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tv   [untitled]    July 12, 2012 7:00pm-7:30pm EDT

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tonight on arts you just because they report it doesn't mean it's true american viewers are taking the head and straying away from network news outlets blast the host of the young turks where viewers are turning to me to get their daily dose of headlines. it's thursday july twelve seven pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching our t.v. . oh losing faith in the media americans confidence in television news has hit a new low that's according to a recent gallup poll these days only twenty one percent of americans have
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confidence in the news that's a forty six percent drop since one thousand nine hundred three and confidence a newspaper is not much better here you can see that it's dropped to twenty five percent that's a twelve percent drop from two thousand so where are people turning to instead it looks like citizen journalists could be giving the mass news networks a run for their money r.t. correspondent. has the story inventing goodness statics round the clock operations a product always being exported america's mainstream news industry generates power and profits but it seems partisan reporting and frequent gaffes may have made many americans turn away from the big broadcasters a recent gallup poll shows an all time low of only twenty percent of the public trusting the news many say this means citizen journalism is becoming a big game changer and the amazing thing about training citizens to be really good
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pundits is that they they have a wealth of information that journalists just don't have when you help them connect what they know are exposed to their experience with a big picture. political event it's very powerful time when that journalist and best selling author and i only will not only supports citizen journalism she and business partner lisa thomas have built a nonpartisan training ground for it it's called daily klout dot com we're not just teaching people to vent we're training people to write rigorous shapely opinion pieces which are eight hundred words long and also to source their assertions we also teach them how to link what they or are exposing. for with action steps. daily clout also features a legislative search engine that monitors and explains bills making their way to capitol hill a tool allowing everyday people to hold federal state and corporate leaders
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accountable when america's fourth estate fails to i think the mainstream media has become about entertainment. and also concerned who holds the purse strings if the mainstream media is controlled by large corporate interests they're going they're beholden to them but this website is independently financed giving tens of thousands of citizens the freedom to report on topics many news networks are accused of suppressing i think one of the best ways you can judge the state of democracy is in how to behave and i think if you have a situation where the citizens of the country are actually bypassing the mainstream media i think that says a lot of the stage of democracy critics however argue that only properly educated and experienced journalists should be intrusted with understanding the rigors and ethics involved in news reporting but even then. there is no
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guarantee the public will receive facts the supreme court justices have struck down the individual mandate for the unconstitutional the direct blow to the president i would say it's a direct blow to his democratic party the individual mandate has been struck down it has been struck down no it has not. stopped. us mass media still maintains us stronger and wider reach that citizen journalism but it no longer holds the power to determine what the public is the baby doing what you've been reporting about very important i am artsy new york now let's look a bit further into this issue of americans losing confidence in network news outlets. it's when it comes to fair and accurate reporting journalist happened to sources to help tell the story but what happens when you don't accurately disclose who your sources are well that's exactly what happened when the news outlets
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reported on obamacare and the lawsuit to stop it they wanted to get the take of a small business owner you know that's your run of the bell small business owner and they all happened to find the same guy because of the increasing health care legislation coming down the line in things like regulatory burdens is really making it making it that much for difficult for me to make a decision to increase and expand my business without a day although it's something that we're ready to expand and at this point would all do is either hold off from a higher part time employees and in form of instead of full time employees we've seen increased regulation of health care we don't know where it stands where it's going to lead to it was supposed to help small businesses but it's so narrowly targeted it's not going to be of any help to my company. well as billoo blog balloon juice first pointed out throughout his various appearances joe all about was called a small business owner but what they didn't tell you what it was that this man also
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happens to be a part of the national federation of independent businesses that's a right wing pro corporate lobbying group they were also a plaintive to the supreme court challenge to obamacare but in all the reports no mention of his lobbying ties so it turns out he's not so random but in fact using the media as a platform to further the lobbying groups interests we say if you want to interview him that's fine just let your audience know who he is so this all could provide clues as to why americans are losing faith in the fourth estate to talk more about this decline in news viewership gent ugur he's the host of the young turks joined me earlier today. first of all i was going to say i love that story you guys did on that fake lobbyist guy small business owner all right now why are they losing faith in the news because the news sucks and they're fake no one believes them and they're right so places like c.n.n.
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will have their fake balance as well romney said this and obama said that who cares what is a what's the truth i don't need you to be there for i need to tell me what the facts are but they are deathly afraid of telling the american audience what the facts are because it might hurt the government they might be called biased by one side or another so people are tuning out because they're saying well obviously these guys aren't real and they're not going to be straight that it actually took us to the streets of washington d.c. to ask the or is why exactly they are turning out here's a look at folks. i feel like it's a lot of misinformation and they're just trying to end things like tom cruise and katie again and we're sorry it's in the news like that if you believe everything you see on the news for the most part it's factual i think it's just a matter of how much time do you have to go and give a story the media supposed to be the fourth estate kind of
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a watchdog of sorts do you think that maybe they're abandoning that responsibility . i think they're more working. with their goals in mind instead of just like here the public hears the facts figure it out they've got an agenda and they're using their own agenda because they want things that's biased one of the other you can't get an objective report anywhere where they were you go to going to swing one end or the other channel you're just listening to another and if you're going to tell what you want everybody to know what everybody's doing wrong just don't. want to pull people that don't make sense if not t.v. where do you turn to for the news instead. on mine definitely where do you go to instead i go to the web and in the for the news that i need to find. i was funny when i was out there trying to talk to people trying to ask them why they're turning out i didn't run into one person that said yes i'm completely happy with the media the way that it is today so i mean it is seems like people are getting fed up.
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to get their. we'll i love super as i am but but i did see the package and let me just say the one thing i think that they're absolutely right about is that they already read it you know my my dad also says that now that just goes on fortunately the news on television being laid by the nature of our technology these days you know my dad used to watch prime time news every single night and notice of the admin doing that for a long time i said why i said why do i need brian williams that's all me something i read three hours ago so that's a huge problem for television news and then the other problem is they don't point out obvious facts like if you asked americans say do you think there's too much influence of money in politics eighty four percent say yes the overwhelming majority now how many times do you see in the mainstream news where they say oh these politicians they just do whatever their campaign contributors tell him to do that's what eighty four percent of americans believe and that is what the reality
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is that american people are right how often do they say it on the news almost never i don't you know it was interesting you had mentioned your father there and there was there was once upon a time where people didn't trust in the news but we're seeing we saw the graph there it's kind of declining gradually what is it about the news today. is it about the climate or the pressure or what is it today that is causing people to police confidence and. honestly the news has been systematically bought and it's very logical if you think about it who pays for the news well that retires do so now do you think they're going to do incredibly hard hitting news on corporations and the things that they're doing wrong that's the hand that feeds them you want to buy that and then the corporations have also systematically bought our government to campaign contributions ninety three percent of the time in congressional races the guy with more money wins so it doesn't matter if you're a democrat or republican liberal or conservative doesn't matter what your point of view is on the issues the only thing that matters is who's got more money now the
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corporations are giving that money and they're buying the politicians and they've also bought. all the advertising has paid for the news you think the news is going to report to you that the corporations have bought our government of course they're not going to report that so it's a it seems like they're the media's first loyalty is to advertisers. their viewers . absolutely and i can tell you from my time in the mainstream media i mean there's a lot of things that they freaked out about the thing they forget about the most is if you touched advertisers and then that then red flags waved everywhere sounds like there's a little bit of a conflict of interest there and you know this gallup poll was actually taken before the whole health care debacle. the major networks came out and actually broke the wrong story so could we expect these numbers to actually be much lower you know i hear you on that i actually didn't think it was that big a deal to be honest i know i'm in the minority here that c.n.n.
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and fox news got it wrong and it's they're probably jumpy because they're so used to online news taking their sin being of the story that they'll get we we got it we got it we were the first does go on air right away we're going to be. so but you know overall it's a honestly if you ask me a minor mistake i think the structural problems in news where they don't actually report the real motivations of our government is a much much bigger deal so yes because of image problems it will erode people's view of news a little bit more t.v. news at least but but i think that that's the wrong element that we're talking about. there so that you know you had my social media when i was out there they say a lot of them are turning to social media and to these online outlets do you think people are now finding these sources to be more trustworthy. well i have to confess with audience that i'm enormously biased now. we have a. show that happens to be the top news show in the world and they are here
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disclosing now you're putting it out there like that you know all businessman right but look in terms of why we had that success and we have seven hundred fifty million views on you tube alone a million a day etc and i think it's because we're real with the audience we don't use a prompter so that they know that i'm having a conversation with them it's not something a producer wrote i'm not reading it like a robot and they know that i'm going to be honest with them and tell them hey look this democrat is doing something wrong this republican is taking money from that oil company etc so when they see it they go oh my god that's so it's true that's why we've got an audience that we did that's why c.n.n. is losing their ratings and t.v. newser losing their ratings and they're coming to on line outlets like us i don't want to talk more about that small business owner where you know all these outlets were turning to him as the voice of the typical small business owner and he turned out to actually be part of this lobbying organization i mean how does that even
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happen i mean i know you've kind of seen the inner workings of this how does that happen i mean is it intentional is it lazy i mean what is it. it's both it starts out as intentional so they will be lobbying groups who will make such a person vailable to their allies so someone like fox news and fox news knows that he's actually a lobbyist and they are perfectly happy to pretend he's a small business owner there have a symbiotic relationship with the republican party in fact they donate millions of dollars to the republican party and then they have republican party officials on as spokespeople not just officially in their roles but then they'll pay them like they'll pay sarah palin newt gingrich rick santorum who want up running for president cetera so it starts on purpose as a propaganda campaign and then the other networks because they're lazy will go oh ok great yeah well. it's news as a small business owner it must be a small business owner what am i going to do go to find actual small business owner
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that would take a lot of work so i'll just take their word for it and then it spreads and it spreads and fox news knows this phenomenon that's why they have such a powerful voice here in america because they need the other news networks to amplify their voice for them kind of sounds like it turns into this vicious cycle but it doesn't really seem africa. it's gross it's horribly they go that's absolutely right look i've been inside the mainstream machine where i see the cable stations flipping as we watch so fox news keeps covering a story over and over and over again because they have an agenda to push c.n.n. doesn't have an agenda they don't know what the hell is going on they're trying to keep up with what was on lot of i don't know that seem to be a story that's and then every once in all their executives will look at fox news be like well they've been covering that for so long i guess everybody must be talking about it so let's switch over and coverage and then one c.n.n. switches over that m s n b c panics and goes oh my god a fox news and c.n.n.
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are covering it we've got a switchover and then boom wall to wall coverage and that's how our cable news gets hijacked by fox news is actually brilliant now i have to say again i'm biased here but i work for current television and that's cable news that is not hijacked by that process by the way one of the reasons is. independent so it's not reliant on the same you know mega corporations that they own their ego and i also want to point out jank this is actually a very good thing for us here at our another shift where people are turning to the news these days over in canada r.t. has risen to be one of the most popular international news networks we now surpassed sky news over there. i mean what do you think that means are people kind of just getting tired of the mainstream and they want something different. so there's another side of it i think yes it is and i'll tell you why you know i have friends who sometimes travel abroad and when they do and they see other news outlets like b.b.c.
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they come i'm like oh my god do you know the rest of the world gets real news because here our media instead of challenging the government which was their original role that's what the press is supposed to do there but supposed to check on the government they do the exact opposite they cover for the government in every way imaginable that's part of the reason that they despise julian assange but like oh my god that goes through michael journalism review like government secrets that's so embarrassing for us because we're lapdogs and so that's why when people travel abroad like oh my god look at people criticizing the u.s. government and factual grounds and other governments the syrian government the russian government whoever it might be and i think that you know when you see both side by side for the audience it's an easy decision which when you go with the fake news or the real news jank and i really appreciate you coming on the show that was django there and be sure to watch the young turks on line from three to five pm eastern monday through friday and nightly on current t.v.
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at seven pm eastern and i should mention that the young turks has a new show the point on the town square which you can find their you tube channel thanks jack thank you so much. go anywhere we're going to be right back after this short break. the line of american power continues. things in our. might actually be time revolution. and it turns out that a killer drink of starbucks or surprising him. r t is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like.
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russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to u.s. . interests. but in the alone if you know there's a real headline with none of them are the problem with the mainstream media today is that they're completely disconnected from the viewers and from what actually matters to those viewers and so that's why young people just don't watch t.v. anymore if they want news they go online and read it but we're trying to take those stories that people actually care about and transfer them back to t.v. . well it's been a brutal couple of weeks for the state of california in the past two weeks three
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cities have filed for bankruptcy they are san bernardino california stockton california and mammoth lake california they have all declared bankruptcy just in the within this last month but oakland now is on the verge of bankruptcy but they are taking a very different approach approach their fight. back against the big banks that they blame for putting the city in the economic crisis to begin with now what they're doing is the city council they voted unanimously to to break the deal with goldman sachs the city would be required to pay a fifteen million dollars penalty fee if they break a deal with goldman they made this deal back in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight which locked in an interest rate locked in at that time but the problem is that the federal reserve set interest rates much lower after the financial crisis this was done to help struggling cities like oakland tackle their debt and has been forced to to pay goldman sachs' this higher interest rate costing the city four
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million dollars a year and oakland is sick of paying wall street at the expense of police teachers and other public services so it is open stand a chance against the big bank to talk about this reverend daniel bufford with allen temple baptist church joins us now welcome there so wanted to you know that you kind of have taken the lead it to lead this movement to fight back against the bet the banks to fight back against goldman sachs why take of this approach why fight instead of filing for bankruptcy. well and by the way my pronounce nation and as you've heard us here already apologized in college is that not pop the the the reason that we're doing is is because oakland is is a crash test strip city it's vital services police fire other services like their services to elders schools are being shut down and at the same time
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these things are happening oakland is paying five million dollars a year to goldman sachs but its annual debt deficit is four point one billion or so dollars so it seemed to us that it would make more sense to reinvest this money back into the city than the throw it down the rabbit hole that is the pocket of goldman sachs and honoring a deal that was a fraudulent deal from its inception and why don't you kind of blame goldman sachs and the big banks for putting the city in this crisis this economic crisis to begin with why do you point your finger at them. well is because they came to the city with these with these financially very complicated financial deals these complicated financial instruments knowing that the people that they were presenting them to were not financial wizards are experts and this pattern has been borne out him in municipalities all around the united states and they got people to sign on
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to things that they really didn't know what they were doing when oakland got into its goldman sachs' relationship interestingly enough the man who is now our governor was our mayor and at the time that he was the mayor he got an oakland involved with this and coincidentally at the same time that his sister was a west coast executive for goldman sachs. but at the end of the day danielle that there was this contract that was made with goldman sachs so couldn't they just say it like this is a contract this is the agreement that we made and now you need to abide by these terms and i think we just lost and that was reverend daniela buford he was the alan temple baptist church we're going to try to get him back we're going to take a quick break first.
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what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions to break through it's already been made who can you trust no one. is imbued with the global machinery see where we had a state controlled capitalism is called sessions when nobody dares to ask we do our tea question more.
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if we just put a picture of me when i was like nine years old i just told the truth. i confess i am a. highly fragmented and pretty. i do this kind of yesterday. i'm very proud of the world with its place. pepper spray that just burned gerard's right right by me it's like a derivative of actual pepper it's a food product essentially. was this much stronger than anything you'd be buying.
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absolutely this is thousands of times we're stronger than any kind of debris you ever put you know. was the world's best for its competitors prepare for the l.m. pick summer games in london committee officials are beefing up security measures but less than thirty days until the kick off personnel are not taking the safety of the athletes lightly r.t. is correspondent laura smith has more from london. london two thousand and twelve is almost upon us and with just one month to go it's not just the athletes who are going up a massive security operation is also getting into gear we've got battleships on the river thames with missiles we've got pilotless drawings with lasik eye bombs
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missile batteries dotted around the city person always untold numbers of firearms or you can go to question the proportionality of this london two thousand and twelve is actually starting to look more like a security event not a sporting event. a security event with a little bit of. the olympics is the u.k.'s biggest peacetime security operation and the numbers of personnel. on the ground during the games they'll be twelve and a half thousand police officers supported the occasion by me the whole thousand soldiers but insiders are saying basic security here at the olympic park is seriously lacking investigative journalist lee hazeldean is on the cover with g four s. the security firm that won the four hundred fifty million dollar contract for the games he's posing as a trainee and says role recruits vetting and training
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a sub standard i was asked during the training exercises to be a would be terrorist i was given a knife a real gun and a fake i.e.d. the gun was in my bag the x. ray operator didn't see it i did a good several times he still didn't find it he got behind one and it didn't go he hadn't turned on lease says he's raised his concerns with g four s. but was told to mind his own business no one from the company was available to comment for this report meanwhile the organizing committee remains resolute about safety security is absolutely the top priority for us and we want the people who come to visit london in twenty twelve to be absolutely confident they're going to be safe and secure and you'll go security and an x. ray machine a look at anything you bring him with you and that way we can check that anybody coming into the hall isn't bringing anything with them that can do anybody any damage that's not lose experience of the operation and he's pessimistic about the
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safety of visitors to the olympic park i took a huge knife in there you know it's one riot if i mean it gets sued by one person and fifty people go through different seats that's fifty rounds of ammunition in the olympics and that's a massacre right then and there if a terrorist or a terrorist organization is intent. well getting into the olympics all they have to do at the moment is queue up with a month to go the head of m i five says his organization can't guarantee the security of the games what people are asking is the point of the heavy artillery if the park itself is left wide open laura smith london well that's going to do it for the news for this hour about we'll bring you more on oakland's fight against goldman sachs in the next hour but if you missed part of this or any show today you are in luck we post all of our interviews online in fall you can just hand over to our you tube channel it's youtube dot com slash artsy america and for the latest on .


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