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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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don't see don't comb. international powers are heading for talks in geneva desperately seeking a plan to and syria's bloodshed as turkey and reportedly saudi arabia are mobilizing forces towards the syrian border. juliana's songs will stay put the it would or an embassy in london until a decision on his asylum request declining to comply with a demand from british police just surrender for extradition to sweden. and germany chancellor angela merkel the fans at home that you deal to help struggling banks but there is skepticism the measure will solve the blogs or problems and debt crisis. is not am in the russian capital you are watching r t with me we're in
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a job she welcome now major world and regional powers will convene in geneva today to try and map out a strategy to and the bloody sixteen month old conflict in syria and the deep divisions between nations russia's foreign minister says there is a good chance to forge common ground sergey lavrov was speaking after a one on one meeting with the u.s. secretary hillary clinton. has been following their talks in st petersburg. hillary clinton and lover of the foreign minister met for about an hour the russian foreign minister did walk away from the meeting with cautious optimism he said that he hopes that some sort of a diplomatic agreement in geneva during the emergency meeting as possible according to a lot of rove he said that he felt like the u.s. did shift its stance but to some degree has his word specifically word that the secretary of state did not raise any ultimatums now he didn't explain exactly what that means is that it's up to us to force that delay perhaps that means that the americans might move away from their sticking point to their demands that any
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negotiations begin with assad stepping down of course the russian position has been separate from that the russians have been pushing for a solution for syria that is a originated within syria negotiated by the parties there there was some discussion . in terms of sort of the positive nature of the talks rove said that he didn't feel that the americans understood very clearly russians position and he felt that the talks were constructive but again it looks like the world will have to wait one more day to really find out whether diplomacy is still feasible when it comes to syria in the meetings in geneva. there's a couple of reporting there now israel's death news agencies sought to have close links was mossad is reporting that saudi arabia has started to move troops towards neighboring jordan to bassam on syria's southeastern border that's asked turkish forces gathered on the northern syrian front to you're following the recent downing of a military jet by damascus. is following developments in the syrian capital. we're
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gets an alarming reports on foreign troops being deployed at or headed towards the syrian borders from the north west and south some original media believed to have close ties with israeli intelligence reports heavy saudi troop movements towards the jordanian and iraqi borders after king abdullah put the country's military on high alert for joining the uprising against president bashar assad in syria its report of the special units have tanks misawa special forces and batteries and the plan is to enter jordan then move towards syria further and then and to syria and establish a security zone around the towns of the resort that i and others known as the epicenter is over the uprising against the syrian regime western gulf sources also reporting that jordan is on war alerts to we're hearing this immense reports
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that turkey is continuing to build up its syrian border units with tanks and anti aircraft machine guns and missiles in what they say is defensive move full of when they down over turkish jet by syria last friday literal ations between the two neighbors deteriorated dramatically they didn't manage to agree on how and where exactly the fighter jet was hit shortly after the incident turkey has claimed that from now on any military objects coming from syrian side towards the turkish border will be treated as a threat and heat in damascus suburbs some seven to ten kilometers away from the city center where a number over opposition strongholds have been constant sources of troubles during this conflict of clashes between the army and the rebels have been escalating to and we've been getting reports of increased number of casualties from both warring
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sides i'm from both military and civilians very financial reporting there simultaneous military maneuvers by the saudis and turks near syria's border are no coincidence tasa view of. a middle east reporter for the center for research on globalization. you know you're national or reason to separate countries and just by chance this is very much a coordinated effort by turkey and saudi arabia to pressure on the. government so do you. mean whether countries are. members we were war in syria for the last fifteen months and it's. come the end of terror or is about subversion can do you don't you do dealings. with. the mercenaries when you grow and these people are playing with fire there is no doubt awarded at the minute i would say it's a cycle of job creation and the pressure on the. government but could it could
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precipitated a war we really want and i fancy are. more nails in reaction to developments in syria you can log on to our website r.t. dot com also don't forget to check out our correspondents twitter feeds for all the latest on the ongoing conflict. is. join us and will remain at the door an embassy on then until a decision on his asylum bed is made his hat is staying put after defying a british police to ban to turn himself in to face extradition procedures assad is
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trying to escape being handed over to sweden claiming the u.s. will get its hands on him once he's there farris stats retired cia officer ray mcgovern says are quite justified. in our country there is no law against publishing secrets it's pretty clear that there's a little indictment ready for him to be tried under the very draconian s.p. and i check it was used to identify german spies and that kind of thing one of the penalties is killing all they have to do is lead really hard on the swedes and make sure that the swedes do what they did in two thousand and one and that was to hand over to applicants for asylum to the tender mercies of the gyptian police to be tortured in our rendition program so the swedes are anything but neutral they can be depended to do whatever the us wants them to do and that's precisely why julian is free that were he to be extradited to sweden it would be very very quickly that
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he would be brought to the united states and face the same kind of treatment that bradley manning treated was treated too and that as you know the u.n. route through a cold. conditions equivalent to torture. i am watching our show live from moscow still ahead for you here on our team one day away with a full eight embargo on iranian crude expert set to go into effect we look at why these sanctions actually accomplish and who they end up hurting the most. cost facing fines for their sexuality and new laws in several russian cities has manny from the home essential community searing even more in there in an discrimination. they've been living those who waged since the seventeenth century. strict. their communities are isolated.
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they clearly distinguish between their own and the alien. and guard their families and things treasure. the news of good laboratory to mccurry was able to build the world's most sophisticated robot which all unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach the creation why it should care about humans and world this is why you should care only. watching our team in our german chancellor merkel has toller countries lawmakers that have for struggling banks will come with strings attached she has been defending the current concessions she made at
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a summit in brussels including the decision to allow the european bailout fund funnel money directly to struggling financial institutions for the first time in its largest economy had strongly oppose this option by forested even after insistence from spain and italy the german parliament also approved the so-called fiscal pact which sets even tougher budget rules for us no nation's got a jack russell is professor of political economy at st mary's college in california says that measures which e.u. leaders hail as a breakthrough won't solve the blocks core problems you can bail out the banks but that's no guarantee you're going to get economic growth which is what you must have in in the longer run and what i see when the brussels end is growth is it is very much tokenism at this quite it's just moving money around from the european investment bank and so forth and the amount is a grossly insufficient to stimulate growth so that whole picture has to be
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further developed the euro crisis is really three crisis names in one three dimensions and one is the sovereign debt crisis another is the banking crisis which is becoming more visible and they sustained but the other is the economic crisis the really colony and of course we know how europe is rapidly is slipping into recession in various countries and as long as that growth does not occur it's going to feed back and exacerbate both the banking and the sovereign debt crisis. well it really has been in the eye of the eurozone storm for weeks now and while dramatist are mario monti may have returned from the east summit as a winner he's facing tough times at home italians are becoming increasingly angry about the government's austerity push with alternative political forces gaining popularity and r.t. sarah ferguson now reports some people seemingly would rather trust a comic and their prime minister. tom that it's really the economic situation it's
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no laughing matter it might come as some surprise that it's full of a t.v. comedian that take a piece of the latest character to still italy's political spotlight as the euro crisis continue voters a become increasingly disillusioned with mainstream politics and a radical of his breed and grassroots movements such as you can i say see and hear him right and i think growing in force and popularity say that they could lower and his five star movement now thrive online shunning traditional media and gaining huge respect with its younger generation something that technocrat premier nary a monte has say far failed to do they're all whispering about young people but young people are not really represented in the snow and for those of people in government. trades very often. old people which.
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don't have the right feeling of what use is really happening in the county we're trying to make you to europe change that's the point you have tried with some kind of policies which is the only reason policy if you want talk about it and now it's austerity so it's selling everything the state does not have to control anything about the economy but it is not this is not working with elections across europe marked by a decline in turnout it's leads recent local election results were alarming with a third of those eligible to vote staying home and mainstream parties losing to the protest in a major way all parties traditional parties just are not realizing that. things are changing so quickly and they are old old they're trying to. very innovative themselves but they just they're not able angrier. in this situation he's moving like
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a green. i mean because he can jump from an argument to another one and he's always wiener currently in a status suspended democracy an elected government trying to stay out of the financial storm the question on everybody's lips does me stand a chance when next year's elections come around the parties are now taking very seriously because a couple weeks ago he won a major victories in local elections in italy including the. position in a very significant city in italy and other places and i think he's filled the vacuum and so the parties on the right on the left the democratic party the party the mainstream center left is very worried by the threat he poses now whether it's five storm could become a political party i'm very doubtful of that but it certainly has struck a chord with a certain type of you know young activist who is fed up with italy's preschool class and it's not just italy the populations of greece spain and france have seen
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former leaders felled by the ongoing crisis and movements like the pirate party in germany and five star in italy are gaining solid ground as the euro is in state looks increasingly wobbly i think it's going to survive even if. you just want to survive. we need a big change secret it now be it's least form a funny man he'll find a solution to the crisis it leaves no stranger to performers in its parliament but the decisions of the last flamboyant leader left the country with one in three unemployed my it in debt with its economy sinking the euro project might now seem to many like a bad joke and it's one that's left us all wondering just what the punch line will be there for r.t. . later this hour max kaiser and stays here or dig deeper into financial woes in
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the e.u. and further afield global and expose those who are making things even worse. russia's top human rights watchdog is playing to revise recently introduced laws banning what lawmakers describe as gay propaganda in some of the country's cities a similar bill may also be introduced on a nationwide scale and while the lawmakers say they are not fighting against homosexuality gay rights activists say the measures will make their community more isolated than ever artists are pretty color reports. these two girls known as tattoo once made a fortune by pretending to be lesbian just a decade ago their kisses were broadcast worldwide taking them to the top charts across the globe today it would have likely been punished by a new law adopted in several russian cities it bans propaganda of lesbian
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homosexual bisexual relations and transgenderism to the minors the fines go up to seventeen thousand dollars. we are talking about the propaganda of same sex relations and the whole. society as lesbians homosexuals by search was and transgenders are often referred to their activities have developed a certain artistic and aesthetic style were promoted heavily on stage and performances as fashionable and up to date. you have to understand we're not fighting against sexual minorities the legislation is aimed at protecting children and the under-aged we're not meddling with anybody's private line here what the how do those rights activists say the more lacks clarity and allows too much truthful interpretation by police which could see crackdowns any time in the community wants to highlight the prejudices they see. also puts his
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propaganda of homosexuality on a par with paedophilia which gay groups here will spread those ignorance and aggressive homophobia. with. it enough it aims to exclude members of l. g.b.t. groups from any public activities and deprive us of the chance to let the society know our needs and problems and equating us to the pedophiles is just meant to defame us and you and then money in the me have been together for over two years but believe me they had a family many would enemy their biggest frustration used to be that they couldn't get married but if the new law reaches moscow they see life getting much worse. socially it's it's an atrocious law that would be telling us we are worse than other people. i think our society is not death or it is good society is more tolerant and that's happened thanks to the fact that we used to
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come out and show that we exist that we are the same as others who have the. tolerance to the same sex relations in russia is far from hide her innocent child she was illegal until one thousand nine hundred three punishable by prison and anti-gay prejudice runs deep with much of the community remaining largely underground. most people raids in russia if not for didn't end up in brawls and beatings with more police present then activists. filmmakers say they only reflect the mood of the majority in the most recent polls show more than eighty percent of russian population is opposed to the idea of same sex marriage while almost all the russians think that gays and lesbians don't deserve the same rights as the rest of society. that you were he wouldn't i don't understand why there is so much anger in my country based on a principle i don't know them those lesbians never seen one but i'm strongly
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against them and i'm so tired of those e as a living and pretending i don't exist or that i do but not the way that you would like me to be. party moscow. now there's always more stories available for you at r.t. dot com including twitter taking a stand against so-called internet trolls on was profiles with no picture or personal information could be blocked from twitting to stamp out hate messages. plus the russians they do work considers plans to waiver n.g.o.s have received funding from abroad as foreign agents disclosing their four activities to the public. well there is just a day to go before a full on iranian crude exports over to iran's nuclear program takes effect that's
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has america's latest set of sanctions kicked off on friday the u.s. however has granted china and singapore last minute examples from financial penalties for buying uranium oil this falls earlier waivers to more than a dozen other countries which include japan india and turkey but unlike most of them china has always been opposed to us you know literal sanctions on iran lawyer an activist bit of the stuff he says that such measures never achieve what they supposedly intend and instead just hurt the most vulnerable. the sort of stated objective of both the united states and the european union in carrying out these sanctions is that they are meant to persuade iran to come to the table and negotiations on their nuclear program but all we really feenan both historically when we look at iraq as well as now is that the iranian government itself bears little to no brunch or burden of what the sanctions are actually doing
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it's really the people that feel the biggest burden iran now is faced with it extruding lehi some say twenty some go up to sixty percent of an inflation rate in the country so we're really seeing and terms of the effect of these sanctions is not so much the state players and how they're affected but how ordinary people inside iran are actually getting affected by these policies now let's take a look at some of the stories from around the world egyptian president elect mohamed morsi will officially be sworn in on saturday a day after he rallied a massive crowd in cairo as to where your square he promised to fight the ruling military council which recently changed the constitution to weaken presidential powers transferring them to the generals instead huge protests have been demanding a complete power handover by the military which has been in control since last year's revolution toppled the mubarak regime morsi is a first islamised and civilian elected leader. at least eight people are dead and
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scores have been wounded after three separate bombs exploded in central iraq the explosives were planted on motorcycles in went off within minutes of each other the area is predominantly shiite the prime target of al qaida terrorists in the country june has been one of the deadliest months in iraq since u.s. troops left in december with attacks killing more than two hundred people. in west africa islamist fighters with ties still kind are claiming control over the northern desert region of mali a day after. just killed more than twenty people militants patrolled the streets on friday detaining civilians and forcing former to irag allies out of the town of tao army is struggling to reorganize following a coup in march which started the country's current unrest to reg rebels an islamist militants seize control of the north and a fast moving offensive shortly after the military takeover. now the us has the highest rate of obesity in the world was almost a third of the population classified as dangerously overweight yet despite more
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knowledge of the harmful effects of unhealthy eating america's waistline keeps growing their president is a new york chewing the fat people on the battle of the bulge. as the world's knowledge of science and medicine continues to grow so do our waistlines why this week let's talk about that most of the people is too lazy if i think you were just lazy but i think that most of it is better to see your coach sleeping doing well to do this to even the cost of an early death yeah but nobody thinks because we don't do enough exercise and week large portions to cut down the portions everyone knows this it seems to be common knowledge no one's doing anything about it that's right because they don't have intestinal fortitude to follow through that's what it is an apathetic one but i think i think even
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though our knowledge of science getting a lot bigger it's very concentrated i feel like a lot of it is in things like colleges and the higher educated but we're not transferring that knowledge to other people it's all caught in one place around spreading it around the population enough so that's why we still enjoy things like fast food just because a lot of people are still ignorant to how bad it really is over the calories oh that's because it's like a drug it is like a drug we're all addicts tell that delicious that's our problem what's your addiction we like to sit chocolate chip cookies i just think that poor middle class communities just don't have access to enough information and education about healthy living so is it government's responsibility to spread that or is it a personal responsibility thing for people to take care of themselves both i think as well i think sinden might think. there's a levy on each product so people are forced to buy less products i think but if you think that's fair shouldn't a person be able to buy whatever crap they want. yes but some governments need
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money. you can't tell people you can't use peanut oil or whatever to cook your you know cook your food and so is it a try. this is of natural selection and if people are going to make bad choices they're going to die earlier and that's the way it should be you think so whether or not you think it's a problem the modern world is getting better and better and that can't be a good thing for societies waste or bottom line. and i'll be back with a recap our top stories in just a few moments stay with us. there
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hasn't been anything good on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before source material is what helps keep journalism honest we. we want to present. something else. that. real love.
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let's treat. her. wish. i don't know what i mean. by.
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