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tv   [untitled]    June 30, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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starts on t.v. dot com. major world powers throw the diplomatic way behind attempts to end the drawn out crisis in syria all amid reports the country right now is being surrounded by foreign military force. as the german parliament rubber stamps the euro zone's massive bailout cash dissolution italians turn to comedians for their leadership. and american troops might be out of iraq but the money continues to flow in washington plans upgrades worth one hundred million dollars to a bank that embassy despite cutting a third of its diplomatic staff. global
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news around the clock this is r.t. with me rory sushi i live in moscow the world's main powers making desperate diplomatic attempts to break the impasse in syria which has now seen no letup in sixteen months of violence despite deep divisions of the crisis conference in geneva are still ongoing moscow has expressed little hope that the talks may get things moving you've got a peace going off is there for us. this could very well be one of the last remaining chances for the international community to help fix this problem before the violence in syria schools out into the entire region and the u.n. special envoy kofi annan has warned that any further deaths in syria will be the responsibility of ours if they feel here a little progress has been made and there are complications for instance even though some of the key global powers are taking part in this conference i mean the permanent five members of the u.n. security council some countries who could also be helped. in the situation like
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iran for instance which is a very influential state in syria's neighborhood that country is not taking part in this meeting there's also a difference of approaches by several states like for instance to the united states which is pushing more for regime change was moscow is calling for equal pressure which needs to be applied on both sides of this conflict but despite these complications in order to prevent the violence in syria from spilling out into the entire region there are positive signals like the mood at this conference for instance and russia's foreign minister said eleven of did meet with the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton before the conference on friday in st petersburg and after that meeting he said that for the first time he didn't hear any ultimatums and it seems now that washington understands that ultimatums at this point what we help improve the situation that's why according to the russian foreign minister there is hope and some good chances that this meeting will lead to
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some progress. of course want to go to piss off reporting right wolf in the meantime a political analyst dr benjamin says that a clash of international interests in syria could ultimately lead to regional meltdown there's not even unity among the western allies and the nato allies and certainly there's not unity among foreign powers over all you see a series of somewhat rivaling conflicting interests it makes it extremely difficult and the real problem is here we've learned in libya that the price of military intervention is very very high end if i can just remind your viewers and listeners about the costs that we have paid in libya through a nato intervention originally entered into perhaps with some goodwill to prevent civilians from be massacred ended up first of all hurting damaging killing more civilians than anything that could off he had done and today leading to
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a situation of virtual tribal war clan war decentralization and the breakup of libya now imagine replicate that situation in a post interventionist stage in syria. now saudi arabia is reportedly gearing up for military action against syria it's all about claims the gulf state has already put militants fighting the assad regime but its payroll israel's news agency thought to have close links with israeli intelligence says saudi troops are moving towards jordan on their way to syria's southeast border. is following developments for us in syria where gets an alarming reports on foreign troops being deployed at all headed towards the syrian borders from the north west and south some original media believed to have close ties with israeli intelligence reports heavy saudi troop movements towards the jordanian and iraqi borders after king abdullah put the
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country's military on high alert for joining the uprising against president bashar assad in syria its report of the special units have tanks missiles special forces and batteries and the plan is to enter jordan then move towards syria further and then and to syria and establish a security zone around the towns of the resort that i and others known as the epicenter is over the uprising against the syrian regime western gulf sources also reporting that jordan is on war alerts to we're hearing this it means reports that turkey is continuing to build up its syrian border units with tanks and anti aircraft machine guns and missiles in what they say is a defensive move full of when they down over turkish jet by syria last friday literal ations between the two neighbors deteriorated dramatically they didn't manage to agree on how and where exactly the fighter jet was he'd be after the
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incident turkey has claimed that from now on any military objects coming from syrian side towards the turkish border will be treated as a threat and heat. for national reporting. analysis and reaction to the developments ongoing in syria just log on to our website at www dot com also don't forget to check out our correspondents twitter feeds twenty four seven and you can get all the latest on the conflict. we've.
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been living this way since the seventeenth century. strict. their communities are isolated. they clearly distinguish between their own and the alien. and guard their families and things. critique three storage. arrangement three. three. three. three brought video for your media project free media r t v dot com.
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live from moscow this is getting but what about top stories here that have the ongoing crisis in syria as we're talking to you now there is a crisis conference ongoing in geneva with the international powers sitting around a table trying to discuss some sort of diplomatic solution to the ongoing conflict there let's get some more on this now across life to a lot of work a member of the london based syria social club think tank joining us here live. thank you for coming on the program it's good to see you today in his latest interview president assad said syria will not accept any outside solution to its crisis so is there any point in having this international meeting about syria in geneva. well yes there is because at the end of the day although it is an internal problem actually what is making it more far more complicated is the international complications every single nation the fault of this as an opportunity
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to stick their nose into this and try to get the best outcome that would suit their interest and i'm talking here about regional players international players and so on so it is important for them to sit down and talk with each other because solving the problems in between them would reflect positively i would say to the situation in syria we've seen regional players like the saudis the qataris pledging arms and funds to the rebels since the peace plan was supported by the u.n. security council and this has complicated the matter a lot and it is now time that those people sit down with each other and you know decide whether they're going to continue with this and at what cost and you know who's paying it but you know moments ago moments ago you said that this meeting in geneva is an important meeting but then you went on to say that these international players in the regional players are sticking their noses perhaps where they don't belong so so so what are their aims then with the ongoing crisis in syria with the current president saying he doesn't want their help. well of course he does and
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because i think the reason why the syrian crisis has taken so much longer and so high cost is because the regional players so fit you know to interfere in syria they made in my opinion a wrong bet on the rapid fold of the current government or the current government in syria and they thought that they might benefit from installing a new government in syria that would suit their interests we know the saudi rivalry with iran we know that the turks have their own internal issues and they would want some sort of an islamic. government in damascus to suit their islamic tendencies you know you not to do it in order to fight their internal secular. opponents in turkey and all sorts of things it's the western powers would want to take complete control over the middle east region on the resources they're thinking that russia and china and india and so on they have all the resources in the world they have.
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you know human resources production capacity finances they control lot of natural resources and so on and so forth and they think that they would want to control this region in order to compete to be able to compete with those emerging powers so everybody has an interest however this is reflected badly on the situation in syria so arming the rebels now we have. our own fighter is a muslim fighter is this is a reenactment meant of the afghan tragedy between the one nine hundred seventy nine and the ninety eight only as you say as you say certainly there are regional players here there are international players all having this meeting in geneva to benefit their own personal interests of what they stand to gain and what is the next step what happens in syria as we know these are international members meeting in geneva iran as we all know has been excluded there are many saying that iran should have been involved in this the meeting is ongoing right now we're standing by to listen to some of the heads of state to come out of the meeting and tell us what's the next step for syria but as far as you're concerned what are your
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expectations that come out of this meeting that hasn't quite wrapped up yet. why do you view the international aspect of the syrian crisis to be very much similar to what happened in one nine hundred fifty six in the sewers crisis where the old imperial regime the russians sort of the french and the british thought that they could actually dictate world affairs by invading directly egypt without consulting with anyone there has been a shift there had been a shift at the time and the new emerging powers of the soviet union at the time and america saying no no no you're not second best and you need to consult with us and now there is a very similar shift that is happening from the west to the east in my opinion and i would argue that the debacle in libya where russia and china led to the west do whatever they want and instead of hundreds of dead now we have tens of thousands of people died and we don't know if we have a levy anymore. as you know the russians and the chinese are saying you know enough is enough you can't dictate it will politics like this and go into war through
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proxies now we're hearing that the saudis are sending some forces obviously the jihad is all over the place and the turks are actually sending some forces to the syrian border and you cannot you cannot control that. piece of the world or piece order of the world at your behest without you know being accountable to it and i think what will emerge of this geneva meeting is elusive world order where you know the western powers would admit that they cannot take things like what they have been doing so far and we've heard so far some statements like from the british . foreign minister william hague he says you know it's very hard to envision the russians for example and we don't know if this is going to be possible or not and they're starting to admit that they can influence things less now than they have been able to do so a year ago expression when libya how they are always on a very eager to see the results of this meeting ongoing in geneva where on stand by to hear the statements from the world leaders the. member of the london based
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syrian social club thing i think i'm sorry that's all the time we have four. today but thank you for coming on the program thank you very much for the opposition. but german parliament has approved of the e.u. is massive five hundred billion bailout fund and ratified the new fiscal compact last night which ultimately limits spending deficits this as chancellor angela merkel finds herself on the back foot strongly rejecting notions that she somehow capitulated to the financial demands of southern european nations but criticism though is especially loud in germany where many see the e.u.'s new bank bailout program as just too much like the mechanism that would allow brussels to bail out banks using you taxpayer money without even consulting governments but michael says she surrendered nothing and that any bank rescue would come with harsh strings attached dr professor of political economy it's an mary's college in california says he is skeptical of these so-called breakthroughs. you can bail out the banks
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but that's no guarantee you're going to get economic growth which is what you must have in in the longer run and what i see when brussels and this growth pact is that it's very much tokenism at this quite it's just moving money around from the european investment bank and so forth and the amount is grossly insufficient to stimulate growth so that whole picture has to be true of the developed the euro crisis is really extreme crisis things in one three dimensions and one is the sovereign debt crisis another is the banking crisis which is becoming more visible and they sustained but the other is the economic crisis the real economy and of course we know europe is rapidly is slipping into recession and various other countries and as long as that growth does not occur it's going to feed back and exacerbate both the banking and the sovereign debt crisis. one of the men credited
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with twisting michael's arm into accepting the bank bailout program is prime minister mario monti but for him there is a seismic political shift going on but the old elite feeling the public backlash against austerity now we've been comedians are proving successful alternatives to the current leadership as artie's cerified reports that italy's economic situation is no laughing matter it might come as some surprise that it's full of a t.v. comedian that. he's the latest character to still italy's political spotlight as the euro crisis continues voters have become increasingly disillusioned with mainstream politics in a radical apocalypse breeds and grassroots movements such as youth organization and the rain have been growing in force and popularity that take willow and his five star movement now thrive online shunning traditional media and gaining huge respect
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with its younger generation something that technocrat premier nary a monti has say far failed to do they're all whispering about young people but young people are not really represented in the stone thing goes off people in government. trades very often. old people we. don't have the right feeling off what you see really happening in the county we're trying to make you do you don't change that's the point you have tried with some kind of policies which is merely bodies and policy if you want to talk about that and now it's austerity so it's selling everything that. does not have to control anything about the economy but it is not just is not working with elections across europe marked by a decline in turnout it's leads recent local election results were alarming with a third of those eligible to vote staying home and mainstream parties losing to the
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protests. in a major way all parties traditional parties just are not realizing that. things are changing so quickly and they are all old they're trying to. very innovative themselves but they just are not able and very low in this situation is moving like a green. i mean because you can jump from an argument to another one and he's always winner currently in a status suspended democracy when he's unelected government trying to flee out of the financial storm the question on everybody's lips does better pay so it's made less than the chance when next year's elections come around the parties are now taking very seriously because a couple weeks ago he won some major victories in local elections in italy including that. position in
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a significant city in italy and other places and i think he's filled a vacuum and so the parties on the right on the left the democratic party the party the mainstream center left is very worried by the threat he poses now whether he. can become a political party i'm very doubtful of that but it certainly has struck a chord with a certain type of you know young activists who are fed up with italy's preschool class and it's not just italy the populations of greece spain and france have seen formally dispels by the own going quite safe and movements like the pirate party in germany and five star in italy are gaining solid ground as the euro is in state looks increasingly wobbly i think it's going to survive even if. you think it's going to survive. we need a big change could it now be its least full the funnyman who find a solution to the crisis it leaves no stranger to performance in its parliament but
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the decisions of the last. leader left the country with one in three unemployed my didn't debt with this economy thinking the euro project might now seem to many like a bad joke and it's one that's left us all wondering just what the punch line will be so. it was just earlier this week that a leading a british bank that of barclays found itself find almost three hundred million pounds for rampant rate fixing in essence the bank manipulated figures relied on by the world's banking system in a bid to boost its own profits and that's certainly something max and stacey in the cars report are very angry about the full program coming your way at seventeen thirty g.m.t. for now a preview. so now you have bob diamond over apparently committing criminal fraud on his own bounty committing criminal fraud in a live or market when there's plunder at the top and you systematically legitimize
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plunder as the main source of your economic activity as david cameron has done in the u.k. he's told european regulators look in the u.k. criminal plunder is the basis of our economy you can't put our bankers in jail because all we'd be left with are a bunch of marmite pots and some a limp dick has ben's so and it filters down to the rest of society but why i put other people in jail i mean i don't understand why put anyone in jail and in the u.k. there's no standard of law there's absolutely no standard of life to do any criminal action you want the u.k. and he will be put in jail if you're connected if you're part of conspiracy or part of mafia. nine hundred thirty g.m.t. you can see the cars are reported for now the u.s. is cutting its presence in iraq by removing about a third of its diplomatic staff but it plans to spend now about one hundred million dollars upgrading the fortified embassy compound in baghdad former u.s. diplomat george county says that spending damages america's national image while
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feeding taxpayer money to greedy contractors. it's approaching a billion or maybe over a billion dollars now that was spent on this compound in baghdad for no evident purpose other than perhaps to enrich the contractors. and the politicians who are being paid off but. if someone asked me what is the purpose of this facility i'd have to say well that there really isn't one is it's a symbol more of american decline than it is of american power but it's not just about iraq it's about projecting power in the region and you have to ask in the old days american embassies were relatively modest affairs they were open they tried to project a sense of american idealism of democracy and so forth now we're building these enormous fortresses that ultimately of course will be abandoned and look look back upon as a bad joke. more of what are there always are many more stories available on our
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website on dot com including for example of the u.s. military base hit by a rather large sex abuse scandal and the investigation finds thirty one female cadets were sexually assaulted by their superiors raising concerns over the safety of women in america's armed forces. also online find out about plans to launch a new telescope but it's only there keep an eye on asteroids which might pose a danger to earth those details and much more also on our website. this is r.t. there is just a day to go now before a full go on iranian crude exports tyrone's nuclear program takes effect
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america's latest set of sanctions kicked in on friday the u.s. however has granted china and singapore last minute exemptions from financial penalties for buying iranian oil as follows audio waivers to more than a dozen other countries almost all of iran's known european clients lawyers and activists must off he says these measures never achieve what they are meant to instead they just end up hurting the most fun. the sort of stated objective of both the united states and the european union as in carrying out the sanctions is it that they are meant to persuade iran to come to the table and negotiations on their nuclear program but all we really seen both historically when we look at iraq as well as now is that the iranian government itself bears little to no branch roberta and. what the sanctions are actually doing it's really about people that
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feel the biggest burden iran now is faced with it extremely high some say twenty some go up to sixty percent of an inflation rate in the country so what we're really feeling and terms of the effect of these sanctions is not so much these state players and how they're a factor but how ordinary people inside iran are actually getting affected by these policies or a straight to west africa to start the r.t. was update for you is that the bodies north and does that region have destroyed unesco holy sites in the city of mumbai two that comes amid conflict between competing rebel groups in the west african nation is the most fighters with ties to al qaeda say they are in control of the northern half of the country after driving out ethnic touareg separatists on thursday twenty one killed and. mohammed morsi has been sworn in as the new president of egypt after taking the
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official oath of office egypt's first elected leader since the fall of hosni mubarak on friday he rallied huge crowds in cairo's to rear square promise to stand up against the ruling military council huge protests have been demanding a complete power handover by the military since the toppling of the mubarak regime . now the u.s. is facing a growing problem with almost a third of its population classed as overweight it's got the highest rate of obesity in the world despite more awareness than ever about the harmful effects of unhealthy eating laurie how often it is in new york asking what needs to be done to help people slim down and shape up. as the world's knowledge of science and medicine continues to grow so do our waistlines why this week let's talk about that most of the people is too lazy i think we're just lazy but i think that most of it is better to see your coach
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sleeping doing well to the stuff even the cost of an early death yeah but nobody thinks because we don't do enough exercise and we large portions to cut down the portions everyone knows this it seems to be common knowledge no one's doing anything about it that's right because they don't have intestinal fortitude to follow through that's what it is meant but the big one. i think even though our knowledge of science getting a lot bigger it's very concentrated i feel like a lot of it is in things like colleges and the higher educated but we're not transferring that knowledge to other people it's all caught in one place and route spreading it around the population enough so that's why we still enjoy things like fast food just because a lot of people are still ignorant to how bad it really is or what the calories oh because it's like a drug it is like a drug we're all addicts tell that delicious that's our problem what's your addiction we like to sit chocolate chip cookies i just think that poor middle class
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communities just don't have access to enough information and education about healthy living so is it government's responsibility to spread that or is it a personal responsibility thing for people to take care of themselves both i think as well i think sinden might think. there's a levy on each product so people are forced to buy less products i think but if you think that's fair shouldn't a person be able to buy whatever crap they want. yes but some governments need money. you can't tell people you can't use peanut oil or whatever to cook your you know cook your food and so is it a try. causes of natural selection that if people are going to make bad choices they're going to die earlier and that's the way it should be you think so whether or not you think it's a problem the modern world is getting fatter and fatter and that can't be a good thing for societies waste or bottom line.
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all right in just a moment the headlines out of the followed by spotlight this is art.


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