tv [untitled] July 4, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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tonight hero makes an internet piracy pact walk the plank rejecting the agreement which could have led big corporations cut off people where back says the report. if they're true for the opposition who has been saying that act is a grave threat to individual freedoms will join me for all the details in a few moments. plus war of words a dispute over a law that allows russian to be used in ukraine says riot police tackle angry crowds in kiev. and the minute matter the day it was this scientists claim they're now a step closer to discovering the elusive god particle which could explain how everything in the universe exists.
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hello all of you watching around the world is very good to have your company it's no one i am here in moscow my name is kevin zero in the first sign of relief from europe's internet users the e.u. parliament rejected the notorious online piracy treaty act or the anti counterfeiting trade agreement was drafted to protect internet copyright laws but it met with widespread outrage in europe for threatening people's web freedom brussels correspondent tesser a sinner as been following all the developments. they have rejected this counterfeiting trade agreement and what it essentially means is that europe as a whole will be out of this agreement and this has been signed by several other countries including the us australia and if this is to be ratified by six of those parties europe will not be a part of it europe is considered as one entity the main concern really here is the loss of freedom and just more monitoring from authorities in favor of those people
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lobbying commercially for the intellectual property rights of their climbing especially for example the entertainment industry is not for individual for people who are using the internet what they want here is simply freedom to do what they what they see as a very democratic platform and so millions of people had signed on directly emailing any piece signing petitions to the petitions committee here in brussels arguing that the potential benefits of this act of bill wanted to bring through is far outweighed by the damage that it could bring david martin's who was steering this actually bill in in parliament had actually said that the devil in this case is in the lack of detail it was so vague that it is indeed passages opens the floor for interpretation of possible jailing of individuals and so he says that the european parliament is simply cannot guarantee the individual freedoms and fries in the european treaties for example and protect individuals and so they just couldn't have let it pass. correspondent in europe will surely go spoke to laws leader of
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the pirate party u.k. he says act his journey might not be over yet. there is possibly more to come it's worth saying that even european commission is still making noises to the fact that this might not be the end of the wrote for act there's still the question of european courts for all of its worth pointing out that attitude was not just rejected it was comprehensively crushed what's really clear is that it was a fundamental mistake to try and mix so many different things together but also equally it's a fundamental mistake to try and negotiate at such a treaty behind closed doors but it also without countries like russia india and china it's typical arrogance of western countries to imagine that we can just push something through i think it's now time for our representatives to stop and think
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it's clear that it's becoming increasingly politically poisonous to be anti internet so it's time to listen to citizens voices. talking of which we want to know what you think of bird to europe's active and what's going on in the last day or so let us know what you think on r.t. dot com this is what you're telling us so far the vast majority of you see on this craft for shaven of the nearly seventy percent say that the big corporations behind the law you think will just rebranded seventy percent if you think it's as good as dead in the water just over ten of you are not all certain what the agreement means for just a few of you think defeat is cause for pirates and fraudsters to rejoice tonight party dot com where you can heard your voice to. up ahead this hour is payback time barclays banks no dumb boss has been given a grilling over. over who were new what in the rate fixing scandal it cost him his
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job complicated story just ahead. but next a law in ukraine to recognize russia russia. as an official language in some regions has seen hundreds protest in kiev police fired tear gas and angry crowds after the ukrainian parliament the rather approved the law without debate present in a covert says he'll consult experts before signing them or the critics fear it will dilute ukrainian sovereignty and increase moscow's influence if russian is used in official business but it's by no means the first time tempers of run high in ukraine in recent years it's been saving politicians have been getting physical. play. another day another brawl while ukraine's parliament deliberated over a controversial language law deputies used their fists to let their feelings be known one of the central figures in another recent scandal party of regions deputy police he says he was attacked by opposition politicians while trying to address
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lawmakers. i had to finish my speech in order to start the voting five to six people attacked me i'm a former weightlifter and could provide a strong physical reply but i didn't want to because then everyone would have said i was a thug but it was hard to restrain myself especially after a bottle was thrown at me after these events i received threats and had to move my family. going to heated debates have often ignited into all out rage inside the rada two years ago when parliament was due to ratify agreements with the moscow on the stand that leaves of russia's black sea naval base small bombs went off and the rada speaker had to hide under an umbrella from a rain of rotten eggs thrown at him it may look like chaos and anarchy but for some in ukraine's political circles it is in fact democracy in action when you listen to that. you would never see fights in the soviet parliament you'll never see fights
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in north korean political structures a brutal as a last resort of delivering your point when vocal methods don't work can only happen in a democratic state it's not effective but still it's democratic. former deputy now political analyst the meat every day intends to disagree he says deputies are weak and cannot bring anything to a logical conclusion neither the law making process nor the fights that is why he published a guide on how they should roll over. a dip in just table is an endless source for improvisation i've counted at least eighteen things that ever table which could be used in a fist fight like the microphone or the hook which is used to hang one's back if they maim and seriously injured each other maybe this would have paved we've for a new breed of politicians able to actually work effectively. over the years
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fights in the rather have been attracting impressive audiences they are usually televised live on the parliamentary channel and the old favorite t.v. show will certainly hit the screens national wide again almost two years it had been relatively calm politically in this country and ukrainians had been deprived of televised fist fights within the parliament but now with a parliamentary election looming this fall deputies are expected to intensify their fight for the right to work inside this building. reporting from kiev in ukraine. buckley's berg's former boss has been grilled by british m.p.'s to explain who was involved and what he knew about the fixing of interest rates whether bob diamond will implicate senior figures ranging from the bank of england to the top levels of previous government these are two sort of first in london tony that hasn't been the smoking gun that many people were wondering if we'd see it's been a bit more of a down squid actually to be honest with you we've seen him being questioned for a number of hours now and he hasn't been giving much away at all at the beginning
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of the questioning and he looked visibly uncomfortable and he seemed very very elusive when he's been sort of quizzed a little bit harder by some as they send peace a little bit disappointing what we have seen from him say far he described the actions as reprehensible at one point he said when he saw the e-mails relating to the great rigging believe. that he felt physically ill also you know a lot of people remember this really does have a huge impact it's said that this rigging that went on at barclays will have affected homeowners it will have affected businesses so you know that really just takes it back to the importance of this questioning and a lot of people feel already that it is simply hasn't been strong enough and that the m.p.'s who were there leading those questions just on hitting him hard enough aren't necessarily asking the right questions be seeing the deputy governor of the bank of england paul tucker he submitted himself for questioning to try and clear
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up some of the issues that surround the speculation over the telephone call between him and the former chief executive bob diamond now book done instead the question has an answer to any of these questions directly about what exactly happened there . a lot of people are wanting to know now what exactly happened he was involved did senior white who figure is know about what was going on since the bank of england know about what was going on and did they condone. and that's really some of the big questions that we haven't seen on the show is seeing bob diamond d. today in questioning we're seeing a lot of political class nothing is really trying to distance himself right until they separations but i mean it's given us an insight really into the very uncomfortably close relationship that is enjoyed by the city and by the politicians in this country and this really goes so much wider as we said than just a few individuals and that's really what's prompted calls for
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a complete overhaul of the whole system i mean it's not just barclays bank this is implicated here of course you've got the bank of england under scrutiny now you've also got it called into question as to why after the last big financial crisis the government didn't do what they said they were going to do which was clean up the city. sort of first along the reverse revise the park to you also in london told me that this case isn't just limited to barclays it's a global banking problem. i think there are a lot more scouts to follow here i mean what we've got is a situation where the banks were ultimately during the course of the years running up to the credit crunch of two thousand and eight two thousand and nine palpably incompetent very few people really have paid any price within the banks then we had this incredible wave of money where the government force reasons that are really no one no need to themselves swung the banks with money but effectively didn't get a pint of flesh i did them to reform the system and then we've got this situation knowing what of course it's finally come out that what the banks were actually
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doing was they were manipulating their own interest rates which is basically like having a business and saying you can set the wholesale price and you can set the retail price and ultimately of course they didn't do it in the interests of the consumers they did it in the interests of the banks this is not limited just to london's bankers i mean this is a global financial problem. there's more like a banking story long running story and many others well of course in our website is a glimpse a couple of others there tonight you might be interested in one that emerged yesterday claims emerging that long time palestinian leader yasser arafat was poisoned by polonium we've reported so online details and supposedly shed light on his desk or about mine. good pictures here was coordinated the job stunt which gave six russian swinging time to videos online party dot com. six militants have been killed in two separate operations in russia southern republic of dagestan according to police four were cornered in
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a house in the city of khost pisk forces stormed the building after negotiating with the militants to free six hostages and intense shoot followed then but no officers and civilians were russia's antiterrorist committee says one of the dead was a gang leader who masterminded various assassination attempts in the region also a second operation of the republic saw two further militants killed by police one officer died in a gunfight earlier on wednesday forty militants were arrested in the city of it as part of the wider terrorist crackdown. the seed to change the universe may have finally been discovered by scientists at the large hadron collider the higgs bo's'n or so-called god particle is a subatomic matter which scientists believe started it all off or makes up the very fabric of our existence artie's peter all of a traces its genesis. scientists working at the large hadron collider have said that they've discovered a new particle which is consistent with the higgs bo's'n all the elusive god
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particle now why that is so important is well if this proves to be the higgs bo's'n it proves right a whole lot of theory that scientists have been working with for the best part of fifty years now concerning the creation of the universe how it works and most importantly why things have muss up until now we've only been able to really theorize mass into equations concerning particle physics if we look at it this way the main theory worked within this area of science is the well less than grandiose name of the standard model and if we think of that as a jigsaw puzzle with a whole load of different pieces missing if this proves to be the higgs bo's'n well that fills in some of those missing pieces giving scientists a clearer picture of what they're working with now it's all very very complex science in fact some of those working at the large hadron collider of said that it's well probably easier to find the higgs boson than to explain it to the lay person imagine good we have
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a planet which is populated by of course we have nor masses and we believe we understand how they leave the basic walls but it doesn't sound to be real because this sort of played on mars and imagine that we have a theory which explains how it goes on mars and this is done using the hugues was on the ground just completed a month a difficult well it's already being heralded as potentially the discovery of the century certainly of recent time in science we are hearing from cern from the large hadron collider that it could take them around a year to definitely say whether this is the higgs bosun this particle that they've found but certainly it's very exciting time for the scientific community and all eyes will be focused on cern to see where this takes us in the future. or to some other world news. tori's no wednesday see more deadly violence against shiites in iraq a car blast claimed at least eleven lives and exploded at a market in central iraq and another twenty eight were hurt by
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a separate explosion in the southeast of baghdad elsewhere in the capital two policemen a parliamentary official was shot dead in separate incidents those attacks follow choose days market bombing shoots left more than forty people dead. turkey reporting the bodies of both pilots whose jet was shot down by syria two weeks ago been retrieved from the seabed instance led to ankara beefing up its military activity on the border syria meantime still rocked by violence of dozens killed during the last twenty four hours syrian refugees including military servicemen are fleeing into turkey from their water one country piece is still hard to find with brawls and talks hindering the formation of a unity government between the opposition and assad's regime. a man wearing army uniform opened fire on nato troops in eastern afghanistan is injured five made a quick getaway and disappeared in a nearby village earlier this week three british soldiers were killed by a rogue afghan policeman overall more than twenty four and personnel have died in the country this year in so-called green on blue attacks where national security
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officials turn on nato forces. protesters from across the u.s. have gathered in philadelphia for a mass occupy wall street demo on the independence day twenty six demonstrates his were arrested on sunday they've been charged with. the occupy movement started last september in new york protesting against corporate greed in the gap between the rich and the rest of the american population activist told me the movement's to expand because it proves to be the only way for americans to speak out against justice. it's maturing as a movement i mean the fact that there was such massive demonstrations for may first in new york city and all around the country where occupy wall street joined with the immigrant rights movement with the labor movement you know that shows a real political advance we haven't seen made a demonstrations like that in this country in a long time occupy wall street is really advancing into an advanced political movement they can actually confront the one percent and demand a change of power reflects the sentiments and the economic suffering that
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a whole generation of young people is feeling the economic standard of living that our parents had is gone for people in the united states and the only the only choice millions of you've got is to go out and confront one percent and talk about possibly abolishing the capitalist system and taking power from this ruling elite. continue with the occupy protests in the u.s. next to full wall street insider explains why she switched sides to join the movement. for seven years she was a wall street insider to day she is an occupy wall street activists alexis goldstein joins me now to talk about her experience in one of america's most profitable industries alexis thank you very much for sitting down with our team thank you for having me since the start of the occupy movement in september two thousand and eleven you may be possibly one of the most vocal wall street insiders
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in the u.s. to come out and pretty much blow the whistle on the culture there you recently wrote an article saying that wall street major you cynical bitter depressed exhausted and paranoid and you felt everyone was out to screw you you spent seven years there why did you put up with that kind of environment for seven years well i think it's a pretty easy answer you're paid pretty well on wall street and it's also pretty alluring you work with a lot of people that are very smart it's sort of this culture where everyone sort of feels superior and so you're always always jostling for position and so it's very competitive and i'm competitive and i you know in some ways enjoy that environment and you know you're paid better than really pretty much anywhere where else you work unless maybe you became an entrepreneur and hit it rich so there's a lot of things about it that are very appealing and sort of compel you to stay as long as you can stay in the public often hears the stereotypes of wall street being toxic and pervasive and ruthless but you basically say that's all true can you give
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me examples of that i mean what how is it as bad as you say face the reason it's so difficult is because no one goes on wall street to help the world everyone goes to wall street to make money and so because everyone is there to make money you're in competition with everyone else and even though almost every bank or i think everything worked out in the most banks on the street you're not allowed to talk about compensation and some banks it's actually a fireable offense that doesn't stop people from spreading rumors or go. saying about how much other people are made so that's the sort of focus at all times isn't i being compensated fairly and my being compensated more in this person than i think it does a worse job than i do and so it becomes this this environment of envy and that's not a very comfortable happy place right work it's all about how much money you're making you're in competition with everyone else right there is one bonus pool and there might be sort of sections of the bonus pool for different departments but you're always in competition with others and that makes for i think
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a pretty toxic environment you say that wall street so-called american dream is to earn enough money so that you can behave in a way that makes the very existence of other people irrelevant if that is the case do you think the financial industry is threatened by the occupy movement i don't know that they are but i think that there is probably going to be a lot of flight from maybe wall street banks to hedge funds at least through the people that can make that move if they are threatened because that still at this point in this country a fairly unregulated space is the hedge fund space but it is that bubble right so i do think that there probably are people that aren't threatened that much by the occupy movement but i also think it's having some effects on recruiting so i do think it is having a small impact but it's probably not having much of an impact at the very very top because they are so disconnected it's a bubble it's a very insular place and like i said in the article the goal is to make i guess you
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money if i can say that if you can so if you have a few money you don't really care what's going on in the wider world in the article that you recently wrote you called on your friends who quote still do well behind on wall street to come join the occupy movement how much more wall street employees are out there that share your sentiments you know there's more than you would think a lot of them still are employed though so they act in the misc past cities and then there's a number of people who have left one of my members in. a former driven. straighter i've worked with someone in the alternative banking working group who is a former quantity there's more of us than you would think and there are a lot of people on wall street who are disgruntled so that's sort of who the call was out to was my friends that are still there that i know would like to leave but for whatever reason i haven't done so yet in january u.s. president barack obama announced the creation of a residential mortgage backed securities fraud task force since the creation of
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that unit more than four hundred thousand homes have reportedly been foreclosed on and not one bank or employee has been charged or held accountable for fraud or abuse that led up to the two thousand and eight financial crisis recently you took part in an event in which dozens of americans were volunteering their help to that task force you were out on the streets. a few people were arrested can you tell me more about that event so it is state of the line this task force there's five co-chairs of the task force they don't have an executive director yet but they have these five co-chairs the co-chairs whose office we had a sit in is that is attorney general eric schneiderman of new york he was recently profiled in this magazine the american prospect and he said basically i need everyone out there to help to make this as strong and thorough of an investigation
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as it needs to be so we had big signs with his quote on it about the strong and thorough investigation and we were chanting outside literally we're here to help we're here to help there's a lot of questions about this task force there's a lot of questions that we have there's a lot of questions that the public has about you know why do we only have fifty people right now if you compare that to the enron investigation there were one hundred people and that was just one company you compare it to savings and loan there were a thousand we have seen no arrests and the ironic thing about the sit in was even though we were peaceful and we were talking with a rep from the schneider. as office would come down they did not call the police but the building manager did call the police and the police were on the megaphone saying you know you have to we have got so we've even though we were having a very you know full discussion with the rep from the office and then the police decided to arrest four of the protesters for trespassing and so we now have four people who are arrested for going to the office and trying to ask questions and trying to offer assistance but we still have no no arrests for anyone who been responsible for bringing down the economy thank you very much for thank you for
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having me. sure is that so much given to you to be sitting on the market for an occupation may have formally ended six months ago but this country's woes are countless and getting worse there's political paralysis. oil industry claims the process is a person. sees. that it brings nothing but our income for. the environment knows better and the industry isn't telling the whole story. they're goddamn
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