tv [untitled] July 2, 2012 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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syria's opposition rejects a new peace deal to merge with the government because it doesn't bother president assad from the transition. dull days ahead for bridges internet freedom as well as the small over installing black boxes which would store people's private calls like chats and messages. and fresh calls in the u.s. to prosecute the world's most famous whistleblower for spying i don't julian assange has final talks carry on.
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twenty four hours a day seven days a week of this is r.t. syria's rebels have rebuffed or the latest plan for peace world powers push for unity government at talks in geneva at the weekend but the opposition in says assad has to go the deal was forced to try and end the drawn out conflict which the u.n. says has claimed more than ten thousand lives has artie's maria. being the geneva peace proposal was the latest attempt to reconcile the divided sides in the syrian conflict with a unity government but that hope was already fading even before the delegates in switzerland returned to their homes the syrian national council all s. and c. and the free syrian army the political and military forces spearheading the uprising both financed from and based abroad have made it clear they can be no solution with their side in power as allowed in the geneva agreement homebase a position is less direct though some still warn it's too late for dialogue the un
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and so our party boycotted mase parliamentary elections its leader has said the time has come for all sides to make sacrifices and the government should lead the way. the peace plan will all the work of assad hands over control of the armed forces and security to the interim government should start seeing the free syrian army and others who are against them as the opposition know everyone agrees some say the syrian opposition is too fragmented to be trusted larp had been the only those who really want dialogue should be thought of as legitimate opposition and who is that is a battle of wills the geopolitical interests of big regional players but we are sure to see more games being played to sabotage the peace efforts. the syrian people we spoke to welcome to the idea of a unity government but with some reservations of their own if their position is internal national there is no problem but if it's an opposition with point
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passengers that's just not acceptable. we understand what we want but we cannot understand what the opposition wants apart from assad to go what else. simulink galula said head of the s.n.c. we don't even know who they are we don't need them. with so many unknowns analysts say the syrian opposition has both the covert and open support of nations who demand regime change and backed the rebels with tons of weapons channeled into syria to fuel the conflict. the first thing to do this is take away these arms otherwise no peace is possible but that can be done quickly too much money has been spent and too many parties are involved but meanwhile according to the geneva document the syrian people are the only ones who should decide their country's future but they're concerned they want to get the chance. of course worried the syrian people should decide what we want for ourselves we knew that already if.
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they brought foreign terrorists from outside and money it was a conspiracy from the first day. of the against observations while foreign countries are financing and supporting the rebels but it seems that no matter how much international game playing there raise it will be syrians themselves who bear the brunt the dream didn't last long less than two days after the latest peace initiative force forward in geneva skepticism is growing that an interim governing body made up of the syrian opposition and current regime will ever become more than just a solution on paper with more lives being lost every day in this war torn country this bloody saga looks far from over. r.t. from damascus and syria. syria's opposition has been poring over the latest geneva proposals the arab league is hosting the gathering in cairo i'm calling on the groups to put the syrian people above the factional rials one former syrian
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government adviser told r.t. that the rebels are in no fit state to negotiate properly with the authorities the opposition is very much for advantage if there is an opposition that is very much for granted this means that it cannot conduct this for those who will read your story to one of the positions your position it would be more unified than usual sort of you will be born. now of course in syria there is this outside opposition that is meeting in cairo together with some internal position but don't really have the ground in syria that are not related neither to the syrian national council new director to look at opposition groups these are present difficulties for any peaceful solution in syria but i suppose that one the government the opposition can both work hand in hand they will be able to do pacify syria they really do have. security returned to syria. on line the world cross the global
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attempts to end a serious conflict also at r.t. dot com for other fallout from the arab revolt the war crimes court or calls for mamma daphne's son lawyers to be released after the arrest and began to explain at r.t. dot com. plus the questions over the three major u.s. credit rating agencies as an investigation into their methods is launched following the downgrade of the first thing global banks last month. britain's on the verge of a web wide big brother with internet and phone providers reading black boxes to monitor private e-mails a social network chats and even calls the legislation is still in debate but the
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liberty alarm bells already ringing over the government's hunger for license to listen in here's our london correspondent there for it. well the home office will tell you that they need this as a vital tool in order to catch criminals and as criminals become more technologically advanced so must they but you've got to really look at what they're trying to justify here because this is going to affect absolutely everyone in the k.n. it's going to be your phone calls is going to be your internet searches is going to be to your texting to your e-mailing even your facebook all this data is set to be stored in black boxes which is the lord's pass the government would be able to access and snoop on our private information whenever they want now this is part of the draft bill the communications data bill the government as saying they need to it's being nicknamed the sneakers charter was the home of the save that they're not going to actually be storing the contents of that information at this information
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that would be kept in these like boxes would be kept for up to a year and those tech experts that we've been speaking to has said that they you know they would be able very easily to access the contents of that and of course that causes a huge concern amongst the british population were already living in an age and certainly in the u.k. where we're monitored every single day by millions as c.c.t.v. cameras we've got facial recognition time and again in surveys the u.k. ranks right up there the very top of the surveillance society we've been speaking to some of the people online and on our twitter and asking them what they think about this latest measure people are very very unhappy about these proposals we have one person saying that sounds very sinister if i don't like it one veteran another person on twitter who responded said it reminds us of a u.s. air t.v. series that was about the same sort of surveillance system well they do say the real life is stranger than fiction sometimes and of course it all sounds
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a bit all well and doesn't having this sort of to tell a terror in state the mass surveillance is justified in terms of the greater good was big brother might not be watching us the u.k. government could be set to in the near future. internet activists are and so was us is that as well as giving the authorities access she uses personal information the black boxes will become an easy target for criminals. this is almost literally orwellian under the plan as it's been described the government will have boxes deep cryptic everyone's private emails and web surfing and for saying companies to record all of that data to be turned over to the government at any time i mean it's almost like literally opening up every letter that gets sent through the post office so that the government can make a copy just in case one of the biggest issues with this proposal is that the boxes you know will be kept by the i experience and it's very hard to say that this is going to make it one more secure given that it's easy to imagine either
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a rogue guy just be employees rogue government officials or just hackers breaking into the atmosphere and stealing all of this personal information you know on the internet as it is you know a lot of personal information moves through bitterman but it's not all kept in one place by having these computers store it all there creating a huge target for criminals. so i have for you this hour why america's looking abroad to keep the cash registers ringing. part of what you're seeing is i'm looking for a place the week i pushed down american middle class with folks from other parts of world where the economy is going better and wages are growing whether public or out of pocket or washington is pushing to tap the tories to fill the coffers. and do we explain why moscow's broadening its arises and swelling to more than double its sides. and what is a story about the boundary changes is that as much as this is most go no so is here as well. the u.s.
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justice department has confirmed that we can leaks remains the target of a criminal investigation becomes us the head of the us senate intelligence committee said the website at it said julian assange should be prosecuted for espionage a son just kind he's staying at the embassy in london the waiting for a decision on his political asylum bit parties a lawyer smith and reports. sanchez always maintained that what he fears the most is being extradited from sweden to america to face these charges of espionage and the evidence is mounting with these renewed calls that we've heard this weekend from the head of the us senate intelligence oversight committee she joins these calls for us to be prosecuted for espionage she says she's senator dianne feinstein and she said that knowingly obtained and disseminated information which could cause injury to the u.s. has caused serious harm to national security and should be prosecuted accordingly
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she said that he shouldn't be protected by the first amendment which of course which of course protects free speech and is enshrined in the constitution he says he calls himself a journalist but he is no journalist he's an agitator intent on damaging the u.s. government we are hearing mixed messages coming out of the u.s. there possibly a little bit confused about what they want themselves as late as last week the u.s. foreign minister bob carr did noids in quotes the remotest evidence that there was a u.s. intention to prosecute but almost on the same day the u.s. justice department again confirmed there was a continued investigation into wiki leaks this could sway. which of course is what has always wanted created a good relationship with the president of ecuador and it's believed that that relationship started when he interviewed him for his show which is currently
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forecasting on r.t. the final episode of that show broadcast here on r.t. on tuesday and this week's installment is an interview with the leader of the malaysian opposition he talked a lot about his vision for malaysia going forward but also about the problem of islamophobia all over the world in leadership you want to do something cool you must not be quite up. for democracy. but the more you talk about market konami you become. agent but you know these things. you have no the woman with you you know is going to happen of the. you know the problem with authority and indeed. even the leaders in the west including destroy islam or for this. we are against this unilateral policy of the state i mean i do. sense. ascribe to
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the idea of use this initial split of the american revolution or you can watch that whole program of course on r.t. on tuesday starting at eleven thirty g.m.t. it's the last episode in the interview program so don't miss it millions of may be unemployed in the united states but washington has a plan to because jobs with or less help overseas visitors have cash to spend in america want it more in a part they are reporting the campaign to promote brand usa. america's economy was once like the strongest and fastest roller coaster everyone wanted to ride. but nearly four years following wall street's financial freefall more than fifteen million u.s. citizens lack full time jobs. and employment problem the u.s. president hopes visitors from other countries can help fix more money spent by more tourists means more businesses can hire more workers washington has launched
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a marketing campaign promoting brand usa all over the world. with a heavy focus on travelers from brazil china and india visitors from all three emerging economies contributed a reported fifteen billion dollars to the u.s. in two thousand and ten part of what's going on in the united states is americans don't have any money anymore and they can't afford to go on vacation and part of what you're seeing is them looking to replace the weak pushed out american middle class with folks from other parts the world where the economy is going better and wages are growing in an effort to lure the big spenders the white house has made it easier and quicker for more chinese and brazilian citizens to obtain tourist visas before brand usa came brand big apple new york city america's top tourist destination attracted more than fifty million visitors last year now while the weak u.s. dollar has been a burdett for the buying power of u.s.
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citizens customers armed with a stronger currency kept in is moving and prices from dropping the international visitor are they're great shoppers and they spend a tremendous amount of money there brazilians spend a tremendous amount of money many europeans the chinese spend a lot of money george is the c.e.o. of n.y.c. and company an organization that markets the big apple around the globe he also serves as marketing vice chairman for brand usa every eighty five visitors foreign visitors it comes to the united states you creates one job. and because we have so many different visitors you know we have over ten million international visitors in twenty eleven and now we have well over three hundred twenty five thousand jobs in the hospitality and travel and tourism industry is a huge boon to the economy but some argue quantity may not equate to quality it does tend to create fairly low paid service industry jobs that doesn't tend to create great jobs having people in the business of manufacturing or high end
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services you know medical services business services tends to create much higher quality or paid jobs and tourism which tends to create a large jobs for people cleaning hotel rooms and serving meals i decade ago the idea of an american president betting on tourists from brazil china and india for jobs would have raised many eyebrows. today however two hundred million dollars is being spent to brand usa abroad while social services continue being cut at home. r.t. new york now to some other news making headlines around the world a man dressed in police uniform has opened fire in southern afghanistan killing three british troops the shooting happened at a checkpoint in helmand province where the soldiers were tending a meeting of tribal elders the gunmen was injured and later detained four hundred twenty two british soldiers have died in afghanistan since two thousand and one. the biggest palestinian crackdown on illegal weapons in five years has been to the
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hundred people arrested including security officers the round up was sparked by a shooting attack on the governor's house in may the campaign is targeting alleged gunmen linked to palestinian president mahmoud abbas meant around a hundred people have since been released so rendering their weapons. i made a bridge in the third largest bank has quit after it became embroiled in an interest rate fixing scandal marcuse agius is going off the american and british regulators slept four hundred thirty three million dollars fine and barclays askew in the rate which banks are lent to each other at the height of the credit crunch other major british banks are also being investigated and mclean said struggling small firms would charge me much to borrow vital cash to stay in business. the e.u. embargo of your runyan oil has come into effect along with fresh u.s. sanctions against countries dealing with tehran the measures aimed at putting
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pressure on iran over its nuclear activities but a duran says it is still selling oil thanks to america extending waivers just several countries including china and singapore iran has a stockpiled money and imported goods or to reduce the chances of hitting the oil in banking sectors author and journalist afshin rattansi says the sanctions are unlikely to have the decide if fact iran will be more than happy to replace all the oil exports to europe with their customers whether they be in latin america or those notably china because of course the u.s. has examined china and the chinese foreign minister is already on record as saying that these unilateral sanctions are outrageous and wrong johnnie's oil imports crude oil imports from iran rose five percent back to two thousand and eleven levels it seems that the united states presumably again lobbied by israel which is
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to be running its foreign policy well to do this at the same time as the great economic crisis in europe is causing havoc increase oil prices certainly going to make not only the euro but european finances suffer so this isn't going to help the world economy and it's certainly not having any impact on the road. most those boundaries are broadening out to the city's officially more than doubled in size. of a explains why and what it means for the people of the russian capital. it was always one of europe's largest cities and now moscow has gotten even bigger from the first of july a huge chunk of what had been the moscow region has now been absorbed into the city proper but why was this done and what differences will it make to the lives of those living in the new parts of the city the changes which were put forward last year by then president dmitri medvedev see two small cities and three municipal districts coming inside the city limits seeing moscow grow almost two and
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a half times covering an area roughly the size of a quarter of a million football pitches but the idea is that these new sites will take some of the strain of moscow's jump city center their plans to make them attractive to foreign investment also some elements of russia's federal government will see their headquarters relocating to new buildings away from downtown there's even the possibility of building a new financial hub in the southwest of the city and those involved in that project will be hoping it can benefit from its out of center location and even compete with moscow city when it comes to attracting business but what is astonishing about the boundary changes is that as much as this is moscow now so is here as well listen village seems a far cry from the gridlocked traffic and skyscrapers of the city center but things are set to change here not only in terms of construction projects for the locals
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here registration documents are going to have to be changed taxes filed in new locations and for senior citizens the basic pension is set to rise by around one hundred euro per month so what the locals here feel about becoming muscovites. fifty years i've been living here i think is bad for a village and we got used to a family life and its name changes lincoln immediately victory think we. pre-screen now that we. do in the middle of august i think it's positive i'm all for the project i think it will be profitable this will create a new more school with the money to him a real one so in areas the development is already underway as you can see from the forest of apartment buildings that have being erected just behind me but over the coming years the should be plenty more construction work to be carried out piece for all of r.t.
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moscow. dimitris nice with the business news and the mall doesn't looking all positive i seem why the all the optimism dimitri basic comes from from last week when we had an e.u. summit which was surprisingly productive and as basically you leaders agreed to facilitate the process of getting access to funds without going through bailout procedures the markets saw a fantastic rally so indeed everything is looking positive except for commodities right now second well is a quiet name but this is basically a cash out after one of the biggest rallies in three years that we saw on friday so absolutely technical move but nothing to be worried about and therefore in the russian market we're still seeing some positive movement despite the fact that depend so much on the oil price of my success you can see that moderately of the south now moving the mice a notably financial stocks the v.t.
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be gaining almost three percent our raso the diamond producer is weaker than the market that's after reporting profits almost double actually last year and a little bit that's after the oil company got its first international investment investor hundred twenty million. into iraq you will feel so good what's going on elsewhere in the world in europe it's all looking positive right now with the foot sea up three quarters of a percent barclays is gaining in london following the news that its chairman will resign over the benchmark interest rate scandal. china's banks became the most profitable lenders last year that's according to the banker magazine magazine says the chinese lenders accounted for most to further the total profit in two thousand and eleven and that's compared to just four percent five years ago analysts say china's banks are breathing in the neck of the struggling european peers eating into their market share here is zero banks accounted for forty six percent of
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global profit in two thousand and seven and that figure dropped to six percent last year. and the good news from the e.u. summit bolstered the the euro last week when it came up from levels of just just above one point two four versus the dollar to more than one point two six or right now it's a little bit declining actually it's a significant decline but compared to the gains that we saw last week it's not that much meanwhile the russian ruble is gaining against the euro losing against the dollar a good news from europe indeed a b.p. has given up the idea of joining nordstrom in a separate story subsidy gas linked to europe last week gazprom said the british company's interest in extending the north stream pipeline to britain but commissar daily reports the russian shareholders of b.p. insist the move should be done through its russian joint venture that's something b.p. does not want to do last year to block the british company's deal with rosneft saying
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it violated the shareholder agreement to exclusively represent russia. and what i was saying good news from europe i meant the use of of course not the. north stream are not maybe tying up as well while it's not at all good for my side i mean besides the be peeping but you know we'll catch up with you a little bit later there dimitri thanks so much. right coming up shortly as the united states continues with drone strikes we'll look at how effective all the weapon is and i'll be back with catch up of the headlines in just a few seconds stay with us.
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there hasn't been anything yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before the source material is what helps keep journalism honest we thought. we wanted to present. something else. destry claims in the process is perfectly sweet. sweet jesus christ's that brings nothing but clean power and comfort
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but the environment knows better and the industry isn't telling the whole story. their god damn liars. they're here to. make as much money as they can and get the hell outta here. culture is that so much about the taxpayers' money maintaining ization it's even a lot of people at area the use of unmanned drone attacks has surged during the obama presidency proponents of this weapon claim to be a precise safer american. world . science technology innovation all the latest developments around russia we've got the future covered.
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