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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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well here in the u.s. it's independence day eve as americans celebrate their freedom with food fun and fireworks do they realize their internet freedoms are our risk our t. asks is it time for a declaration of internet freedom. and our founding fathers wrote the declaration of independence in philadelphia now a different group of americans are gathering in the city of brotherly love and the occupy movement flex their muscles and affect change here in the u.s. he is on the ground in philly with the details. for your girls who. will work for your. beautiful people. yes you heard him correctly it's ok to accept free travel but only if you're hot
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are to look deeper into the world of the bold and beautiful. it's tuesday june third four pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl in you're watching our t.v. well our fundamental rights are mapped out in the bill of rights but in this modern world is it time to adopt an internet bill of rights many internet leaders think so a group of online ag advocates are calling on elected officials to sign the document it's pretty simple the bill of rights homes and on five key rights we need to fight to keep on the internet here they are expression don't censor the internet access openness innovation and privacy that's to protect privacy and defend everyone's ability to control how their data and devices are used now the group that came up with this banded together. they are in opposition of sopa and pipa to
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internet bills critics say strip citizens of some of these rights on the internet but we are seeing a bill after bill come out that aim to regulate the internet in one way or another so as a fight is a fight. fight internet is a fight the internet advocates can win excuse me to discuss this and more joining me now is aaron schwartz he is the founder and executive director of demand progress welcome aaron thanks for having me so why has the time come for an internet bill of rights. well i think most of your viewers are familiar with the soap a phase in which we stopped the bill that would censor the internet and a lot of criticism came about as being sort of negative having a negative vision of what was bad but not having any positive vision of what was good the idea behind these principles was to kind of outline our view of what good internet looks like so that the coalition we brought together to stop the bad thing can continue working to push for something better so it's kind of setting the
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vision of what it should be and what you want it to be in the way the internet should stay you know i think that's right and i think you know you read the principles and they they seem so unobjectionable that it's hard to imagine anybody could disagree with them i mean it was for censorship very generous people's access to the internet but in fact i think it's been quite revealing as we've seen just the past couple days several corporate mouthpieces have come out against the principles saying that they're dangerous and harmful and i think it's really a telling moment that these corporations are just for you know stopping piracy or fighting crime or whatever it is they say therefore they're actually against these basic fundamental freedom issues that i think most americans would agree with and i do want to read aaron a part of the preamble to this internet bill of rights that reads quote we believe that a free and open internet can bring about a better world keep the internet free and open we call on communities industries and countries to recognize these principles we believe that they will help to bring out more creativity more innovation and more open society as so aaron tell us about
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the organizations that have come on board and signed this this bill of rights internet bill of rights you know i mean they include my own group demand progress that org a new group that started up a fight for the future as well as some more traditional groups like the electronic frontier foundation and public knowledge which have been working for decades to protect you know what is now known as internet liberties so i i think it's a really exciting time because we have a coalition of sort of older groups that work through the legal process and sort of file last. they go through the courts for years and these younger and much more internet savvy groups which have been doing the kind of activism with our own sopa are now coming together and saying look here's a clear set of principles we can both agree on and i know ultimately you would like to get our elected leaders on board with this do you think that will happen. you know i i hope so i think it's going to be an interesting struggle i think one of the things that elected leader saw during the soap of plant was that there is
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a benefit in being seen as aligned with the internet you know we saw even republicans like congressman darrell issa come out strongly not just against but in favor of the internet in favor of internet openness and internet freedom and i think the internet kind of embraced them for that and so part of the idea around this is to say to members of congress look you know don't just be in hollywood's pocket there's a whole other view of the world that you can join a view that's accepted by most americans instead of just a handful of big corporations and that provides an agenda and a vision going forward about what members of congress can do and accomplish. you know at an age where we have hacktivists and way away you know renewed fears of cyber security i think it's going to be hard to kind of get people to. jump on board with this cause when you have that fear there. yeah you know i feel like whenever issues of internet freedom are brought up you hear the same sort of bogeymen one of course is you know cyber criminals cyber pirates all these sort of
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things that they try to child pornography is you know this is the reason we really need to crack down on the internet there's the reasons freedom can't be allowed to exist and the fact is i think if you you know july fourth is a good time to remember what this country was founded on it wasn't founded on fear wasn't founded on terror it wasn't founded on the idea that there are some criminals out there so we better take away everyone's rights in front of them the exact opposite notion that it's better to let a guilty man go free than to put an innocent person in jail that it's better to protect everyone's freedom of speech than the crack down and make sure nobody is ever offended and you know freedom is messy is the former president said but i think it's important to protect it it's more important than ever on the internet where this new terrain is being decided for the first time where we don't have the founding fathers to lay the groundwork where it's up to all of us to decide what goes and what does that and this is going to be a tough fight because i mean you're up against lobbyists and special interest groups the motion picture association of america for example they were in support
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of the do you think that this is really going to be an uphill battle it's always been an uphill battle i mean we knew that since the very beginning i remember when we first start the fight against sopa you know is a handful of us public interest groups and an army of lawyers from the other side you know and they had resources we just can't compete with there's a new batman movie opening in a couple of weeks and one of the people is starring in the movie is senator patrick leahy the member of congress who wrote the first version of so you know i can't cast anyone in a movie i can't give them these kinds of junkets but what we can do is we can rally people and that's what we did during the civil fight we brought people together who otherwise were politically engaged for the most part they had never met their members of congress before and they came together and said look the internet is so important to us and that's something hollywood can ever do now. you know aaron we're we but thanks to activists like you we saw sopa and pipa they were shot down but since then cispa came out people were calling that a soap at two point zero we're seeing things like feisty and other alleged pieces
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of legislation that aim in one way or another to cracking down on internet freedoms do you think that we're going to continue to see legislation like this oh yeah i mean you know the forces against freedom are powerful like you said there are many of them it's not just hollywood but everybody has an interest in restricting freedom in some particular area or another so we've seen you know with cispa certain groups have an interest in invading people's privacy because they're so people's personal data you know and that's that's just the way it goes right there are all sorts of private forces who are interested in a particular private interest but what they're up against is the public and the public interest they're up against a whole swath of people with this notion of collective good and collective identity and the sort of private mercurial aims that these private corporations have so i think you know again on july fourth it's time to remember that's what this country was founded on was americans coming together and fighting entrenched tyranny in
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power as opposed to just letting it run roughshod over their liberties and what better time to remember those fundamental value is erin want to ask you. you know we hear a lot about these bills that aim to crack down on internet freedoms but are there bills that aim to protect internet privacy and if so why don't we hear about those . it's a good question there are certainly some some very interesting bills one that currently being worked on in california would give your e-books the same level of privacy as your library books right now this privacy protection for the books you check out of the library but the corporations can sell the list of e-books you read in the pages a view they can give them to the government or sell another company is without any rights so it's there's an interesting privacy bill there there's a whole swath of things that groups have been working on another one the coal coalition has come together trying to protect privacy in the mail right now and don't even need a warrant to access your g. mail account which is just ridiculous so there's an interesting bill being worked
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on by a coalition of groups to change the law clarify that you do need a warrant to access that kind of private information unfortunately you know as i said before we don't kind of have an army of lobbyists and p.r. agents to get stories like this out so we're dependent on them people like you to tell us about it as do would you agree erin that this this issue of internet freedom is a nonpartisan issue whether you're republican or a democrat whatever your political affiliation is that this is something that you can that both sides of the sides of the spectrum can find common ground you know i think that's been one of the most interesting things my own group demand progress that oregon has not done a lot of joint work with republicans with patrick ruffini who was president george w. bush's web master i mean you know really you know some might say the left wing and right wing that it's not a left wing versus right wing issue it's an issue about the people's interest versus the corporations and the government's interests and it's about power versus the people and that's something that works on both sides of the aisle the tea party
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is not a big fan of government intervention the not a big fan of people spying on you or take handing over your e-mails to the feds and so this is something where both left and right can come together because they're really clear issues of liberty. this area do you think this issue internet freedom part of the part of keeping liberty as activists like yourself argue do you think it's going to be an important issue this election season i certainly hope so and i think it'll be interesting to see whether the candidates address it i mean we saw during the last election cycle states like you to twitter and facebook and so on became a core part of the presidential campaign process you know all the candidates had the you tube debate all the candidates have facebook pages and twitter accounts and i think you know it's going to be even more intense this year where so much of the electorate is on the internet is using social networking tools that are going to be forced in so the kinds of questions that people in the internet care about which are these questions about internet freedom about these tools that have come to take
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up so much of their lives and whether the presidential candidates want to shut them down or air and keeping up the fight for internet freedom that was aaron swartz thank you so much for coming on the show he is the founder and executive director of demand progress well speaking of internet freedoms wiki leaks founder julian assange remains held up inside the ecuadorian embassy in london as he waits to hear about his asylum bed last week british police demanded that he reports to a london police station for the first step of extradition to sweden his mind of their own sex crime allegations but a songe is not going anywhere a spokesperson says he's waiting to hear on the asylum plea assigned to show airs here on r t and today is the last episode spoke about the conditions he's been living under since sweden began trying to extradite him months ago take a look right now i have this us cringe yury which is be investigating me for eighteen months and get
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a piece of the secret indictment which will use it to an extent it's united states at the same time. i have a case in the supreme court here in great britain which used to be the house of lords. and if it is if i'm not successful then i'll be extradited to sweden imprisoned immediately without charge i have not been charged ever. in any country and then be goes with a sex trial or not maybe that will drop it but they refused to come over here to to interview me to ask questions we offered to do this by phone to go to swedish embassy here they refused to do this instead they demand to extradite me to ask questions without any charge and this is that the situation i have been in now under house arrest i have electronic. medical file aig to report
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my location so. it's a bit grim but on the other hand i do have a platform you know it it does give me to a degree. a platform and this process comes out of. the legislation in europe in response to nine eleven so this particular thing that i'm trying to think about as a result of. european police departments saying we must have a way to quickly take terrorists from one country to another. will continue to follow the. bed and the twist in turns in the case and by the way julian assange is celebrating his forty first birthday today. well while some are busy traveling this holiday others are busy protesting the national occupy gathering is set to take place tomorrow independence day and they picked a good setting for the date occupy groups across the country are gathering on
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independence mall in philadelphia it's all in hopes of reviving the movement and shining a spotlight on corporate greed and income inequality in the nation our correspondent abbie martin is on the ground in philadelphia to tell us what is happening have a nice to see you there so kind of set the scene for us over there. well it's an interesting one don like any other are part protests i have been through so far because this is the first national gathering it's not a localized action so there's occupied room for the whole of the country getting together gathering in one place but there is also i mean hundreds of auctions across five days of the national gathering the first africa operate of occupy wall street so it's a really interesting scene there's people of all demographics out here and they're participating in different acts there's a march going on right now we have an action going on right here for free so there's a there's an end drone war booth over there with more people just a whole different mix of people and different things happening now it's been almost
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a year since these protests have sparked and we've seen them sweep across the country how is this one different from the ones we've seen. well i have to federalize crackdowns cross the entire country from the top down and we saw the camps dismantle people have decided to strategize and go more into the second phase i think of occupy it was never really about campaign in perpetuity that was just to get attention to the message to the two tiered justice system to the end qualities of the social and economic system so now they're taking it to another phase where it's communicating and strategizing and discussing what is going to be next for the movement and it's just really interesting to see that unfolding with workshops and speakers and all these other things the reason that they chose independence day of course it's such a monumental iconic symbol of what this nation was founded on and how far we've
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strayed and that foundation now the movement kind of lost its moments of over the winter understandable got you know gets colder in the winter and there was this planned comeback they were going to you know this this spring well with those warm weather in the spring there was there was a lot of hype surrounding a possible comeback but we haven't really seen seen that are they trying to change that. yeah i think they're just restricted guys and i mean they realize basically that every time they try to set up an encampment there is a police force and it's local police force with the help of police agencies outside of the city that this happened then and they're just fourth in right here ready to shut down anything that happens before it can even start so i think when you're facing such a village right police force such as that you need to re strategizing the reader rethink your strategy of what is really going to work and how you're going to get attention and how you're going to move forward because that's just not going to
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work anymore it was interesting though they did try to take back a park franklin square over there where we were earlier talking to some people and they said that one tent was set up and already i mean a riot cops surrounding the whole thing as someone had it was cracked open currently in prison right around jail so it is very. fortunately that scene was stabilized by actually in a home chant around where they kind of made everything kind of peace there where the cops kind of step back but the ugly things are definitely still very tense i think they just realize that the fight is between the police and the occupiers i mean the police are part of the ninety nine percent so they don't want to be just months and years in between these cops and occupiers trying to continue to set up camp so i think they're just really trying to strategize i mean martin luther king and gandhi said that ninety percent of revolution is really the planning and the strategizing it's not the action and that's really what we're seeing i think people
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realize that and that's what they're doing right now and part of the strategy that we've seen so far abbi are these tent camping out it kind of has come to symbolize what the occupy movement is about and that you know has come to symbolize everything that is part of the movement and if there is they can't have passed campout any longer what is the new strategy and any word on that. it's just working with groups that have already been fighting for this fight for decades centuries even i mean indigenous populations and you have teachers' unions all these different groups of people that are fighting for justice and the occupiers are just realizing it. we need to stop doing this because it's just creating this giant office in between a police force and i think we need to start working with these local activist movement to try to spread our message and try to do more localized actions and that's what we're seeing all across these five days where there's marches bank
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action really focusing on the financial system that's put in place this economic crisis from the top down it's not the police it's the top down of financier's and the bankers and everything that these people are saying is the o.b.s. the power structure the one percent that's we're trying to spread awareness about here today that's what they're trying to spread awareness about and it's just a lot of discussion a lot of communication and a lot of people strategizing together you had mentioned earlier that they were kind of doing the yoga symbol for peace but you know that's peace we haven't seen a lot of peace throughout these protests that we saw a lot of violent crackdowns a lot of violent police crackdowns on demonstrators we've seen the violence coming from from both sides of the spectrum so far from what you're seeing over there in philadelphia has a been mostly peaceful or how are the police responding. like i said earlier the police did. there was i had cracked open where someone did get arrested right
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when the first one came up so the police are definitely ready to roll their they're all around kind of milling around the city i mean since there's so many different actions going on i haven't seen a centralized police force really armed and ready yet i know that there was one on saturday the reason why you don't see anyone behind me right now is because my five pm and six pm they're going to actions behind me now at a dependent hall right now they're at the camp i'm sorry the part where they try to set up camp and they're just kind of all in groups in discussion groups and speakers and workshops but yeah as far as the police force. not yet but you never know i mean it is interesting they just come out in droves when you least expect it if there's an occupier then there's sure to be the police not far behind and so i remember before it was kind of they used to come out at midnight are you know when when everybody was kind of not watching that they would kind of make their way in there tomorrow is the big day i know you're going to be there covering it staying on top of everything what to expect for tomorrow. big big gathering more of
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the same kind of actions all i mean this is happening all day every day for the last five days so it really is interesting to see how many different things how much we're going to be has really gone into this and i just talked to someone who just drove across the country and picked up people along the way just to be here so i think tomorrow we're going to see a lot of people coming in tonight for tomorrow's rally for the workshop for the actions that are happening all day will definitely be on the ground and i i'm sure things will get times the more crowds show up the more police are likely to show up as well but will definitely be there and give you guys an update on what's going to happen all right abbi thanks for keeping us updated over there stay safe over there in philadelphia that was our t. correspondent abbi martin. well tomorrow of course is independence day one of the biggest travel days of the year but it turns out if you're beautiful you have more of a chance of traveling for free a new website that is attractive people that want to travel with well to wealthy
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suitors that want to travel with attractive people some people call it a win win others call it sleazy honest aasia churkin to shows you how if you're beautiful a free dream vacation is just a couple clicks away. there are many places to see so what are you waiting for a few bucks tight to take a dream vacation well now all you need is looks and off you jet with the help of this new dating website. well. girls who would love to travel with somebody attractor beautiful people who want to travel for free we set up an account to see the chances of actually being offered a free trip and name a bit of a description and not even a profile photo and here is an invite to go to england for a week with a so-called generous user name tall one or the site has tens of thousands of members adventurous and full of other appealing traits ready to see it all singles
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of all ages and even smells bankers athletes executives one side pays they have the money and they're willing to spend it on you the other goes on a free ride the idea that people who are quote unquote beautiful should enjoy economic advantages over people who are not is disgusting on its face it's a smidge different from prostitution the site's founder begs to differ a little money is over exchanged and again we're very strict about making sure there escorts are not a lot of match this trouble sybil has already gone on her first trip through the site and now it's totally not taboo to be on any online dating site i think this one's this really really cool i went to call the event two weeks assigning up to this woman it's all about bringing back courtship fast and i still believe that guy should spoil you especially when they're trying to impress you a single frequent flyer ken is on the other side of the game willing to impress i don't know if it's about being lonely i think it's it's probably an easier way to
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meet someone who wants to travel than walking down the street and starting asking you know. ken is willing to cover some but not all of the costs so they find the right person for subsidizing it but probably not paying for the whole thing critics dubbed this new dating option sexist classist and tasteless we need a constitutional amendment that says some things are just gross there should be a cabinet level ministry of a keenness with no such ministry in sight the service claims it's actually a win win for all you've been damaged one of the ancestors once in a while man tempered war with endless pages of princesses awaiting pampering wealthy magical knights can pick and choose who they will rescue next and if they are new york. well i could sure use a vacation right now i'm not sure if i'm going to go that route though and who is his chicken with lauren lyster she is the host of capital account that's coming up next on our t.v.
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hi lauren what's on the agenda today hey liz day hear you say you need a vacation and i do i do i think it's time i think i can offer you a vacation into the world of financial fraud and malfeasance how do i i don't know if that's the one i wanted to go on things though. none the less let me assure you that it will be a good show for anyone who does want to take a vacation down this road the barclays lived or scandal and settlement now has seen three cows at the top of the bank the chairman c.e.o. c o o now we're going to ask is how come we don't see this in the u.s. for you west bank said have settled over fraud or are wrongdoing related to the financial crisis or otherwise remember that goldman sachs abacus deal over the collateralized debt obligation they settled for five hundred fifty million dollars you don't see lloyd blankfein going anywhere so we're going to talk about that because it's the biggest story exploding right now but also so much going on in
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terms of the data coming out here and there good manufacturing numbers for the u.s. bad manufacturing numbers for the u.s. now you can pick the headlines as to what's affecting the stock market but we're going to look at the bigger picture of the situation for stocks commodities the eurozone crisis the fault debt deflation with none other than commodities guru jim rogers so you won't want to miss that lauren lister always asking the important questions and she's going to find some answers for you that's up next on the capital account thanks laurin that's going to do it now for the news for more on the stories we covered you can check out our you tube page at youtube dot com slash r t america or a website that's our t.v. dot com slash usa we will be right back here and a half hour. a client of american power continues. are things in our country so bad might actually be time for a revolution. and it turns out that a popular drink of starbucks has
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a surprising in radio. there hasn't been a thing yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before source material is what helps keep journalism honest we thought. we wanted to present. something you know. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom hartman welcome to the big picture.
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wealthy british style the sun goes down to the title of the times. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report. on . more news today violence is once again flared up the funny thing these are the images the world has been seeing from history.


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