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tv   [untitled]    July 16, 2012 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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from funds to pressure is. his firm stance on t.v. . international envoy kofi annan comes to moscow for crucial talks with russian leaders on the syria and international deadlock on how to address the bloodshed in the war torn country. america's child support for egypt's new elected islam as president reference to strain its relations with israel as hillary clinton moves from cairo to tell a bit more top level talks and. it would be problems with electricity water supply chain i want to make sure this time with. dad dooms day desperation the austrian with arguably the most pessimistic outlook for the future of living in the euro zone.
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russia and around the world this is the with me. thanks for joining us thursday u.n. special envoy kofi annan will seek russia's help in ending the conflict in syria during a two day visit to moscow their talks come at a crucial time as violence and serious pyros and world powers remain deadlocks of the how to resolve the crisis let's now talk to peter all over while nice to see a peace and so what exactly will kofi annan discuss with russia's top officials and what can we expect to come from these meetings. but it's expected that the u.n. peace envoy will discuss with russia how a solution can be found to the ongoing crisis in syria kofi annan has referred to
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russia as a major player when it comes to the peace process and is expected to say that russia has a huge role to play if both sides are able to come together and not come. put down their weapons and discuss a diplomatic solution now expected said to love for all of the russian foreign minister to reiterate russia's support for what was discussed in geneva a couple of weeks ago to the international conference on syria that it's both sides that have to put down their weapons if a solution is going to be found now we could also hear some criticism from the foreign minister level towards some of russia's international partners now particularly those western partners that have influence over the syrian opposition said saying that well respected to say that well you know maybe they're all doing enough in order to put pressure on an exit that influence that they have over the syrian opposition to put down their guns now. currently what we're seeing is the u.n. security council vote in deadlock this two resolutions on the table for discussion
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one of those put forward by russia that would see the u.n. monitoring program on the ground in syria prolonging the second resolution put forward by western countries says that the assad government has ten days to adhere to what was laid down in kofi annan peace plan otherwise they face action no juice to the fact that this resolution only focuses on the government forces doesn't touch on any of the opposition troops at all would suggest that if this goes to a vote it's extremely likely that russia would use the veto so it's interesting to note though that every time we've seen a major diplomatic meeting whether it be discussion in the u.n. security council or kofi annan coming here to visit moscow to discuss things further we see a spike in violence in the country and we're seeing this right now we've seen fresh terror attacks as well as new fighting close to the capital city of damascus says the crisis in syria continues to exit bloody violence all over the middle eastern
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country. one of the peace how many times. the international red cross has a fish. declared the syrian conflict as civil war and that means competence could be up for prosecution for potential war crimes under international law and defense analyst. believes the change in the conflict stages could be used by some foreign powers to sue their interests. it will be interesting to see how far would that go to to be pursue for instance the western powers are going to try to highlight the actions labeled the syrian government. did try to seek is that they show to a prosecutor for work crimes members perhaps of this aurora bitter over the syrian military washita was a change of government that they want through what they call a regime change and therefore they want to either raise any pressure or blame for
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everything that could be said against it to try to raise the pressure before russia and china so that it would allow more such perhaps. they just tell us what would you change that's why the opportunity presents itself real or true they are going to accuse the moscow so far we don't. and we're constantly following developments from inside syria and aussies worry if inertially is that i'm posting what she is witnessing on twitter so trying to feed for reactions from the syrian people as well as pictures from this country. is.
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there hasn't been anything yet on t.v. . it is to get the maximum political impact. before the source material is what helps keep journalism on we.
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we want to present. something of. resistance not of politics but a culture. this could. in its own. cultures of resistance. moving are not the us secretary of state is in the zero the final destination of her age nation talk of europe asia in the middle east hillary clinton's visit comes on the heels of a trip to egypt where should help talks with both the new elected president and armed forces chief clinton's visit was marred by anti-american protests that
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culminated in demonstrators throwing to masses shoes and water bottles at her cortez and the port city of alexandria but despite the cold reception by locals the u.s. seems to find common ground with egypt's new islamist leadership something that certainly warring america's long time ally israel as policy explains. high on the agenda is her recent trip to to egypt and her meeting with the egyptian president mohamed morsi it certainly sends out a strong message that washington believes it is important to engage with the new president as early on as possible we need for a mature support there. very clear. for the muslim brotherhood for president. we have no other choice but to speak with . the with and we've begun the united states is certainly trying
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to find its way in the region in light of the recent changes of the arab spring but in some respects it's done an almost one hundred eighty degree turn around that in two thousand and five when the even the us secretary of state condoleezza rice went to cairo she emphatically stated that the united states would have nothing to do with the muslim brotherhood certainly the united states is having to find new friends it's abandoning old friends and it's creating new problems and as it forges closer friendships with regimes such as the muslim brotherhood in egypt it needs to calm israeli fears about the changes in the region that are seeing increased muscle flexing of islamised fundamentalist regimes the israelis are so concerned by the situation that recently the israeli defense forces placed and aid of planes system back treat near its border in southern israel with egypt it's worth noting that as the united states moves closer to islamize forces in north africa in the middle east it's almost sitting up its old ally israel by creating more forces that are
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hostile to the jewish state policy r.t. tell of of under egypt's new leaders and the country's polarized politics is also the focus of crosstalk coming later on archie and his what a head. there's never been a democracy in egypt before and this is something that has to be played out in a public way with a certain amount of assertion on both sides but i don't think the military is prepared to reassert there has to be some wiggle room which is right now in existence in egypt which allows the two competing to work out some arrangement which will be the basis for an evolutionary process for the market in egypt stevens mostly right but i part ways with him on the argue on the suggestion that this either should or will play out in public and i'm not sure how much control morsi has it's
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a matter of fact that as an institution for the first time since the one nine hundred fifty s. the presidency is playing the secondary role to the military in egypt and i'm not even sure that morsi is the one that's making them to negotiate that's doing the back room negotiating for the muslim brotherhood let alone is the one that's going to be representing these various institutional factions these various constitutional offices as they manage the transition and so i'm not sure that we're in the midst of a transition we might be in the midst of a retrenchment i. i . i. america's transcend the mainstream media is at an all time according to a recent gallup opinion poll the growing discontent is opening the door for a different kind of journalism that right if i can i explain. venning goodness
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statics round the clock operations a product always being exported america's mainstream news industry generates power and profits but it seems partisan reporting and frequent gaffes may have made many americans turn away from the big broadcasters when they are. writing the revolution going our across. and. katie holmes are going to war that program where are a recent gallup poll shows an all time low of only twenty percent of the public trusting the news many say this means citizen journalism is becoming a big game changer and the amazing thing about training citizens to be really good pundits is that they they have a wealth of information that journalists just don't have when you help them connect what they know are exposed to their experience with a big picture. political event it's very powerful what's that journalist and
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best selling author and i only wolf not only supports citizen journalism she and business partner lisa thomas have built a nonpartisan training ground for it it's called daily klout dot com we're not just teaching people to vent we're training people to write rigorous shapely opinion pieces which are eight hundred words long and also to source their assertions we also teach them how to link what they are exposing are calling for with action steps. daily clout also features a legislative search engine that monitors and explains bills making their way to capitol hill a tool allowing everyday people to hold federal state and corporate leaders accountable when america's fourth estate fails to i think the mainstream media has become about entertainment. and. so concerned who holds the purse strings if the
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mainstream media is controlled by large corporate interests they're going they're beholden to them but this website is independently financed giving tens of thousands of citizens the freedom to report on topics many news networks are accused of suppressing i think one of the best ways you can judge the state of democracy is in the coach community. and i think if you heard of the situation where the citizens of the country are actually bypassing the mainstream media i think that says a lot of the stage of democracy critics however argue that only properly educated and experienced journalists should be intrusted with understanding the rigors and ethics involved in news reporting but even then. there is no guarantee the public will receive facts this is a prank or justices have struck down the individual mandate in order unconstitutional the direct blow to the president i would say it's
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a direct blow to his democratic party the individual mandate has been struck down it has been struck down no it has not. stopped. there was mass media still maintain some stronger and wider reach that citizen journalism but it no longer holds the power to determine what the public is good baby doing or even reporting about very important artsy new york. dolls he always has the whole story on the news the others might miss at all to the home and has some of what we've got for you right now that take you take the trip per prepared as i can imagine say and imagine six capital as a precaution against possible future disasters. and bahrain it sounds like the maker and human rights activists are trying to capture the crime down on camera all that is has available right steve.
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chancellor angela merkel has once again assured the e.u. citizens that the block is on the path to recovery but many europeans aren't convinced and are bracing themselves for economic doomsday reports it seems like a place where the grass is always green and where every cloud has a silver lining but even in these ideal exciting in western austria there are fears of an economic doom as the. last few years has been converting his house into a fully self-sufficient residence and his reasons are purely economic. we got the worst case scenario that we're preparing for is the total collapse of the economy there would be problems with food electricity water supply so i want to make sure we could waste this time when money will be worthless. solar panels a wind turbine an emergency generator he's now producing more than two thirds of
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the power he needs the cows in the garden should provide a backup if supermarkets. and in case of fuel shortages there's also a radial turn in chief. while this scenario may seem to apocalyptic be hillbillys the euro collapse and the ensuing social upheaval is a matter of when rather than if the political politicians keep talking about decreasing debts but what they do is just to prove. that a new steps no new solutions and what to do about this whole situation the rude awakening is coming we all hope to postpone it but eventually it will come out of the. still ask us to change his name and not to give out his address out of concern that in case of the total collapse his europe proved refuge will be inundated by the angry and the hungry the fears are not entirely foreign to many europeans especially of an older generation this part of the world peers to be rioted
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therefore frond of the cold war and preparing for the worst was part of the government's contingency plans but their idea that calamity mekon from them in europe rather than outside is relatively new and therefore all the more frightening after day kids of increasing crisp area the thought of losing basic comforts is still rather hard to take in for many northern europeans but on the other hand a few years ago their southern neighbors couldn't imagine that soup kitchens would become so popular in greece or that food aid would be in such demand in spain some people say the gold care for the government. i'm responsible for myself let's say about fifty percent of the. citizens may think in this way. but the majority will say no government we pay our taxes and so for we expect that we get. supplied by the government while the nissho infuse the hours behind the euro
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project was at least partially based on the rx to reach the steam an increasing number of europeans are now fearing the opposite. action of weaker artsy reporting from western australia and later this hour we'll speak to a british business mogul who sponsored a prize for the best answer and how to manage a year of breakup and for him letting the troubled states quit the monetary union is inevitable. i can't see how a country whose interest rate is being held at levels that are miles above its growth rate come possibly escape the state track without some. defaulting devaluing some of that debt and starting again until greece and spain can be competitive in the fashion market i don't see how they can politicians will cling to their ideals and their promises for as long as they possibly can but in the end the weight of economics always wins politics never trumps economics.
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and let's now take a look at some more stories making headlines around the world one of the second world wars most wanted criminals has reportedly been found in hungary ladislas to trick chattery who's now ninety seven send over fifteen thousand jews to auschwitz while working as a police command in a slave i can get if canada under a new identity and being sentenced to death but his disguise was revealed and he went on the run again and has been in hiding for fifteen years. i've got to stand education minister has survived a roadside bomb attack in the north the sad assault on a top government official in as many days officials say the explosive was similar to those usually used by the taliban on sunday a suicide blast at a wedding claimed twenty lives including a prominent member of the afghan parliament and close ally of president karzai.
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violent deaths are all too frequent in afghanistan and not always at the hands of insurgents and exclusively online his team kirby looks at nato has a record in killing civilians and whether just saying sorry is really. good leverage or. need to believe in its most sophisticated which and it really doesn't do it don't worry about anything. to teach creation and why you should care about humans and. this is why you should watch only job. and time for a date in the tall trees here natasha plays bring is the latest well let's go straight to the equity markets and asia first where trade is pretty active this hour and asian shares a quiet upbeat this monday with hong kong's hang saying gaining a less than
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a quarter percent as you can see there that's after china's premier wen jiabao with a weak hand said the government would be ready to step up the efforts to support the economy china's growth rate last quarter was the slowest in more than three years given investors plenty of reasons for concern so reassurances was exactly what they were looking for as for the nikkei you see friday's closing figures it's closed for a public holiday on monday and friday's close is what you're seeing for the u.s. markets let's bring those there and wall street as you can see grows at the sharply with the dow gaining more than one point six percent the earning season is in full swing citigroup is reporting on monday in fact a third of the companies in the dow jones index are reporting this week so these results will likely to be the main driving force on the equity markets overall and analysts hope that i'll be trying to actual results in the u.s. will help lift the russian markets higher this week is seeing friday's closing
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takers and it was a pretty good day more than two percent for the r.t.s. as you can see not bad at all considering that we have some disappointing data coming out of china and the states will see what happens when the russian markets reopen in less than two hours now on to the currencies and as you can see at the moment the euro trading pretty much want to walk to negative to the u.s. dollar and on friday the russian ruble closed that mixed will bring you all the latest the soonest of russian markets reopen and crude is off its highs over more than a week on monday mainly on concerns that china's growth has not gained in the momentum that. many hoped it would at the moment the w. ties trading below eighty seven dollars a barrel that's always just from the business desk i'll be back in about fifteen minutes meanwhile you can always find a lot more stories that are t dot com slash business thank you very much indeed and we're looking forward to seeing you next hour all right in
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a few minutes escaping the eurozone we discuss the debt crisis with one of britain's key business leaders that's coming up after remind our top story.
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in store. for going global. that's now fixed pulling the fire. log in. to the right. choose your place take your stand.
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to. make your statement. split the works place you plug holes through the logs looks. to the to the in more mouths to feed but where will the food come from can science provide the answers to the future of food under the microscope please god the future covered. wealthy british style. is not on the title of. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report on our. line. would be soon which brightened if you knew me about someone from funniest impressions. whose friends don't talk t.v. don't come.


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