tv [untitled] July 7, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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he starts on t.v. don't. be a hold its first post could all be elections and rest in a country still being torn apart by chaos and tribal tensions. the deadline for joining us on his extradition from the u.k. to sweden expires on saturday by the whistleblower remains in the sanctuary of the doors amnesty a way to get decision on his cylon fleet. and as the u.s. and its allies call for un resolution to allow military intervention against the syrian government we'll look at the striking pattern of nato tactics in foreign civil conflict. now i am in the russian capital you're watching joshua welcome to the program libyans are heading to the polls in the first nationwide parliamentary elections
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since warmer khadafi was forced out and killed but the lead up to the vote has been marred with tribal clashes and fighting between rival armed groups as artie's lucic often have reports there are fears the elections will do nothing to stop the violence. this is the new libya political parties are now free to operate across the country. so to a countless armed groups they once fought to oust moammar gadhafi from power today it is they who are in control that tag militias who answer only to their own commanders have grown more powerful than libya's police and army. which work we must put limits on these militias because they are dividing the country there while libya is falling into decay almost one year after a nato backed uprising ended gadhafi is rule libyans are taking to the polls for
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the first time in decades the with tripoli's transitional national council too weak to quell ongoing violence many fear that elections will do little to bring peace what is good where is the judicial council when they said that they are going to protect this country and if gadhafi gone there is nothing left he said that libya will have national unity where is it. here is what libyan style democracy looks like armed groups calling for more autonomy stormed of been gauzy polling station last sunday setting voting lists and ballots ablaze renewed tribal clashes broke out in libya's city of this past week alone saw the deaths of nearly fifty people with hundreds wounded and when members of a local militia seized libya's biggest international airport in broad daylight last month security forces simply stood by and watched. they vary in size from gangs guarding neighborhoods to small de facto armies like the one ends in taunton which still holds libya's most famous prisoner saif al islam when international criminal
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court staffers tried to visit gadhafi son they too were seized and held captive for nearly four weeks justice militia style may prove to be the biggest obstacle to whatever government libyans elect some groups are boycotting saturday's vote while others aligned with various political parties. a dangerous trend in existing divisions secularists islamicists even former members of al qaida are among the nearly four thousand people vying for a seat in the country's national congress the choice of candidates is the will doing for some that is precisely the problem this is because of their own i don't know. how congress may give the good things no winners and just. says i think this is. millions of nk stained fingers will mark libya's first experiment with free elections but as the cases of iraq and afghanistan have shown voting booths alone do not equal a democracy and in the example of libya the line between freedom and anarchy is growing dangerously blurred whatever the outcome one thing is certain if i'm happy
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with the result libya's armed groups now know what to do next. we are against i'm a dictator but if history repeats itself we will. be a. monster. and if we hold elections the country's top prisoner khadafi son saif al islam awaits trial and international criminal court lawyer who was part of a group detained for alleged spying and later released this week believes there's no chance i will get a fair trial in his home country but political commentator luke samuel says that the i.c.c. is part of the reason rebiya is locked in violence. the disunity that we're seeing in libya really has come around as a result of western intervention in the uprising of which the i.c.c. was very much a part of the r.c.c. prosecutions are by their very nature political you know the i.c.c. is used as a mechanism for trying those individuals which may lend some political authority to
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the interventions of the west and that's why the i.c.c. is so often used in these interventions in order to bolster thora t. of western institutions and it's also the fact that the n.t. see how it's all forty on the ground bolstered by these indictments the indictments issued against the gadhafi family lent artificial cohesion to the rebellion on the ground a rebellion which has always been characterized by a very disparate set of material on the ground and what the i.c.c. effectively did was artificially give that rebellion a sense of unification an artificial sense of political purpose and that in the end is pretty extreme destabilizing because as we've seen now libya is anything but unified in fact it looks as though it may revert i mean it's in danger of reverting to the kind of city state set up that we had in the nineteen fifties they had lined said by the u.k.'s highest court for joining us on his extradition to sweden runs
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out on saturday but the whistleblower says he won't leave the safety of the ecuadorian embassy in london until a decision on his request for asylum in south america is made our use our firth has more from outside of sound just place of refuge. it's been nearly two and a half weeks now the julian assange has been holed up inside the ecuadorian embassy here in london after presenting himself on the nineteenth of june seeking asylum now today is the deadline for his extradition to sweden his appeal to the supreme court in the against a sexual assault allegations failed to would have been the day we could have seen julian assange put on a plane and sent over to sweden and of course the big fear his legal team have always said is that he would be. gets in very strict free trial detention conditions and the overriding fear is that it would make it much easier for him to
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be extradited to the u.s. but of course that's not going to happen today because julian assange took that dramatic step to seek asylum and you can see here today a number of his supporters still keeping vigil outside the ecuadorian embassy banners of the poor for about seventeen days on a daily vigil we're hearing solitary with a staunch war resister an all star standing with the ecuadorian people in the heart that i might the right decision which is to offer the guy sort of a real sense amongst his supporters that this decision and the handling of his legal case it was a real failure for the u.k. in terms of defending human rights well now at the same time that you're in the sound is fighting his fierce battle against extradition we see wiki leaks once again coming into the spotlight and taking the headlines with a dramatic revelations over a new big leak the syria files more than two point four million e-mails that the
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group say that they have that they're going and have already indeed started releasing and that's the inner workings of not just the syrian government but also western countries and western companies as well and that's going to be released in stages over the next. of weeks the last big leak of course the u.s. diplomatic cables cable gates well the syria files even bigger than that eight times bigger in terms of documents and a hundred times bigger in terms of data and already always thing some of the revelations are not being explored so wiki leaks once again showing really that it's still able to do what it does best despite the fact that to the innocent is considered. are you watching aren't you live in moscow and still have free the sour and inside into power lines flight impact of a country's president being ousted from power earlier this month spreads across all of latin america would bring you the opinion of a regional expert. at
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a time when many people would argue that the global financial system is on the brink of collapse and that it might be fundamentally flawed it seems that these teenagers from the streets of new delhi have the whole thing figured out. artie's four is a successful model of a far reaching banking system in a very unlikely place and in the shelter a four mile away teenagers. more than one hundred nations supporting the syrian opposition have urged tougher action by the un against president bashar asad at a meeting in paris the us and its allies cold for chapter seven of the un charter to be enacted allowing anomic sanctions and if necessary military intervention in syria and again if she can explains the west backing of the syrian rebels has another conflict. syrian rebels have rejected the peace plan that was put forward by the international community they made it clear that violence would continue so far the coverage of the conflict in syria has been so one sided that it seems the rebels could get away with anything the media in the us and in the west in general
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have focused only on what the assad government has been doing almost entirely leaving out the atrocities act of terror committed by the rebels presenting a completely black and white picture but a conflict like the. syria is never black and white and never simple the slanting of the coverage reminded some of the war made yugoslavia before nato went bombing former yugoslavia at the end of the one nine hundred ninety s. the media focused on crimes committed by the serbs completely hushing down the atrocities committed against the serbs with me here is jim trysts the director of the american council so i thank you very much for joining thank you what are the similarities you see between what's going on in syria and what had been going on in yugoslavia informing you that there are similarities i would say on all three crucial levels as we look at syria one has to do with the international system the rule of law the role of the security council another one has to do with the status of sovereign states and how you treat
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a sovereign state that has an insurgency within its borders and the third thing is what we might call on the ground when you take a complex historical circumstance with communities historic grievances as you said in your introduction atrocities and violence of that are committed on both sides in conflicts like this and attribute only to one side what you do is you to you you come up with the concept of do you fit the facts into the concept you don't take a step back in good faith look at what's really going on and look at the suffering of people on both sides and how in good faith can you poor poor water on the fire to try to calm things down instead would you do if you find a small very far you pour gasoline with words like genocide and so forth and then try to set the stage for what you really want which is the victory for one side the side you've chosen and the utter destruction of the other side you know and one of the side lights of this in both kosovo and syria is something that's important to me is the fate of the christian population and why is it that in the name of
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fighting terrorism and promoting democracy and all this other nonsense the united states always seems to find itself on the side of jihad just elements and gaging in terrorism with the predictable results for the. christian population as we saw in kosovo when half the christian population was a box christian serbs had to flee the province and thousands of them were killed by the liberators the cause why in rishon army. i think that there are that i think there are a couple different explanations for it i think one is our cozy relationship with saudi arabia the gulf states that we want to show we're on the side of our friends who are so important to us when it comes to frankly money and international commerce i think by the way that even in a less dramatic form we're making a similar mistake when it comes to egypt and basically adopting the muslim brotherhood is our chosen voice of democracy in egypt which is also the same force that stands to benefit in syria if foreign policy is successful thank you mr texas
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we heard it many times the first casualty of war is the truth and we see it happening time and time again the media urge to simplify matters and to eventually push a certain agenda becomes a weapon in itself a weapon which creates victims of its own in washington i'm going to second. now russia has rebuffed u.s. criticism of what it calls moscow's support of the syrian regime saying washington lacks basic understanding of the situation moscow insists it doesn't back any party in the conflict that's hafter in the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton said russia and china must pay a price for blocking a push for regime change in syria i just want to go i always believe squint in this past a diplomatic line in her remarks. for she's hardly an impartial actor and of course actively engaged in the first of all the government in syria what she said because of the note of intimidation the ramp users and
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a lot of it was for. reasons of the you know. you're responsible on state run like the eight years something to be honest with you i don't remember ever hearing during the very most difficult period of the cold war you guys should hope that this is a point of the worst one seriously also that there are laws there is no unilateral lawless reckless behavior by the united states and its allies over the past twelve years the war against iraq libya and all the actions against syria this is perhaps the last stand for defending genuine international law and the sovereignty of nations and we're always eager to know your take on all the stories we're covering today we're asking what do you think about u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton slamming russia and china over the syrian crisis well so far over sixty percent believe the move points to the frustration of the west over they are hampering the military drive so we're fifteen percent are sure it undermines the geneva
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a peace accord preventing any joint progress well and now there are fifteen percent think the harsh rhetoric was aimed at securing more public support for president obama and less in tandem you are of the opinion that words have point they saying russia and china are stalling the peace effort so log on to argue dot com to cast your vote. but as well as polish diplomatic staff after being accused by parent wives meddling in its internal affairs since former president fernando logo was impeached last month blamed for a deadly crackdown farmers pairwise laborers have distance themselves but political analyst it has a lot he believes it's america's influence in the region negatively affecting latin america paraguayans suffered a coup d'etat literally on the first twenty first of june when it's the democratically elected president for number was ousted in a twenty four hour impeachment trial it must be the fastest pietschmann in modern
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history there are such agencies as us aid the united states agency for international development and it all has a lot of other aspects that spillover outside the paraguayan he was paralyzed considered together with bolivia the geo political heart in the south america so american control over power of wife will also limit brazil's exit door specific as a bric countries brazil russia india china and south africa and the united states at the same time as again promoting after the american free trade association with its traditional allies in our region mexico panama colombia peru and chile so we would serve as a pacific wall against what they consider what the americans consider dangerous brazilian expansion because of the fact that it is not just in commom within the bric countries but very much so even to a certain extent a political or a potential political ally of russia and china's history. well remember there's
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always more to find at r t dot com online right now. they can slaughter an american pilot provides his or and dish another particular and heads the latest act of questionable conduct by u.s. forces in afghanistan. sanctioned and spragg saying that is very bands a massive gay rally disappointing over a thousand activists who were expected to take to the streets discover the details on our website.
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wealthy british soil. that's what i was. going to do when i was. market. come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headlines to conjure reports on our. social media web side wants to sounds or your posts it's aimed at blocking water believes a racist in advance of updates but will it compromise the public's freedom of speech the president is a new york to find out the opinions of people there. twitter is instituting a new policy of blocking posts it deems racist is it ok for social media websites
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to pick and choose what can and can't be said but this week let's talk about that mission pulls a race thing all right but some people still do. well that's the world we live in so should it be out there for people to see or should twitter take it down twitter should take it down so we live in new york we live free but doesn't the racist person live free to post whatever they want but do you have kids do you worry about them being exposed to racist comments. well that's not good yeah but you can express whatever you want to anyway you should be able to express your freedom you may not agree with raised as them but do you agree that people should be able to say what they want not in a social networking site like i know why not this is just going to tell us the people should keep their own comments to themselves but that's the whole point of twitter is reading it out not knowing something way about or even such that it's not ok to use to say whatever you want now the internet you shouldn't just be able
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to say whatever you want no the rest is the bases though if you write something it doesn't have to be racist even though that the words are sometimes you can write some things that all racist but but the words are not so it depends on the human side how you interpreted it you block the negative in the drama but you're also providing a free speech right there so i guess it's a toss up so is it ok for twitter to decide what stays and goes and says their company. again they probably have to have a canal it's a company that judges it because who are they to say what their website true true but who are they say what's race and what's not there do you think twitter hiding that kind of racist content is going to make a difference and help people not be racist or is it racist is just going to process it's going to happen say it we've changed it not enough it's i think that's their
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way of preventing some form of cyber bullying but it's not going to change anything whether or not you think it's right for social media companies to censor content on their sites the bottom line is this wouldn't be an issue. people would just be better citizens and doubt be. taking a look at some of the stories from around the world now a fundamentalist catholic community round sack them burn a school in western mexico claims children should be educated by the church and see schools as work of the devil hundreds who pardoned setting the building ablaze last august calling the man of their children be allowed to wear religious robes instead of school uniforms. i mean a lawmaker is allowing only voted to impeach president. the prime minister and the ruling coalition accuse him of breaching the constitution and overstepping his authority as asco fell out of favor with the public after passing several rounds of
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a sturdy cuts he was close to being impeached in two thousand and seven but survived a public vote who faces the next referendum on his removal in three weeks. i would have kids and shelter for homeless children in need to have a few lessons for the world's international bankers they're saving for a brighter future using their very own financial system artist pressure has all the details. in this homeless shelter for runaway teens in new delhi a tiny self starting democracy has sprouted up when they got in and i started going to school which i enjoyed very much. the residents like twelve year old mohammad shah have created an unlikely society where everything from health care to banking has been an initiator is implemented and secured by the kids themselves do you have and i go there are children who have a job deposit their money. and even the children who go to school save their money . so these kumar's peers elected him to be
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a bank manager of this branch of the children's development because son or treasure that serves around nine thousand streatch old. across south asia and has seventy seven branches in the region many of the runaway teens now have a place to safe keep their money safe for the future and to get out development or welfare advances to invest in starting businesses or buying books first school. that would have taken in advance three times the first five hundred rupees to a boy a school uniform then at another one thousand rupees because my mother was sick and the third saima borrowed some money to help my father open the shop. the kids have a monthly meeting where they review applications for those who wish in advance and then based on their track record of saving and earning they decide who to grant the advances to and how quickly they need to pay it back at a time when many people would argue that the global financial system is on the
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brink of collapse and that it might be fundamentally flawed it seems that these teenagers from the streets of new delhi have the whole thing figured out they hold everyone from account managers to clients accountable for their financial decisions by i mean are through meetings and discussions over lunch the children have taught each other how to save and invest in their future. i think if we don't put the money in the bank then you tend to spend on a mission to things and we spend money so when we save the money it can be used to do fortune things that may come a future a privilege buying you've got a new it's a sense of responsibility and survival that has shocked the supervisors of the shelters and one that they say leaders around the world might want to take a look at it can be the supermodel's in this whole thing because they know how to save money they know how to utilize money for the best because they privatized that leaves which we as an act of evil in the world know how much shah is hoping that he
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can save the money he makes selling bottles of water at night to put towards his education so he can one day accomplish his goal of the. coming up policemen i get so you made up what's going on thank you for the future as i want to save money and do something useful with it when the time comes. from the streets of india's capital this runaway teen believes that saving and determination can allow him to achieve his dreams preassure either r t new delhi india. one just few minutes. or on bail salacious secrets behind the financial headlines as half a reminder our top stories.
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the oil industry claims the process is perfectly sweet. say six quests that it brings nothing but clean power and comfort but the environment knows better and the industry isn't telling the whole story. they're goddamn liars. they're here to operate this land and make as much money as they can and get the hell out of here.
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you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harvey welcome to the big picture. was. there are those who desperately need it to survive. the spoken to the to give money to look. for gold in the fish. and the suppresses the prize the rights of the food for. those who don't get their share of the cage.
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goodbye downloading got forty days and you know don't last but not the one that upset people need to know about it i mean not look any from the company from. those who suck it out to prosper. side sees things. from you not from. some. nice licensing. no one can live without it in one of the largest blood banks in the world. a lot of nigeria. on our t.v. . in his secret laboratory tim kirby was able to build a good most sophisticated robot which fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything tim's mission to teach the creation of life.
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