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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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try going without power for more than a week in one hundred degree heat this is not happening in some third world country or right here in d.c. after a summer storm so as the u.s. infrastructure crumbles at home where billions of your tax dollars paying for infrastructure upgrades over seats they both have libertarian streak and other teaming up to protect the internet to tell you about rand and wrong paul's manifesto and what it means for the world wide web. fallout from the wiki leaks release of e-mails from syrian officials and what's in them and for the first time we're hearing from the founder of wiki leaks julian a song on why the document dump was needed.
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it's friday july sixth four pm in washington d.c. i'm abbie martin and you're watching our t.v. . now everyone's heard about the storm that hit here last friday with heavy rain and high winds knocking out power for over two and a half million people across the mid atlantic my question is why are thousands of people still left without power a week later it's just a storm guys not like it was a hurricane or tornado pepco as president said a statement that they're working quote full force and around the clock until every customer is restored i mean come on let's call a spade a spade here this is an enormous failure of infrastructure and what does it say the infrastructure is so poor in our nation's capital that canada has to come help us whenever there's heavy rain and wind let's take a look at some of the damage what in power poles are no match for seventy mile per hour winds and falling trees and the u.s. government is spending so much money to rebuild iraq so why is it short changing
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this country it's already spent sixty billion dollars on iraqi infrastructure just from two thousand and three to two thousand and six well a lot of people say it's hot in iraq over one hundred degrees pretty much all summer long well guess what it's so well during a hot here in d.c. to an expected to be one hundred three to one hundred six degrees all weekend so why not invest in making sure the city can handle a little storm because the government really care more about iraq ease than it does its own citizens that are spending tons of money to destroy and rebuild other countries why not spend the much needed cash to ensure that our power grid can handle one storm and speaking of excessive spending in the war on terror remember one tunnel bay you know that site that obama promised to close four years ago while it doesn't look like that will be happening anytime soon are to correspondent liz wahl has the story. now forty million dollars will be spent on a communication upgrade at guantanamo bay now this is the largest known
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infrastructure project for the base at least that we know of the plan is to lay out this underwater fiber optic cable from south florida to cuba where the base is located apparently satellite connection isn't good enough for guantanamo they want an underwater cable the base commander reportedly said quote it only makes sense if we're going to be here for any period of time now when infrastructure projects like that may well suggest the u.s. military is preparing to stay at guantanamo base for the long term and this is contrary to a campaign promise president obama made years ago when he was first running for office he pledged to shut down guantanamo and two thousand nine eleven signed an executive order to close the base but that never happened and as this latest project suggests more money is being pumped into upgrading the base in this case by improving communications and of course taxpayers are footing the bill guantanamo has come under fire by critics challenging america's human rights record their
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indefinite detention torture around eight hundred people went through the camps within the last decade of america's war on terror many of them had nothing to do with nine eleven according to a former chief prosecutor at guantanamo bay u.s. attorney eric montel though has represented some of the detainees at guantanamo he says what's happening there is a failure of leadership on many fronts. you're saying one thing and doing the complete opposite there's a big disconnect between the justice department between homeland security between the president and states and our foreign policy in i think we need to evaluate you know why we're spending millions upon millions of dollars and something that should not even be there in the first place that the present house is one hundred sixty nine detainees the government says eighty nine aren't a threat but president obama and congress have blocked their release as for the rest some of them have a shot at a military hearing but forty six don't have that chance because the government says
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they can't be tried for one reason or another as for the u.s. supreme court it keeps or fusing to take up attentions from guantanamo detainees now the u.s. of course prides itself on the rule of law and human rights but critics say at the same time has denied due legal process to these detainees practice torture and not just in guantanamo but in secret prisons around the world that construction on this underwater cable is set to start in a year but probably won't be up and running for another two years and it doesn't require congressional approval liz wahl r.t. washington d.c. well that was a big talking point the two thousand elections guantanamo bay is not really on americans radar these days but seeing as how we're still spending millions to hold hundreds of people there without charges for over a decade it should be it doesn't look like get mo will be closing its doors anytime soon. well the paul family is that it again this time to cry and government
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regulation on internet freedom ran in his father ron paul have created a libertarian manifesto for the internet called the technology revolution and it outlines questions to be addressed when internet rules are being delegated it urges the government to stay out of the governing process and let the private sector shape the future of the world wide web so what does it all mean and what will be best to protect our internet freedom joining me now in studios andrew blake r t web producer eight eight point seven and nothing much ran so you know i took a look at what they're proposing i think a lot of people are confused about all of the manifesto measures now the internet of us so yes but i think a lot of people are confused on the concept of net neutrality because you know net neutrality is pretty much how the internet started it doesn't give anyone preferential access or speed to access anything that they want online why are they saying that that is bad because the internet was made to share information
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and so if you're going to put these kind of restrictions on it well first we should say that it shouldn't be a surprise that ron paul and rand paul are against government regulations of anything so they're they've actually been going they've been speaking for internet freedoms for a really long time is there is earlier this year during super tuesday ron paul made a great speech talking about how the internet was crucial for delivering the message of the libertarian party for his campaign and just for the entire generation generations to come and if you're going to take this conduit for everything not just knowledge but intertainment and media you're going to take all of this and start putting restrictions on it that's terrible that how are you going to transfer things exactly getting to the point i know they're saying with the next couple of years are going to be able to transfer wirelessly the equivalent of like four or five different d.v.d.'s worth of data like terabytes in a second wirelessly now. just going to happen is that is going to give you something and bam you got it. as the internet has become more and more mainstream
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especially the united states there have been attempts to censor it too regulated you know as recently as this year that rick santorum was campaigning to to end pornography on the internet leaves that was my god it was a thing you never going to have he actually said like that's bad and i get the you know the day that i can't go find a photo of a dead body or a naked body on the internet i don't know what i'm going to know if i can live in this country and if i can't. think this is a manifesto i'm very serious so this manifesto has a lot of great ideas it's not put together the most eloquent of ways it was a couple things in here that don't make a whole lot of sense when you put it in the grand scheme of things but doesn't have a lot of talk about it what it says it outlines some some basic things that the government should address yeah one is talking about regulations it's so we have a little a little chichi here thank you senator congressman paul so when faced with internet
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regulation we should ask ourselves these key questions there's eight of them is a record function is this a core function of the federal government so should the government be doing this is a government need to do is it in the constitution is actually the second one is it constitutionally defined there's a protect constitutionally defined rights does it protect property rights does a protect individual rights and this kind of goes with everything ron paul rand paul will never say it but they make sense it should it should be put in context of the internet it really should and as a protect individual rights is the federal government does not do this will others will this policy of regulation allow the market to decide outcomes or will distort the market for political ends and is this policy regulation clear and specific with the fine metrics and limitations and here's my question yeah we've we get into those specifically it is interesting though because they of course are against you know vocal opponents of cispa and so on and we saw the rand paul pretty vocal about that but at the same time. these bills are being backed massively by the corporate industry defense corporations with this same manifesto they are saying do we really
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want the government to be regulating the internet if we're going to have anyone overseeing what happens on the internet it should be the corporations but then you have comcast you know throttling user data which is starting all of the major a lot of people don't realize this but the major i s p's internet service providers in the united states starting some of them already started the by july twelfth they will be implementing a policy where if they think you've done something bad on the internet they will slow your internet they will do that larry think that you're sharing copyright material they will throttle your service they could eventually terminate your service they said that they're not going to but they haven't ruled it out and you know these things have been happening for years will some people that are saying oh we're going to cancel your internet because you downloaded that movie that one time and it's actually come to a point where yes they are canceling and then we have the really grateful thing here that we really have to keep our fingers crossed that it's going to stay this way is that you know for the last several years the technology has always outpaced
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the bad guys in this case i'm going to say that the bad guys are you know the government regulators are trying to find a way to censor and regulate the web and it's always been that we've had a way around it like i have right now i can download anything really didn't like a minute and it's really easy they say oh no you can't access torrents in the pirate bay we're going to shut down mega upload you can find anything right away and the second that they shut something down you will be able to get it the next second it's really not that hard as long as it keeps up that way we're fine as long as you know the fallen rebellious pirates are sailing their ships through the internet sees no one not faster than the government does a terrible. thing but i mean just in the grand scheme of things i mean yes comcast the f.c.c. if you know told congress you can't do this. when it was slowing down and people but i mean net neutrality as a concept it always was really confusing because of the language i think people
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can't really grasp what it means but really it's the internet companies and i remember looking into this originally and there was a big campaign called hands off the internet it was all backed by the telecom industry and if you look at the you know the senators and congressmen i mean a lot of them are heavily lobbied by the telecoms here yeah but when you're looking at the concert and then your child i mean you have to look at you know i agree with what the senator and congressman a lot and the deregulation and keeping the government out of a lot of things but i mean looking at a situation like cars i mean if nader didn't really go through and try to you know demand a federal mandate that cars get airbags i mean i kind of look at the internet and i'm just like our internet telecom company is going to just run amok and try to destroy all the little guys when they have like preferential agreements with certain movie websites or you know comcast has connected sure yeah yes they will that's the thing they absolutely will they're already doing it we're
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just saying you know you are putting these big corporations to have now this really they're not in charge of the internet they're not censoring stuff yet but it's getting there they are going to slow down your internet if they don't like the law that they think you're breaking or they like that lot other they can do this like there's already people in the united states right now who are using like special crazy state of the art software to encrypt information that they're sending on the internet like innocent harmless information from one person in america to another person you know we're on the show the other day and i had an application just came out called wicker and it's for texting you can text and said let's just to other people's phones it gets encrypted through their servers like millions of times and that millions but a couple times and that's actually the point that's necessary in america because people are getting scared they really are it's kind of sad. but yeah. so in this
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manifesto they say that people you know free press just came out with this suggestion as also last week saying you know we advocate on your child and we think this is really good and you know the polls kind of replied to saying that openness there hijacking the language of freedom and liberty to actually work against freedom and liberty on the internet and i guess i just come to the question can we really trust governments to regulate themselves i think those answer to that kind of sorry if it was a dumb question i think we need to take the the government needs to treat this like a really bad relationship that just so here's a guy i'm the government ok and let's say we're dating ok you like that you're the internet ok and i'm sick of you the better they will it is now yes and i'm sick of you and i'm just going to walk away i'm going to leave it when you can do whatever you want you'll be fine on your own you're an adult you've been around for a while you've you graduated from your a.o.l. chat rooms all the way to your torrent doing. the server room so i heard snuff film
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so. that's all you see to walk away just walk walk away guess advocating to implement these like this manifesto strategy i don't think it's doesn't make that much sense coming from from ron paul and rand paul too like there's one part in here where the hell is this where they start saying. that. the foundation of technology is be able to protect your ego protect your own private property i understand that private property is the foundation of prosperity and freedom itself yes sure that's what the forefathers said absolutely however these are the same guys who were also railing against sopa and which they were saying that you know you should be able to share things online you know the kind of want more lax copyright laws and now they're saying that personal property is the key to innovation which it is. but this thing it's it's it's not the it's not the
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best thing but it's a try and it's not going to be implemented but if you don't know a lot about what's happening right now in washington and on the internet you need someone to put it together for you it's not the best thing but you can download it and it's three pages and it makes sense you go oh yeah that that's ok that's fair they do thank you mr paul's you know it's time well definitely an interesting debate definitely going to be had as the internet is facing a lot of infringement on freedom as it stands that was our to our producer andrew blake still ahead heart here on our team has web site has really seen more than two million e-mails obtained from the syrian leers accounts during a song speaks about their release and why it's necessary back in a moment for. a lot of american power to continue. things our. might actually be time revolution.
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and it turns out that a drink or starbucks is a surprising him really you're. welcome to the capital and now that i'm laurin mr. for the latest on the syria gate the wiki leaks release of two point five million e-mails that are said to shine a light on the inner workings of the syrian government and its economy and also expose the hypocrisy of western involvement in the region r.t.
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correspondent sara firth has more from london. this is the biggest release since we had table gate which gave us the u.s. diplomatic cables and a really unique insight into the workings of the u.s. government now the syria files is even bigger than that it's supposed to be eight times bigger than the u.s. diplomatic cable leaked in terms of documents and a hundred times bigger in terms of data now in the same way that we saw the u.s. diplomatic cables released its thought a similar things going to be happening with the syria files wiki leaks have partnered up with different media organizations around the world and they go three comb the data and release this in small stages now so far from what's been released already we've had a very interesting insight into the workings because these are the e-mails that were being exchanged between senior political figures in syria ministry figures corporations around the world the first scene of the really. tallying company had
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been providing. syrian police and the syrian army know that contract is signed back in two thousand and eight when relations with the syrian regime were much stronger with the west and it shows that the technical assistance with still being provided as late as february of this year say you know clearly that company more than happy to continue providing that assistance even as the violence he claimed a huge number of lives in the country and so you know i think probably there's going to be a lot of very nervous companies around the world is going to be a lot of nervous members of the syrian government certainly as we once again has this major coup in providing us with you know a very unique glimpse of what is going on now about julian assange true no he's been holed up in the door an embassy awaiting his her asylum but answer has i haven't heard any comments from the chief whistleblower he did he released
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a comment three one of his spokesman sara harris and she said on his behalf that what. files waiting to do is not to embarrass one side or another it was aimed to give us really an understanding of what was going on and use that there was a need to understand the code that we'd be able to find some sort of resolution see a poignant words from the man himself who is of course at the moment i can use a very passive in the to do it embassy here in london still as he seeks the best they get that it's this into sweden and again indeed the thoughts of the u.s. if he were to be sent to sweden. to correspond surf earth. unprecedented levels of syrian violence continues in the city of homs just over the last three days over one hundred people have been killed or to correspondent marina from if she was on the frontlines of the war torn city to witness firsthand what she calls a destructive nightmare take a look at. these spots and hundreds maybe back on the syrian
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army with it which never stop soldiers are searching house to house them looking for terrorists were snipers but that's not what they usually find. some people in their homes became their grades too and this room look human bones but at least one person. he seems to have been burnt to death. in the next house we find three more charts calls. activists claim up to eight hundred thousand people have been killed across and began sixteen. you're honest to me surround time. we have no way of telling you these remains or others like them even counted at all. baba amr used to be home to one hundred thousand people now we're driving through. people have left military almost the only human beings left
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in this area this is he can see behind me this is a cemetery almost untouched actually while the rest of the city looks completely like the cemetery buildings schools mosques all in ruins and no sign of life while many signs of this is one of the tallest buildings in the area and we can see from this balcony two completely different pictures two completely different realities look there beautiful pictures peaceful city while over there well we can see war. the opposition hotbed has always been at the heart of the uprising against president assad. is a real job. have been the epicenter of the clashes between the rebels and the army since it's been shelled heavily now so you can see it's quiet here but just steps away just misses away and other. and this is where the things are happening right now it's standing behind these raised strange rice quite safe but from time to time
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missiles reach this area to this is why would hurry up. but what about another home say this is because he also most completely destroyed everything shops building schools even mosques we were told that this district was cleaned from turkey a month ago but as you can hear not far from here clashes still continue so we were actually told not to go any further as it simply then. soldiers come to our location tell us the rebels will topple so when the. just a fifteen minute drive takes us to yet another major homes the people here on taking their bags at least rob people here see the. there's no fight here we're living like one family is talking to this man at a coffee on the street full of people it's easy just to get to the truck tonight
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just a few blocks away. homs syria. and we often talk about how local police agencies here in the u.s. are turning in a small military forces from armed tank like vehicles to military grade pepper spray all being used on civilians tonight we have yet another example it's called the american science and engineering. backscatter vans they should just call it an x. ray van that spies on you. another interested party in this car bomb squad the state police as well as explosive ordnance disposal teams because you can use the system remotely and you can scan vehicles and i'm sure understand the need to check for explosives but do you really trust law enforcement enough to use the device only in an emergency and i can totally see this mobile x. ray machine being driven around scanning passing cars and trucks for just about
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anything and what does this say about our civil liberties i got us thinking what would cops be able to see with this new technology if you stopped at a store heading home from work and grab a six pack and place it on the front seat and betting that driver would be pulled over just for having beer in their car or how about those people who may have questionable mood enhancer is on them and what happens when the x. ray van catches some horny teens going at it in the backseat of a parked car call their parents and arrest them for public nudity if this car is a rock and don't come a knockin but in all seriousness syria is this is really gone too far mobile x. ray vans really i mean we're already having our naked bodies x. rayed and scanned microwaved when you go on a plane and now this one you're going to wake up in this country and fight for civil liberties the government already snoops our e-mails and phone calls and now we're going to give the police the power to see inside our cars where does the line get drawn. well capital account is up next on our team so let's check in with
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morningstar to see what's on today's agenda what's going on lauren hi there abby i don't know if you talked about it but we have a new u.s. jobs picture out this month only the picture isn't very different from the picture we've had for the last many months because the economic situation looking at jobs is just one measure of it looks pretty lousy we're going to look beyond the numbers at some things that you may not consider when you're looking at them for example what the correlation is between debt and jobs and is there one and why is that significant we're going to talk more broadly about the debt deflation going on in heavily indebted countries that just keep getting socked with more bailouts and reforms that make the situation worse because we have the debt deflation man himself steve keen he is world renowned australian economist he's come all the way from down under via toronto where he's been spending some time at the university of
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toronto to be here in studio to debrief us on all of this we'll talk banks debt fraud at the library scandal you name it and you won't want to miss it also on thanks so much for filling us in looking forward to it now does it for now for more on the stories we covered go to our you tube channel you tube dot com slash r t america check out our website our two dot com slash usa you can also follow me on twitter martin we'll see you back here in a half hour and what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through that sort of the pretty maid who can you trust no one who is soon to you who with a global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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plum old free broadcast quality video for your media projects and free media. please hold started here before going global. cooling the fire. log in. choose your place take your stand. to. make your statement. spread the word play a little street along.


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