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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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and in a parked car the regime broke down the road. i think iraq the bombing is beatable and one day while. we never got the live shows neighborhood keep you safe get ready because you lose your freedom. but the reader would like to turn over. a book and they alone a fellow will get the real headlines with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. . you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you
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glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture . now on this show we have repeatedly discussed how the us government has been going
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all gangbusters over domestic drones and how this raises a lot of questions like concerns over your privacy but concerns over who is watching you when i was just the beginning because now we have technology concerns that have recently come to the surface especially after a team with the university of texas at austin was able to hack a drone using a technique called spoofing now it was so easy to hack those drones and the professor who headed up the project sounded the alarm very publicly last week. five in ten years we've got thirty thousand of these drones inhabiting the national airspace cohabit with the piloted vehicles each one of these could be a potential missile to use to use against us if they have been commandeered by somebody on the ground. now despite all of that drones are on track to take flight by two thousand and fifteen that's in the f.a.a. is expected to finalize the regulations for their domestic use and the agency actually projects that thirty thousand of them will be in america's skies by two thousand and twenty so in an effort to appease concerned americans a trade group out there called the association for un manned vehicle systems
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international well they've created and released their first code of conduct and these recommendations for safe non-intrusive operation are supposed to provide a guide to the operators and to reassure those of us who are wary of the imminent use for everything so the code of conduct comes from the arlington virginia based group and it circles around three basic ideas safety professionalism and respect and the safety code of mines pilots to fly with courtesy and responsibility while they're at the trigger of the u.a.b. professionalism as drone pilots to cooperate with laws and f.a.a. rules and a set of contingency plans in case things don't go as planned and lastly with its responsibility mantra the group declares that it will respect the rights of others respect privacy and respect the concerns of the public regarding drone use now this two page code of conduct seems pretty well written but you're out of forgive me because. i'm not sold on this whole thing i think the a.c.l.u.
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lobbyist chris calibers see hit the nail on the head when he said i think it's really important that they're paying attention to privacy but i can't imagine they didn't expect this to quell privacy concerns not to mention of course the fact that this is essentially just a promise and promises don't usually go too far and we just think of all of the other times out there that an industry offered to regulate itself that really put your mind at ease one glaring example with this is google or their promise of doing no evil. principle of do no evil was not a rule in the sense that there was a defining line and you may do this you may not do that. now despite the fact of the internet giant says that it's against evil let's just remember how google street view maps created more privacy concerns not to mention that the company basically holds all of your private information from pictures contacts even evils and on top of that their member who will automatically enroll is you in certain privacy eroding options like your personalized search engine so those are just
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a few examples but it was to say google is google is hardly it living up to its own mantra but it's obviously not just google what about those back out bankers on wall street right they wanted to regulate themselves politicians let them and then what do you know our entire economy came crashing down because deregulation helped lead what was essentially the biggest ponzi scheme of all time and yet there is still fighting against regulations and there's only a few strong voices that we hear out there trying to bring us all back to a level of sanity. we have to say as a country no the banks cannot regulate themselves they are financial institutions that run the risk of taking down everyone's job run the risk of taking down everyone's pension who run the risk of taking down the entire economy and that means it's appropriate to have some government oversight. now of wall street alone and didn't show us why self-regulation fails let's talk ticket back in april the
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poultry industry wanted to start regulating itself to lobbying for a new program that would cut back on the number of inspectors on the assembly line . doubling production line speed and instead of the four inspectors each looking at thirty five birds a minute there will be only one u.s.d.a. inspector per line looking at one hundred seventy five birds per minute. yeah they basically just want to get rid of the inspectors you tell me how comfortable or how comforting that is right as the sweet embrace of salmonella just works its way through your digestive tract i'm sure then you'd agree that self regulation is a pretty horrible idea now if these companies really mean when they say back off we can handle it as if they want to relax and fauresmith so rules can be broken even more so and they are already so basically self-regulation is a promise and promises are often broken and when it comes to drones doing god knows what above my head it's going to take a little more than a code of conduct written and enforced by the drug manufacturers and the operators
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to put me in. the last week south korea announced a plan to resume whaling despite a one nine hundred eighty six moratorium on commercial whaling that was set by the international whaling commission this announcement sparked international outcry from activists and governments including the us representative russell f. smith he's the deputy assistant secretary for international fisheries at the national oceanic and atmospheric administration where he said that the u.s. didn't believe that killing whales is necessary for scientific research and he added that the south koreans wanted to hunt whales which are in danger of extinction but the thing is is outcry about of enough or do you need to take more direct action our guest tonight is somebody that you all know who's chosen to take it into his own hands to stop whale hunting worldwide and last week he went as far as saying that the obama administration makes the george bush administration look like a bunch of whale huggers and that no president since ronald reagan has betrayed whales
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more than this one so joining me now is anti-whaling activist and founder of the sea shepherd organization captain paul watson thanks so much for joining us tonight i know we have a lot of fans of your work and of the show too here on our program but i want to start with the choice words that you had for president obama that you wrote about last week when you said that he makes george w. bush looks look like whale huggers so tell me more. well every administration from ronald reagan on has taken a tough stand on whaling but the obama administration has not and really making deals with the japanese. really accepting and trying to find a compromise and these compromises include legalizes you know when you're trying to legalize oil and. two years ago the international whaling commission they tried to force this compromise on the out of you see and it was shot down by the latin american countries and the european bloc so. it hasn't been very good this is
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ministration has been very good for the us what about you know their stance on south korea they weren't the only ones there was a lot of outcry about south korea's announcement at this international whaling commission meeting that this happened but all very confusing so it has been condemned and for the scientific research show willing for some time but they have all the obviously gotten the impression that it's a it doesn't mean anything so they say well if you're going to kill whales under the guise of scientific whaling why don't we do the same thing and there are fishermen have been lobbying them for to to kill whales now i don't think this is going to happen for a one year possibly two years but the only thing that's going to stop it really is that we directly intervene or if the countries of the world who are signatories to get out of the sea during supposed to be which is embargo on those nations for violating those regulations japan before most of one of those with nobody wants to take any action against them so is that why you do you know what you do because i
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think some people might say that your methods are a little extreme especially when there are these international commissions or things of the international community can do you know to take action why do you do it you tip. we're not a protest organization we don't protest anything we intervene against illegal activities and showing whales by japan in the southern ocean whale sanctuary is legal it's called sanctuary but none of the signatories the out to sea are in force in those those rules and regulations you know we have all rules regulations and treaties we need to protect our oceans they're all there but nobody's of course and the lack of political and economic will to do so so that's why we do what we do we intervene by virtue of the united nations will charter for nature which allows for non-government organizations and individuals hold international conservation law already to do is that the governments are going to do their job then we have to do for art so i have one thing you know if i go back to what you wrote to in regards to the bush administration making obama administration live that you know your o.
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w. may have done things that many people did like like start a few wars and stuff but then you went on i think that's a really big deal you know so why are whales more important that i mean i find what george w. bush did it especially in terms of getting us into a war in iraq where thousands of soldiers died when hundreds of thousands of civilians died to be a really big deal was being sarcastic i actually voted for obama but the fact is when it comes to whales and marine issues. mr she has failed them while george bush did create the largest marine reserve in the world around him from hawaii to midway and that is a legacy hopefully obama will do something similar you know i certainly hope that he might i don't know but when it comes to the reality of the whale issue there's no question that to see ministration this failed to tell you why you're in germany
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germany right now what your situation there is i know that you might be facing extradition the coast aretha. well ten years ago intervened against a sharpening operation at the request of the guatemalan government when we stopped it they were miles inside the guatemalan waters and didn't think anything of it we were we were simply stopped and we didn't injure anybody we didn't damage anything but we put an end to their activities and then in may of this year i landed in frankfurt and suddenly found myself arrested under a costa rican extradition warrant for interfering with that sharpening operation doesn't make any sense really because like i said nobody was injured and no damn property property damage germany doesn't even have a closer to an extradition repeated treaty with costa rica and the interpol has dismissed the extradition demand as being politically motivated so why germany acted on it we don't know that remains to be studying firstly i have faith that germany will not extradite me to post a report of this and by the way i've offered to post
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a report to attend the trial but i said you got to set a trial they will come with their evidence we certainly can when we documented everything for the film shark water but they want to extradite you why because that means they bring you there in handcuffs and hold me in their prison for a year until they get around to setting trial the and i don't think that that's that's right so i think we have a very good case and i'm confident that we will win it i will definitely keep an eye on that thanks so much for joining us tonight captain paul watson. if you. are it's time for our last regular evening welcome back find out why the state of florida is tonight's told time winner then nerds could be at each other's throats after the results of a that man study were released comedian maria alexander and our very own jenny churchill discuss all that and more on a happy hour. of american power continue.
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might be revolution. and. they were very good. radio. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so sleep you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm charging the big picture. here of what i. look and they alone are so they'll get the real headline with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so
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that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. . welcome to the capital account i'm lauren lyster.
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our guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and it's going to a state where officials are letting poor people suffer from a deadly contagious disease while covering up and putting everyone else at risk now as you know florida isn't often make headlines for the right reasons especially since tea party favorite rick scott was elected governor in two thousand and ten whether it's drug testing welfare recipients indiscriminate voter purges or packing for profit jails with nonviolent offenders well status earned a reputation for picking on its most vulnerable particularly to the benefit of the elites and scott makes no bones about using the state's budget crisis to supplement the income of the rich take a look at this our budget cut spending five point five billion dollars but people are shocked that we are doing it and we said in on top of that we did to your budget and so the first year to begin dollars in tax cuts big business tax from five point five percent down to three percent and there were a phase out over the next few years to be zero we have fifteen less government jobs
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in the state of florida. because the the thing is that florida's callous voodoo economics isn't just hurting the poor it's put the entire state at risk of contracting one of the world's most infectious diseases because you see on march twenty sixth with the blessing of conservatives scott signed a bill slashing florida's department of health budget and ordering the closure of a hospital specializing in tuberculosis treatment and just nine days later the center for disease control sent florida officials a report suggesting that that move could have terrible consequences. disease control it found a major outgrow break of tuberculosis in jacksonville a few years ago that was one of the worst in decades and what's more shocking is that it came at a time when state leaders decided to close the a.g. holly state hospital in lantana which specialized in treating this disease thirteen deaths and ninety nine illnesses have been linked to this outbreak. now palm beach
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post reporter stacy thing or broke this story when she got a hold of april report she discovered the first outbreak occurred in jacksonville in two thousand and eight but state and county officials failed to contain the disease because the health department in the county home in jacksonville ran out of money and with even worse officials there actively sought to keep the public in the dark and have done so since the first outbreak four years ago this is what stacy wrote it was early february when duvall county health department officials felt so overwhelmed by the sudden spike in tuberculosis that they asked the u.s. centers for disease control and prevention to become involved that's what singers reported believing at the outbreak a fact that only their underclass the health officials made a conscious decision not to tell the public repeating a decision they had made in two thousand and eight when the same strain had appeared in an assisted living home for people with schizophrenia now you don't want is for anyone to have another reason why people should turn their backs on the
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homeless that's what charles griggs the public information officer for the deval county health department set and yet keeping people in the dark has had severe consequences you c.d.c. report found that three thousand people in the last two years have been in close contact with those in fact that people frequented jacksonville's homeless shelters and only two hundred fifty three of the possible disease carriers have been tracked down and tested while cases of the t.v. outbreak have been found as far south as miami so according to singer's reporting it appears that the c.d.c. report was buried officials were too busy reducing the health care budget instead of trying to contain the outbreak and alert the public and all the secrecy kind of ironic considering that florida is called the sunshine state but this whole story i must say isn't really all that surprising it's typical florida banks a tea party intransigence the underclass has suffered from a disease mostly commonly associated with the eighteenth century and now it appears that large chunks of florida's population are rich. it's so for writing off
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a serious health risk because it only affected the poor failing to alert the public in allowing funding to be cut to the very department they can combat that outbreak florida is tonight's tool time later. our guys it is time for happy hour and joining me this evening alone to show senior producer jenny churchill and comedian marie alexander hello ladies happy monday how i know and a very good let's get to booty popping shall we oh my god. i saw i saw this last night and i can talk about though i have to we have to play it first and that are we have to show it to the audience so they know what it is that we're talking about because i know there's always stuff that comes out your liking converging on a little inappropriate here's
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a six year old rapping about how he can make your booty pop. up. while this makes me awkward on so many different levels yeah i heard the hint that he's the rebecca black. black six year fortune on for him it's. that want to be in the video that's my question here as you are paid by the production company putting it out if you actually look at the closing credits they still use a yahoo email account ok they're clearly not in touch with what's appropriate and all that kid i mean it's like an audi belly button really. and he would not like the lowest rung of like rap videos you know like you know yes definitely different levels you go through it like so you're the one that does the six year old i mean
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is it really that much worse than those moms that put their daughters in those pageants and they flaunt around in those outfits looking like you know a dog there's a juror yeah exactly is this really any worse than that i don't think it is the same maybe there's less payoff here and then for being a beauty pageant queen even if he was going to question that although i mean wall it's do do like these little girls realize that they're being so sexualized whereas a little kid is like that he's shaking and i mean like i was ok guy ok projectile was the women that i watched in their life so. i was never sort of toddlers and tiaras where the girl wore fake boobs what. so she could shake them what are you going to have the most messed up part about that they all have like this special juice that they feed their children where they said i was recently i don't have any of those other ensures you know what they all have their formulas they don't want to give it up and they're like comes up with their own like you
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figure out what works to give your kid a lot of energy and so there who knows what they're putting in the juice they're dragging their kids and they're tracking that when you make. her out of my own home . ok. let's move on to the next story shall we so this is kind of an interesting thing according to the american association for public opinion research they think that people are more likely to give accurate answers tomorrow. questions by text and they're more likely to answer sensitive questions truthfully in a text message than they would be in like a voice interview or more one on one and make sense i think so you have more time to think about it you don't actually like the look the person in the face after you've made your statement yeah i mean i think it's like you're more honest via text because you have more time to think about the repercussions of being not honest if you're going to exaggerate something out loud like i often do you know in
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our morning meeting so i'm like so and so said this on fox news you know john even said that at all that's now if you can take it back with it it's written in stone it's. much easier to be dishonest checks to be honest with you much easier to call out of work right now moments yeah but your ego got like faking the cough like i'm just really sick i think you find easier way as you know on what you just text them to say i'm not coming in because sometimes. i'm jealous. you can totally like you know someone asked you what you're doing you know want to hang out and i think people are wired everywhere but i guess you know you don't want to be caught with like evidence that you lied maybe. it's weird it kind of makes sense to me it makes sense to me. i think we're just more connected to technology it's going to tie in perfectly into the other stories. it is especially a story about that maybe i'm. you know
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everybody loves batman right especially now everyone's waiting for the dark knight rises to come out which yes it will be reviewing don't worry. and you know some people try to fly like batman they create batman suits everyone's batmobile here is some guy trying to do the batman job particularly. ok doesn't fly. but so a couple kids from the university of lancaster they've ruined batman for a different margin much larger group of nerds by coming out the paper called the trajectory of a falling batman and they've basically said the batman could not have used escape to glide from the top of tall buildings as he's often depicted in doing and it just it would have been technically impossible also superman can't fly i'm sorry but i think it they have heroes i think that is nothing more devastating for someone
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who's like a superhero comic book fan than having someone say no scientifically that's not possible because i think a lot of much that i think they kind of wanted to be like that could happen like they know it didn't happen it's not like they're reading history but you know just the possibility like that if you want to really spider-man like the whole good to me that a radioactive spider can't bite you then you know. it can make what's come out your ass i just love that so i don't know much energy on proving or disproving oh yeah you know what i think that's why this happened so much more like you local girl diversity students you know what i'm like honestly the people who are doing any type of study you know what are they like comic books therefore what are they going to investigate investigate things that happen in comic books so i think that makes this one oh yeah i would i should have done a report on like taco bell when i was the college or something you know if i really wanted to talk about my loves in this world which just really quickly before we go
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you've got to look at this talk own is not from taco bell this is just it's just so homemade. yeah yeah this is rhetoric and you don't think it is messy i think it's a horrible idea of hers in the shape of i don't know leave you think the this is a bad idea every single time you get a taco all i think is i wish that this weren't so messy i mean you are going to have a decrease in the amount of food and you're talking. to. mentioned i like the layers i like it to be layered her kind of takes it out and you get it makes it up in the end what's the difference what you talk. i mean i do anything i know i'm almost saying i disagree but you know i could i could be persuaded i just need to try it our girls are going to be expert joining me tonight that is it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and make sure to come back tomorrow and he ran down though is going to be back on the program in the meantime don't forget to feel on our show on facebook and follow us on twitter and subscribe to our you tube channel and also do not forget that now you can watch us on hulu as well coming up next is
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the new. there hasn't been anything good on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before source material is what helps keep journalism honest we. we want to present. something on. the.
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