tv [untitled] July 12, 2012 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT
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no no. i think the rocket bombing is beatable and one well. we never got the live shows neighborhood keep you safe get ready because you believe your freedoms. are going to be what you like in the army. but in the alone a film you'll get the real headline with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v. . you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so for like sleep you think you understand it and then you
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glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm sorry welcome to the big picture . all right so it's thursday and that means that it's time for our team web producer andrew blue. to talk tech to me now we've got some really fun and some kind of
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creepy wife i stories for you today new york is going to be making good use of their old broken down pay phones all this one other guy he wants to let cockroaches run all over the place with a wife i think not the are smith is being shady trying to cram so bill like provisions down everyone's throat and andrew is taking a little trip to a hacker conference so he's going to give us some details on what we can look forward to so joining me now is our two web producer andrea they use both creepy and weird in that intro before describing me. you know if you pointed it out. i wasn't going to say it myself. ok so this is kind of creepy thought if i may be cool things we've seen in movies are coming to life i don't know i'm assuming it probably a lot of our viewers out there are fifth element fans but i think you won't forget this bit. it's going to seeing that you're golden floss interrelation a few hours she has the stones with her. and we have to do with someone who gets.
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so much. maybe it's not that long until we actually see those cockroaches doing that there's this guy defense contractor who works for point pleasant new jersey he will who is doing this actually doing it it's very rare that we are you know you tell me what if you took a bunch of a bunch of cockroaches and which is also because they're all over d.c. so we should come down here we can give him some money he can charge out on us and he hooked up little radios microphones and all sorts of circuitry to use little bugs and the plan is you send them out into a disaster site so you sort of you know stuff cockroaches in there pick up sounds on the microphone then they take it they transmit it back to the radio go someplace else so it's quick he can actually do this yet or this is all just part of the plan right he's working out here but from what i read these little packs that they put on the belly of the cockroach way like half the weight of the oh yeah but i can't i mean i know they you know they're mortal. but they can't be that strong i mean i
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just assumed they were like ants but i did really bad in science class so i don't know but i figure that will just catch wind of this and the whole thing will be over soon as they realize that it's like a cockroach torture but i mean in theory it's a great idea that cockroaches are going torturing us and telling you. are you. ok i predicted you know that when they're torturing us they will be able to transmit electronically and wirelessly so at least it'll be cool for what i understand the guy got eight hundred fifty thousand dollars from the army to play the cockroach i mean it's not that hard you can kind of these devices are getting smaller and smaller every single day like cockroaches least the ones in my house there are thirty you've got to know very little sickly if there was a natural disaster or you know they're saying that if people are stuck down in a mine there's been an explosion and it is really cool that there might be this fire yet and it's sending a little bug down and they can transmit videotron i wouldn't say it's going to be
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a possibility this is going to happen and it will be used in all the great it's about telling shouldn't really be that much of a surprise yet until it you know creeps into your apartment and record player conversations and they were talking about how searches listeners. don't see wandering story yeah you never know where they're going to find out the little cockroaches like it just seems to me you know maybe it's a minority report it's happened or too many other story is that new york has thousands thirteen thousand payphones and forty to sixty percent of them are out of service and so banned wagners this company that's actually just turning the old payphones into free public wi-fi hotspots and they're just starting the ten locations that so i mean it's cool but i mean maybe you live and what are you skeptical don't know who they want to make this for all right so and and if you're like me and you're an idiot when you break or lose your phone constantly you can't always afford to go out and buy like a nine hundred dollars replacement. so they get. sprint bastards anyways
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so a couple weeks ago i actually needed a pay phone to do the whole hard is to find a function again you're out of instead of putting the wife i hear why don't they actually just give people phones again they were very like there's a reason there's pay phones everywhere in there they're phasing it all out and yes all cool now i can be able to pick up internet on my left up anywhere i am because i think it's just more of the separation between between rich and poor it's more of that wealth gap and you know if you don't have whatever latest gadget it is there will be no public services out there for you i feel like it's kind of cool but how often do you connect to a free wi-fi network and it's actually usable workable you can actually do anything on it and since it's in new york city i'm sure bloomberg will find some sort of way . so it's cool thing about it is going to be unhealthy and therefore it will not be allowed to leave it as long as they don't get rid of the estate the aesthetic of the old pay phone booth i'm going to barely three hundred feet away it's going to
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provide why if i use the military grade antennas but let's move on just real quick because i want to get these last two subjects lamar smith isn't sure what if you're now what is he doing now so actually i could show you because i had this on my desk yesterday so this is this is that that piece of crap that you tried to try to give us earlier this year and this is not so this is the intellectual property act. that's fancy pretty much he took one of the crappy parts about so he took the part that says that the u.s. should be able to send people into other countries to force and keep an eye on intellectual property laws that was in the last pages section two hundred fifty of soap is dead so he took that last literally the last pages so put a new name on it and is trying to get it up a page it's on yeah well i think this is a bigger font computers all screen. it is just cramming things. literally
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the last part of resubmitted under a new name if it gets through all that just means that the us would be able to send people into other countries in police their ip laws which should come as surprise because that's the whole it's a way to. do it or else but this one of the have a cool name yet. if. we need some sort of campaign intellectual property had to act yeah you know do it guys don't do it. really quick do you tell us how we're doing this week and. i mean are we doing this in. the hold in a. container underneath a greyhound bus and head up to new york city later there is also a convention starting in the morning actually depending on if you're watching this live world friday morning in new york city hope packer's on planet earth i believe it's their ninth year it's just become such a people come in from all over the world and they give speeches. they promote you
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do what we've been doing every week when i come out and talk about this stuff but they do a much more eloquently and they actually have some sort of brain now hey now oh no i'm just speaking of my own i guess i got yourself well i mean yeah but so lots of cool things happening this weekend in new york city at the hotel pennsylvania starts in the morning i think tickets are still available and what are you going to sell a just tell us what we don't get is why don't you give and watch r.t. if you watch the stuff that we do that you don't really see other places there are a bunch of people who are experts on this stuff who are talking about like they're going to talk about distributed denial of service attack going on and off from you when you come back and i got to wrap it up but thanks for talking to. our guys it's time for our last break that evening but when we come back the media trade association is fighting it very hard against transparency and they went to night school time and why katie couric on a rocky billboard by now on happy hour and your place will be on again. comedian.
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with. buck and they alone and so they'll get a real headline with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v. .
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to the capital account i'm lauren lyster. i guys it's time for tonight's tool time award and tonight we're giving it to an organization that you think will be in favor of transparency it's the national association of broadcasters they have been engaged in a month's long battle with the f.c.c. over disclosing information about political at political ads like these. i'm mitt romney and i approve this message i'm barack obama and i approve this message when a president doesn't tell the truth how can we trust him to lead it remedies for. helping companies outsource their training to trees including china. some said our best days were.
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far more than today our auto industry is firing us. now the battle now have anything to do with what's included in the ads or rather how much super pacs are paying new stations to air the ads seen april the f.c.c. voted to require mainstream media networks in the biggest fifty t.v. markets to post political ads out on the web that data includes details like the times of the ads aired how much they cost and whether stations rejected requests to sell ads to political campaigns information is already available people who go to their local station to get paper records but they have c.c. and understandably so wants to help inform consumers by demanding that they be available via the web as well for the broadcasters association well they've been fighting this tooth and nail when they first heard about it they begged the f.c.c. to water down the measure they also tried to question the f.c.c. off the already to even make a regulation like this so because the f.c.c.
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recently set a date for this to go into effect which is august second the industry group filed a motion on tuesday with the u.s. court of appeals in d.c. to block the rule so this motion says the broadcasters would suffer or suffer irrepairable harm because the rule rule excuse me compels television stations to post the prices for specific advertisements to a public website immediately after the sales occur and goes on to say that the f.c.c. is engaged in arbitrary and capricious decision making by disregarding the competitive harm at this is likely to result so frankly. their argument is really lame anybody is really going after the f.c.c. because this rule could expose just how much money they're making off of shady influence peddling like c.b.s. c.e.o. les moonves said in april super pacs may be bad for america but they're very good for c.b.s. and he wasn't kidding moonves estimated that his media outlet would rake in one hundred eighty million dollars from political ads and other media watchdogs are suggesting that the m.s.m. will really bring in somewhere between three and five billion dollars that's no
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chump change and it's free press co-founder robert make me explain this influx and citizens united ceric citizens united arab campaign spending we have news networks collecting all of the benefits twenty years ago the average commercial television station two or three percent of its revenues from candidate ads and they actually had local news coverage on their station today the pentagon the street and it looks like the average commercial television station these fifty big market network stations will have anywhere from fifteen to as much as thirty percent of their revenues just from a political candidate in ads and they're doing far less coverage of politics whatsoever so we're giving none dated with name advertising and we're having very little journalism what little journalism we do get has to be just monitoring the ads and sort of cheering them on. so the networks get to do less work reporting on politics meanwhile they're making record profits off of political ads that is
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a huge source of revenue no wonder they want to keep those details under wraps but what really grinds my gears is that this trade group is trampling on the founding elements of news reporting which is transparency these channels are supposed to be informing their viewers not keeping them in the dark so it's no wonder that a tuesday gallup poll show that americans trust in t.v. news is an all time low just twenty one percent of americans say that they have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in t.v. news that number is down from forty six percent in the early ninety's but obviously cases like this show the media throws values credibility out the window if their profits are being threatened so for showing that mainstream broadcasters care a lot more about money than they do transparency and for neglecting their duty to inform we're giving the national broadcasters association tonight's tool time award .
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our guide it is time for a happy hour and joining me this evening are two web producer andrew blake and comedian. hey guys they're going to be here any we sure yeah i've already had enough for the evening and this is. very always excited but it certainly looks like we're going to be doing a lot of olympics stuff as they come up thank god because it's never on t.v. just. come on the people that don't want surface to air missiles on their building on the roof they're building i totally understand that and i felt they had a right to see that they were going to talk about lately everyone's been talking about the olympic uniforms which you asked me to really i don't know why we do it as if everybody is preppy in america. but fox and friends is actually really upset about it the other day because they didn't like the berets take a look at this. piece of american athletes dressed in these outfits with. the
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big question always should the american team be where and. why not baseball why not a cowboy hat like we had when we went to calgary. where. over a third year you wherever they were apparently this is the first time they did brazen two thousand and two and they like instantly sold out so i guess money making venture you know i was going to say i can't believe that that's what they talk about on t.v. but i think it's five me saying that you were like one level. at least three call it happy hour and they actually try to claim that it's like a morning news show. because this has to be the first time the fox news has complained about making something look more militaristic than it was before the braes i mean you know the funny thing about this though is that they're complaining if they think the braes are too like frenchy right they're playing with a little french music in the background turns out the uniforms are made in china.
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oh we're going to call it that's all there was i thought i was going to go right to you a little something writes drew try that again without the pause so we're already ready one two three turns out the uniforms are made in china. but. no i don't think it's a little funny that we had our olympic uniforms made in china we can't even do that in america i think the result good so whatever probably got a really cheap great use of money for something else perfect done. much money they're going to be charging people to buy these olympic uniforms that is really expensive to charge people to not the athletes but then people want to buy you know like fans of the people that's gone to the olympic athletes want to dress like a living yeah because they're they're fans national heroes for athletes high quality chinese made goods to want to turn that down you know i mean there's like a big opium smuggling ring involved in it too i bet you that all right that last last olympic story. over doing for the evening is. there something that
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people love about mcdonald's we've spoken about is going to a lot of fast food at the olympics. the reason we are here we can just to avoid and get paid millions of dollars to make the guards. look at this commit donald is the only restaurant allowed to sell french fries at the london olympics and that's like within like a specific enclosed area i know no one else is allowed to sell fries but then they decided to get a little generous and they said ok other people can sell fries but they have to be accompanied with fish so that it has to be fish and chips you can't just sell fries only be done i was going to correct you because i'm maybe a bit more cultured than you and yes they do call them chips you know michael it's
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worse than me but it seems like a stunning act of on a c. on the part of mcdonald's with the acknowledge that like look are fries are great like it's generous for us to do it but like the rest of our men and menus just horrendous like we can't force that upon anybody else you know they'll just be like just give us our fries or just leave us the one thing that we have you know i actually had my first mcdonald's for probably a decade the other day. delivery system it's really it's one of me yeah so i have no complaints whatever and i just think it's a messed up but ok well you should certainly campaign that the move on. when we start a petition for you now i don't really care that much for. let's take a look at this billboard i think we have the picture of it so this is a billboard that is in iraq just got this smiling picture katie couric on it and basically people are saying that maybe this is the iraqi government's tactic to get people to be patient about the fact that they are out of power right so this is
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like on a daily broad news broadcast about what's going on with the power they do. put this picture of katie couric with her pretty smiling face is there a way i don't want to control your show and i'm already doing that but can you get the image back up there that's ok that's ok we can and i don't like the grateful dead scolding the butt of. the first guy maybe not because there's no it's all ok even though it's going it's implied it's money as well be there will be a lot of the kids in the wrong direction you know fatty listen some sick which i really feel bad would you be like oh i don't have a power outage but current so it's ok it's all ok what is likely katie couric is like the iraqi government's version of the fail whale in the scenario just you know just delivering bad news and having your image on the poster somehow makes it better smiling and smiling blond woman makes you just don't think everything better i know right yeah. ok how about this blonde woman case kate upton
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she was on was a sports illustrated that she was recently the cover girl she's also some congressman like niece or something like that. and there's web site out there called gossip that wrote a hate post about kate upton talking about how she looked really fat and it was really horrible talking about how she was lumbering down the runway like there's a buffet at the end of it and they called their well marbled and they said is this what american women are striving for and now the lazy lardy look. at that and she knows what you're of the faith if you say this is a pro web site i don't know the hell that means the pros get a website because there's like not enough representation out there for skinny people obviously you're not following my inspiration hashtags on twitter. they actually had that light about there being a buffet at the end because. i mean i don't agree with that is a need to hire those writers for the sure hope if you're going to do it but it is a pretty bold attack strategy to say that kate upton is somehow unattractive it's
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kind of like being like that one guy in the vietcong that's like you know what guys you know we need an air force. exactly that this is a natural analogy to make i was going to make that analogy but i was trying to viet cong it is a some might tell you. where you got some guys think it is i would yeah i don't think those comments are to single male gaze you know. put it in and ask if you would ok ok this is a family program you know. i actually had no way i mean because i'm through culture to know with all these things about french fries overseas actually . going to be huge loser but had no idea who she was before like ten minutes ago but now i know and apparently on every t.v. screen when this where it's you know i don't know i don't work so straight at some stage i don't get a t.v.
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sorry you don't read this word illustrated swimsuit issue is what happens all right let's move on. to an alien story shall we so this comes from a briefing from one thousand nine hundred ninety five in the u.k. british government officials it's now been published by the national archives and so the british government believes this of the some officials believe the aliens might visit earth and suggest harnessing u.f.o. technology for u.k. defenses so this is a quote from one of these officials says if the sightings are of devices not of the earth and their purpose needs to be established as a matter of priority there's been no apparent hostile intent in other possibilities are one military reconnaissance to scientific theory tourism. obviously right there's some cool stuff seriously the aliens most just me visiting are in the because they're took it yeah. the world in the universe i don't know kind of seems like the department of commerce in
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the u.k. is going to be desperate just like sleeping in the briefing you know it's from maybe ninety five though i mean it was about what was happening in ninety five why would the aliens i mean i guess why would they be talking to you then you don't know why would the what was it ninety five the aliens would really want other than like to violate the new jim blossom cd and make like bill clinton oral sex jokes that was it was it right i bet monica lewinsky is a good reason to come see earth ok time yes why do you expect to go away i mean what makes you put it like that maybe it's really the u.f.o. that came down here planted people like kate moss on the planet they brought in the whole affair with. and that's why now kate upton is fact according to some people eating french fries she bought it feel little after she bought chinese version. oh i like what you did there can we keep it going. nine hundred ninety five zero zero this is really going to be your nothing for me ok there is another story girl power
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story which you are not the perfect people to talk about it with but the number of women running for congress this year is higher than ever before according to research all right i say who do they have good ideas though not that just like in general i haven't looked at all of the candidates yet we are wondering within our team if maybe that's because of the you know very restrictive abortion legislation that we've seen being passed through state houses and legislatures not sure but school girl girls are read these things sometimes at school i mean do it would we're done here ok. thanks guys that is it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in and they should he come back tomorrow jim hansen is going to be on the show for happy hour and in the meantime don't forget to like feel our show on facebook to follow us on twitter subscribe to our you tube channel and don't forget you can check us out on hulu as well coming up next is the news.
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you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. download the official auntie happily cation your i phone or my pulled touch from the top story. which all teachers life on the go. video on demand on teaser blindfold comes and says feed now in the palm of your. questions on the dot com you know how sometimes you see
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