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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2012 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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creational why you should care about. this is why you should care only. on technology update the headlines major world powers throw their diplomatic weight behind. the drawn out crisis in syria reports the country is being surrounded by military force. as the german parliament a. massive bailout disillusioned. two comedians for. the homosexual community in a. new law targeting so-called gay propaganda they say is just one step away from outlawing same sex relationships. the latest edition of technology update here on.
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hello and welcome to technology update geographically massive countries like russia their advantages in efficiency the braille based transit or as big as the states themselves ever since man first tars the power of the locomotive engine has been a prime mover of both people and goods and that's something still very true today railway system is currently the second largest in the world each year nearly one billion passengers combined are shipped to and fro on the country's long distance trains there more than eighty five thousand kilometers of track and it's rolling stock pieces of more than twelve thousand locomotives given that massive network
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and the monumental task of keeping things running smoothly it's no wonder that russian companies are teaming up with some of the globe's leading firms for example years ago siemens was chosen to help implement high speed rail links between russia's two biggest cities following the success of the saab sun project the country's rail operator is looking to push ahead with further collaboration. we should cooperate constructively in order to produce high quality products but it's not just a one way street as it sometimes portrayed in the media about what simply importing some things can help resolve limited specific tasks such as providing. but in the long term it's all about mutual benefits developing technologies together and producing at all factories here and that's what we expect to see in the long run. and the latest evidence of that cooperation was on display recently in the city of
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vienna located midway between moscow and some of the. railways is western european bound destinations it's a perfect meeting place for a truly international affair. the project at hand is to make travel between countries that use different braille be just a little smoother officials were on hand to witness the unveiling of a new train car that makes switching between these different rail with easier the sleeping carriage is a joint project between siemens russia's national rail operator and carriage works . siemens is actually a sub supplier for carriage works. it's a combination of engineering approaches it shares innovation and joint designs so this case you can say this is truly a russian german austrian project. the final assembly of the new sleeper train cars is taking place at siemens his place in austria the century is finishing up the
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first ten carriages but just because the final screws are tightened abroad doesn't mean the russians are just sitting on the sidelines about thirty five percent of the components are produced right in russia. which. we're very happy with our cooperation with carriage works offering it's a traditional supplier of train cars for russian well. therefore we supported the decision to choose them as a supplier and we understand the requirements for localizing the production process in mind we agreed to divide the work in a certain way. and the carriage works is no small fry in the grand scheme of things in its own right it's one of the most storied and largest train car manufacturers in europe the plant can trace its origins back as far as eight hundred ninety eight is sprawling territory encompasses ninety two had tears or more than twice the size of vatican city after full scale modernization from two thousand and five to two
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thousand and eight the factory churns out roughly one thousand two hundred carriages a year. they traditionally only produce third class sleepers but is now branched out to include metro and freight cars as well as the ever important undercarriage frames unlike russia most of europe uses so-called standard gauge rails which appear to near where all right see guidelines but for this joint project the two standards had to be combined. to go bowling with them if the frame for this all right see standard carriage is a new model more but if the final which corresponds to new requirements. it's been made to fit one thousand five hundred twenty millimeter gorge tracks this. it's built according to new engine e.-ring and design requirements that haven't been applied in russia before. the bogey frame used on these cars doesn't have a fully variable axle both this new carriage passengers at least don't have to swap trains at the border by two thousand and fourteen and siemens will produce two
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hundred of these train cars but this isn't the only big international project in russia. not a youth. group has a joint venture with siemens ain't cheap of them. capsule is split fifty fifty of those factory is called ural locomotives which is located in the town of push ma in regions of the is according to the agreement signed last year and so she which we plan to reduce one thousand two hundred trains little by twenty twenty. given the planned influx of guests to the city of sochi and two thousand and fourteen the german company was selected to hook up with russian engineers to adapt their dizzy electric train for use in the seaside resort city. the same basic blueprint has been adapted in many countries around the world but here the result is what they've named must discuss or swallow like the bird. but before those new trains can start whizzing world sport spectators from one venue to the next they have to go through
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a set of rigorous tests and those checks are taking. here russia's premier safety center located just outside of moscow. at the experimental ring and shipping company carlos swallow is currently going round and round to make sure all its components are in perfect working order international specialists from siemens have also made the trip to assist their russian counterparts so even though they may have german inspections they still have to pass russian checks and considering that russia's tracks are shared between passenger free to high speed and regular speed trains in many instances to the farm it's far far more stringent. over the coming years eighty percent of the production process of those electrical locomotives will be moved from right here in russia for that they found a traditional center of manufacturing light which takes us to the city of to katherine burke located instead of just beyond the year old mountains to areas
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machine building sector looms large and over the past thirty years sonora group's year old locomotives plant has been a key part of that through recent years the workers here have significantly increased production boosting output by around fifty percent in two thousand and eleven at present their main focus is a pair of the feel lectured freight locomotives it's more recent granite model is a true beast acquit with more than eleven thousand horsepower worth of pulling might it's about fifty percent more powerful than similar models last year the granite flexed its muscles for the public lugging one thousand tons to the nearby urals but as a new facility gets built on the site the plant will be ready to put together the latest electric passenger trains. the trains that siemens is supplying to the salt . have been adjusted to fit to specific requirements and meet the concrete needs of the. confront is in fact. when making several
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times of electric trains such as city trains. and this is something our engineers working on. it once and starting from the thirty nine train final assembly and testing will take place here at the factory if they get off one another what is this and gradually the production process of these trains with will be increasingly localized here. from twenty to eighty percent of what that you know is we need to perform. but these nutrients will only be as useful as they are safe so for that reason the leaders of the joint project decided to install the very latest safety system in the swallows coming off the line that similar devices have been in place on all trains for quite some time but until now they basically existed as individual components which couldn't corney their functions but three russian companies teamed up to fully integrate their products on for the very
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latest and most effective system. the result is block whole system dedicated to gathering integrating and analyzing a constant stream of data non-board unit takes in all kinds of info like location speech state of the driver traffic on the rails and commands from the dispatcher there are three main components which monitors the speed and positioning south which can hit the brakes of the system recognizes potential danger and ts can be and which is the brace of the keeps a watchful eye on the state of the operator. at the ritz the owner of the sit down i do have this bracelet is a radio transmitter with a digital unit the code signals as well as a sensor or the verge of the bridge the sensor measures skin resistance between the two neighboring sections and then the resistance is digitalized coded into a signal and transmitted via radio channel to the task out b.m. equipment onboard the locomotive both. by relying on physiological signs and set of
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visual clues the bracelet system detect. potential danger in the conductor's condition early when the system understands that the driver is too tired or showing signs of getting sleepy initiates little tests and exercises to keep him or her alert thanks to their advanced system of monitoring physical science not a single incident has occurred as a result of an operator not being alert enough a feat which required a bit of tricky engineering. task question to eliminate this notion artifacts which can interfere in the measurement of resistance as well as temperature and other factors you could really do resistance much stronger. now the real brains behind the whole system is this big box of controllers and wires back out and you catherine burke this one is about to be installed in one of scenarios freight trains developed by the us and assembled under the supervision of south is responsible for coordinating all data in the system with. sub suppliers to ensure
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quality control over all the components that are testing center. since we are the final supplier we bear ultimate responsibility and provide guarantees for the entire unit. so that means south a dual role here in addition to providing the automatic control in the braking system that's initiated if an operator unknowingly strays past a yellow or red signal on the tracks they also carry out the myriad of tests required for each and every piece of equipment given the sometimes extreme climate in russia many of the parts also have to undergo harsh to preacher testing. equipment has to be able to survive a one hundred twenty degree range from sixty below zero up to sixty above even the digital sensors that measure the train speed getting good going over there and you consider the number of lives at stake it's no surprise that every nut and bolt goes
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through such extensive checks. now it's safe to say that man's always dreamed of going faster and faster so as to come as no surprise that engineers have long tried to combine the speed of air travel with the convenience and comfort of training that with them even the most experienced operators have never driven the such a train we had to arrange with jet propulsion. well that was at least until nearly half a century ago in one thousand seventy one aviation and training engineers in the soviet union teamed up to attach to yak forty jet engines to a train car this odd looking machine took two test drives reaching two hundred fifty kilometers an hour but the soviets weren't the only ones interests in the idea a few years earlier in one thousand nine hundred sixty six in fact an american team of engineers developed a similar jet powered train they're in for nine seven black beetle tops two hundred eighty five kilometers an hour which is still daylight real record in the country but those projects which is fanciful experiments not passenger trains and today and
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there's a monument to the project the goals of which were more than just speed for speed sake. there's a little groups to train in carriage building institutes through such high speeds are able to get information about the dynamic load on train cause as well as see how they behave that speeds exceeding two hundred kilometers per hour. at two hundred twenty. whereas the aircraft engine is wanted to observe how low level air flows affected the useful life of the engines started. the project was eventually scrapped in one nine hundred seventy two the lessons learned during the time trials helped lead to improvements that made more mild mannered high speed trains possible thank you the engineers involved a few new things to dream about. what i was going to get into the process of
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building this test. the aircraft engineers came up with a fantastic idea to create a new type of high speed transport. powered by jet engines in the mirror which could reach speeds of up to five hundred kilometers. teams never pursued that idea a group in france did as early as nine hundred sixty five french engineers tried out a new design that was part. of or craft basically twofold to power the vehicle using jet propulsion and to raise it off the ground slightly so that the only resistance left was that of the air over twelve years numerous prototypes were built later versions moved away from turbo jet engines with the last. six thousand nine hundred horsepower propellers. project the things they got the ax as well as the track being torn down in one nine hundred seventy seven. question of
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creating a specific bill ty's speed railway is still on the agenda and should somehow be implemented. in countries like france traditional light rail has been used to answer the high speed question the country's t.g.v. the world record for conventional train travel reaching five hundred seventy five kilometers an hour throughout europe the traditional fast rail has been the main way to reduce congestion on highways and airports as regards russia is a handful of routes that already allow for two hundred kilometer an hour traffic the russian railways is working to build new tracks where the average speed will be no less than two hundred fifty kilometers an hour and for these not just any old steel rails will do just got a new high speed rail rails of particular rigidity are required for. that which is achieved through micro awarding steel with various elements like for
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instance. words of russia is located in a very cold climate. for such conditions in the low temperature resistant. parts resilient to cracky resistant contact. most importantly resilient to. the lower the temperature rails are exposed to the more likely they are to fail that means. require different tracks to those used throughout europe and for that reason the experience testers out and have to check different rails under varying climatic conditions so make sure the country gets the highest. suited for the climate as testing is constantly busy with trying out new designs after taking the sample bits of rails down to temps as far as one hundred twenty degrees below zero
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put through a special test. under extreme circumstances a one to two ton weight is hoisted up to ten metres high it hangs spins for just a moment and then the machine. fly unleashing a punishing blow to the sample bit waiting below. and some of the most technologically advanced rails capable of high speeds and thermal resistance will soon be produced right here in russia currently is prepping an existing plant. with the tools necessary for this task. we're installing a new. treatment equipment. differentiated tempering and new equipment in order to produce one hundred meter rails but in other words you could say that we've built an entirely new plant from top to bottom and it's going to be the world's most advanced production. that differentiated tempering techniques means radios will be treated twenty five meters away from direct heat this. helps make
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the head of the tracks extra hard and allows the pieces to be rolled in extra long sections all of which will make for a real perfectly suited for faster travel for the time being those are just plans for today though for the workers back out here and there are plenty of other projects on the docket and the plant here has a wide range of different carriages but for me one of the more interesting models is their double decker sleeper car looking back a few years the factory here actually produced its first two story car more than a century ago but given current demands for more capacity the factory has recently developed a version of that model compared to an analog to two story sleeping carriage least six and a half tons for an increase of only seven percent and they can handle speeds of up to one hundred sixty kilometers an hour there are different modifications but the version is exclusively for passengers has room for sixty four travelers rather than the usual thirty six. this is a compartment of rama standard like in
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a normal one full carriage the first floor compartment is slightly bigger than on the second floor due to the carriages dimension let's go up stairs to see the layout of the compartments that. this is the second floor. going to make design here is a bit worse than downstairs but still all the relevant safety no i'm sorry did too . this is the train's radio control points the train conduct to see she's also here he's in charge of all of the attendants also i hear there are satellite communication and navigation units. we've got a compartment for passengers with disabilities equipped with a specially designed bed as well as a seat for the person accompanying the nearby is the toilet specially designed for those with disabilities this is the elevator if a people with disabilities to raise them from the station platform up to the carriage with the assistance of the person accompanying them or the attendant sure
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normal true story trains are relatively common but this one from prides itself on how there's separates itself from the pack. and europe they built for short distances said the carriages equipped with seat since the journeys are just two or three hours in russia it's usually longer so the requirements are different and therefore russia's passenger train engineering experience or to be taken into account specifically for these long distance carriages. like a few of the other projects highlighted in the show these double decker trains are likely going to help move visitors to and from the upcoming olympic games so this summer it appears that london isn't the only place with. increasing competition in the industry has led to other russian firms to push to develop cutting edge locomotives in fact russian railways shows up a wide variety of new types at its annual innovation exposition in moscow with that in mind there was plenty to please the i recently here at risky station at this
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year's show green seem to be the main theme of the day especially for sonora who are partly responsible for the electric swallow we talked about at the top of the program there were other eco friendly designs like those that run a liquefied natural gas as well as dual engine energy savers but the one that caught our eye was a diesel electric hybrid. autos such as toyota prius energy savings on account of regenerative braking and an electric traction motor with the help of such engineering solutions the train's makers claim it can significantly reduce fuel consumption up to sixty tons of the combustibles. each year now that hybrid is a far cry from one thousand nine hundred three steam engines like this and from that time it was nearly a century before engineers and russia made the switch to the diesel powered brutes we know today but think the new technology the latest green trains are nothing more than a few modifications away and those tweaks are taking place here at snorers factory
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in the city of. located southwest of moscow not too far from the border with della reese the factory used to be one of the giants a soviet train making like was so often the case following the breakup of the soviet union the plant fell on hard times throughout the one nine hundred ninety s. and early two thousand the former workforce of more than ten thousand has been whittled down to between two and three thousand. years the factories fortunes have been on the way up arrived as a new shareholder the company is leaning on the plant centuries of experience to produce the very latest models. they mostly produce locomotives but not for passengers or freight instead for hauling carriages machinery around the station or industrial facility for that reason it should come as no surprise that it counts more than just the nation's railway operator amongst its biggest clients. partners our russian real were nice which accounts for about thirty percent of what
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we manufacture. gasper i'm affiliated companies which purchase about twenty percent of the do so locomotives and we make the rest of our old goes to metal manufacturers coal mines and other smaller industrial enterprises. because the help of grants from russia is high tech promoting spoke of the fund sonora has built a brand new center of innovative development here. this interest engineers have been able to work out the mechanical and technical issues of the latest trains before they go into production so the hybrid isn't ready for full. scale a symbol of just yet but engineers have got the first one up and running. they're carrying out a number of tests trying to get the complex algorithms just right to maximize their station see and this lead green machine. for the hybrid scenario engineers took the basic design of their teeth and nine train thank you but
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a little extra juice because all the usual suspects a twelve hundred horsepower diesel engine cooling system and compressor but they've also added a few extra bits to most notably a lithium ion battery that can store and regenerate energy additionally a whole set of controllers needed to coordinate the action between the diesel the batteries and the asynchronous motor has also been fitted. with the advantages of this motor that it's more smoothly and more appropriate to the regulates the rotational force applied to the axle as well as the fact that it practically doesn't require any additional labor or money to operate. they are reliable and obviously should be cheaper than. the hybrid can operate in three different modes there's a so-called power mode in which only the diesel engine is used to generate movement next is the economic i was draw some power from the battery and some from the
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diesel and last but not least is the ecological load when the train runs so we offer the battery powered it's got enough juice to cool a full load for up to an hour that's ideal for using enclosed spaces in and around the depot. and of the shareholders signed an agreement of intent with the russian railways chairman. expects to have this locomotive certified by the end of the year and by the first of june next year we have just signed a supply contracts. despite the fact is equipped with a pretty powerful engine is designed to top out at a mere one hundred kilometers per hour like many of the dean of us other trains the hybrid actually is. classified as a shunting locomotive so even though the orders are likely on their way don't expect to see it at the front of your passenger train any time soon but anyways that'll do for this locomotive centric edition of technology update we'll see you next time and it's elin enjoy the right.
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line. would be soo much brighter if you knew all about someone from funds to perdition.


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