tv [untitled] July 11, 2012 9:00am-9:30am EDT
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reports of spanish police using rubber bullets against miners who have descended on madrid protested in industry cuts it's all of the government announces yet more painful tax hikes. syria's main opposition leaders refused to budge a top level talks right here in moscow saying that one president assad in power and are demanding the u.n. intervenes to stop the bloodshed. that volatile tax on immigrants show an alarming increase in greece reflecting a rise of nationalist sentiment both on the streets and in parliament all being linked to the ongoing economic crisis.
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just after five pm here in moscow this is r.t. with me rule research and welcome to the program police fired rubber bullets at coal miners who have converged on madrid and the country's latest huge protest against austerity cuts they're angry at the government cutting subsidies to the mining sector by almost two thirds some of them a troubled over four hundred fifty kilometers by foot marching to madrid from their mining hometown for two weeks thousands of supporters have joined the protest in the capital for the rally signifies a major test for prime minister hoyer who today announced a new set of austerity measures which include raising the v.a. tax rate from eighteen to twenty one percent. or in just a few minutes here in oz he will be joined live by our correspondent. bring us more details as they happen these are on going protest. for now though. tough
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negotiations in moscow where russia's top diplomat has been meeting with the syrian national council the arab countries main opposition alliance so far there's been no meeting of minds with the group insisting that president assad's regime must be deposed before there will be peace artie's lucy catherine off reports. we did hear from the head of the syrian national council who said that the russians have put forth some sort of a new proposal for the opposition group it's not clear what that proposal will be but that they will continue to discuss this in a subsequent talks we also heard that the head of the syrian national council said that an intervention by the u.n. security council would be the best solution to the syrian crisis in the short position of this opposition group the main one in syria or mainstream it more or less the same they want the removal of assad before a dialogue takes place that the chair of the council reiterated that statement
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again essentially calling for talks with people who are not responsible in his words for the killings and crimes of president assad. bosco's actually put together a draft resolution that was circulated yesterday that essentially suggests extending the e.u. and observer to british mission for another three months of that vicious supposed to run alex around judge ally twentieth twenty first and of course the mission was to oversee a cease fire that was largely cease to exist there has not been a ceasefire in syria and so what the russians are proposing is that the u.n. monitors focus reshift their efforts on looking for a political solution political transition to syria as opposed to laundering and to the fighting that has been taking place as of yet there are now discussing the possibility of a new resolution in the u.n. security council that would authorize the use of either new diplomatic and economic sanctions to even potentially the use of force which would of course extremely complicate the situation we'll have to keep in mind that the u.n.
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security council isn't the only party are interested parties to these talks we have regional players like iran and saudi arabia the russians have actually called for a new proposal that would hold talks here in russia in bringing saudi arabia bringing iran to the table but even that prospect was again dismissed by the opposition groups as. national council here in moscow so again it really just seems to be like a difficult difficult diplomatic situation with no resolution in the immediate sight. reporting right while our next hour here on our tio we interview michelle kilo the leader of another anti assad group in syria he says the syrian national council simply put cannot speak for the entire opposition. group is capable of toppling a despotic regime such as the syrian government specially if they haven't got the public on their side and then we have some people based outside syria committing clear to their the opposition and the people stand behind them what it really is is
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a kind of future of politics and an insult to the people the syrian national council should realize that they are but one group within the opposition and they are not entitled to speak on behalf of the entire opposition while this destruction goes on and the ruling regime wins it will rule over ruin and suffer a strategic defeat i feel position wins it will inherit the country and an unmanageable condition. it's good of you to join us here on r t today still to come for you in this program about a rough justice tweeting activist ends up in jail in bahrain as the government continues its crackdown on the opposition. and cuban leader raul castro who is said to be a big fan of the russian winter comes instead in blazing summer sunshine for a three day visit right here he's here to speak with vladimir putin. well
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hard times in greece meaning difficult ones for immigrants as well with the economic crisis being blamed for reports of increased racial intolerance a recent human rights group report suggests that police are refusing to give assistance to foreign victims of abuse and are accused of often failing to investigate complaints properly artie said jacob grieves takes a look at. locations of xenophobia and austerity raffish greece. all round the country crumbles some parts of greece are seeing firm foundations take root. in that we want a nationalistic state all of them should go back to where they came from the word of an elected official as unemployment grows hand in hand with extremist sentiments looking for people to blame for their current plight the golden dawn party has proven to be the prime outlet the public anger get that if you ask me about violence i would have to say yes we do have violence increase the not the violence
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you're suggesting it is the violence that thousands of geeks suffer from but those gangs of foreigners that we have allowed to govern accumulate in our land are now there was despite spouting racism from the podium and scandals including physically assaulting politicians live on air the party still secured around seventy percent of the vote in the parliamentary elections. campaigning with a promise to throw all sick immigrants out of their hospital beds and incendiary pledge as having dark consequences as greece and in particular athens have seen a spike in the number of hate crimes that have seen. almost they are that's the part that's by organized bulls head by certain savary see me that these attacks are happening at night and they're wherever doesn't integrate by people who are often for them and armed with clouds. came to greece two years ago fleeing war torn somalia but he's found no peace in athens and ultimately if i'd known what it was
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going to be like here i would never have left somalia from what happened to you when you're attacked. they beat me to the ground and ran over my leg with a bike. his case is by no means unique the mother of these children was also a soul. while pregnant the perpetrators remain at large this in neighborhoods like this in central athens where an increasing number of attacks are taking place the so-called vigilante groups in disco targeting ethnic minorities. victims say there's little point turn to the police but just not interested. greece's immigrant influx is worse than any other e.u. country is poorest border with turkey that's where ninety percent of all those seeking refuge and to europe and in a country that circling the drain and nationalist rhetoric is flooding into
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mainstream politics anything that the. that the here are the groups minutes hardest insists it's an e.u. wide problem which hard pressed greece ends up paying for twice with a dublin two agreement what happens is once one illegal immigrant is been caught in there in another place in europe he's going back to the country that he ended in europe and absent that means the end up in greece well athens pleads for more e.u. support the refugees just keep on coming the danger for them is not the trouble they're fleeing from the fire of extremism they're entering j.q. greece r.t. athens. and greek economist out of a yanis varoufakis believes racial hostility is being spurred on by nationalist rhetoric coming though from the very top we've seen it in the thirty seventh when
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there were people lose hope. this begins the action and out of it nothing good can it should act as a warning for all of us whenever that social economy loads as opposed to just going through a recession. scapegoating becomes the order of the problem is that the authorities themselves are being infiltrated by them in fact we have folks from the extremely close who makes a big neo nazis in the police and we have. and we have the breakdown effect the consensus seems the world war and greets with fascism and that's it. it's just one in ten minutes past the hour here in moscow and you're watching our t.v. all ties being revived right here in the russian capital where the cuban leader raul castro begins a three day visit for talks with the flood i'm a puritan. thomas gives off because us an inside what exactly they'll be talking
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about. relations between cuba and russia have always been strong and this meeting between the two leaders castro and vladimir putin serves to reaffirm those relations in fact this is the third time that they've met the first time back in two thousand in havana cuba and a second time here in moscow one time three years ago and then this meeting that just took place now in this meeting they discussed trade agreements and the economy how they can help each other's economies grow and also diversify also they talk about mutual ways that they can invest in each other's governments and economy another way is energy transportation and telecommunications industries the ways that both countries can work to shore up those industries now continuing in his brother's footsteps fidel castro the cuban revolutionary and former leader of cuba raul castro this is his international tour if you will before coming to russia he was in vietnam and in china before that and then also you know he had
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a meeting with prime minister medvedev and in that meeting just to prove that the good relations mentioned that he really enjoyed russian winters and took that opportunity to extend an invitation to raul castro to the sochi olympics in two thousand and fourteen so this is not the last that we will see of the cuban leader here in russia. about our top story for you here on c it's all about madrid where police have been using rubber bullets against miners and demonstrators in the latest huge protest against austerity cuts i want you correspondent join us live to bring us more details on this certainly a developing situation the protest has turned violent police using rubber bullets as we've heard so what's it all been happening for what's this in response to. well you know the escalating violence today it's a continuation of what we've already seen in the past few weeks there are already been pockets of protests around spain on reports that the government is planning
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again to cut even more subsidies to different industries in spain and today we're seeing the miners coming out onto the street tension escalating between them and the police essentially they are very angry at the fact that the subsidies for the coal mining industry is going to be cut by around two hundred million from about three hundred million euros to currently just about one hundred million they say that that threatens about thirty thousand jobs according to the government that this is a very high the funded highly subsidized industry but again given the situation that spain has been going through for the past few years now is the crisis started this is just in addition to what these people are already go we through and the subsidy cuts certainly means that again that loss of job twenty four percent unemployment in spain this is already been foreseen by a lot of people of serving spain that as the government continues to ask for bailouts from creditors as it continues to cut subsidies cut benefits for people that social upheaval social unrest is going to continue that's exactly what we're seeing with the spanish people are seeing today. as you've been talking we've been
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looking at pictures not live pictures but the latest pictures from madrid showing truly an incredible turnout of protesters not just miners but many many in solidarity with them also coming up to the main streets as you were saying a moment ago thirty thousand jobs when it comes to the miners union could be up for grabs or rather be going down the toilet that is what i think what the general mood in spain you are telling us details about austerity measures and further unemployment the economic situation what do you think about the general mood in the country at the moment well certainly it's not going to be surprising that the other spaniards would be coming out in solidarity with the miners because everybody is going to be affected by the cuts announced by a spanish prime minister he's blinding about sixty five billion euros in cuts now and let's not forget why he's doing this this is the fourth try. and this is in exchange for the most the more recent one just a couple of days ago thirty billion euros for their bank bailout so this is again the condition set upon spain so in general i'm just going to read to you some of
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the he's going to do increases first of all in taxes so that will be cutting in consumer spending power he will also be cutting the bonuses unemployment benefits for those out of work for six months this is like a laundry list of just continuing cuts of of what is already existing and so we will see more people not just probably the miners again as i said earlier what's important to see here is the social people in spain it's not unexpected entirely given the circumstances the country is already in. course want to live in brussels thank you. well meanwhile the journalist. government is bluntly breaking election pledge. these measures are taken against what the government had been promised been promising during the electoral campaign they said they would not raise taxes that would not raise the eighty that would not touch the holidays and the salaries soft public workers well they are doing that now so it's
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obviously yes we are under the control of brussels there's no doubt we need to save the banks of course we need a banking system but the problem is that if to save the banking system we have to put in danger all of this money said kaname i have to remind you that spain didn't have a huge debt actually it was one of the lowest in europe now it is it will go up to ninety percent of the g.d.p. and this is because of the banks so people are angry about that they think they can cope with these protests partly because. mining regions are of course very localized in certain areas of the country this are a small area just the truth is that the miners are getting a lot of solidarity because many people relate to them and sees their problems their own problems so well maybe the government is in for a surprise in that sense. well of course all of our news much more as well available online for you are twenty four hours a day just a click away
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a website on t.v. dot com let's check out some of the stories that we're covering there at the moment for example wiki when the russian version of the online encyclopedia shuts down for a day in protest at a bill in the russian parliament which opponents say limits internet freedom of course in the government to quickly add changes to it. also learn how a new american law could give legal immunity to biotech companies involved in planting cultivating genetically modified crops. we're going to the world update soon for now the rescue operation in rushers southern cross that our region wrecked by massive floods last friday has now come to an end the exact death toll however is still unclear but at least one hundred sixty two people lost their lives so also tens of thousands have been made homeless by the floods the head of the region has ordered the repair of destroyed vital communications and other services in the area within twenty four hours hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid were sent in from all
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across the country to help those affected along with many rescue volunteers now as the risk of new floods has passed citizens are now fearing possibly new dangers from landslides. a human rights activist in bahrain has been sentenced to three months in jail for criticizing the prime minister on twitter the sentencing followed the banning of a prominent islamist party over its role in antigovernment protests meanwhile clashes between demonstrators and police continue daily in the country with tear gas being regularly used author and academic calling carville says a crackdown on dissent in bahrain contrasts with this latest sharp criticism of syria. it's a blow to the regime. the weakness of the regime. to leave. continuing to be very risky and there's pro-democracy opposition and supported well with three quarters of the barbie lation that is out on the streets on
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a daily demanding democracy demanding their rights and the regime is there anyone on my own. which is a political party that a long history in bahrain. a respectable party and the public they want a democracy and. that is why they're being targeted. by. many of the pro to. some of the all or people just broke just because it's only. of course the georgians continue doing continue. to many observers and i don't know all of the. friends of syria are being. autocratic monarchy in the world saudi arabia. regime going to have
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no history of democracy and all. the way to this free syrian army. bunch of mercenaries that have no. just now turning twenty minutes past the hour here in the russian capital hillary clinton is on a southeast asian tour this week focusing on economic and military concerns and is the first visit of any u.s. secretary of state to allow oss in more than five decades with washington hoping that a country it once showered with bombs will become an ally in the region is gone h. she can reports. the u.s. secretary of state is on a busy eight nation tour in asia it's seen as part of the obama administration's asia pacific pivot policy and for the first time since nineteen fifty five u.s. secretary of state visit one of the poorest nations in south asia we still can't get over the dire consequences of the u.s. attacks during the vietnam war even though laos was officially
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a neutral country at the time between nine hundred sixty seven and nine hundred seventy three the u.s. dropped two hundred sixty million cluster bomb submunitions on it more than was dropped on germany and japan combined during world war two he was bombed laos so hard that it became the most bombed nation per capita in history and average of one ton of bombs was dropped for every man woman and child in laos now the grave part is that it's not over yet a third of the bombs they did not explode and still continue to kill washington is that considering a long term commitment to spend ten million dollars a year to clean up laos from those unexploded american bombs it was estimated at that rate it will take over a thousand years for laos to be decontaminated about why ten million why not more i spoke with author and activist fred brafman take a listen you're spending one hundred two million dollars on the members. and only
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two million dollars i'm saving people's lives and this new industry is the need to do list and turn in unison to see your solutions and walls who are no again the only thing i could so use the jewels here they don't regard lotion people as human beings all they don't hate him we have nothing against them but. just in regard to. the us and murder in my very well from your. home both borders including secretary clinton talking about personal responsibility. taking responsibility for your actions but that's something that leaders lecture to their people they themselves take no responsibility whatsoever for their wrists and kill your genes are before you joined katie with the businesses go straight into the r.t. world update now we'll start with the yemeni capital of sanaa at least six people have been killed in a suicide bombing in the capital it happened at
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a police academy reports say the bomber blew himself up as cadets were leaving classes al-qaeda is active in the country which has been in political turmoil since last year. thousands have gathered in cairo's tahrir square to protest against the supreme court blocking the president to create to reconvene parliament protest it's called the judge's decision illegitimate and denounced the generals egypt's parliament was dissolved last month by the ruling military council after the court ruled the election of a third of m.p.'s invalid because of voting irregularities. thousands of people have been protesting on the streets of saudi arabia after an activist was killed during the latest clashes with security forces the unrest has been fueled by the detention of dissidents and growing calls for political freedoms and civil rights tensions in the country a rising where the shiite minority is demanding greater rights from the saudis sunni. heavy rains have struck odessa in ukraine causing severe
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floods and damages it's brought destruction to roads and traffic it is impressive pictures right here emergency crews are battling to deal with the situation and it does follow a massive deluge last friday in a nearby southern region and russia of course we're talking about the question of our region where over one hundred and sixty people die. hard as promised to show your fans are waiting to get your hourly update now it's been a tough day for banks hasn't it it has. to start with j.p. morgan now the troubled land it's going to. demand back millions of dollars from the executives if they lead lost the bank billions of dollars in a strategy the under-fire c.e.o. jamie diamond is calling flawed complex poorly reviewed poorly executed and poorly monitored the f.b.i. got involved after the bank's trade at the london well run up huge losses several
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top managers including chief investment officer in the drew have already quit but diamond wants them to return money as well the land is expected to report record losses on friday and other side having a bad time of it at the moment hate chest b. c. the financial will acknowledge and apologize for letting client launder money through the lead up the u.s. senate is expected to question executives as part of its hearing cole's vulnerabilities to money laundering drugs and terrorist refinancing it's called the hitch s.p.c. case history and it comes of the expertise both bob diamond said sorry for the bank consistently breaking the interest rates. so i see your four and a half million more jobs could be lost in the region that's what the international labor organization a saying vast if the e.u. continues to fulfill stair to the ilo according for job creation policies instead of the director general said unless talkative measures are taken to increase the
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real economy investment the economic crisis will deepen and the employment recovery will never take. all right let's get to the markets and see what's happening with europe right now we can see that there still to come on the actual effect today around quarter of cent down the dax just four basis points now in negative territory it's really the resource firms in the retailers that is taking a hit particularly very actually that was down over six percent in negative territory for those of you who love your cash also want to mention the fact that u.s. stock futures are cheap point. two little side. we've actually got the federal reserve minutes coming out later on in the day that's what investors are really looking towards the moment we've also got the common currency to look out at the moment and is still loitering around those two year lows i believe one twenty to sixty seven is a relatively flat out the ruble that is still managing to get in against the u.s. dollar and the european currency as well. as have
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a look and see how that performing we don't have much longer to change our fortunes here in moscow we're looking at red color stretching just. over a percent down them i say. it was great isn't it one point six percent in negative territory ok we'll have a look. as well our rock reproduction over to our wrongs last month for the first time in more than it. has actually reduced their output for the nation ahead of the involved either breaks that take. them gaining as. frank says moving on to talk about a russian oil of batteries she has significantly increased its cuban spending so over a decade the company plans to invest three billion dollars into the island oil and gas development the company has worked in cuba since two thousand and nine and has already invested around forty million dollars into the republic and the g seven.
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all right well we'll be back in about forty minutes i will be waiting so will your friends. are still the cover of the headlines and then we've got a very special documentary about those who left behind bars using solitude as a very creative. one needs of spear trying to obtain inner peace and spirituality.
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