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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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international observers in syria have arrived in hama province to investigate a massacre in which over two hundred are reported dead as the u.s. forces to condemn the syrian regime for the attack without u.n. evidence. packers versus big brother whistle blowers and computer experts gather in new york to highlight what they see is intensifying u.s. government spying on its own people plus. let's get this party started in high spirits about the next space station crew r.t. checks in with the intrepid teams that take off and less than twenty four hours time. brokers to live from a central moscow studios this is r t thanks for being with us it's just after one
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am here now first the un's observer mission has arrived in syria's hama province to investigate reports of the latest massacre was some two hundred civilians were killed washington and its allies were quick to blame the syrian government for the carnage in the village of tremseh the regime denies those allegations saying instead the army targeted only terrorists western states however now threatening damascus with consequences in a draft resolution at the u.n. security council it authorizes force against the assad regime if the syrian army fails to halt military action within ten days russia and china say the approach is on balanced bitter fighting between rebels and the army meantime spilled into foreign refugee camps inside syria to as artie's mayor for nationals been finding out i must warn you may find some of the images coming up in a reporter's. while conflict in syria and its seventeenth month story find proof of cold blooded violence continues to emerge this photo has appeared on some middle
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east web sites it apparently shows the bodies of palestinian refugees who earlier disappeared in the troubled province of her. while only five corpses are seen in the picture health officials reported that there were fourteen of them all identified as members of the palestine liberation army in syria their p l a later confirmed that the man who knew conscripts coming back from a training camp when they were kidnapped three more are still missing most palestinian factions in syria have blamed the armed opposition for this the new wanted to both weaken the regime and spread despair among palestinians in order to make them give up fighting for the right to get occupied land back this recent incident has become yet another episode of series a sad reality with palestinians similarly deliberately targeted raising concerns over the fate of a community of more than half a million this is an all syrian affair we're focused on protecting our own counsel but this opposition have wanted to drag us down since the beginning but now we can
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see they used all possible tools of how immoral they are it's stupid to think this will succeed we're guests here we have a nothing can happen the law makers change opposition following the nine hundred forty eight arab israeli war syria embraced thousands of refugees from palestine granting them a full package of civil rights placing them in a far better situation than that faced by palestinians elsewhere. we've come here at the time of our families we've gone through a revolution of the matter what and who is at the helm our safety is going to by law is the people here and the system of that accept us not just the leader or the regime this while the conflict escalates some people fear that stayed out of this could become just too difficult for of twenty three and syrian sent have always been fighting together you cannot separate them out of the of course if syria needs help who will help no one support the war no one supported the fighting they are
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little they of course they'll also go fighting but not because they like fighting but because syrians and post. unions are one. we are no in a war against terrorism. we support this war we are ready to fight against foreigners this is your move one of thirteen palestinian camps in syria the people living here some for more than sixty years already call themselves yes they say just as a simple michael gast impose their own rules in someone else's house it's just unacceptable for them to get involved in what they say is series our own affair this policy of noninterference has kept the seven hundred thousand strong community out of the crisis for months now but we persist in the times from post war in size to drag them in people here now fear gets in court in the crossfire. my flush now on our team from damascus in syria former is one of the few foreign correspondent reporting from the heart of syria's unrest you can follow the latest
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developments from the conflict zone on the twitter feed there you can also find firsthand comments analysis and images. u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton's arrived in egypt for the first talks with the country's newly elected islamist president mohamed morsi now she says she's there to push for a completion of post revolution change in the country and for economic restoration and talk about this visit with middle east expert an independent journalist laurie everest is on the line from california larry hi thank you for being on r.t. ok what is the significance of clinton's visit at a time of course when egypt is still so unstable internally with the parliament still by and of the cabinet get to be put together. for hillary clinton is claims she's there to help the egyptian people themselves determine their future but
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that's not what's going on line hillary clinton and the rest of the us establishment are working in a very fraught situation to make sure the military and the egyptian military with which they have. remains the dominant force in the egyptian state as it remains today and that the egyptian state which was so discredited under mubarak actually religion and strengthened by incorporating new social forces like the muslim brotherhood of course the brotherhood represents no fundamental break with. egypt's role in the u.s. dominated global capitalist economy or a break with u.s. interests in the middle east. asians are a funny thing out there larry let's just think about this the u.s. of course backed egypt's ousted president hosni mubarak for decades but now they're
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supporting the uprising that toppled him and subsequently shifted their position a number of times since well they say shifts of allegiance is why they happening. let's understand there was no revolution in egypt state power remains in the hands of the same institutions and class the u.s. . and egypt and as under mubarak. it's just there's a stronger mubarak has been replaced but there were. were remains that the united states and the other players in egypt understand that the mubarak regime can't simply be revived it needs of face lift the need to broaden its legitimate legitimacy without any real. fundamental change in egypt let's not forget that four of the gyptian to remain under the poverty line. for you are unemployed so what's
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going on now is a very high wire act to try to reshape and make the state. here much more inclusive more democratic more responsive to the needs of the egyptian people without really changing anything fundamental. please correct me if i'm wrong thinking the u.s. has also been providing generous financial support to the country's minute. over one billion dollars according to my research how much power over internal affairs does such a cash flow give the us. well its cash flow one point three billion dollars but even more than that egypt is dependent on the global capital of qana me and the us is probably the dominant dominant player and let's not forget that the united states said very very little when egypt's military or the election in mid
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june before the final round of the presidential election. issued a series of decreases banning the parliament dissolving parliament giving itself the right to rule by decree and draft a new constitution and want to imagine if you are all in one or the government of syria has taken such moves there would have been howls of protest from washington but very very little was said about that at the same time the u.s. does feel it's essential to. continue the democratic process in order to give the appearance of greater inclusive idiom legit in the city and i think a basic point in all this is neither the united states nor the muslim brotherhood nor the egyptian. military are capable willing are capable of bringing liberation to the people that you need
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a real revolution that what russia had in one thousand seven hundred. thirty seconds left a final thought for us look at the bigger picture if we can how much influence does the us still have in the region in the off the mouth of the arab spring as you see it is it more or less than it had before. the u.s. remains the dominant power it's trying to maintain their dominance in the new situation with new tactics in the wake of the arab spring but also with continuing its military intervention we now see threats of military assault far in syria threats of war on iraq and so the us as people are rising up against the old order of the u.s. and here you see me caving in to their reform in this region i see assaults larry is worse independent in this the middle east expert on the on the from california. thank you. now well the world's top whistleblower in the sound waves from asylum
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ruling at the ecuadorian embassy in london his cold straw is across the atlantic at a conference in new york the haka group that inspired the creation of wiki leaks has been gathering to protest against the u.s. government's big brother policies are important as that. before there was a week he says there was quote that's an acronym that stands for hackers on planet earth and i am not they are hoping nine conference in new york city this is a lie if you will event we're not first come together to discuss different topics such as government surveillance freedom on the internet he says we're running whistleblowers and of course there are also discussions about how to think she was down two years ago actually an astonishing founder of wiki leaks the supposed to be a keynote speaker at the last. this year he was menacing whistleblower william binney he worked for the n.s.a. thirty seven years for stepping down he said that it was the u.s. government's encroaching surveillance of its citizens that was
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a team to finally meet it was now he said he wants to make sure that all americans are aware of how their privacy is being violated the fundamental thing that's eating away at the at the real foundation of this country is this. it's going on internally in the united states against some of our own people you know when you had the freedom to do think you could try things and you had but you felt that this country would let you try things and now you're starting to sense the sense is that people are getting is that they're spying on us trying to control us when you should do certain things and not other things do you think julian assange in some way provided a good service to americans yeah absolutely because it's freedom of information it makes people in government accountable for their actions but the majority of people here are few orders freedom of speech and that's essentially the same thing that telling a sunset or peltier and inspired him to read we can we subsequently this was
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like information that governments around the world according to you right or enough court i am heartsick and adding to concerns about privacy reports of a new generation of laser pay scanners that are set to be deployed to some borders no while people don't know their own or examination it seems these machines working at a level of partly can detect anything on or inside the body in an instant independent journalist china mcgrath says it's about money making though not security. look at the fact that we're now slight drolls for domestic law enforcement around the country of course we're going to see this spread to the general public we will be under the eye of big brother poor going to hear that argument from the mainstream and from the businesses that stand to reap an amazing windfall from the sale of these kind of devices that you know it's better for the safety of the people of this country it's better for the safety people the world there is no threat of terror that's a canard so absolutely it's something we should be concerned about we've seen since nine eleven the introduction of patriot act and every other piece of so-called
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legislation that's protecting the people is the enriching of the financial super elite in the security into a complex we see a prepare to ation the fine ocracy work financial interests write legislation that govern this country and all this talk of fearing argument in a jar out of every closet or coming out from underneath everybody's bed is nothing more than a fear tactic so we can enrich a very few people or less. now if you watch and you'll know we did report from israel now we talked about a man who set himself on fire during protests in tel aviv we do have an update on that now where he is in a hospital being treated for serious injuries bring you up to date on the story if you didn't catch it it comes as thousands of israelis gathered for nationwide demonstrations marking a year now since the start of a movement for social justice there campaigners say they hope the anniversary will give a second wind to their demands for better public services such as health education and housing i spoke to exit as she and sat ski who joined us earlier from the heart of the protest she said the movement won't die out until israelis see real change.
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this is the committees who are held by the government who are completely cosmetics their real change and this even in a bit by the government they're trying to put us down by not really doing any kind of change after one year but we're not going to go back home we're gonna keep on spending in the streets and keep on fighting until that will be a real change in israel people left wing and right wing people that have the same interests that their kids won't go hungry to school and that they will have proper housing where nonviolence where people from the left and the right it's really important for me to say that. as well as the stories we're covering we've got a lot more to our website out dot com could be difficult to light up a cigarette in your own apartment if you live in los angeles very soon or cigars
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you see there a city officials plan what could be a controversial start to improve public health you can guess what they're proposing county plus extreme measures for the lympics in london as the royal air force is giving permission to shoot down passenger jets in a security crisis situation if it happened. cuts intended to reduce spain's national deficit by sixty billion euro has led to a fresher option of public anger and protest in the country but rallies during the week quickly turned violent as we've been reporting on police charged straight as well firing rubber bullets more than seventy people were injured in those clashes the austerity cuts driving the trouble include tax hikes and the promise of painful pension changes but the protesters say they are being made to pay for the mistakes of politicians and bankers the measures were demanded creditors who have now
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pledged madrid of the. crippled spanish banks comes out earlier a founder there o s b g dot com crisis planning organization says he expects more bombs to come. you know the basically the banks traders ups as they're famously called but they are unwilling to do the forms that need to be done and so far as the banking system is concerned and the banks profits are obscene the fact that these governments are bailing them out continuously is just simply i think conscionable now of course the people realize this and they are upset about it but of course the politicians do absolutely nothing to rein in the part of the gangsters and instead put out the police to start to be bi-polar by the fracking now as they continue to cut these benefits you're going to see more and more social unrest this is led politicians to assume that more force is needed to maintain the peace and this of course means more violence against people and more miles against the people means more protests around the law as as they are they are squeezed
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economically socially and politically and so i would expect to see more and more protests turned violent and more and more. growth in the extreme political parties as these extremist parties begin to make political hay out of people's intent we're going to see this in spain in italy and we're going to see in france in the near term given to the next year or two and so i would this is just the beginning we're going to see a lot worse soon. the protests in spain echo with what we saw in the streets of greece of the past few years put gas molotov cocktails and lines of riot police no longer a common sight instead longstanding public is now taking new forms of expression jake of greece for want to find out what. the greek streets have come to embody and tears there to rage in the eurozone huge crowds have to voice their anger. discontent fooling around death is different to have also been employed for
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many the good. bt strewn on the capitals is simply an eyesore but this is a chance to keep their message keep their demonstration. of this nobody else on the streets protesting. with aerosols rather than amplifiers their outrage is left a lasting impact around greece. going by the name of muppets he largely uses graffiti to combat the growth in far right racism is taking the country by storm but others target the government's relationship with major euro zone play is an impact it's had on a desperate population we can see here. and the money that the politicians spend about buying things we don't really want that military hardware was acquired from germany the official who bought it now resides in prison on charges of corruption
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some works appear to be more angry schools than art an outlet for a generation that feels forgotten others a more direct attempt to sway the opinion of a nation but a relatively new forms of activism we don't have an experience of this kind in the past mainly because since i was born it leased or a couple of years later after the germans left greece as an occupying force it's been it's been an upward ruled all the way he's last two or three years have been greece's first experience of going down rather than upward a stalled economy is soaring jobless rates a feud much of the anger from the podium to the problem not increasingly the e.u. eurozone and i.m.f. troika are being depicted as the rulers of greece of domestic politicians the subjects.
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sentiment that's growing and was the government continues to do with the eurozone imposed austerity the writing for greece is ready on the trigger greece. and. political campaign should highlight a candidate's strengths but are frequently often used to personally attack opponents of course in the real world all together views on the streets of new york over whether smear tactics are fair or foul was only one person we could turn to as the resident. this is the year of important elections the world around and many of them involve dirty negative campaigning are you ok with that this week let's talk about that john of kerry would never get elected. today would his lifestyle a womanising in almost a yes absolutely absolutely is that a good thing that politicians go there or is it better we just don't know it's very
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don't know because it's going to. get don't mean we have to mix politics. like yet but if it helps someone get elected is that ok. i don't think so if one candidate is doing towards another i think that's a little unfair but if both are going back and forth which they normally are i think it's completely fair it's all part of the game in politics and i think that it's a fair point is that like that and now i know out here it's crazy about that they are laura's just more calm or do they stick to the issues yes so do you feel like more gets done that way yeah i think so it's not all about the personal lives and who slept with who is the public so dumb that we don't recognize it's also been in flop why are we demanding more i don't think we're dumb we're just complacent we want to be taken care of we don't really care we think it's
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going to be ok and we really don't feel like we're. boyce how is it in denmark well not as bad and. well yes the same tendency it's they lost ideas and tried to get power as many of the political parties and i think yeah when power is on the table anything goes right how does it change. take our money take out power but i mean it's it's it's something that's just kind of just part of how it works unfortunately so i don't think there's a fairy tale way that i would rather hear about their policies and their records as politicians and public servants if one politician stuck to that while the other one was throwing mud what do you think what would. i like to think that the guy that stuck to his record of the woman who stuck to her record when i'm voting for her
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yeah me too whether or not you think it's ok for politicians to near their opponents the bottom line is it's up to each of us to sort through the noise to find it true that. big countdown under way less than a day to go before a new international space station crew three blasts off again to the final frontier . into that launch site speaking to the people who are set to sort of the stuff. in the scorching heat of kazakstan right bay in the distance lies the rocket launcher that will be propelling the saudis t.m.a. out to the i it says from by cannot cause motoring now the team have had a very very busy weekend they've had press conferences with cameras and photographers all of the celebrity like like them just before their big day friends and family have been gathered here at baikonur cosmodrome just giving them support and saying that we're all behind you on your important mission what will they be
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doing up there well as always a research and scientific research is on the agenda they'll be looking at looking at how humans can live in orbit with the world's media watching and photographers clicking this shot as a way to get the perfect shot one wonders how the three people on the spot like today feel about their next mission to the international space station expedition thirty two thirty three is underway because they sort of started thinking about this a little bit and the black eyed peas come to mind and if you know the song tonight's going to be a good time and the second one of course is let's get this party started after two weeks in we're all very relaxed including the backup crews. and we're ready for launch and. just the vehicle itself is ready and willing. i took one of my daughters small plastic toys i took it by accident so i must bring it back yuri of course was the first person to get married in space and his spirit
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of strength has always been his wife when i was how she felt she said lots of emotion but i'm happy that he's doing what he loves to do so but that i'll be without him for the space shuttle missions rely on many resources to make them possible but the rocket pad and space craft remains one of the most important aspects of getting the astronauts to orbit tons of steel and engineering put together so signs and astronauts can continue their research so what will this mission be looking out at. at the i assess i think the crews going to have a really exciting time on board space station because there's going to be so many activities going on with. time visiting vehicles going to be arriving and leaving from the station. and big e.v.a.'s to really be is a bit going on as well so it's going to be a very busy time for them. and then i have flown with that yuri on my last flight
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so i know they'll have a good time with siri. sonny is just very outgoing big areas saw use the launch of facilities technical complex constructions it really isn't rocket science but what about those who live among the rockets themselves the scientists what's life like for them living yeah connected with space when i go to work and i see a rocket disappearing into the skies i always clap it's a tradition here for good luck getting it came explain how i feel when i see a rocket launch every time it makes me feel nervous as if it was the first time i'd seen it i'm also very proud of the international space station is the largest and most complex scientific project in history as the station's potential continues to grow more sophisticated research is in demand it's a shared vision of these astronauts and their community we're always looking to get the party started from earth to the milky way is. this is.
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this is. a bomb with a our team baikonur has a son. a single report six times and i know the truth is stuck in my head very shortly we'll hear from a man who knows things the banks would rather he didn't blow bebo the headlines before that cost about max keiser so the next half hour shapes up of course who are to live from moscow.
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you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realized everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm trying hard welcome to the big picture. the. mind in russia would be so much brighter if you knew about someone from funniest impressions.


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