tv [untitled] June 29, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EDT
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he starts he don't come. the world's top whistleblower julian assange is expected to make a statement any minute now following his refusal to report to a london police station over his extradition proceedings he remains tucked away in the ecuadorian embassy in london putting for the latin american country to decide on his bid for political asylum syria under siege saudi troops reportedly close in on the volatile country from the south as turkish units lined up in the north pole on the eve of a controversial international crisis conference. and the e.u. agrees to a new rescue agency for banks despite opposition from germany but future taxpayer funded bailouts for banks now sets of bipartisan governments in time.
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live from moscow this is the with me rule research showing welcome to the program israel's news agency suggests saudi military forces are moving towards jordan on their way to syria's southern southeastern border it's all as turkish combat troops backed by anti aircraft batteries massed on the country's northern frontier was considering putting in place a buffer zone with syria also reportedly building up its forces in the area from damascus with this report. we're getting alarming reports on foreign troops being deployed at or headed towards the syrian borders from the north west and south some original media believed to have close ties with israeli intelligence reports heavy saudi troop movements towards the jordanian and iraqi borders after king abdullah
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put the country's military on high alert for joining in the uprising against president bashar assad in syria it's reported that special units have tanks misawa special forces and batteries and the plan is to enter jordan then move towards syria further and then and to syria and establish a security zone around the towns of better resort that i and others known as the epicenter is over the uprising against the syrian regime western gulf sources also reporting that jordan is on war alerts to we're hearing this immense reports that turkey is continuing to build up its syrian border units with tanks and anti aircraft machine guns and missiles in what they say is defensive move fullaway in the darwinian over turkish jet by syria last friday literal ations between the two
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neighbors deteriorated dramatically they didn't manage to agree on how and where exactly the fighter jet was hit shortly after the incident turkey has claimed that from now on any military objects coming from syrian side towards the turkish border will be treated as a threat and heat in damascus suburbs some seven to ten kilometers away from the city center where a number of opposition strongholds have been constant sources of troubles during this conflict there the clashes between the army and the rebels have been escalating too and we've been getting reports of increased number of casualties from both warring sides on from both military and civilians. president bashar assad has said that syria is now in a real state to war and he has promised to fines against terrorism and till the very end its ears are that we will see more and more dramatic developments in this crisis until we actually see the end of it. is more of
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a national reporting right there wolf more on how this military activity in syria's borders could play out let's go straight to jordan a political analyst and professor. is joining us live from thank you for coming on r.t. today it's good to see you so as you're hearing from the reports we're hearing now that saudi troops are approaching the syrian border of jordan if that proves true what do you think they are planning what kind of threat does syria posed to saudi arabia. well first we have to take into consideration the this particular website is famous for spreading this information and lies i wouldn't take this report that seriously especially that we have had similar reports in the past on this seventeenth of march this year there were similar reports that were later denied by the jordanian government and turned out to be untrue the same thing happened on the eighteenth of december two thousand and eleven and before that in august all of
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these every few months or so you get through ports the troops moving towards syria now on the other hand i would not consider this merely the figment of the imagination of someone behind the screen there is serious there is a serious possibility that we might have military intervention in syria and the way we have to read this report whether it's true all or not is that it's part of the campaign to demoralize the syrian leadership and to therefore the stubble eyes syria or close to the energy of the interview so you go on to say that basically these reports are unsubstantiated that there's no confirmation but it may i put it but then move on to the next report we're hearing turkey's building up its forces from the north and considering a buffer zone do you think those are unsubstantiated reports as well that you actually take any stock in that. actually of those reports about turkish
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mobilization along the syrian borders true and we know that for a fact but the way to interpret those troops movement it's just a way to save face for the ship after bringing down that four plane by syrian air defenses it doesn't look like that the turks are about to invade syria by any chances for the time being however i have said on this channel and elsewhere that the possibility of military intervention in syria outside the mandate of the un security council remains substantial and so therefore the way to read these reports whether they are true or untrue is that they are preparing public opinion within those countries and elsewhere for the possibility of direct military intervention outside nato. and you bring in the next major question is
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ultimately regardless of the fact if several reports are unsubstantiated we have to we have to read into them in some way with some matter of fact or another let's let's say they are let's say they are happening i mean for example i mean if indeed the saudis and the turks are lining up on the borders is it possible that they could somehow be working together certainly that the international pressure growing on syria increases not day by day but almost on an hourly basis. that's absolutely true and eventually we might be seeing troops from turkey or saudi arabia moving into syria under the pretext of delivering humanitarian aid to civilians or any kind of excuse that they can come up with the purpose of course would be to take away parts of syria from the authority of the syrian regime or the theory of the syrian government so the possibility is that and these reports reports
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highlight that possibility more and more with every passing day but that doesn't mean that they are about to invade syria by any chance at this particular moment i don't think so i professor you but he might lose from the as i turn a university in jordan thank you for coming on today thank you. now the chief negotiator in the syrian conflict says he's confident an upcoming meeting in geneva will bear fruit kofi annan has called the gathering of the world's most influential states to find common ground on how to end hostilities in syria moscow and washington however will discuss the issue before the main talks with more that is artie's lucy catherine off. the diplomatic positions are so vastly different that it will be nothing short of a diplomatic miracle for some sort of a breakthrough to come out one side or another is going to have to seriously drastically change its position in order to go forward here now the sticking point
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for the americans has been that president bashar al assad has to go that is any sort of transitional government that the country's tomorrow might to discuss cannot cannot take place with assad and force that has been the position of secretary of state hillary clinton in fact that is why that was the conditions under which she agreed to join at that meeting tomorrow the russian position remains meanwhile continues to be that. you know foreign countries outside powers cannot dictate a solution for syria a transition is absolutely necessary that was the wording of the foreign minister sergey lavrov yesterday but that transitional government is going to have to be negotiated by a powers within syria and not foreign countries we know that kofi annan is going to try to put forward some sort of agreement on you know a transitional government that's going to contain members of potentially president assad's cabinet at the moment it doesn't specifically explicitly bar assad from
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peaches abating but that is the implication that the west is hoping for and so again unless one side or the other backs down tomorrow is not going to succeed it's a really really tense diplomatic situation and again unless hillary clinton and sergey lavrov sort of hash it out behind closed doors tonight it's going to be really difficult to see how tomorrow will play out in a positive way for syria. reporting right you're watching all the live from moscow where the wiki leaks founder julian assange is about to issue a statement right from the steps of the ecuadorian embassy in london these are live pictures you're seeing right here this is a representative of the team he was addressing the cameras the again it's all in response to a police request to present himself for extradition procedures which he was issued on deadline for that has passed and the whistleblower remains an ecuadorian embassy waiting for the latin american country to decide on the plea for political asylum
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let's have a listen in to see what she has to say and liberty and the life and liberty of his organization and those associated with that state. the united states government has instigated a grand jury against julian assange to other founders or managers of wiki leaks. diplomats have described this investigation as being done precedented scale in nature and nature there is irrefutable evidence in the public record of subpoenas being issued and witnesses being compelled to testify against mr. we keep leaks the a.c.l.u. the center for constitutional rights and other groups have been fighting these subpoenas and other issues arising from the investigation in multiple us. u.s. officials have said in open court that the f.b.i. file about the investigation is now reached forty two sounds and one hundred thirty five pages the u.s. department of justice it made yesterday that its investigation into wiki leaks
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proceeds. it is only a matter of time before u.s. authorities begin extradition proceedings against julian and other leading members of wiki leaks and various churches including conspiracy. to commit espionage. there a credible report field indictment has already been against made. mr assange. under u.s. law a sealed indictment can only be made public once mr science is in custody. for us official to otherwise acknowledge the existence of a sealed indictment is a criminal offense. the independent newspapers diplomatic correspondent reported that informal talks between the u.s. and sweden have been conducted. it should be made clear what would happen if julian was extradited to the united states. the united nations special rapporteur for
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torture one man days his family found that the united states and subject to julian assange has alleged source in this matter the young soldier bradley manning to conditions amounting to torture. the u.n. found that the united states objected bradley manning to cool inhuman and degrading and degrading treatment to mr manning has been charged by the u.s. government with a capital offense of aiding the enemy in relation to his alleged interactions with mr sun. bradley manning has been detained without trial for two years and was placed in solitary confinement for nine months in his cell for twenty three hours a day stripped naked and woken every five minutes. his lawyer and support team say these harsh measures were to force him into implicating julian assange. so it is clear that there is a legal process in place which will result in taking julian to the u.s.
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which if allowed to succeed would violate his basic rights. it is accepted by the u.k. supreme court that julian assange has not been charged with any and all offense and sweet. it is also accepted that he was told by swedish authorities that he was free to leave suite. and it is also accepted. that he has continuously offered to be interviewed by the swedish authorities here in the u.k. should they wish to do so. although it is normal procedure swedish authorities have refused without reason to make that three hour trip to london and to interview julian causing him to be trapped into the in the u.k. under virtual house arrest for five hundred sixty one days and an additional ten days in solitary confinement. all without charge. instead they have issued. an interpol red notice and extradition requests
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to him and his legal team have previously sought assurances from both the u.k. government and the swedish government that they will guarantee safe passage after the completion of legal interviews with mr sirish and bulls who previously refused . although we are hopeful they will look at the matter again. the swedish executive publicly announced june fourteenth that it would detain mr and son in prison without charge. once in sweden under such grave restrictions it would be impossible for mr asuncion to exercise his asylum rights. mr songe did not feel safe from u.s. extradition in the u.k. we are all too aware of that view abuses of the u.s. u.k. extradition treaty although mr a son has been trapped in the u.k. under dangerous circumstances he has at least had the freedom to apply for political asylum. it is in this context that julian has made the difficult decision
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to seek refuge inside the ecuadorian embassy to ask for asylum. julian will remain in the embassy under the protection of the ecuadorian government all evidence for his application is being assembled processed. please if you want further information. accurate information about these issues see debbie debbie debbie justice for and that's justice for the for the stock. thank you very much. but. i really can't answer any of these three meetings with you and. then i. don't. see that. i'm a member of the jury or if you don't see a lot from moscow and you're also watching the live pictures there from london just outside the steps as you can see in the background of the ecuadorian embassy where
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julian assange continues to await a response about his request to be granted asylum in ecuador we were speaking to a story we were hearing from susan ben she's from the julian a songe a defense committee basically one of his lawyers that she was saying that there are subpoenas already in effect in u.s. courts although he faces sexual assault allegations in sweden although the swedish authorities have not charged him with any criminal offenses and swedish authorities saying although he's not been charged if you were to arrive in sweden he would be imprisoned effectively immediately according to sources in the u.s. there are over forty two thousand documents in the file against a songe one of these pertaining to ward's conspiracy to commit espionage and among many others indeed let's just get some more details on this now and cross live to our guest thomas drake who is a former senior executive of the u.s. national security agency under whistleblower himself thank you for coming on r.t.
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today do you think after after listening to those comments from susan bennett songes lawyer has anything changed for her son joffe that he defied the police summons off the rule he was liable for arrest anyway. no i don't think so at all member it's critical to state that he has not been charged with anything you know he faces grave danger in terms of his personal well being. in so he's safe this right now inside the ecuadorian embassy in london what do you think they will do you think about his chances of actually getting asylum in the end to ecuador well you know that's that's what he's waiting for and others are waiting for they're clearly being very careful in terms of that his comes the formal application for political asylum and probably considering all the options i also just based on public reporting has been tremendous pressure being put on the ecuadorian government by the united states not to grant him asylum and there's probably
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certain political levers that they're been exercising behind the scenes an attempt influence the ecuadorian government well as as we all know now as we've been reporting here and see there's been there's been a massive international drive to give support to julian assange ten thousand e-mails a four thousand strong petition do you think that might have any influence on the on the decision that you know it's an overwhelming amount of public support for the world's number one whistleblower. well yes and you just said i believe he is the world's number one whistleblower and i certainly did if i were them having been a whistleblower myself here in the united states of america one of the things that's critical understand is that you know the powers that be don't like whistleblowers and in the post nine eleven security world they generally go after them with a very heavy hand and that i was charge of the espionage act and it's clear based on public reporting that there are looking for ways in which they can charge him under the espionage act the difference is i was a u.s.
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citizen i think thirty five years and in prison he's not a u.s. citizen and there's been calls in his case for the death penalty and they'd we've certainly seen some of those comments from politicians over top politicians on capitol hill one of them in particular saying he should face a death by execution i believe was one of his comments but his government says it's considering the implications of sheltering a sunset you'll formerly of the u.s. national security agency what kind of carrot and stick could capitol hill be waving in front of the nose of ecuador and with already does america really have serious leverage over ecuador well they do have some in terms of some of the economic you know potential economic sanctions i can't speak to all the details and you know other connections and other organizations that ecuador is a part of but i'm so it's clear that there is significant political pressure being placed on him back channel. not to grant asylum and that there could be penalties
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for doing so if you think it is a songe really so influential as to merit causing an international scandal or permanently spoiling relations between ecuador and the states that want him some of said some of said that this whole scandal around a solid is bigger than any of the wiki leaks releases themselves. well one of the interesting dynamics that i saw experience is you end up becoming a caricature and you're painted in a certain way you know i was paid as a traitor to turncoat in one who betrayed my country. into focus becomes the person and not the message and this is one of the classic techniques in dealing with whistleblowers is you find everything you can to to pollute basically you engage in the politics of personal destruction and you avoid the more uncomfortable discussions regarding the actual messages are being brought brought out or brought forth or even what was revealed or disclosed thomas drake
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a former senior executive of the u.s. national security agency and a whistleblower himself thank you for coming on today. well after a tough night of wrangling e.u. leaders have agreed to set up a new authority tossed with keeping sinking banks afloat and to do that the new agency will be given access to europe's mammoth bell out funds stock in a large part by taxpayer money at this exact function was previously carried out by governments but now the e.u. can bail out a nation's banks without adding to the government's debt levels well at least on the books that is something that germany strongly opposed but was forced to relent on due to spanish and italian insistence and mater and drams an m.e.p. and member of the e.u. budget committee believes this ultimately sends the wrong message to the banks. the banks have made the wrong the situation it's the banks that have made this wrong decisions and they have not they are they are not paying for the wrong decisions
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it's the taxpayer who is paying for the wrong decisions and this is really unfair and i think that even the you were serious about the whole situation they would first send people to investigate what happened in those banks before being so generous to bail them out with the money of the taxpayers and what we are doing now is giving more powers to this institutions that have failed this is. a total lack of common sense and this is a very by the example and other banks in other member states will feel at ease to make wrong decisions in in the near future. in order find much more in our stories on our website dot com including for example twitter taking a stand against so-called internet trolls anonymous profiles with no picture or information could be blocked from tweeting to stop people sending hate filled
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messages. plus the russian state duma considers plans to label n.g.o.s the received funding from abroad as foreign agents disclosing their full activities to the public. in just a moment daniel with the business for now though will kick off the r t world update with the west african nation of mali where militants linked to al qaeda reporters who have taken control of the northern desert it comes a day after twenty one people were killed in a gun battle when is the mists forced the former to erect separatist allies out of the town of daraa where they also patrolled the streets arresting civilians incidents were seized by both sides in march but they've since clashed after is the most implemented stripped pushing of the two iraq aside. at least one person has
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been killed and tens of thousands forced from their homes after a week long wildfire in colorado it's so far destroyed more than three hundred houses and over a thousand emergency service members are fighting to bring it under control president barack obama is due to tour the affected areas of declaring it a disaster zone and making federal funds available authorities are still trying to find out what started the colossal blaze. why well it's a business time with artie's don't you push all who is standing by at the r.t. business desk good to see you again daniel though it's bad news if you're a tourist going to europe or the euro is at its strongest in week two percent on the dollar today alone on the back of that e.u. bank deal that's the biggest jump since october recovers yesterday's falls when there were fears e.u. leaders would once again disappoint in the event the e.u. summit in brussels germany
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a move to lift its opposition to bailing out failed banks that should avoid the vicious national spending cuts which have left greece and italy on the brink and voting against probe a lot of parties and focus on spanish lenders which they've running out of cash spanish financials jumped on the news on surprisingly madrid's objects rose four percent today the e.u. banks have also been boosted by the news wall street has opened up a few hours ago the spalls with. ten percent of the profits fell very make up room fifteen percent of the delays with this black berry ten operating system russia closed much higher a very good day boy by europe but also today's impressive world performance crude has shot top five dollars today alone after sliding three yesterday when he's near nine months lows he's interested in joining the nord stream gas point to the u.k. extending it to britain says gazprom head aleksei miller comments came at its annual general meeting where gazprom head mr miller reported
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a world record twenty seven billion dollars net profit for last year it's expected to pay big dividends to shareholders as a result here that goes from should remain a state owned company because only the government can make the huge long term build investments necessary that meeting is still going on at the moment but the company's been tying gold up in a territorial dispute between china and vietnam china's all corporation seen started an exploration tender in an off sure region noises infringes on already license to the russian for beijing claims sovereignty over almost the entire us. self china sea which is thought to contain huge deposits of oil and gas as you see there on the map china claiming most of that area and up to date rule will have more for you know many thanks indeed daniel see you later. in just a moment here on r.t. we'll get to the headlines that'll be followed up by peter lavelle and cross talk see you in just a sack. mission
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