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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2012 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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live from moscow at six thirty pm to have buy in europe makes an internet piracy pact walk the play projecting the agreement which could have allowed big corporations unprecedented power to censor the web the beleaguered bill drew major protests from people claiming their online rights would be deprived. war of words a dispute over a law allowing russian to be used in ukraine sees riot police tackle angry crowds and peer peer cranium part of the men to adopt to the law without debate sparking protests. and finding wide gave us all the scientists
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claim they finally discovered the elusive god particle researchers have hunted the higgs ponson for decades to explain how everything in the universe exists. so it's american independence day or the fourth of july and for those demanding freedom from corporate greed and poverty it's a big day with a major show occupy muscle in philadelphia next we speak to a former wall street insider who explains why she's switch sides to join the movement. i. for seven years she was a wall street insider to day she is an occupy wall street activists alexis goldstein joins me now to talk about her experience in one of america's most profitable industries alexis thank you very much for sitting down with r.t. thank you for having me since the start of the occupy movement in september two thousand and eleven you may be possibly one of the most vocal wall street insiders
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in the u.s. to come out and pretty much blow the whistle on the culture there you recently wrote an article saying that wall street made you cynical bitter depressed exhausted and paranoid and you felt everyone was out to screw you you spent seven years there why did you put up with that kind of environment for seven years well i think it's a pretty easy answer you're paid pretty well on wall street and it's also pretty alluring you work with a lot of people that are very smart it's sort of this culture where everyone sort of feels superior and so you're always jostling for position neighing and so it's very competitive and i'm competitive and i you know in some ways enjoy that environment and you know you're paid better than really pretty much anywhere where else you work unless maybe you became an entrepreneur and hit it rich so there's a lot of things about it that are very appealing and sort of compel you to stay as long as you can stay in the public often hears the stereotypes of wall street being
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toxic and pervasive and ruthless but you basically say that's all true can you give me examples of that i mean what how is it as bad as you say face the reason it's so difficult is because no one goes on wall street to help the world everyone goes to wall street to make money and so because everyone is there to make money you're in competition with everyone else and even though almost every bank or i think everything worked out in the most banks on the street you're not allowed to talk about compensation and. some big it's actually a fireable offense that doesn't stop people from spreading rumors or guessing about how much other people are made so that's the sort of focus at all times is an idea in compensated fairly and might be compensated more in this person that i think it does have a worse job than i do and so it becomes this this environment of envy and that's not a very comfortable happy place for a work it's all about how much money you're making you're in competition with everyone else right there is one bonus pool and there might be sort of sections of
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the bonus pool for different departments but you're always in competition with others and that makes for i think a pretty toxic environment according to reports the average bonus on wall street at the end of last year was roughly one hundred twenty one thousand dollars. are some people so greedy that that type of bonus is not even enough for them well yeah it all depends where you sit at the people in sales and trading which so there's something called the cost center and the profit center on wall street and the profit center are people who make the profits in theory the traders the sales people getting clients and then there's the cost center that's things like technology and legal and operations and so i think you know maybe in sales and trading that would actually be a pretty paltry bonus where is you know in the cost center that might actually be a great bonus or you know so it all depends on where you sit but absolutely that is not the kind of bonus that your top trader is going to want to be making or they would walk one hundred twenty one thousand dollars for
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a top trader that would not be very much no you worked at morgan stanley merrill lynch which was it across the board all banks and everything has its own culture but it's all about money at the end of the day and so there is one thing i think that they all do have in common that there is this tremendous amount of competition it is ruthless you're never quite sure who's on your side and who isn't so even though every place is slightly different i do think that they have that in common you know from the get go you were going to wall street in the hopes of making the. a lot of money what surprised you that you weren't expecting because you knew you had to have known it was going to be cutthroat sure i guess maybe what surprised me is that if you're never satisfied that you're always sort of looking to go up the food chain you're always kind of looking for the next step up and and there's always someone to compete with now i was sort of if you compared me to sort of a top trainer who was nowhere close to that but that doesn't mean that you don't still have this same sense of i need more more more and it least for me that that
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left me feeling very empty and it wasn't a fulfilling place to be it wasn't something that i felt satisfied at the end of the day you're always sort of on your blackberry right before you go to sleep you're on your blackberry right when you wake up and so it's not like i felt fulfilled professionally by what i was doing and so it's just sort of maybe you know there wasn't a spark but it not on me over time and i really felt like i wanted to do something that that brought me more meaning wall street contribution though can it really be one hundred percent terrible across the board does the financial industry in the u.s. do anything to create jobs or strengthen america's economy based on what you experienced it depends what area you're talking about so most of these being sort of these large mega banks that have commercial banks and investment banks and i do think that the commercial banks are very important for you know making student loans giving out mortgages but i do think that a lot of what happens on the investment bank side is what we call financial engineering which is basically creating new products and sometimes those products
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are created to run around regulations or to run around tax and there's been studies about you know what percentage of them are and aren't done in order to evade taxes and evade regulations but i would hazard to say that it's a fairly high percentage of them that are created for that purpose and that is not something that is moving the economy forward that is something that's serving to enrich a group of already fairly wealthy people you say that wall street so-called american dream is to earn enough money so that you can be. even a way that makes the very existence of other people irrelevant if that is the case do you think the financial industry is threatened by the occupy movement i don't know that they are but i think that there is probably going to be a lot of flight from maybe wall street banks to hedge funds at least for the people that can make that move if they are threatened because that still at this point in this country a fairly unregulated space is the hedge fund space but it is that bubble right so i
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do think that there probably are people that aren't threatened by the occupy movement but i also think it's having some effect on recruiting so i do think it is having a small impact but it's probably not having much of an impact at the very very top because they are so disconnected in that it's a bubble it's a very insular place and like i said in the article the goal is to make i guess you money if i can say that if you can and so if you have a few money you don't really care what's going on in the wider world if elected officials if u.s. lawmakers are leaving the doors open for these banks to continue gambling with people's jobs with their pensions with their retirement funds with their homes that. doesn't the responsibility. of the elected officials because every a lot of people are saying wall street greed wall street greed. where does washington come in there's a lot of blame to go around and i do think that washington is has very much
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a part of this that is very much to blame for a lot of the deregulation that led to the bubble from everything from alan greenspan keeping interest rates low for so long to be like what's happening now right but i guess we were sort of in more of a boom back then and we are right now but yeah sort of so everything from fiscal policy to things like killing glass steagall in one thousand nine hundred nine which under the clinton administration that's right you know the commodity futures modernization act which came about the year before and was. really hard by senator phil gramm whose wife wendy gramm was on the board of enron and he put a nice little enron loophole in there there's there's a lot of blame to go around i found very interesting about the occupy movement is how many of those taking part. of this stuff are aware of the financial influence the corporations and the banks the u.s. have on u.s. politics they know the amount of financial contributions and donations that are
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being made to every u.s. alexis official all the way to the top all the way to u.s. president barack obama. is that the biggest hurdle for this movement to really overcome because if that if he wants corporations that are so powerful and giving so much money to the people in the united states that are governing and making the decisions and writing the laws how do you change the system i think i think you're right i think that is the biggest hurdle i think there if there is one general theme that unites all of occupy it is that money in politics has sort of corrupted the system to the extent that everything is broken so i do think that that is their biggest challenge is how do we sort of pull back on that and how do we how do we fight one of my favorite signs and t. shirts i've seen and i saw a bunch of this on may day was someone was wearing a shirt that said i can't afford a lobbyist so i occupy wall street i mean there's been studies that have shown that the sort of bottom third of the income bracket have no say have no influence over
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their elected officials and you know the sort of the middle has something that has the most say so i do think that this is a big byproduct of the sort of corruption and of money in politics is the occupy movement in the article that you recently wrote you called on your friends who quote still do well behind on wall street to come join the occupy movement how many more wall street employees are out there that share your sentiments you know there's more than you would think a lot of them still are employed though so they act in anonymous capacities and then there's a number of people who have left one of my members in. a former derivatives trader i've worked with someone in the alternative banking working group who is a former quantity there's more of us than you would think and there are a lot of people on wall street who are disgruntled so that's sort of who the call was out to was my friends that are still there that i know would like to leave but for whatever reason i haven't done so yet in january u.s. president barack obama announced the creation of a residential mortgage backed securities fraud task force since the creation of
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that unit more than four hundred thousand homes have reportedly been foreclosed on . and not one bank or employee has been charged or held accountable for fraud or abuse that led up to the two thousand and eight financial crisis recently you took part in of that and in which dozens of americans were volunteering their help to that task force you were out on the streets. a few people were arrested can you tell me more about that event so it is state of the. taskforce there's five co-chairs of the task force they don't have an executive director yet but they have these five co-chairs the co-chairs whose office we had a sit in is attorney general eric schneiderman of new york he was recently profiled in this magazine the american prospect and he said basically i need everyone out
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there to help to make this as strong and thorough of an investigation as it needs to be so we had big signs with his quote on it about the strong and thorough investigation and we were chanting outside literally we're here to help we're here to help there's a lot of questions about this task force there's a lot of questions that we have there's a lot of questions that the public has about you know why do we only have fifty people right now if you compare that to the enron investigation there were one hundred people and that was just one company you compare it to savings and loan there were a thousand we have seen no arrests and the ironic thing about the sit in was even though we were peaceful and we were talking with a rep from his office who had come down they did not call the police but the building manager did call the police and the police were on the megaphone saying you know you have to leave you have to leave even though we were having a very fruitful discussion with the rest of the office and then the police decided to arrest for of the protesters for trespassing and so we now have four people who are arrested for going to the office and trying to ask questions and trying to
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offer assistance but we still have no no arrests for anyone who been responsible for bringing down the economy thank you very much for your time thank you for having me. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china corporations are all today. wealthy british scientists on hold so it's not on the front. of the. markets why not scandals.
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find out what's really happening to the global economy cause a report on our. party's top stories europe makes an internet piracy pact walked the plank rejecting the agreement which could have allowed big corporations unprecedented power to censor the web the beleaguered bill drew major protests from people claiming their on my rights would be deprived of. war of words a dispute over a law allowing russian to be used in ukraine sees riot police tackle angry crowds and. ukrainian parliament adopted along with out debate sparking the protests. and finding out what gave us all this scientists claimed they finally discovered
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the elusive god particle researchers have hunted the hague sponson for decades to explain how everything in the universe exists. you know neil now joins us with the latest for you know in russia looking for a new coach and i understand they have a deadline yeah they've set themselves one fortnight from today and he said this said we need a new manager before the russian premier league season kicks off there's a few notable faces which are just about the city. thanks for joining us this is sports today plenty ahead over the next ten minutes including the stories in brief. seeking supremos the russian football union announce a new national team manager will be put in place before july twentieth which is the
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start of the premier league season. london bar and oscar pistorius is set to make history this summer by becoming the first disabled athlete to compete at the olympics. hitting the heights the grueling sport of sky running takes to europe's highest mountain elbrus in russia for its world season start. credible pictures more not coming up but let's get the ball rolling with tennis where we know no more first couple of semifinalists in the men's drawled wimbledon roger federer set to take on world number one novak djokovic after ending dreams with a clinical display at the all england club one six two six two six loss meaning all russian interest of the third grand slam of the season is over six time champion federer simply stunning all mobs long i will move full of confidence again to the
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last four there and he will meet jock of eight you also won in straight sets against florian meyer six four six one six games to. the semifinal lineup in the women's side of action is already known up wimbledon but russia won't have a representative there after reoccur lanka went on in three sets the poland's i guess the last eight stage for advanced care with the only top ten player of the tournament never to have reached the last four of a grand slam but she rectified doubts against her former doubles partner seven five four. six seven five the final score was. advanced german kerber in the last four out. of us congress it being the sixty three harbor eventually thirty. six three six seven seven five. three no williams is on course for a fifth all in the title the american the defending champion patrick to be the best
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in straight sets in the water. i mean it just feels like a good win you know she was playing with very well. so i don't know who is more about to dethrone or just go out there and just play in the mansion do in the. next stop for six seed williams's victoria azarenka after the bell russian reached the semi for the second straight year they were number two seeing off underdog team europe project interests. well let's leave tennis behind to move to football russian chiefs have said the country will have a new manager before the start of the premier league season which kicks off on july twentieth alexander bored to cause considered last week to have one foot in the door already having served as an assistant to setting the recently departed dekalb county beach soccer specialist and current under twenty one youth monitor nikolai sorry if he is also on the short list however. who had
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a brief stint with the national team ten years ago but fared better at club level when you have a top three league titles with saskin moscow in the monitor fabio capello also an outside bet according to russian media resources former england manager i should say of course. pound former russian monitor hiddink meanwhile had been resting on his laurels over a decade ago in korea this week the sixty five year old taking charge of the same two thousand and two world cup lineup which he got into a surprise semifinal berth for a friendly much in seoul the f.c. . coach with plenty of fond memories to his home away from home. then i'm back again not after ten years because every year i used to come once or twice to this country. which i consider is my
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second home country. after the experiences. to staying with football were team great britain have suffered a blow to their hopes of standing their ground up their home olympics chelsea forward dunny will sturridge a dog for the eighteen months after coming down with viral meningitis the twenty two year old already missed start on the euro two thousand and twelve campaign which just run on is hoping to avoid the same fate with stuart pearce's squad in london the birmingham native himself is optimistic about his recovery as he's contracted a less severe strain of meningitis thankfully the team meet next weekend ahead of their first match at senegal i don't try for it on july twenty sixth all story just coach at chelsea or teo is hoping his team's confidence into next year after winning the champions league. success brings confidence and the sees everything will work although we're. hoping come back. the
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woman who. moving on where double amputee runner oscar pistorius is set to become the first is able to compete at the olympic games the south african making his country scored in the four by four hundred meter relay discipline the twenty five year old looks set to miss out on the games after feeling in national individual four hundred meter qualifying events last week in fact finishing less than a quarter of a second short in his final attempt at the african championships the team game though has become a story says forty of the late the man known as blade runner making history by securing silver at the world championships in the same four by four hundred meter relay discipline stories this is all set for a london twenty twelve adventure albeit a controversial. britain have selected their seventy it operates who will compete at the london olympic games controversial sprinter dwain chambers is among them
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earlier this year the british olympic association was forced by the court of arbitration for sport to lift its lifetime ban on chambers for a previous doping offense. no i'm not worried about it too i think we've been very clear we will embrace any of. those you know you need to team the work of the team were given the support and hope we were to leave the best performance possible. for people and. finally to the relatively new sport of sky running where this year's world series kicked off mind elbrus in southern russia europe's tallest mountain on our own intrepid mancini are a conscious team but top off takes up the story. when it comes to board human beings can be formed wonders at sea level but as above two and a half thousand meters altitude sickness becomes an issue and a good tip to avoid it is to climb up slowly but this advice is not for those athletes who call themselves guy runners and gathered on the slopes of europe's
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highest mountain well bruce was some of the world's best at such a height altitude sickness becomes an athlete's worst enemy routine exercises at such a level becomes knee unbearable dizziness and sickness are par for the course spending time training in the mountains to climb to the altitude. in order to achieve their aim reaching the summit most of their fleets leave in mountaineering areas and they used to such conditions running in the mountains has been in past time for thousands of years but probably very few did it for kwan it dal and marine the committee established guy running as a sport in their early one nine hundred ninety s. while his compared to a forest ranger market i guess barry is one of its best athletes very happy to. hear that the it's the first time but he got back to my house we have to be afraid about the mountains you know because of its merit and the right way to
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decline them with the mentality that nothing is they think. you can you can have problems here. this guy running more serious launched this season's containers the icy slope of l. bruce for the first time where the last race to be held in spain in the italian biggest barrier was the quickest in the vertical kilometer of them where athletes ran up a height of one thousand meters with the overall length of the course not exceeding five kilometers the thirty five year old beat his friendly rival lisa them. by a minute and set a new record in the three thousand meter sector here on the mantelpiece it's it's amazing you know for me because it's a mountain that it's very known now over there were however it was a thirty five year old spaniard who claimed during the engine style by being the
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first to touch the beak in the sky race the runners started from two thousand three hundred meters aiming to reach the top at the height of five thousand six hundred forty two meters it usually takes around nine hours to do it you know and they're in on this stop the clock in less than four hours yeah that. i used to compete in cross-country skiing and by avalon you know when i was there was little snow in spain we had to climb high up into the mountain snow and i did it quickly but always enjoyed the mountains and looking at the scenery just so after quitting by awful on there was no question for me about what to do next or to do since the first man reached the summit almost a hundred and fifty years ago thousands of mountain nearest have scenes been to the top for some it to remains a long term and tough achievement but for those who run above the clouds it appears to be nothing more than just another challenging but enjoyable drug constantine but
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the party. and breathtaking views there that is all your sport flying next. question is that so much given to each musician on the market for an occupation may have formally ended six months ago but just countries woes are countless and getting worse there is political paralysis.
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mine. would be soo much brighter if you knew all about someone from.


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