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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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i think iraq the bombing is beatable and one the oil. we never got the word says they're going to keep you safe get ready because you get the other freedoms. but the immunity would like a little. luck and they alone a fellow you know get the real headlines with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually mattered to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anyone if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. . you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize
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everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture . our guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight it's going to the national governors association for proving that shady backroom dealing isn't
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confined to just washington d.c. now of course when most americans think of sleaze in government capitol hill comes to mind and that's not surprising with a lobbyist campaign no made donations and lawmakers self dealing infecting a capitol hill already plagued by gridlock a gallup poll from december show that sixty four percent of americans rated congress members as having low or very low ethics or some raising this kind of skepticism of government isn't usually shared of the state level another gallup poll from last year showed that americans trust their state legislators more than they do the federal government state governments polled higher than congress by twenty six percent now officials the state level they tend to brag about this and members of the national governors association are no exception the group build the bills itself as a truly bipartisan organization promoting visionary state leadership best practices and a collective voice on national policy here's what its new chair delaware governor
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jack markell had to say about the group and its upcoming annual meeting which will be held this thursday through sunday in williamsburg washington may be caught in the grips of partisan paralysis but in state capitals across the country governors are having to figure out ways to keep people working together the national governors association means twice a year including next week for its summer meeting bringing governors together to see what's working and to find new ways to work together in critical areas like jobs schools public safety and cost cutting. sounds pretty great right it's kind of like a summer camp for governors but they can solve the nation's problems as they catch fireflies roast marshmallows and sing kumbaya except a few of your details are actually missing here see first there's the fact that public money is paying for some of his getaway through and membership dues and state funds and that includes amusement park trips golf outings five star dieting an outdoor concert and
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a fireworks extravaganza but don't worry taxpayers aren't the hook on the hook for the entire two point two million dollars corporate donors are also finding this event and it appears that their funding comes to the per se procter and gamble johnson and johnson northrop grumman a virginia electrical utility called dominion and philip morris his parent company altria they've all donated to host this event and they will all have access to the governors attending along with n.-g.'s corporate fellows who paid twenty thousand dollars a year to belong to the group's best practices center so it seems like this alleged above the fray assembly of governors is really just a fancy pay to play event corporate fellows love closed door lunches on friday and saturday with the latter giving them a chance to mingle with gov senior staffers and guess what the press and the public will be kept totally in the dark and adding fuel to the speculation that this event could facilitate i don't know corporate giveaways and yes sponsor algeria was among
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a number of corporations that exploited manufacturers tax loophole signed into law by virginia governor bob mcdonnell funny right that they decided to donate money to host the gathering just shortly in mcdonnell state shortly after so another controversial governor is also going to make sure that he's there rubbing elbows with america's corporate leaders that would be wisconsin's darling scott walker. that he believes governor walker is too closely connected to koch industries which donated to walker's campaign some have raised questions about a provision in the governor's bill saying it would allow private organizations like koch companies the ability to purchase power plants from the state without a bidding process. so basically if other governors want to learn how to lay legislative groundwork for close bids on state owned power utilities governor walker can dish the goods and n.g.a. friends like dominion and general electric they can offer their two cents as well this whole of vent seems to just be another example of how bipartisanship is really
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just a cover for selling out to corporate america republicans and democrats that use this very vague language about working towards practical solutions but really they're just tripping over themselves to sell out instead of making tough decisions in the public interest that might upset their corporate donors let's cut the crap national governors association we know who you are and above the grime if you were you throw your doors open for public scrutiny but for pretending that you are above the ground here are the winners of tonight's tool time award. well six months and approaching fast that's of the day doomsday clock is saying and that's when the leaving sequestration cuts are supposed to take effect now we've told you about them the before there are the trigger cuts that are mandated by the bipartisan congressional super committee when they couldn't come up with an agreement on what out of the federal budget they should cut so on d.-day the pentagon is set to make five hundred billion dollars in additional cuts to their bloated budget now the
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chances of that actually happening well every coming more and more slim as lawmakers d.o.d. brass their fear mongering like crazy they worry if the worst possible scenarios as to what could happen if defense does really face the chopping block. in modern warfare if you're not in advancing improving your technology you become very much at risk so if we could a trillion dollars out over the next decade our modernization programs come to a halt and you're talking about personnel so again it proportion so you can't project force as the navy will have fewer ships than we've had one hundred years we'll be giving one hundred fifty to two hundred thousand pink slips to active men and women in the military today and according to the secretary defense will cost one point five million jobs across the country we can't yet say precisely how bad the damage would be but it is clear that she chris ration would risk hollowing out our force and reducing its military options available to the nation we would go from being unquestionably powerful everywhere to being less visible globally
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clearly. so that kind of secret straight cut across the board would have a serious impact not only on men and women in uniform but on personnel and the contractors who serve the defense establishment. now let's focus on what leon panetta said at the end there the part about defense contractors because they're doing everything that they can to not end up on the chopping block last week defense news found the top five contractors up there lobbying spending by eleven point five percent just in the first quarter of two thousand and twelve so we're talking almost sixty million dollars for one quarter and from the looks of it the efforts have been working because over the past two weeks contractors have been awarded thirteen billion dollars in new projects and yes that is just over the course of two weeks so what projects the pentagon promise to fund well let's take
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a look at their shopping list from the end of june as they i think got have a billion dollars to help develop radio scanners that we interrupt the triggering of i.e.d. president obama's marine one leave it's an upgrade so lockheed martin got forty four million dollars. to make sure that the chopper will fly high through two thousand and seventeen blowing was awarded thirty six million for wafers for minuteman missile systems basically ensuring that long range ballistic missile systems are ready to go and in efforts to go green the air force is paying sun edison thirty eight million for energy that comes from solar panels located in arizona oh and also boeing one point eight billion to upgrade several f. fifteen jets have been sold to saudi arabia so why is the u.s. involved in that purchase because it ensures that any sales of foreign countries only go through places are in good terms with the u.s. so grand total for one week there four billion dollars but wait there is more in the first week of july the pentagon dropped six billion contracts to eleven
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companies and the only reason we know about these deals is because one of the companies let slip that they were moving the equipment on behalf of the d.o.d. talk about expensive moving company right now meanwhile contractor textron they got two hundred and thirteen million to help the navy come up with a ship to shore contraption will get our sailors to land the boeing i think had the best week of all of that not only were they awarded hundred forty six million to build all sorts of weaponry for other countries on behalf of the u.s. they also got a five hundred million dollars severance package for what the government calls transitioning away from c. seventeen s that's right even though our military is no longer going to use those jets they're still giving boeing several million dollars just to ensure a smooth transition damn right talk about a cadillac cadillac driving welfare queens the grand total for just that one week in july that comes to nine point two billion dollars so what's the deal here is the
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d.o.t. just handing out parting gifts well tweet from a.p.'s josh letterman today gave us some insight when he quoted the pentagon spokesman as saying we don't have any plan right now for sequitur. ation yeah that certainly appears to be the gates the way the pentagon has been spending money makes me wonder if they're insuring that the private counterparts will survive the cuts if they're just ignoring the january deadline regardless of the reasoning it is as downing to see the pentagon blow money like this one supposedly government spending our deficits and our control but then of course there is your military industrial complex at work people no matter what it'll keep on truckin. our guys it is time for our last break the evening but there's a lot more to come public schools are increasingly second reading classes by sex so does that make as much sense as a clean shot and then can college students major in even call their find out on how they are and they read as
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a returning argues lauren literally joined us after that. part of american power. might be. killer. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so poorly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture.
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here is what i. like and they alone as though they'll get the real headline with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back in t.v. .
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welcome to the capital account i'm lauren lyster. single sex education is on the rise in the country but a decade ago about twelve public schools were separating classes by gender but now an estimated five hundred schools offer the split classrooms so why the change or part of the influx can be attributed to relaxed restrictions but research that shows the boys are graduating at lower rates than girls doing worse the girls on tests is also seen as a factor and so some people say that these classes are helping to focus tailor the education to the needs of the student but not everybody's happy about the shift a.c.l.u. claims of the classes violate title nine and this spring they started a national campaign called teach kids not stereotypes encouraging people to fight gender separated classes now supporters of the classes argue that the exact opposite is happening and these classes help to break down the gender stereotypes
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but obviously it's not a cut and dry issue so we sent our man on the streets bozzio out to find out of people think if single sex education provides a better learning experience. like in the real world you that's a do it the opposite i feel like going to them for they go through is beneficial no i think you need a balance in the school system so i think it's good to have both together and i think. if you don't think it's difficult for people to make a speech you would think about things that twitter and to the little that i think people lose the social skills between but six is pretty good to have a balance in the school student system. but if i had so i would prefer that they be. educated with some special place is that agenda specific when you got the same room you're talking about some it's just
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it's interesting you know it's it's kids can be silly you know the first beat ever to have a serious conversation about the serious stuff. there is a way to speed up the military screwed up anything else voters for the kids more dorm and mixing. with different races in different ages. having it's been official for them to be a need to give us an heirloom different traits from but six and it's fun i think in some remains it is going up because there are some topics they need to be covered just for the males with the males it's well as the females but we really need to get back to the pole with situations with socialization. so it doesn't seem like the people here in d.c. think it's a good idea to split up boys and girls into different classes and maybe it's only appropriate for sex education. now we asked this question on our social media site as well and like on the street some real thought we were talking about split gender sex education rather than split gender education in general but it seemed like our
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viewers were a lot more accepting of the idea than the people on the street were alan half a set on facebook yes i do think there is something to this it's hard for boys to concentrate on anything else when girls are around and i think both girls and boys act in sex stereotyped ways when they're around each other at rhodes traveled to enid as an all girl high school grad it worked for me but that is not ideal for all learning isn't one size fits all and stephen farrow's said on twitter in my experience i went to a single sex school yes probably it does but provides a far worse social environment and paul bang a tweeted no it does not in the real world one has to work with both sexes so we might as well learn together so we can work together so it seems like we're nows a topic that people can really go either way on but i think as more schools adopt the idea might be interesting to see if the conversation heats up.
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ok guys it is time for happy hour and joining me this evening lauren lyster host of the capital account here on r t and anthony rand that as a director of economic research for the reason foundation. so i just want to i want to start by getting your opinion on the whole the thing all think the education thing i'm for it i only knew a little boy for an elementary school i do this is based on personal experience i was really tormented by the boys and i wasn't protected by my teacher mentally because they were flirting with you so much morgan i don't know what they were doing but in elementary school they're not nice about it they're horrible about it you know they like you that's willing now but you know what i don't get really significantly impacted my learning experience is i was afraid to speak up in classrooms i was afraid to talk because i didn't want to get teased i wasn't protected by the teachers and i just feel that i would have benefited from having a single that was why do you worry that a little like anybody you know you could be teased by by somebody in your same gender and i'm just you know i could girls very mean or the boys you could i'm just
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saying in my experience it was the boys and i really do feel like there might be something to that because people that go to maybe like an all girls private school have always said that was really good in terms of their intellectual development but i don't think i could barely concentrate with two women on this panel much better if it was an all male surely you know learning and it's i think that's probably in certain cases there are certain people that might learn in different environments there's definitely no set one size for the large occasion thing but this shouldn't be a broad trend i think that you should learn to be able to interact in the real world early on where you can interact in a real marriage and in that tough and you well know that's where your child is right and i was talking to the other things toughened me up i don't think that that did i did well the point is everybody has different exam and and says. i agree it should be should be a broad based you have the playground guys it's not like you never get to socialize i mean the classroom is only one place where you are but i think that it's good to
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have both sexes in the classroom to offer their different perspectives on the subjects that you're it's also when you're obviously very in-depth when you're like i want to watch rather go to school where there are girls to look at. and i was around the school where i'm going to be so i'm going to be more likely to go to school because you weren't like that winning statement we're going on in the next story ok. let's talk about the olympics they are coming up and so we know that security is going to go crazy for these olympics one of the things is that there could be putting surface to air missiles on certain apartment buildings so the residents in one of the apartment buildings try to sue saying no thank you this is going to make us like a bigger terrorist target i think a lot and a judge made a decision on it today. the british government has the right to put surface to air missile launchers on top of people's sets a ruling today from a judge in the united kingdom who rejected claims from the locals who said look the missiles being above our heads on our private rooftop would make us terror targets
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. i don't blame them i don't want to air missiles out of my apartment building this is so messed up what is this what how do you what does this have to with private property and is this what i mean. why does this thing you know british law is different than u.s. law u.s. laws we know you have the right in the constitution to reject the quarter of troops yes was we actually how do we actually see how evil or very specifically in our constitution that the british used to do this to us and we don't like it now the british should get a little taste of their own medicine is still doing this kind of b.s. why we got away what. they say is just crazy but i'll say this i would i would be fine with the surface to air missile in my apartment if i get to pull the trigger so you can put it in my apartment but i get to be the one that operates it know this was why we should go and costumes i guess to to give that ok great i'm going to dog down or you know really blowing stuff up and talk a little to them so when we're lympics story i'm sure we'll have
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a lot of these coming up recently but. you know one of the things that we often see surrounding the olympics are obviously a lot of commercials are kind of the sponsorships that go along with the athletes and especially we see this when it comes to fast food or soda. now that i've come so far. i'm not about to leave anyone behind on. support our athletes cucolo the games collector series. so there is a london cardiologist who is out there doctor a seam who thinks that this is horrible we need to end the relationship between fast food and the olympics specially when there's an obesity epidemic and you have all these athletes that obviously. healthy and take care of their bodies and stuff that they shouldn't be. getting sponsorships or being in commercials advertising for her fast food what do you think i think this is stupid i think this is a very early feel ok well i am broccoli doesn't pay so i really don't know what
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they're going to do about sponsorships going forward if they can't use junk food but b. i just think how often do liberals come around once every four years well the winter olympics are in four years the summer olympics thirty four years so it's like every team so sorry there are a lot more opportunities to cut down on the food people eat that are driving obesity and diabetes which this columnist was writing about which are a lot more effective then the sponsorships of olympic games once every four years i just don't really buy that are you know i read some british politicians so that we should ban them because these commercials will convince people to put these foods into their daily diets one coke at mcdonald's are already in the do with a lot of people enjoy those people who that's in their daily diet they don't need a little bit commercials to convince them of that for most people that's really not the case i really doubt that the olympic advertising is what's causing the obesity epidemic exactly i only thing that's much better time during was that i think to be said for maybe a lot of young kids look up to these athletes are
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a lot of the young kids really watch the olympic games and so maybe if their heroes are telling them that they should be drinking coke all the time because that's what keeps me strong or whatever they might be swayed by that but as of now no more asian american. you know i'm not saying they should be censored they should do it but i like sure that could be a concern and that's what your parents are there for and they should exactly should educate you but then you have a lot of parents in the u.s. that think that for roll ups is made of real fruit now there's a lot it's actually lost it is dumb parents not ever to get rid of the ok. we have identified the problem all right now it's time for a little. and if you guys were to write in cursive. and we all had to do it where we were growing up i think was like first grade or something second grade but it was the reason there is a test so i want you to actually write the word radically i've been drinking. i actually have a my heart is half on the right word pop quiz i'm going to test did you practice
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what you know perfectly graffiti i don't you know this was coming. well. you know she does have really nice. i know what so the whole point is that apparently forty five fifty of us. are now in the process of phasing out you know. you're going to be running out of. dying i think it should because i don't i don't you know right and you know. how do you think that kind of the so pretty. before this. i didn't practice before this i did practice writing my name this morning when we were talking about the idea that you try to. you know are different like tell me my name working in person because i like the. person on the block letter and they are very different but actually i'm we kind of joke that we're with an a and i always want to do like the. like because i don't know how to do a good p. . i think i'm. going to person is. just really how do you
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include. cursive is pointless. i guess you can say you don't have to agree with me what it was it was nothing i was pretty it's not it's not going to die there's always going to people that use some cursive in there so what would that is a waste of education you don't are having problems as it is this need to be repeated i mean if you want to try. it go. but if. i agree i think i'm better than i so i want a little bit of ok yeah and i think you know my point is that. we have the last time for the last story basically stephen colbert error has become an obsession in academia and that's what some people are saying because there are courses you can take there's seminars called the colbert report american satire. universities all across the country yeah this is just because i've lived here as i said now you know you know we haven't heard that we have toys to play with yeah i
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know i think this is because professors are bored with teaching a serious answer like we do a class on stephen colbert. so there we can have more fun that side of an education bubble. worth noting that the news is that causes what larry and i actually do i actually have on my list of like dream projects if i had more research to do a project on the daily show i think they're actually some really awesome economic stuff i get it i think they want to have fun but there's also information to be gleaned is a lot to talk on if you are in terms of how it affects you know the influence that it has on media the way that it's shaping media the way we like to hear about politics i don't know is all i know is that my if my kids said that they were taking a class on stephen colbert are in college i would just be like i'm not paying for your ma was writing services so you have. no you know i got that one on it right now to be sure you were dead read our guys got to you for joining me tonight and he had one little last statement that he wanted to go in there non-corrosive. that is the better night show thanks for joining in and make sure they come by tomorrow greg roth is going to join us for happy hour but in the meantime don't forget to
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like a lot of show on facebook to follow us on twitter subscribe to our you tube channel and of forget you can watch everything on to now as well coming up next. wealthy british style. that's not on the titanite. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's conjure up for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on. you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you
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glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture.


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