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tv   [untitled]    July 15, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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from fans to pressure you. start on t.v. dot com. next top stories from r.t. moscow un findings in the syrian province of hama contradict the opposition's reports of a civilian massacre that says the international red cross has now declared the situation in syria a civil war the status with implications for potential war crimes prosecutions. the southern russian resort region struggles to recover following a deadly deluge as hundreds of volunteers rushed to help the people left without homes and supply. and spain follows in greece's wake is a protest take a bloody turn with police adopting a no tolerance approach and they did it to the demonstrators next we talked with
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a former national security agency executive in the united states who sacrificed his career to blow the whistle on wrongdoing inside the n.s.a. . my guest today is thomas andrews drake he was a senior executive of america's biggest intelligence agency at the beginning of the two thousands he was an expert on electronic eavesdropping someone with a top secret security clearance then mr drake essentially sekret feist his career to blow the whistle on his agency's wrongdoings as he saw them he was charged under the espionage act but only last year the charges were dropped they said drake thank you very much for coming thanks for having me tell me about the program that you challenge to working with the national security agency the surveillance program what was its potential harm as you saw it there was the very large flagship program
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called trailblazer that was designed to catapult n.s.a. into the twenty first century to deal with the vast amounts of data being generated from the digital age given the massive fraud and abuse and it n.s.a. had created with the trial as a program as well as a super secret surveillance program they completely violated the constitution and the fourth amendment and in particular in particular the statute called the foreign intelligence surveillance act which was the first command at n.s.a. you did not violate americans privacy without a warrant under that statute in fact if you did there were criminal penalties for doing so and i found this out to survive the horror and shock shortly after nine eleven. the n.s.a. had entered into a secret agreement with the white house in which n.s.a. would become the executive agent for this sort of secret surveillance program on the front end was designed to deal with the threat of the terrorist threat and that was for understandable but what it did is that actually essentially turn the united
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states into just a collection platform so you know vast reams of data are increasingly being collected or through other entities be made available to n.s.a. for analysis there's a lot of debate about this proposed legislation i'm sure you heard about it the system which will in the name of national security would allow web service providers to funnel private information of their users to the authorities to government agencies aren't they already doing that i mean many argue that providers you know google facebook and other companies they they need that legislation to protect themselves from being liable for what they're already doing and that's why those companies who lobby for the bill well that's i believe that's part of it the other part of it is the government just wants even more access to even more data and so i mean under the patriot act and section two fifteen there is a secret executive interpretation of that which essentially grants the government
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pretty much unfettered access to subscriber information that's held by those companies. so what we take out and there's other variants of that would take that to the next level you know under under the label or the rubric of you know cyber threats and to provide sort of cyber security the government wants even more invasive access almost persistent access to networks that are not normally available to the public and i understand the technology is so advanced now that it is probably so very tempting for intelligence agencies to siphon all that they get but what is the goal is it total thirty and i believe if you take what has been happening since in time there are post nine. levin security world what you're seeing is the establishment of a sort of surveillance society years your senior stablish of a surveillance network and i keeps telling people people realize the extent to which we're already surveilled in many many different ways the extent to which vast
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amounts of our own transactional data in all forms all i try forms and e-mails and your your tweets and bank records everything else are all subject for or sauce suspect ok in terms of terms of surveillance it raises the specter of kind of the rise of soft tyranny it raises the specter of you're automatically suspicious until you prove that you're not it raises the specter of a universal quality universal wiretap a persistent universal wiretap on every single person or if it not they can create one because what happens if they don't like you what happens you speak ill will against a government what happens if you say something they consider disloyal i mean that's not the country that i took an oath to defend four times in my government career and you also have the fear element fear in itself is control and what people will do when they're fearful is they were they will begin to censor themselves so much
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of what's happening now particular my case it sent it extraordinarily chilling message that anybody and i was a senior executive the government had a very high position and i say. it sends that extraordinarily chilling message that if you speak out if you speak up we're going to hammer you and we're going to hammer you hard because look what we did to mr drake and nash security has effectively become the state religion you don't question it and if you question it then your loyalty is questioned i want to ask you about julian assange he's weak in the cables expose the u.s. complicity in torture and other crimes how angry you think washington is that julian assange which i think they're extremely angry at the fact that there's apparently based on press reporting you know there's a secret grand jury there maybe even a secret indictment they want to get him and they want to put him away i mean there are those in this country very high levels to call for the death penalty. and sweden does not promise they they can't make
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a guarantee that if they did bring him back to sweep for questioning he wouldn't be extradited to the united states and believe me if the united states got its hands on him they're going to do everything they could to put him away as long as they can or worse this is a very long reach and far as similar to what i went through i mean day it was a multi-year multi-million dollar criminal and nasty investigation that i got caught up inside of and they spent several years several years in my own particular case trying to figure out how to bring an indictment against me speaking truth to power is very dangerous in today's world power elites. those in charge they don't like dirty linen being aired they don't like the skeletons in the closet being seen. and they not only do they object to it they decide to turn it into criminal activity remember my will so blowing was criminalized by my own government. i know i had no protection although ostensibly they couldn't
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reprise against me retaliate they did but i also find striking is that there is there's basically a smear campaign against journalists too for example a report on civilian deaths in u.s. drone strikes i read a number of articles where u.s. administration officials basically accused them of helping terrorists and that label terrorist help where it seemed it is becoming a convenient tool to brush off investigative journalism isn't it what it is you go after the messenger and because the last you want to do is deal with the message you're talking about all the activities the secret surveillance the warrantless wiretapping torture rendition drone strikes and a whole host of other measures that i would assert are extra constitutional not to do they violate our own law also violate a number of international laws go after the messenger not the message because see the bridge to actually discuss the message or to address the message becomes very uncomfortable. so essentially what's happened is that law which and we're
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a nation of laws the if we start to depart which you already have in a very significant moving away from that from being a nation of laws and simply leave it up to policy to substitute we're going down a very slippery slope in the united states of america everybody's reporting on this flame virus that the u.s. and its well allegedly developed to spy on iran and then there is the actual cyber weapon the stuxnet which created havoc in iran's nuclear facilities we hear u.s. officials condemn cyber attacks all the time but it turns out that the u.s. government itself is involved in cyber attacks how do you see it well based on what can only be authorized leaks which is an oxymoron coming from within the administration other senior officials they want people to know right i believe that's the case i think that somebody is has not been reported actually wanted people to know i think some people say oh it's just war makes makes the administration look good you know sort of you know sowing their oats and say hey
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we're we're the man here they want people to know they want to know what the united states is capable of doing it is a it is another form of warfare it is a you know it is a cyber weapon but it's a pandora's box because we're now in kind of charted territories it's virtual war to say it that way it's a virtual conflict i mean the pentagon itself has been on record that if a nation conducts what is allegedly being conducted by this country against other countries using things like stocks and that that's an act of war but apparently it we're doing it's not considered an act it's information operations or cyber operations so it goes it goes under a whole host of other labels to make it something different from what it really is . so where were the lines drawn i want to go back to you becoming a whistleblower you had a well paid job a cuppa zisha an america's biggest intelligence agency you turned it all down you went to work to an apple store i wonder how do you decide to go for something like
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that you can't put a price on freedom and i took an oath i mean my oath was to the constitution that took primacy over everything else so what do you do you're faced realising your horror that your own government is an abject violation of the very oath that you took the very constitution that you took an oath to defend support defend against all enemies foreign domestic faithfully executing that law and you're finding out in secret that your own government is in violation of it and then you know that was never necessary you knew that the best of american inventiveness and ingenuity could of not only provide superior intelligence like the thin thread program but would have done so in complete compliance with the fourth amendment and they tossed it overboard because they didn't want those controls they didn't want that oversight most people don't stand up to power because power wields a lot of power and power can do you win or make life very difficult but i wasn't
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just standing up for myself i was standing up for you know the generations that follow me thank you thanks for having me. one needs a spear trying to obtain inner peace and the spirituality. pressman chip and creativity requires special conditions. are met accuracy and knowledge are the attributes something similar to what here.
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those who are behind bars get freedom of self-expression. if. morning's today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world
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has seen from the streets of canada. shining operations are all. there hasn't been anything yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before source material is what helps keep journalism honest we. we wanted to present. something else. a mission. cretaceous three rows four charges three arrangement three. three studio time free.
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download free broadcast quality video for your media projects a free video done to our teeth dot com. top stories findings in the syrian province of hama contradict the opposition's reports of a civilian massacre that says the international red cross declared the situation in syria a civil war status with implications for potential war crimes prosecutions now. for southern russia a result region struggles to recover after a deadly deluge has hundreds of volunteers rushed to help those left for their homes and supplies. and spraying follows in greece's wake protests take a bloody turn with police adopting a no tolerance approach now in their dealings with demonstrators what lines online it out see the call next though here we can sport.
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thank. you thanks for joining us this hour coming up in the fall of. one fever for a once all those hamilton takes a drive for central moscow as they see the racing spectacle returns to the capital . so wins the telling brown to stretch his lead at the top of the no two g.p. standings. and calls south old david haye not. want to fight the weight champion bitterly cold next. so for more formula one champion hamilton was the star trek. city racing event here in the russian capital and. drive to greet the fence first but then it was back to business as a good race his mcclaren here the iconic crown awards john carlos was also on
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hand while russian feel the french youngster picked for their ten extravaganza. for the flak for the world championship of racing fever the capital for the fifth time and hamilton said he would like to drive. when everyone asks me about race you know in london or in moscow for the city race i'm always yeah let's do it let's do it this is you know i think moscow has the opportunity i hope in the future to put on the street race i think i've seen the same images of moscow at night and it looks absolutely spectacular so i think a night race here one day as we do in singapore would be you know one of the highlights of our season so i hope that you guys welcome us. he. has tightened his grip on the moto g.p.
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standings the spanish rider cruising to victory at the telling grand prix to stretch overall lead the reigns over to compared to who started from zero on the first and the anaheim and never looked back after that draws to second result now leads to draw so why nineteen points the top of overall standings winning campaign cases turner is eighteen points back. to settle for a low end of the day running track. completed the porter. i knew. was going to be very difficult because. it would be nice but i try to hold a human the first. two when i. brought a little bit more with. the new tires but it wasn't that they keep following me close. spirit loosely and sanchez has one stage fourteen over to the front supports pre-race very bradley wiggins keeps the lead is yellow jersey after the mountain
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stage was marred by multiple punches. right across the finish line forty seven seconds ahead of the pulse and. coming home after. but out of its day just to find wiggins still eats it. seems two minutes and five seconds ahead of britain's push for it elizabeth. brown's. three defending champion cadel evans is in fourth place wiggins and other riders waited for the train to catch up with their countries well the stage was punished by more than thirty punches officials promised to look into the matter. in boxing david haye has dead w.b.c. champion vitaly klitschko to fight him before retirement the briton speaking out after. a case compared to. in london thirty one year old hay floored his opponent
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who is twenty eight in the closing seconds of the fifth round this really about hopefully bringing that to that long running after ratan to shoot in february victory not paved the way for a possible fight against intellect which brought something desperate to go for especially after losing his double of the title to vitale's younger brother bill zimmer on point last year tate says it sends out a scary message to tally up to the challenge. in other boxing news american dollar gets beaten britain's a make can to claim b w b a super lightweight crown was the underdog unless they get what is sent to the converts with a laugh to end the third round and on both counts it was flawed again twice in succession before the referee ended about it means gutsy it takes account of the title and holds his b.c. crown isn't beaten the record stretches to twenty four victories fifteen knockout.
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russian kid walks all german a has claimed another what crown that after beating germany's don't know dora for the w.-k. a title he did it in front of hundreds of fans at the so-called us is our championships in moscow which also is saw several european title fights on the night these rabbit i don't know. once upon a time in the midst. of the most. of the best hand to hand fighters from the former soviet republics came face to face to find out who was the toughest there is how these keep books and tournaments stirred nine years ago neo has grown into the open air showdown with international titles at stake. some domestic affairs first though the twenty twelve event supercard opened with the russian light welterweight. five rounds of it to from both. clue now the
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victory over his competitor at. some big again i swear next to do battle with the w five european cruiserweight title at stake. versus how. the russian doing near the first two rounds of the belts over the french champ in forty starch their own. even to toy with his opponent and her decision for the judges before root in favor. it came to some world titles on the line with russia. and ukraine. sit in probably the most furious cliffs of the night both gave their all to secure the w five we'll to wait built but it was the ukrainian founder who had more to offer. i took my time in the early rounds to take a closer look at my opponent's moves i realised he was faster than me so i had to
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rely on my cardio and just try to break him down i kept moving on always putting him under pressure i just did more in the ring that's what gave me the edge and this was top of the bill one of russia's biggest heavyweight prospects. oh i own the w. eight title and so did germany's door. to be a tough nut to crack after this devastating right. in the second round of the great german to recover and stay up till the end of the boy and although he was beaten or left the ring with his head held high. for him further proof of his skills i had better timing that's why my punches landed on his body had it and he's on my elbows . forty school region. now and they've been. league meeting in london with something average for the upcoming
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olympics struggling in the cold and wet weather shouldn't praise the price is the fastest woman in the world this year in the one hundred metres but she came last and said this final which was won by a blessing of nigeria in eleven point zero one seconds america's can of the jet it was while it was thrilling well champ and said it was the favorite for the one hundred meter hurdles chill speech by americans at a well that's news for the women separating four hundred metre limbic champing christian group of possible champ and i'm not much of what's wanted to win it in a time of fifty one point one nine while frenchman christophe i'm at season's best in the nines two hundred meters coming home in one thousand point nine one seconds jamaicans assembled and young blake had been quick. for some very. very fast.
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for the. card. so for you to give your. final a stunning basketball skills who planted as america's. started boscobel team held an open training session ahead of the fast approaching london olympics to end based on the bomb james thanks to a way to please the crowd as more than three thousand military personnel and their families and to watch them to d.c. to meet say are due to play three friendlies in europe before kick start to get off the fence at the olympics including facing great britain and spain when they beat beijing four years ago which might suggest lead them to success in china will step down after the london games and so will kobe bryant i knew john for me because
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of always want to play for him in coming to your business other than me because i am arbitrary. this will be his last one is my last one as well who says. i was great because grissom was into. well that's all the sports news for the moment more into as time have. sure is that so much seven and there's a huge music is a minute mark let me jump in it's interrupted revolution intensifying stand up getting a democratically elected president against in french military is polarizing. wealthy british style seinfeld's.
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margetts why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy in the kinds of reports. one industry in the soviet union. not display our labor school. for the attempt to get a job with and past the west. one can easily be cut and. fashion neocon as for the so we did thirty years but this is for the soviet people.
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to that. i.


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