tv [untitled] July 3, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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as americans get ready to celebrate the country's anniversary of independence on the eve of the fourth of july do americans realize their internet freedoms are at risk is it time for a declaration of internet freedom. and our founding fathers used philadelphia as the place to sign the declaration of independence now a different group of americans are gathering in the city of brotherly love and the occupy movement flex their muscles and affect change here in the u.s. our team is on the ground in philly with the details. girls who look for trouble with somebody else for your. beautiful people who want to travel. and the best things in life are free that is if you're pretty artsy
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looks deeper into the world of travel exclusively for the bold and the beautiful. july third eight pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wahl and you're watching r t. well i worth while some are busy traveling this holiday others are busy protesting the national occupy a gathering is set to take place tomorrow independence day and they picked a good setting for the date occupy groups from across the country are gathering at independence mall in philadelphia it's all in hopes of reviving the movement and shining a spotlight on corporate greed and income inequality in the nation earlier spoke with our t. correspondent abbie martin who is on the ground in philadelphia to tell us what is happening take a look. i don't like any other are higher protests i've been to so far because this
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is the first national gathering it's not a localized action so there's occupy groups in the whole of the country getting together gathering in one place but there is also i mean hundreds of auctions across these five days of the national gathering the first national government of occupy wall street so it's a really interesting scene there's people of all demographics out here and they're participating in different acts there's a march going on right now we have an action going on right here for free so there's a there's an end drone war group over there with more people just a whole different mix of people and different things happening now it's been almost a year since these protests have sparked and we've seen them sweep across the country how is this one different from the ones we've seen. after the federalizing crackdown cross the entire country from the top down and we saw the camps dismantle people have decided to strategize and go more into the second phase i think of occupy it was never really about campaign in perpetuity that was just to
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get attention to the message to the two tiered justice system to the any qualities of the social and economic system so now they're taking it to another phase where it's communicating and strategizing and discussing what is going to be next for the movement. and it's just really interesting to see that on unfolding with workshops and speakers and all these other things the reason that they chose independence day of course it's such a monumental iconic symbol of what this nation was founded on and how far we've strayed and that foundation now the movement kind of lost its moments of over the winter understandable you know gets colder in the winter and there was this planned comeback they were going to you know this this spring well with those warm weather in the spring there was there was a lot of hype surrounding a possible comeback but we haven't really seen seen that are they trying to change that. yeah i think they're just restricted guys i mean they realize basically that
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every time they try to set up an encampment there is a police force and those local police force with the help of police agencies outside of the city that this happened then and they're just in full force and right here ready to shut down anything that happens before it can even start so i think when you're facing such a village right police force such as that you need to re strategizing the reader rethink your strategy of what is really going to work and how you're going to get attention and how you're going to move forward because that's just not going to work anymore it was interesting though they did try to take back a park franklin square over there where we were earlier talking to some people and they said that one tent was set up and already i mean a riot cops surrounding the whole thing as someone had it was cracked open currently in prison right around jail so it is very. fortunately that scene was stabilized by actually in a home chant around where they kind of made everything kind of peace there where
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the cops kind of step back but the ugly things are definitely still very tense i think they just realize that the fight is between the police and the occupiers i mean the police are part of the ninety nine percent so they don't want to be just like months and years in between these and occupiers trying to continue to set up camp so i think they're just really trying to strategize i mean martin luther king and gandhi said that ninety percent of revolution is really the planning and the strategizing it's not the action and that's really what we're seeing i think people realize that and that's what they're doing right now and part of the strategy that we've seen so far abbi are these tens and camping out it kind of has come to symbolize what the occupy movement is about and. has come to symbolize everything that is part of the movement and if there is they can't have passed campout any longer what is the new strategy and any word on that. it's just working with
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groups that have already been fighting for this fight for decades centuries even i mean indigenous populations and you have teachers' unions all these different groups of people that are fighting for justice and the occupiers are just realizing it. we need to stop doing this because it's just creating this giant offices and it's been a police force now that we have not working with these local activist movement to try to spread our message and try to do more localized actions and that's what we're seeing all across these five days where there's marches bank action really focusing on the financial system that's put in place this economic crisis from the top down it's not the police it's the top down of financier's and the bankers and everything that these people are saying the obese the power structure the one percent that's we're trying to spread awareness about here today that's what they're trying to spread awareness about and it's just a lot of discussion a lot of communication and a lot of people strategizing together you had mentioned earlier that they were kind
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of doing the you know the symbol for peace but you know that's peace we haven't seen a lot of peace throughout these protests that we saw a lot of violent crackdowns a lot of violent police crackdowns on demonstrators we've seen the violence coming from from both sides of the spectrum so far from what you're seeing over there in philadelphia has a been mostly peaceful or how are the police responding. like i said earlier the police did. there was a head cracked open where someone did get arrested right when the first one came up so the police are definitely ready to roll their they're all around kind of milling around the city i mean since there's so many different actions going on i haven't seen a centralized police force really armed and ready yet i know that there was one on saturday the reason why you don't see anyone behind me right now is because my five and six fans are going to action behind me now at a dependent hall right now there at the camp i'm sorry the part where they try to
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set up camp and they're just kind of all in groups in discussion groups because the workshop but as far as the police force. not yet but you never know i mean it is interesting they just come out in droves when you least expect it if there's an occupier then they're sure to be police not far behind and so i remember before it was kind of they used to come out at midnight or you know when when everybody was kind of not watching that they would try to make their way in there tomorrow is the big day i know you're going to be there covering it staying on top of everything what to expect for tomorrow. big big gatherings more of the same kind of action all i mean this is happening all day every day for the last five days so it really is interesting to see how many different things how much we're going to has really gone into this and i just talked to someone who just drove across the country and picked up people along the way just to be here so i think tomorrow we're going to see a lot of people coming in tonight or tomorrow rally for the workshops for the actions that are happening all they will definitely be on the ground and i i'm sure
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things will get them more crowd the more police are likely to show up as well but we'll definitely be there and give you guys that update on what's going to happen all right abbie thanks for keeping us updated over there stay safe over there in philadelphia that was our correspondent abbie martin well it's being called nafta on steroids an international trade agreement brewing between nine countries has been stirring controversy on capitol hill that's because the talks are being held in complete secrecy the thirteenth round of negotiations started today in san diego the trans-pacific partnership is a trade agreement between chile australia new zealand in the united states among other countries critics say it will compromise food safety create monopolistic drug patents and which will lead to more expensive medicine allow millions of american jobs to be off shored cars financial deregulation and impede net neutrality and with so much at stake for the american people why is it that all these talks are
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being held behind closed doors joining me now to discuss this lori wallach director for public citizen global trade watch joins me now welcome laurie so first i want to ask what is the the big secret. well the transpacific partnership has been branded as a trade agreement but of its twenty six chapters only two of them are trade so hiding our twenty four chapters of who knows what sneaky back door one percenter agenda some chapters have leaked so for instance there is a foreign investors chapter that requires the u.s. to submit itself to the jurisdiction of foreign tribunals that would be able to award foreign investors unlimited amounts of taxpayer money in lawsuits where these foreign investors attack the u.s. government saying they don't want to meet the same how their safety or environmental or zoning laws as u.s.
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residents and firms that's one thing we know is in there there's a ban on buy america procurement we know that in there there are limits on regulation of big banks we know that's in there so that's what we know from the leaks it's extremely worrisome what is in the secret tax and those going to be my next question i mean today is the thirteenth round of negotiations started and you know it is very secret very close doors so we don't know too much about what's going on there but what do we know about what has transpired so far. well there been two sets of texts and bleat one of them that's about big pharmaceutical companies being allowed to expand their patents their monopoly is hardly free trade and that would jack up all of our medicine prices but as well in that chapter are the problems with internet freedom or the crazy rules that would make it a crime if you copied a textbook for ninety years you couldn't copy any book these sort of extreme
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provisions some of which like the ones on the internet that were similar to what was in sopa the stop online piracy act the us congress thanks to the us public getting active said no to and instead now the same corporate interests are trying to use the t.p. as a back door delivery mechanism for these things i'm good for the most of us and that in the sunshine congress rejects so we know so-called intellectual property patents and copyrights higher medicine prices less internet freedom we know about that one the investment taxes the other one that leaked as well as these crazy foreign tribunals that would be empowered to raid the u.s. treasury we also know that those rules will give big companies around the world special privileges to snatch up natural resources to get away with polluting to get away with for instance causing financial crises there's even some rules in there
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that says countries can't stop them from rushing in countries with risky with risky investments so these these tidbits we know and then talking to different negotiators we've been able to figure out some more pieces on trade watch dot org our web site trade watch dot org we've compiled all the information from the leaked tax plus everything everyone we know around the world consists of movements around the world are against this have been able to find out from their countries from their negotiators now laurie some are calling this nafta steroids do you think that's a fair comparison. i think it's unfortunately quite accurate first of all the actual agreement has all of the most damaging provisions of nafta but from the leaked text for instance on investments we can see as bad as nafta as investment rules were they can include all kinds of special productions that actually promoted offshoring of investment in jobs that this proposal goes even further i mean just
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for instance this proposal would allow foreign corporations to skirt u.s. courts and to sue our government in these international tribunals where the same people one day are judges as the next they are representing the foreign corporations attacking our governments they could use those kinds of tribunals to attack decisions on us natural sources government owned land on procurement contracts when the government wants to buy american made cars for instance for our government officials to drive around so this is even bigger and badder so nafta on steroids is right plus nafta was mexico canada us went to mexico and canada have been invited so it's latrine. but then it's the whole rest of the pacific rim so currently there are nine countries involved it would be open to any country on the pacific so the big corporations see this is a way both to lock down their corporate agenda in countries are developing
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countries like vietnam countries have taken different policy approaches like most lazy would use capital controls to avoid a financial crisis is a great example for other countries it's a way to take away that policy space and then for countries like the us where these things would not do well in congress it's a way to get it done through the back door well it sounds like there is a lot of conflicts of interest going going on there from what you describe and you know these decisions made behind closed doors you know have major implications for small businesses and you know an ordinary citizens but they really have no input on the policies that are being made what is the danger in that. well we need to drag this agreement into the sunshine and the thing that everyone needs to know is as horrifying and upsetting as the sounds number one it's no conspiracy theory now that these texts of leaks actually we can see you can see go to trade watch dot org you can look at the leaked texts you can see this is real this is
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outrageous but no one wants and we should all remember is that activists citizens have demanded in the past when these sneaky so-called trade agreement attacks have been tried when they get the tax released and they hold their elected officials accountable to x. they actually repeatedly have to stop these outrageous negotiations so the best thing for all of us to do and there's an easy way to do it on our website trade watchdog org is to simply demand our elected officials that we want to copy of the tax because this is been going on for three years so certainly our members of congress must have copies of the tax and if they don't we need them to a one year old why given this is going to rewrite everything they're allegedly in charge of this is like their pink slip with p.p.p. they don't need to do their job because it's going to be imposed so they need to have this tax and they need to share it with us and if we all are in contact with their members of congress and folks they're all home for the entire week of july
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for their home in your congressional district they will be a parade they have open office hours they work for you go visit and tell them you want the t.p. tax and they say what's t.p. then you say you haven't heard right to me immediately when you get back to washington i want the tax this will work this is worked in the past but we should mention that congress is also concerned about the confidentiality and in the fact that this is so secret but even even congress is having a hard time squeezing information out of what is going on there. it's a matter of critical mass that's why i'm advising everybody to get their member of congress involved there have been some members of congress increasingly members of congress last week one hundred thirty three of them wrote a letter to gather democrats very senior democrats to the obama administration saying this is no way to proceed substantively you're heading in the wrong direction from what we know the secrecy is totally intolerable you must release the
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tax if we get enough members of congress and the public screaming about this they will have to release the tax and once we can see it we can decide top to bottom that something we can live with if the chapters i've leaked give us any indication of what's in there we're not going to want this done in our name and in fact getting out into the sunshine with these kind of agreements where you know what sunshine does for dracula frequently with these agreements a great dose of sunshine does not have them farewell so our job as citizens is to keep our mouths open and to get our hands out what's being done in our name now at trade watchdog or you can get a lot of information about what's being done but also many members of congress have not heard about this because the administration has been so secretive there are six hundred corporate advisors who get to see the tax so if you simply tell a member of congress what you don't have the tax you can't share with me but six hundred corporations have an aren't you the elected official this is a point that most don't even realize because it's been so secretive they don't even
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know it's going on laurie thank you so much for keeping us updated on this very important subject that we're not strangely i hear until much about that was laurie wall at the director for public citizen global trade watch. well our fundamental rights are mapped out in the bill of rights but in this modern world is it time to adopt an internet bill of rights many internet leaders think so a group of on line advocates are calling on elected officials to sign the document it's pretty straightforward the bill of rights hones in on five key rights we need to fight to keep the internet they are expression don't censor the internet access to openness innovation and privacy that's to protect privacy and defend everyone's ability to control how their data and devices are used. now the group that came up with this banded together in opposition of sopa and pipa to internet bills critics say stripped citizens of some of these rights on the internet about we are seeing
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bill after bill come out that aims to in some way regulate the internet so is this a fight internet advocates can win earlier i was joined by josh levy internet campaign director for free press i asked him why this was such an important issue for his organization take a listen. everybody has been working on internet freedom issues for years and we've been involved in the movement to protect the open internet. since there's never been a movement so this work on the declaration of internet freedom is kind of at the core of what free press does what our mission is all right i want to read a preamble to this internet bill of rights as states quote we believe that a free and open internet can bring about a better world keep the internet free and open we call on communities industries and countries to recognize these principles we believe that they will help to bring about more creative a more innovation and more open society and so tell us more about these
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organizations that have come on board to support this internet bill of rights. and ultimately i know that you want to get lawmakers on board with this do you think they'll be able to achieve that. down to the first question we have an amazingly diverse range of organizations company and prominent activists academics journalists and other individuals who come on board here so is everybody from start. to run web site like red reddit to organizations like the american civil liberties union and amnesty international two prominent academics like you i think are at it are jonathan zittrain out of harvard and others it's an amazingly. there is a group but it's also a group that spans the breath of all internet users the elective group represents
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millions of people and different opinions from the right and the left from the center. we think because we are building such a broad movement here and we're inviting so much public interaction with the now we're releasing this document to the public say do what you want with this remax this document edited comment on it share it but just engage with this conversation with this process we think by doing this we're going to build a movement of many millions of people instead of just fighting back and the best thing you can actually do something proactive for the open internet lawmakers will be listening when we go to members of congress' office later this summer to sign on to the declaration if we have the will of millions of people behind us i think members of congress will have no choice but that was that was. campaign director for free press. and speaking of the internet internet freedom that is wiki leaks founder julian assad remains held up inside the ecuadorian embassy in london as he
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waits to hear about his asylum bed last week british police demanded that he report to a london police station for the first step of extradition to sweden he's wanted there on sex crimes allegations but the silence is not going anywhere a spokesperson says he's waiting to hear on the asylum plea to show airs here on earth today is the last episode spoke about the condition he's been living under since sweden began trying to extradite him months ago take a look. at this u.s. grand jury which is being investigated. and. i mean. at the same time. i have a case in the supreme court here in great britain which used to be the house of lords. and if. if if i'm not successful then i will be
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extradited to sweden imprisoned immediately without charge i have not been charged . in any country and then be go through a sex trial or not maybe they would drop it but they refused to come over here to to interview me to ask questions we offered to do this by phone to go to this week's embassy here they refused to do this instead they demanded exadata me to ask questions without any charge and this is the situation i've been in now under house arrest i have electronic. medical leg to report my location so. it's a bit grim but on the other hand i do have a platform you know it it does give me to a degree. a platform and this process comes out of the
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legislation in europe in response to nine eleven so this particular thing that i'm trapped under came about as a result of. european police departments and government saying we must have a way to quickly take terrorists from one european country to another european country and we'll continue to follow the assad asylum bed and the twists and turns of the case and by the way julian assad is celebrating have forty first birthday today. well a group of men and known as the nato three have pled not guilty to terrorism charges days before the summit even began in chicago back in may three men were arrested for allegedly plotting to firebomb president obama's campaign headquarters and other targets across the city where they are the nato three twenty two year old brain church twenty seven year old jared chase and twenty four year old brant vincent betterly some of the charges against them are under anti-terrorism statutes
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that have never been used before police say they found written plans for assembling pipe bombs and confiscated a mortar gun swords a crossbow a throwing star ninja knives among other weapons but police have admitted that the group was infiltrated by undercover agents well before the men even made it to chicago but the defense accuses police of entrapping the men and encouraging them and a bomb making effort now remains to be seen whether these men are innocent or guilty but the question now is how far are law enforcement officials allowed to go to protect national interests. well tomorrow of course is independence day one of the biggest travel days of the year but it turns out if you're beautiful you have more of a chance of traveling for free a new web site matches attractive people that want to travel with wealthy suitors that want to travel with attractive people some people call it a win win others call it just plain sleazy artie's on the saucy churkin it shows
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you how if you're beautiful a free dream vacation is just a couple clicks away. there are many places to see so what are you waiting for a few bucks tight to take a dream vacation well now all you need is looks and off you jet with the help of this new dating website. well you can join our girls who would love to travel with somebody attractor beautiful people who want to travel for free and we set up an account to see the chances of actually being offered a free trip a name and the description and not even a profile photo and here is an invite to go to england for a week with a so-called generous user name tall one or the site has tens of thousands of members adventurous and full of other appealing traits ready to see it all singles of all ages and even smells bankers athletes executives one side pays they have the money and they're willing to spend it on you the other goes on
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a free ride the idea that people who are quote unquote beautiful should enjoy economic advantages over people who are not is disgusting on its face it's a smidge different from prostitution the site's founder begs to differ a little money is over exchanged and again we're very strict about making sure the escorts are not allowed to match our restaurant sybil has already gone on her first trip through the site and now it's totally not taboo to be on any online dating site i think this one's this really really cool i went to call the event two weeks assigning up to this woman it's all about bringing back courtship past and i still believe that guy should spoil you especially when they're trying to impress you a single frequent flyer ken is on the other side of the game willing to impress i don't know if it's about being lonely i think it's it's probably an easier way to meet someone who wants to travel than walking down the street and starting asking you know. ken is willing to cover some but not all of the costs so they find the
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right person for subsidizing it but probably not paying for the whole thing critics dubbed this new dating option sexist classist and tasteless we need a constitutional amendment that says some things are just gross there should be a cabinet level ministry of a keenness with no such ministry inside the service claims it's actually a win win for all you've got to remember there's one princess who was once in a while and trampled on with endless pages of princesses awaiting parent bring wealthy magical knights can pick and choose who they will rescue next as they are in new york. and we're going to show up at that but that's going to do it for the news tonight from one of the stories we covered you can check out our youtube page it's youtube dot com slash r t america we post all our interviews in full right there you can also check out our website that's r t dot com slash u.s. airways producers are busy working on stories we don't always have.
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