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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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this just in the european parliament rejects the controversial act to a bill against internet piracy live pictures here from brussels. this seems to be a victory for the opposition who has been saying that act is a grave threat to individual freedoms will join me for all the details in a few moments. in the firing line barclay's former boss is set for a tough questioning from british m.p.'s this wednesday over a deepening banking scandal. that many people are also being why the ek government have allowed the financial industry to maintain its stranglehold over bush politics aside a little. time julian assange. it is true for three weeks as the secret
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has the final episode of julian assange as news making interview show airs on our t.v. we'll look back up to highlight and impact the series. here with r t live from moscow where it's three pm and our top story the european parliament has rejected an online piracy pact which critics say risk destroying internet freedom counterfeiting trade agreement known as act it was aimed at tackling copyright theft let's not get the latest from our tests are silly of words following this from brussels tasso the parliament session has rejected the park i assume this is a victory here for the opposition isn't it. this is certainly is i mean there were already a lot of signs very very strong opposition leading up to today's vote that it will
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be rejected by the european parliament the arguments opposing of the fact that this possible passage of this could possibly infringe on a lot of individual freedoms especially when it comes to internet freedom so out of the four possible outcomes in parliament what happened today is that they have rejected this counterfeiting trade agreement and what it essentially means is that europe as a whole would be out of this agreement and this has been signed by several other countries including the u.s. australia and if this is to be ratified by six of those parties europe will not be a part of it europe is considered as one entity and the thing is those who are supporting actor really wanted to get the european union on board because this will have more clout in terms of what they want to accomplish in enforcement of the law cooperation basically for you the merger of all of these but now that europe is out of the picture it will certainly diminish the kind of control or power that this agreement will hold if it is indeed ratified by six parties who had initially signed on to this agreement. we're seeing live pictures there from the european
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parliament the agreement sparked mass protests across europe why exactly were people so concerned about what could have happened if this bill went through. well the main concern really here is the loss of freedom and just more monitoring from a florida in favor of those people lobbying commercially for the intellectual property rights of their climbing especially for example the entertainment industry is not for individual for people who are using the internet what they want to hear is simply freedom to do what they what they see as a very democratic slot form and so millions of people had signed on directly emailing m.v.p.'s signing petitions to the petitions committee here in brussels arguing is that the potential benefits of this act of bill wanted to break through is far outweighed by the damage that it could bring david martin who was steering
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this act to bill in the parliament had actually said that the devil in this case is in the lack of detail it was so vague that if it is indeed passages opens the floor for interpretation of possible jailing of individuals and so he says that the european parliament just simply cannot guarantee the individual freedoms and fried in the european treaties for example and protect individuals and so we just kind of let it pass. right artie's tesler sylvia live from brussels thanks for that update . the u.k. is banking scandal is set to wind in with departed barclays chief executive bob diamond to be quizzed by m.p.'s potentially dragging the bank of england and government officials into the affair third largest lender has been found guilty of fixing a system of interbank lending rates it's all homeowners and businesses overcharge for loans at the height of the financial crisis the government's ordered a full part of the mentoring inquiry into the country's banking sector are to serve for ports. it's been
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a truly terrible week for the city's reputation and it could be said to get even worse than we've already seen buckley's bank leads a number of its top executives that of calls coming in the wake of the revelations the buckley's was involved in fixing key interest rates known as libel now those interest rates were responsible for setting the cause the millions of businesses can see images and invest it is now following in the footsteps of the resignation of bookies chief executive paul diamond we've also seen buckley's chief operating officer jerry messier resigning as well but of course this story is so much bigger than just a few key individuals this isn't about a few bad apples this is much deeper than that and is once again giving us a glimpse really into the roots and core of the city's banking sector now the big question now is what is going to happen next all they're going to be more big resignations this scandal has once again called into question the entire culture
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and practices of the banking industry and is not just barclays is thought as much as up to fifteen other institutions could also be implicated in this scandal now remember that this is the industry this always he both says they for the last four years the credit crunch a double dip recession a slew of stories about scandals involving extortion of bonuses you know we know all about the lifestyles of the rich and the shameless what the public want to know now is what is actually going to be done about it will talk to the inquiry at this point simply not going to cut it the public wants to see some real action here they're already big questions being asked if it why the regulatory bodies once able to step in now we know the serious fraud office the f.s.a. is looking at whether any criminal sanctions can be taken that's going to take a couple of weeks before we go. any answers but of course everyone is going to be
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watching very closely as the former chief executive of barclays bob diamond gets quizzed by m.p.'s over what exactly happened barclays who was involved what went down there. from barclays was slapped with a fine of the equivalent of over four hundred fifty million dollars but economists run the shakespeare says arrests need to be made or the whole western banking system is compromised. those are great because you see it's not just barclays of bob diamond and he's chairman it's the consequences in everyday life which is at the moment the system and its corrections are putting money into this these zombie banks down a black hole as a result of all this employment is collapsing not just in the u.k. but right the way throughout europe and this is in the same is in in the united states of america so you see there must be penalties there has to be a new paradigm thinking and frankly the whole ought to be cleared out and we have
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to start again people don't realize that the politicians are complicit complicit because they think that the existing system only needs a few tweaks and a few corrections but that's not so all and together but of course you have to hit those that you can pin with a criminal charge and that can be done to the charge of conspiracy to defraud the banks was first sleepy and that can be done by insisting that they lend only their own money and with permission the deposits of their customers but it must be can administered on two key conditions that it only goes to the real economy and not into the casino in the gambling and it's only for the spreading of the real economy now if you do that you could in fact start to correct what is now alas the claps of the western financial and economic system of which the barclays story is only
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a part. your authority and coming up this hour mind your language you over the right to use russian in ukraine spills over into brawls in the streets and in parliament we have more on this in a few minutes also. scientists working at the large hydrogen collider in search of announce that they may have made the major discovery of recent times up to finding something consistent with the elusive god particle or he's supposed to join me in a few moments but more amount. well he's a man under pressure from all corners sweden is set on extraditing two leaders science to answer sex crime allegations well the u.s. is investigating him for a huge leak of secret files by wiki leaks the whistleblower is currently waiting for ecuador to decide on his asylum bid well under house arrest as some produce and interview show the last episode which aired on our t.v. today more of smith now looks back at the program which made news around the world
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. i'm julian assange. it is true he makes where they expose the world secrets these jackets belong the united states government being attacked by the powerful united states strongly condemn this question because. it promised an insight into the world tomorrow and in twelve episodes julie and i saw and interviewed opinion formers and activists from across the political spectrum. and with the first guest being hezbollah leader hassan nasrallah the program proved it wasn't going to hold back from the get go talking to a man the mainstream media has ignored for six years what we called for in serious negotiations dialogue is that the reform act was going to be carried out because the alternative to that no one cause of the sea diversities i was inside syria because the sensitivity of the situation in syria also that just i was there just
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civil war and this is exactly what america and israel want for syria elsewhere the joined up europe project came under fire from david horowitz in a show that pitted the outspoken right winger against radical leftists. the age old ideological fight threaten to turn physical my god i've never had a i blazed a trail had they been in the same room horowitz maintains europe is dead agrees it was a disastrous spirit europe but europe is a cultural theme park in significant that's what happened that's what your welfare state that just took you out of the pie i have had personal experience with a socialist dream paradise of sweden and i can tell you it is nothing like the other party the global politics sea change also made waves but two more on the guest list the eminent thinkers tarik of. the world protest movement showing modern
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politics are no longer fit for purpose to them the own so could lie in latin america bolivia mentioned a couple of times one of the most striking things that's happened there is the most repressed. part of the population of the atmosphere the indigenous population has moved into the political arena i want you to know i am not defending him i think he is a dirtbag i think he is a dirtbag he obviously has no problem using his fifteen minutes of fame to sleep with anyone who is crawling dividing media opinion but getting real people talking today in a soldier's show hit the ground running and the public on the twitter sphere have an appetite for more nothing short of groundbreaking revolutionary broadcasting. highly engaged in and significantly represents stiff of the times i'll miss it looking forward to season two of julian assange show but there's no guarantee
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season two can happen and i'm not for the death penalty so if i'm not for the death penalty i want to do it illegally shoot the son of a guy was forcing for me and nobody would know. he was a traitor and should be executed or put in prison for life the feeling is mounting that the u.s. would indeed prosecute julian ourselves for westby a knowledge or worse given half a chance he's currently here at the ecuadorian embassy inducted waiting to hear whether he'll get asylum it's thought that prospect was first raised off mike during his interview with the ecuadorian president for the show broadcast on r.t. mutual admiration is clear in the interview and it ends on a friendly but chilling note. it is really a pleasure to meet you julian least in this way and welcome to the club of the persecuted. thank you for taking. thank you
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to. our songs have given us a glimpse into the future shape of the world we live in while his own future hangs precariously in the balance laura smith london. you can find all of the episodes of julian assange show at song dot archie dot com while you're there there you can be sure to check out all the other stories we're covering on our website that's our to dot com if you're protective of your personal freedoms you could be considered an extreme right wing terrorist in the u.s. at least that's what one study claims. challenging the laws of gravity on monster these one hundred thirty three daredevils from russia have swung into the record books after performing this spectacular nerve jangling greatest you can get the full video at our team dot com. tear gas has been used in
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ukraine to disperse protesters angry of a new bill that allows wider use of the russian language in the country scuffles also broke out between demonstrators and police now the protesters claim the use of russian government offices and media impacts on the country's national language ukrainian up to half of ukrainians use russian as their primary language and under european laws any ethnic group that makes up at least ten percent of the region's population can use its mother tongue locally but the bill has yet to be signed into law by president victory on a covert to promised during his election campaign to promote russian to become second official language as archie is the next here says he now reports scuffles frequently prove a part of ukraine's decision making. another day another brutal while ukraine's parliament deliberated over a controversial language law deputies used their fists to let their feelings be
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known one of the central figures in another recent scandal haunt you regions deputy but you could use the term girl says she was attacked by opposition politicians while trying to address lawmakers. when you want to finish my speech in order to start the voting refines to six people attacked me i'm a former weightlifter. i could provide a strong physical reply but i didn't want to because then everyone would have said i was a thug but it was hard to restrain myself especially after a bottle was thrown at me after these events i received threats and i had to move my family. is going to heated debates have often ignited into all out rage inside the rada two years ago when parliament was due to ratify agreements with moscow on the stand that lees of russia's black sea naval base small bombs went off and the rather speaker had to hide under an umbrella from a rain of rotten eggs thrown at him it may look like chaos and anarchy but for some
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in ukraine's political circles it is in fact democracy in action and when you listen to be given as a through you would never see fights in the soviet parliament you'll never see fights in north korean political structures a brawl as a last resort of delivering your point when the vocal methods don't work and can only happen in a democratic state is not a factor but still it's democratic but that former deputy now political analyst to me that every day intends to disagree he says deputies are weak and cannot bring anything to a logical conclusion neither the law making process nor the fights that is why he published a guide on how they should roll over. a dip in just table is an endless source for improvisation i've counted at least eighteen things that ever table which could be used in a fist fight like the microphone or the hook which is used to hang one's back at it if they maim and seriously injured each other maybe this would have paved the way
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for a new breed of politicians able to actually work effectively. the years flights have exacting impressive audience they are usually televised live on the parliamentary channel and they all favorite t.v. show will certainly hit the screens not. in white again for almost two years it has been relatively calm politically in this country and ukrainians have been deprived of televised fistfights within the parliament but now with a parliamentary election looming this fall deputies are expected to in done so far their fight for the right to work inside this building. ski r.t. reporting from key of ukraine. so eighteen minutes past the hour some world news in brief for you now the late palestinian president yasser arafat was killed by polonium poisoning that's what a new study suggests abnormally high levels of radioactive element of the radioactive element were found in his personal belongings researchers say that it
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was doing and analyzing our remains could confirm the theory something his widow is now calling for. german police say four people have been killed after a gunman took hostages in the south western city of calls the man is also said to be among the dead police found the bodies when they stormed an apartment which has been under siege by officers the incident began when shots were fired after ballasts arrived early in the morning to carry out an infection. the home and offices of former french president nicolas sarkozy have been raided as part of a funding inquiry police claim his two thousand and seven presidential campaign was illegally financed by the country's richest woman which he denies earlier reports had alleged that the ousted libyan leader moammar gadhafi donated tens of millions of dollars to help sarkozy win that race in december another french former president jacques chirac was found guilty of corruption and misuse of public money
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receiving a two year suspended sentence. and a militant group has said it was behind the attack on a pro-government syrian t.v. channel last week which saw seven people killed the statement from the al nasra was posted on islamist internet form it comes as president asad says he's prepared to leave his post if it bring stability to his country as u.n. peace efforts continue. the opposition remains deeply split and has failed to reach agreement on forming a unified body to represent. the european center for nuclear research or cern has revealed its strongest evidence yet to support the existence of the so-called god particle this could provide key information about how the universe works let's get more now from artie's peter out of. if this proves to be the explosion it proves right a whole lot of theory that scientists have been working with for the best part of
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fifty years now concerning the creation of the universe how it works and most importantly why things have muss up until now we've only been able to really theorize mass into equations concerning particle physics if we look at it this way the main theory worked within this area of science is the well less than grandiose name of the standard model and if we think of that as a jigsaw puzzle with a whole load of different pieces missing if this proves to be that. well that fills in some of those missing pieces giving scientists a clearer picture of what they're working with well it's already being heralded as potentially the discovery of the century certainly of recent time in science it's very exciting time for the scientific community and all eyes will be focused on cern to see where this takes us in the future. but the european center for nuclear research or cern like i said we're covering this story very intensively on
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our website our team dot com so our you can keep up with that story like i said on our site. now the first ever nationwide occupy protest is underway in the u.s. with the largest gathering expected for america's independence day demonstrators are rallying on the fourth of july to renew their protest against economic inequality homelessness dead and war activists started flocking to philadelphia over the weekend we have already been met with having a police presence on sunday twenty six occupiers were taken into custody after a night demonstration the protests of the movement started in september last year york against corporate greed corruption and a widening gap between the richest one percent and the rest of the population later on next hour we hear from a wall street trader who tells us that corruption in the political arena house. for
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there to be real change in the us there is one general theme that unites all of occupy it is that money and politics has sort of corrupted the system to the extent that everything is broken so i do think that that is our biggest challenge is how do we sort of pull back on that and how do we how do we fight one of my favorite signs and t. shirts i've seen and i saw a bunch of this on may day was someone was wearing a shirt that said i can't afford a lobbyist so i occupy wall street i mean there's been studies that have shown that the sort of bottom third of the income brackets have no say have no influence over their elected officials the middle third have some say in the top third has the most say so i do think that this is a big byproduct of the sort of corruption and of money in politics is the occupy movement. well daniels our business task and traders are getting out of the euro as fast as they can day what is happening the single currency has hit twelve year lows on the
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swedish kronor traders are rushing to currencies outside the euro including the dollars we can see there right now of the service sectors contracted in italy spain and france in germany industries like hotel unexpectedly stagnated role the group raising fears the euro virus has spread to europe's top economy germany as you see markets across the e.u. in fact all down has led to move putin returns to presidency the investors taking much less money out of russia capital flows in the second quarter hit nine and a half billion dollars just a third of what it was in the first three months of the year let's check major movers financials or losing yesterday's gains while all moments rosneft has brought back three percent of its shares for over two billion dollars after verse has agreed one hundred twenty six million euro loan from shareholder to modernize its cause oil is holding their one month highs as iran continues to test missiles on u.s. independence day both crude and bring down from yesterday's big gains food prices
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will rise as a fifth of america's crops faced damage from the drought there corn and soybean prices or four year highs big grain exporter russia is also seeing heavy rains which of push prices up further some experts fear countries will now bring back the export as we saw during the summer extremes of two thousand and eight to guarantee supply at home and europe today more news in interviews on the web site of the dot com search business all right thanks for that update. now up next the latest addition of peter the crosstalk after the headlines and the short break.
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culture is that so much of a definitely a huge business to find the market for an occupation may have formally ended six months ago but this country's woes are countless and getting worse there's political paralysis. holding a hold of. her mug on. the screen. her.
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wish. the luck. good luck good luck with. the minimum. amount of money maybe a little. download the official location to i phone the i pod touch from the i.q. jumps to. life on the go. video. on ts my. old costs and already says feeds now in the palm of your. question on the dot com. there hasn't been
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a good on t.v. . it is to get the maximum physical impact. before the source material is what helps keep journalism honest we thought. we wanted to present. something all. industry claims in the process is perfectly sweet. singes quests that it brings nothing but clean power and comfort but the environment knows better and the industry isn't telling the whole story. they're goddamn liars. they're here to. make as much money as they
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can and get the hell out of. if. russia would be soon which brightened if you knew about someone from.


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