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tv   [untitled]    June 29, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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he's for instance on t.v. dot com. syria under siege of saudi troops reportedly closing in on the volatile country from the south as turkish units lined up in the north pole on the eve of a crucial international crisis conference. the e.u. agrees to a new rescue agency for banks despite opposition from germany with future taxpayer funded bailouts for banks now set to bypass governments entirely. and the world's top whistleblower in the sun has issued a statement following his refusal to report to a london police station over his extradition proceedings he remains tucked away in the ecuadorian embassy in london waiting for the not an american country to decide on his bid for political asylum.
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online on screen international news and comment live from our new center here in moscow with you twenty four hours a day israel's dead can news agency suggest saudi military forces are moving towards jordan on their way to syria's southeastern border that's as turkish combat troops backed by anti-aircraft batteries mass on the country's northern frontier ankara is considering putting in place a buffer zone but syria also reportedly building up its forces in the area. reports from damascus. we're getting a lawman reports on foreign troops being deployed at or headed towards the syrian borders from the north west and south some original media believed to have close ties with israel intelligence reports heavy saudi troop movements towards the jordanian and iraqi borders after king abdullah put the country's military on high alert for joining in the uprising against president bashar assad in syria its
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report of the special units have tanks misawa special forces and batteries and the plan is to enter jordan then move towards syria further and then and to syria and establish a security zone around the towns of better result that i and others known as the epicenter is over the uprising against the syrian regime western gulf sources also reporting that jordan is on war alerts to we're hearing this image reports that turkey is continuing to build up its syrian border units with tanks and anti aircraft machine guns and missiles in what they say is defensive move fullaway in the darwinian over turkish jet by syria last friday literally says between the two neighbors deteriorated dramatically they didn't manage to agree on how and where exactly the fighter jet was hit shortly after the incident turkey has claimed that
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from now on any military objects coming from syrian side towards the turkish border will be treated as a threat and heat in damascus suburbs some seven to ten kilometers away from the city center where a number of opposition strongholds have been constant sources of troubles during this conflict the clashes between the army and the rebels have been escalated into and we've been getting reports of increased number of casualties from both warring sides on from both military and civilians. doesn't pass our side has said that syria is now in a real state so war and he has promised to fines against terrorism and till the very end its ears are that we will see more and more dramatic developments in this crisis until we actually see the end of it. and finian coming in who is a middle east and east africa reporter for the center for research on globalization i spoke to a little earlier on r.t. he says the military build up by the saudis and turks syria's border is
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a coordinated move into. you know your national more reason to separate countries just by chance this is very much a coordinated effort by turkey and saudi arabia to pressure on the. regime the government of saudi arabia turkey among other countries are the two members we were war in syria for the last fifteen months and it's a company of terror there is a man subversion there's there's going to be documented links to the streets to the mercenaries on the ground these people are playing with fire there is no doubt about it at the minute i would say it's a sign of operation and pressure on the government but it could it could precipitate a war we really want and i hear. the chief negotiator in the syrian conflict says he's confident an upcoming meeting in geneva will bear fruit kofi annan has called
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the gathering of the world's most influential states to find common ground on how to end hostilities there in syria russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov and u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton however have had a chance to discuss the issue before the main talks artie's lucy covenant has more now from st petersburg where they were meeting. i just walked out of the hotel behind me where the secretary of state hillary clinton and sergei lavrov have walked in literally moments ago closed doors behind them and sat down finally for face to face talks to try to iron out the very very deep divide between the two countries that really could make or break the negotiations tomorrow in geneva on the. sides to come to some sort of an agreement this means that this could really be an international turning point for how the syrian crisis will develop unfortunately the positions between the two countries are quite vast and it hasn't really seemed to based on the way into his comments throughout the weekend today
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that the u.s. has made any sort of steps towards changing its positions the russians have not come out with any sort of official statements as of yet the sergey lavrov did take to twitter through the foreign ministry's official twitter feed calling for a push for some sort of a ceasefire agreement the remove all of both the assad forces as well as opposition armed forces from the towns the currently have u.n. peace monitors in them the the issue at hand here what the two sides are trying to negotiate the sticking point for the united states is a plan that calls for a new government in syria that does not include syrian president bashar al assad the russian position continues to be that the syrian factions within the country must decide the future of syria and not a group of outside international powers that are meeting in geneva to talk about all this it really is hard to tell whether there's going to be any movement on these positions because in order for the two sides to come to some sort of an
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agreement one country or another is going to have to drastically radically remove away from the positions that it's taken in the lead up to these talks so again very very difficult to see whether anything will actually come out of this but we are standing by one thing i want to add actually we do know that sergey lavrov will be meeting with reporters afterwards hillary clinton is actually going to be flying to join. immediately after the start but no press conference in my experience if there were expectations for a diplomatic breakthrough the secretary of state would not be leaving so quickly and so i wouldn't hold my breath but of course we are situation very closely and what you. are to live here in moscow coming up a little later in the program that friday feeling which means one thing in egypt the now weekly gathering of massive crowds flocking to tahrir square trying to keep the dreams of the revolution on track and live pictures there from out of here square here in r.t. is that gathering takes place this friday. after
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a tough night of wrangling he leaders have agreed to set up a new authority tasked with keeping sinking banks afloat and to do that the new agency will be given access to europe's member of bailout funds stocked in a large part by taxpayer money this exact function was previously carried out by governments but now the e.u. bailout a nation's banks without adding to the government's debt levels at least on the books is something that germany strongly opposed but was forced to relent on. italian insistence and michael economic analyst and author of the book the currency crash so as these other nations finally got the credit card they wanted. there's. no way we have a very big problem problem a very huge problem and it is not solved as a whole as a matter of fact i call it unconditional surrender of germany which we witnessed in brussels the other countries with the new euro zone finally got the credit card that they're always wanted
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a credit card for whom the german taxpayer has to be. very interested in the question how long germany will do this the tax burden in the future will become very very high and i know already of people who are keeping the country because they fear that the tax will become higher and higher and to germany has to pay at the end of the day of the bill. the pressure is not over for germany's chancellor angela merkel yet with a crucial vote underway in the german parliament the bundestag will decide on whether to ratify the european stability mechanism that's a massive new bailout fund to cover europe something that beatrix one store spokes person for germany civil coalition movement says is a blow against democracy i have had a hard days as they because today is the day where the parliament just behind me is . voting down democracy and is handing over the power of the people to a non elected government. board of governors and as we can see already all
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what is coming out from this is that the policy is no longer backed by the majority of the people and you can see how that this is ending up this is ending up in fighting. the countries against each other so you can see the reason people are burning to flex. protests in spain is beginning everyone is angry go against the germans because the germans want to want to get involved in all of the country's policies and we do say no we will have to keep them and keep the democracy system talk to all the countries in europe. meanwhile inside germany there's a growing current of grassroots opposition to bailouts and the country's role in solving the euro crisis in the book he explains just where that resistance is coming from it's a job interview with geopolitical implications and jess's family has been running these greek restaurant for almost three decades ever since they immigrated to
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germany hard work and self-reliance made it is success but now they are under increasing pressure to share the fruits of their labor. the problem is that in greece that think in germany they. think they're coming here and like the money in the street but we're also working very hard. working from the morning to the till till night every day they get a dozen of calls from their greek can patch or it's with requests for money jobs of both some like mall attack is just walking in a restaurant owner himself he lost his business last year and ever since has been out of permanent work like about twenty two percent of greeks there is the second world war and they destroy. our country from the troops so they'll be a million people is the german. not to help but to
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while references to the countries nats of past have appeared more than once in the great coverage of the bailout germans remain unswayed in their position to pay for somebody else's debts polls consistently show that the majority of germans are strongly against finance increases or spain's bailout as one customer of this restaurant put it before placing an order one should check not only the menu but also his wallet despite a broader position the german authorities are still pushing for the permanent bailout fund some say this bleed of opinions between the power and the public represents a test of germany's democratic system democracy begins at home begins in the last begins. when it begins in italy and spain they have a national parliament and. serve it. and if there's a common currency this is taking. decisions in terms of money in terms
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of budget it's a violation of democracy and it was. your historical mission to bring democracy in the world and now and very set about now. is destroying democracy they see it pays to be hardworking but in a case if europe's most productive country it seems just never stopped coming in the wake of artsy reporting from germany. well we've got plenty of expert opinion and analysis on just where the in battle euro zone stands today but you can also leave your opinion with us on our website r.t. dot com they can also vote in the current paul asking who benefits the most from this new bank bailout scheme a list of the results on the screen so far the vast majority almost seventy percent vote that it's the often reckless bankers that benefit the most but if it says brussels that stands to gain here and see that ten percent believe it's
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a strong economy is a win and only a fraction so far feel the weaker ones emerge as the victors have your say and r.t. dot com good to hear from you. and about the waiting for more our web site r t dot com it's online all the time including twitter taking a stand against so-called internet trolls anonymous profiles with no picture information could be blocked from tweeting to stop people sending hate filled messages. because the russian state duma considers plans to label ngo's the received funding from abroad as foreign agents disclosing their full activities to the public. so everybody can. we can expand a jewel in the sand as issued
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a statement from the ecuadorian embassy in london he's staying there while he waits for a decision on his asylum plea to the latin american country earlier he refused to report to a police station for extradition procedures what is more smith sums up the statement for us. this was a wholly anticipated statement in fact we wondered whether julian assange would make it himself but of course he cannot leave the ecuadorian embassy for fear of being arrested by the british police instead the statement was read by a spokesperson from the julian assange is defense and there was nothing revelator e in it was just really an interesting roundup of the issues that are involved in this case she confirmed he had received a letter from the metropolitan police what we call a surrender notice ordering him to hand himself over to the police eleven thirty this morning he of course ignored that and he said in the statement that he was advised to decline it but not out of any kind of disrespect to the british legal system but because he genuinely believes that his life and liberty are at stake and
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then the statement went on to talk about the issues particularly sensitive the u.s. because of course that's a soldier's main fear that he will be extradited to the u.s. he said they have evidence and quite strong evidence that a grand jury has indeed been assembled in the states which is an unprecedented thing when no charges have been brought the scale of this investigation she talked about a little bitch that the investigation now runs to forty two thousand one hundred thirty five pages number of people have been ordered to testify in multiple courts over that she also said that on thursday the u.s. department of justice had admitted that the investigation into jude innocence proceeds. among other charges there is a conspiracy to commit espionage charge they've also got credible reports of a sealed indictment she also brought up bradley manning who is of course an alleged wiki leaks source although that's never been confirmed by the organization so it's about the harsh treatment that he's been subjected to in the states including solitary confinement and other huge mental pressure and she said that the organization believes that that is very much still really in order to put pressure
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on him to to incriminate judith but despite all left of course he's still being sought in the u.k. she also said that he's in good spirits and that he's grateful for all the support that he's receiving but they him. will remain in the ecuadorian embassy where he is apparently ause of weeks at the u.k. police while the evidence for his asylum of aids is being assembled is already being that nine days meanwhile his friends and supporters are looking at the pressure in the media and elsewhere. well for more on the developing story around the sun let's talk to ray mcgovern he's a former cia analyst and one of the thousands of people who signed a petition for him to be granted asylum well the statement from spoke about a grand jury already assembled in the u.s. despite no charge having been brought is this legally possible and a real threat to a sound. it is a real threat and it's not only legally possible it's a done deal your only real remaining question is whether we need to call
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a sealed indictment a probable sealed indictment as his lawyers say but it's pretty clear that there's also an indictment ready for him to be tried under the very draconian espionage check of nineteen seventeen because as you may know in our country there is no law against publishing secrets so is this is a gesture that u.s. law enforcement officials are really willing and able to in effect bend the rules to get assange. well they don't have to bend any rules all they have to do is lean really hard on the swedes and make sure that the swedes do what they did in two thousand and one and that was to hand over to applicants for asylum to the tender mercies of the gyptian police to be tortured in our rendition program so the swedes are anything but neutral they can be depended to do whatever the u.s. wants them to do and that's precisely why julian is free that were he to be
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extradited to sweden it would be very very quick that he would be brought to the united states and face the same kind of treatment that bradley manning treated was treated too and that as you know the u.n. route through a called. the conditions equivalent to torture talk of him also facing perhaps the death penalty is that going just a bit too far with the u.s. really executed in a sound well put yourself in julian assange which is place he reads the law it's the espionage act of one thousand nine hundred seventeen it was used to identify german spies and that kind of thing is it one of the penalties is that the capital punishment killing and so you know people might say well the u.s. probably wouldn't do that if i were doing the science i would like a little bit more research for sure it's the man so would that be enough to make the ecuadorian officials accept his political asylum on the basis that he's life is at stake. well he's a quintessential example of someone who deserves
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a political asylum i think the head of ecuador of korea is predisposed toward granting him asylum and he's shown himself able to face up to the united states in many ways he threw out the u.s. ambassador he closes in the american military base he's suing chevron he's done all manner of things to show that he's a new breed south american leader was you know i think so not only sort of sort of drama was taking it could also moment to decide well i think you have to be patient in these circumstances he wants to make sure that he does this correctly and more important he has to have some kind of idea as to how julian assange is could be extricated from his embassy in london into a plane that would get him to ecuador that is the nub of the problem right now do you think you along with many of these all the support is by signing the e-mails
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and the petition signatures do you think that could have an impact and help the son is now in his predicament well there have been tens of thousands of such petition such signatures on petitions we were at the ecuadorian embassy on friday and again on on sunday i think all this had does have a cumulative effect those who want to speak up for freedom of the press and this is what this is all about need to do that and i think the quote is listening and i would expect a decision i don't think will be months i think will be weeks and we'll get a decision then the problem will be how will how will the sonnet to get from where he is now where he cannot be touched to the london airports where he could be arrested the drama continues right it's great to talk to you as always ray mcgovern former cia analyst joining me live there in washington thank you. time now for some more stories from around the world in our world update this hour at
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least one person has been killed and tens of thousands forced from their homes after a weeklong wildfire in colorado destroyed the room is over a thousand divergence of service members are fighting to bring it under control prison barack obama is due to tour the affected areas after declaring a disaster zone and making federal funds available authorities are still trying to find out what started the blaze. egypt's new president mohamed morsi has addressed immense crowds of protesters on cairo's iconic tahrir square is the country's first leader elected since the fall of hosni mubarak but the military general still seem to be doing their best to limit his powers the supreme council of the armed forces earlier made changes to the constitution vastly reducing losses abilities this is enraged protesters who are now demanding a complete power handover but amid the never ending political turmoil it's the psychological state of common egyptians that's being overlooked as poss live reports. campaign as war as it was the day it happened was just
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twenty one years old when he was killed. the bullet that shattered his heart tore apart his family even his mother and able to carry on. i talk about him a lot i don't like to see that he's dead i see him in my dreams i'm waiting all the time for him to come home to me i beg god to bring him back. in the last eighteen months each options have gone through one of illusion three elections and countless mass protests the scars left by the unprecedented chaos and bloodshed and political battles run deep i saw people becoming more depressed more anxious using more drugs and alcohol those kinds of things seem to have changed because of the current events and the fear over what was happening next and it's not only those who are directly involved who have been affected in the only survey of its kind. spoke to ordinary egyptians to see how they're coping she found that sixty percent of egyptians are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder of those forty seven
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percent have witnessed violence in the streets thirty four percent have stayed up late to watch television news reports of a violent nature and twenty eight percent feel stressed because the financial situation has deteriorated i do believe the public has been trying to use especially since so things are a lot different after the uprisings as we were before and people before used to enjoy very little crime rate for example very little political change however after the uprisings there was more crime there is an increase in crime wave which. which traumatized the public i think and the problems compounded because of the stigma attached with seeking hope this is only one of a handful of centers in cairo offering psychological assistance to people who need help but while some of those who were a great student detained by the authorities have come here most egyptians have stayed away. but psychological help is the last thing on his mind she can hardly scrape together enough money to buy food for her family she gets
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a little comfort from believing his son died for a cause but even that threatens to be want the country braces itself a face round of protests as anger against the ruling military mounts. let's return to our top story now israel's news agency suggests saudi military forces are moving towards children on their way to syria's south eastern border that's as turkish combat troops backed by anti-aircraft batteries mass on the country's northern front a well for more on this let's go live to put a lot of this talk to benjamin. now if these reports are true why would saudi troops and turkish troops be carrying out these maneuvers what could be the intention behind these movies. and will want to. turnt and interventionist which is to say one hopes they are being used as threats to try to intimidate the regime into minimally ceasing its activities around the border shooting down turkish surveillance planes and otherwise acting in ways that
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are seen by its neighbors as belligerence the goal i think of everybody in the region at this point to try to keep the hostilities inside syria it would be devastating for the range of hostilities broke out in lebanon or in turkey or on the iraqi border in ways that could implicate the entire middle east and that's the great danger of the game that is being plays now by both syria and on both sides of the divide by the united states and europe on the one hand and russia and others on the other hand you know you've got here a wounded you've got a wounded tiger and if it gets out of its cage it's going to devour a lot of people before it's taken down what do you expect that issue then to be addressed tomorrow in this summit in geneva. well it's hard to tell because the fact is the some of the geneva seems to be largely a front for nato and turkey in the western interest and of course we know there are
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two or more actually i mean turkey has its own positions or a russia has its position and the united states and nato have had their position the united states and europe are not wholly at one on this because the situation in syria is even more pressing for europe with the possibility of the interruption of oil from the middle east than it is from the united states and one of the complicating factors is there's not even unity among the western allies in the nato allies and certainly there's not unity among the foreign powers over all if you look at israel saudi arabia russia turkey and then nato and the united states you see a series of somewhat rivaling conflicting interests it makes it extremely difficult in the real problem is here we've learned in libya that the price of military intervention is very very high and if i can just remind your viewers and listeners about the cost that we have paid in libya through a nato intervention originally entered into perhaps with some goodwill to prevent
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the civilians from being massacred ended up first of all hurting damaging killing more civilians than anything that could off he had done and today leading to a situation of virtual tribal war clan war d. centralization and the breakup of libya just recently and emissaries from the court the international court in the hague went to brief safe khadafi and sin ten on his rights only to find themselves captives of does intend militia and the central government in tripoli unable to do anything now imagine replicate that situation in a post intervention is stage in syria where the chaos that we see now is multiplied by one hundred times so i think it has to be in everybody's interest to avoid it. the intensification and the extension of the war beyond the borders of syria we shall see what the outcome is of that summit tomorrow in geneva in the meantime
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thank you so much dr benjamin baba joining us live here on r.t. well that to now brings us to twenty nine minutes past the hour but headlines in just one minute stay with us live here. well with. science technology innovation all the latest developments from around russia we've got the future covered.


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