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tv   [untitled]    July 2, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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don't comb. the syrian opposition rejects the latest international peace plan calling for free elections with an all inclusive transitional government in the interim. britain's up big brother internet and phone firms are to record up but there's deep concern over new government plans to probably into citizens personal affairs. had fresh calls to try julian assange for spying are made in washington as r t prepares to air the final episode of his interview show. low as they did for joining our t.v. this monday with me karen taraji syria's opposition has rejected the new
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international plan to and the country's bloody internal conflict they say they don't want president assad to be a part of the political transition meeting in geneva all international powers agreed that the syrian people are to decide the fate of the country and there are no demands for regime change parties more of a notion as more from damascus. the geneva peace proposal was the latest attempt to reconcile the divided sides in the syrian conflict with a unity government but that hope was already fading even before the delegates in switzerland returned to their homes the syrian national council s. and c. and the free syrian army the political and military forces spearheading the uprising both financed from and based abroad have made it clear they can be no solution with their side in power as allowed in the geneva agreement homebase a position is less direct though some still warn it's too late for dialogue the un
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and so our party boycotted mase parliamentary elections its leader has said the time has come for all sides to make sacrifices and the government should lead the way. the peace plan will only work if assad handed over control of the armed forces and security to the interim government should start seeing the free syrian army and others who are against them as the opposition know everyone agrees some say the syrian opposition is too fragmented to be trusted larger could be only those who really want dialogue should be thought of as legitimate opposition and who is that there's a battle of wills the geopolitical interests of big regional players but we're sure to see more games being played to sabotage the peace efforts. he's the syrian people we spoke to welcomes the idea of a unity government but with some reservations of their own if the opposition is internal national there is no problem but if it's an opposition with point
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passengers that's just not acceptable. we understand what we want but we cannot understand what the opposition wants apart from assad to go what else. someone like kelly almost said the head of the s.n.c. we don't even know who they are we don't need them. with so many unknowns analysts say the syrian opposition has both a covert and open support of nations who demand regime change and backed the rebels with tons of weapons channeled into syria to fuel the conflict. the first thing to do this is take away these arms otherwise no peace is possible but that can be done quickly too much money has been spent and too many parties are involved but meanwhile according to the geneva document the syrian people are the only ones who should decide their country's future but they're concerned they want to get the chance. of course we the syrian people should decide what we want for ourselves we
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knew that already if. they brought foreign terrorists from outside and money it was a conspiracy from the first day. of the cancer stops of violence while foreign countries are financing and supporting the rebels as in all wars it's the people who are paying the price for months of bloody conflict in their homeland my job back home by them walking alone that's what i want not maybe everybody at the bank or the believe i want peace and safety and that the old leave us alone that. i want to go with my son without shooting or bombing without thinking which car is next to explode but it seems that no matter how much international game playing there raise it will be syrians themselves who bear the brunt of the dream. last lawn less than two days after the latest peace initiative force forward in geneva skepticism is growing that an interim governing body made up of the syrian opposition and current regime will ever become more than just
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a solution on paper with more lives being lost every day in this war torn country this bloody saga looks far from over. from damascus and syria now despite the transition deal reached in geneva washington continues to encourage rebels to carry on their fight against the regime that's what they root face political analysts common sense. i mean if you hear the statement of the russian and you hear the statement of mrs clinton the secretary of state of the united states you would hear there is a huge difference between the two statements one is calling healing of the country and one mrs clinton saying we won the president to step down a new one and out of the pictures it's time to go and she's not talking about starting a transitional period and obviously the sentiment the american sentiment the negative sentiment that actually feeding into this chaos in syria it still is i
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think it's time for the americans to be silent and set aside for the persian gulf country stop meddling inside syria so we can see positive reinforcement and real dialogue taking the place as long as these. countries take in this negative damaging grog i think the level of violence and the hatred will continue to fuel of the violence in syria. six minutes past the hour and turkey isn't letting the tension ease on its frontier with syria sending six fighter jets to the area and got us as it's in response to helicopters from the arab state flying close to the border there was no violation of its airspace the move follows the shooting down of a turkish fighter jet last month after it crossed into syrian airspace claimed the plane was on armed and had strayed briefly while just testing its own side's radars
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in response to the downing of the aircraft turkey began deploying artillery along its border with syria damascus meanwhile insists it was just protecting its security. all right and still ahead for you this hour news from another middle eastern country where the wounds of the arab spring remain open and healed. i.b.'s questionable headway towards democracy reels under a crushing blow as protesters tear an election authority office into pieces very birthplace of last year's uprising. and the only president it sanctions against iran are now in force will they succeed in making to abandon its nuclear ambitions find out in a few minutes right here on r t. the u.k. has found another way to snoop into its citizens affairs internet and phone
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companies are set to install so-called black boxes which will monitor e-mails social networking activity and calls and store them for a year it's a part of a government plan to catch terrorists and sex offenders it already has and says that only limited details will be stored but activists are raising privacy concerns . this is almost literally orwellian under the plan as it's been described the government will have boxes deep cryptic in everyone's private emails and web surfing and for saying companies to record all of that data to be turned over to the government at any time i mean it's almost like literally opening up every letter that gets sent through the post office so the government can make a copy just in case one of the biggest issues with this proposal is that the boxes you know it will be kept by the i s p's and it's very hard to say that this is going to make it one more secure given that it's easy to imagine it's either a rogue gaius of the employees rogue government officials or just hackers and
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breaking into the ice and stealing all of this personal information you know on the internet as it is now a lot of personal information moves through the internet but it's not all kept in one place by having these computers store it off they're creating a huge target for criminals who lives incredibly vague and brought it just as the government needs the power to spy on everybody what it is that they're actually interested in it's hard to say and i think it comes out of the mentality not of trying to solve a particular problem but just of thinking like oh wouldn't it be nice if we were more powerful you know governments always want to be more powerful they always want just in case the ability to spy on everyone but the government has provided no clear explanation of what the problem is they're trying to solve. the e.u. embargo of iranian oil is now in place along with fresh u.s. sanctions against countries dealing with tuck ront the measures are aimed pressurizing iran to curb its nuclear program the islamic republic says however that it's been stockpiling money as a buffer and that selling oil remains no problem that's thanks to america exempting
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some countries from penalties including china and singapore all foreign journalist afshin rattansi says the sanctions are unlikely to have the desired effect. iran will be more than happy to replace all the oil exports to europe with their customers whether they be eleven america or lose notably china because it was the us has exempted china and the chinese foreign minister is already on record as saying that these you have to also actions are outrageous and wrong johnnie's oil imports crude oil imports from iran rose five percent there back to two thousand and eleven levels it seems a state presumably again lobbied by israel which seems to be running its foreign policy well to do this at the same time as the great economic crisis in europe is causing havoc increase oil prices certainly going to make not only the euro but
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european finance is suffer so this isn't going to help the world economy and it's certainly not having any impact on the road all right still to come this hour four years on since washington's launched a marketing campaign promoting brand usa all over the world. we investigate whether president obama's plan could succeed in attracting a more visitors from emerging economies and create new jobs and his own country. and europe's largest city just got two times bigger in size former president jimmy jimmy to visit his proposal to expand moscow's boundaries has been put in place we have all the deep. else in just a few minutes. scores of armed men seeking autonomy for libya's benghazi have raided the city's electoral commission office trashing equipment and causing expensive and extensive damage and
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happened just days before the country's first general election since the fall of moammar qaddafi activists and journalists who can't chandan says the attack shows just how far libya is from democracy the elections are about to come about in libya in in a few days but i don't think it's a sign of any democratic progress in libya because all indicators which should be there which would lead to. a healthy democracy will be taking place are absent so what we have is that is the relative persecution of women's right relative to what happened in the gadhafi persecution of all dark skin libyans who are being persecuted on the basis that they are loyal by by dint of their pigmentation of their skin to gadhafi we have intertribal warfare girl or we have four hundred militias all across libya there is no there's no law and order there's no security so this is this is far from any basis of a true people focus democracy but this is the nature of the n.t.s.c.
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nato democracy and this is the nature of the democracy that nato want to bring to all the peoples of the global south. a u.s. senator has renewed calls for julian a songe to be prosecuted for espionage australian media reports that u.s. senate intelligence committee had dianne feinstein has reiterated that the whistleblower has compromised america's security is currently holed up in ecuador's embassy in london waiting for a decision on his asylum bid meanwhile the last episode of his top show is set to air right here on our teeth this time with talks to malaysian opposition leader anwar ibrahim he tells the whistleblower about his fight for freedom at home and what he sees as the hypocrisy of someone strong leaders. you want to do something. you must not be caught up. in of course bullet these are the art of compromise i'm seeing that you know you would like a political philosophy dictate the new shoes but. this at the ground groups
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that you have to accept it don't you know i mean you are the woman you see you are doing for democracy you become the west. with him or you talk about market can only you become a. agent but you know these things. you have it know their woman are willing to be with you you know is going to happen of the. but i think you know people you know the problem with authority and indeed. even the leaders in the west including destroy islam or for these. we are against them this little policy of the states i mean i do. since the. ascribe to the idea of use this initial split or the american revolution or differ so in ideas or the habits of the heart
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the talk of you talked about the dog and that is our concert. last episode of giant interview show right here on our t.v. that's our tuesday eleven thirty g.m.t. and you can also watch all the previous episodes at our son started out car. back in two thousand and nine president obama put tourism on the agenda as a potential economy booster advertising brand america across the world but the ambitious plan hasn't managed to pull the jobs market out of a slump with june yet another week month for the struggling u.s. economy. has the story. america's economy was once like the strongest and fastest roller coaster everyone wanted to ride. but nearly four years following wall street's financial freefall more than fifteen million u.s. citizens lack full time jobs. and employment problem the u.s.
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president hopes the visitors from other countries can help fix more money spent by more tourists means more businesses can hire more workers washington has launched a marketing campaign promoting brand usa all over the world. with a heavy focus on travelers from brazil china and india visitors from all three emerging economies contributed a reported fifteen billion dollars to the u.s. in two thousand and ten part of what's going on in the united states is americans don't have any money anymore and they can't afford to go on vacation and part of what you're seeing is them looking to replace the weak pushed out american middle class with folks from other parts the world where the economy is going better and wages are growing in an effort to lure the big spenders the white house has made it easier and quicker for more chinese and brazilian citizens to obtain tourist visas before brand usa came brand big apple new york city america's top tourist
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destination attracted more than fifty million visitors last year now while the weak u.s. dollar has been a burdett for the buying power of u.s. citizens customers armed with a stronger currency kept moving and prices from dropping the international visitor are they're great shoppers and they spend a tremendous amount of money there brazilians spend a tremendous amount of money many europeans the chinese spend a lot of money george is the c.e.o. of n.y.c. and company an organization that markets the big apple around the globe he also serves as marketing vice chairman for brand usa every eighty five visitors foreign visitors it comes to the united states who creates one job. and because we have so many different visitors you know we have over ten million international visitors in two thousand and eleven and now we have well over three hundred twenty five thousand jobs in the hospitality and travel and tourism industry so it's a huge boon to the economy but some argue quantity may not be quite to quality it
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does tend to create fairly low paid service industry jobs that doesn't tend to create great jobs having people in the business of manufacturing or high end services no medical services business services tends to create much higher quality or paid jobs than tourism which tends to create a law jobs for people cleaning hotel rooms and serving meals i decade ago the idea of an american president betting on tourists from brazil china and india for jobs would have raised many eyebrows. today however two hundred million dollars is being spent to brand usa abroad while social services continue being cut at home. r.t. new york. there are always more stories waiting for you at r.t. dot com here's a quick peek. time for a change the british prime minister paves the way for a possible referendum on the u.k.'s e.u. membership saying his country's people are not happy with relations as they are.
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also as the demand for drones is expected to continue to grow the american state of florida is devoting a large chunk of funding hoping to become the country's call before aerial vehicles . is easy. to. download the official altie obligation to go on the phone called talk from the. geology and law is on the go. video. all
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g.'s in my old goals. and streets now in the palm of your. question on the dot com. all right thanks for joining us twenty minutes past the hour now it's time for a brief look at some other stories making headlines across the globe a gunman in an afghan police uniform has killed three nato staff in southern afghanistan he was injured and later arrested the incident brings the number to thirty nine of foreign troops killed this month with the death toll of two hundred fifteen so far this year the attack comes ahead of a handover which will see control of the country's past from nato to afghan security forces in twenty fourteen. hundreds of protesters have demonstrated in japan over the country's first restart of a nuclear plant since the crisis at fukushima last year the move was ordered last
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month as the prime minister said economic and living standards couldn't be maintained without atomic energy the country shut down all its nuclear plants after a meltdown at the fukushima plant triggered by last year's tsunami and earthquake. seventeen people have been killed with over forty wounded in simultaneous attacks on two churches in northeast kenya masked saillant a launched gun and grenade raids the worst in the country since it sent troops into somalia to pursue all shabaab militants since then islamised have been blamed for a string of blasts across kenya though they have never admitted to the violence in the country. in mexico preliminary results show the opposition candidate pena nieto has claimed to victory in the country's presidential election has when means the return to power of the institutional revolutionary party club years out
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of all fits by the time his party was defeated after seven decades in a power it had gained a reputation for widespread corruption electoral fraud and all the tearing is pena's wall in the support however for his reform agenda. which focuses on improvement of infrastructure and battle with poverty. boundaries are the russian capital happened officially extended to the southwest as promised meaning the city has now more than doubled in area peter oliver it looks into what the expansion means from muscovites and for those who have been made a city dwellers after this move. it was always one of europe's largest cities no moscow has gotten even bigger from the first of july a huge chunk of what had been the moscow region is now being absorbed into the city proper but why was this done and what differences will it make to the lives of those living in the new parts of the city. the changes which were put forward last
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year by then president dmitri medvedev see two small cities and three municipal districts coming inside the city limits seeing moscow grow almost two and a half times covering an area roughly the size of a quarter of a million football pitches but the idea is that these new sites will take some of the strain of moscow's jump city center their plans to make them attractive to foreign investment also some elements of russia's federal government will see their headquarters relocating to new buildings away from downtown there's even the possibility of building a new financial hub in the southwest of the city and those involved in that project will be hoping it can benefit from its out of sense a location and even compete with moscow city when it comes to attracting business and what is astonishing about the boundary changes is that as much as this is moscow now so is here as well listen village seems a far cry from the gridlocked traffic and skyscrapers of the city center but things
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are set to change here not only in terms of construction projects for the locals here registration documents are going to have to be changed taxes filed in new locations and for senior citizens the basic pension is set to rise by around one hundred euro per month so what are the locals here feel about the coming muscovites . fifty years i've been living here i think is bad for the village and for you to get used to a family life you need to move the changes lincoln immediately the three think we'll see development take place quickly in our area and now that we've got to the city do in the middle of august i think is positive i'm all for the project i think it will be profitable but this will create a new moscow for the money for him so he'll want some areas to development is already underway as you can see from the forest of apartment buildings that have
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being erected just behind me but over the coming years the should be plenty more construction work to be carried out peter all over r.t. moscow. all right natasha's manning the business desk this morning natasha good morning should we expect last week's european deal to lift stocks this monday. well we certainly could hope so judging by the way the asian markets are trading let's check out the actual figures and as you can see at the moment the nikkei is posting some gains in fact as posting gains of around a quarter percent following the european leaders decision a las friday to all let their rescue fund deposit cash a straight into the struggling banks and also to create a single body that will essentially monitor the eurozone banks and that's basically what we're looking at is the european banking union the much anticipated banking
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union i should say of course that's the background but at the moment in asia as i said exporters are really driving the nikkei higher on them prove the sentiment toward europe and hong kong the hang saying is closed for a holiday this monday now on wall street last friday the nasdaq ended up posting the biggest daily percentage gain since last december again the european news with the main driver there overall for the first half of the year the dow posted gains of five point four percent the nasdaq of almost thirteen percent not bad considering that we're in the midst of a crisis now the good news from europe may help drive stocks higher but it's certainly not enough to help the euro fall and it's a rally on friday it is a losing value this monday morning and the russian ruble gained against both the
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euro and the dollar on friday will bring you the latest figures as soon as the russian markets reopen and that will happen in a less than one hours time let's see how they did on friday and let's bring those russian markets figures. as you can see the russian markets had an amazing day on friday a major rally there and the r.t.s. and the mindsets skyrocketed the r.t.s. almost five and a half percent and staying with russia now the country has reserved almost eleven billion dollars this year as a seat cushion for a possible crisis and that's around a third of the anti-crisis spending of two thousand and nine analysts say this time russia is more prepared for a possible downturn and maybe even overjoyed spending the money but of course a lot of a will depend on crude prices as we know russia is why it's dependent on
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its oil exports and at the moment crude is actually a losing value again following the biggest price surge in three years on friday apparently some traders see that as a selling opportunity and that's all latest from the business desk this hour i'll be back in about fifteen minutes the latest news are on our side our to slash business all right thanks for that well i'll be back with a recap of the headlines after a short break. gold
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. plated. the speed. bump will. play a long slow and good luck.


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