tv [untitled] July 9, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT
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taking it to the streets protesters come out in force in mexico i mean fraud in last week's presidential election all their voices be heard are two questions more . keep tabs on you the new report looks at the growing trend of u.s. police departments tracking you through your cell phone so what are they looking for and who are they targeting. drink up and place your bets as cast strapped states and cities deal with budget woes many attorneys many are turning to gambling and booze for an economic boost this is a fair way to balance the budget or recipe for disaster.
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it's monday july ninth seven pm in washington d.c. i'm abbie martin and you're watching our team can election results be trusted in a country and torrijos for election fraud thousands of people in mexico are saying no and took to the streets over the weekend to protest the results of last week's election for the reigning pre-k. party candidate and yet though won thirty eight point two percent of the vote left this presidential candidate on the dais manuel lopez obrador got thirty one point five percent of the vote. the protesters are alleging that the pretty party won by buying the votes and i would have thought of as planned formally challenging the outcome of the election so is there any evidence of voter fraud and one other term of pre mean for mexico to explore those questions and more i'm joined by investigative journalist andrew kenneth hey andrew thanks for joining us thanks for
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having me on so you're on the ground there tell us what you've seen from the journalistic standpoint of what's happening right there and right now and over the weekend well basically since the the crew callen election results were announced just last monday there's been an extraordinary amount of opposition and social fervent here in mexico throughout the country especially where my local is over there were supporters strongest in mexico city there was a spontaneous protest great to the federal city to let's world. offices right now when the nonsense were being made about a recount being done and then there was a massive protest on saturday that was really done actually throughout the country not the public process of the country but was stopped showing its strongest and biggest you know i guess example of the opposition right now in the nation's capital is new plaza what happened actually after that was there was
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a spontaneous purchase that erupted right outside of a wedding of a major televisa personality whose name was any of their beds and actually ironically their bed was a supporter of the movement but nonetheless the protesters target the wedding as a kind of a symbol of televisa which is really the second target of all the opposition in the protesters it's not just because a thing and yet though they're opposing but it's also the alliance that was revealed actually by investigative reports in the guardian between the president elect and ansell of east in terms of a contract some airtime bought. go shoot it going our way back to two thousand and five and with some. documents on earth again by the guardian the limb is daily as recently as two thousand and nine so. controls about she serves of the country's free to air channels and has really been the darling of the present left in like i said but this new generation that's connected to twitter to facebook to each other through text messaging and other digital apparatus they're really really hit so
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this is going to actually are leading the percs us against again not only the president elect but also itself so and you're saying that it wasn't only perhaps an election fraud going out it was just the media monopolization and kind of putting him up on a pedestal and controlling the message. you know and that's that's definitely part of the equation but i don't want to eliminate the other half an hour we are growing about iraq and the protesters are just this just isn't free and just as in opposition to the various the violence seems that we're arranged the most common of riches really with the grocery chain called soriano and actually one of the few papers covered this a little bit more critically here my school city showed a picture of the president elect ironically with the t.-shirt of soriano standing in front of the supermarkets you know holding the sons up and really what was done there was that there were you know basically voters organized and given prepaid
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soriano kind of gift buying grocery cards anywhere from one hundred to one thousand pesos both before during and after the election you know the biggest supporters of of of the opposition campaigns you know have been really rallying around that as being the most the focal point of the vote buying scene and have said that these three million votes were or are pretty much you know contested in by of course through those specific means but there are other programs as well and brokers and schemes as well including through the last in the nation's leading teachers teachers' unions which also compelled or and all curse many of its members to vote for finances to all of varying scenes of the loud illegalities rather that you know fly in the face of what for a loss you know mexico's to the point where under the sun well of a seven or who is challenging the results of elections now bringing this case to the last world for a funeral and they have until september sixth to decide who will be the official winner because as of now there are still really is not an official winner thing so
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all the allegations controversy that were went down the. andrew the election tribunals that's supposed to determine the outcome of the election is there any sort of coersion going on between the reigning pre party already and this tribe you know very well that you know there's no known instances of collusion and. not direct ones at least but wouldn't you know historically in that the last five elections have been of the last five lessons really a set of them have been hotly disputed is that the electoral tribunal has never returned the decision by say you know the official concedes because the federal institutes that tabulates supposed so there hasn't been any kind of precedent despite really how this is a selections even one of those even closer and more hotly contested in two thousand and six of us were observing overturning the results but nonetheless this is a being tried for now because the last time around that the election was suggested by again the same opposition candidate there was two months of protests and a lot of direct action and of course the media turned against you know the
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candidate as a result of that and really lambasted him throughout the airwaves and even in the newspapers as well for holding those protests right in the middle initial happily literally grout you know grinder that he's out of the hall and doing that so this time around it seems you've taken a more kind of institutional that sort of strategy again historically it really remains to be seen the best in the work at all and i don't think a lot of supporters are holding their breath for that to happen so in spite of the official campaign not calling for protests not being a part of it the purpose of getting the legs on spontaneously and it was quite a lot of energy and verve and almost on a daily basis the nation's capital and beyond. it's hard to forget what happened last time where so many did take over the capital those truly on the mantle it's a momentous time in history and i want to get your take on you know the i am thirty one thirty two movement you know so i santo that i and they those what if as you
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said what we saw last week was more spontaneous they have not really claim that they they started are you seeing the two opposition movements kind of combining or is it just totally organic at this point of what's going on i would say it's very organic what's going on at this point because there were some skirmishes actually and some reports of police trenches and front of the. and between protesters and some of the organizers again from one of the more lead private universities tell the barrel many planets backed off a little bit from that and specially from another even more private immorally university called each backed off a little bit from sponsoring a calling for protests but it really didn't matter because it's the bulk of the student protesters and of the movement really still to sew it up on the streets you know these things are organized they're going to clean through the internet you know through social media and whether or not the leading organizers at all the schools are behind or not the protests just continue to happen like i said in a very spontaneous matter that the energy i was you know literally on the scene in a very trendy kind of street in the middle of mexico city in front of what's called
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however you know and the church there and the energy that was just the richest two dozen protesters there first but literally everybody from those local kind of already into the church area it was about ten blocks away in a spontaneous manager and then she and you know the fervent in the opposition there was just from mendis you know you had little kids kind of repeating what the protests are saying which was fired at the levy saying you know get get the heck out of here tel aviv and it really does seem i would see it you know that kind of surprise to me that there's a turning point here where that the newer younger generation is really learning that you know mainstream media is just not the way to go for reliable source information they're just turning it off from the sources and weighs in on president ways and and ways that are organized or really fueling the protest movement it does seem like that is happening worldwide where there is a generational gap have we under generation kind of awakening to the whole stablish stem from the top down and you get your take on just what will it mean for mexico if the outcome is indeed upheld and opinion that you know continues to rain and
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create just goes on and on i mean talk about how long they've been instated and what this will mean for them to continue to rule the country well i mean the pre was in power for seventy one years until two thousand and many critics that the plans of some more of the party that's the coburn one one the last. presidency is just a more conservative version of that so you add up that in that ninety years of too you know very right wing conservative parties ruling over mexico with the strength stranglehold kind of grip you know whether it's been through both by and seems or really feeling as was the case at the time a very very violent violent war the same day over fifty thousand and fifty thousand civilian deaths since the collar on the situation seems office so you know the majority of the country a very clear almost super majority of the country voted against and yet still for better or worse there is no one else in here in mexico so with just you know a bit over thirty percent of the lesser voting for him i mean that's even lower
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percentages and then i think george bush won here that should you know painting the up as something the power so the whole country is really kind of european itself very tense very very nervous about the return to power by the free you know one of the most notorious acts that pending and yet we did in this short list let's put her here as governor of the state of mexico with the authorize a very very violent repression of a largely peaceful farmers in a town called a tanker that was literally fighting for its life trying to preserve the land that was given to them through land reforms meaning back to mexico evolution that was being threatened by the bill the construction of a new airport service next to cities and they would actually ultimately want out and stopping the construction of the airport and then went out in terms of suffering very violent repression over one hundred women were you know made rape allegations officially over two dozen that were arrested and brought to jail and dozens of other processes reported beatings that you know iraq you know really
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resulted in the condemnation from the c.n.n. national and many other nationals in this fruit for the treatment and then that developed out and that's just you know one incident so given the precise theory and then the history opinion as a self the country is pretty scared really what this might mean in terms of return to repression and much less a continuance because it was recently announced by the pen in the campaign that the . so the same way the drug war has been since in office it was one of the first announcements that announcements made as president elect was that he would be a national security strategy as has been executed since the office and as we've seen just a lot of violence rages on in mexico still it's a syrup that i need to live in san diego and it's really intense over there and it will be very interesting to see how this plays out thanks so much for giving us your take andrew i was investigative journalists and you can kind of. syrian leader bashar al assad is accusing the u.s.
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of hindering peace by eighteen the rebel forces within the country opposition leaders are asking the west for intervention against his regime but some in the country fear for their lives and the hands of the rebels are to correspondent maria for notion of reports from syria and i should warn you the following images are graphic. since the uprising in syria escalated the west has been consistently calling on assad and his government to step down in an effective link i want to go to the demands of the armed opposition but it seems too far from its nuclear understanding of exactly they are. these fighters of the syrian opposition they're brave determined full of pride they took the fate in their hands. but for some taken control of their destiny meant taken up arms in this amateur video posted on you tube which cannot be independently verified gunmen calling themselves members of the opposition militia
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from it live explain why this man was hanged and which really helped the syrian regime and was killing the rebels they say i am. on behalf of all fronts let me express my admiration by the bravery overt but this kind of justice only adds more anger to what has already been called a signal for. the terrorists really those murderers and i believe that is necessary for any citizen to leave with us. we cannot ask the opposition to unilaterally give up their struggle for justice dignity and self-determination in other vidia whose origin is hard to establish these men say they captured the syrian air force officer then they dispense even more rough justice. the united states will continue providing non-lethal assistance to
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help those inside syria who are carrying the fight to organize and better communicate. in this video are the police behind cameras says the fight must go on it warns this will happen to anyone who cooperates with the assad government. they are top criminals these people are top of criminality how do they have the right feel sad when you find your country destroyed our country we've been building our lives. the whole world wants to see a political transition from this illegitimate regime you seem to actually see one that can take care of its people many here however fear that should such people force assad to leave since like these could become a familiar occurrence and have little faith in a western force democracy. where they're talking about democracy in the gulf or in
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other countries we are syrian people we should decide these things ourselves. this mantra that the syrian people alone should determine their country's future has been repeated by many nations and has finally been recognized by major world powers but why some states still continuing to call on assad to leave and support in his opponents fears mounting syria that this is the people that will pay the ultimate price. my flush out sea from damascus in syria. for the first time data has been collected on a national level that reveals the extent of cell phone wiretapping in the u.s. the level of surveillance of exploded in the last five years increasing about fifteen percent annually since two thousand and seven two thousand and eleven cell carriers reported that they have one point three million demands from law enforcement agencies requesting text messages color vocations and other information that is cell surveillance and increased warrants for wiretapping has declined
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fourteen percent last year to only two thousand seven hundred thirty two so how and why is this happening and with this disturbing trend of exponential growth of the surveillance state continue to break it all down i was joined earlier by alan butler appellate advocacy council for epic take a listen. well what we've learned is the extent of law enforcement requests given to cell phone companies for user data so subscriber data could be anything from the name or account information on your bill to the location of your cell phone is from a call so i mean one point three million is such an enormous number. and it's not really stating what agencies federal local it's just kind of saying just a broad sweep of this number how can we be sure that these are really for legitimate purposes like they're claiming it's hard to know i mean a lot of the cell phone companies are making clear in their responses that you know they abide by the law they follow the rules that they're supposed to follow but
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a lot of these might be judgment calls in the case of subpoenas for information for what they call basic subscriber information the threshold is very low as to whether it's relevant to an investigation or a case that particular case as to say location information which is increasingly seen as sensitive information the threshold is also lower than it would be for a probable cause warrant the threshold is whether. that information is relevant to an ongoing investigation and so you know typically a court orders the company had to disclose that data but there's not really the typical legal process involved in obtaining a warrant there to prevent abuse so i mean there's very little warrants being issued yet such an insanely high number of these requests why why is that declining i guess is just that opening more are the barriers more open now
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than they used to be anywise are such a little amount of actually that warrants you know shoot and such a high amount of surveillance requests i think that part of the problem is that the warrants are hard to obtain and the process is the threshold to seri high and yet more and more information is available through. these other methods through subpoenas through court orders and so as long as long force and resources are strapped they're relying on these other methods that are much. make it much easier to obtain information than a traditional warrant and so one requests either stay the same or go down over time whereas requests for other data goes up as more people use cell phones as more people you know go into these other modes of communication so it's a lot more on what those are i mean they say that their emergency requests a lot of cellphone carriers have responded saying you know we actually filed with the f.b.i. saying we didn't think that these were reasonable requests so what exactly are they
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saying in order to get this information without the warrant what are they well it depends on what they're asking for so again there is a category of information called basic subscriber information only supposed to include information that show up on your cell phone bill for example and that information can be obtained through a court subpoena which is basically a request for information about related to a case and the threshold is very low it's just kind of whether it's relevant to the issue so we know that one point three million and that's the least amount that we know how much do you think that we don't know well i think you know part of what we don't know is a lot of what we don't know from these reports is what standard is being applied for a particular kind of request information the reports don't exactly make clear what the standard is for example for location information which was sort of the impetus for the letter in this the request in the first place and whether these companies
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require heightened standard for you know location information real time location information identifying where a cell phone is right now versus historic records of where the cell phone has been as calls were made over the last few months. but what about the data dumps where in one instance you can have hundreds if not thousands of different carriers with just one request i mean how many do we even know how many of those have happened or is that just kind of an unknown number i mean it's obviously more than one point three million subscribers and you're looking at the references of these giant data they're talking about requests here and some of those requests as you say are for what they call tower dumps which show let's say everyone has access to particular tower in a two hour period which could be you know thousands or tens of thousands of of users and it's basically showing a unique record that that person was at that time at that place and we don't really have a breakdown of how many you know tower records requests they have versus a particular individual record let's take
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a look really quickly because i think one of the most disturbing aspects of this story at least for me was the fact that u.s. taxpayers are censuring footing the bill to be surveilled in two thousand and seven eighty and t. made two point eight million dollars and in two thousand and eleven they made eight point three million is this just something that we can expect to continue this trend of them just making millions of dollars and we're kind of footing the bill to be you know ramp up the surveillance state well i think it is troubling and you know in part it has to do with the extent to which we're funding law enforcement activity at all they have to you know they're conducting investigations and this is sort of part of their cost and i think the cost has actually come down over time but all that you know is the cost come down come down on the activity increases so it's not really you know we have to have because i think control it in multiple different ways through you know whether the extent to which we're funding law
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enforcement and the extent to which these companies have to comply with their orders and in certain circumstances but i mean in two thousand and six we saw this widespread wiretapping you know and the telecom industries were granted immunity and. this big scandal but i mean so how likely are the telecom agencies really going to say you know we don't agree with this request they're getting paid to do it so it's like how can we really count on them to say you know we don't feel comfortable that this might be an invasion of privacy we don't feel like this is really an emergency. and i think it's also problematic because they've created basically compliance entire compliance sectors of their companies and so there are people whose entire job it is to comply with these requests and you know obviously if the requests go down in large amounts then those people you know might be out of a job so it's you know there's a similar sort of there's a status here that once we reach this level where the requests are coming in at the rate of one point three million a year i think it propagates itself
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a bit. great point and what can we really expect in the future i mean should people ultimately care what does this mean for people's privacy what about people who are just like you know i'm not doing anything wrong so it doesn't bother me you can you can really access anything you want you know i mean i think that if you think about tower dumps again telling long for sent everyone that's been out of meticulous area a particular time that affects thousands of people that have no idea that their information is now shared and they may not know how that affects them in the long run and also you know some of the carriers mentioned that that certain authorizations may allow them to get not only the location of the person who's calling who they're investigating but also the person who they're talking to on the other side of the phone so it may not matter whether or not you're innocent because it may matter who you're talking to or who you're interacting with or where you are on a particular day and all of the stored data mined and. i'm sure that once the information
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is accessed it's pretty much stored for good and being able to cross cross reference later on which also maybe people should care about it so it's obviously stored by the carriers for a certain amount of time and it depends on the carrier. in some cases it can be up to a year or more and with law enforcement there's haven't been specific disclosures about how long they would maintain the data but it could be a very long time definitely an interesting story thanks so much for coming on and elaborating on that was alan butler appellate advocacy council for epic in today's tough economic times it looks like gambling and booze may be the answer to america's budget woes or at least that's what the cities and states in the country are banking on with local and state governments struggling to raise revenue we're seeing a trend across the country expanding liquor laws encouraging people to drink up but is this really the best way to solve the budget deficit and what are the true costs to society argue correspondent lose wall explores.
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las vegas the brake lights entice an influx of people looking for a good time. but if some cities and states across the country get their way what happens in vegas won't stay in vegas struggling to raise revenue and close the deficit some governments want to bring a piece of sin city home and maryland maryland lie recently opened its doors more than three football fields long the massive adult playground is welcomed by some great employers put a lot of people to work great tax revenue great entertainment venue i think it's going to be a real plus for the area but despised by others it brings a lot more people in gambling i don't know how great that is for like the kid in the mall isn't really a family place now. and on the d.c. maryland border lies a national harbor a picturesque development along the water. a proposed to see you know would bring
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vegas to the potomac it's really nice here in vegas they i mean even on the streets they hand you cards for prostitution what impact that would have environmentally on their syria because you don't have to push out neighborhoods in order to build it. and beyond gambling cities and states across the country are banking on booze. here in d.c. the mayor wants to extend bar hours so they can keep those drinks flowing later into the night. it would take effect in october and bring in over five million dollars in two thousand and thirteen it's a short term gain for a big long term loss dr david jernigan warns of the dangers of encouraging people to drink up he says when alcohol consumption goes up so do alcohol related problems things like hospital room emergency emergency room admissions that's a more sensitive indicator interestingly liver cirrhosis to us. are fairly
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sensitive to changes in availability and it's not just d.c. from connecticut the bill clears the way for package store sales and beer sales at supermarkets every day of the year except thanksgiving christmas and new years to georgia supporters say the sunday sales could bring in millions of dollars in additional tax revenue since the recession sparked in two thousand and eight dozens of cities and states have eased liquor laws as a way to balance their budgets some say the answer instead is taxes whether it's taxing booze the best way is to raise an alcohol tax in this country alcohol taxes do not keep up with inflation they are flat taxes based on the volume of the beverage or taxing the rich i think that. tax a tax hike for the super rich would be bad because i'm a super rich but you know i think that would probably be
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a better idea well america during the government if the catch and drinking away our sorrows may bring in the revenues cities and states across the country so desperately needs in washington liz wahl our team. that does it for now for more on the stories we covered go to youtube dot com slash our to america or check out our website our to dot com slash usa you can also follow me on twitter at the martin we'll see you back here in a half hours to stay tuned and what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one who is you know you with a global mission a region where we had a state controlled capitalism is called fascism when nobody dares to ask we do.
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