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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2012 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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live from moscow our top stories another big withdrawal at britain's barclays bank as the embattled chief executive follows the chairman out the door over interest rate rigging millions of furious homeowners and businesses could have been overcharged just so barclays to keep its books looking healthy. but are also denies clinging to the presidency and says he'd go if it brought peace to syria moscow is calling on the opposition to stick to the recent geneva proposals because it's a prime touts to bring stability. and tehran says new ones turn
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sanctions placed on the rainy an oil will cloud future nuclear negotiations this is the country launches long range missiles during military exercises which are capable of reaching american bases in the region and even as far as israel. now the mideast and the arab world's volatile transitions are throwing up a host of challenges far and wide as archie hears from a prominent global analyst. i'm sitting down with martin c. a veteran correspondent he's covered foreign affairs for many years one of his latest books is called the politically incorrect guide to the middle east he also wrote extensively about u.s. wash over the nations thank you very much for joining us to see my pleasure i want to start with russia you wrote an article about the magnitsky law the law is
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supposed to punish russian officials allegedly involved in human rights violations by not granting them us and by freezing their assets here the state department has the full authority to deny the says to anyone they want without any senate approval why this bill in your opinion the senators in question who framed the bill would have pushed it through the committee are. riding a tidal wave of self-righteousness they have magine themselves to be secretary of state of the united states there is no rational justification for this spill as you pointed out the u.s. state department already had and in fact in this case had exercised its right power to prevent forward nationals from entering the united states the u.s. government has these powers doesn't need them this is signaling out russia on alleged charges of corruption when the record of
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a large majority of countries in the world on corruption issues is vastly worse than russia says there is no rationality behind this act and the american business community did not support it they did they were very slow to realize it could pass but they don't want it why how can that impact because it's bad for business if it provokes an anti american reaction in russia serious people in america know this serious people in the american business community wants to invest in russia they recognize there's tremendous potential there. this flies in the face of american rational self interest the death of that man sergei magnitsky was tragic no doubt about that but too many this kind of punitive legislation passed in the u.s. would look quite hypocritical considering all those notorious were ports about human rights abuses committed by the us in places like like abu ghraib you know the secret prisons how do you see that you know i think again this is true in every
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country that there is a natural tendency towards so fractiousness as jesus said we see the sin in our brother's eyes before we see the sins in our own this is human nature let's move away from the magnitsky law us russian relations haven't been rosy in recent years but the leaders of both countries made took concrete steps to boost economic ties trade and all that but in the geo political field differences remain and we see a serious clash of approaches over syria. what is at the root of the clash the americans have developed on their ideological passion revolutionary passion for democracy i have had russian journalist friends who turned fifteen years ago predicted to me this would happen they say your country is going to be as ideologically swept away by trying to promote democracy around the world regardless
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of its own interests as we were trying to promote communism in southern africa or in afghanistan in asia i think they were right i am convinced they were right i felt at the time i told them i thought you could very well be right i hope you are wrong but they have been proven right look at the arab spring so cold as i documented my two a week book which you referred to before the politically incorrect guide to the middle east i predicted the. strongly in that book that opening the door to theoretical as opposed to real democracy in the middle east would simply lead the way to extreme islamist dictatorships throughout the middle east which would be far more oppressive and cruel on issues of human rights what do you think about what's happening in in egypt i just remember it was perceived as such a success as well as libya but we see that the situation on the ground this is far from that what what went wrong with those revolutions what went wrong with those
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revolutions i discuss in two of my books i predict isn't that book that of democracy came to egypt revolution civil war and eventually genocide would follow just as it did in iraq the christian population and like russia the christians of egypt are orthodox christians the copts some of one of the oldest christian communities in the world at least ten million people could be in risk of genocide if things get out of control in egypt it may not happen that way but it could there is an islamic government in turkey but the turkish islamic government are you saying that democracy is deadly yes not in every country but democracy has to grow gradually in countries in the region you have to have a strong middle class growing you have that you have to have enough people with property to learn principles of responsibility this is not something that muslim
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people cannot learn there are many highly successful muslim democracies in the world turkey certainly of them are crissy egypt can be but it needs to be able to develop its middle class and alleviate its poverty situation first right now we do not have democracy in egypt we have rather like the french revolution two hundred twenty years ago we have an authoritarian regime which has been toppled we have a lot of people expressing their passions on the streets we do not have stable democratic instant. it's to allow the development of democracy and we do have people who are experienced in the compromise and trading and moderation that is essential to democracy whether that is democracy in america bag with dish russia or germany or turkey how damaging can it be for. certain countries and the kind of democracy pushed from. from aside from the
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us it's enormously damaging in several different ways the first and most obvious way is if you talk of our tyrian leader or even if an authoritarian leader simply collapses to his own corruption and incompetence as mbutu did and say here and he was not pushed out by either u.s. pressure or russian pressure basically he grew old and the regime collapsed but there was no democracy did not follow and so year what followed and so here was civil war and genocide that lasted more than a decade ten million innocent human beings died by contrast in one thousand nine hundred nine and two thousand i was a personal witness and into the zia of a much happier change so cargo was another of the most greedy and corrupt tyrants in modern history but when he was pushed aside the indonesian people were sufficiently sophisticated were able to put together or inherit from their past anough structures of responsible leadership and they have enough serious
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responsible leaders waiting in the wings this is a classic example of how an evolution can go but if you push out. at authoritarian leader or even a tyrant too soon you have first of all the key in which simply hundreds of thousands or even millions of people will die you can have civil war or genocide easily following afterwards in america most of the american people though they are defiantly christian do not know that the crew. historical christian communities in iraq were virtually liquidated not under saddam hussein but in the conditions of chaos that followed the american takeover before an affective government could finally be a stud bush in iraq only within the last four or five years i just want to tell our viewers that you have three pulitzer price nominations for international reporting and you've been covering foreign affairs for so many years and i want to ask you since you mention iraq what has changed in the media field in the u.s.
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since since iraq has something changed because i mean at that time as you said the media in general they they were basically cheerleading for war there was nobody to question nothing has really changed not since then the real lessons have not been learned there is a lack of courage and a lack of intellect i believe in the american broadcast media let's say with that regards of the coverage of the arab spring i'm sure it is sort of watching what has been left out of the media attention what would you point out several things first of all the successful democracies evolve they cannot be created instantaneously overnight when authoritarian or to tell a tarion regimes disintegrate or for there needs to be a period of time even of a generation and more work people can have security of private property where people can get used to
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a relatively free market economy you would russia know this you are making excellent progress now but the years in the one nine hundred ninety s. when i often visited your country terribly difficult years prosperity and democracy are not on the tunable goals most people in most countries can have them but they are not quickly or instantaneously achieved americans how far one hundred years drunk instant coffee you take a little. a little too. envelope of coffee of powder you poured into a cop you have hot water instant coffee now they believe democracy can be spread the same way you simply take american instant democracy the american blueprint for democracy you impose it on a country you have water press so instance democracy the world does not work that way they thought it did with the arab spring the entire history of the middle east shows that things will not be that simple but they all the so in the
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administration and the republicans to as i said are blind to the terrible dangers that their policies are causing they do not realize they are putting religious and ethnic minorities at fearful risk in countries like iraq syria egypt thank you very much pleasure. industry claims the process is perfectly sweet. sneezes quests that brings nothing but clean power and comfort but the environment knows better and the industry isn't telling the whole story.
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they're goddamn liners. they're here to. make as much money as they can. cause the idea of multicultural society. sharing the motherland.
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you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for langley you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.
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artie's top stories another big withdrawal that britain's barclays bank as the embattled chief executive follows the chairman out the door over interest rate rigging billions of curious homeowners and businesses could have been overcharged just so barclays keep its books looking healthy. but are also denies clinging to the presidency and says he'd go if it brought peace to syria moscow's calling on the opposition to stick to the recent geneva proposals because it's a fine challenge to bring stability. and tehran says new western sanctions placed on iranian oil will crowd future nuclear negotiations this is the country launches long range missiles during military exercises which are capable of
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reaching american bases in the region and israel. syrian joins us now with the latest sport and the partying can finally begin in our limbs as if they needed an excuse especially you oh yeah maybe you're right there actually i would argue thought yeah there's a lot of thirsty sailors in goal weight because they're running the world volvo ocean race and they finished off we have our champions we're going to have a look at that in a moment. thanks for joining us this is indeed r t on this is the sport to see. cost and effect r t looks at the legacy of the recent european football championships was bestowed on ukraine. home as heroes euro two thousand and twelve champions on history makers spain are welcomed back by tens of thousands of
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fans being drained. on smiling eyes in arlen's after a gruelling nine months french team group when the volvo should race claiming an almost sealed bullied in goal the way. let's get going with tennis replay and wimbledon was again halted for long periods on tuesday because of rain but action got back on the way long enough for britain's last remaining hope to make the quarterfinals scott murray sing off more insulin in straight sets to make the last eight in a clash left over from monday on center courts where there's a roof top ten players for and one of martin del potro got to go out of first on the day with spaniard for winning out six two six three six two while florian meyer has just made the last eight for the second time thanks to victory over richard gascony. now euro two thousand and twelve may be over but for the host countries the effects will be felt for a long time to come kate partridge looks now at how
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a month in the spotlight may well have changed ukraine's image abroad forever. football the world's favorite sport and big business poland and ukraine pumped around forty billion euros into their country's infrastructure to co-host euro two thousand and twelve economists say host nations rarely profit from big tournament but the feel good value could prove to be priceless this is crash out of st one of the main roads of central kiev lined with shops and leading to independence square for the past month it's been the capital's found zone and could hold around ninety thousand people have all come to enjoy the football and to spend some money. the average visitor splashed out around eight hundred euros per st a four day trip on travel hotel souvenirs and food and drink over a quarter of a million liters of beer were drunk ahead of the final in the kiev fan zone and with the weather generally seeing temperatures in the mid twenty's all of this was
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good news for the local retailers we can speak about. one sound that was generated by the fans and key if we know the. approximate between six and the fans are into something like maybe five six millions of heras it is just. our. scene that it is like this but we see the fans on generates more business processes interims of service. restaurants stories shop in for ukraine and i think that we will be able to speak about it at the end of the year reports of racism in some polish and ukrainian football clubs high hotel prices and political issues had initially kept some at home yet when england reached the quarter finals to face italy at least six thousand fans made the trip to kiev while supporters from all over the world were impressed by what they'd see if you compare it to
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hardcore where we've been in the don't judge them does this. really become too much . more impressive building a new apartment. much cleaner. yeah it's called road map for a look at that report said despite ukraine's group stage exit the country aim to recoup twenty five percent of its costs crucially for tourism the tournament has exposed visitors to some appealing and less publicized history and culture with voluntary fan support groups optimistic some visitors will return we really will haul. back through tells their friends or relatives there is ukraine is friendly korean is open ukraine is current and that is that they will come. or would like to come here or after the championship it's just a chill spend more time seeing coronaries architecture churches etc etc so as to of europe's heavyweights did battle at the olympic stadium to have eastern european
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countries prepared to close their accounts hopefully long term benefits when i weigh short term costs and provide every fan winner or loser foreign or mogul with priceless memories partridge altie kiev ukraine. now as you've just seen spain are continuing to celebrate after successfully defending their european crowd the twenty ten world cup winners enjoying writing their way into the history books becoming the first ever side to win three straight major tournaments cheering on our or her a common event of late in the spanish capital tens of thousands of people showing up for the latest festivities following i want cited four nil final win over italy in kiev and sunday but chances are both fearless was taking center stage sabella square with the trophy of course from the tour is now of the golden boot accolade well under those in the yes there was name player of the turning. up half the scenes some bad news coming from the formula one world though russia's my rusia
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team seeing their test driver maria do suffer a life threatening injuries during a crowd. headed next weekend's british grand prix that thirty two year old smashing into a support laurie after completing her first lap of ducks for earth field eyewitnesses stating it was attempting to slow down for mechanical check when her car suddenly sped up and hit a stationary truck the daughter of former f one driver emilio was a motionless for fifteen minutes but then began moving her hands before being moved to a nearby hospital it's believed she is currently still fighting for her life. to call for the russian armor to open championship ended this weekend on the outskirts of moscow up and comers vladimir also poff a nina peg crying the new champions on the green as constantine but top off reports . previously this competition was also going to professionals but it's now an all amateur tournament however that didn't affect the nerve of the event keeping speak daters thrilled until the last hole in men's can petition by demon or ship of the
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crown with a relatively modest score of two over seventy one in the final round at the call all sums designed course seventeen year old or support managed to beat the runner up or through alexander clearest by three strokes even after making an double bogey on the eighteenth floor of the universal it was a great pleasure to play at the championship and everything was organized really well i'm happy to win the title although it wasn't my my aim was to perform well and cart a good score i think i did that and i'm satisfied. meanwhile in women's two and mean a bigger confidently grab the title dominating from the start the ten year old set a new course record at the argo of golf club with a six under par sixty five only or opening round and she kept up that form until the end there were talking the little board on the floor and overall that was
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a whopping nine shots clear of her newest royal and killing the monarch and there he had been this is more. or less right in the middle and on the second. berry when the when rain and it was very hard to play and there we had this is a great score from last year's winner was foreign to us number one he didn't go but because he is now a goal for he wasn't able to defend his title however just allowing emitters to compete does give up incoming talented chance to shine and underlines russians long term goal of producing golf stars in the future constantine but up of our team. the future looks bright for staying with golf or it may be a couple of months away yet but anticipation is growing ahead of the ryder cup the bi annual event takes place in illinois in september europe are the current holder for team usa a captain davis love the third say as recent success on the p.g.a. tour shows his men have what it takes to wrestle the trophy back. i think we will
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get over looked a little bit now people start to catch on that our tour american players the young players are playing very very well now but every time i go to a ryder cup we sit upon the stage and we look at our team and we think wow we have a great team it always is close we know that this ryder cup is going to be close no matter how well reply on but i think this year will go on with a lot of confidence. finally to ceiling were a group become the twenty twelve volvo ocean race champions with a race to spare the victory marking only the second never win by a french crew in the prestigious insurance event frank kemah company the trading lead to companies even on telefonica throughout the five hundred fifty nautical mile nine leg however only needed the top four finish in the sprint and ended up coming home second into goal we are left behind camper the result securing them on a sailboat twenty four point lead with only one port race remaining meaning the celebrations could begin in earnest. i think maybe that day for me.
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now that he was. playing against you. know what. it's like to write. that champagne will flow love is all your sports not whether it's next.
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it's. going to be soon which brighton if you know about someone from fungus.


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