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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2012 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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he don't come. here in moscow this is our time for your headlines about a major international players are currently in geneva desperately seeking a plan to end of serious bloodshed. and reportedly saudi arabia mobilizing forces towards the syrian border. will stay put the ecuadorian embassy in london to live decision on his asylum request is made. to comply with a demand from british police to surrender extradition to sweden. friends at home the new deal to help struggling banks but there is skepticism the measure
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will solve the problems and the ongoing crisis. spotlight on. on the program. st petersburg started. the controversy meeting the palestinians.
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the first thing just. last year. as a member state. so this is going to make the. and also apart from the controversy what is the u.n. cultural body preparing for. the executive. the executive board of the. program of work since two thousand. russian ambassador and delegate. ms mitchell has been a politician and diplomat for more than two decades has been a member of the russian. and was first deputy foreign minister in two thousand and three. system director general
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returned three years ago. hello your excellency to welcome to the show well first of all russia is currently presiding in the you know scale world heritage committee so what issues are you. primarily interested in what one of the issues of primary importance to you as the champions of the coming. thank you very much for this question first of all this year is the fortieth anniversary of this convention and its great orner for the country to receive such. a such. event in the country and it's the first time when the russian federation receives. heritage committee. as a chairperson and the country who receives the main point is to organize properly it's
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the first task of the country and for me like. chairperson is very important to be within this schedule and gives the possibility to our guests to see the beauty saw some pictures. speaking of st petersburg the international youth forum which has become already an annual event was held prior to the you know school world television committee session in st petersburg the main theme of this youth for was i quote water and world heritage white water what soon portland about water in the content so what you do. you know yes it's true we have to use events this year in one in a novelty for four of the four months of this committee first we have in.
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there in the south of russia and work so-called. black sea so it's more. than one thousand five hundred children participate in this event why water no first of all their walled heritage in any case is connected with the nature and heritage and nature will heritage covers of calls the water sources etc etc but we speak when we speak about first of all we speak about the beauty is standing universal value of the. site so i don't know about what they're speaking but we will twenty falls in the opening ceremony and over the world heritage committee we will receive. the children from that camp which who will denounce three eight their conclusions and
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the second form what is the use for all which will be in. it's students who are involved in the wall carry teach problems. representative of the members of the committee the country's members of the committee so it will be children and not children students from fifteen countries. well. let's speak about your form of the world have a forum in st petersburg what are the questions on the agenda this year what do you consider the most important issue and i would say that. in any committee. the most important issue is the revising or many during the state of conservation of the sites of world heritage sites nature and cultural. their vision of the world heritage in danger so these questions will
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be discussed very sorrowfully. than new nominations and it's very important part of a new york committee. and of course it will be the first committee after the improvement of the new strategy for the future and it will be discussed so it's their main points well will it be i mean the forum will be enough there in the. round in your tug of war with the united states because as far as we remember when you when you recognize the palestinian state as a member of the organization the united states imposing the bar of a financial or a financial boycott to the body has been very difficult since yes it's really very difficult because united states and not only not be for the spirit
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occurring period but they didn't people of the past and when these deals will remember yes. and they still will remember before of the mission of palestine in. so this they were going ization a very difficult situation yes now we have. now the police dinah's member state and palestine's member of this convention so and they proposed for emergency inscription the church of nativity in ruefully. yes it will be a very difficult question because they devise everybody's. say recommended not to inscribe on urgently you know. procedure. as they propose to inscribe normal procedure in making the whole dicey of one of
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these countries inviting international experts to help them etc but defacto police insist to inscribe this church and it's very difficult to say what it will be. first of all the opinion of the majority of member states in general because majority of member states. support police. like to try to help them but of course a just not proper time for emergency inscription because we hold that united states need to be in a school and after the presidential election somehow they will you know returned. will will start to pee so is it true that the resources that used to liking when americans used as boycott the
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are impossible to compensate so you know can may not survive with. or without the yeah i you know survive it's possible of course how you come to see you coming in programs you know it's impossible to compensate the man eagle telling the press yes absolutely you are you got your activity but no one can say what i mean you know it's intergovernmental body it's not charity or some other fund which you can call so the other members are not ready to pay you to pay the money for you know for to split it on the obvious that they didn't want to design for americans so when in the end. so for this period if they would not decide to be here so it will be dilemma to leave their organization to be ok while this is true the church of nativity which which. the palestinians want to include put on the list the world heritage is it endangered is there is this something that
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endangered is this church that needs the. it is an emergency situation because i've been there a couple of years and it looks fine. like experts say yes it is not in good shape but not exist the emergency situation for inscription and essentially is that we all understand that first of all. i would say political step for more really seeing and to say that it's our property. knowing the steps of israel concerning the settlements. that's why from this point if you were understand their intention to be inscribed on urgency emergency scription like experts and we can apply only on their opinion we are not the experts so that it is
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not emergency that it is outstanding universal value. as the most important character area for inscription in the world heritage list but . not a matter of fact that it is so bad shape that it can collapse which means that for you it is going to be a political decision so if you will put it originally on this list you will admit that this land this territory is palestinian and the church the last of the palestinians is not right what i would say that. no one dick west that they fear is not under police genie and don't tell me nobody including israelis but. yes they it will be like this like you're a hero like yourself and you're not i'm it's an affront i was speaking to us on the spot and i will be back shortly after
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a break so stay with us we'll continue this interview in less than a minute. thank . you on the money with the business of russia. thank. you. thank. you.
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thank. you. thank. you. thank you. thank. you. thanks. elite elite i've spoke.
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it. was. welcome back to spotlight now we're not even just a reminder that my guest on the show today is elian law and make it a fun ambassador at large and chairperson of the world you know school world heritage committee. eleonore or we've talked about the possible political consequences on. the show each of nature beachy to the next list of world heritage list but let's speak about about legal consequences well what basically. changes for for a site for a cultural site or a natural site when it appears on this list what happens how.
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first of all it's a great honor for the country to inscribe it means that international society is that this site is very important for the whole world that it has outstanding thingiverse allele will the whole planet and it increases the moral value the sentiment our example yeah ok the second that it's open for you. the international expertise yes and then it's. these sites will be all the time supervised by the international society. in person by walter. and any step for i don't know for new. construction for new mining for it has to be first discussed there
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and they have to propose ways to avoid the damage for. these are pretty sizable but it was a bill that's a possible jet mean. can you tell us what other need prominent sites historic cultural or natural will be added to this list soon what's under consideration. no i will say first of all about russian scientists and their lean appeal or zz with ac unique. very interesting. object of sight. be like the river larry right yes i'm on the river leads it's like pillars we stay along the. you know remember the flow is very interesting and we hope that it will be inscribed because it is really outstanding conversion value it belongs to the ms i was only ever out of. those
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problems only great great british story he has with the many. many signs of difference pieces and old species so it's very interesting and the other is first syrian army nation reaches not easy of course it is criminal in russian criminal. we mean these. and scoff like this is your elimination like a symbol of the state that time symbol of power moscow kremlin is already under yes and. kremlin some pictures have been inscribed first after the. admission. of the as the same to you mentioned st petersburg the center the historical center of st petersburg which actually hosted the world heritage
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committee is on the list right how does the unesco reach. the state of the architecture and the state of the preservation of the historical center of st peter's you know it's not a question it's the biggest site of the world. really yes or all is for example the center of rome it's much. much smaller incomparably compact which have been inscribed for example perry since scribed only . you know. sin sin there are the saudi rigorous yes yes yes and all these you know buildings you know are in the center of the c.d.c. and this why you know the picture will have big difficulties for the development i mean who not only new constructions but you know increasing can assess it's in
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electricity and water in them so it's necessary to develop the infrastructure but it's not easy and it's needs very very big work and that's why. you know and in general the problem between conservation and development exists in all sides so yes you're feeling even being a russian citizen you're feeling our mix to would turn towards the state of this this is the right well good you should be concerned then in the well what was the rome of unesco in saving the city has seen saving the city of st peter's which i love from the erection of this controversial gazprom tower. no i know that you do say yes yes of course unesco played a big role in this you know that the center must not erected there. there is a crucial role. and but i would say not only
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a horse unesco but civil society too in russia they get all of civil society and because of people of same people as it was most of the people of st petersburg they're different for example from muscovites they show much more love much more affection and attention to their own city than the most common is do they really like it yes it's they really can but you know because it's something example of architectural. genius because it was constructed and thanked off from the beginning. in corazon in the middle of nowhere. because it was from zero concern is not like most good people scrambling and wooden crown and then you know stone crab lee and then nearby was the other you know settlements in center and center no but some picture was a concern was made a wrong and yes you know like like brazil like i'm very very handsome and
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believe that there was two hundred three hundred years ago. ok listen what what's your opinion how efficient in general is the russian government in preserving the natural heritage in this country nature yes you know i. not easy for me to say it in general because. we care for a lot of nature of heritage but in the least. in the early stuff you know score character actually still is ninety nine sites neat nature on sites. it's not is a question from one side to yes we have very street legislation. it's in russia yes in russia we have very strict religious station concerning the parks and all this and what is very important with nature all heretics may be and was
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culture of involvement of local people because in their environment they have first of all to defend. so from the point of view of legislation what tests to make government a normative you know this very strict and proper in how we development development in reality on the earth it's maybe another story but maybe not in all in all parts of farm country it's proper education to do all these but it depends on local people and that's why this year the most important topic of these forty son. is heritage and local society well the reason i am asking this question is because because saatchi because russia is getting ready to hold the olympic games in sochi and the western carcasses is one of the few
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russian world natural heritage sites so the environmentalists the local people who we were just talking about they were very very much concerned about the construction inside and around sochi and there was lots of fuss. there were scandals in the press and on the ground but today it seems to be more or less quiet does it mean that the problems are so that everything will be routine are you personally happy with what's going on in such a problem of sorts you know problem it's the same development and conservation and keeping in peace you know these western caucuses you know part. exists this problem exists in all the countries. i would say that the of course construction of ski resort will give big impulse to that region for development effort. yes it was some programs with some roads but it was
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a little bit took every for away from the property so it seems to me that our government finally finally press attention what what what what heritage says what what one character and his stance the same it was so with by col if you remember about the you know that famous tube you know anybody elaine right now who has to be near here lake and it was decided forty kilometers to go away from michael so somehow. it seems to me our government more and more understands what does it mean walt whitman how to work with this instrument well speaking not only on the russian government but in general and governments around the world does unesco have any means of pressure upon the governments which
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neglect their duties towards the world and it just means yes unesco course casts first of all it is the least in danger which of course i would say it's not punishment as it seems. but it is even even if it is more it's possibility for the country to its legs especially still ask for international assistance to. them exist in enough recounting what was. the problem with this and some other places. the other other possibility it is. the least of of this site from rome will carry that she east peace is of course bad and i would say signal. and. you know it's very bad for prestige on this date let's hope it works thank you thank you very much for being with us and just
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a reminder that my guest on the show today was eleonora me to fund the chairperson of the unesco world heritage committee and that's it for now from all of us here spotlight will be back with more first on comments on what's going on in and outside russia until then stay on r.t. and take care. well with. technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've got the future covered.
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