tv [untitled] July 3, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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and welcome back to the big picture i'm sam sacks in for tom hartman coming up in this half hour since the beginning of time mankind has tried to answer the most complicated questions well tomorrow scientists in europe man one of the answers to these questions how could were deep underground in switzerland change human history forever and first they called it socialism now they call it raising taxes but no matter how republicans describe obamacare it's all part of their plan to discredit president obama and sabotage the presidency tom we'll explain in tonight's they only take.
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so ever since we as humans developed complex brains and were able to contemplate higher ideas beyond just survival and procreation we've always wanted an answer to the ultimate question we've wanted in answer to life the universe and everything through the ages and we've used the tools of mathematics physics philosophy all to get to the answer we've use religion and spiritualism the same effort and at times we've just resigned in this despair and absurdity accepting the fact that there may not be an answer to everything but indeed we might all live in a giant void of meaninglessness and his book the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy which was later made into a movie starring martin freeman sam rockwell and most def famed douglas adams offers an answer to the ultimate question though i warn you it will probably be disappointing. beyond to the ultimate question.
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of luck the universe and everything. full of teeth. forty two it's not even a prime number hexane invisible man in the sky is the answer to the ultimate question might have even been more satisfying but putting aside satire and science fiction for a moment what if i told you that scientists actually are close to finding an answer to everything or at least a lot of things what if i told you that scientists are close to finding the answer to why the universe behaves the way it is it does why everything around us is the way it is and why we as people are even here very more than five hundred feet underground beneath france and switzerland is the large hadron collider the biggest machine ever built by humans it's
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a seventeen mile long oval track run by the european organization for nuclear research also known as cern the purpose of the large hadron collider is to recreate the conditions that existed in the universe right after the big bang in order to find out what the most basic fundamentals are to everything more basic than our cells inside of us more basic than the elements on the periodic table more basic than atoms and more basic than subatomic stuff like new ones who owns quarks and the way scientists are trying to find this really really small most basic stuff in the universe is there smashing things together really fast it's kind of like trying to figure out the most basic stuff inside an i phone by taking you know two i phones and smashing them together really hard until they break into tiny little fundamental pieces. so that's what's happening at the large hadron collider not
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with i phones but scientists are smashing particles together at nearly the speed of light in seeing what tiny pieces are left over hoping that one of those pieces will be the most basic component of everything in the universe something that scientists call the god particle or more technically the higgs bozo the god particle was first conceived of way back in one nine hundred sixty four and ever since it has been the most sought after scientific discovery for nearly fifty years now and on wednesday morning scientists at the large hadron collider could announce that they finally found it or at least that they found evidence that it actually exists so what that means and how would it change our understanding of life the universe and everything joining me now is professor robert roser member of the particle physics division with fermi lab in spokesperson for the c.d.f. experiment at the department of energy's fermi national accelerator laboratory professor roeser welcome oh thanks for having thanks for coming on so let's start
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at the basics why is the higgs bo'sun or the god particle so important well so we have these fundamental theory of how that universe was created by the standard model. the since we're lacking one very simple of the basic components the center model is made up of of six elementary particles that you mentioned called for each of those corks to have a property of mass they have a certain weight and what we don't understand is why those six quarts have the masses that they have once we take into account that we measure them and we take them at face value we can then run our programs and create a universe so to speak but we don't know the simplest question of why those particles have mass so where does the higgs bosso and fit into that the photon is one of the many theories out there that would ascribe. the proper mass to these particles it's not the only theory but it is perhaps one of the longest lived ones
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and and one of the most popular because it's relatively simple and and scientists like things that you can fit on the back of teacher so so on and we're getting close now we have to have the tools to know whether it's real so when are saying that is. in its natural state things are just flying around the universe without mass lightspeed but it's when they interact with the higgs most owner what's called the higgs field that these particles are actually able to slow down enough to where the able to join together and create masses that i guess a simplistic version of what's going on here even more simplistic let's say you when i walk into a party. and and when you see what happens so that when i walk in. to a party near where you are and since you're a popular t.v. star everybody knows who you are i think
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a lot. nobody knows who i am or other people the participants in this cocktail party i think feel and each individual and say hey fellows us popularity to those in. digitals makes you more massive than me so that's how it works you have the element you part with those that been around and how they interact with this determines the mass of the right so we have this collider the large hadron collider and it's trying to recreate the scientists say that they're trying to recreate the conditions just after the big bang what exactly does that mean and why is that why are those conditions important to finding the higgs bo'sun well so that he can pose them so in order to he actually create a particle out of the field you need to squeeze it really hard it that you know it takes and it takes a machine like an accelerator either from the national laboratory or at cern in order to do that so with these two protons spinning around in very very high
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energies looking at the speed of light we collide you know there we can basically in the proton is made up of records and so we're trying three course and one proton with reports and the other we're trying to get them is close together is possible to then see what happens to be interact with each other what what are you telling us so you just mentioned the fermi lab which is a particle accelerator here in the united states and you just finished your your work for the year and announced your findings on monday and said that you guys came close to finding evidence of the higgs bo'sun but you're ultimately didn't find the evidence you needed how might the large hadron collider be better at finding is it just because it's bigger but correct me so let's go over what you know. is that is an accelerator that's four miles in circumference and so will size matters in particle physics and so we can get up to a certain amount of energy with the technology available using the same technology
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put it in a larger machine with those let's eat a softer radius if you will you can sort of particles to higher energy use in still better than me inside your circle now einstein told us eat. squared and so energy and mass are related the higher the energy the machine you have the easier it is to produce more and more massive particles certain to make them easier because they have more energy of fail to what it will do so if assuming that and i think it's there's been some leaks saying that they're going to have a big announcement tomorrow. with the next step be to build of bigger collider at some point i mean is this is because we're going to probably build a particle accelerator we're going to eventually have to keep building bigger and bigger ones if we want to find the more and more fundamental. so let's this is a complicated question so let's break it down first of all or see if they defy if they find something arnaout something tomorrow which i think everybody specs
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whether it's strong evidence or observation or discovery that remains to be seen but i think they will announce something that is along the lines that they're leading towards the direction of the heat photos and once they find it then their job our job as a community will be to investigate all the properties to see if it acts the way we we have a theory now we have a bump in our spectrum that we're looking at and the question is get it to match and so that's what that's going to take maybe the better part of it to do really well what we find along the way will determine what the next machine the certain reader cost of order in u.s. dollars about i don't know ten to fifteen billion dollars so the global world and your process i could imagine that going higher in energy as we develop stronger higher technology baguettes but it's some point we're going to run out of money to pay these modern marvels and we have to take
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a different approach interesting so if these leaks are correct and if scientists are going to announce that they found the higgs postpone or found evidence that it that it exists where with this discovery rank in the history of scientific discoveries to me it's certainly one of the greatest of the well the greatest in the twenty first century and perhaps one of the two greatest discoveries of the twentieth century. i mean it's twentieth century brought brought us einstein's relativity and brought us quantum mechanics and this discovery ranks right up there with it it will change the way scientists think about the world yeah and you know we'll see if it actually produces the as you said it once we once they make the announcement if they did find it we're going have another decade of determining what exactly that might mean and that might bring up more questions and answers in the future but this is in the future but this seems like a really exciting time and exciting discovery professor roger thank you so much for
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coming on thank you for having me and stay tuned tomorrow where we might get an answer to the ultimate question which hopefully will not be forty two. after the break you know why republicans keep attacking obamacare it's because they have to it's all part of their master plan to ruin president obama's presidency they've been doing it since two thousand and nine they've been doing it since president obama's inauguration day and internet still you take will break it all down for us.
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don't know fracking is the process by which chemicals are injected into the ground to break up shale rock and release natural gas these chemicals can cause groundwater contamination chemical spills and have even been shown to cause earthquakes natural gas companies love fracking nearby poisoned residents who can light their tap water on fire as a result of fracking hate it so well then governor perdue for siding with the people and the environment. the bad representative joe walsh walsh a tea party favorite and proud deadbeat dad is now attacking military veterans at a town hall meeting on sunday walsh attacked his opponent democrat tammy duckworth for talking too much about her military service take a listen. now i want to get a woman i mean my guy toss up. the. true hero as the man went to the circus so last state they talk about well miss duckworth served in iraq in two
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thousand and four in lost both of her legs when her helicopter was shot down by an r.p.g. . but apparently none of this matters to walsh from skipping out on child support payments to attacking america's military veterans. walsh sure knows how to keep it classy. and the very very ugly chick fil a the famed fast food fried chicken chain has been supporting anti-gay groups and anti l g b t equality groups for the better part of the last decade according to reports inequality matters the chain donated two million dollars to anti-gay groups in two thousand and ten alone including just over a million dollars to the marriage and family foundation and according to a separate court from the new civil rights movement chick fil a has donated a staggering five million dollars to anti-gay groups since two thousand and three you know the only time people really want to check plays on sundays when it's closed and that's ugly but funny
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a campaign to discriminate against gays in america well that's a very very ugly. show back in two thousand and nine when president obama was trying to pass health reform the main attack from republicans was that he was trying to bring socialized medicine into the united states that president obama was the reincarnate of joseph stalin and it was the end of america as we know it this attack wasn't new republicans always equated government involvement in health care with socialism in the one nine hundred sixty s. republicans attacked medicare as socialism with ronald reagan even recording a p.s.a. in one thousand nine hundred eighty one arguing that as a result of medicare americans will wake up to find that socialism has come to america later bill clinton was also called
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a socialist when he tried for health reform so the table was set for president obama now to mention while he was campaigning obama had made a flippant remark to a guy named joe the plumber who is neither a plumber nor named joe about redistributing wealth around which everyone knows or see. code words for a socialist takeover plus the president had a weird name and ties to a father who was apparently a socialist whom obama really never knew but regardless the socialist attack had a ball through the years and now republicans are ready to hurl it at the latest democrat trying to tackle health reform barack obama i think we all remember the rhetoric of two thousand and nine and two thousand and ten obamacare as we know is the crown jewel of socialism it is socialized medicine does president obama's health care plan represent socialism. yes next question if we get nationalized health care it's over this is socialism one in five people have to die because they
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want just socialized medicine really you couldn't go more than a few minutes listening of fox news or rush limbaugh or reading drudge without obamacare being equated to a socialistic takeover of america's health care system the last week support supreme court ruling on obamacare change everything one day before the ruling obamacare was a socialist takeover of health care one day after the ruling however when chief justice roberts declared the individual mandate was actually a tax obamacare was no longer socialist but instead it was the biggest tax increase in america so just like that the republican argument against obamacare suddenly evolved toward devolved from one rooted in socialism to one rooted in taxes i thought all along that it was a tax. so all bombing here is nothing more than the
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largest tax increase in the history of the world every single man has the right horrible accessible health care and that should never be purchased with tax increases on middle class families under obamacare which is essentially a tax. i guess there's a small victory somewhere in there at least republicans are no longer living in the twilight zone where president obama a man who's governed as moderately as richard nixon in as done nothing to advance socialism in america much to the chagrin of many progressives is a secret socialist now at least republicans are living in the real world sort of where the president just raise some taxes just like bill clinton did or ronald reagan did they might still cling to i personally saying well it's the largest tax increase in american history even though it's not even close reagan raised taxes higher than obamacare does but at least they aren't running around screaming
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socialist which is odd since obamacare hasn't really changed since it was passed in two thousand and ten still the same law still doing all the same stuff except for a tweak to the medicaid expansion provision it wasn't a government run health care system in two thousand and ten and it isn't today in fact obamacare gives more authority and power to the private health insurance market than ever before it's a big fat kiss to capitalism yet the republican response to it has changed why is that well it's because it has nothing to do with health care to begin with republicans never gave a damn about health reform but they did care about making president obama a one term president and that meant defeating obamacare and whether they can defeat it by calling it socialist or whether they can defeat it by calling it a tax they'll use whatever attack is available to them at the time this is not about health care this is about making president obama
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a one term president at all costs and believe it or not this is all part of a plan hatched out by republicans on the president's inauguration day back in two thousand and nine and this plan or plot is the subject of tonight's they'll take. the question of the day of republicans committed treason sedition or just conspiracy to destroy the lives of millions of working americans so that they can make president obama one term president here's why i ask when louise and i first moved to washington d.c. two years ago there was this very fancy expensive restaurant on the back side of our apartment building right across the street from the f.b.i. headquarters more than once we walked by on the way home from doing this t.v. show and watched as senators and congressmen and their lobbyist buddies walked out to black s.u.v.s or limousines it was called the caucus room restaurant and according to a new book by robert draper that was where a group of republicans put together a plan to destroy the obama presidency literally on the day it began as draper
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notes in his new book do not ask us what good we do inside the u.s. house of representatives quote the dinner lasted nearly four hours they parted company almost giggly the republicans had agreed on a way forward show united an unyielding opposition to all the president's economic policies begin attacking vulnerable democrats on the airwaves when the spear point of the house of representatives in two thousand and ten jab obama relentlessly in two thousand and eleven when the white house in the senate in two thousand and twelve newt gingrich was there so too were most of the prominent republican members of congress including representatives eric cantor paul ryan and kevin mccarthy senators jon kyl jim de mint and tom coburn and frank luntz republican pollster and fox news employee was there as well they all sat around a square table perhaps that very one. and at the end of the this was at the end of the and planning the end of the obama presidency on january twentieth two thousand
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and nine obama's first day in office was the day he was sworn in as the country's forty fourth president draper noted the representative paul ryan wore in that everyone quote had to stick together representative kevin mccarthy chimed in saying quote we've got to challenge them on every single bill and challenge them on every single campaign and quote frank luntz being there meant the fox news was almost certainly on board for this treason or sedition or whatever it is and their cover since then seems to back that up as new gary said after the dinner you will remember this day you will remember this is the day the seeds of two thousand and twelve were so. they drew up a national suicide pact destroy the republican the middle class at least economically and blame it all on obama because of thirty years of reaganomics and george w. bush's disastrous presidency two unpaid for wars unpaid for medicare drug benefit deregulation that led the banks to crash the world economy the nation was already in freefall when these fourteen men met the economy was hemorrhaging seven hundred
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thousand jobs a month people were losing their homes from coast to coast college graduates couldn't find work wages were collapsing people couldn't make their mortgage payments and millions were losing their health insurance because of the bush crash and they wanted to keep it that way for four more years and shift all the blame for that pain from reaganomics and bush and omics onto obama to do that they had to make sure that obama failed to get anything of substance through the house or the senate congressman pete sessions after the meeting told the national journal that they were launching what he called quote a taliban insurgency and quote against obama and that's just what they did over two hundred pieces of economic recovery legislation from laws that would have ended outsourcing or at least reduced it dramatically to laws that would make the rich pay their fair share of taxes all shot down by republican filibusters in the sun even though democrats controlled the senate senate rules allow a single senator to put a secret hold on a bill effectively killing it senator tom coburn alone one of the participants of
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that meeting at the caucus room restaurant did this over and over and over to prevent anyone bamma successes with hold on bills that funded the f.a.a. funded highway repairs funded veterans' benefits funded food safety funded health care for nine eleven responders funding the new smithsonian museum about women's history funded nine eleven memorial funded bike paths in cities all over the nation funded wildlife protection on and on i went. republicans now say obama quote controlled the house and senate for two years but it's a lie the men from that meeting at the caucus room restaurant controlled the legislative outcome even sabotaging obama's stimulus and obamacare so that instead of becoming strong progressive programs that became essentially giveaways to big banks and health insurance companies they were so successful that federal spending has increased year to year under obama at a lower rate than any president since president eisenhower and you know actually this goes back to eisenhower growth was really fast in the truman with the
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with the the war in korea to a faster for f.d.r. so you could say this always goes all the way back to you know logically hoover this was not the president's idea it's the austerity program that the men who are in that meeting have forced us all into so that they can crash the economy or at least keep it bad so the question what do you call it when a small group of republicans gather to intentionally sabotage an entire nation just so their party can win political power off the pain of working americans is it treason is a sedition or is a simply the most corrupt evil and petty sort of politics this town has seen since newt gingrich shut down the government and threw millions of americans out of work as bill clinton made him fly in the back air force one. that's it for the big picture night have a great for the july we'll see if there's that. there hasn't been a thing yet on t.v.
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