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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2012 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT

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hello i'm tom hartman in washington d.c. and here's what's coming up tonight on the big picture despite the supreme court upholding obamacare today republicans in the house voted for the thirty third time to repeal it republicans have anything better to do and if they ever manage to repeal obamacare we're going to replace it with also this why do you know a little more transparency and disclosure in american politics make you a socialist that and more incentives loan liberal rumble and great news for conservatives today a new report out shows taxes in america are the lowest they've been in three decades so shouldn't be in or cantor and crew be applauding president obama hoping
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that he wins re-election. you need to know this since it's a week day and since congress is in session and since president obama still in the white house republicans went ahead and held yet another vote to kill obamacare this afternoon and every single republican along with five democrats voted to repeal the affordable care act which was passed two years ago by both chambers of congress signed by the president and recently upheld by the highest court in the land this is now the thirty third vote republicans have cast since the law was passed to me the repeal or weaken the affordable care act and tell more than one hundred million americans with preexisting conditions. so what exactly will republicans replace obamacare with well they're very fond of replacing medicare with a voucher program and frank luntz has told them that vote your eyes to health
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insurance program should never be referred to as vouchers but instead because the patient gets to use the voucher to go shopping for an insurer it should be called patients. centered health care so here's what john boehner had to say about this vote to repeal obamacare. we're going to take a commonsense step by step approach that puts in place of the kind of policies that will make or are health insurance system more what i'll call patient centered and lower cost the only right so let's recap here the president democrats passed health reforms with specific provisions that they give low income americans and young people access to health insurance many of them for the first time ever be prevent surance companies from denying coverage rescission to americans with preexisting conditions set lifetime limits or discriminate against women see set up free market health insurance exchanges at the state level to provide caused
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coverage at a lower cost and d. force insurance companies to spend their premiums on actual health care rather than bonuses and lavish mansions and corporate jets oh and by the way he preserve the entirety of the for profit health insurance system frankly much of the chagrin of progressives who want to single payer and republicans today for the thirty third time voted to repeal all of that every single aspect of it and what i want to replace it all with well to quote the speaker a common sense step by step approach that is patient centered in other words vouchers that's it that's all we got there exactly what governor good hair rick perry done texas who this week announced that his state is going to opt out of obamacare that he will not set up free market health insurance exchanges to give millions of texans access to affordable health care that he will not take billions in free money from the federal government to expand medicaid to cover an additional one point eight million low income taxes and that's because he like the republicans
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in congress who voted today to repeal obamacare they have a better idea when it comes to health reform message passing of vouchers or to do nothing at all for two. of years as governor rick perry has done practically nothing when it comes to health reform in texas and today as a consequence texas ranks dead last among all fifty states when it comes to health care delivery twenty five percent of the population of quarter of all texans are uninsured and the state ranked weak or very weak in nine out of twelve categories according to a recent study by the agency for health care research and it's also causing a fiscal crisis as texas hospitals absorb more than four point six billion dollars in unpaid emergency room medical costs since so many people in that state don't have health insurance and during the reagan administration reagan pushed for a mandate that if you show up and i help in a hospital emergency room you must be cared for so in other words if you're sick stay the hell out of texas other than the e r's
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a state that republicans in congress want to emulate when it comes to health reform but that's not all today's obamacare vote means it also means that republicans are we've four months to go until the election. fully committed to crashing the economy to give mitt romney a better chance of winning the white house in november that's because repealing obamacare will kill jobs as a center for american progress found if republicans succeed in repealing the affordable healthcare act than two hundred fifty to four hundred thousand jobs will be lost every single year over the next decade not only that medical spending will increase by one hundred twenty five billion over the next decade making our deficits worse and family health insurance premiums will increase by two thousand dollars dropping more and more american families out of the middle class in other words repealing obamacare will tank the economy which suggests that this whole debate and this vote today in particular really has nothing to do with health care it has to do with politics and fulfilling mitch mcconnell's pledge back in two thousand and nine to make president obama
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a one term president as for the rest of us the millions of americans being foreclosed on the millions of americans who need a job the millions who want to see a doctor the millions of can't put enough food on the table. we just all have to wait until republicans a conflict their goal apparently you for getting much needed relief. it's was there you ready to rumble joining me for tonight's lone liberal rumble or horace cooper conservative commentator and senior fellow at the national center for public policy research and laughlin mark a investigative reporter with the heritage foundation and great to see you both again some think you know romney spoke before the end of the convention today and he got booed when he talked about repealing obamacare here it is. but to that i'm going to eliminate every non-essential expensive program i can find that includes obamacare and i'm going to work to reform and say.
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i went on for twenty seconds and then he basically said that he was going to do all the things that are in obamacare i find that amazing but undeterred republicans for the thirty first time voted to repeal obamacare today i thought this was settled issue both chambers of commerce voted on it it was signed by the president it was up held by the supreme court so isn't this really about trying to crash the economy horrors i thought the bush tax cuts were subtle issue than if that's the definition of it being passed by both houses in a bipartisan way sometimes i actually expire at the end of this year and there's no extended that is an extended in a bipartisan way by the new president we're going to answer my question just telling you you make a standard that isn't a fair one of the truth of the matter is quite a lot to learn this bill is an attack granted aisha's no it. is an audacious attack on liberty and in fact people are campaigning this cycle one president said oh you know her saying have already bill it how can
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a person have liberty if they're sick and they can't you know we fundamentally don't agree that health care is a right the way that you would present it so we fundamentally do your definition of liberty is that you're free to die like a dog in the street might have been your notion of liberty is that individuals are free to stand up independently to look at the opportunities that the society creates and they're available to them and take advantage of them they're not free to take from their neighbor and use them for whatever claims they want to make so in other words the to the homeless person out in front of our building or to the wal-mart greeters may contend that ten bucks an hour and no way they can afford health insurance you know i hear that argument all the time if people were as concerned as you say they should be about it they could go out themselves directly and help at my church and in the private organizations that i volunteer with that's what we do. i don't bad for god i just want to point out that you know it wasn't the thirty third time that the g.o.p. has tried to repeal obamacare was only the second time that there's been a repeal effort in its entirety for the whole bill there have been efforts to
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eliminate or defund certain programs in obamacare and i would point out exceeding one of those programs eliminating the ten ninety nine reporting requirements that would have crushed small businesses was passed in a bipartisan way house and senate signed by the president the house passed a measure that would repeal the class act which even secretary sebelius acknowledges is completely unsustainable so what i'm saying is it is nothing about it's been. it's been presented as some sort of futile effort you know political gamesmanship when in fact it is you know a lot of it well first of all i think it's important now that the supreme court has said that the mandate is now a tax has sort of changed the justification i really am aiming at all and all the if you don't comply my point point being that given the saudis before us decision i think it's important to understand where our representatives stand on the law and now that the supreme court has reinterpreted it to fit with the law in a way that was different violent way often really mean to suggest that had the had the supreme court ruled on and based on commerce clause ruled that it was constitutional or any other you know hey if everybody stands upside down it will be
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constitutional that the same vote wouldn't happen the same way today my point is only that if it had been presented as a tax when the bill was first considered in two thousand nine hundred twenty ten it would not have passed so it's only just even less to just to reestablish this we're talking about the health care proposal that was put forward by the heritage foundation as a as a as a counter proposal to hillary care which was a large poems and it was promoted by. so to why her re why do you guys call of the heritage foundation romney care socialized medicine and insolvent liberty i don't understand why in the rest could kickbacks were in your plan how many of the florida kickbacks how many of the unbelievable number of bribes and efforts were in your heritage plan. when you presented it i mean how much of the you know how much of the overwhelming attempt to take over one seventh of the economy was in their plan all of it was not in their play all of it it was
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a and you took facets of it and then when people say wait a second we don't like this but then maybe i'm doing that thing in a man then you may can you already are yes that's one portion of it there this is a level monstrosity if you don't want it but if you want information on the crucial differences between what the heritage proposed years ago and what's going on now at the federal level i'd suggest going to heritage dot org and say what are the differences between romney care you're trying there on the issue of the issue at hand which is whether obamacare is good for this pantry in the end it's not simply that it's not so the heritage heritage foundation agrees that their own proposal heritage foundation is a leader of the entire heritage foundation or agrees that romney care is bad for them tom if you're really interested in knowing details of the heritage position i suggest you check out our website i'm asking you you work for the heritage foundation you're here you're sitting here right now are you suggesting that romney care is bad for the citizens of masters i know you're a romney says that he does not believe that the romney care plan itself ought to be
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adopted written large nationwide that what you see is that now he didn't say that three letters that he says now i'll take him back i didn't say that months ago friedman once said that the way to change policy is not to elect the right people depend but to make it politically profitable for the wrong people to do the right thing so i would hope that given changes in the political winds mr romney now realizes what the best course is for this country and has course again what what is . the repeal of obamacare and this place is of course well ok there have been beyond the thirty attempts to repeal obamacare in the house or we are just there to place it with what i told you last time i was on your program the republican study committee has come up with an alternative there are a couple of little place where they have a written plan you can go to their website and you can look at it this. exactly summarizes exactly the scheme that mr obama has tried time and time again a place you don't want an alternative you can't even tell me what the obama plan does i can usually tell you what the obama does and does the obama well we're out
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of time here but i think everybody everybody pretty much knows. no rescission no preexisting conditions everybody's in everybody's part even if it lead to find a lot of security package is it decides whether or not people are going to get we are we are we're just land of what we can finish this after the break more on tonight's liberal what will rubble right at longueval on the right after the break .
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there hasn't been a thing yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before the source material is what helps keep journalism on the relief. we want to present. something else. good old started here. for going global that's not. my role. and. choose your please take your stuff. to.
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make your statement. for the world. if you like the story. blogger magnetize lone liberal rumble joining me tonight our core is cooper conservative commentator and senior fellow at the national center for public policy research and laughlin mark a investigative reporter with the heritage foundation europe i am pronouncing your name i know you got some takes me a long time to anyhow there is speaking of it's a carlos good to get to those who are gutierrez i don't know but mitt romney senior adviser and campaign co-chair carlos gutierrez was on us embassy and he gave his take on the people who are asking romney to do like his dad did release more than just one year of tax returns or it is. because if you aren't hacking capitalism
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then i suppose we are supporting socialism so is mr gutierrez right anybody who wants to know more about mitt romney's offshore accounts and his tax returns is a socialist. no i think there are. you know prying into the life of a private citizen you know we can have private citizens running for president you know to say should he have a hard like that in that book. there are plenty of valid reasons to put money into an offshore account and you know i'm sure debbie wassermann schultz who also has investments in switzerland and india and other foreigners going through my head you talking about the pair has money in swiss you're talking about people on stock here here's what mr gutierrez was trying to get at there is a big difference between the good government notion that we'd like to just have some background information about who our candidates are running for office very little which we got about mr obama in two thousand and eight and this enemy
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motivated desire to just reach in and grab as much personal and private information as we can as a way to use it to try to say out of out of it this person is different. we didn't know when he had his savings we don't know where he got those savings we didn't know what he had in the us however we still had things going along when he was right when he was in the united states senate suddenly that i let him off because his book became a bestseller got a million bucks which we don't know we don't know how many books are bought by individuals versus how many books about invoke lots of questions. even using the phrase you but i care a whole lot more about what a president is going to do with my money than what he's doing with his own money so you think that what he does with his own money is an indicator to what is no not at all not at all the not so you want to know all about obama and you're concerned that you didn't no no no no no no i don't know ron went out the hypocrisy where things were presented and we did ask all these questions all of a sudden now we do i agree with lachlan much more can. certain about what he's
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going to do with my money what this president has done with my money has been appalling yours hasn't he has not cut my taxes you make me he may have got yours he has not cut mine he's cut the taxes anybody making out of three hundred fifty thousand a year you what you're talking about is such a targeted tax breaks and credits rates with the exception of the payroll tax cut taxes in times he has owing obama has cut taxes you when i see people unless little more than any other because in those days the united states this whole idea that you give rebates to people who haven't been paying taxes and count that as a tax cut that is not a tax cut the people who pull the wagon if you give them a break then it's a tax cut letting the people who ride on the wagon get extra freebies and gifts but it's not a tax cut and. so the billionaires who ride on the way in that they are they right on that's not what i know the tax code but give it your way to our poll on the wagon oh that is a tax cut i think we agree. we don't agree on what it means to be fundamentally in
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liberty and having independence if i pay and use my own resources to make my own way that's something for me and the society to leave private what we do with other people's dollars if that was something that plane rated scrutiny but you can't none of us i mean you know i've had success as an entrepreneur to none of us can do that without the rest of society working with us we can't do that we can't play the game of business without our court systems more than a habit we can do one we can't for example is bringing the government so in such an intrusive way that it makes impossible for those independent successes if it's impossible that one rally isn't that this year corporate profits last year corporate profits were higher than they've ever been and they because of you know united states no one and they want to is truly in the best way of this market as long as this president can read to write him tax him and obamacare since here horace corporate profits are higher than that's ever number they're sitting on the
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dollar i'm not. you know i'm going to i don't know any of that there's not a little talking about actual no outfits no. profits the f.c.c. the stock market hasn't evolved he defines what you list as assets and they do that based on your decisions that you're making when it comes to whether you're hiring whether you're bringing in new characters look at what i'm talking about and often slog all of that office are higher than they've ever been in the history of the united states now so i think about the say this isn't a court of corporate friendly environment oh i think the united states is still one of the best places in the world to do business but i think that you know you need when you're in a economic trough like we're in right now in this recession excuse me this recovery doesn't seem to be picking up but it is even russians know but my point is for the rich paper victory that will pay for improvement that we will see changes if this president were to decide to change the policies that he's engage in or we replace them then you're going to see so we're losing seven hundred thousand jobs
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a month under the bush administration using bush and omics and reaganomics to gain at least fifty sixty thousand jobs and who twenty four consecutive you want to go back to losing seven hundred thousand all the oh i want to i want him to run with that record i've got us to fifty and see how that works with the american you're a fan of your show those are qualities those policies that he has embraced of the last three years are the very reason that he is an unpopular as he is as president the very reason why we're not in the middle of a great depression what i mean that. that's quite a statement if you look i'm just quoting from bush if you look at the charts of the last you know every recession since the great depression that we've been in every employment recession you know it's pretty striking this one is you know it's i believe it's about double the next longest employment that i always hear because of it is that because your has been there hasn't been a sort of crack when i talk that i have not since nine hundred twenty nine we're talking about duration of recovery and duration of recovery has been tremendously slow because policies have not been it been put in place that would. to
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a moderate islamists i would have blocked every had others have been a lot of stories to the war in the recovery ok so the so the democrats in the house of representatives put forward a bill that would have said ok if you're sending jobs overseas you're no longer able to take a tax deduction for taking apart that factory you can deduct that cost shipping it over there you can deduct that cost building it in some other country you can deduct that you can no longer do that and no doubt taxes but if you want to bring that factory back home to the united states no problem you can deduct that in fact we'll give you a bonus they passed out of the house of representatives it went to the senate it had more than fifty votes in the senate republicans filibustered it it would have created two to three million new jobs in the in the two and a half years since that was passed and even republicans acknowledge that number we would be at a six percent on the going rate for it never really public three to destroy it and hurt barack obama for every example this press this senate majority leader to day to day jet did to holding a vote on what president obama just last night said he wanted i want an immediate
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vote i'm asking on congress today to vote to do that tax changes that i want we're going to hit the charts with create jobs by which he says will create jobs which are eighty percent of the bush tax cuts the republicans came forward and they said we'd like to make a unanimous consent motion to move that measure today and one other vote our version that's it let's do it today it was the senate majority leader who oppose that now how many million jobs is that destroyed was in politics have you are in the senate are in our state as a line and then. in a way horizontal is what the value to mary can disagree on how best to create jobs but the notion that republicans in congress have not passed bills that they believe will create jobs is simply wrong the house has passed thirty some odd bills that at least they called yobs bills yeah they say read that they were names that he knows are good libraries after ronald reagan ok journey general eric holder has lashed out against voter i.d. laws sweeping the nation and called a poll tax to take
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a look at. many of those without i.d.'s would have to travel great distances to get them and some would struggle to pay for the documents they might need to obtain them. we call those poll taxes. and so the twenty fourth amendment passed in one thousand nine hundred sixty three specifically outlaws both taxes and i want to see them put that in writing and go before the courts this was the first time this appearance before the end was the first time that he admitted that the justice department has been on an average course in trying to interpret id requirements as some kind of poll tax he admitted that this was a new aggressive effort on the part of the justice department that i've been distorting the law to do this and this is the reason why this standard is lower than struck down yes. also he was also wrong on a key point which is that for the i can't think of a single state that has a voter id law and doesn't provide free voter i.d.
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i know texas does mississippi does that to get her i.d. you got to drive through all kinds of loops you got to go go you go to the d.m.v. and you fill out a form don't have to have your birth certificate or get a track so that reality court decision written by ted stevens notable right winger agreed that this was constitutionally did not constitute voter suppression and it did not violate the twenty fourth amendment so we have a justice department that says it's ok to ignore supreme court precedent and to push forward with this solely for their political reasons and not because i think we can all agree it's going to be really interesting if eric holder he added that line and you know if you were to follow through ok we have a just a minute left here before the court for its official united states is now in the middle hottest year to record january to june four point five degrees above the twentieth century average so the question is how much higher does it have to get how much weirder is the weather had to get before the think tanks and shells who are funded by the oil corporations give up like they did many of these same people
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work for the tobacco companies back thirty years ago in fact literally the same people and real and confess that the debate is lost that global climate change is a great drug has a link and i just heard on the radio the same thing there's now a study. challenging the u.n. report saying that we are in a hundred fifty year cycle of low temperature as opposed to high temperature this is an issue snow outside is that snow outside just because we're having a particular weather experience isn't evidence that the globe has some sort of long term trend and drugs has. this is precisely the kind of attempt by many people on the progressive side to use anecdotal evidence as a an attempt what they used were tree rings. as on earth match anecdotal evidence back to one hundred fifty b.c. to reach the conclusion i think i don't think that scientists really didn't i that there were warming periods around two thousand b.c. and then again i think believe it was five hundred to one thousand a.d.
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so you know the issue is not whether the earth is warmer and then it was one hundred fifty years ago a few years you is whether humans are causing another car and that if you look at those well i mean it will in cycles you find that they happen far more gradual and more experience no that's not true no it's not and you know you guys are are are digging your heels in both of you your so i think some of the day when you're there i have not you know my family science is no no no i'm not defying every scientist on earth there are a number of militant climatologists who flatly disagree with this and this is the point you guys talk about this in a way that is partisan and political rather than in a way that scientific why don't you want to just follow the evidence and let the conclusion manifest itself i agree with you let's do that. here ira thank you both thank you you thank. after the break thanks to president obama taxes in america are today at a thirty year low so those of you that does not mean the tax load the republicans should be supporting the president and hoping he gets real like that in november.
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is he.
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