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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2012 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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hi this is. kevin owen it's our past ten pm tonight here and these are our top stories here it makes an internet piracy walk the plank project the agreement which could have allowed big corporations and presidential power to censor the web the beleaguered bill through major protests from people claiming their online rights will be deprived. poor of words or disputes over a law allowing russian to be used in ukraine sees riot police tackle angry crowds in kiev ukrainian parliament adopted in the sparking the protests. and finding the new. scientists they finally discovered the elusive goal of particle research is
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come to the explosive for decades to explain how it with the universe exists. how about to explain more to thirty minutes more of the stories then after more than from alone an excellent insight into the independence day occupy gathering of philadelphia. hi guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we're giving it to some of the most well known boys in blue the n.y.p.d. more specifically the thirtieth precinct because see they have a poster that's hanging up on their station warning about so-called professional agitators now do you see the two people on this poster they are christina can salis and matthew sway and their pictures are hanging up because they've become something of a nuisance to the police is he the poster reads be aware that above suspects are known
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to professional agitators above suspects m.-o. as they videotape officers performing routine stops and posted on you tube subjects purpose is to portray officers in a negative way and to defer officers from conducting their responsibilities above subjects also deter officers from being safe and tactical by causing unnecessary distraction do not feed into above subjects propaganda so that's right apparently trying to keep the police in check makes you a nuisance to that however i lots of americans have probably beg to differ with the agitator label he christine and that of in part of the occupy movement from the beginning they witnessed first hand the police brutality that we've seen in response to it. when we try to go around they stopped us i saw them doing this guy would start a shirt pulling all of his limbs apart your shoes came off and everything for filming the copper stuff we're trying to stop me from filming and say hey what are you doing and also he's a cutter and then i turn around and the crux of my heart and i just started running
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and i was running they ran off me they tried to take my feet out from underneath me and i'm like don't throw me on the floor to the cops on and it was i said that began because it was so damn tight. now being new york activists they're also aware that it is not illegal to film the n.y.p.d. the department harasses more than just peaceful protesters you see christina and i have made a point to film and y.p. specifically when they're conducting their infamous stop and frisk searches so here are a few snippets of what they've caught on camera. no i'm fine thank you. i mean you know. i mean you. you tell me. that i'm ready to start since it's your space we were we had years or seven hundred thousand stops last year. that we had to be
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a black officer arresting african-american woman. to. get. this right. i wonder why you're grabbing on like that that's what i was posting the news will put on the papers nowhere does that let people know. so after seeing that i guess it's pretty obvious why the n.y.p.d. isn't really a fan of their work but should these two people be labeled professional agitators we one of the even mean who could be considered a professional agitator next i go by think a few examples maybe telemarketers right there truly professional when it comes to agitating the hell out of you or me mimes that is so frustrating when they don't just say what they want i mean what are they really after anyway maybe mormons when they go door to door asking if you have a minute when reality they want at least an hour of your time or how about your boss and i say more so i think you guys see what i mean but seriously what is the
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n.y.p.d. going to do put up posters of all these people we joke but of course the fact that to activists that are simply practicing their rights trying to hold police accountable and being targeted for it well that's no laughing matter not to mention of course that there are some real professional agitators out there that you know would never be singled out in a police precinct i don't know how about a lobby is they are paid millions to agitate on behalf of corporations so who could be more of a professional agitator than a lobbyist oh wait i know i know what about killing one person or himself mayor michael. bloomberg and his crusade against soda and all kinds of foods super thirsty the big apple will drop that big gulp mr because his efforts to regulate your diet are a great definition of what i'd call a professional agitator but what the police should really do is leave christie to matthew alone not to mention of course there's so much irony in this of the cops trying to stop christine and matthew from i don't know agitating all the poor
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minorities that are being urged stopping the cause of agitating all the poor minorities that are being targeted by the stop and frisks if only christine and matthew caught their other transgressions on camera like when they spied on muslims peace activists outside of the state when they fudged arrest numbers to me quotas and make the city appear less dangerous so i think it's pretty fair for someone to record you doing your job especially if you're in a position of power and they're holding you to account if concerned citizens out there like were seen in that wonder take the think list as an deserve to be put on a poster that rewards them for their work not targets that so far try to make the pair into bad guys while they're busy violating your rights will stop and frisks were giving the n.y.p.d. tonight's tool time award. well it's almost independence day an occupy is using the holiday to stage a national gathering of occupy occupy groups in philadelphia the event started saturday and runs until tomorrow with organized protests teachings workshops and
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plan of coming up with a list of priorities and goals so nearly ten months after this movement began what shape is it taking now or joining me from philadelphia is archie correspondent abby martin abby thanks for joining us and what can you tell us about what's going on down there with the scene is like. well on about five days ago four days ago the national conference started it's the first national gathering for occupy wall street the entire country so until this point we've just seen local actions around the cities of different states but this is the first time that people from all over the country are coming in flooding and like you said to do workshops training seminars really retooling and re strategizing and i'm the face of the crackdown that we saw last year so when we say retooling re strategizing you know i mean is there an attempt to try to label this in several guard do they want to call it face to occupy if they want to call it phase three or four or five you know what is the meeting really supposed to represent in philly. it's representing
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a phase two for sure it's representing the next stage in the face of these crackdowns i mean they realize that there is no way that they can possibly fight these militarized police forces that came out in droves to really shut down all the encampment so i mean the movement never really was about camping in perpetuity according to the occupiers i mean every social movement. you know to the can of gandhi and dr martin luther king said that ninety percent of it is strategizing and ten percent is action so now they're getting together strategizing tooling work shopping in figuring out what the next step is it's very symbolic because independence day as you said is tomorrow and it really brought for a sense this amazing principle that our country was founded on equality and justice for all and according to the occupiers we are not living in a just state right now we are living in your justice system where there is economic and social inequality across the nation so they're really trying to reclaim that
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democratic security and that's why it tomorrow will be so important to you how many people come out. i can imagine that the city of philadelphia didn't prepare for all of this right they said they were going to do it in advance so are they you know do they have a large police presence this time around. yes sorry i lost my ear piece there last night where there was actually a standoff oath keepers tried to hold down first amendment clause which is right behind me right at liberty tower they tried to hold it down after their permit expired and there was about twenty seven arrests there was a huge stand up with riot cops for at occupiers and it was a very tense situation on saturday the first and cam it actually started someone about his head cracked open and riot cops were right there as the first tent was erected so i think tensions are very high right now wherever course there are occupiers there will be cops close behind only time will tell really if things will
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remain peaceful it seems like things have kind of been up and down so far things have been peaceful up until this point other than their arrests that i mentioned and the one injury and the obvious that's not the perspective that we often get if you watch other news channels out there so i just have to play this clip that we found from fox news this morning and their take on philadelphia and the occupy movement something we've heard before but just take a listen. the people you know about to be actual plumbing not the streets as you've seen in some of these occupy instances a lot of these occupy locations of turn into just completely trash filled crimes if they behave themselves like normal people and not engage to get into violence and unsanitary behavior and even a rapes going on it's a call the park people might take them seriously now if they're just another national left and stuck. and always goes back to how dirty united fan of terry they are but i mean you know what does it look like in philly is it like that at all how are the locals responding to this entire gathering. and it's funny that you play that clip because it's actually people are working in groups to clean up after
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themselves the parks are pretty amazingly spotless right now it's just really interesting that people have painted the movement you know as a bunch of dirty hippies but it's actually not like that at all people or all walks of life all demographics really getting together and communicating and so they say the next phase is just communication or figure out how they can reclaim it this country away from the top tier one percent. all right abbi thanks for filling us in . ok guys it's time for our last break of the evening but when we come back much a late night happy hour for you i'll ask if women purposefully post unflattering pictures of their girlfriends on facebook christopher's out and that it's mine you'll be joining me to discuss.
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the issues that so much seven and there's a huge music history lesson on the mark when foreign occupation may have formally ended six months ago but this country's woes are accomplished and getting worse there's political paralysis. more news today violence is once again flared up. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations rule the day. hold it hold it. hold it hold. it hold it hold it real closely.
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goodspeed. keep. her from her. and i. wish i. looked. a little bit longer mislead you good. luck. just steal the money and. i come out of my mind i made a little. there hasn't been a thing yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. the full source material is what helps keep journalism honest.
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we want to present. something else. please. more news today violence is once again fled up the floor these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. the giant corporations are today. please. our guys it's time for a happy hour and joining me this evening are two correspondent christine for south
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and that it's a money role calls for her on the hill reporter hello ladies hello thank you for joining me on the independence eve yeah independent evil like that i don't know maybe because. we're younger and so facebook you know kind of started when we were younger and like there's certain things you kind of just learned along the way that maybe for all the people out there there's a certain like facebook and a kid that needs to be taught and so this clip actually it's only cracks me up because there's there's people out there who give advice on what you should do here's some advice on posting photos on facebook. there's nothing worse than somebody posting a photo of you with your eyes closed or from years ago when you were a little bit more overweight so my rule of netiquette when it comes to tagging and i say to tag or not to tag if you think it's unflattering don't tag someone it. well most women don't do that. but there is a there's a survey out there that was taken by my memory dot com and they found i guess not
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but two fifths of the fifteen hundred women who were asked revealed that they had post a picture of their friend without make up and a fifth confessed to refusing to take down the offending pictures like to put up unflattering pictures of their friends on facebook i always there is a picture i don't like of myself and but i don't want to be you know what you don't want to be you know you should have a couple that are maybe not your greatest but i always ask my friends of do you mind because it's not just about you like your friends trying to do something that i i mean i feel like there is an etiquette that goes back and forth to like sometimes you take it on the chin everyone has a. i mean my friend has a good point sometimes you just got to. yeah you know like. here's a homely friend. you can at least untag yourself in your timeline but i guess my friends are just brutally honest and they'll say like do not post under any circumstances but it has got me into trouble i have a couple friends who i think they look great in pictures and they're just
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a little too hard on themselves and fatter i look it's my bad side you know why did you post that i just feel like well what do i think you look great so it is hard to tell sometimes but i. ok would you ever say that you deliberately you know what i was wouldn't say. i would never do pictures you would know i mean why would you i hear stories about this all the time like there was a there was some study a couple years ago where people would ask their overweight friends to be their bridesmaid so they look dinner or something and i was like i can tell you none of my girlfriends would ever do that girls are all i don't know i think that's crazy. when the ladies sort of. rule i don't believe it though i don't believe it. it's a survey you have to take these because of a grain of salt but let's move on to the next one i really want to do this story yesterday and then we ran out of time but i just think of the two places probably
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feeling this weird tweet today you would never want to go. on a date. and just think of them rushed into one take a look. at maine is known for its lighthouse the rocky shore and most importantly risk sally and all the warm breadsticks you want the one time of year you can see for twelve exciting true olive garden's you three course italian dinner tastiest the sweetest the freshest five cheese mariner out with shrimp lobster that's what you're here you're family. that's right there are now all of garden and red lobster combos it's this company called darted and they just opened one in brunswick georgia i want to say a third one and they're saying that you know if this takes off they're going to they're going to open a lot more i was going i'm not going to have never been i've always wanted to go i have been once and i don't really care to grow out here to go back peddling red lobster i have walked into before when i was younger and never it didn't even sit
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down the place was crazy and disgusting and the only reason i heard of heard of darden this company is because when i was filling in for you last week on this show we did and in a. with a woman who works for a company that rates the restaurants that treat their employees the worst and darden was one of them so the company the sort of conglomerate company. which oversees red lobster and all of garden all the more reason not to go because not only are you having to put up with disgusting food but also a place that has horrible i mean i don't we're just regular when you really like i you. know you would have like i think that's right is. i loved that i mean really my head these are like sizzler. but i will say i was going to go out on a limb here and say red lobster is much worse than the all of garden ok but the idea of combining them into one i don't know who had that idea i don't i hope i
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have really have no room to speak because i think that like k.f.c. taco bell combos are the best thing ever you know i'm there like a game where you talk about. and yeah. i'm going to i mean taco bell pizza hut over team taco bell k.f.c. . if we can be friends anywhere. fast food restaurant for that's a big i mean can't you you know you'll breakers' you saw those at the doritos shells imagine that with like a slice of pepperoni pizza on top ok i'm selling is terry this is why it's good that i live in d.c. that i don't drive anymore because. now we only get a little and i would garden is an opening in right up the street. to talk about your house ok i need to think so are you going hours of talking about talk about this program so. let's move on to the next story shall we. basically americans we work hard right mean if you think about it i think we work
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longer hours than most other people do you know in the industrialized world and a lot of people also don't take their vacation days. sometimes they feel like no one can do the work as well as they can and others think that hey maybe some i does it better than i do and while i'm gone they may replace me robert ford who's worked in human resources for more than twenty years says those are the major reasons people skip their vacation time other big reasons include people fearing they'll get behind on work or not being able to afford vacation especially if they don't get paid time off. well maybe part of the reason that americans don't always end up taking their vacation off of you know aside from things like this because they fear for their job security is also because we do not have a national vacation policy and we're basically practically the only developed country in the world that does not require companies to give their workers time off there's there's a chart there and so you can let's prince harry's the u.k.
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all a lot of and germany. now and are a lot of those countries a lot more effective and productive than we are in terms of g.d.p. and i don't know i don't know that that's a little hard to argue i want to talk about the euro crisis is never right economy is contracting so jealous when i hear about these other countries you know between five and seven weeks how everyone in france you know this week is taking off for the rest of the summer and that's normal to be able to go and i guess what a lot of people say that's what you get you know. you look at greece and that's what happens because they call in the club that you know i know too much vagueness you know yeah but i think that there's a different quality of life i mean there's a different appreciation for a polity of life and we also don't. you know i mean i think you know i mean that's fact yes but i also think that there is just a different philosophy about how government is supposed to regulate stuff like this obviously i mean we all know this like the u.s. has a very different philosophy about that and the country that's interesting to me on
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that little thing is germany because they're probably the most aligned with with us in terms of like. however this is to kind of me and. you know it's interesting though congress seems to take a whole lot more vacation than there was just take a vacation they should just not a lady i decided to leave. so i could see that being a good thing for you i'm also jealous of hillary supporters that don't have to work when congress is that session and i. know. i know what i do also want to be here the last few years of care that's true we did have bit. of stuff like that so feel sorry for me anyway a little more vacation would be greatly appreciated i was told take one together tomorrow. i'll go back but i'm ready for another do you know probably well. let's go with this story is not really a funny one but so there's
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a letter that was said to. me there was a letter that was sent from one of the nation's leading muslim advocacy groups because apparently a navy seal training facility in virginia beach had this image of a woman and we have the image right there wearing a head job was even a firearm and that was being used as target practice so you know the council on american islamic relations or care and of sending them a letter being like are you serious you know there's something good that came out of this story and the good thing that came out of this story is that i finally understood how americans could have burned those qur'an in afghanistan because before i was so shocked that they would that would even cross their mind but now that i see that they're learning this kind of nonsense in their training camps perhaps this is why i mean this is ridiculous to me that anyone would consider this of course they have to understand their enemy but to have this is just stereotypical image there this is the image and this is the idea that these guys
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and girls are going to go over to these countries and think that it is the enemy well i'm assuming too that they probably thought that this was a was a joke you know they probably are not and that is fine. i'm going to jog with a gun and that's not a fight that's no no it's not i'm going to you know if you want to talk about if you're fighting in afghanistan but i guess i just have to hope that it was the best case scenario for me was like oh well this is you're trying to train people and you're trying to get them to shoot without hesitating you know like it doesn't matter who the enemy supposed to be you're supposed to like you're not just because it's women just that this whatever this is what i would this is the only thing i could think of that you would want your soldiers or your whoever to do not hesitate and one of the ways to do that is to put up this image and be like well you see the images only has a very very haranath exactly like verses of the coram do claim by the way that they've heard those by accident that they didn't know they were there they were just with a bunch of other reading materials from the drill bit and we've got the holidays
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for that we should. be careful about that yeah i think we need to really be careful in terms of what we're teaching public service in the last one for you know what kind of parenting style you could employ so a couple of years ago here's a clip from you know certain psychologists out there are saying there is evidence that spanking can lead to a certain effect with your children. social workers with little children. could lead to abuse. this is really i don't think there's research that shows that it's not. literal certainly in some situations it contributes to go over causing physical child and so emotional. so now a couple years later there is a study that some published in the us journal of pediatrics and they say that people who are hit or spanked as children face higher odds of mental ailments as adults including mood negs i just orders and problems with alcohol and drug abuse here's my problem with this and i am speaking as
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a person who neither me my brother or my sister were ever touched because my parents kind of had this like hippie philosophy in child rearing that like you try to reason with your two year old you put them in the corner or you ground them a two year old cannot be reasoned with and all three of us had minor you know behavior problems as young kids while we were growing up and were i think as we weren't spanked i am going to go ahead and say this report what it does is it groups spanked shoved hit or slapped in one category yes shoving your child or slapping them in the face that's not the same as being spanked in the voting a little bit and that's how i mean and that's what i was doing that i've won in my in like a you know and i did a bad thing i was a little school but here's the thing i can remember it was terrifying my mind you never have it and every day to be i think there is a one time and that was that it was stays with me to this day i got to wrap it up unfortunate but thank you ladies for joining me that's it for tonight so guys thanks for tuning in and make sure to come back on thursday we will not have a show tomorrow for the holiday but in the meantime don't forget to like the alone
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change. would be soon which brightened if you knew about someone from feinstein for.


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