tv [untitled] July 2, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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let's not forget that we heard in a parked car the regime broke down the love. i think iraq the bombing is beatable and one the oil. whenever government says they're going to keep you safe get ready because you get the other freedoms. but the ordinary would like to turn a little buck and they alone a fellow you know get the real headlines with none of them or see the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v.
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oh. well this week congress began a week long independence day recess but don't expect too many of them to just kick up their heels and relax you see these breaks are an ideal time for many to turn on the campaign fund raising efforts seems like it could be tricky though right as a whole the legislative bodies approval rating is a business low right now in fact last year the u.s. becoming a communist nation even received more support an opinion polls than congress did and last month c.n.n. shed some light on a very other interesting topic one hundred twelve congress represented by the red bar in these graphs here well they've worked fewer days and passed fewer bills than either of the previous two at this juncture even legislators takes a lashing out at their colleagues sharing in constituents for a stray sions a congress is gridlock. we're gripped in gridlock because people on both sides of
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the aisle in both chambers and in the white house are more concerned with politics than progress or approval ratings are in the take and they should be mr boehner is unable even able to bring what he was calling a signature bill to the floor when people get frustrated with congress good reason to do it but the fact of the matter is partisanship if you are worse and worse every year that i've been there the congress is unpopular i think people voted. for some folks who came to washington then created gridlock confrontation. now as much as all of them would lead you to believe that fund raising could be hard if last election cycles halls any indication representatives are going to have no trouble attracting the big bucks because when it comes schmoozing lawmakers do appear to put in the long hours and they do get the results there and unfortunately it seems like that's the only place where they really put in the real time and get the most done and let's go do a last month report by mother jones reporter david gill sent me
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a pretty cheeky calculation taking campaign finance data from each member's last election assuming that they raised money forty hours a week fifty weeks a. here gilson found out that the average house representative would have raised three hundred sixty seven dollars per hour per hour and that's if it was a full time gig now under the same assumptions the average senator raised eight hundred and nineteen dollars per hour if you ask me that is absolutely insane so in other words house or percent of this rate of seven hundred thirty four thousand dollars per year and senators raise over one point six million dollars annually and a quarter of the new york times that amount would legally or would angrily would place both sets of legislators firmly within the one percent in terms of income now you have to also take in mind that those are just averages but the top five fundraisers in the senate and the house take in enough money to pay for lindsay lohan's bar tab for at least another decade so the top fundraiser is barbara boxer she reads the equivalent of two thousand four hundred and forty four dollars per
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hour harry reid raised two thousand and sixty eight per hour al franken took in a thousand eight hundred seventy five for our john mccain when he grabbed an hour early one thousand eight hundred twenty three dollars and it's also don't forget marco rubio his hourly fund raising haul equals to one thousand eight hundred twelve now even the least prolific senate fundraiser mike lee he raised one hundred forty three dollars an hour which is two hundred eighty six thousand dollars on an annual basis that's a lot of money so let's move on to the house here tea party favorite michele bachmann she topped the list raising the equivalent of three thousand three hundred and ninety one dollars per hour speaker john boehner raised two thousand four hundred forty nine allen west took in one thousand six hundred and thirty six and house majority leader eric cantor one thousand four hundred eighty nine and let's not forget about joe wilson he's a south carolina representative who accused obama of lying during the state of the
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union in two thousand and ten and he reaped a windfall last election taking in one thousand one hundred and eighty five dollars per hour now the sad thing is that the weakest fundraiser in the house his name is joe potts he still took in over one hundred thousand dollars annually or fifty five dollars an hour. so those are a lot of numbers there but even though lawmakers don't actually fundraise full time it's pretty clear at this point out a good chunk of time asking for and receiving that cold hard cash you'd think that since wall street collapse lawmakers and spend more time trying to come up with constructive legislation but no little wonder why they're so hated right so why does fire for a job there earns them little respect especially considering how well they get people to part with their cash when these guys could make a killing in the corporate world because rank and file members of house and the rank and file members of the house and the senate well they only make one hundred seventy four thousand dollars a year where is i don't know take the average as in p.
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five hundred c.e.o. they've made over twelve million in two thousand and eleven so you just have to ask yourself why the public sector well congress people are already fabulously wealthy but we had such a law on the show in november of last year and he discussed how members of congress like most other rich people well they've seen their asset portfolios balloon while average americans have been suffering. sixty percent of the said its composition are millionaires and if you actually look at the median sort of net worth of a member of congress it's something like half a million dollars whereas the median net worth of like an american household american family is a little bit under a hundred thousand dollars ninety six thousand dollars the upper echelon of the american society. even though they lost wealth and they lost income during the recession their sort of loss of income while there's nothing like what happened to the rest of the country i mean someone actually did some research and found their incomes rebounded about fifty percent faster than the rest the american people. now that her view there came after
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a c q roll call studies show that congress is aggregate net wealth increased by twenty five percent between two thousand and eight two thousand and ten that was at the height of the recession mind you how this could maybe experience plain by the fact that there's income inequality in congress itself but recent federal reserve data suggests that the average lawmaker. retirement portfolio is doing even better than the one percent if you the data released last month revealed that median household net wealth plunged by thirty eight point eight percent between two thousand and seven and two thousand and ten even the top ten percent of households they saw their their net worth robbed two by less than a percent but according to a separate study the top one percent saw a net worth drop by eleven point one percent between the height of the bubble in two thousand and seven april two thousand and ten then we go to the center for responsive politics they say that between two thousand and seven and two thousand and ten the median senator and representative saw average net wealth shoot up by ten point six and fifty four point seven percent respectively now to make this seem
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like the result of impropriety the washington post reported last week that from two thousand and seven to two thousand and ten one hundred and thirty legislators or their families treated millions in stocks of companies lobbying on lobbying on bills that came before their committee so these deals could be collectively worth as much as two hundred and fifteen million dollars and one of every trade by lawmakers they seem to correspond with legislation shocker right so it seems like a good a lot of good old self interest is a good explanation for why members of congress actually put up with the pressure on the all the hate all they make less in salary than private sector executives there's much less bricks your savings when you've got access to golden nuggets of information it's clearly a very lucrative gig the legislators won't want to give up anytime soon if it means kissing babies shaking old people's hands or spending night after night making for campaign cash not to mention of course most of the time they just move on to
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lobbying or working for the private sector next to the good old revolving door so welcome to washington everyone. now we all knew that it was coming for the blessing of congress and the white house f.a.a. is finally working on rules to open up to messick airspace to drones by two thousand and fifteen the first this was tested out by law enforcement but of course before long seen like everybody in their grandma was going to want a drone and we've already seen evidence worldwide of drones being used for various purposes. since the standoff is the most likely scenario but until that car comes a police team trains regularly in a remote field we like the idea that we were able to stop look down and stare and one specific point we can launch this put it over a fire put it over hazmat spill put it over a house with a barricaded suspect and literally give the incident commander the ability to look
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at the entire scene. with a bird's eye view japanese authorities are using a t. hawk helicopter drawn to survey the crippled fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant conservationists in south africa to import drone and radar technology to track runner no poachers not only is it good tactically for swat call out or any tactical situation there are numerous search and rescue applications for it after a hurricane they could send one of these up fast and assess damage these helicopters drawing is what captured the slick video. the aerial to it is used to market pricey real estate in l.a. what would you want for i don't know exactly security maybe. maybe you just like to you know have a good look see where where am i from three stories up. now about of course disk ludes the military uses but as you see there is already a plethora of options for domestic drones now there are obviously
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a lot of questions that need to be answered when it comes to privacy that's a concern that i for one personally share before we get ahead of ourselves let's not forget of the technology isn't exactly perfect while the government defense contractors want to talk about drones say that they're safe there are fish and that they're cheap there's always something that they're not telling us and so a team of students of the university of texas at austin radio navigation laboratory well they conducted a successful experiment where they overrode the drones preset navigation system so in other words they hacked it and they did it it using. technique called spoofing and the team headed by professor todd humphries manipulated the navigation system so he explained r t america today how that process works but it turns out that the civilian g.p.s. signals are completely open on authenticated so all you have to do is gin up your own signals that are indistinguishable from the civilian g.p.s. signals and then raise the power sufficiently that you commandeer the g.p.s. receiver instead of the authentic signals. now it's even more frightening about
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that is the device of a team designed only costs about a thousand dollars and they could easily be used to a much more devastating effect also according to humphries we can do this with the small when we can do it with a big one and it just shows that the kind of mentality that we got after nine eleven where we reinforced the cockpit door to prevent people hijacking planes but we need to adopt that mentality as far as the navigation systems for these you a piece. and the thing is that this team humphries they were being paid to do this i'm for his conduct of the experiment because he was a concerned citizen so then he alerted the department of homeland security regarding his successful experiment and then he was able to replicate the whole process for government officials and d.h. said d.h. as says that it plans to address this issue but nonetheless the hacking capability i think it's a pretty big deal you see unlike the predator drones used by the military in places like pakistan afghanistan yemen and somalia all the g.p.s.
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systems on domestic drones are encrypted so it's not forget of course that iran does have its hands on one of our predator drones and while they may have shot it down they claim that it's intact so we don't know that could have been hacked to but what humphrey's fears is the domestic drone specifically are completely vulnerable anybody with a mission to hack into a drone can change its functions to do anything at the hacker desires and with drones potentially being used everywhere we're talking about a lot of targets for hackers to choose from. five in ten years we've got thirty thousand of these drones and having the national interest. cohabit with the piloted vehicles each one of these could be a potential missile to use views against us if it had been commandeered by somebody on the ground. now it's also not forget the us is planning on building nuclear powered drones capable of months of flight so what if somebody had one of those the results could be catastrophic it makes the government's argument the drones will undoubtedly make us safer seem a lot more questionable and of course we can't help but ask if our military drone
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strikes abroad have left civilians angry some secret percussions what america believing itself wide open to hackers who are looking for revenge. now just ahead tonight one local police department brought along a news crew to catch their completely botched great ratings plane why that department puts nigel's on the way and i'm happy are rupert murdoch warns against scientology an anderson cooper leaves nobody is surprised after his big announcement a. lot of american power continue. on our show. by the time revolution. and it's going to be very good. radio.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know. welcomes a big picture. of me or what i. love and they alone as though they'll get the real headline with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. .
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to the capital account i'm lauren lyster. our guys it's time for tonight's tools i will board and tonight we're giving it to a police department that is marred by technological ignorance and his heel for excessive force the unfortunate characteristics that all lead it to terrorize and in an innocent excuse me innocent family here last week it was brought to the
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attention of evansville police that are not of this threat even made online against officers and their families so the department investigated the comments they decided that they were going to take action and boy did the part department take action police commanders sent a heavily armed swat team to the house where they saw the threat of the made from and they were so sure that they were busting up a house full of homegrown terrorists and they invited a local news crew to film their heroism take a look at this i would just nooses there as evansville police department swat team serves a search warrant at a holborn palau avenues. hill and. then another. and then the team moves in. now the thing is that evansville police officers probably should have thought twice before their dramatic smash and grab the person they were looking for they didn't
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even live there so who do they find it's i will they found eighteen year old woman watching the food network and her grandmother who is another part of the house now makes or even worse as the woman's grandfather later told a local newspaper at the front door was unlocked the whole time now police did knock on the door they announce that they had a search warrant but they didn't bother waiting to proceed or to actually require the cops to wait for a response after all and that's kind of why this incident is so troubling cops have every right to investigate threats against them they should be allowed to kick in doors when it's absolutely necessary but something that we have discussed at length on this show is how local police forces have become increasingly militarized with the war on terrorism the war on drugs and braise by most but both major parties cause for giving a free a free heavy hand to brutalize with impunity radley balko has been on the show to talk about this subject quite frequently and one disturbing fact that he pointed out is that police conduct roughly forty thousand no knock raids on an annual basis
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and typically these cops are taken to task for their terrorizing tactics so they show no contrition for harassing law abiding citizens just take a look at how they portrayed the raid to the local news crew even after they realized they had gotten it wrong. no one has been arrested and no charges have been filed yet but police are continuing their investigation will take steps to address the issue of contraband committed for making the threats we're going to address that and if you have the means to carry out those threats and we find those then additional charges will come with that as well. yep that's right no arrests no terrorists just a teenager watching t.v. and her granny yet was there an apology from the bullies no of course not the only mistake of the residents of the house made was a failure to secure their wife by router because the threats were made from their unsecured network and its ip address the lead the police to the house but it's not clear if the offender was a visitor just a passer by using
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a smartphone but cops chose to bust up the place like they were in some third rate action movie well then let's realize that they made a huge mistake though because a few days later they went to investigate the threats at a house a few doors down but they didn't kick in the door they didn't throw in flash bangs like they were playing call of duty then that was necessary to conduct the investigation although a grandmother the second house does claim that she had to run out and stop police from smashing up the place and hurting her grandchildren which if true is sad and in fact the whole story is sad police can keep community safe without endangering the safety of law abiding citizens they've been doing it for a long time without running roughshod over the constitution but for some reason they find it necessary to use excessive force strike fear into the hearts of average people and the evansville police are guilty of the latest example of this they fail to realize that the unsecured network could have allowed anybody in the area with an i phone to send the threats but hey rather than being tech savvy they prefer to take the heavy handed route so for that the evidence of police when
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tonight's tool time award. hi guys it's time for happy hour and joining me this evening alone to show senior producer jenny churchill and alex sites wald political reporter for salon dot com welcome i don't think we've had you on since you started working for us a lot have we thanks for middle to get a little congratulations of really backhanded her congrats on your first day of of all. ok i read my brain is working really slowly it's ok good just got back last night i'm a little jet lagged but let's move on from alone a t.v. to something that herman cain wants to put out there take a look at cain t.v. . contraceptive coverage regulations. if they make me pay for my birth control pills or and we distribute in the world i learned in school spreading the wealth is
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good for everyone we'll learn from real money that it's not. true or it gets cold fish let's go and. we're not. lodging on july fourth herman cain has twitter facebook for the site that was the trailer and it's project called teen t.v. let's give a lamb a gun i don't read it i don't go for i have do you know because i honestly have no idea what that's a reference to i guessing it's like some political thing about the lambs were following you know but it was something that you know it's one of. the most reasonable thing that herman cain has said in a long time so i think we should just let it roll i don't now i'm going to watch obviously i can't i honestly can't imagine not imagine anything more interesting and hilarious than herman cain's television show i read i didn't find that trailer all that interesting or hilarious that kind of found it weird but but in that that
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in and of itself i guess is kind of intriguing i think so i mean if you kind of like the old saying well you philammon exactly it's kind of like glenn back you know you have to watch so then later we can make fun of it on the show don't watch you don't know what happened you can't make fun of it we're going to have an entire member of the team dedicated to just watching game t.v. so that we can then play that let's talk about yeah if you would like a better job you can send your resume along with a check it out. tom cruise katie holmes has been in the news lately. really. citing the. real reason behind this remark to be tom struggling. even pat you may have daughters. we just love those weird videos of course because of all that rupert murdoch decided to weigh in on twitter and tweeted watch katie holmes and
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scientology develop a story develop something creepy maybe even evil about these people and so now everyone is going crazy it's over murdoch versus like tom cruise in the scientologists and you know i know that's just really must have been a massive blow to scientology for someone as creepy and evil as reserve or hard to call you know going to be an evil that's just like you really can't get much lower yeah i love it i just want to see them go at each other and just like could destroy each other he's been getting you know totally trolled by all these scientologists and you can handle it like those are very murdoch exactly so i just wanted this war as a matter of money rupert murdoch or the scientologists to be question about i think he might be the only have you way out there who can go up against scientology and say what he wants without them coming after him till they get to him he will probably be a scientologist in a few years. i'm actually i'm intrigued to watch this develop now i know now we doubt that you. have a lot of money we'll see where this story goes. ok let's move on to the probably
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least surprising news story of the entire day take a look. setting the record straight anderson cooper has revealed he's gay the silver haired journalist and talk show host says quote the fact is i'm gay always have been always will be and couldn't be anymore happy comfortable with myself and proud. so i think it was andrew sullivan right to be that he told this to now everyone is making fun of it saying we've known that for years obviously a lot of good tweets out there like breaking making fun of it but he is probably the most prominent t.v. news host out there we have you have rachel maddow too but. when it comes to a male being openly gay yeah i mean there's there's people out there waiting for shepard smith to make a somewhat announcement i don't know i don't have any intel on that i was surprised over the ellen de generous you know anderson a tweet saying now congrats on coming out or whatever because i thought you'd be jealous that someone that looks so somewhere and is gay and has
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a. nice thought you might be a little nervous about the competition for they're the talk show of the day but i'm totally with you this is like great news and the people are criticizing him for not doing it sooner but you know better late than never and good for america now we all believe me because she thinks anderson cooper's a fox and i had to break the news to her while back that he was gay she was devastated and she still like denied it now it's true are you going to go to we will have to talk about that all of guarded. albemarle of a story thanks for joining me but saturday night joe thanks for tuning in and make sure you can make tomorrow glenn greenwald and chris hedges of both be on the program sort of be a great show in the meantime don't forget if you like your own show on facebook to follow us on twitter and subscribe to our you tube channel and also don't forget the now you can check us out on the lewis well up next is the new.
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more news today violence has once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are the day. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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