no disagreement really that they need growth in the eurozone area where the way to go forward is the big issue here they're essentially two points of view one is germany's and the others share the other point of view germany does not want to share debt of neutralize debt in the form of your bonds until all the others agree to surrender their budgetary controls to greater oversight for brussels in order to instill more discipline while the rest of france for example saying that they will only give up the sovereignty to a greater power if germany show solidarity and you know what's already needs in this sense is sharing their debt so you have two sides the question is who is going to budge first and actually the biggest headache that people see that will have it
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today is coming from italy's a mario monti he's really insisting that the euro zone funds by the the bonds of troubled but well intentioned countries and we know that good intentions is not going to work for. a month he says he's going to stay here until he gets a satisfactory result for italy now we're calling it a political union and some bureaucrat's would say it sharing sovereignty but in essence if you will it's a euphemism for what essentially is going through taking the path of a federalist state because surrendering powers of budgetary powers is essentially chipping away at what is at the heart of state powers which is the right to control when and how to spend their own money there are other perspectives here saying that this is not the only way for european integration but we know that at the end of the day it's a power players that make the decision and the most powerful of them is of course germany. well in brief statements to the media e.u. leaders at the summit are saying negotiations are stumbling with chancellor merkel refusing to budge and nigel farage m.e.p. a leader of the u.k.
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independence party believes that ultimately it's merkel who dictates what gets decided it is perfectly clear that the brussels machine does dance to the german team and smaller countries are very frightened of going against really in the end what angela merkel says the focus always is on germany you know will merkel blink or not the argument that somebody should take charge is the argument david cameron keeps putting out it's the argument that says that all the member states of the euro zone should abolish their democracies should have their independence surrender their birthrights and give it all to a super bureaucrat you know herman van room poit or mr barroso or somebody as incompetent as that and some by some magic formula giving away control of everything to one person will solve everything look the eurozone is a fundamental misconstruction between economies that are so different and economic and monetary union between them was never going to work we will stagger on after
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this conference i think without much conclusion at all. during the surge is said to have received a summons saying he must report to a london police station on friday he's currently ensconced with an ecuadorian embassy waiting for the south american nation to accept or decline his plea for political asylum because government is currently studying the legal and political implications of granting his request meanwhile more than ten thousand e-mails have been sent to the country's embassies in both the u.k. and the u.s. calling for it to say yes also thousands of signed a petition started by the u.s. based civil liberty group just foreign policy well for more on sunday's asylum plea let's talk to sibel edmonds she's founder and president of the national security whistleblowers coalition. she's live there in washington what are the chances then of getting asylum it seems to be taking quite a long time for ecuador to decide doesn't it they did promise and that's a nearly a week ago. of course and as to be expected because
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they are saying that they are reviewing the legal aspects of this case but mostly what's happening right now is the political side and you have to realize that they may be and this is the ecuador did mean getting all sorts of letters that petitions from activists around the world but on the other hand they are also getting a list of all to made them send troops from the united states so the rest assured they right now as we speak the state department is giving the ecuador plenty to think about by showing what kind of consequences they will be facing whether it's economical and whether it's political and so this is the reason they are taking this long and we are hoping that their decision will be yes they would grant asylum to giuliana's lunch but considering the wait the united states carries but also considering that yes three of our nation in terms of the types of measures they take to put pressure on the other governments it will be remain to be seen as you
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recall one of the issues that was exposed was how hillary clinton and this is our secretary of state or to state department actually got equal spy on the members of united nation now what came out of that even though this story was leaked we did not see any real reaction to this massive massive violation of why well because of the way they carry a year and because of the high stops and the number of the united states state department carries in it and in private they show these nations and they say well you may want to think about it because you go ahead and do this and you know here are the things we will and you evidence what about whistleblowers in general you're obviously represent whistleblowers this is sounds case is it scaring whistleblowers
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or is it actually give them impetus to carry on with their work. so far the u.s. has been really negative it has intimidating whistleblowers just the few months ago this is less than six months ago i had. actually n.s.a. or used to be with the cia insider who came to me and said instead of blowing the whistle he or she was thinking of taking his case which is also the order documented and criminal actions by the united states government. and take it to another country request political asylum and maybe even get the published this document and these issues either in form of books or series of documents from outside the united states so the reason this person came to consult with me was what would be a good place for him or her to go whether it was new zealand while i told this
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person to forget about the so-called old notion of the liberal you or i mean less than you because you're talking about sweden and you're talking about extradition treaties what people they failed to mention sweden's record in the past ten years for example in two thousand and six in the united nations reported deaths we didn't buy later torture banned in cia rendition case in december two thousand and one it bought streamed this the cia's thought stream landed in sweden yet how it doesn't terrorists cia operatives what i'm saying terrorists because they didn't even carry identity by then they were who did they were masked they landed in sweden as they actually go to blow against you for a very brief as i met tara just very quickly implying that jewel in the sand will not get a fair trial in sweden and in fact this will then lead him to being extradited to the u.s. just how likely is that going to happen just briefly or. very likely as i said
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based on the track record if you have seen that sweden including the rendition used in two thousand one i would say that you highly likely what he's doing is smart and unfortunately and ironically he's choices right now our government such as venezuela cuba you know ecuador and hopefully other countries come up on the table come on the table and make an offer and i'm happy to see that from places like china and russia suburbans founder president of the national security was a close coalition joining us live in washington thank you for your thoughts. well that to brings us to twenty six minutes past the hour and that brings us to daniel time which is business time. in our business news from daniel france germany they're crossing swords at the e.u. summit the moment said we have france's president has just said he's on the side of italy and spain who want action fast to bring down the unsustainable boring course but germany calls that quote scaremongering and it seems to have one l.t.
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there is no such help promised in the summit trough conclusions that we have seen the problem across the pond looks even worse though california stockton is tipped to file for bankruptcy tomorrow that will make it the biggest city yet to go bust decades of overspending and its housing market slump blamed chief romano prodi told me that america's debt crisis is even bigger than europe's and j.p. morgan trade along the four times more than jamie dimon the new reports problems at the bank's chief investment office in the u.k. first came to light last month the troubled lender will disclose more information it says on july thirteenth when it recalled porch second quarter earnings j.p. morgan shares slipped three percent over in wall street also washington says u.s. corporate profits fell for the first time since two thousand and eight all that's reversing today gains over new york is bought a shocking day for crude is down three dollars just on the day alone in the last
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quarter of its value in weeks as we can see there both light sweet and brant heavily heavily down for the day really terrible time for gold traders at the moment please faces close low action lawsuits from borrowers who lost money after admitting it manipulated interest rates three billion pounds were wiped from its value today after the shares fell fifteen percent on the footsie the altie has closed under three hundred thirteen hundred points is reducing all of yesterday's gains is a german time for russian blue chips and their upbeat but investors are worried about the e.u. . meeting and its lack of conclusions and mosco is joining new york as the only city in the world with more than one rolls royce dealership a second saw it opens next wednesday off the sales here doubled last year the rich seem unaffected by the cross is forcing cutbacks in the world economy luxury firms reporting record profits new delhi will also get a second deal or soon according to the carmakers website and up to date all the
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news and interviews on the website thanks daniel lisa dropping all price means that those roles will have to run yeah yeah well i don't buy to that facet has at that price thanks very much indeed in the newsroom with all the business more financial news from across the atlantic coming up in a few minutes after a summary of on the news stories here now to stay with us for that. well for the. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future coverage.
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