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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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british prime minister is slammed by athens after he proposes blocking greeks and people from weaker euro zone nations from entering the u.k. . project britain should be looking through its own banking. judgement on me in london in just a moment. as violence in syria boils despite the best efforts of peace makers it's a lack of food and soaring prices that's taking their toll on people who haven't even taken sides in the conflict. and europeans are hailing their parliament's decision to reject the controversial antipiracy iraq which has been widely condemned for violating internet freedom.
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on screen and online twenty four hours a day seven days a week karen. latham's has lashed out against the british prime minister over his remarks of the u.k. could restrict the greeks from entering the country the move could also target citizens of other struggling euro zone nations but as a london should be looking closer to home to solve its own financial trouble laura smith reports. there's been speculation about massive waves of immigration from not just greece but from other economies that are struggling at the moment david cameron in response to that said that britain could potentially close its doors to immigration from these struggling eurozone countries including greece he was under pressure really to say there was a lot of speculation about these kind of migrant issues and he said if the borders came under unusual stress then the legal position was that britain could take
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action and close down those borders greece has responded quite vehemently it was the it was the pasok party one of the parties in the leading coalition at the moment that said that david cameron should look to his own house he should keep his own house in order before commenting on these your resume issues the greeks are referring there to this scandal that's recently broken about barclays bank rigging these into bank lending rates making them seem much more favorable than they were the greeks say that he shouldn't rush will the markets in the euro zone with talk of restricting immigration he should in fact look to barclays and the banking sector here in this country and get that in order for before he does the greeks of course are already feeling humiliated by the fact that they have to rely on european bailouts to keep their economy afloat and so of course they react very strongly to any comment like this david cameron has to be very careful here because
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the u.k. is not part of the euro zone so any comment he makes of this nature looks like somebody who's just on the outside looking in david cameron again is under increasing pressure internally to set up a referendum on whether britain whether the u.k. should remain a part of the e.u. about a month ago he really stepped in there attracting a lot of negative commentary from euro zone leaders who said that he is blaming the eurozone for britain's own economic troubles of course although britain isn't part of the euro zone it is deeply depends. it's only here is safe for its own economic stability to greece if that that he's talking about policing measures that violate all the principles in the freedom in that in the rule of the century of the e.u. and all they that comments like this damage the trust that is really essential for keeping the year i think together underneath that can stand there. are a lot of sound after george carter well also who is an attorney and a professor of constitutional law or george thanks for taking the time to talk to
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us today well you're great are you insulted by this i think a rebirthing be insulted because these words are. really stupid demagogic statement and i'm referring to what we use make the demo good shit because a prime minister knows that to describe though the european know what he has said yes remove most of people is one of the fundamental rooms of the european union it is another the disclosure on the interstates to proceed with the movement of citizens of other european states to dorie to me you know that i mean you're supposed to respond to that do not brush up because we're going to get a lot of problems that you're gay now go through answers below the surface let's see those you now if they you care passes these immigration restrictions can happen to take legal action against london of course of course not only going to see but i think also the european commission should get legal action because i say i would
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just mention this is one of the fundamentals we're going to be in if we do not remove the people this is of course going to go to the european union but there's something more didn't know xenophobia were specifically getting known to european people of course this is not good at all racism is not good if you do. just the blacks of the world good you father. i'm not involved but it's for the first time i remember the week of such action a full big statement by a kid all for european countries now certainly is not really saying enough i mean the greeks are increasingly getting treated as pariahs in the euro zone how much further do you think this can all can go it's going to go really far i actually got a mention of that many times. this is not good this interview is just
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a few go for sure social experiment to trying to implement clear distilled nearly with a little. fear of the shock so in a way this is that middle of the future of europe but the same time we are feeling a deep sentiment of national action exactly because we are doing lexington school or second order this is not something we're going to stand in the more turgeon very briefly our i'd like your opinion on whether or not we're going to see the stronger european cannot economies around their separate themselves from the weaker ones do you think that's going to happen i'm not sure this is going to happen in the time we went surely it is more than ever needed i think that we're going to see a divide between european more insults but this is the the future you see all right george cottle galasso attorney and professor of constitutional law thank you thank
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you very much. well it's not all doom and gloom for europeans at least internet users as mass protests against the controversial anti-piracy treaty or act up persuaded lawmakers to scrap it. corporate greed comes under fire on independence day in the u.s. as the occupy movement sweeps through philadelphia. while diplomats and politicians are struggling to find ways to contain the escalating violence in syria ordinary people there are simply trying to survive and it's not just bombs and bullets that threaten their livelihoods but also soaring prices and the lack of basic goods are ceaselessly coffin of reports but conflict in syria that is now being called a civil war it was more bloodshed and killing in syria today the newest massacre in syria well bullets and body bags may lead news headlines on syria but death is not
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the only toll of this war ordinary citizens who haven't picked sides in this conflict now live in daily fear for their lives and now they're also paying dearly with their livelihoods prices for food fuel everything very well you were under growing crisis. if you do a hard now serious currency has lost more than half of its value since the fighting began it used to cost about forty seven syrian pounds to buy one u.s. dollar before the war one hundred pounds to the dollar one year later this inflation unfortunately is only set to get worse with the government now printing more cash just to stay afloat now was once a pillar of syria's economy but an e.u. embargoed has cut revenues for the government by nearly one third now those sanctions may have been aimed at the government but of course it is ordinary syrians who are now paying at the pump four thousand that's about sixty dollars used to be in for a month but now you need twice as much as i'm going to find i spend. and it's not
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just fuel for cars that's difficult to come by a single tank of cooking gas can now eat up about half of the average syrians monthly paycheck i mean that's huge and with shortages spreading across the country even those supplies are guaranteed so if you're reaching through. you want to eat what we have. this is how we have to live there's no other choice now according to the united nations more than one point four million syrians are already at risk for hunger and those who still have access to food are finding that prices are soaring out of their reach now let me show you what i mean when it comes to the average syrian a carton of eggs used to cost about one hundred and ten syrian pounds before the war after the uprising that amount of money is enough for just two eggs now take sugar for example the price of a bath like this has tripled in cost the amount of money one used to spend on it
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will now buy about this amount and even staple foods like rice i mean this is a really common food in syria probably enough to feed a small family for about a week like this has doubled in cost now when it comes to the arab spring the cost of food and fuel has played a critical role as prices rose so did anger in arab nations the same holds true in syria were simply surviving and making ends meet as now a daily battle in the end the price of bread may prove to be a bigger obstacle to peace than a loaded gun for r t i'm lucy catherine of in moscow the road to peace in syria is blocked by the burden of sanctions that are fueling the conflict from grassroots so says the country's minister of domestic trade and opposition. neil feels it's nothing more than hypocrisy from the us. syria is in a difficult situation in social and economic terms it has been isolated which primarily
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hurts the people of syria rather than the assad government therefore the attitude of the west in isolating syria is pure hypocrisy and their claim that the embargo is damaging the assad regime is own substantiated we believe that once we manage to bring about national reconciliation and restore unity we will be able to end the blockade in the way it has happened time and again throughout history both in syria and in other parts of the world can. help us the full interview in just over an hour here on our team but europe's internet users are celebrating the rejection by the e.u. parliament of a controversial anti-piracy treaty act is an international trade agreement aimed at preventing large scale intellectual property theft critics claim the treaty would threaten people who work freedom outside the e.u. act there has been signed by the us canada japan and several other countries
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earlier my colleague kevin allen a top to laos k. from the pirate party u.k. says the rejection by the e.u. parliament as a historic victory for citizens of red lobbyists. despite the wild claims that the copyright lobbyists there was no actual proper evidence to show that act was going to help anyone either in terms of jobs or in terms of growth for the economy i think it's worth pointing out that attitude was not just rejected it was comprehensively crushed. david martin said this was actually. over her rejection of a measure that was supported by the. commission ok act the question for europe at the moment as it. do you think they'll ever be a pan global set of rules coming into place i think what's really clear is that it was a fundamental mistake to try and mix so many different things together but also equally
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it's a fundamental mistake to try and negotiate such a treaty behind closed doors but it also without countries like russia india and china. have typical arrogance of western countries to imagine that we can just push something through i'm actually looking forward to us changing and are now actually moving away from the negative and payment industry agenda and they actually think about oz and to be protecting digital freedoms and actually talking about how shared culture and i actually access. the internet into technology that we benefit in citizens and want citizens laws last thought from here there's a school of thought that today that x. is being turned in europe where piracy is going to be encouraged is one step forward is it a free for all now in your eyes no not
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a top i think it's worth remembering what the many objections to act were was essentially setting up a surveillance system of turning turning your internet service provider into a copyright but it was not just about intellectual property also organizations like medicine some form to get warning that to get the facts the ability of developing nations to access a portable generic drug so this is a tremendous victory against actually what would have been hugely damaging agreement. there are no online instructions whatsoever on our web site available for you twenty four seven there are some of the stories worth checking out right now the strong arm of the law and the west bank human rights groups pay it out at israeli soldiers pushing a nine year old palestinian boy to the ground before kicking and read all about it online. and all three arrested members of an anti-crime one call group
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have gone on a hunger strike find out what's push them towards such a move and watch the videos of some of their most outlandish performances at r t dot com and make sure you catch all of our best videos on our you tube channel. is. the official. from the.
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video. and. occupiers from across the u.s. have returned and full force to philadelphia where they held a mass demo on independence day the protest against corporate greed inequality and debt began over the weekend thousands were arrested after it was met with a heavy police presence are just going to reports. for the occupy movement to gather here in philadelphia on the fourth of july was certainly a symbolic move the area is widely known as the cradle of liberty where if independence was first read aloud the u.s. constitution was adopted and as occupiers here in philadelphia went about exercising their rights at least two people were arrested one of them because police wouldn't let him process certain line with this sign overall there was heavy
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police presence but the gathering was very peaceful so far u.s. authorities have occupiers from all of their camping locations all across the country and those were largely very peaceful protests more than seven thousand people have been arrested since the beginning of the movement last fall many of those demonstrators were charged and still face trial one of them malcolm harris who was arrested in new york the judge demanded twitter to hand over all his wits and user information off to buyers took it as a message whatever you say may well be used against you may be a scary tactics too many now might be aware of speaking their mind freely online and there's many goals and demands of the occupy movement and in covering it's clear that what they want is a society that is economically just and where there's a quality where people under the law are held to the same standards that banks
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would not get away with debt and get bailed out and people would be told that they have to pay debt they would not get bailed out economic injustice the cozy relationship between big business and the government those are some of the things that they're focusing on one thing is clear that is to many people in the u.s. are unhappy with business as usual in washington but most of them don't take to the streets there in silent protest they support neither of the candidates and say they feel money has more power in washington than their voices i'm going to check on in philadelphia. coming up in a few minutes the purpose as. high but the methods are questioned. if you're a terrorist and if you're smart you wipe a lot before you cross it if you have a dummy you know so good. israel's border control puts many harmless tourists straight back on a plane home but can't fail to spot a terrorist as we report in a few minutes. time now to have
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a look at some other world news and brief and final report into the handling of the nuclear crisis at the fukushima plant last year has been released by japan's parliament finding its claim both the government and plant operator failed to take measures to avoid the disaster a company had said there was nothing it could have done against the huge tsunami wave of criticism and angry protests broke out following the accident which led to all nuclear plants being shut down in the country although recently one reactor has been switched back on. the independent tunisian body tasked with reforming the country's media has resigned commission sided government censorship and this information for halting its activities it was created following me outs are all for president ben ali and has spent the past year drafting a new press code to guarantee freedom of speech and independence of the media was the country where the revolution in the name of democracy was born.
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another huge protest improve has seen one person killed and one of its leaders being detained it comes just a day after three people died in clashes between police and demonstrators peruvians are proposing a multibillion dollar mining project financed by the u.s. based company opponents claim it will harm the area's ecosystem destroy water supplies and fail to bring local economic benefits. tourists may be flocking to the holy land from all over the world but the spiritual journey of some of them comes to an abrupt end at passport control and israeli airport security is being accused of overstepping its authority by demanding access to people's private data and then attempt to prevent terrorists from sneaking into the country artist paul slayer reports they come in the millions to touch the hoody now and many of the frustrated
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a little more than the airport instead of touching the holy land they are brushed by a port security and sent home with them goes a large slice of the country's tourism sandra tamale from illinois in the united states was one of the disappointed i hated my passport over and the woman looked at me and what is your father's name what is your grandfather's name and when i told her she asked. how the waiting room sandra tomar we kept that seat warm for our was in that time she was interrogated seven times and then the question became focused on my e-mail and what i thought of you and your mail account then when i refused to block my g. mail account that's so each so. i was asked very plainly are you a terrorist and i didn't know whether it's. love. israeli airport security was as serious as it could be they didn't believe her story of coming to visit family and
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taking part in an interfaith conference they also knew she'd been involved in campaigns calling for boycotts and disinvestment from israel a day later she was on a plane back to the united states. sandra's experience is not unique there are many more who have suffered in the same way it appears this experience could be merely the tip of the iceberg this is way beyond anything it's like asking you to go back home and open your safe. see what's there they can find your contact list they can find out where where are your plans where you're heading to everything but the think is that if you're a terrorist and if you're smart you wipe your laptop before you cross and you have a dummy account so that no one will ever access your mail but saying let's focus on the beauty of it all but also remember aware of the problem two operators are telling potential tourists what to say. we encourage all of our groups to sure.
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don't. go in only we're through the worst broke but deleting facebook profiles and setting up fake e-mail addresses doesn't touch on legal questions there certainly is no basis in law whatsoever for them to be asking people for their passwords and usernames and entering their g. mail accounts i find it incredibly difficult to believe that they had obtained a warrant for any of these searches. and so i think it would be very difficult to find a basis in israeli law for this kind of search israel strictness follows a series of run ins with international activists in recent years hundreds of propellers sitting in demonstrators was stopped from flying into the country recently as israel tightens its grip on who can and cannot see. in the holy land police here r.t. tel aviv. israel joins us now from the business desk
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a criminal investigation that opens into a failed e.u. bank and a top attention as suspect. the head is now being investigated for fraud misappropriation of funds and for sophistication at spain's banking where he was chairman till it went bust in may the judge is looking into claims he most of node of bank years miss when it launched a flashy i.p.o. last year traders of last three quarters of their investment off to lend the river twenty eleven earnings from a three hundred million euro profit to a four billion euros loss kastrup slow for us is rejected the terms of an e.u. bailout and has turned to russia for money the country's president told the european parliament that russia's loans of cheaper and have less strings attached so brazil is reportedly seeking around ten billion euros vicious spending cuts forced by e.u. bailouts have caused violent protests in greece spain portugal and italy.
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markets now completed its takeover of porsche drive involved in shares of five percent moody's warns it could downgrade barclays bank for its reach rigging disgrace the euro's low against the dollar of the fairly heavy losses yesterday the ruble is losing some of yesterday's gains here in moscow asian investors orange though ahead of the european central bank's meeting today when they could cut interest rates to record lows prices are mixed with brant back above one hundred dollars news that service industries across europe. is triggering demand concerns. the trading mix of this sell off the posting gains on wednesday comes on news company inflows to russia hit five billion dollars last month major movers moody's has raised to b.b. plus with a stable outlook but the banks falling off the first ball to slip. eleven percent and american journey takes on mobile has begun talks to sell its service stations
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to russia several firms are negotiating to boys german group already sold almost a third of its filling stations as it exits markets with fuel doubled its tooling closures luko is favorite to buy it's already has a chain of stations across western europe and europe today we'll have more for you next hour at thankful our look for today and. next up a report on how the rush for cheaper oil and gas in the u.s. is impacting on the environment that's after an update of the headlines with me.
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industry claims the process is perfectly sweet. singes quests that brings nothing but clean power and comfort but the environment knows better and the industry isn't telling the whole story. that goddamn liner's. they're here to. make as much money as they can and get the hot. coals started here before going global and now it's pulling the fire.
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in. the right. place to take your stand. to. make your statement. spread the word coup points to the money. hold it. hold it hold. it. i. could speak. to you.
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i wish i. could bomb it good. luck. just see the monitor in a. little mound of mine i'm a little. world of. science technology innovation all the list i'm elements from around russia we've got the future covered.


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