tv [untitled] July 13, 2012 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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tonight in our u.s. lawmakers are making a huge fuss about team usa is a leg uniforms being made in china but why do so concerned about uniforms when thousands of jobs are being shipped overseas we'll take a look at the bigger picture plus are you feeling sad lonely or low on energy during the millions of americans taking antidepressants in order to cope with their emotions so who's really prescribing the cure to unhappiness doctors or big pharma will tell you the truth about antidepressants. and technology is taking a sexy turn these days as the porn industry pioneering the way for the use of google glasses we'll show you why your adult video experience could get a lot more up close and personal in the near future.
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it's friday july thirteenth eight pm here in washington d.c. i'm liz wall and you're watching our. well made in america that's a label that is rare these days and now there's controversy over the u.s. a look big teams uniforms not being made in the usa but maybe they should take a look at the athletes and where they're from turns out a number of the libyans were not made in the usa here's a few of lopez lomong in track and field he's actually from south sudan and men. have full is ari long distance runner he is actually from you rich rhea and then there is a deal hacky deal on mon he is from somalia and that's just what we found in the track and field but while the media and members of congress fuss over foreign made
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uniforms some find no need for uniforms at all all they need are their birthday suits you're looking at pictures of the german olympic delegation showing what they're made of in more ways than one and they're not the only ones stripping down american athletes are also gracing the e.s.p.n. magazine cover from their natural for this and the olympics is after all about a celebration of human progress right now there's controversy over what american athletes are wearing the uniforms were created by all american designer ralph lauren they look american but like everything almost everything else they are actually they aren't made here. team usa it's the pride of america so why are the team's olympic uniforms made in china ralph lauren touts on its website that it's the proud outfitter of team usa but not everybody is happy with the company's sourcing they should be wearing uniforms that are made in so you think you would
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know better i think they should take all the uniforms put them in a big pile and burn them made in china just china china and the shoes made in china every item in those uniforms made. but really why the shop almost everything is made in china these days everyone knows that why are they more concerned about everything else being off shored like jobs just something to think about as both the twenty twelve olympics and the you asked presidential elections near. well are antidepressants mislabeled should they instead be labeled for their common side effects and is a more appropriate to call some of them anti aphrodesiac well some doctors think so that's because according to a recent study more patients taking added antidepressants lost their sex drive than those cured of depression and this could pose a problem for america take a look at these statistics one in ten americans take antidepressants two hundred
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fifty five million antidepressant prescriptions were dispensed in the u.s. in two thousand and eleven and antidepressant use surged almost four hundred percent from one thousand nine hundred four to two thousand and eight and over nine percent of american adults today suffer from depression and it's not just their libido people are losing many of these meds inducing diety and double the risk of suicide so what are the true implications of unmedicated america to discuss this is dr bruce levine he's a psychologist and author of the book you see there get up stand up uniting populus energizing the defeated and battling the corporate elite welcome dr levy and so first want to start off by talking about these startling numbers approximately one in ten americans are on antidepressants this is reduced and certain and for certain populations like women between the ages of forty and fifty nine years old it's almost twenty three percent according to c.d.c.
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centers the control report in two thousand and eleven and so in one of questions i asked my colleagues so a coach or a psychologist at what percentage point do you start to think maybe it's not an individual illness but there's something troubling in our whole society and culture would number for me twenty three percent is certainly the number and like you said it's really up to eleven percent of all americans over the age of twelve who are on and for the person and we're seeing this number skyrocket and you got to think something's going on or are more people actually depressed are more people being diagnosed with depression what's be. mind that well bolt i mean i think huge part of that increase has to do with pharmaceutical company marketing. starting in the mid one nine hundred eighty s. pharmaceutical companies really started to basically end next psychiatry and we now have a kind of full blown psychiatric pharmaceutical industrial complex and certainly it's in their interests to have more people depressed and so on and psychiatrists and more they are interest they have more business with more people are depressed
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so a lot of it is the marketing issue but there's also i think a lot of the other problem is that i think the everybody on antidepressants is masking some problems that we were also going on our society and culture like what happened in the old soviet union that everybody started to drink and it wasn't a substance abuse problem that was the epidemic it was something of an ng in the whole culture in society people were very miserable and unhappy and so we see some of that here in the united states as well so it seems like maybe not getting to the root of the problem but instead trying to solve it carrier antidepressants and medication. i think it's interesting to us as one of two countries that allows this to rack its consumer advocate advertisement of prescription drugs and i do want to take a look at some of the it's advertisements. bipolar depression doesn't have to consume you here's me and here's my depression you know when you feel the sadness you may
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feel exhausted hopeless and anxious well i know that kind of describes me on a bad day that i think anybody watching that's going to if they're having a bad day i'll be like well i'm kind of showing these symptoms maybe maybe that's what i need to give me a little pick me out but i mean you know that you go to the doctor and you ask for these prescriptions i'm presuming this is what happens because they're seeing it on the t.v. so i mean and back case they are your t.v. screens prison prescribing you medications instead of your doctor yes i mean we know that those commercials are very effective at getting people to ask their docs and the pharmaceutical companies there are a lot of things but they're not stupid and so they spend millions on these commercials to what these drugs are blockbusters at their peak zola all these things have been two billion dollars a year three billion dollar year drug that's gigantic amount of money and so those those commercials are very if affective and now it is most of the antidepressants are being prescribed not by psychiatrist actually they're just prescribed by the g.p.
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general practitioners visit you know primary care physicians and so these folks have a limited amount of time so he feeds into another issue of a sort of assembly line medicine the united states somebody comes in and they're bummed out the doctor can't figure out real quickly what's wrong with them in a kind of physical sense so they say well let's try some anti-depressant and they and their and their prescribe like almost like aspirin it's like no big deal well we know that they are big deal they have a huge side effects huge adverse effects so it sounds like you know with this being the case that there is a very big tendency for these kinds of medications to be overprescribed are prescribed land maybe you know it's not absolutely necessary oh sure it happens all the time and to kids more and more and that's a special concern of mine that they're handed out like nothing to twelve year old ten year olds and not taking a look at there's often a. losses i mean usually what the person is really about is a kind of a reaction to overwhelming pain in your life and and we also in those commercials one of the ones that i notice that you showed sort of implies but if you listen
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real carefully they say we think it may be having to do with some chemical brain imbalance while that's that's very careful are careful with their language because the reality is there is no proof in fact the whole idea that depression is related to serotonin levels has been rejected now but it was a great marketing kind of technique it was almost like as effective as these and getting us into the war was like we think it might be there so let's start a war what we think that the that these anti that person is caused by low levels of serotonin well we do know these antidepressants increase at least temporary serotonin in a neurosis and so this was a great marketing thing well it later is discovered that there is no there is no relationship between serotonin levels and depression but we do know there is a relationship between a lot of things like high unemployment and people being on public assistance and you know all kinds of physical problems so we do know that overwhelming pain is highly associated with depression but you know there are some people that swear by these medications people that say you know i was so i've been clinically suffering
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from depression. finally taking these medications have enabled me to get on with my life so when you say that there is a place a time in a place for these medications well people we do know from the studies that absolutely from you take a look at these studies about thirty to forty percent of people in most of these trials do improve with antidepressants however what's also a. placebo sugar pills that's about the same amount ok and actually in the recent kind of food and drug administration if you took a look at the trials all of the trials out there on the majority of trials that looked the anti-depressant does not outperform a placebo now for people out there they get very upset and they get very angry they go like my antidepressants save my life and you know i'm really upset with you and . i feel a little bad here because part of how these things work how anything that helps depression work has to do with faith and confidence and so part of the problem is
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when they hear somebody like me saying scientifically yes of course thirty percent of people it works for but it doesn't that's about the what a sugar pill about any treatment works about that about that percentage point and so scientifically it means it really is that effect the but in real life. people feel that it works for them and so when somebody comes on and says the things that i'm saying it sort of destroys their faith in compton so they have to get upset and angry at a guy like me so well so it's kind of like a power the power of the mind that you can kind of shape their own thoughts and which case maybe you shouldn't be taking medication but maybe other alternatives like psychotherapy and just changing your mind sat in it to to really feel better if you want to and i don't i'm really opposed not so much to psychiatric drugs i'm opposed to the hypocrisy i think people should have a right to do it over their own and but what we know is that when people you know believe that they have faith in almost any kind of drug that it's going to be effective for them and so another problem in the america that there's this sort of
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psychiatric pharmaceutical industrial complex creates is the sort of prison industrial complex so you have a lot of people out there who have no insurance who have no access to prozac impacts paxil and all those things and so what are they are using they're using illegal drugs marijuana they're using some folks even using cocaine and the reality is for some of those people out there it goes help their depression as well and for a drug like marijuana is actually for safer then and in these antidepressants in terms of adverse effects. ok and i guess i want to ask you. this if somebody is profiting i mean well obviously we know this profiting at the big pharmaceutical industry is there profiting side mean is it all about the money and stat of people's well being well unfortunately when you have. when you have drug companies making so much money these are that that kind of elements going to be there and they can spread it around to almost every kind of psychiatric
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institution american psychiatric association or kinds of consumer groups and so the profit motive has really distorted what most americans hear about depression and ways to deal with it whereas the reality is there are a lot of different ways depending on your temperament depending on your personality psychotherapy works fine for some people but not for everybody for some people activism is the way political activism if you take a look at history that's transform people's the person. physical exercise is a lots of different ways but we only hear one thing because of pharmaceutical companies. and so i mean we are seeing a staggering number as i mentioned before about ten percent of the population here in the last on antidepressants i mean can we only expect that number to up well i would guess i although there's got to be a limit some we were you think i mean like a so we've already got twenty three percent of women between the ages of forty and fifty nine we've got increasing what they're doing now is that people are not just on one drug ok and they're on multiple and the other person's and you would think
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that some of these drug companies wouldn't like that they want you to use exclusively there is one of the reasons why they're pushing people to be a multiple psychiatric drugs is it helps them in terms of if somebody goes suicidal they go homicidal and they hurt you know hurt themselves or somebody else it creates less liability issues for them to somebody can say well it was this one drug and we're going to go a few for creating these adverse effects so that's what they're pushing people to be all multiple psychiatric drugs one reason very interesting dr thanks so much for coming on the show that was dr bruce levy and he is a psychologist and author of get up stand up uniting populist energizing the defeated and battling the corporate elites and while we're talking about american sex drive we turn now to the porn industry which always seems to be on the cutting edge technology as with other gadgets in the past the porn business is among the first to make use of the. this new device these are the new google glass is and the porn industry is loving them and it's no wonder they allow you to see things up
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close and personal in a style of porn known as point of view i leave that up to your imagination as to what that is but a well born was the first to pioneer v.h.s. in h.d. and we saw that technology take off afterwards so our google glasses the gadget of the future to discuss those questions and more it was joined by quite an boyer director of public relations at pink visual here's his take. that largely remains to be seen at this point as i understand it the glasses want to actually be available to consumers until about two thousand and fourteen and then sometime two thousand and thirteen will be made available to developers so at the moment we're kind of going on what google tells us about glasses but for based on those specs i'm pretty excited and i think it's going to be a very interesting technology that's going to ask you this isn't it as you just have the technology isn't available until two thousand and fourteen so is the porn
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industry going to kind of have to hold on and tell that as well well for any real substantive development we probably will have to hold off until the actually are on the market but there's a certain amount of preparation you can do pretty want which is something we did with the i pad we actually built an i pad and had it online three days prior to the device being released in stores in the us and we based our development on the specs that have been published to that point and there were agree with glasses it sounds like it's going to be a little trickier to do much sort of advance preparation because of the nature of the device but we're what we are planning is ways that will apply it and not just for filming but also to use the augmented reality aspect that's inherent to the glasses to enhance websites and. can you talk a little i know it's kind of like this point of view thing lay of why why is the
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porn industry so interested in this technology. well i think the basic reason is that point of view porn has been popular for quite some time you know these days it's shot over someone's shoulder or there actually are sort of low tech camera glasses that you can get they don't feel a very good image quality but as long as you know is the angles that would never have been possible before you're saying right and it's sort of an organic first person perspective and the more that it's centered on the actual perspective of the of the participant if you will the better i think from the point of view we're standpoint. it's a popular former pornography already remains to be seen how well google glasses work for that purpose splitter mari synthesis of the work pretty well and that you'll have a couple of early docking point companies like us that will jump on it and then others will sit back and see our anger and whether there is one unit and really
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what the market and they are we see this trend where the porn industry kind of pioneers new technology and then and then it kind of catches on and you know every every day life what do you think. what is it about the porn industry that kind of sets the tone for what's going to be the technology of tomorrow. i think it's really that the porn industry is driving is not so much the development but the adoption of the technology by consumers and it's sort of the way people use it you know the top and certainly the first book printed when the printing press was invented was the bible i've always suspected that the next five or ten were probably dirty books it's very much a part of human nature of they're interested in sex we're sort of the worst of creatures by nature and i think that's what really drives it is that a consumer gets a new piece of technology that can be used for watching porn and then that's what
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they want to do with it then i think that is a good example right and i you know i guess we could just keep imagining technology to get more and more into vance here the luck of what i mean i guess it's science fiction but let's take a look at it and see what you think beginning to think. big you. think six corners. what's wrong human contact how do i do to touch it and i thought you wanted to make . is that what you call this. so you know he's out of the movie a demolition man a they're making use of a fax how on that and isn't that as our it's growing. well i suspect for some people that's where it will go i think there will always be a part of
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a place for traditional sex real sex between people but we're not that far right now from what you've seen in some of the movies there's a device called the real touch which is a bit of haptic technology for example that fits on a man's penis and is coordinated with the video that you incorporate that what's seen is actually communicated you attacked old fashioned by this device. some people find it a bit creepy and evidently to people who use it love it but things like that where you'll have on one side of the equation a tactile device that that stimulates a person and the other and probably another person with a similar device these kind of things are already happening we refer to them as general blocks and i don't think that's an official term but one of the environment are and we are at a time but this is absolutely fascinating fascinating we're going to continue this conversation another time thank you so much for coming on the show appreciated that
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with clinton by our he's the director of public relations that paint visual. well the us celebrates being a country founded on free speech it's the first amendment after all and social media platforms are revolutionizing the way people communicate and some argue opening the doors to hate speech so in the balance between free speech and fair speech is there anything that should be banned from being said on twitter laurie harshness with the resident that takes that question to the streets of new york city to find out. twitter is instituting a new policy of blocking posts it deems racist is it ok for social media websites to pick and choose what can and can't be said this week let's talk about that. right but some people still do. but that's the world we live in so should it be out
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there for people to see or should twitter take it down twitter should take it down so we're live in new york where we live free but doesn't the racist person live free to post whatever they want do you have kids do you worry about them being exposed to racist comments. well that's not good yeah but you can express whatever you want to anyway you should be able to express your freedom yeah you might not agree with raised this them but do you agree that people should be able to say what they want in a social networking site like no why not is just going to tell us the people should keep the room to themselves but that's the whole point of twitter is reading it out something. it's not ok to use to say whatever you want now the internet you shouldn't just be able to say whatever you want no. racism though if you write something it doesn't have to be racist even though that the words are. sometimes
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you can write some things that all racist but but the words are not so. it depends on the human side how you interpreted it you block the negative drum but you're also preventing free speech right there so i guess it's a tossup so is it ok for twitter to decide what stays and goes since it's their company. again they probably have to have a can now it's a company that judges it because who are they to say what's their website true true but who are they to say what's racism what's not there do you think twitter heidi that kind of racist content is going to make a difference and help people not be racist or is it racist is is just going to persist it's going to happen so we've changed it not enough you know it's i think that's their way of preventing some form of cyberbullying but it's not going to change anything whether or not you think it's right for social media companies to censor content on their sites the bottom line is this wouldn't be an issue if people would just be better citizens and stop being racist.
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well you care the world's most powerful leaders gather in complete secrecy it's called bohemian grove and it's about to kick off in california it's been happening for over a century and it's sad that some critical foreign policy decisions are made there but why doesn't anyone know about this are to correspondent abbie martin's looking for some answers. there it is right and wrong they do know california about a lot of you have never heard the place but it really is quite interesting for the next two weeks and much of the world that we will be walking into a secretive orgy of power where they party into a bohemian style where they give talks network discuss policy and drink heavily those powerful men's only club has been meeting for the last one hundred thirty three years. even the idea for the manhattan project which led to the creation of
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the atom bomb came out of the grove in one nine hundred forty two. two pretty powerful stuff but who actually attend the gathering is packed with oil tycoons politicians business leaders and foreign diplomats who all make the pilgrimage to this year the redwood campout presidents nixon reagan and george w. bush all attended the grove before they graced the oval office even media bigwigs are stable with the likes of the hearst dynasty and walter cronkite now replaced with rupert murdoch and c.e.o.'s from c.n.n. and l a times so if the media is there americans should know all about what's going on right so if you had to bohemian grove i have not really no not at all i don't have a clue no no i'm afraid i don't the world's most powerful players get together and discuss policy party and also do mock sacrificial rituals together oh no that's basically first. i heard about it they sacrifice a coffin effigy to
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a giant forty foot i will kind of like a modern day stonehenge i don't think it's cool at all i don't think so if that truly does take place i think it's great that's scary that's really i did hear they were talking about like a new world order in like two years. maybe that's what they're planning that stuff in order no way can really write it and it completely different. but do they do that's not supposed to be. you know what's going on that for sure i should know we the media will show it in t.v. or newspapers but unfortunately no what we can't just leave it at that. nothing left to do but book a flight to san francisco for the weekend and find out for myself. martin r.t. washington. well that's going to do it for this friday night but be sure to tune in next week we've got a bunch of interesting stories lined up for you here's a sneak peek at a few of them it's one of the most important companies that you've never heard of
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a delaware based company called news star that has quietly become one of the major players in surveillance infrastructure it's the middleman between law enforcement officials and your most personal information so when someone wants to know intimate details about your life neustar is on the first phone call the government makes next week will expose the secrets of the company that already knows all of yours and speaking of secrecy as you saw our r.t. correspondent abbi martin is on her way to the secret secretive bohemian grove meeting as we speak she is infiltrating the monte rio redwoods to find out what this elusive group will be discussing and who will be there we'll tell you what she finds out plus we went spent a lot of time here on our team talking about the controversial natural gas extraction technique known as fracking and the alleged dangers opposes to drinking water for the community that lives around these sites the reason the method is so
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popular is because it's supposed to be cleaner greener a cleaner greener way to use to u.s. energy independence or so you might think next week we'll tell you about a group of geo chemists who say it can prove that hydraulic fracturing doesn't fact pollute and is directly connected with water contamination we'll show you the study and we'll tell you how water leaves a fingerprint that can be traced to its chemical source and those are just a few of the stories we have in store for you next week along with more news and in-depth interviews to keep it tuned in to our t.v. . but for more of the stories we cover today you can check out our youtube page it's youtube dot com slash r t america you can also check out our website it's our t.v. dot com slash usa our web seem is working hard to bring you the very latest on all the stories we covered today as well as a few that we don't have time to get to so click comment and forward your stories
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to your friends and you can also follow me on twitter at liz wall for now have a great night we'll see you right back here on monday. put a picture of me when i was like nine years old only true. confession i am a total get a friend that i love rob and hip hop music the one person. that he was kind of yesterday. i'm very aware of the world with its place.
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