tv [untitled] July 6, 2012 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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fund and she should run and dan bongino republican candidate for the united states senate from the state the great state of maryland it's really the commonwealth or a state you always asked me that. i had. i'm just fascinated by the whole get the idea of commonwealth and how the republicans plan to destroy the obama presidency which was apparently hatched the very day he was inaugurated down the street at the at that steakhouse there at the corner of d. and ninth right around the corner from where i used to live the caucus room seems to be working the new job numbers are out showing the only eighty thousand jobs were added in the last in the month of june unemployment is still at eight point two percent and it's pretty clear why the republicans have filibustered the american jobs act which would have created two million jobs they threaten a debt default last year which which caused our our credit rating to go down which caused our borrowing costs to go up they have extracted austerity in other words lay off more people at every budget shutdown sucking money out of the economy
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they've cut food stamps unemployment insurance has been cut from ninety nine weeks down to seventy four weeks by the republicans all the best forms of stimulus according to moody's and republican governors in red states have laid off six hundred thousand public workers including just in the last year one hundred thirty thousand teachers so bottom line mark when republicans talk about bad economic numbers like mitt romney was doing today aren't they bragging well they're not bragging are they bragging they're drawing attention to something so yeah in a way they are bragging that that's the only that's the way to win this election that this whole thing about the economy it's not to kill the economy just just destroy it blame it on obama i don't think that's what they're trying to do again close that when you talk about the fact that look this went back to the first day of the obama presidency and they're trying to destroy it there were those midterm elections in those midterm elections told us that some of what obama wanted to do the electorate did like and the reaction so that those elections have consequences you think so sam or do you think that if the you know. hundreds of millions of dollars thrown into an election and. you know fair in love war and politics right
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so the republicans want their team to win those midterm elections so we were waiting for those folks to do something about the economy what did they do they're trying to you know regulate the heck out of all of us in our bedroom mess all they're trying to do d.n.a. and the republicans to control the house of representatives i haven't seen any job creation legislation you conveniently left out you mentioned all the minor items you left out the affordable care act which he passed which was his you left out the stimulus which was nearly a trillion dollars which was largely a democrat initiative is we're saying well we're not hemorrhaging settle out of a month and you're left out the dodd frank as well and you mentioned some some minor policy initiatives where there was some minor disagreements no one wanted to default and you blame the economy of the republicans that is absolutely absurd you know reagan worked with tip o'neill clinton worked with gingrich this seems to be the only president who cannot manage try their hardest to work out of this no way in this economy under the you know. my graphs here you know there
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are visual aids moment and we've got here we go this this is here are jobs right this is the bush administration. obamacare was this the stimulus has passed through a hole in a not too shabby and it's updated you know right out to here i mean it's not wonderful but you know it's still better than nothing i mean i think clint over in your own is not the reagan regarding reagan in the reagan recovery happened when you had a top marginal tax rate of fifty percent in one thousand nine hundred four if everybody started with the reagan recovery fifty percent top income tax or i'm sorry sam i interrupted well i may say that the numbers would be higher if it weren't for all the things that you were pointing to things dragging down the economy yes the republicans are out to axe anything that smacks of anything that will help obama period clear you know really much yes of course i mean look where we are as you get closer to the selection but yes they are going to do that this is where we are right now this economy is the ball game. is the dirty game of politics
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that is as you get closer you're not going to let obama win anything if you can help it because this is this is going to come down to you know whether this is a referendum on president obama and if they can show he didn't do as much as he could have or didn't would do what people wanted they're going to win so is it going to go negative from this point forward yes they're going to brag about it from this point forward if he does if jobs are created the going to brag about and say credibility about referendums let's talk about obamacare. or should i call it. obamacare i like that one of anyway something republican john thune said on he was radio show yesterday he said i know people out there are out there dying under the burdens of these things and he's talking about people who are dying because of obamacare but meanwhile on thursday it was president obama was you know embracing oh i'll resident stephanie miller whose sister this is the picture whose sister died of colon cancer four years earlier hugh her sister could not get medical
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services could not get care for cancer because she she earned she basically earned a little more than a minimum wage share and too much to be on medicare and not enough to be able to buy insurance she died under obamacare she'd be covered so isn't that just the opposite of what the moon isn't it isn't it wouldn't be accurate to say dan that the people are dying because obamacare hasn't been fully implemented and you think ceding your health care decisions to a board of wizards government bureaucrats and i pad and the preventive services task force is the answer we have real solutions the difference with republican solutions and democrats solutions is yes we need your sales solutions are those are the death panels that united health care a no no i was going to give you that not death panels at united health care the difference is we can escape united health care and go to empire blue cross and you can never ever escape a government that ration care ok sam sand us government rationing is actually every state is going to open a free market exchange right. in most states you can only buy health insurance from
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or two companies one when the states although some of these republican governors refuse to open these free market exchanges but when these free market exchanges are open anybody in any state can as dan just said buy from anybody that's right free market but let's not forget the whole point of the affordable health care act is we were ranked thirtieth in the world in the caliber of health care delivered to our citizens while having the finest specialists and hospitals in the world while paying more per patient than any country in the world we had to come up with a solution and i think this represents the most reasonable solution solution at this time and paying more per patient because of governor deval but up there as now he's right on the market through forty percent that may have already percent of medicine is paid for by the government not true not well at home you know it and there's at best a theory about life that's because most of the most expensive patients are the elderly and that medicare is paying for a lot if we do just kill off i mean my grandmother deserves a shot it's not the one years old she worked their whole life what's your solution to the crisis or rations france many other nations have found solutions are as you
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could go if you know you and i think the real story here is when men were the ones that passed in the senate women were ones that were deciding votes in the supreme court decision that just happened and women are the big winners in the affordable health well and to that point mark in rwanda rwanda is the country that has the largest proportion of women in its in its legislature in the world and they just went to a universal health care system a couple of years ago was passed by the women in the legislature and they added ten years to their life expectancy and they made a progressive system it's eight dollars a year for rich people to join it's nothing for poor people to join. business a great idea inferi it's a great idea everything sounds good in theory if everybody's needs are met but there are no prior to zation issues i don't like the individual mandate i don't know anything specifically about the rwandan program but the problem here is the individual mandate i think it's an over expansion of government i think that the the way. court did it is not questionable but john roberts or chief justice roberts
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approach to it saying it's a tax. question i don't think that it could be supported in the commerce clause i don't think it can be support of the tax provisions either that doesn't make it a tax i think what it really told us this week more than anything all the wrangling is that romney is just unprepared to answer questions about this i mean he could have had it off again betty i mean it was a this was put forward by the head this is the heritage foundation's plan that was put in put forward by conservatives put into place by a conservative governor mitt romney and now is being bashed by conservatives i'm confused doesn't make it right tom there are bad ideas put forth by conservatives there are more bad ideas about what alternative forth by liberals patient driven health care initiatives via print other is support those we do nothing no no you have a choice either you pick or the government picks i'll take my choice any day of the week ok all right let's let me let's move along the republicans in pennsylvania are touting their new voter id law and according to some estimates as many as seven hundred fifty eight thousand people in that state don't have the id that's going to
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be necessary to vote under this law that's almost you know almost three quarters of a million people the republican house majority leader mark tears. in infamously said this last month. voter i.d. which is going to allow governor romney to win the state of pennsylvania done. back this is not a new strategy back in one nine hundred eighty speaking to a group of republican christians it was in a. moral majority earlier moral majority meeting in one thousand nine hundred when he was helping run the ronald reagan campaign here's what paul weyrich the founder of the american legislative exchange council which is the author of almost all of these voter id laws here's what the founder of alec had to say in one thousand nine hundred. ninety of our quest to have what i call them wrong good government they want everybody to vote. i don't want everybody to vote elections are not won by
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a majority of people they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now matter of fact our leverage in the elections quite candidly go up owning oculus go down. ok and finally as you can see from this graphic who is going to be affected by these voter id laws well why it's eight percent don't have the id necessary but among blacks twenty five percent asians twenty percent latino is nineteen percent eighteen to twenty four year olds eighteen percent seniors eighteen percent and people earning less than thirty five thousand and these are your democratic voters these are your republican voters this seems to me like paul weyrich is you know smiling from the other side of the great well i am from pennsylvania so if i could comment on this. yes and the other thing that's not shown here is women are disproportionately affected by this legislation particularly low income working women are disproportionately affected by this and they're the ones that asian and don't help the transportation getting the d.m.v. getting that i.d.
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and they're the ones that elected obama so so dan is this a strategy of your party to to knock these folks off i mean that's ridiculous tom come on you always hit me with these semi racist tinge questions and the truth is i spend a lot of time in my already communities many people ask me you know what's your and this is what does it matter you know i'm an american and they're concerned about it as well there are that is a problem that you're accurate and we should look at ways to provide free i.d.'s even if we have to drive up to the home and mobile type of vans or picture devices but i'll tell you this they're concerned about the votes of illegal immigrants suppressing their votes as well so it's an issue that is bipartisan it's why don't more people were struck by lightning last year really does matter more people were struck by lightning last year than all the illegal immigrants the george w. bush spent seventy million dollars trying to find it all with you know in eight years i mean it was like a total of thirteen thousand or that are no. is that you going to knock seven hundred thousand people off the poll off the voting rolls out of one state because
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thirteen people nationwide in a ten you got an accurate number that same article says that most of those people left pennsylvania and it's not an accurate number but secondly you make some valid points i disagree but i'm saying that there's some bipartisan common sense ideas in this i want it we just have thirty say i want to get mark and actually i took a hard look at this when after we talked about this last time i've come around a little bit until somebody can come forward with the fact that there's actually fraud going on and there's an actual problem here this might be a solution without a problem and if you're going to ask people to go get an idea to do that if you can show a real governmental problem you may be able to justify this but i throw the onus back on the people trying to pass these laws are in for some show me the problem and show me that there's a real problem here and then we'll look into the solution because i looked at it after we talked about it or you go to the party i don't see it i don't i don't see the problem or a romo coming up after the break. download
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back to the night's big picture joining me are marc harrold libertarian commentator sam bennett c.e.o. and president of the women's campaign fund and she should run and dan bongino republican candidate for the united states senate from the state of maryland the louisiana governor bobby jindal all as overhauled his state's education system
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including creating about your program that allowed state funds to be used to some students to religiously based schools and is playing a lot of support from legislators in the state including initially state representative valerie hodges until she realized that if you're going to send kids with state funds to religious schools they might not all be christians she said i do not support using public funds for teaching is a lobby anywhere ever ways yanna but she's all for explicitly all for using state funds to teach christianity what has happened to to religious freedom in america dan do republicans not believe in all that is my signature issue parent choice i am a product of the fact though school choice i am a firm believer that parents tax dollars parents should pick and they are entitled to the same education as students look like me in and around the county and religious institutions that's a choice is painful you don't get to pick you can only say well christian schools or jewish schools if a parent chooses to send their child with their tax dollars to an islamic school
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then that's their choice sam shouldn't we be saying if it's tax dollars is not going to anybody's religion thank you very much you know i don't last time i checked didn't the constitution say something about was that separation of church and state yes yes not to protect the church from the breach of the state to protect the state from the reach of the church well there is actually a big debate between jefferson and madison and their letters for jefferson was was convinced that if religious people ever held public office it would be the end of the republic and madison was convinced that if if the federal government ever started giving money to churches in fact it was his first veto his presidency was federal money to give money to a church here in. d.c. to care for the poor and he vetoed that said no the money should go right from the government to the poor and it did ultimately but anyhow he thought that would be the other republican and they were both right in terms of market for one thing i worry a little bit that nobody thought of this when they were passing this is this didn't dawn on anybody they had passed this law and then all the sudden figured out wait a minute it doesn't look like it was a good a very well scientology i mean do you think somebody would think wait
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a minute one of the real ramifications of this law the bottom line though is no if you pass the law and you give choice you can't give people some choice i mean if it's within the scope then yeah then the parents are going to have to pick the schools they want and you can't pick after the fact and say oh no i just make christian schools you know whether this is advisable laws up to the folks in the easy and and the different parish system down there and all but you know the bottom line here is yeah if you set this thing in motion you can't then after the fact you just change your mind just because of the choice people make if you give somebody a choice and it's and it's even handed and they can pick in the religious schools and it's all religions that's just how it goes that's that's that's public dollars going to a religious school of any type that violates the whole principle of our system of government i have to do the best understanding of the public dollars there's only private dollars taken by the gov't there are no what is not what it is a serious go isn't what i listen i work for a government you serve if you very nice and a great response but what you just said was a bunch of course just public dollars really where course there's where do they
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come from ok we have a scenario where they come from a really hard street and they're more you know how the dollar in the pot well i mean are going to lose they are in the fed i mean do we want to do we really want to extend what is a calendar argument to a parent in prince george's county in my state that has a school that has an educated any one of their children for an entire generation to tell them they are not entitled to a choice what is your school what makes this space so you live in the world of intentions not results they haven't fixed this lesson look at what you are on fix their schools i was not going to predict george's county do well it can happen mixing your argument has and there is such thing as public dollars. it has it's bad for the common good and we cannot be using how many dollars oil rigs the larger issue here these are that these christian schools are using curricula curriculum the say textbooks that say that people walked with dinosaurs that's going to know that is help whatsoever is true you know it's wait a minute not just like us is not the parents' choice there's a there's
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a certain point at which you say the nation can't function in in a i can't believe i think what thomas friedman but in a flat world nation can't function if ours if our students are incapable of learning science because they believe that the people world is flat the schools are falling out of oil now i don't get this i mean i was on a very liberal radio show and you know how many democrats signed up for my campaign that day when i came out and said what's your solution the answer is you have not that there are you know sliding runaway slaves. why were our schools working so well in the fifty's sixty's seventy's and early eighty's when teachers were well paid and schooling really well funded why did they only start falling apart after bill bennett became the education secretary under reagan and we started slashing funding and everybody started talking about charter school as common as i could interject if we look at the results of the top performing country in the world in education it's finland what is the single most important thing they're doing is empowering teachers and pay and i didn't have anyone teachers because my doctor
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that's right and so the formula here is empowering teachers paying them giving them the respect in the society that they need to do the hard work of educating it is not by slashing money away and giving it to christian schools islamic schools that is not the answer we will we will leave that at this as the last. court for judge richard posner posner war two hours of a conservative justice appointed by ronald reagan was interviewed on n.p.r. yesterday in the interview he said he sees a real deterioration in his words a real deterioration in conservative thinking over the last decade he also said quote i've become less conservative since the. publican party started becoming goofy his word so is the judge's verdict right is the republican party becoming goofy. i don't think the republican party's become goofy any more than the democratic party i think that when you get into a two party when you get into a two party system or the stars upside down like this is this is just goofy it's a tan it out this is how you play on people's emotions and you get fringe issues
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the leadership is always far to the left or the right of the people in the party they're not getting are you're totally get all the to shed is there snow is leaving because they're goofy you've got a situation where all they're doing is attacking on on issues that should be left in the bedroom left to people's individual liberty with that goofy you could spend your money better than the government you should make your health care decisions you should pick where your kids go to school folks about that really and i still think that they've not just become goofy but satanic by flipping the stars upside down and how thank you all for being with us pleasure. ben franklin framus lee said at the end of the constitutional convention seven hundred eighty seven that if we don't hang together we shall surely hang separately that lesson of we're all in it together was not lost on rwanda rwanda is
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a small nation in central africa one of the poorest and most underdeveloped nations in the world nearly sixty percent of rwandans live below the national poverty line and in rwanda with an average income of just five hundred sixty dollars per year per family less than two dollars a day being in poverty meant bringing home and living on as little as ten cents a day from one thousand nine hundred ninety four that nation had a civil war and in april of one thousand nine hundred four the rwanda genocide began lasting for three months and taking the lives of nearly a million rwandans and yet despite going through a civil war and a genocide and being one of the poorest countries on earth this tiny nation of rwanda has something the united states doesn't health care system that works for all. today the new talking point coming out of the right against obamacare is that it raises taxes yeah. well that's exactly how rwanda what about creating
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a health care system that works for everybody today only four percent of the rwandan public population is uninsured compared to more than sixteen percent in the united states so how did rwanda do it in one thousand nine hundred nine most rwandans had never seen a doctor and even when they were really sick they couldn't get into the hospital primarily because the costs were so high that our average citizens couldn't afford it knowing that they had to take action the government's ministry of health started a pilot project of providing health insurance in three of the country's districts what we might call states with the success in these three states these three districts the program began to spread across the country in two thousand and four iran it has some kinks that the main one was that the government said insurance premiums at two dollars a year and that was too much for most rwandans to afford so then the program shifted to a progressive tax system for wealthy rwandans insurance premiums increased to eight dollars a year while premiums for the poor decreased to zero this is similar to what's in
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obamacare poor and low income americans get free medicaid and middle income americans get tax subsidies to purchase health insurance at little or no expense today the results of rwanda as universal health care system are remarkable now there is a massive massive network of community health workers and centers all across the country in both cities and villages. eighty percent of aids patients in rwanda are getting the treatment that they need which is really critical in a nation with one of the highest aids infection rates in all of africa just ten years ago before the insurance program was put into place life expectancy was a meager forty eight years at birth now it's fifty eight years and in the last five years deaths of children under five have dropped by half and malaria a once debilitating and highly deadly disease in rwanda is now diagnosed quicker
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which means lifesaving treatment is provided faster all of these improvements are thanks to a system that uses progressive taxes a system that obamacare embraces as well currently the medicare tax on your salary is two point nine percent starting in two thousand and thirteen there will be a small increase nine tenths of one percent point nine percent for americans and only for americans making over two hundred thousand dollars a year and also in two thousand and thirteen there will be a three point eight percent increase on the federal income tax rate for long term capital gains and dividends again only for those people with a gross income over two hundred thousand dollars finally they'll be a tax of about six hundred dollars a year on those freeloaders who have a higher than average income but don't want to buy health insurance so what's the big picture rwanda knew that in order to create a health care system that works for all the wealthiest rwandans had to contribute their fair share rwanda understood everyone has to be covered if the system is
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really going to work for the entire nation and obamacare begins to do the same thing for america obamacare makes the wealthiest americans literally the one percenters contribute a little slightly more to medicare so that the system has enough funding to help all americans get the health care and treatment they need. if we ever want to see a country where health care reaches all americans like it doesn't rwanda of all places then it's critical that we continue what obamacare has started. we're all in this together after all just test ben franklin that's it for the big picture tonight for more information on the stories we covered visit our website to tom hartman dot com free speech dot org and our team dot com also check out our you tube channels there are links that thom hartmann dot com also thom hartmann dot com you can check out all the different ways you can send us your feedback we got blogs we got message boards we've got a live chat rooms running twenty four seventh's there's all kinds and it's all free
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