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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2012 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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don't. the u.s. plays the syrian authorities with the latest civilian connoted and calls for action against president assad before international observers get to investigate. and whistleblowing stand shoulder to shoulder is absolute supporting the weaker league schools gather in new york to discuss how to counter what they see as the u.s. government spying on the people and. let's get this party started. so i is for is among the next a space station crew checks in with the truck the team will take off in less than twenty four hours and find out what's on their family's minds.
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a very warm welcome to the program this is our sea coming to you live from moscow finest the u.s. and its allies a blame big this syrian government for the latest massacre in the home a province where schools of people have been code is difficult to verify because u.n. launchers on the ground haven't yet started their investigation into the carnage the government and the opposition accuse each other old slaughtering civilians in the village of transair but washington wants the un's most powerful bolded to sound a signal solely to the all forces that they will face consequences for the tragedy western states are pushing for the security council to threaten its also against president assad if he fails to comply with a peace plan within ten days russia and china say their approach is unbalanced and middle east expert tariq ali believes it's no coincidence that the trust bloodshed just like previous massacres came at a crucial point in foreign diplomacy over syria. i have seen evidence now from journalist simba. field i cross the beanbag to insist their
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atrocities carried out by the syrian national council and bell denies ation supporters of creating mayhem in some areas and there were clique carrying out these are crossties so they could be blamed on to. the regime the regime does its own pings we know that but these people are by no means on the side of the angels as the as they've protected and if we're going to have sanctions why not impose sanctions on these armed groups that are creating made him in their country it is not only our circs that has become very clear over the last few weeks and one can't simply say that this is justified because of who they are fighting against you know the syrian national council is the favored group of the western countries the only way if it works is negotiation just gushed constitution constituent
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assembly and that it is now obvious that the west is not going to lay it out but because there are affectively backing the people who are opposed to any negotiation so talk. so more than a year of violence in syria is increasingly taking its toll and foreign refugees living there after seventeen palestinians were killed this week while making their way to refugee camps calls are growing among the community for a halt to attacks on people who want to stay out of syria's internal crisis and you might find some of the images in the area for notion as a report disturbing this is the only one of thirteen palestinian camps in syria the people living here some for more than sixty years already tell themselves yes they say just as a simple but for guests impose their own rules in someone else's house it's just unacceptable for them to get involved in what they say is series own affair. while conflict in syria and its seventeenth month party find proof of cold blooded
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violence continues to emerge this photo has appeared on some middle east web sites it apparently shows the bodies of palestinian refugees who earlier disappeared in the troubled province of homs while only five corpses are seen in the picture health officials reported that there were fourteen of them three more are still missing most palestinian factions in syria have blamed the armed opposition they wanted to both weaken the regime and spread despair among palestinians in order to make them give up fighting for the right to get. back this recent incident has become yet another episode of serious sad reality with palestinians seemingly deliberately targeted raising concerns over the fate of a community of more than half a million this is an all syrian affair with focused on protecting our own council but this opposition have wanted to drag us down since the beginning but now we can see the huge possible. it's stupid to think this will succeed we get nothing can
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happen the law makers change your position following the nine hundred forty eight arab israeli war syria embraced thousands of refugees from palestine granting their . a full package of civil rights placing them in a far better situation than that faced by palestinians elsewhere but for the new york we've come here at the time of our families we've gone through revolution a mother court and who is at the helm of our safety has got into you by law or it's the people here and the system of that except it's not just the leader or the regime and while the conflict escalates some people fear that state out of this could become just too difficult no one knows a border war no one supported the fighting. we are now in a war against terrorism not a sectarian or ethnic one. this policy of no interference has kept the seven hundred thousand strong community out of the crisis for months now but ways persist
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in the times from both war in size to drag them in people here now fear gets in court in the crossfire. my for our team from damascus in syria and our maria for inertia is keeping an eye on developments from. posting regular updates on twitter also the latest comments and i'm not a says on the situation are available on our website so get the full story at. if you.
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the official tee up location. i pod touch from the. video on demand. now in the palm of your. dot com. moving on now. may be waiting in the ecuadorian embassy in london but he schools is alive and well across that take and right now a new york concert is underway against government surveillance and the concealment of vital information from the public arena part nice that. afternoon. and i am not there nine conference you will event we're not first come together. freedom on the.
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whistle blowers and of course there are also discuss. the it's in the style of. the sancerre under we can be the supposed to be the keynote speaker at the last conference this year it was and i think was a lot the work of the n.s.a. thirty seven years. he said that it was. the surveillance of this and that forced him to. now. i don't think that.
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going to since the sense is that people are getting is that they're spying or trying to control us when you should do certain things and not other things do you think julian assange in some way provided a good service to americans yeah absolutely because it's freedom of information it makes people in government accountable for their actions but the majority of people here are a few supporters of freedom of information that's essentially the same thing that you leave us on search for peltier him inspired him to read we can only subsequently disclose classified information about governments around the world according to new york arena we're not artsy. the conference takes place amid a fresh promise of concerns triggered by reports of super fast molecular level scanners soon to be deployed at he said borders they can detect anything on or inside a body in an instant and you might not even be aware that you're being so intensely probed and charlie mcgrath from independent news website wide awake news says it's
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about money making security. look at the fact that we're now flying drones for to domestic law enforcement around the country of course we're going to see this spread to the general public we will be under the eye of big brother we're going to hear that argument from the mainstream and from the businesses that stand to reap an amazing windfall from the sale of these kind of devices that you know it's better for the safety of the people of this country it's better for the safety people the world there is no threat of terror that's a canard so absolutely it's something we should be concerned about we've seen since nine eleven the introduction of the patriot act and every other piece of so-called legislation that's protecting the people is the enriching of the financial super elite in the security industrial complex we see a perpetuation of the fine ocracy where financial interests write legislation to govern this country and all this talk of fearing ahmadinejad out of every closet or coming up from underneath everybody's bed is nothing more than a fear tactic so we can enrich
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a very few people on this planet. you're watching live from moscow and still ahead the white house quiet south of the pressure on iran with a fresh round of sanctions and these top military presence we hear the fears that washington is provoking a full scale conflict plus. john again he would never get elected. today with his lifestyle but womanizing in almost yeah absolutely i'm still in that a good thing that politicians go there or is it better we just don't know it's very don't know so political mudslinging the name of the game or slimy is trying to gerry adams actual time they were residents trying to house. the deep public anger in spain over cuts and shows no sign of abating with further clashes in the capital and riot police try to keep the pundits of people incensed by yet no belt tightening approved by the government on friday the wage cuts and tax hikes are in
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exchange for eurozone bailout to save the country's ailing banking sector and in greece which is in the third year of painful austerity drive public hearings taking on new forms as jacob graves and reports. greek streets of come to a body and tears there to rage in the eurozone huge crowds have marched to voice their anger. discontent feeling on is different to each of you so being employed for me the fiji should have to be simply always saw before all this is a chance to keep their message keep the demonstration. of this nobody else on the streets protesting. with souls rather than amplify is outrageous left a last thing impact around greece. going by the name of mark that he largely uses graffiti to combat the growth in far
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right races. it's taking the country by storm but others target the government's relationship with major euro zone play is an impact it's had on a desperate population we can see here. and the money that the politicians spend about buying things we don't really want that military hardware was acquired from germany the official who bought it now resides in prison on charges of corruption some works appear to be more angry screws an outlet for a generation that feels forgotten others a more direct attempt to sway the opinion of a nation but a very to be new forms of activism and we don't have an experience of this kind in the past mainly because since i was born it least or couple of years later after the germans left greece as an occupying force it's been it's been an upward ruled all the way he's last two or three years have been greece's first experience
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of going down rather than upward a strong economy is soaring jobless rates a feud much of the anger from the podium to the problem not increasingly the e.u. eurozone and i.m.f. troika are being depicted as the rivers of greece the domestic politicians the subjects. it means a. sentiment that's growing was the government continues to deal with the eurozone imposed austerity the writing for greece is ready on the wall to greece athens. later today marks and stays keeping up the pressure on the bankers her keeping the rest of us down. many wall street executives say wrongdoing is necessary you know it's like that what he allen joke where he said he goes the doctor and says doctor my
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brother thinks he's a chicken the doctor says given these pills and the guy says they don't understand we need the eggs the space race has been replaced with the frog race so timothy geithner is lecturing the chinese in the meantime he's trying to commit fraud faster than they can commit fraud on him. washington is turning the screws in iran with fresh sanctions aimed at the country's nuclear program nearly a dozen companies with ties to terror as defense ministry are now blacklisted and will have their assets frozen for violating restrictions already in place the u.s. is reportedly beefing up its military in the gulf sending underwater drones to hunt rein in many submarines and politics professor patricia de gennaro from new york state says america is playing a dangerous game. what's happening here unfortunately is that they're playing
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a dangerous game almost like having a mouse who's going to be run for going to attack first and what concerns me here is that if we're moving more warships there that iran is going to feel more threatened and there's more chance of triggering some kind of mistake there and then going to see definitely methylation of violent attacks this is absolutely dangerous we don't really understand what's happening there we made this mistake with the iraq war and said there were nuclear weapons than there were and now we're on our way for making this mistake in iraq these realities have been saying that they're on their way to nuclear weapons next year since one nine hundred ninety four so let's sit down and talk before we start pointing a weapon that it's out there which could really sort of large scale conflict in a region that is starting to pull so many players and. get the very latest on the stories we're covering hail on our website and right now as our. central moscow
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gets swarmed by a summer storm with the tatas and destruction and the hostile the russian capital and all the details and biggio i. was just on what is this strange disco leggy at the bottom of the baltic sea theories range shall we do a photo a nazi war time weapon designed to take out soviet submarine is take a look at a. little . technology innovation all the developments around russia we've got the future covered.
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welcome by palmer why faces vachel isolation in south america with neighboring states describing the swift ousting of former president fernando lugo in june as a new kind of coup he was impeached by parliament and replaced by his former deputy frederico franco and they took over a day. brazil argentina and venezuela have loosened ties with part of one response and several rachael trade groups have also suspended the country had rico franco
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will now lead a transition government until elections next april the deposed leader fernando lu who called his ousting a serious violation of democracy. cording to the media all is quiet there that there are no rallies no death no blood of the president and the legitimately elected government don't want violence or blood therefore it is important for the media to reflect the truth of what is going on here now is a disruption of the democratic process and the people will forget this that there was nothing has happened no one has mercosur. that nothing has happened why is yunus or expelled us if nothing has happened and everything is all right but why is the european union sending a commission to our country so it can't be so that nothing is happening something very serious has happened a serious violation parliamentary a coup d'etat you know when the president elected according to the constitution by a majority of us was impeached overnight i mean. and you can watch the full
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interview with fernando lugo on our web site it's all. in the next hour we'll bring you an exclusive interview with parv wise new president federico franco who gave us his reaction to the claims. political campaigns everywhere are supposed to highlight a kind of the strengths a base same time their devices to attack opponents and the possible lives to get their votes his view on whether samir toxics out fair game all go too far has the president. this is the year of important elections the world around and many of them involve dirty negative campaigning are you ok with that this week let's talk about that john of kerry would never get elected. today with his lifestyle a womanizing enormous yes absolutely absolutely is that
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a good thing that politicians go there or is it better we just don't know it's very don't know because it's going to do with being a politician i don't think we have to mix politics with personal. life yet but if it helps someone get elected is that ok. i don't think so if one candidate is doing towards another i think that's a little unfair but if both are going back and forth which they normally are i think it's completely fair it's all a part of the game in politics and i think that it's a fair point is that like that and now i'm all old now this is crazy about that they are all racists more calm or do they stick to the issues yes so do you feel like more gets done that way yeah i think so it's not all about the personal lives and who's left who is the public so dumb that we don't recognise it's all spin and fluff why are we demanding more i don't think we're dumb we're just complacent we want to be taken care of we don't really care we think it's
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going to be ok and we really don't feel like we have a. voice how is it in denmark well not us bad and. well yes the same tendency. they lost ideas and tried to get power as many of the political parties i think yeah when power is on the table anything goes right how does it change. take our money take out power but i mean it's it's it's something that's just kind of just part of our works unfortunately so i don't think there's a fairy tale way that i would rather hear about their policies and their records as politicians and public servants if one politician stuck to that while the other one was throwing mud what do you think would win. i like to think that the guy that stuck to his record of the woman who stuck to her record when i'm voting for her
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yeah me too whether or not you think it's ok for politicians to smear their opponents the bottom line is it's up to each of us just sort through the noise to find the true price that. it's left in the day to go before new international space station crew of three blasts off to the final frontier and not say has been to the launch side speaking to those who will soar to this start. there's a national gallery that is expecting you to your list but see the diocese on sunday has now become apparent to me as you can see just behind us right now which is having made the last one of the one just before that big day for them on sunday i caught up early on with them was showing their last two days yet i have to go by cannot and this is what they had to tell us with the world's media watching and
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photographers clicking the shot as a way to get the perfect shot one wonders how the three people on the spot like today feel about their next mission to the international space station expedition thirty two thirty three is underway because they sort of started thinking about this a little bit and the black eyed peas come to mind and if you know the song tonight's going to be a good time and the second one of course is let's get this party started after two weeks we're all very relaxed including the backup crews. and we're ready for launch and. not just us but the vehicle itself is ready. i took one of my daughter's small plastic toys i took it by accident so i must bring it back of course was the first person to get married in space and his pillar of strength has always been his wife when i was how she felt she said lots of emotion i'm happy that he's doing what he loves to do. but that i'll be without him
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for forty space shuttle missions rely on many resources to make them possible but the rocket pad and space craft remains one of the most important aspects of getting the astronauts to orbit tons of steel and engineering put together so signs and astronauts can continue their research so what will this mission be looking out at . at the i assess i think that chris going to have a really exciting time onboard space station because there's going to be so many activities going on with. nine visiting vehicles going to be arriving and leaving from the station. and the e.v.a.'s three b. is a bit going on as well so it's going to be a very busy time for them. and then i have flown with yuri on my last flight so i know they'll have a good time with your. sunny is just very outgoing and big areas saw use the launch of facilities technical complex constructions it really isn't rocket science but
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what about those who live among the rockets themselves the scientists what's life like for them living yeah connected with space when i go to work and i see your book at disappearing into the skies i always clap it's a tradition here for good luck i can't explain how i feel when i see a record launch every time it makes me feel nervous all the as if it was the first time i'd seen it i'm also very proud of the international space station is the largest and most complex scientific project in history as the station's potential continues to grow more sophisticated research is in demand it's a shared vision of these astronauts and their community we're always looking to get the party started from earth to the milky way. in. a way. to bomb with say our t. baikonur has exeunt. good singing top me and i'll be i'll be by
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the headlines in a few minutes and then mike's kind of hit to unravel all the latest dirty tricks and the wall to finance. wealthy british scientists on. the type of.
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market why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom harpur welcome to the big picture. goals started here before going global and now it's pulling fire. log in.
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to. choose your place to take your stand. to lose me. make your statement. spread the word. coupon through the month. cofer. the. line rushes to be soon which brightened if you know about song from funds to impressions.


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