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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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there are. a total of his disciples gleaned from months ago but as you can hear. up from here questions both in syria. shelling and shooting in the syrian city of homes that death toll continues to rise brings an exclusive report from the heart of the uprising. meanwhile wiki leaks promises to shed new light on the syrian conflict as the group begins to release millions of emails claiming the material is damning not only for damascus but also the west. and washington plans to invest millions to upgrade the notorious guantanamo bay the move suggesting the shutdown of the detention facility once promised by a rock obama is still a far cry. thank
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you for joining our team with me karen tara shelling continues in the syrian city of homes as a u.n. monitor at mit's the violence in the country has reached unprecedented levels more than one hundred people have been killed in over the last three days our correspondent riffing off not heard heavy artillery herself as she toured the war torn neighborhoods of homes. but. this part of honey so maybe back on the syrian army control but their patrols never stop soldiers are searching house to house they're looking for terrorists or snipers but that's not what they usually find. some people in their homes became the grace to in this room look human bones or at least one person. who seems to have been burnt to
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death. and the next house we find three more charred skulls. activists claim up to eight hundred thousand people have been killed since the uprising began sixteen. you honest amazing around ten pounds we have no way of telling if these remains or others like them were even counted at. baba amr used to be home to one hundred thousand people now we're driving through ghost area people have left military almost the only human beings left in this area this is you can see behind me this is a cemetery almost untouched actually while the rest of the city looks completely like the cemetery buildings schools mosques all in ruins and no sign of life while many signs of this is one of the tallest buildings in the area and we can see from this balcony two completely different pictures two completely different realities
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look they're beautiful picturesque peaceful city while over there well we can see war homes the opposition hotbed has always been at the heart of the uprising against president assad. is a bad joke bomb right if you could have been be a percent of the questions between the rebels and the army since it's been shelled heavily now so you can see it's quiet here but just steps away just meters away another district sometimes and this is where the things are happening right now it's standing behind these razed strange rice quite safe but from time to time missiles reach this area to this is why would hurry up but as brian other homes the district as you can see also most completely destroyed everything shops building schools even mosques we were told that this district was cleaned from turkey months ago but as you can hear not far from here questions still continue so we were actually told not to go any further i just simply dangerous.
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soldiers come to our location they tell us the rebels woke up so when the. just a fifteen minute drive takes us to get another image of homs the people here aren't packing their bags at least the raw people here syria. is very good and it's very soon if you will overcome it and it's. talking to this man at a cafe on the street full of people it's easy to forget this truck tonight just a few blocks away. regional r.t. homs syria. meanwhile iraq's foreign minister house confirmed all kind of militants are flowing into syria to stage terrorist attacks earlier this year an al qaeda leader called on muslims to support the syrian rebels but a commentator and historian gerald horne says western powers are playing with fire
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when supporting the opposition what iraqi foreign minister search another come as a surprise to anybody saying essentially you know we can hey gershman secretary announced a few weeks ago that al qaeda was involved in syria we all know that going to be one nine hundred eighty s. when the united states was involved in trying to disrupt afghanistan that they're on a stage collaborated with al qaida and bin laden himself this ragtag bunch that's called the free syrian army is not going to be able to dislodge one of the most powerful militaries in the region the turkish planes that interfere in syrian airspace just a few days ago came to realize that the silk syrian military has nothing to claim with so i think that diplomacy is the only way i'll let us hope that the north atlantic powers that we lurch from the libyan experience we know that they drop tons of weapons in libya in order to dislodge the regime of mr gadhafi under the
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guise of humanitarian intervention. wiki leaks has started publishing the so-called syrian files millions of emails that the group warns will expose the west's hypocrisy in dealing with damascus the whole data said to be released over the next few months is almost one hundred times bigger than previously u.s. diplomatic cables the first batch of the emails to show how an italian government controlled company was selling the syrian authorities sophisticated communication encryption systems the dealings appeared to take place as recently as february when the syrian on ras was nearing a year and the e.u. openly blamed damascus for the clutch at parties are further has more from london. because going very anxious people in the syrian government right now more than two million emails are in wiki leaks possession and they're going to be released in chunks over the coming weeks now the message from julian assange was this isn't
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about criticizing one group or another wiki leaks saying that this isn't only embarrassing for the syrian government but also for the west western companies how they say one thing and do another but yet the message from julian assange really was that this isn't about criticizing one particular group it's about looking now in a workings about what's going on behind the scenes in this conflict and it's only by understanding this that he says that we can hope to resolve the conflict so that was the sort of message there from the wiki leaks founder of course this is the latest that we've had as he's fighting against the extradition to sweden we're joined now by. the founder of the front line and also you actually had julian assange staying in your home thank you very much for joining us i want to get about the media's role in this story because obviously you've seen a lot of criticism and backlash against julian assange and yet these same people and the same media that were criticizing him and now going to be covering this
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story for the next couple of weeks is going to be the headline you think. union has somehow trodden on a territory a journey six journalism's territory and journalism is resentful of that to an extent that's partly what's happening in my view and so you see these are the shrill comments against you that these people feel that they have the right to patrol the information and they actually do very little to promote journalism's ethics outside the profession so there's a sort of professional competition going on and i think that it's it's rather unfortunate i think history will be very critical of this because ultimately journalism fails in its task it starts is not just to protect itself it you can either look united look at julian assange as a bond villain with a white cat or as a robin hood and the press if they if they want to be balance need to be doing both of these but too often and there's only a token disbursements to fairness and balance and frankly it takes no courage
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to reinforce public sentiment against a man julian assange to who's running for what he believes to be his life partner sour for a talked to smith from the independent news source of the frontline club and the fact that the syrian files are making headlines despite all the criticism. leaks have faced prove the group significance says jessel erratic national security and human rights director at the government accountability project. if these leaks were meaningless fluff or not in the public interest in knowing cared no one would report on them and they would see julian assange djoser crackpot and no one would pay any attention to it the fact that they're being reported on inherently shows their worth despite the fact that credit card companies that choked off financial support to wiki leaks and that he is holed up in the embassy this organization is
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continuing to function which is a testament to the by weekly leaks as an organization especially at this time and i find all of this very interesting because it shows number one the leagues is alive and well despite the best efforts of so many countries to shut it down and number two that as much as the mainstream media wants to distance itself from wiki leaks the syria files are the front page of every major newspaper in the world right now don't forget the wiki leaks out or julian assange has been hosting his own interview program right here on r t all eleven additions of which are always available at. www dot com. there hasn't been a thing yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. the full source material is what helps keep journalism honest we.
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we want to present. something else. hold it hold it. hold it hold. it hold. her mum i. could speak. to. her. and i. wish i. liked. being promiscuous good. luck. just see the money going i'm
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a. little mouse by no means a little. too much or is that so much given to you to be an issue of mine mark let me speak arab spring finally coming to sudan as the protest movement grows the regime of al bashir appears to have limited options what they can chew. thank you for joining our team at twelve minutes past the hour the pentagon will
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reportedly pour a major psalm into a new infrastructure for its military base at guantanamo bay the u.s. government repeatedly pledged to put an end to the controversial detention facility that's based at the site and used to hold terror suspects archie's going to church you can is here with more. forty million dollars will be spent to lay out this underwater fiber optic cable from south florida to cuba where the guantanamo bay prison camp is located the base commander said it only makes sense if we're going to be here for any period of time an infrastructure project like that may well suggest that the u.s. military's preparing for detentions and other operations at the guantanamo base for the long term when president obama was first running for office he pledged to shut down guantanamo in very strong terms in two thousand and ninety even signed an executive order to close it but not only did not shut it down but the u.s. is obviously renovating guantanamo in this case by improving communications and the
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argument is you don't make such an investment to pick up and leave guantanamo has made a black hole in america's human rights record indefinite detention torture around eight hundred people went through the camp within the last decade of america's war on terror the majority of them had nothing to do with nine eleven that's according to a former chief prosecutor guantanamo now the prison house is one hundred sixty nine detainees the government says eighty nine aren't those threats but president obama and congress have blocked their release as for the rest some of them have a shot at a military hearing but forty six don't have that chance because the government says they can't be tried for one reason or another the u.s. supreme court keeps refusing to take up one tunnel detainee's petitions what has been striking to me was that the u.s. prides itself on the rule of law and human rights but at the same time has denied you legal process to these detainees practice for sure and not just think one possible but in secret prisons around the world human rights organizations have issued reports on all kinds of violations but to the u.s.
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it's been like water off a duck's back he was a lawyer an attorney eric montreal vo who's represented some of the detainees at guantanamo believes the american leadership is only failing to practice what it preaches. it's you're saying one thing and doing the complete opposite on one hand you know we're closing the base but on the other hand we're crafting water state of the art you know penal institutions in the united states there's a big disconnect between the justice department between homeland security between the president and states and our foreign policy and i think we need to evaluate you know why we're spending millions upon millions of dollars on something that should not even be there in the first place later this hour we speak with british lawyer and university professor philip sands who says legal advisers practically gave the leadership unlimited power to do anything they wanted. the number of the lawyers involved very senior love had no real background in the subject of international
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law and the protection of the right to the individual and were very ideological in their approach basically they saw their function as a lawyer not as b. to give independent legal advice but to give the president the tools to do what he want to do that's not the function of a lawyer in any society in any democratic society. greases faris out the british prime minister over his remarks the u.k. could restrict a greek from entering the country and move could also prevent other eurozone citizens coming to britain to escape or session at home great campi ever calmly believes david cameron striking a populous no just to try to keep a hold of his party. cameron's losing his party. the democratic party's going really better so maybe it's like a populism or trying to say something to use these kinds of statements to increase
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he's popularity are less likely to leave the country so nothing like that's going to be a problem and greeks in every county they moved to they would grant them against want of said leo anywhere else they just created jobs and work really hard their way there so they wouldn't create a problem haven if that would be the case it's against all the rules of the european union saying something like that while we're trying to get us out of these crises i don't think it's good it was just pointless for me. all right if you happen to be online here are some of the other stories worth checking out on our web site r t dot com the fukushima power plant disaster may have been triggered by a tsunami but japan says it was human error that led to the disaster unfolding and . a major highway was closed off in the u.k. for several hours as police responded to reports of a terror suspect on a bus with
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a power escaping from his bags because of the alert electronic cigarette read all the details online at r t dot com. how does the idea of multicultural society. sharing the motherland.
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destry. is. saying it's christ's brings nothing. and the industry isn't telling the whole. tory. to build
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a new. fortunately. mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans and. this is why you should care only. twenty minutes past the hour thank you for joining us it's time now take a look at other news from around the world riot police clashed with protesters in la paz bolivia as they tried to clear an catmint outside the presidential palace officers fired tear gas and water cannon to force people out as they were pelted with rocks opposed to planned construction of a highway through a nature reserve demonstrators walk toward two months from their villages to the capital to reject the plan. nato supply trucks are in pakistan crossing the border into afghanistan it's the first convoy to do so since the route was reopened
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earlier this week shut down the roadway last november following a u.s. airstrike that killed twenty four pakistani troops thousands protested the roots revival after u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton apologized for the incident a few days ago deadly american drone strikes and pakistan's alleged taliban support continue to strain relations between the two sides. an issue one seen as the picture of poverty is now a hotspot for small business with a growing middle class people are coming from all over the world to find the brazilian dream artes you go to school not explains. violence and poverty just some of the images that come to mind when thinking about brazil but in reality these stereotypes are much more dated then you might expect and friendship lives in rio only five years ago he and his partner were selling homemade bread on a bicycle and now with two popular cafes in rio and thirty six employees these two
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former school teachers but old are we to success to be boring about teaching. and then we try to do something else towards making this a french. bread for me it's very difficult to get stories like this are becoming common in brazil especially in rio and san paulo in the last decade small private businesses have mushroomed all around since two thousand and three brazil's middle class grew by over thirty five million people starting from the also earn over eleven hundred dollars per month in rio the poor districts or favelas are now called community since every year more of their residents become middle class people are earning borrowing and are definitely spending more cash things are certainly on the up but of course there's still a long way to go when it comes to things like closing the gap between rich and poor
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and bureaucracy if you are entering into a market in brazil your chances of success are huge go for it be prepared to fight in every stage of setting up and running your business. there is an expression that it's called the brazilian cost but maybe it's not as bad as it sounds the bureaucracy yet to be we know station man but that the ending to it for brazil's economy is now the sixth largest in the world bypassing the u.k. and still growing more people are coming here from braun to make their living not only from other side. american countries but from europe also even now from north america to trade their chances of fulfilling was increasingly the brazilian dream you got or d. rio de janeiro. dale joins us now with the business senate seems like relations between b.p. and its a lucrative russian arm are getting worse yes the british firm hasn't even sold its
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stake yet but b.p. has already replaced it in talks to extend the joy of north stream pipeline but only goes problem has dumped b.p. and is now in negotiations with t a k p p for it to join the world's biggest underwater gas route b.p. put its fifty percent stake up for sale last month blaming a breakdown in relations with its russian partners check the markets the euro is trading flat against the greenback of this hour on thursday the ruble was weaker against the dollar but stronger against european currency here in moscow the session will kick off in less than two hours time the russian markets followed most of europe yesterday to end on a negative note this point you saying actions on iran going into effect this month and one a tree easing crude prices are falling there's also a bearish impact on the supply side with saudi arabia reportedly raising production to compensate asian stocks of falling for the second day as interest rate cuts in
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europe fail to reassure investors exporters are taking the biggest hit can and which gets a third of it in europe is two percent in the red neither do investors believe that china's easing monetary policy can help shore up its economy china's central bank has its interest rates for the second time in two months lending rates were cut from six point three to six percent deposit rates were lowered to china's economy was growing at an annual rate of about eight percent in the first quarter that's the slowest pace in three years low rates are hooked to the mystic demand and arrest the slowing economy and europe today we'll have more for you next hour all right thanks a lot for that update danielle. stay with us after this short break i'll update you on the headlines.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of kenya that. giant corporations are all today.
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pool started here. for going to local and now pulling the fire. log in. to. choose your place take your stand. to. make your statement. spread the word. coupon stream flowing. gold gold. gold gold gold. i love the to.
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speak. her. her. her. mum is good for her her just see. how little my. little. oil industry claims in the process is perfectly sweet. seems. that it brings nothing. but.
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the environment knows better. and the industry isn't telling the whole story. to. the end.


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