tv [untitled] July 7, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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the death toll rises further in the southern russian resort devastated by flash floods on friday one hundred forty people now reported lost their lives since five months worth of rain fell in just twenty four hours and. tension overshadows libya's first election in half a century with cheers in the capital contrasting sharply with boycotts and attacks across other parts of the country. the deadline set for julian assange and his extradition to sweden expires but the whistleblower remains in the safety of ecuador's london embassy awaiting a decision on his asylum plea. in
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moscow i match reza good to have you with us here on r t our top story russia's interior ministry is reporting that more than one hundred forty people have died after flash floods devastated the southern russian resort region of krasnodar the trencher rains battered the area for more than twenty four hours or days dennis blotchy has more. we're trying to get through the flood stricken area which isn't easy with all the roads he destroyed by the water that was jammed with clean cars five months worth of rainfall within twenty four hours turned to beautiful feet side resorts into emergency aereo fateful danger throughout the day the number of victims kept growing by day our bodies were being found along flooded and after in groups many never managed to get out of their vehicles and flee the aliments many were called by surprise when rising water filled the ground force of houses trapping people inside couldn't because predominantly rule community there are almost no multi-story buildings so there is a literally nowhere to run from the flood the lot you want to manage supply and
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bob's to move to and trees and wait for emergency workers to pick them off several people were electrocuted when it's wire failed into the water that covered the pavements to local supermarkets were completely destroyed getting out to dry land isn't easy either those highways and rain routes that they can have a hit from the elements blocking many escape routes thirty two trains were either canceled or stopped on their way to the black sea cruise this last year struck in the midst of the holiday season krasnodar is one of the most popular inaccessible teesside resorts among russians and thousands flock here every year to other towns that suffered badly you know what i see fins getting jiggy are now packed with tourists on our way to disaster stricken area was sold dozens of cars from moscow with lichens plates france said bierria and russian far east many of those who can hold still instead just setting up a camp on the beach which makes them all the more difficult to find and rescue and one of the most warring factor is because the the region has this many summer camps
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for children currently filled with over seven thousand kids an hour ago would pass one of them to cancel the little knock and luckily from what we saw it has not been hit by the flooding eyewitnesses and drivers have been sharing their firsthand accounts of the catastrophe. well you know the stream of water hit my car i lost control of the car turned over and he did tree i just managed to climb out of the back door and cling to the tree just like you could even hear the voice you know as of the rain was so loud there were two children only by a roof but we couldn't hear them we could only throw someone close to them that was good but our relatives who are in the house think leading the paralyzed grandmother and a young woman with her three month old child last time we got a call from them they said the water level was almost reaching the ceiling and they didn't know how to get out we haven't heard from them soon. volunteers are offering
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help to the disaster stricken area with relief centers being set up across the country to gather money and supplies meanwhile around ten thousand emergency workers have been deployed to the disaster zone artes to bon mots a has more. emergency services have actually been focusing on rescue children as well as the elderly first and foremost so they they obviously the people who are struggling to get out of such affected areas the next thing to remember is that right now a lot of people have lost their houses they've lost their belongings so one important thing that the emergency services is actually doing is making sure that everybody has a shelter that they have warm clothing and blankets as well as a food now there's been about thirteen thousand people affected by this this national disaster so authorities are making sure that all hands on board right now are from psychologists who can talk to people who need to talk to because
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a lot of people have lost some of their loved ones and some of their belongings as well as having medical services on board from doctors to nurses to nurture others who might need their help now early on president putin actually visited the area just giving out his support to the people of the region and just saying that the country is with you at this time and we're all thinking of you and we're obviously going to put as much effort and services in making sure that you get what you need you know emergencies like this there's a lot of money that's going to go back into rebuilding these areas from all the flooded areas as you can see there around thirty million dollars is what they're thinking up until now is what they're going to need to actually put back that town together so why have to wait and see until the end of the next coming days what that actual number and figure will grow up to be you can finally just updates from our correspondents in the disaster stricken region on our twitter feed at our t. underscore we also get up to the minute news from artie's tom barton is now
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tweeting that our tricity and telephone services are still down hampering rescue efforts this is the rain continues to pour and police are patrolling the streets to try and stop looting just to remember for the latest updates you can follow our. correspondence tom barton and dennis palazzi in the region are right now tweeting as they get updates. turning out other stories we're covering on our t.v. joy tension and violence all characterizing what was libya's first election in half a century armed gangs storm polling stations in the north and east while boycotts shootings that have duction marred voting across other parts of the country in benghazi where last year's uprising started protesters and burned ballots and decried the vote is a sham in all more than one hundred polling stations failed to open early reports put the turnout at some sixty percent a man is reported killed when militias protesting elections clashed with voters in the country's east today less than a year since gadhafi himself was executed by
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a crowd of revolutionaries it seems libya is more divided than ever as artie's lucy caffein of reports. this is the new libya political parties are now free to operate across the country. so too are countless armed groups they once fought to oust moammar gadhafi from power today it is they who are in control red tag militias who answer only to their own commanders have grown more powerful than libya's police and army. we must put limits on these militias because they are dividing the country. into decay almost one year after a nato backed uprising and that gadhafi is rule libyans are taking to the polls for the first time in decades but with tripoli's transitional national council too weak to quell ongoing violence many fear that elections will do little to bring peace
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where is the transitional council they said that they are going to protect this country with gadhafi gone there is nothing left they said that libya will have national unity where is it. here is what libyan style democracy looks like armed groups calling for more autonomy stormed a polling station last sunday setting voting lists and ballots ablaze renewed tribal clashes broke out in libya's city of this past week alone saw the deaths of nearly fifty people with hundreds wounded and when members of a local militia seized libya's biggest international airport in broad daylight last month security forces simply stood by and watched. they vary in size from gangs guarding neighborhoods to small de facto armies like the one ins in tahn which still holds libya's most famous prisoner. when international criminal court staffers tried to visit gadhafi son they too were seized and held captive for nearly four weeks justice militia style may prove to be the biggest obstacle to
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whatever government libyans elect some groups are boycotting saturday's vote while others aligned with various political parties a dangerous trend that could deep in existing divisions secularists islamicists even former members of al qaida are among the nearly four thousand people vying for a seat in the country's national congress the choice of candidates is the will during. that is precisely the problem this is because of their own i don't know. how congress need to forgive terms and winners and. so i think. millions of nk stained fingers will mark libya's first experiment with free elections but as the cases of iraq and afghanistan have shown voting booths alone do not equal a democracy and in the example of libya the line between freedom and anarchy is growing dangerously blurred whatever the outcome one thing is certain if unhappy with the result libya's armed groups now know what to do next. we are against i'm a dictator but if history repeats itself we will. r.t.
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moscow. ted rall a political cartoonist and author thinks libya isn't yet ready for democracy. libya is a country that needs to settle out into an idea of a post gadhafi unified idea of a libyan nation state that all libyans regardless of their sect to their sectarian tendencies and tribal affiliations can get behind until they can do that there's not any point holding an election even if you didn't time finance what you would effectively have is a civil war that's carried out at the ballot box where different sects and tribes are trying are running candidates against one another and trying to dominate the country and that way that's not a recipe for democracy if there is just not ready at this point law and order is really the top priority of running post gadhafi in libya so whether it's a strongman or a governing council which i would recommend that's composed of of of of political
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figures from for on throughout the country what you really need is police forces on the street ready to me tame law and order in the service of a libyan state and right now yes the transitional government is obviously finished but they just can't go from the transitional regime into a democracy at this stage they're just it's just not going to work it's going to add to the instability and prolong the crisis rather than bring a quicker conclusion to it i think libya should have waited years before it got ready for its first elections. stay with us here on r t lots more headed your way including this. they change but not enough i think that their way of preventing seven form of cyber bullying but it's not going to change anything the resident hits the streets of new york to find out what people there think about the right of social media websites controlled what we're saying. but first
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the u.n. special envoy to syria says international peace efforts have not succeeded partly as a result of divisions between world powers this a day after u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton says russia and china will pay a price for allegedly supporting the assad government in the country violence continues and is even spilled into neighboring lebanon stoking fears of a regional conflict five people were killed by a mortar round is the syrian military clash with rebel units who fled across the border patrick henning's an immediate analyst and editor at infowars dot com think syria is being used by the u.s. as a proxy to start a war with iran. both the west including the u.s. and the u.k. and the gulf states like saudi arabia qatar are working to arm and back a rebel faction and multiple guerilla armies within syria to overthrow the regime how could these talks be ever carried out on any kind of bilateral basis when this is going on so it's not the international community's failure it's the failure of
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the u.n. and the special envoys to recognize that they cannot take the side of the u.s. and the u.k. they're funding and backing rebels in a proxy war it's absolutely ludicrous that kofi annan things that he could actually achieve anything the main aim from from a western geo political perspective is to first bring syrian government down so that it is no longer an ally of hizbollah then the next step is to bring a neutralize hizbollah and possibly to confront them militarily and to dissolve his . this will be easier done by destabilizing lebanon through some kind of a conflict once the ball is eliminated the door is now open for israel and the u.s. to unilaterally strike iran which they've been talking about on and off for the last six or seven years so i think this is a lot of this is rhetorical trying to create a narrative that the syrian regime is wrong and that the west or right.
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it's not only the diplomatic advantage that seems to be on the side of syria's opposition but the media one as well or he's got a shaky on says such overwhelming backing echoes another conflict. syrian rebels have rejected the peace plan that was put forward by the international community they made it clear that violence would continue so far the coverage of the conflict in syria has been so one sided that it seems the rebels could get away with anything the media in the us and in the west in general have focused only on what the us government has been doing almost entirely leaving out the atrocities act of terror committed by the rebels presenting a completely black and white picture but a conflict like the one in syria is never black and white and never simple the slanting of the coverage reminded some of former yugoslavia before nato when bombing former yugoslavia at the end of the one nine hundred ninety s. the media focused on crimes committed by the serbs completely washing down the
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atrocities committed against the serbs with me here is jim the director of the american council for casa paul so i thank you very much for joining me thank you what are the similarities you see between what's going on in syria and what has been going on in yugoslavia inform you that there are similar is i would say on all three crucial levels as we look at syria one has to do with the international system the rule of law the role of the security council another one has to do with the status of sovereign states and how you treat a sovereign state that has an insurgency within its borders and the third thing is what we might call on the ground when you take a complex historical circumstance with communities historic grievances and as you said in your introduction atrocities of violence of that are committed on both sides in conflicts like this and attribute only to one side what you do is you to you you come up with the concept of do you fit the facts into the concept you don't take a step back in good faith look at what's really going on look at the suffering of
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people on both sides and how in good faith can you poor poor water on the fire to try to calm things down instead we do as you find a smoldering fire you pour gasoline with words like genocide and so forth and then try to set. the stage for what you really want which is the victory for one side the side you've chosen and the utter destruction of the other side you know and one of the side lights of this in both kosovo and syria is something that's important to me is the fate of the christian population and why is it that in the name of fighting terrorism and promoting democracy and all this other nonsense the united states always seems to find itself on the side of jihad just elements and gaging and terrorism with the predictable results for the christian population as we saw in kosovo when half the christian population was a box christian serbs had to flee the province and thousands of them were killed by the liberators the cooperation army. i think that there are that i think there are
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a couple different explanations for it i think one is our cozy relationship with saudi arabia the gulf states that we want to show we're on the side of our friends who are so important to us when it comes to frankly money and international commerce i think by the way that even in a less dramatic form we're making a similar mistake when it comes to egypt and basically adopting the muslim brotherhood is our chosen voice of democracy in egypt which is also the same force that stands to benefit in syria if our goal in foreign policy is successful thank you mr texas we heard it many times the first casualty of war is the truth and we see it happening time and time again the media urge to simplify matters and to eventually push a certain agenda becomes a weapon in itself a weapon which creates victims of its own in washington i'm going to second. russian china never a buff washington's threats of consequences for what it sees as siding with the regime in syria u.s. . secretary of state hillary clinton said the countries must pay
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a price for their persistent support of the assad regime. and one of the reasons for the harsh rhetoric so far the majority think the move points to the frustration of the west over a hampered military drive twenty one percent think russia and china are indeed stalling the peace effort the rest split between the remaining two options clinton's words undermining the geneva peace accords preventing joint progress and the rhetoric was aimed at boosting public support for president obama's reelection effort. you can find this and more stories on our website r t v dot com including this there is something out there rapidly moving forbes of light spotted nearly simultaneously in the skies over europe and the us find out more about the phenomenon online plus. what's your beef thrill seekers take their chances with the bulls in the streets of pamplona and one of spain's biggest summer festivals. israel closes the door to the un human rights council
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banning officials from entering the country on a mission to inspect west bank settlements. a deadline set by the u.k.'s highest court for julian assange his extradition to sweden has expired the whistleblower says he won't leave the safety of ecuador's london embassy until a decision on his request for asylum in the south american countries made our for has more. it's been nearly two and a half weeks now the julian assange has been holed up inside the ecuadorian embassy here in london after presenting himself on the nineteenth of june seeking asylum now today is the deadline for his extradition to sweden of his appeal to the supreme court in the against
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a sexual assault allegations failed so would have been the day we could have seen julian assange is put on a plane and sent to sweden and of course the big. his legal team have always said is that he would be then. gets in very strict free trial detention conditions and the overriding fear is that it would make it much easier for him to be extradited on to the u.s. but of course that's not going to happen today because julian assange took that dramatic step to seek asylum and you can see here today a number of his supporters still keeping vigil outside the ecuadorian embassy for the banners of support for about seventy days on a daily vigil we're hearing solitary with a saunters war resister a new star starting with the ecuadorian people in the heart that i might be right decision which is drive the car short of a real sense among his supporters that this decision and the handling of his legal case it was a real failure for the u.k.
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in terms of defending human rights well now at the same time that you're in a sound just fighting his this battle against extradition we see wiki leaks once again coming into the spotlight and taking the headlines with revelations of a new big leak the syria files more than two point four million e-mails that the group say that they have that they going and have already indeed started releasing and that the inner workings of not just the syrian government but also western countries and western companies as well and that's going to be released in stages over the next. phil of weeks the last big leak of course the u.s. diplomatic cables cable days well the syria files even bigger than that eight times bigger in terms of documents and a hundred times bigger in terms of data and already we're seeing some of the revelations from not being explored so wiki leaks once again showing really that
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it's still able to do what it does best despite the fact that today in a soldier's fist fight continues social media platforms are more popular than ever but people have the right to use them to say whatever they feel the resident takes to the streets of new york to ask people if internet companies should police what you post. twitter is instituting a new policy of blocking posts it deems racist is it ok for social media websites to pick and choose what can and can't be said this week let's talk about that. right but some people still do. but that's the world we live in so should it be out there for people to see or should twitter take it down twitter should take it down so we're live in new york we live free but doesn't the racist person live free to post whatever they want do you have kids do you worry about them being exposed to
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racist comments. well that's not good yeah but you can express whatever you want anyway you should be able to express freedom yeah you might not agree with raised this them but do you agree that people should be able to say what they want not in a social networking site like i know why not this is just going to take us a people to keep the informants to themselves but that's the whole point of twitter is reading it out something we've got to be reset to where it's not ok to use to say whatever you want now the internet you shouldn't just be able to say whatever you want to. raise it. you know if you write something it doesn't have to be racist even though that the words are sometimes you can write some things that all races but the words are not so it depends on the human side how you interpreted it you block the negative in the drama but you're also preventing free speech right there so i guess it's
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a tossup so is it ok for twitter to decide what stays and goes since it's their company. i guess they probably have to have a you know it's a company that judges it because who are they to say what their website true say what's racism what's not there do you think twitter. kind of racist content is going to make a difference and help people not be racist our is a racist is is just going to process it's going to happen we've changed but not enough yet so i think that's their way of preventing some form of cyberbullying but it's not going to change anything whether or not you think it's right for social media companies to censor content on their sites the bottom line is this wouldn't be an issue if people would just be better citizens and stout being raised. updating our top story now more than one hundred forty people reported dead in a massive flood that hit the southern russian krasnodar region thousands of homes
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were devastated when five months worth of rain fell in the space of just twenty four hours rescue efforts underway but water is swept away roads and severed communications hampering efforts to evaluate survivors the area is a popular seaside resort attracting thousands of russian holiday goers throughout the year will be bringing you the latest developments on the disaster as they happen here on r.t. . headlines coming up shortly stay with us.
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there are those who desperately need it to survive. to spoke on the town give money to the onlooker. on goldman the fish. and suppresses the prize the rights of the two for. new clothes and. those who don't get their share of the traits. good by downloading got what he called police and you know don't last but not the one not us that you call media by you know about it i mean not look at you edited from the company from. those who suck it out to prosper. inside the seeds. of you not from. say. nice glasses on. no one can live without it in one of the largest blood banks in the world. blood of niger. on r.t.
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nearly a billion people in the world are going from greece every day. in the united states even our trash cans are filled with food you just have to go get it all of these perfectly good eggs because one was cracked didn't even get all over the other ones just thrown all the way rotten cheese from the german oh. clearly like. a profile. of the dumpster at one am this morning three pm this afternoon on the grill a cake is made from and one dozen dumpster egg whites. and delicious breakfast for the family make some toast for about a week every year in america we throw away ninety six billion pounds of food.
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