tv [untitled] July 13, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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today in our two u.s. lawmakers are making a huge fuss about team usa is a limb big uniforms being made in china but why are they so concerned about uniforms with thousands of jobs are being shipped overseas we'll look at the bigger picture. plus in the debate between national security and the public's right to know it looks like rock covers paper and house republicans want to prosecute reporters for publishing classified information will tell you about this latest attack on first amendment rights and later for the last one hundred thirty three years the world's most wealthy and powerful elite have gathered in one place to discuss everything from business to politics and beyond it's a meeting shrouded in secrecy that mainstream outlets ignore coming up arts he will
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open the book on this elusive group. it's friday july thirteenth four pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching r t well some lawmakers want to go after reporters that publish government secrets this week house republicans seek legal advice on whether reporters can be prosecuted for making leaked classified information public now this is in the wake of some high profile leaks from wiki leaks cyber warfare and president obama's so-called kill list lawmakers say they want to punish journalists that compromise national security but critics say this is a war on the media and our first amendment rights so if lawmakers start prosecuting reporters what would that mean for freedom of speech and freedom of the press here and the u.s. joining me now is our t.v. . producer andrea blake welcome and you're out with that so what do you think is
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the motive behind this to protect national security or to silence journalists who kind of understand where they're coming. yeah they want to protect national security i don't think they're doing this just to give people like you and me off guard time which is what they're doing so it's merited they understand that there are things that if people find out people won't be happy and i'm certainly americans but you know the people that were killing for no reason across the world so it's well merited however. it's a really stupid i mean i'm sure you can agree but why is that stupid i guess is a back up a little bit earlier this week house judiciary committee led by a representative lamar thomas publican from texas same guy the introducer same guy that tried to reintroduce opal last week he said that they need a full investigation he wants officials last year ministrations to come in and
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answer questions about how you know who did you tell about stocks ned and flame and the kill list and these drones because americans are finding l. and americans aren't happy but you would think that you know for two hundred fifty years or so of american history that the people in charge of this country would realize that if they do something stupid people will eventually find out like just just go back go back a couple years go back to clinton you know you've. probably shouldn't of you know yeah you know that i think ok ok i need to say we need to go there ok but go go back go because for that go back to watergate you would think that if you're caught lying to everyone and being a jerk to everyone on tape and you're in charge of the son of the most powerful country in the entire world and the fallout was massive enough that the country never wants to hear from you ever again that the government would start you know
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not not being stupid ok let's just leave it at that but then isn't it the media's job to reveal when you. yes it is so what i was trying to get at here was the thing that you would expect them to learn was that they should just stop being stupid you know if they if they stopped killing people for no reason the media would stop telling people that they're killing people for no reason then everyone speak happy right so i mean i guess if we can find world peace then everything will be settled so it's not necessarily that easy however it's things like ok let's go back couple years two years now bradley manning locked up screwed totally totally screwed for doing for maybe doing something maybe took some information passed it along and it got published if you go to the collateral murder video the murder of the video of the helicopter opening fire on civilians and i'm going to stop you there because
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we do have that video i want to be associated with this right now so i can make it on the blacklist like break it let's take a look at this ok. i did all of the fifty sixty. something. and so you know what we're looking at now this is a helicopter firing at a lesson last helicopter that is firing at innocent civilians this is in iraq. and this was leaked allegedly leaked by bradley manning to wiki leaks and of course we had shown this video time and time again exposing what you know what has happened there and the only reason why we have this video is because it was leaked to the media now i mean in the wake of this i mean if the news outlets play video like this exposing something that really did go on i mean could we be legally liable sure i don't know bring it bring it bring come on i don't know i don't know if you
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want i don't know ok i'm putting myself out there but if you're watching the right now which i am staring directly into the camera looking at it if you're watching that footage it's not just civilian so the government wants to prosecute journalists for showing things like this but this video is the u.s. government killing a journalist there's a reuters photographer right there. shot the f. up funny and i know it's not funny it's terrible it's terrible and it's people like that that's what they want to do you know when i was growing up and when i was in college i wanted to do something with news so that i can make a difference i wanted to report salute on something that was going to have implications outside of my own little world do i want to go to iraq not necessarily some people do what they want to document what these terrible trusses that are happening the world ok that guy he went there and did it the u.s. killed him for no reason and when it came out that the u.s. did that for no reason they want to go and kill people early sloc them up for
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a really long time like they are with bradley manning and torturing them in the u.n. says he's being tortured they want to do that to journalists for the sake national of. security but what really needs to happen is that government uses just stop screwing up in killing people larry after i do want to take a look at the other side here because what these members of congress are saying is that. journalists should not be making things public that could compromise national security and there seems to be some logic in that a little bit going to do you make of that argument well i mean i'm going to take the opposite side of course maybe this is because i'm a journalist and i have a job to do and that is the job it's pretty much the job is to take what's happening and show it to people so that they know regardless of what it is when they came up with the constitution the bill of rights was the first thing they thought of it wasn't even like on the second page it was right there at the top that you should be able to say whatever you want to say like that's what makes america great there's lots of you know lots of crummy things where you can
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interpret it all that so i can understand but for prosecuting these people for doing their job the job that this country was founded on like the job of being able to have an open democratic society i did all that we did of what is freedom of the past and all kind of goes into if you look at what representative thomas was looking at when he was saying this is what he wants to question people who want to talk to the n.s.a. he wants the f.b.i. he wants to know a couple things about how did this get leaked to the government leaked out the government leaked to the press but the things that they're curious about. for example how did america find out that the u.s. created stuxnet and flame viruses that they made light about for several years and try to attacking the nuclear infrastructure other countries for no reason other than just to be number one ok that's what he wants to know he wants to know how dare you find out that we've been lying to you and telling people that we have been lying is long as
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a government keeps doing things like this journalist they're going to risk their lives that's why they're out there that's why they're out there in baghdad you know right. going around with their cameras trying not to get shot by insurgents just so happens that the u.s. also kind of screws things up every now and then other things that they're looking for they want to know how to details about the bin laden raid get out you know it doesn't doesn't help their case that the president went on t.v. a couple hours later and talked about it and it was the only thing you could hear in america for the next two weeks you know these things these are big moments in history and going back if you look at watergate if you look at the pentagon papers and daniel ellsberg these were big moments in history and information had to come out and it's impacted what we're doing today not just us as journalists but as the way a country a really good country functions and if they're going to try to take away one of the most important things behind that it's a real travesty and they've been trying to do it all the way back forever forever and ever and espionage act came out last century it's still there they want to
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prosecute people underneath it but that's what they tried with daniel ellsberg with the pentagon papers and what they're going to try with bradley manning and you know eventually they're probably going to get a son sure they're going to send him over here and try to do that with wiki leaks and really really just last year one more thing because you know there's leaks in every administration as you had mentioned earlier before why is it now i mean we're seeing this unprecedented crackdown on whistleblowers why is it now that congress is so worried about these leaks well look at what the u.s. is doing right now this administration let's go back to a less three years the war in iraq there's a war in afghanistan there's screws up domestically everywhere u.s. tries to tiptoe around the entire arab spring but have military bases everywhere in the world they're doing more things right now with more money and more resources than they ever have in the past so it makes sense that they are doing more things with those resources and money if they can find a way to manage it so that they aren't running it by killing people doing unjust
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things or creating computer viruses and then lying to the american public about. to them then we wouldn't have the problem it's just so happens that the technology is coming up and it's giving us more reason to do things but thankfully it's also letting people it's letting whistleblowers go out there get that information insure with the right and you were at a time that we're going to leave out of we've ever right there thanks so much better to have your other colleagues that was our artsy web producer ranger blake. all made in america that label is rare these days and now there's controversy over the u.s. as a limp dick teams uniforms not being made in the usa but maybe they should take a look at the athletes and where they're from turns out a number of the libyans were not made in the usa here's a few of the lopez lomong he is the from track and field from south sudan and then there's also meb keflezighi probably not pronouncing that right
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also part of the long distance running from the country. and then there's a deal hacky deal i'm on also a long distance runner from somalia and that is just what we found in track and field but while the media and members of congress fuss over foreign made uniforms some find no need for uniforms at all all they need are their birthday suits take a look you're looking at pictures of the german a limbic delegation showing what they're made of in more ways than one and they're not the only ones chirping down american athletes are also grazing the e.s.p.n. magazine cover and they're natural for and that is what the olympics is have their all right a celebration of human proud wes but now there's controversy over what american athletes are wearing the uniforms were created by all american designer ralph
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lauren they look american but like almost everything else are not actually made here. team usa it's the pride of america so why are the team's olympic uniforms made in china ralph lauren touts on its website that it's the proud outfitter of team usa but not everybody is happy with the company's sourcing they should be wearing uniforms that are made in so you'd think they'd know better i think they should take all the uniforms put him in a big pile and burn them made in china not just china china and the shoes made in china every night in those uniforms made overseas but really why the shock almost everything is made in china these days why are they more concerned about everything else paying off shore it like jobs to talk more about team usa as a living champion dr john carlos john so great to have you on the show today so you were one of them a year ago the pride and joy of america our of our limbic athletes but do you think
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americans would be surprised to find out that some olympians were not even born in america well that will give you reason for a. certain look you know it's not going to work or that represent americans but what you have to this issue really nation remembers you know. you ever heard it was in jamaica and you were going to say go and logically recognition as you make into wrong when you look at games. jamaica. is many things that take place within their living rooms that the general public really don't have a clue as to what the mechanism is allowed to happen. like our guys talking about you know let's say you know academies you know back in the eighty's. dr carlos dr smith was a walking talking. now who we. want well you look good maybe is
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talking to told me that. it was a journey and. god bless america we've been murdered but we don't give you the american public works workers of america the opportunity to make those usa uniforms we have a million dollars of china already really good. to have the economy when i come out of the struggle so this is a question we put to the united states of the committee a jury lou what are you guys doing so you think that this is kind of just a part of the bigger picture a bigger problem that you know i mean everything is made in china these days and really the problem the bigger problem is that all these jobs are being shifted off sea oversea is. absolutely i mean it's just like everyone we're the general motors just. like general motors will make a living building you know staged automobiles but i'm a good generated by
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a cause of gentleman who trained in biology. on a russian valar russian. who you know shunned his growth is that these big you need to put it on the table we have. a giant understand what direction we try to go in this nation and you know this kind of comes at a time here in america a lot of controversy over immigration. but it's interesting because if you do have a certain talent i guess i mean especially in the case of some of these olympians and it's quite easy to become an american citizen if you can become part of this elite athletic team what do you think what do you make of that. well you know as is always a situation where if they have enough is on the part of the world economically that might be feasible these moves ahead of the good you could come to a nation such as you know this because of economics and this is that you have
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a town that has a lot all this one will with the case may be yes it will encourage him to the fact of the country of the. united states isn't it if the agave is a good united states will go as long as you. assist you to be used as a company that is they say this is in order to represent america i do think it's kind of ironic though because i mean and. these say i'm erica getting you and you like to show off it's kind of very patriotic to kind of show off here or your your athletes being at the top but is it a bit ironic that some of these athletes weren't weren't born and raised here. i think we just lost that was in the olympic. an olympic champion dr carlos so we're going to try to get him back but for now we're just going to move on we're going to take a short break but still ahead here. at the last one hundred thirty three years the
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world's wealthiest and most powerful albeit have gathered in one place to discuss everything from business to politics and beyond it's a meeting shrouded in secrecy that the mainstream outlets ignore coming up r.t. it will open the book on the elusive group. and what drives the world the fear mongering used by politicians who makes decisions break through it's already been made can you trust no one.
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with the global machinery where we had a state controlled capital school session when nobody dares to ask we do our t. question more. gerards right right i mean it's like a derivative of pepper it's a product essentially. much stronger than anything you'd buy off. stronger than any kind of. r t is the state run english speaking russian channel it's kind of like al-jazeera .
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russia today has an extremely confrontational stance when it comes to us. well each year the world's most powerful leaders gather and complete secrecy it's called bohemian grove and it's about to kick off in california it's been happening for over a century and it's sad that some critical foreign policy decisions are made there but why doesn't anybody know about this r t correspondent abbie maher ends looking for some answers. yep there it is right and want there to go california i bet a lot of you have never heard the place but it really is quite interesting for the next two weeks and much of the world that we will be flocking to
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a secretive orgy of power where they party into a bohemian style where they give talks network discuss policy and drink heavily his powerful men's only club has been meeting for the last one hundred thirty three years. even the idea for the manhattan project which led to the creation of the atom bomb came out of the grove and one nine hundred forty two pretty powerful stuff but who actually attends the gathering is packed with oil tycoons politicians business leaders and foreign diplomats who all make the pilgrimage to this year the redwood campout presidents nixon reagan and george w. bush all attended the grove before they grace the oval office even media. big wigs are stable with the likes of the hearst dynasty and walter cronkite now replaced with rupert murdoch and c.e.o.'s from c.n.n. and l a times so if the media is there americans should know all about what's going on right so have you heard a bohemian grove i have not not really no not at all i don't have
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a clue no no i'm afraid i don't the world's most powerful players get together and discuss policy party and also do mock sacrificial rituals together oh no that's and that's basically first newest i have i heard about it they sacrifice a coffin effigy to a giant forty foot i will it's kind of like a modern day stonehenge i don't think it's cool at all i don't think so on if that truly does take place i think it's great that's scary that's really i did hear they were talking about like a new world order in like two years something like that maybe that's what they're planning it's also just the new whole order no way you can really fight it and it's completely different than now right at what do they do that's not supposed to be published so now i think differently the public is supposed to know what's going on that for sure i should know we the media will show it in t.v. or newspapers but unfortunately no but we can't just leave it at that. nothing left
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to do but book a flight to san francisco for the weekend and find out for myself. abby martin our to washington. well earlier in the show we talked about the freedom of speech in the u.s. as far as journalists are concerned but what about average americans and more specifically the use of social media platforms to flex your first amendment rights is there anything that should be banned from being said on twitter laurie harshness with the resident that takes that question to the streets of new york city to find out. twitter is instituting a new policy of blocking posts it deems racist is it ok for social media websites to pick and choose what can and can't be said this week let's talk about that. right but some people still do. but that's the world we live in so should it be out there for people to see or should twitter take it down twitter should take it down
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so we're live in new york we live free but doesn't a racist person live free to post whatever they want do you have kids do you worry about them being exposed to racist comments. well that's not good yeah but you can express whatever you want to anyway you should be able to express your freedom yeah you might not agree with raised this them but do you agree that people should be able to say what they want on a social networking site like no why not is just going to tell us a people should keep the room to themselves but that's the whole point of twitter is reading it out something way about what it was that's what we're it's not ok to say whatever you want now the internet you shouldn't just be able to say whatever you want no. braces though if you write something it doesn't have to be racist even though that the words are. sometimes you can write some things that all
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racist but but the words are not so it depends on the human side how you interpreted it you block the. negative drama but you're also preventing free speech right there so i guess it's a tossup so is it ok for twitter to decide what stays and goes and says their company. again they probably have to have a good outside company that judges it because who are they to say what's their website true true but who are going to say what's racism what's not there do you think twitter that kind of racist content is going to make a difference and help people not be racist or is it racist is is just going to persist it's going to happen so we've changed it not enough you know it's i think that's their way of preventing some form of cyberbullying but it's not going to change anything whether or not you think it's right for social media companies to censor content on their sites the bottom line is this wouldn't be an issue if people would just be better citizens and stout being racist.
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all the capital account is up next r t let's check in with lauren lyster to see if she's on the road in new york city to see what's on today's agenda lauren how's it going over there in new york. it's been a great day yesterday our producer and myself took on the wall street bull and quite literally actually and figuratively you could say and headed to the floor of the new york stock exchange today we crossed the street on wall street headed up a little bit for what you could call an alternative exchange we had a sit down one on one interview with jim grant editor and founder of grants interest rate observer a very sought after are always interesting contrary and we talked about a lot of the news that is breaking today and relevant always because liz it has been a busy day peregrym financial group c.e.o. was arrested in his suicide note he had attempted suicide he admitted to fraud and
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two forging bank statements for two decades undetected that allowed him to steal millions of dollars from customers so seeing or experiencing this kind of theft from a firm like p.s.g. to getting away with it for decades allegedly or m.f. global which was another firm that went bankrupt nine months ago also stealing customer money which is still missing is that contributing to people wanting to give their money to perceive safe havens where they literally get no return we will talk about that also j.p. morgan reported earnings and their london whale losses clocking in at five point eight billion dollars so far this is a lot more than the bank originally said and they will talk back bonuses but we'll talk to our guest about if this goes far enough to instill personal accountability and too big to fail banks a lot to talk talk about over there in new york city lauren that is coming up next on the capital account with lauren lister that's going to do it now for the news we're going to be right back here and a half hour with
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