tv [untitled] July 10, 2012 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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that claim as a reward. from the heart of moscow. with me. syria's main opposition alliance is right here in moscow trying to negotiate the best way to put an end to continuing bloodshed in their country now the group wants to oust the current leader bashar al assad hopes that moscow will help to oversee a transition of power reporting. no dialogue though with the government of president bashar al assad that was the main message from syria's main opposition group which is convened here on the eve of talks between the head of the syrian national council and the russian foreign minister on wednesday now for with the
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violence in syria essentially entering its sixteen months all sides do agree on the need for some sort of a transitional government in syria some sort of a transition in that country the divisions however are over what role if any president bashar al assad should play in this transition now for the s.n.c. again this is the main opposition group for syria there negotiating position there precondition is that assad is removed from power before any negotiations over a new government take place this kind of a demand a precondition for the removal of the syrian president for him from office goes against what was set out in the geneva talks last month which were world powers effectively decided or agreed that syrian factions the syrian people will have to negotiate this kind of process not outside powers based on what we heard from the syrian opposition today it really is unlikely that tehran is going to hold much sway over the situation at least when it comes to the opposition groups the
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delegate again told reporters that iran was basically accused of supporting the assad government she said that quote the wrong played a destructive role in syria that have participated in the crimes of the osce odd regime that was in the delegates words this statement of course comes on the heels of kofi on a visit to tehran in hopes of convincing the islamic republic to lend some say to try to use some of its influence to sort of up quell the violence there but again with this kind of really tough rhetoric against head of the talks it's really difficult to see how these groups are going to look at iran as a sort of influential ally in any sort of potential peace negotiations or to correspond. more into now. southern region of the doors slowly trying to recover after a devastating flood killed over one hundred seventy people on friday night humanitarian aid is pouring in from all over the country all volunteer workers traveled to the
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area to help victims get back on their feet. now tells us how people have faced fear with heroism. panic on the roads of crims traffic jams and crowds of people tried to escape the town center it took just a few minutes of rumors of a second floor to create this live jam in the streets above prince it didn't matter what your forty's said people weren't listening to them they were getting out that was how much fear they felt in the end people returned to their homes but after the worst floods in living memory it's hard for me to stop thinking about that night when my husband managed to save me and my baby son it's likely he was nearby because just seconds after his saved us a huge wave appeared but we're not just afraid we're scared to death two days ago we survived the terrible floods we've lost everything we've got nowhere to live we are dying of fear. but as well as fear the floods also brought out acts of great
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heroism as the waters rose policeman. jumped in his car and started ferrying women and children to safety among them was to talia's young daughter. was dead when my little girl was saved i asked her who saved her life she said it was a mr policeman but i don't remember his name she was very kind i want to thank you for your husband's help because without it all of these kids would have died. after saving so many himself was caught by the rising waters and drowned his widow has much to grieve about but she is strengthened by the knowledge that her husband would never have acted any other way with you i'm sure he wouldn't just pass by someone in trouble it was in his nature i was sure nothing would happen to him because he was very brave very clever and very decisive. stories abound both tragic and heroic of people's attempts to save their own lives and those of others and his
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family were lies they had to get out it was his eighty five year old grandmother who needed guiding out of the windows to safety he laid planks above the surging water and edged along the with her clinging to him this is if we fail of these planks we would have died the water looked like it was boiling outside all sorts of bits of debris even cars were floating around further down the street seventy three year old eva had no family to help but without her neighbors she might not have been in time i was sleeping when the neighbors came and woke me up i looked through my window and there was a sea in front of my house is she there kept growing and growing after surviving the surge by putting on top of a wardrobe it does neighbors return and took her out of her waterlogged house and in with them these neighbors here gave me shelter and this neighbors gave me food i'm very grateful to all those who helped me because i am an old person and i am
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alone from the sacrifices of those who gave everything rather than see other people in danger to the kindness of neighbors in times of great need this community has experienced countless human qualities that will be much needed in the rebuilding of crim six homes and communities tom barton party. and artist and he has been witnessing the work of volunteers in the aftermath of the devastating disaster he did manage to speak to some of the survivors and those reaching out to help these people just arrived from overseas there are volunteers known as he's also suffered from the flood but not as badly as creams they brought shovels rubber gloves everything that is needed to clean the debris and. the families living here in the very outskirts of grimm's one of the places where you can order was the fires the work and work stream was destroying houses or going through them for more ground but other of them were trying to help older people were doing what they
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asked as a house nearby fell apart we were helping a seventy two year old owner salvage what was left of his belongings. besides the volunteers and emergency workers there a priest with saw groups a group of priests from sochi who brought food to people talked to everyone they tried to help because besides the cleanup and besides the humanitarian aid many people need counseling we're going to give more to you there's food ready for you know borscht soup poor ridge water bread you have to move to another one of your i feared that such strong rain could cause a flood when i stood up from the sofa the rugs were floating water was reaching my ankles i rushed to the hallway by that time the level of water which my chest. it was to be absolutely no please no more mostly we're going to do you need to count goods. yes they all come in handy need them when i'm rebuilding the house or of
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course and that's delicious. besides the massive cleanup operation that we saw in the streets of claims there is another factor which is very important at this moment with more volunteers arriving people get psychological help they get support the most powerful message of the day that they are getting is that they are not alone then as we cross into our region. all right now we have a the latest all the details are also the timeline of the disaster all of venable on our website. dot com. now former chief executive bob diamond has decided to forego any deferred bonuses which could be worth up to twenty million pounds they would do following his resignation over the bank's rate rigging scandal but he could still be in line for one tidy payoff as our correspondent laura smith in london reports. this is all come out
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as a result of the questioning today of marcus agius who's the barclays chairman it's been reported that m.p.'s on the treasury select committee have given him a relatively tough time he says he deeply regrets what's happened at barclays and he's truly story and during the course of his evidence it came out that bob diamond is indeed going to give up his twenty million pound bonus now he's only going to take his salary and his pension allowance and that amounts to a grand total of two million pounds i mean to say that again two million pounds that's three point one million dollars that he gets despite the fact that he has had to resign because the bank's board lost confidence in him obviously that is a great deal of money by anybody's measure now this inquiry is all about finding out who knew what this lowballing of libel rates what barclays was doing was essentially submitting lower rates for lending money to other banks to make the bank appear stronger than it actually was during the banking crisis the inquiries
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aimed at finding who was involved at barclays did the bank of england in the week we heard paul tucker who's the deputy governor of the bank of england saying no but a string of e-mails suggests otherwise is just certainly a certain amount of complicity between the bank of england and bankers and in turn civil servants we've seen earlier this week a key participant in bob diamond's cross-examination by the treasury select committee saying that m.p.'s are powerless to get to the truth of what actually happened and said that she thought it was fair to call the investigation useless she says they've got no information to go on m.p.'s they've got no transcript of what's been happening at morning meetings or none of that kind of information hardly any e-mail trail all they've got to go on is regulators reports and what's being reported in the media so that's going to raise a lot of questions about whether we'll actually know whatever what happens during this banking scandal and who knew what but of course the question on everyone's lips is if m.p.'s can't get to the bottom of what actually happens then who will.
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laura smith reporting now a german court is set to rule on whether the euro zone's last resort bailout fund designed to safeguard the euro is constitutional opponents of the fund say the plan threatens the rights of german citizens by giving brussels the power to spend money with more on this we can all be joined by a chorus from the international my lawn thank you for coming on r t today many in germany upset that this bailout funds were used german taxpayer money to save weaker economies like spain and grass but perhaps is not just the reality of being part of the e.u. to help your neighbor in need. yeah exactly this is what the european union is about it's about. the strong country to hope that we can tree that solidarity and that solidarity i would so i believe that most german taxpayers agree on that issue i think what we need is that what is currently happening in brussels and in athens
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and matter it and so on and i would say in berlin that this what is happening is supported and backed by the citizen and therefore we say that we need a decision a referendum by the people where we say yes the future way the european union is governed the european we need the european union citizen support as you say you eat you say the idea of a referendum that the people's vote to see what they think about or about the european union about german support you see this is just the people support the way germany continues to shoulder up the brunt of the eurozone crisis is it fair to say that most germans are ok with brussels now being able to spend german taxpayer money as it sees fit. that's not the question my organization is looking into what we are saying in top germany's top constitutional court in tights through it is that the german parliament gives up too much of its summer energy when the ears and
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the fiscal compact take over most of the german taxpayers' money so this is what we're saying and that therefore there needs to be a referendum to decide where their german citizens agree that these powers are concerned conferred to a higher david which is the european union i understand i do understand what you're saying but as we know here this court is ruling on whether or not this whole act in the e.u. the eurozone whether or not it's constitutional or not for brussels basically to spend german taxpayer money if it is ruled unconstitutional what are the options exist for saving the eurozone do you think. yeah the option is to work out a number of turning to this and to say what is the best way and what do citizens actually want which europe do they want and which europe do they want to take
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responsibility to for and for this to happen we are saying that there should be a convention which means that every member same state sends a number of delegates to this convention and then over certain period of time citizens who are there work and draw from treaty and that this draft treaty is put forward to the citizens and then that citizens in the member states decide if they want this treaty are not so it's not dictating by by a certain politician not by certain. banking systems or whatever but this is the solution very going to have its that the citizens themselves work out what they want to have in the future i totally understand you're saying it's up to the german citizen to decide what the future holds but certainly under local you know certainly over the pause six twelve months has been very strong in her position when she goes into an e.u. summit and it's always about buyouts merkel has been very steadfast about if
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germany will help it will always come with strings attached but in recent months it would seem that she's backpedaling quite a lot who is calling the shots here is either local in control or is of brussels telling her what to do. i'm not mrs smart spokesperson and it's generally certain phenomenon of the european media that they were born in the italian media or says the one thing and the german media says the other thing so in europe we don't have one european media yet therefore the picture and the messages that we hear are very frank mentored so i cannot answer that question or it's come on you that was a chorus from democracy international many thanks indeed for coming on today. but well meanwhile many germans are worrying that inequality is among e.u. nations may lead to the euro's downfall artichokes on a boycott of the story not taking from others and not giving your own that's what
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made to vary their suit his company grow from a small soap shop a century ago into a multi-million euro business nowadays. to him iranian company is of course different from running a country or a union of countries but all require fiscal discipline but. before we do anything there should be unified fiscal and economic policy it is not acceptable that spain subsidizes things that are not subsidized in germany and it does it at our common expense trading all across europe mr is in favor of keeping the euro what he doesn't agree with is that common currency should necessarily mean diluted responsibility in myself and forget i think countries like spain or greece use the euro in quite opportunist ways they used to pay eight or nine percent interest rates before joining the euro but after they came on board they got access to low
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rates that germany or france enjoyed that encouraged exuberance spending and they have to deal with it. to many experts this day car to me is the decor of the current euro crisis professor real him hankered one of the first and most prominent euro skeptics says europe's common currency takes away a crucial element of the free market system that is fair competition your idea of common market started as a very liberal project and now says liberal project is becoming a very socialistic pol pot's former soviet union common currency means no competition between currencies. common debts means. responsibility for your own debts so in russia for instance. faded away but in europe it's coming. the auspices of so your
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crisis but i think we have seen same destiny as a soviet union there's also a list a concept cannot survive a year in germany and here in greece. some may look exactly the same but the underlying productivity is drastically different the introduction of the common currency may have promised greeks the same living standards as in germany but didn't make them work just as effectively you cannot compare the infrastructure of the productivity of agrees of a. guy with a german girl i mean we're working until we drop in germany the euro two of the central planning close to commoners the same system that we had before nine hundred eighty nine in the east it has nothing to do with the free market has nothing to do with capitalist because. countries and banks cannot go bankrupt any more
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germany may have a generous social system but even here they deal of being a constant provider of subsidies for the rest of europe doesn't sit well with the majority germany has a unique experience of dealing with both capitalist and socialist systems and while domestically this country is all for fair competition and self-reliance in a larger european context it's push to choose between being and nanny and daddy state accident or car three reporting from germany or the twenty minutes past the hour here in the russian capital just a moment on the world updater for now though it's nearly nineteen years since russia first began the journey towards membership of the world trade organization all the waiting it seems is finally over he's got more. for a yes a long time coming and patience has most certainly prevailed and this is a part of it here in moscow they've agreed to the towns all the w.t. membership contracts the benefits may take
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a while to be enjoyed we've got analysis from the chief economist at deutsche bank in the business bulletin and about five minutes time from now. ok before we get to cody with the business let's get to the r.t. world update now will start. with egypt it's where the parliament has convened for a brief session despite being ordered by the military to dissolve it was elected earlier this year after the country's first general election since the revolution it was banned by the supreme court in cairo last month the parliament met in defiance of the ruling after a call from the new president mohamed morsi it is the latest confrontation between the new leader and the military amid rising political tensions. tough new western sanctions already forcing iran to shut off wells that is vast oil fields production has been cut to the lowest levels in two decades meaning billions of dollars in lost revenue a senior iranian official says a private oil export group has been set up to try to bypass a european ban on buying the country's oil sanctions are intended to put pressure
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on iran over its nuclear program with the west suspecting it's trying to build nuclear weapons which tehran denies. a rebel advance has forced residents to flee their homes in the eastern democratic republic of congo a panic has increased after the evacuation of un and independent aid agencies fighting between rebels and the congolese army has flared up since april ending a two year peace with about two hundred thousand people being displaced there are fears the conflict could drag the country into yet another cycle of violence. now at least two people have been killed when a saudi police opened fire on anti regime demonstrators the protests followed the arrest of a prominent shiite cleric and government of poland on sunday the shia minority claims it's being persecuted in saudi arabia something the earth or deny political analyst professor believes that reality is simply contradicting its own ideology.
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is not only supplying arms it's also financing the western backed insurgency in syria and it has its long arm playing games in other places including lebanon and several countries in the gulf as well so. extremely supportive of western aims especially in the games in the homeland i think it's really funny that they should speak of this so-called dictatorship in syria when. you know if we apply the same measures to so the. elections or having the front political parties or a free press or you name up there we find that so the. foreign behind syria and many other countries in the region. but this is r.t.
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do remember that all of our stories and much more always available for you online just log on to our dot com let's check out a couple of the items are standing by for you there right now for example off offensive the russian version of the wiki pedia free information website has shut down for a day in protest learn what it's taking a stand against. also online reports of a sharp rise in cell phone tracking without a warrant in america raising public fears that big brother surveillance is getting out of. it as promised are those crazy once again the business just a few moments ago you were saying that russia has a w t o membership is underway only what eighteen nineteen years in the making i know not most all is that no longer but they've got what they want is the pen has been picked and as you say at the state duma today they did agree to the sounds of the w.t. contract signings it's all very exciting indeed to raul what can i say more details
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on that later on i'm going to jump into the markets just now because we've got wall street is alive and. performing at the moment. says in the first hour of trade the dow jones around the third of on the nasdaq around two tenths of a cent in negative territory just now off the sentiments guy gold maybe from the epicenter which of course is europe which is false and positive figures coming out earlier on today there from the u.k. and it's see them on a factory expectations as well as that i know you've been talking about it yourself already the money that is going to be given to the spanish banking system to give them a bit of a boost as because it will be for tens of dissent the dies over a cent so they're going to finish up with. let's get on to the common currency and see how the trade is favorite is befalling today as you can see this is slightly to the euro to the u.s. dollar i should say one twenty two eighty seven just that. she had
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a better tell you. how to a rough. but in today's trading session it's mostly gate against the u.s. dollar a year on the russian monkeys will be closing up in just about five minutes time actually so let's see how they're looking to close up with all the l.t.s. that one point three percent on the my sector out of the cent in the green territory just that now i'll talk about the next session as i say wrong not long it's been nearly nineteen years in the making and earlier on today we spoke to the chief economist. of all like that he was saying that everyone's going to join the benefits there are going to be some of those that have a. the exports. are chemicals to some degree and part of the reason there is that these are precisely the structures. against russian producers is concentrated. in the
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w t o it will have the benefit of countering foreign protectionism and accordingly russian producers and actors in steel and chemicals will be able to bypass foreign protectionism to overcome it and to export more of their goods abroad. saying they're profiting from says all growing as it meets investors in your state the guest major is raising money to develop the arctic energy exploration in the region is expected to cost hundreds of billions of dollars so let's have a look this is then with the the oil prices they are dipping ever so slightly that we have the whole situation going on in norway with us right now coming to an end at the price is just falling at this is late in the hour of course you know why is the biggest of western europe exports is that was causing if you do it is that i smoke is the next hour we have the closing figures for the russian market fantastic
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