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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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as the violence in syria drags on wiki leaks steps into the debate the whistle blowing web site is releasing more than two million e-mails many of them from accounts of these syrian officials what's in the cache of documents are key is digging into them next. and celebrating independence day by protesting against social and economic injustices in the u.s. we'll take you to philadelphia where the occupy movement celebrated fourth of july in the streets demanding change wastewater direction fracking is going to earthquakes and property damage and the u.s. geological survey laying waste water wells from fracking to earthquakes shake rattle and roll could fracking because of the earth to move in california some
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believe the controversial hydraulic fracturing is not only bad for the environment it's also dangerous we explore just ahead. it's thursday july fifth four pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching r t well the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks shaking things up again the web site has started a serial files section they began publishing what they say are over two million e-mails from the syrian government rebels and companies they do business with that do business with syria so far they released dozens of files and they plan to keep releasing them over the next two months and at the site's founder julian assange says he hopes the documents could show shed light on what's really going on inside the country a country that has been ravaged by a brutal civil war that has left fifteen thousand people dead since the conflict
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started over a year ago now to talk more about the syrian files and. the impact these documents could have as john radek she is the director of the national security and human rights and government accountability project welcome jazz latin so a songe says that these documents are embarrassing for the syrian regime but also embarrassing for the west i think that's accurate i mean from what we've seen so far and again we're talking about two point five million documents that span the time period of six years but from what we've seen so far it really reveals the west and western companies how they see one thing and do another for example we the u.s. in europe have been severely sent shinning syria and yet now we're finding out from the latest cache of emails that western companies have been assisting their syrian
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government in building your radio network you know and i think that we do have we have one of those emails it's between. the tele and company it's called finmeccanica between their employees and syria selling communications hardware to the country here it is it says dear rami due to the current situation and changes you had to make please disregard the original request and let us do i think that's what's to be one request at a time this is going to police warehouse contact mohammad omar left the company it says please ship the following and there you can see an order for dozens of communications equipment so seems like there is a conflict of interest going on at the minimum conflict of interest and at best it's a blatant hypocrisy. and at worst i mean they're accusing asuncion money. and
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look what they're doing there is this thing of foreign government attempting to benefit. a foreign nation that we're supposedly trying to sanction at the same time and i find all of this is very interesting because it shows number one that weeki leak we like the leaks is alive and well despite the best efforts of so many countries to shut it down and number two that as much as the mainstream media wants to distance itself from wiki leaks the syria files are the front page of every major newspaper in the world right now seems a little bit ironic they're also wanted to point out that the u.s. is not clean and that's not all that american based it's called up first reserve corp apparently they own forty five percent of this come out of unsold zero energy and that is subsidiary of mechanica this company that has directly been dealing with the syrian government so it shows that the u.s.
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is not exactly you know they don't have clean hands in this i mean they've been working with the italian company you're exactly right and it really points to the hypocrisy and why this is definitely in the public interest to know what these governments are doing syria under the assad regime during which gives e-mails were written you know experienced an uprising and then a violent brutal repression as you point out and meanwhile this organization we have julian songe in limbo in the ecuadorian embassy in london and then we have a grand jury on wiki leaks and supposedly a grand jury and maybe a sealed indictment on a song and meanwhile money is being choked off from the organization yet still you can see how important information like this is and now with the release of this information will be its own will it's only just the beginning of it just doesn't have come out they're saying over two million. how could the release of these
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documents potentially affect what's happening in syria i mean it's a. but that's been dragging on for over a year now thousands of people have died how could it be as documents the release of them affect the situation there or can they i think they can i mean i think the more sunlight we can bring to this the better and having more information and transparency out there can stop us from from slapping them down with one hand and feeding them and helping helping urge the government to herd of some people with the other hand so i think more transparency is better and it can actually call people out for what they're saying out of one side of their mouth and doing and speaking of transparency i mean this is something that wiki leaks julian assange has said that he is trying to encourage the kind of lift this veil of secrecy and and you know that is something that these documents do reveal is the truth this is
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these are actual communications between you know top level government people and companies and they do reveal the truth of what really is going on. and you know he has criticized a lot and condemned but in the ad doesn't that the role of the media to expose the truth well that's supposed to be the media role the media is supposed to be the government's a watchdog and not a slap dog and that is supposed to be the role of the so-called fourth state in media. and here it's functioning as supposed to do evidenced by the fact that all these newspapers are rip reprinting exactly what wiki leaks did yet still the u.s. wants to go after. and wiki leaks using the espionage act and that would create a horrible press the war for going after journalists in the u.s. under the espionage act in the newspaper or publishing or or reporter that reprints
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anything from these wiki leaks documents so i think the media needs to make. decision the mainstream media about whether or not we queue leaks is valuable to them and all of that and says yes of it seems to be the i.v. and evidence because we can only imagine as these leaks continue to come out that there's going to be no choice but to report on on these leaks look if these leaks were meaningless fluff or not in the public interest and knowing cared no one would report on them and they would see julian assange djoser crackpot and no one would pay any attention to it the fact that they're being reported on inherently shows their worth and i mean as you had mentioned before i mean this shows that there is this unprecedented crackdown is seems that recently on whistleblowers in the u.s. being as still waiting to be on his asylum bed over in the ecuadorian embassy but it seems like he is still making an m.
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pact even despite all of this legal turmoil and all this pressure amazingly yes i mean despite the fact that credit card companies of chilled doll financial support to wiki leaks and that he is holed up in the embassy and basically can't leave and is waiting for ecuador to make a decision and despite a grand jury or multiple grand juries being out on him this organization is continuing to function which is a testament to the strength of the truth and a songes assertion that information wants to get out there and will and it's a testament to the viability of wiki leaks as an organization especially at this time absolutely and we're going to be keeping a close eye on this story especially as more of these leaks continue to come out devlin great to have you on the show as always that was just one radek director of the national security and human rights and government accountability project. and
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while many were celebrating the fourth of july in this country with barbecues and drinks others were protesting the occupy wall street movement converged in philadelphia over the last five days for what they called the national gathering at the heart of the birth of the freedom in the u.s. their goal was to create a vision and plan for where to take the movement and the future our r.t. correspondent abbie martin joins us now live in the studio she has been there on top of it in philadelphia where it has been a scorching hot fourth of july yes indeed it was about one hundred plus degrees very intense heat kind of put a damper on just my energy level above all understandable but you know it was great to see people out there from all walks of life just in the intense heat despite the they were out there really giving it their all so it was it was interesting to see that and so also what was what was the message that they were trying to get out
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well from what i gathered from talking to a bunch of the people there after the crackdowns nationalized crackdowns sorry federalize cartoons late last year a lot of people said occupies dead it's over and i think what they were doing was really strategizing and galvanizing for of a vision that they can bring the movement to its next phase whatever that phase will be but over the course of five days you saw workshops speakers just a lot of communication and dialogue about what exactly it's all about. one gentleman michael levin ten who's the founder of the occupied wall street journal it was even distributed among zuccotti when it first started and he told me you know this movement never was really about a campaign that was more a symbol to try to get the attention from the establishment to really pay attention to the message and it really did shift the dialogue in this nation and he said now you know the battle is in the big isn't about between the. occupiers and the police
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and that's where they really need to shift it toward what is their movement really about and how are they going to strategize to get there and speaking of the police i mean what we've seen throughout these protest is a really harsh crackdown by police you know we've seen images of baton and pepper spray but was there any police resistance this time around before we got there on saturday that some of the occupiers tried to put up a tent in franklin square park and there is a strict curfew at night and so the police were there in full force the heads were cracked open and there was an arrest after that though it was pretty peaceful as i did not see any sort of resistance any sort of police clashing until the very end of the eve of independence day when there was this giant march about four hundred people marched to love park was there and destination and there was actually a homicide that happened there earlier so the police closed off the whole park and
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so it was really a tense situation where you know these hundreds of protesters were going to there and as a nation and seen i mean hundreds of police with their billy clubs out police on horseback police on bicycles and when when that came together definitely of a lot of tension definitely a lot of shouting a lot of antagonism but then also of a lot of just force from the police where i saw occupiers getting a police bike smashing up against them on the fence and one gentleman was arrested simply for holding a sign and trying to walk over around where they were allowing other people to walk but for some reason because he had a sign they said he couldn't walk there it was confusing but he ended up being arrested so there were a couple of arrests last night. and would you say at any point that sometimes on the other side. there are reports that they are being provoked or are they there provoking the police did you see any instances of that. no i didn't all i did see
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was just people chanting you know why are billy clubs out were peaceful were peaceful please put them away and it did seem for a moment that things were really going to get intense but you know it was likely a domestically and a that but i did not see any provocation coming from the occupiers but i mean above all i think what this whole national gathering was about it was the first national gathering since this whole movement started where local chapters were able to come together for the first time and what they mostly wanted to do was a direct democracy action where they could really go into smaller groups start off explain what their vision what they wanted their vision to be for the movement which never has really been done before and at the end of the day they actually did have a document of kind of grievances and a vision outlined in type for the first time in the movement so that really was the goal that they wanted to accomplish and i think that they did so it seems like
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there's a little bit more organization going on. which you see i mean it during the winter months there was a little bit of a low kind of came to a standstill would you say that this could be the beginning of a revival of the movement you know those only time will tell it was really interesting to see them kind of step back and say this isn't working the strategy of these encampments in perpetuity i mean that that's not going to work in the face of such a military police force nationwide so i think just seen them take it upon themselves to really step back and cordon it with each other totally independently from any sort of top down structure of a lot of different organizations and groups or activism so i think the tools that they're going to implement i mean only time will tell what how they're going to implement this vision or strategy but i think this is definitely the first step. we shall see right abbie able thank you so much for staying on top of this story and braving the heat for these past few days that was our correspondent abbie mar and.
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well california as one of the largest oil and gas producing states in the u.s. and as the golden state cashes in on the boom the oil and gas industry is increasingly using the controversial practice of fracking last year about a quarter of all the oil and gas wells and drilled in california where for act with no regulation and place companies are rushing to dig some more california is prone to have droughts and earthquakes leaving residents worried about how fracking cut a fact their water supply and the potential for an earth shaking disaster artie's are among the land of reports from california. southern california is known for its pristine coastline but just a few miles away from this sandy paradise lies a one thousand acre oil field right in the middle of los angeles and i didn't buy
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here thinking this was going to happen in my backyard and i would have had second thoughts knowing if this was going to happen even live here gary glass and his neighbors are seeing their dream home school right before their eyes and they blame the increase production at the oil fields next door following recent methane leaks residents found out that drilling picked up and that the exploration company is actually using fracking to extract the oil back is happening completely unregulated in the state of california oil and gas companies do not have to say where they fracking or what have the six hundred toxic chemicals they're injecting into water possibly close to your drinking water fracking or hydraulic fracturing is the process of pumping high pressure water chemicals and solids into the ground to fracture the rock and extract fuel that would otherwise be unavailable the company which operates the largest urban oil field in america is conducting its own study
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as to what sort of effect fracking will have on this neighborhood. but neighbors here are worried that they'll never find out the true answers about what's really happening underneath their homes race water injection from fracking is linked to earthquakes and property damage and the u.s. geological survey linked waste water wells from fracking to earthquakes the concern over seismic activity is especially high in the los angeles area because of the oil fields proximity to an active fault which has a potential of a magnitude seven point bore earthquake many places where you have a lot of water being injected into a broken rock it tends to move either on the surface or at them that movement experts say could pose a danger to an area all too familiar with disaster in one thousand nine hundred sixty three the baldwin hills reservoir collapsed killing five people and destroying sixty homes geologists concluded that decades of extraction in the
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neighboring oil field led to the rupture the foundation i don't know what's going on on the my house i don't want to if we do we're going to have quite i'm sure with all these cracks is just going to probably just rip it all open and the state couldn't afford any type of damage and and not just what the. earthquakes but the millions of gallons of our drinking water that they'll be contaminating and putting into the ground the oil and gas industry has launched a public relations campaign claiming fracking is safe since it has been happening for decades but. you're right. it's not going to see. what the industry has also launched an offensive to confront regulation and criticism these fossil fuel giants influence policy enormously they spent seven hundred forty seven million dollars lobbying congress to get the same drinking water act exemption that is
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a contamination of our democracy the efforts of big oil and gas. boldin. movement here on the west coast. back to. los angeles. or to. you know how to talk more about the consequences and the future of fracking joining me now is jennifer creil executive director for welcome jennifer so as we just saw fracking is pretty much unregulated and california but with so many health and environmental concerns associated with the practice how is that able to happen. cracked the practice of hydraulic fracturing. oil and gas industry and united states is exempt from seven of our bedrock environmental laws including the safe drinking water act the clean air act much of the clean much of the clean air act the clean water act our superfund law the list goes on and on and as
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a result much of the practice of drug fracturing is indeed unregulated or severely underestimated in the united states. you know credit fracking critics blame the practice for being able to cause earthquakes and i mean can a manmade practice really do this and if so what's the evidence to back that up. well the u.s. geological survey says that manmade fracking or more specifically the practice of rejecting the waste from fracking after the product after practice has occurred is indeed leads to earthquakes in fact just yesterday residents of the state of arkansas launched the first ever class action lawsuit against an oil and gas industry operator for earthquakes up to four point seven on the richter scale in arkansas a state that is not known for having a history of earthquakes. and i guess the oil and gas lobby
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there are a very very powerful lobby can you talk about how that affects you know policy when it comes to that to drilling and you know when it comes to fracking. well it's true they're willing gas lobby is extremely powerful we are part of a coalition known as the dirty energy money coalition that's working to remove the subsidies that the oil and gas industry gets from the u.s. government and also shed some light on the influence that it will and gas industry with our u.s. political system the campaign contributions that the industry makes as a direct impact on the favorable laws and regulations and we think those in order to address this problem and protect public health and the environment from fracking in the oil and gas industry we need to shut up that spigot corporate campaign contributions and prevent it district from getting the favorable treatment
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that it currently guess from the federal government i mean it seems the reality is now that this is increasingly becoming more used to practice the state of north carolina just voted to allow fracking and the state so i mean can we only expect that to to expand. grantley there are thirty four oil and gas producing states in the us we have about eight hundred thirty thousand boyland gas wells and today nine out of ten natural gas wells that is drilled in the u.s. is tracked so you know practice is certainly expanding and expanding at the expense of the environment our drinking water and public health because the industries exam from these regulations they don't have to necessarily worry about the consequences of contamination in the waterways or in the case of arkansas or or california as
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you just featured earthquakes potentially now a lot of the dangers of fracking were brought to light by josh fox a documentary it's called gas land and there was this scene that had that that kind of made its mark this know where the scene where he lights the water on fire and one of these communities where fracking goes on. now there is a rebuttal to this there's a documentary out now called truth land i did want to take a second to play a clip of it ok i got. the leaderboard started. you said so you. know. what it is. not relevant there was a point of your home movie just i was really glad to be going home and even more happy to be bringing good news the real truth about gas land the truth is that gas land is mostly how they are sure well and gas companies can do better but the
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people i talked to they said they actually are working hard and getting better every day. so jennifer what do you make of this proponents of fracking say that this movie has excuse me the documentary the film was over exaggerated and failed it with factual errors. well i would say if you are one of the people in america who has natural gas well in your backyard and your water can be lit on fire as a result of. contamination by fracking there and you're one of the people who really needs this industry to do better and that's exactly the point of gas land and that's exactly the point of all of our advocacy efforts we've joined in partnership with josh fox and over one hundred other organizations to rally on july
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twenty eighth in washington d.c. to demand that the industry does better and that the central government take action to stop the frack attack that's the title of our rally july twenty eighth in washington d.c. and it will be the first ever national action against the most destructive practices of the oil and gas industry hydraulic fracturing. we don't really have too much time but quickly just you know proponents say that fracking if it's done correctly as a sustainable and a safe way to extract energy from from our land it also encourages us to be energy independent if it's done correctly do you think that it is a feasible way and it could be a good thing if it's done correctly. that phrase if it's done correctly is a is a big if for the communities who live with this industry right now we know that it is not proven to be done correctly across america and that's why citizens who live
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with the oil and gas industry are rising up to demand change we're going to have to leave it off at their about jennifer thank you so much for weighing and that was jennifer crowley executive director for earthworks. i think coming up next on our tease the capital account with lauren lister let's check in with lauren to see what's on today's agenda lauren what you working on over their lives we have a central bank bonanza for you today that is the big cut rates to a record low the bank of england said yes to more quantitative easing china had a surprise rate cut the danish central bank has gone into negative territory with negative interest rates we're going to talk about no matter how much money you print it can't create wealth liz i'll tell you why in about three minutes right that's coming up next thanks for that update lauren but that's going to do it for the news for more on the stories we covered you can check out our you tube channel it's youtube dot com slash r t america you can also check out our website it's r t v dot com slash usa follow me on twitter at liz wall we'll be right back here in
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a half hour. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom parker is a big. news today once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. showing corporations rule today.
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