tv [untitled] July 5, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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wiki leaks strikes again this time by starting to publish over two million e-mails from syrian politicians government departments and companies dating back years. meanwhile violence in syria continues to escalate with dozens more killed we look at why people far from the from mine are now struggling to survive. and greece slams the british prime minister for threats suggesting he could block greek immigrants and other eurozone citizens from entering the u.k. i've been suggests britain should be looking to its own banking scandal before pathing judgment on all those moves from a in london in just a moment. live
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from our studios in central moscow you're watching archie with me and he said now it's good to have you with us six pm here in the russian capital we keep leaks is publishing close to two and a half million e-mails from syrian government officials from as far back as two thousand and six but the leak is almost one hundred times bigger than the release of american diplomatic cables which rocked the u.s. military and leadership and made riki leaks founder julian assange an enemy of the state so our furthur is following developments. there's going to be some very anxious people in the syrian government right now more than two million emails are in wiki leaks possession and they're going to be released in chunks over the coming weeks now the message from julian a song was this isn't about criticizing one group or another wiki leaks saying that
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this isn't only embarrassing for the syrian government but also for the west western companies how they say one thing and do another but yet the message from julian assange really was that this isn't about criticizing one particular clique it's about looking now and a workings about what's going on behind the scenes in this conflict and it's only by understanding this that he says that we can hope to resolve the conflict so that was a sort of message there from the wiki leaks founder of course this is the latest that we've had as he's fighting against the extradition to sweden which joined now by. the founder of the front line and also you actually had julian assange staying in your home state thank you very much for joining us i want to cheer bit about the media's role in this story because obviously you've seen a lot of criticism and backlash actually against julian assad and yet the same people and the same media that were criticizing him and now going to be covering the story for the next couple of weeks is going to be the headline news i think julian has somehow treading. the territory
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a journalist six. and journalism is resentful of that to an extent that's partly what's happening in my view and so you see these comments against these people feel that they have the right to patrol the information and they actually do very little to promote journalism's ethics outside the profession so there's a sort of professional competition going on and i think that it's it's rather unfortunate i think history will be very critical of this because ultimately journalism fails in its task its task is not just to protect itself you can unite to look at julian assange as a bomb villains. the white cat is a robin hood and the press if they want to be balance need to be doing both of these but too often and there's only a token disbursement to fairness and balance and frankly it takes no courage to reinforce public sentiment against a man julian
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a song to running. what he believes to be his life thank you very much for that though certainly it is another big skate for wiki leaks and i think it really puts the focus back on why this fight why julian assange just fight and why the fight for wiki leaks indeed is so important we've spoken a lot of times to kristen have been sent he's described as a second public face and i think really the emphasis is always been on the fact that you know wiki leaks does operate without julian assange and it's not just about these big stories in the big story surrounding the man himself but you know the most important thing is the information that wiki leaks provides and we see once again with the syria files that just what an important service that provides. iraq's foreign minister is blaming al qaeda members for orchestrating the uprising against syria's president in a news briefing he said militants from the terror network were flowing into syria violence across the country has been worsening with over one hundred people killed there in the last three days reports say fighting is intensifying in homes where
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troops are clashing with rebels for this is caught in the middle though it's a daily battle to survive as artie's this account for no reports. the conflict in syria that is now being called a civil war there was more bloodshed and killing in syria today the newest massacre in syria well bullets and body bags may lead to news headlines on syria but death is not the only toll of this war ordinary citizens who haven't picked sides in this conflict now live in daily fear for their lives and now they're also paying dearly with their livelihoods prices for food everything are very highly under growing crisis. if you are too hard now serious currency has lost more than half of its value since the fighting began it used to cost about forty seven syrian pounds to buy one u.s. dollar before the war one hundred pounds for a dollar one year later this inflation unfortunately is only set to get worse with
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the government now printing more cash just to stay afloat now was once a pillar of syria's economy but an embargo has cut revenues for the government by nearly one third now those sanctions may have been aimed at the government but of course it is ordinary syrians who are now paying at the pump four thousand that's about sixty dollars i used to be in for a month but now you need twice as much as i'm going to find i spend hours waiting for and it's not just fuel for cars that's difficult to come by a single tank of cooking gas can now eat up about how for the average syrians monthly paycheck i mean that's huge and with shortages spreading across the country even those supplies are guaranteed. you're reaching through we do have a few we want to lose we want to eat but we have no. this is how we have to live there's no other choice now according to the united nations more than one point four million syrians are already at risk for hunger and those who still have
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access to food are finding that prices are soaring out of their reach now let me show you what i mean when it comes to the average syrian a carton of eggs used to cost about one hundred and ten syrian pounds before the war after the uprising that amount of money is enough for just two eggs now take sugar for example the price of a bath like this has tripled in cost the amount of money one used to spend on it now by about this amount and even stable food like rice i mean this is a really common food in syria probably enough to feed a small family for about a week like this has doubled in cost and when it comes to the arab spring the cost of food and fuel has played a critical role as prices rose so did anger in arab nations the same holds true in syria were simply surviving and making ends meet as now a daily battle in the end the price of bread may prove to be a bigger obstacle to peace than a loaded gun for r t i'm lucy catherine of in moscow. now russia's refuting claims that syria's president might be seeking asylum in the country foreign minister
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sergei lavrov denying the allegations at a news conference with his german counterpart counterpart i should say. is across what's be set. of course the crisis in syria is no laughing matter and yet russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov was asserting that he heard a joke when during his visit to germany about a month ago is german counterparts asked him point blank whether russia is ready to give the political asylum to the syrian president the russian delegation laughed it off saying that yes they are willing to do so but only if berlin is ready to do the same password several weeks later russia finds itself repeatedly repeatedly refuting those claims as saying that no indeed they're not holding the door open for the syrian president he's not packing his bags with one hand and holding a ticket to moscow in the other and again it's a good old house use this opportunity to reach a rate at the viewpoint of russia and that is that the only way out of the syrian
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crisis is for all sides involved in the conflict to sit down for a dialogue and that really is the only way out of the massive violence in syria no matter how lucrative other options or rumors may seem to be. to say grin a cover party live from central moscow thanks for that. that syrian politician an opposition member qadri jamil says all of the latest efforts to consolidate the uprising have failed because they didn't include the full spectrum of syrian opposition and more from him in our interview coming your way later this hour here's a quick preview. for this is we believe the recent conference in cairo was illegitimate for a number of reasons one of the first it did not include the true national opposition and more importantly the popular protest movement who did not attend this meeting secondly the carno conference would have been. convened at the initiative of mr now. secretary general of the arab league but the league itself
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has been compromised acting as a warring party in syrian infighting syrian patriots have lost faith in the arab league's impartiality and we regard it as a western policy tool used against syria without the west has sought to interfere in syria's domestic affairs willing to go as far as a military intervention in order to impose its will upon our country the way they have already done in iraq and libya will show you any efforts to consolidate opposition groups are bound to fail whether it is the istanbul to or any other point was a conference. greece is furious at the british prime minister over his remarks that the u.k. could restrict greeks from entering the country the move could also read other eurozone citizens coming to britain to escape recession at home grace says london should be focusing on its own financial troubles though the store smith explains. there's been speculation about massive waves of immigration from not just greece
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but from other economies that are struggling at the moment david cameron in response to that said that britain could potentially close its doors to immigration from these struggling eurozone countries including greece he was under pressure really to say there was a lot of speculation about these kind of migrant issues and he said if the borders came under unusual stress then the legal position was that britain could take action and close down those borders greece has responded quite a it was the it was the pasok party one of the parties in the leading coalition at the moment that said that david cameron should look to his own house he should keep his own house in order before commenting on these issues the the greeks are referring there to this scandal that's recently broken about barclays bank rigging these interbank lending rates making them seem much more favorable than they were the greeks say that he shouldn't rattle the markets in the euro zone with talk of
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restricting immigration he should in fact look to barclays and the banking sector here in this country and get that in order for before he does the greeks of course already feeling humiliated by the fact that they have to rely on the european bailouts to keep their economy afloat and so of course they reacted very strongly to any comment like that david cameron has to be very careful here because the u.k. is not part of the year is in so any comment he makes of this nature looks like somebody who's just on the outside looking in greece have said that he's talking about policing measures that violate all the principles in the freedoms in the rules essentially of the e.u. and also that comments like this damage the trust is really essential for keeping the euro zone together under these circumstances lord george says david cameron's idea is both offensive and illegal. everybody to be insulted
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because this was. what police did to demagogic statement because the prime minister knows that this quote though there are going to be i don't know what he has said yes remove those people is one of the fundamental rules for the european union it is another the disclosure of the interstate two groups keep it movement of seeds and other european states to dorie gooses that needle for the future of europe but the same time we had a feeling of deep sentiment of national relation exactly because we got through the last leg citizens or second order this is one of the fundamentals of the european union if we do not cut movement of people this is of course going to rule the european union in the time when it's really gaiety is more than ever needed i think that we're going to see a divide between the european insults but this is the future you see the more travel trouble
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a little later for you on our table only trying to check in on israel anything to declare the country's airport security is now factoring through the personal e-mails of those wanting to visit the holy land that's coming up here and i mean. how does the idea of multicultural society. sharing the motherland r.t. .
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can and get the hell out of. life from moscow that wasn't in the band and say with a difference in philadelphia as members of the occupy movement from across the us gathered for a kid demo at least two people were arrested at will following the rally which had a heavy police presence. at the protest against corporate greed inequality and that . the occupy movement together here in philadelphia on the fourth of july was certainly a symbolic move the area is widely known as the cradle of liberty where the necklace and if independence was first read aloud the u.s. constitution was adopted and so far u.s. authorities have a big take occupiers from all of their camping locations all across the country and
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those were largely very peaceful protests more than seven thousand people have been arrested since the beginning of the movement last fall many of those demonstrators were charged and still face trial one of them malcolm harris was arrested in new york the judge demanded twitter to hand over all his wits and user information on the fires took it as a message whatever you say may well be used against you and maybe a scary tactics too many now might be aware of speaking their mind freely online and there's many goals and demands of the occupy movement and in covering it's clear that what they want is a society that is economically just and where there's a quality where people under the law are held to the same standards that banks would not get away with debt and get bailed out and people would be told that they have to pay debt they would not get bailed out economic injustice the cozy
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relationship between big business and the government those are some of the things that they're focusing on one thing is clear and that is too many people in the u.s. are unhappy with business as usual washington but most of them don't take to the streets there in silent protest they support neither of the candidates and say they feel money has more power in washington than their voices i'm going to shut down in philadelphia. a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe trucks supplying nato in afghanistan have crossed the pakistani border the first to do so since transit routes were reopened the killing of pakistani border troops last november led to islamabad shutting them off only when the u.s. finally apologize this week to pakistan real out passage although disagreements over deadly american drone strikes and islamabad alleged taliban support still have their relationship. the pentagon will reportedly invest forty
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million dollars into an underwater cable from the military base in guantanamo bay to an undisclosed link in south florida during his campaign president barack obama promised to close the controversy a facility used to hold terrorist suspects over the last decade many of them without trial over critics of get moes existence say the construction and execution of the project is expected to take several years. japan's released its final report into the fukushima nuclear plant tragedy calling it a profoundly manmade disaster it highlights serious deficiencies both by the government of the company in charge of the facility tepco but the operators as there was nothing you could have done to counter the earthquake or tsunami meltdowns and radiation leaks in march two thousand and eleven. airport security can be a little overzealous at times but in israel it's taking off to a whole new level beyond the scanners pat downs and bag searches guards even asked
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to inspect passengers personal e-mails for any traces of pro palestinian activism as polis there are now reports even a tourist family tree can get them turfed out. they come in their millions to touch the holy land many of the frustrated seeing little more than the airport instead of touching the holy land they are brushed by a port security and sent home with them goes a large slice of the country's tourism sandra tamale from illinois in the united states was one of the disappointed i handed my passport over and the woman looked at me and said what is your father's name what is your grandfather's name and what i told her she asked. have a say in a waiting room sandra tomar we kept that seat warm for eight hours in that time she was interrogated seven times and then the question became focused on my e-mail and
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what i thought of you and your mail account and when i refused to block it my g. mail accounts that's. all be hiding something. i was asked very plainly are you a terrorist and i didn't know whether it's serious for the last israeli airport security was as serious as it could be they didn't believe her story of coming to visit family and taking part in an interfaith conference they also knew she'd been involved in campaigns calling for boycotts and disinvestment from israel. a day later she was on a plane back to the united states. sandra's experience is not unique there are many more who have suffered in the same way it appears this experience could be merely the tip of the iceberg this is way beyond anything it's like asking you to go back home and open your safe. see what's there they can find your contact list they can find of where are your plans where you heading to everything
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but the think is that if you're a terrorist and if you're smart you wipe your laptop before you cross and you have a dummy account so that no one will ever mail it saying let's focus on the beauty of it all but also remember aware of the problem two operators are telling potential tourists what to say. we encourage all of our groups to sure. don't. go in only we're through the worst broke but deleting facebook profiles from setting up fake email addresses doesn't touch on legal questions there certainly is no basis in law whatsoever for them to be asking people for their passwords and usernames and entering their g. mail accounts i find it incredibly difficult to believe that they had obtained a warrant for any of these searches. and so i think it would be very difficult to
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find a basis in israeli law for this kind of search israel strictness follows a series of run ins with international activists in recent years hundreds of propellers sitting in demonstrators was stopped from flying into the country recently as israel tightens its grip on who can and cannot step foot in the holy land police here r.t. tel aviv. there's real security forces are hit by human rights abuse scandal we report online for you israeli soldiers are calling pushing a nine year old palestinian boy to the ground before kicking him get the full story on our website. and most of the war of words in ukraine where a wall to recognize russian as an official language of some regions sparked protests and clashes in kiev. business is next here in argentina joins us from the dust and what's the sentiment on the equity markets following the e.c.b. rate cut well the sentiment actually turned sour after the european equity markets
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following the press conference by e.c.v. chairman mario draghi he said the downside risks to the euro zone are still pretty high his comments came after the e.c.b. interest rate cut by twenty five basis points to the lowest level of zero point seven five percent the move comes amid signs that even the strongest economy germany has had a downturn charles robertson from our nation's capital in london told us the e.c.b. move is a long overdue. it's not going to make much difference it's a psychological boost to for anything but the markets of pretty well priced in a twenty five basis point rate cut now. i would have thought they should have cut already last month and then forward it with another cut this month. ok and now let's take a quick look at how the european equity markets are reacting we're seeing the actual numbers and the footsie on the docks of both trading in the red this hour the footsie has slipped into red this by the fact that the bank of england pumped
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in the fifty billion pounds to kick start the economy the dax is a losing more than half a percent and onto the currency market the lower actually no let's move stay with the euro zone spain is investigating a failed spanish lender bunky and its former chairman he suspected of altering the balance sheets and hiding the financial mess ahead of the bank's i.p.o. late last year creators of lost three quarters of their money after the bank revised twenty eleven earnings from aig three hundred million you profit to a four billion euro a loss and cash strapped purse has rejected the terms of the e.u. bailout and has turned to russia for money the country's president told the european parliament that russia's loans are cheaper and have less strings attached cyprus reportedly needs around ten billion euro deep spending cuts forced by e.u. bailouts have caused by allowing protests in greece spain portugal and italy
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and let's now check out the equity markets in the united states wall street has started its fourth of july trading session with the losses and that's despite moderately beat in employment data the r.t.s. here in russia let's check out to the russian figures there they are. actually we're looking at the currency market what we're seeing there is that the euro is shedding value against the u.s. dollar and the russian currency the ruble is actually losing to the u.s. dollar and gaining to the euro and moving on to. wall street that started its trade a little less than an hour ago and what we're seeing in the. fourth of july trading session is that we're actually looking at the russian markets there let's bring here they are here we're looking out to the dow jones which is
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a shedding more than half a percent and the nasdaq that's losing around half a percent in the first hour of trade and now on to. crude crude it is actually trading mixed at this hour and what we're seeing is that brant is above one hundred dollars it's it's been trading actually in the positive territory most of today and mainly thanks to norway's oil output that could be sharply cut after back to world called for a walkout in a bid to and a strike on its twelfth day and that's the latest from the business desk i'll be back in about fifteen minutes i'll see them all right thanks that natasha see you next hour if some headlines are coming your way here on r t f two disparate stay with us.
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